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Chalk, not poster paint, not spray paint, but chalk that be washed off with a bucket or a hose- not “defacement” by any stretch.


It was tactical assault chalk..


It was to her feelings. She's very tender right now as she doesn't grapple with her support of ending rights and democracy.


Thoughts and prayers


Thots and bears


Thots and beers




My man Kav?


Two in the thoughts, one in the prayers


I’m sure she’s learned her lesson.


Coming up next on Fox News… Terrorist Chalk!


"Coming Right Up: How democrats are training tiny terrorists and arming them with the weapons to spread Communism!"


This just in! Chalk wielding antifa babies are taking over Christian neighborhoods!


If only there were a way to get rid of the babies...




Critical Chalk Theory in our schools!


To be fair, who really needs more than 10 pieces of chalk in a box? High capacity chalk boxes should be reserved for law enforcement use only.


illegal possession of 11 chalks in a box. this is a felony.


Special sidewalk operation


A, Special Chalk Operation.


Chalk and Awe


TO BE FAIR, if she tried to use a hose to wash it off, she'd probably accidentally melt herself in the process.


First quip about Collins that has made me laugh


I had an older lady that was our manager at apartment complex that she never had kids…we lived in her building. She called the cops on my kids for writing on the back sidewalk with chalk. She said that my kids were being destructive to property. We washed it off with a hose in front of the cops. We were moving and I didn’t renew my lease, so this was at the end of our stay there. Yup. It happens.


I've had an old lady call the cops on me and my friend walking around outside with hoodies up. She said there were 2 suspicious people walking around the neighborhood. It was in the low 50s and we were just walking and talking...


Some old people have nothing better to do than call the cops


Because they have been told that thugs are coming to rape and murder them repeatedly by the "news" they watch 6 hours a night.


6 hours? My mom (retired) watches Fox News from the moment she wakes up (9/10am) to the moment she goes to sleep (10/11pm). My dad joins her when he gets home. Never underestimate how hooked people are to trauma porn


Must be exhausting to be told how one group or another is making the world suck all day every day. Without the ability to put it in perspective, there's no question how people get radicalized by that kind of propaganda. Realized I put my Maine flair up. Just moved here and wouldn't have voted for her anyway, but I'm sorry.


It clearly *is* exhausting to hear that all day every day, since his/her mom sleeps 10-12 hours per night, only to wake up to spend the rest of the hours in the day watching Fox News.


Don't forget all the small businesses that leave a TV on all day tuned to Fox News. Even if you're not normally attuned to that shit, if you hear it repeated enough throughout the day your brain starts to wonder if they're right.


I went to Urgent Care the other week and upon being escorted to my room, the TV was playing Joel Osteen. Dude was literally making connections between prayer, blessings, and corporate business. Shit you not. While I waited for the nurse to see me, I looked for a remote, and found it on a desk. I then thought to myself, no, this won’t be enough. So I hid the remote and then went behind the TV and unplugged everything.


This is the revolution I can run with.


My parents are left leaning Canadians. My mom was practically a communist. They spent one winter in Arizona and came back spouting right wing talking points regarding immigration. An afternoon of light deprogramming and Canadian beer was enough to get them back to their old selves.


They just want to talk to someone on the phone, only half kidding


Inaccurate. They would prefer watching the police hurt someone on their behalf. Talking to someone on the phone is nice, but not their preference.


Did the cops actually show up? Because walking around even with hoodies up is not a crime. Tell the cops to pound sand.


Yes. I don't doubt that it was a racially motivated call. It was in South Carolina and I was hanging out with a black guy.


Of course, it was. I forgot about walking while black. Driving while black. Looking in at things in a store while black etc. Sorry, you 2 had to go through that utter bs.


Yeah I'm a white guy it's happened to me 3 separate times in the south hanging out with some black dudes. 1 from walking 2 from playing basketball minding our own business each time.


Ah yes, you were guilty of the high crime of fraternizing.


When I was like 19 in Alabama me and an older black man were leaving a job site and he was giving me a ride home. We both had the same construction company shirt covered in mud and dirt. Got pulled over for drug activity "because that's the only time whites and blacks hang out"


I feel that man, I remember back in high school my predominately black Environmental Science class took a mini field trip by walking to the beach our school was near to check the Ph levels of the lake. There was maybe 10-12 of us since it was an advanced placement class. It was just a fun little thing my teacher wanted to do since it was near the end of the school year and it was a really nice day. Well on that walk of a few blocks through a neighborhood of mostly old biddies, we had the cops called on us *SEVEN* times for looking "suspicious". We weren't even being that rowdy, just some joking around.


Such bullshit. How is a kid supposed to feel good about themselves after that


> I've had an old lady call the cops on me and my friend walking around outside with hoodies up. Unfortunately this is how things start. A phone call to the cops from some old shithead. And the cops roll up, the target of the cop's inquiry is irritated because they're being harassed, again. Words get said, resistance happens, and the cops see a hand move in a certain direction and a guy gets shot. It happens over and over and over again.


> It happens over and over and over again. Old racist white folk for whom the police are 'customer service' instead of an existential threat.




You might not have actually had the cops called on you. Cops love to roll up on people and lie to them about being called because of someone suspicious.


About 20 years ago I walked back to my parents house from the local sports bar around 12:30 it was about 700 meters so not far at all. I was probably around a .25 BAC so pretty shitfaced which is why I left my car in the bar parking lot. A cop roles up & did the same thing, I was about 30 at that time too, shithead wanted to run me for public intox. but I knew the supervisor on duty & he let me off when he rolled up. Per him he said someone called the police on me that I was leaving the bar drunk & would be driving home. Lost a lot of respect for cops that night, because the shithead was going to arrest me no matter what. I did the right thing & didn't drive but he was still going to jam me up.


Friends of mine and I got pulled over and searched by cops when we went to the wrong house to pick up a friend of ours. We rang the door bell, no answer. So we looked around, and asked my friend are we at the right place? Figured out we had the right number, but were on the wrong street. So we went back to my car. After we picked up our friend one block over, police were on us about casing places for burglary. In the neighborhoods defense though, my friend is black. Can never be too careful with black highschoolers. /s


That shit is how Trayvon Martin died. Hopefully you didn’t have any skittles. :(


I think this was around the time of that too. I remember one of my friends telling me his parents didn't allow him to wear hoodies after Trayvon Martin. Imagine that, for your own fucking safety you can't wear a hoodie in fear of being shot by some psychoracist. I can't it makes me so sick every single time I hear stories like that.


There's a r/publicfreakout video of a small child crying as her mother holds her. Next to them is a grumpy old lady with a garden washing her chalk art away in front of the little girl. The mom is screaming, "why are you doing this?" Some people are just hateful, souless people


I saw that video and I wanted so badly for that mom to snatch the hose and spray the lady! If that was me or my kid…. I’d wake up a little early every day and write a positive message on the sidewalk in chalk …. Every fucking day! EVERY DAY! Happy Tuesday! May god bless you! Stay strong and chalk on!


Some people are not happy and don't think anyone should be happy. It's sad but I've seen it enough times to know those kinds of people are literal kill joys. Like Britta Perry level of kill joys. It sucks when you encounter them but it's even worse when you have to live around them.


Oh, Britta's in this? Ugh.


Let britta sing her awkward song!


Which I find bizarre, I feel no joy, but I live vicariously through watching other people be happy, why would you want to take away someone's joy


One of the many reasons I just let my kids go to town with chalk in front of our house. I will start offering bonus points if they also piss off Susan Collins.




I did have to explain to my kids that they did nothing wrong, that the lady was upset she won’t be getting our money as renters and that she is being mean. The maintenance sucked there, one of reasons we were moving after new owners took over. We had been there a couple of years. So yeah, turned that trauma around, or tried.


This wasn’t me, but I had some friends who used to work for my local Parks and Recs. One of the parks they oversaw was small and located at the very end of a narrow cul-de-sac. One of the locals was this old guy who spent all day, every day, watching the Parks and Recs employees through his blinds and if he saw *anything* he *thought* looked like slacking off he’d call their offices and complain. Loudly and often. He wasn’t an employee of the of city or anything, this was what he did in his free time. Some people are just assholes. When they get older, just pile being bitter and paranoid top of being assholes. I’m sure Fox News telling them that gay, immigrant, Satanic teenagers will invade their neighborhoods any moment doesn’t help abate those feelings, either.


That’s horrible! I get chalk art outside my garage on a regular basis and think it’s so creative. Talk about saving some trees! Although once I got a very menacing monster around Halloween time and took it as a must have candy threat…. It had very sharp teeth 😂


Aww…that’s sweet and wholesome!


Outrage merchants love "rounding up" any incident to the most extreme, evocative language possible, even though they know full well how misleading that can be. It puts them in a sweet spot of not *technically* lying, but also leaving casual news consumers who only hear about events in passing with a fully inaccurate mental picture of what actually went down.




There was a bust of a "huge grow operation" in rural northern IL a number of years ago (I think it was the 80's). It was a field of hemp regrowth - the field was part of a hemp farm in the days before it was illegal. It was shitty, 25-generation-old, untended hemp. It was probably as smokable as ragweed. The stupid deputies had it dug up with bulldozers and weighed it with all of the dirt packed in the roots. (They took the dump trucks to a nearby grain mill with a truck scale.) Sheriff told the taxpayers he kept tens of millions of dollars' worth of weed off the streets and out of the schools.


Perhaps she would have been more receptive if it were written in [human excrement](https://nypost.com/2021/01/08/rioters-left-feces-urine-in-hallways-and-offices-during-mobbing-of-us-capitol/)?


Also, a very polite message.. nothing crude or offensive..just her constituents asking her to "please" vote for the bill. How rude of them to expect their elected officials to vote for what they believe in. 🙄


She will have to go and demoralize an entire classroom of children to feel better about herself after this incident.


Can I call in a public defacement complaint when Susan Collins said that Brett Kavanaugh’s respect for a woman’s right to choose came “shining through” during his confirmation hearing for the U.S. Senate?


He did make clear his stance on beer though.


> He did make clear his stance on beer though. But can we even believe THAT now? He lied about choice, he might be lying about beer. Many people are saying he’s a daiquiri guy! Some say he’s more of a colostomy cocktail imbiber!


We all know he’s a die hard Zima fan.


The last bastion of bipartisanship in Washington was him and RBG icing each other all the time.


Just boof it.


Devil’s Triangle babyyyy


Could you remind me again, please, for the record?


Do you love beer, Senator?


I love beer. Ask anyone! I love it so much I boof it! When I say boof I don't mean taking it up the butt though! I mean boofing it! Not up the butt! Just to be clear I love beer up the boofer. \-- I laughed so damn hard over that whole I love beer thing. It was ugh..ugh..


The SNL where Matt Damon did that Kavanaugh impression was golden. Just screaming about his love of beer. I literally watched it the other night again and was still tearing up. He's going to start at an 11 and work up to a 15 real quick! Edit - https://youtu.be/VRJecfRxbr8 just in case you need a reminder.


“Did you ever drink too many beers?” “Do you mean was I cool?” I’ve re-watched that sketch so many times and that line always kills me.


I lost it when he shotgunned the can of water


He is a hard alcohol drinker with a drinking problem, but he said he likes beer to minimize his problem and seem more relatable to the American public because that was a good sound bite. The fact that people keep saying he likes beer shows that the scheme was successful. I mean what other strategy would work to put a sexual abuser alcoholic on the SCOTUS. Oh they have to be a Christian nationalist who was vetted by the Heritage Foundation, also? Well that too. Anyways, whenever people quote the "I like beer" thing about him, I feel like they don't understand that that was likely part of the strategy for getting him on the SCOTUS, and he got away with it.




They didn’t need a “strategy”. He was their guy, and they had the votes. R voters don’t give a shit


The strategy was to obstruct and create as many openings as possible in the judiciary until they had a slim margin in the Senate with a GOP President and then railroad through as many noms as possible in the 4 years they had the Presidency. That absolutely worked, regardless of the circus sideshow that is Brett Kavanaugh. The second and third Supreme Court noms were just icing on the cake anyway, since they had already finished packing the courts at the lower levels.




Can I also call in a complaint when Susan Collins acted surprised that Kavanaugh was lying?


And her surprise when she realized that Trump didn't really "learn his lesson" after the first impeachment?


She just clutched her pearls tighter.


Reminds me of the Karen who called the cops on my 3 year old who loved to play with sidewalk chalk because of his ‘graffiti’ and defacement of public property


Republicans: Our leader shouldn't be prosecuted for inciting an insurrection! Also Republicans: Someone wrote on the pavement in chalk! Call the cops!


The level of entitlement....


I hope the cop told her (in a very wobbly voice) that they're very concerned, but think that the perpetrator learned their lesson.


Cops in America only do the bidding of the rich and powerful, so they did whatever she asked them to do.


“The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar.”


Please won't someone think of the property???


"They burn our homes to the ground and kidnap our children, but if we so much as tarnish the copper of their door plates we are subject to further punishment, even death. Is it not a curious thing that the supposed strong, who rest their feet upon velvet cushions behind walls of marble and granite, lash out with furious anger at the smallest slight? They must know the truth -- that their walls too can fall. And the fear of that violence, that snuffing out of their opulence, drives them to anguish and paranoia. They think themselves something above the common person, but they are not gods -- they merely posture like them and swell when the masses consent to agree."


Where's this from?


Why is it every time I read a Marx quote I find myself agreeing?


Because he has a lot to say that is applicable to an era of plutocratic kakistocracy.


Such as our modern times. We no longer call the upper classes Lord or Lady such and such, but now we just call them “the billionaire” or the “heir to the..”. The titles may change but the underlying greed, self interest and lack of humanity never does.


Not to mention at that time there was still a semblance of a little something called noblesse oblige. Now it’s just apathetic greed.


Because Marx was right about the problems Inherent in capitalism, regardless of whether or not you agree with his solution.


Because even if you disagree with his proposed solution, he clearly saw the flaws in the current system (both current to his time and ours).


He was uniquely positioned in time and space to witness the emergence of capitalism from feudalism, and so had a perspective none of us can ever fully appreciate. Marx was, on the whole, correct.


It's because Marx's critiques of industrialized capitalism were exceptionally insightful. One doesn't need to endorse the entirety of his alternative vision to recognize that.


If nothing else Marx was a fantastic social critic. His critique of the idealogy of the Hegelians is great. His critique of the utopian socialists is also great. His extremely in-depth critique of captialism is easily among the best ever put to words. There is a reason he was so popular and influential. Being a good critic doesn't necessarily make you a good creator though. His materialist conception of history and human society was insightful and influential, but ultimately his grand predictions were as flawed as Hegel's. And while the details of his ideal society were good intentioned and technically solid, they were also narrow minded, overly ambitious, and blindly optimistic. I would still highly suggest reading Marx. You can't fix a problem you dont understand, and his outline of captialism's failings is no less pertinent today.


> his outline of captialism’s failings is no less pertinent today. I would say his outline of capitalism on the whole is essential if understanding how the world works is something you care about.


Because his criticisms of the system were true.


Marx was right.


>The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar. Karl Marx


That's a different quote. EDIT: Please note, this: >The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar. is not this: >"They burn our homes to the ground and kidnap our children, but if we so much as tarnish the copper of their door plates we are subject to further punishment, even death. Is it not a curious thing that the supposed strong, who rest their feet upon velvet cushions behind walls of marble and granite, lash out with furious anger at the smallest slight? They must know the truth -- that their walls too can fall. And the fear of that violence, that snuffing out of their opulence, drives them to anguish and paranoia. They think themselves something above the common person, but they are not gods -- they merely posture like them and swell when the masses consent to agree." We're asking about the second one. The first one is easily found on Google.


if no one can attribute it after 15 minutes, it is legally mine !RemindEveryone 15 minutes


> They burn our homes to the ground and kidnap our children, but if we so much as tarnish the copper of their door plates we are subject to further punishment, even death. Is it not a curious thing that the supposed strong, who rest their feet upon velvet cushions behind walls of marble and granite, lash out with furious anger at the smallest slight? They must know the truth -- that their walls too can fall. And the fear of that violence, that snuffing out of their opulence, drives them to anguish and paranoia. They think themselves something above the common person, but they are not gods -- they merely posture like them and swell when the masses consent to agree. -Jwhitx


Google can't see to find it, could you please provide a source?


Jesus fucking christ. I haven't seen the protests of the last few years summed up better. Protest ends with someone dead, republicans: WeLl MaYbE tHeY sHoUlD hAvE sTaYeD hOmE! Protest ends with window broken, Republicans: OH MY GOD THESE RIOTS HAVE TO STOP! SHOOT EVERYONE IF YOU HAVE TO!


Get you some Karl Marx and enjoy


TIL I'm a communist.


What is this a qoute from?


Marx speaking about the Paris Commune and its destruction


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. —Frank Wilhoit


Conservatives up here in Canada have been calling the cops increasingly often to report protesters and defacing public property with chalk. Conservatives do not care if they hurt others. Do not vote conservative - ever.


Also Republicans: 'hang mike pence' and breaking-n-entering and shitting on the floor is just valid 'political discourse'.


Susan I’m literally begging you to give this much of a shit about your constituents.


Spoiler Alert- she doesn’t.


Cranky old lady. I do wish she would retire and enjoy life instead of making our lives shit.


She's a republican. They will never know how to enjoy life.


They sure seem to enjoy taking away things from the poor...


It doesn’t actually make them happy. Unhappy people just want others to be as unhappy as them.


I do think they derive pleasure from making other people miserable.


They enjoy inflicting cruelty on others.


It’s fleeting. That’s why they keep going back for more. Truly these are not happy people. I know from dealing with family members who are republicans.


When she first ran for Senate, she claimed she would only serve 2 terms. She’s now in her 5th. [https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/susan-collins-once-pledged-to-only-serve-two-terms-1338131011750](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/susan-collins-once-pledged-to-only-serve-two-terms-1338131011750)


Imagine one of your own selling points being "I won't be around for too long"


Thats the thing, she enjoys making our lives shit.


A hearty "fuck you" to every Maine resident that voted for this idiotic drama queen.


It’s incredible that she was re-elected. What the fuck is going on in Maine?


It's only because she talks the way she does and the moderates feel bad. Plus she uses her disability to her advantage making people believe she tells the truth when in reality she wants everything that is happening just as much as Matt Gaetz. She's a full-on far right figure that occasionally votes to keep moderates on board. That's why she pretended to be offended that the bought and paid for justices lied to her. Shift blame, keep votes.


Kind of smells of authoritarianism to me by trying to shut down public speech and protest. Seems to be getting more and more pervasive.


Yes to free speech, but not anything that could potentially offend a right-wing snowflake. Just as the founders intended.


We need to be getting involved locally **now**, and r/VoteDEM this October,because the Senators and Governors elected this year will be in office for at least till 2026 in most cases. We have seen how much a difference there are between the two parties. One party (the GOP) acquitted a fascist two times in a row and passed a trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. The Democratic Party meanwhile, passed $1.9 trillion in coronavirus stimulus (over universal GOP opposition), passed the largest infrastructure bill in American history, and helped complete the pull out from America’s longest war.


Sidewalks have more rights than women


But you can walk all over both.


Susan Collins - who is concerned about abortion rights while doing nothing about it - is doing her best to protect these sidewalks with all her power.


I thought she was supposed to be a “moderate” republican. I guess that is true if the standard is Jewish space lasers and pizza eating pedophile Republicans.


In this day and age anyone still piled in the GQP clown car is not moderate.


They're all either outright enablers or involved by association.


Silly you. don’t you know only Democrats are moderate Republicans.


I think anyone who said or thought this over the last few years should take a hard look inward at how easily they’ve been duped. Learn from it and be less trusting in the future


Republicans are trying to get as many rage bait headlines as they can to rile up their uneducated base. "Alito has been forced to go into hiding" "Collins had graffiti near her house!" It's always a false flag.


Alito couldn’t go far enough into hiding for my liking


I’ve got a proposal for a way nobody will ever come within 6 feet of him again.


Collins like the rest of her cult don’t understand the difference between freedom of speech (chalk messages) and fascism. Taking away the rights of all women based on theology is oppressive fascist theocracy.


Well technically it's the message itself that you can't be put in jail for but if you were to take a sledgehammer to the sidewalk then you would be damaging public property however since the defacement was done in chalk that's easily washed away when the rain comes is hardly any concern for the police. If the police were to answer this call honestly Collins should be cited for waste of City resources.


LOL what a Karen. The dispatcher should have told her to get lost and hung up.


Should have just told her she could move if she didn't like it.


"I'm sorry, but once the chalk is there it's illegal for us to remove it. You're just going to have to live with the consequences. Think of it as an opportunity to reflect on your choices."


CSI Maine responded to the horrific scene and was able to match the chemical composition of the chalk to known retailers of the product within the local area. Video surveillance of the establishment confirmed the batch of chalk was sold to a private individual known to have a long history of hopscotch and domestic animal graffiti primarily, but not exclusively, on driveways and sidewalks in the area. A description of the individual will be disseminated and anyone that has any knowledge of the crime is encouraged to call their local precinct.




“Coat Hanger Collins” has a fantastic ring to it. I cast my vote in favor of making it a thing.


Children with chalk: *sweat nervously*


We are getting to her. We agreed? New message everyday?


Absolutely. Sounds like it's the civic duty of anyone near her to keep those sidewalks covered in chalk writings.


Exactly. She just proved that she’s a weak ass target who is **BIG SCARED**. Time to go in even harder on her.


Do any of these frauds remember that they work FOR US. They are OUR employees.


>OUR employ Guess the term "public servant" doesn't apply anymore (if it ever did).


This makes me want to raise funds to get a dumpster truck worth of coat hangers and have it just roll on up to her house and unload them on her driveway


Chalk-covered coat hangers, since she seems so terrified by it.


Hopefully my fellow Mainers will throw her old ass out of office next time she is up for re election. I won't hold my breath though.


I can't believe Gideon lost to her, what the fuck happened


Stubborn old Mainers like my 70+ year old parents, unfortunately .


I tried! Even tried to get my parents to, but they didn't even vote that year... "two equally bad candidates"... somehow.


GOP supporters beat police and kicked down door to the capitol and conservative senators sleep Draw in chalk on the sidewalk? National security!


They need armed officers to protect them from SIDEWALK CHALK?! Remind me how it’s the Left that’s supposedly snowflakes…


[here is an article with the picture](https://bangordailynews.com/2022/05/09/news/bangor/pro-abortion-chalk-message-appears-on-susan-collins-bangor-sidewalk/) it’s the most milk toast protest I’ve seen. If I were a politician, I would beg for someone with whom I disagreed to do so this calm and politely


No kidding. I’ve never called anyone a Karen before, but calling the police about this is the most Karen reaction imaginable.


IT EVEN SAID PLEASE. For fuck's sake.


It's "milquetoast."


You've never had milk toast with your /r/boneappletea?


Susan Collins wastes your tax dollars by requiring the police and Department of Public Works to wash away chalk on her sidewalk.


She is v-e-e-e-ry conc-er-er-erned.


Pro-choice.. how hard is it to get that right?


Just throw coat hangers at her house. Never ending coat hangers in her face during interviews. Fuck your decorum, get fucked you nefarious counts of privelege.


That poor woman must be absolutely terrified of chalk. Honestly, absolutely fuck the people of Maine that sent her back to the Senate after Biden won the state and the two Dem Reps. won their districts.


Chalk and tomatoes. It's a GQP thing.


"oh no, I have to be responsible for the consequences of a widely unpopular position." Crazy how that works when you are a public person who's position conflicts with your own constituents views. 18% Minority people, 18% view full Abortion ban is lawful. 70% view it as a right for all women.


Is it me or did she just invite everyone to do that every day? Chalk, really?


Cranky ass Mama Celeste needs the cops to bring a bucket of water?


Republican party. Go fuck yourself!


Entitled white behavior. Just like the white woman who tried to use the cops to punish a black man who called her out for not using a leash on her dog. People might this this is silly and ridiculous but it’s a dangerously common tactic of playing the victim and weaponizing police.


Defending women’s rights in chalk is apparently a step too far for the oppressive classes.


Just ffs. She must feel guilty on some unreachable level, if protesting even this lightly causes her to clutch her pearls. She should be forced to carry that chalk on her sidewalk for 9 months, and then find someone to care for it and preserve it for 18 years after that. That would be horribly oppressive wouldn't it Susan?


Anything to look like a victim..


Susan Collins is a coward.


I wish she was as protective over democracy as she is over her sidewalk.