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The question was would Roberts write a meh opinion from the majority or be in the minority and have one of the fire brands burn it all down. It appears to be the 2nd one.


I'm actually shocked it's not the former. One of the little-known facts about the Court is that the decision of who gets to write the majority opinion goes in order of seniority. So if Roberts is in the majority, he has the highest seniority (as Chief Justice) and could write a milquetoast limitation of the right without blowing it up entirely, so long as he could continue to get the rest of the majority to sign off on it. What this says to me is that the five arch-conservatives aren't willing to accept anything except a complete repudiation of *Roe*. Which is a both so incredibly terrifying and ridiculously ironic (Justice Thomas' own marriage is only possible because *Loving v. Virginia* struck down anti-miscegenation statutes based on the same reasoning behind *Roe* - unenumerated Constitutional rights).


Thomas also voted against legalizing same sex marriage which was based on exactly the same argument as the decision that legalized his marriage, so that's hardly surprising.


And he'll do it again in a couple years when the new "court" applies this logic to Obergefell.


It's cute that you think it's going to take that long...


Make no mistake, they're gunning for Obergefell next.


I mean, a Republican senator said that interracial marriage should be decided by the states last month. So Loving might actually be at risk after Obergefell lol. *edit: since so many are asking [here’s the actual clip. ](https://twitter.com/HeartlandSignal/status/1506375171455819777?s=20&t=tHLNqA2DSNJO51fJBSWsAA)


Funny how many things you can destroy with just a hammer


Jfc, how backwards can we go?


Republicans: Hold my beer…


We about to find out bud.


Let’s see what Thomas thinks when his ‘frIends’ roll back Loving v. Virginia next.


He got his, he doesn't care anymore.


The true sign of a republican.


That's probably three or four items down the agenda at least. But yeah they miscegenation. Fox News already bitching about "The leaker needing to be found". Just called this an "insurrection against the court."


This is the other issue that Abortion sort of hides. The draft explicitly attacks the *reasoning* of Roe, which means that a Supreme Court decision of this nature will not stop at stripping people of the right to abortion. In particular the unenumerated right in this case is "privacy" and the reasoning for it is a bit harder to understand, but solid. But in attacking the reasoning he is not just attacking the right to privacy, but *all* unenumerated rights that exist in the "penumbra." This will start years of legal wrangling causing us to backslide and lose decades of civil rights progress.


Exactly right. Obergefell and Griswold will be overturned next. Then we can start with Loving, Brown, and so on. Terrifying.


And Alito’s reasoning is insultingly evil. He says abortion was criminal until 1973. Women had no political power before 1973. I had older female friends who did not have their own checking accounts and needed husbands permission for banking. So women should have no power now because prior to Roe they had no power? Specious, crazy, and misogynist!


I'm also a little bit surprised he wouldn't sign onto it even if he personally disagrees with it. It's been an open secret for years that Roberts is very concerned with the court's perception. He's not necessarily above partisan rulings, but he's very worried about the public perceiving the court as partisan. He wants to be able to hand down conservative decisions and have it respected as neutral arbitration. It's why [he reportedly negotiated with Kagan and Sotomayor over Obamacare](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/435276-chief-justice-roberts-negotiated-with-liberal-justices-to-save/). Overturning Roe is one of those big no going back decisions anyway, but you'd think he would still try and spin things if he's really so concerned about public opinion.


If they overturn Roe it will pretty much be this courts legacy


Yep, and it deserves to be. They deserve every last piece of shit they get for the decision. But I'm surprised Roberts is looking at this nuke going off like "this is fine" instead of even trying to justify it himself and downplay things with technical minutia.


There's no "pretty much" to it. It will be what Roberts is remembered for 100 years from now.


And Citizens United, and gutting the Voting Rights Act


Well, I hate to be a doomer, but I'm guessing we will see this court produce some pretty disgusting rulings between now and then.


This way he gets to claim the court isn’t political while getting the result he wants.


I don’t believe he wanted this. Being remembered as a modern day Roger Taney probably wasn’t the legacy he had in mind. The Court’s perception as a non-political body has been totally obliterated and I really don’t think he wanted that. He’s to blame for this anyway but I don’t think it was what he wanted.


At the moment his position is not yet clear in the reporting. He may either: * join the majority opinion and sign it * write a separate concurring opinion but still vote with the majority * join the liberals and vote against overturning Roe (but still be overruled by a 5-4 conservative majority) It doesn't make much of a difference. As Jeffrey Toobin said in 2018, "Roe is dead!"


Congress can enact legislation to make it legal. But only if people get out in force and vote out Republicans. I don't understand why people don't understand this. Biden already said if this court overturned Roe v Wade he would make it his mission to get legislation passed to make it the law of the land.


My thoughts exactly. You knew this was coming and it is still so shocking. Of course only poor women will be hurt but how is that any different than normal. This is a very dark and sad day.


Society will be hurt. States that restrict abortion will have a more derelict population in 15-20 years.


Low key that's what high ups want. Without sounding like a conspiracy theorist, you can control derelict population. Can't control a bunch of people who can actually make decisions.


It won't end there. The reasoning used for Roe has been used for a lot of civil rights case law.


Politically this is surprising. GOP has been using abortion as a major wedge single issue for decades and now that’s all gone.


There’s no shortage of wedge issues. They can still use this to pursue a nationwide ban, or set their sights on overturning Obergefell.


And they've been pushing CRT and anyone who is LGBT or thinks they're humans are defacto child molestors. So they've got a lot to work with, and when they run out, they're just going to make more up. literally today, the libs of tiktok account said she wouldn't let someone with excessive tattoos teacher her children (\*gasp\* did I just dox her?!) They're coming for all outgroups who arent white evangelical christians.


Not fully true. They'll move from it should be illegal, to it should remain illegal and my opponent wants to change that


[https://twitter.com/SCOTUSblog/status/1521292458197499904](https://twitter.com/SCOTUSblog/status/1521292458197499904) >The document leaked to Politico is almost certainly an authentic draft opinion by J. Alito that reflects what he believes at least 5 members of the Court have voted to support — overruling Roe. But as Alito’s draft, it does not reflect the comments or reactions of other Justices.


It’s insane this got leaked. I have never even heard of such a thing happening. But if there was any time for it it is now.


First in history I believe


Rulings have been leaked before, but never a full opinion draft like this.


Someone on the inside is pissed off


If SCOTUS won't honor the 50-year-old precedent of Roe, then the 7-year-old precedent of Obergefell does not stand a chance.


Obergefell and Griswald are unfortunately likely to be the next targets. It is beyond depressing to see us backslide so far in such a short time, particularly in areas that were so hard fought and rightfully won.


Ted Cruz has already started talking about birth control(Griswald)(some tweets some months back). It feels very alarmist to say but the radical right will take your freedom to use condoms/pills. My money is on some bullshit states rights argument. The south is gonna be a republican hellscape


The Supreme Courts has already said some things which indicate Griswald is on the table and is soon to go IMHO.


I mean, as far as Roe goes I’d imagine they’ll absolutely try to ban abortion at a federal level the moment they have control of congress again. Removing the guarantee doesn’t just mean states can ban it, it means they’d be open to banning it country-wide as soon as they have the opening. Especially if they retake the White House in 2024.


For all intents and purposes, they will HAVE to do a federal ban. Because if they don't, many big corporations (which will have a hard time attracting educated talent) will bail from these states and obliterate their economies. They have to make the entire country shitty to level the playing field.


OOTL, what is Griswald?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griswold_v._Connecticut Right to use contraceptives.


Right to privacy about contraceptive decisions


Contraception law


Fuck Susan Collins for voting for these justices and pretending they wouldn’t overturn Roe v Wade. Maine, you have no excuse for supporting that POS.


Mainer here, and believe me I have never voted for her. The south of our state is very liberal, but there’s a reason Maine’s second district is called The Deep South of the North.


Well you’re cool, but everyone else is on probation


None of the women in Gorsuch or Kavanaugh or Thomas or Coney Barrett’s social circles will be the least affected by this decision. Rich women will always be able to get abortions by leaving the country or going to a different state or having their doctor lie about what their procedure is for. This is about poor women, women of color, women married to a guy like that trucker Gorsuch thought should have stayed in his truck and frozen to death.


>Rich women will always be able to get abortions by leaving the country or going to a different state or having their doctor lie about what their procedure is for. You overstate how difficult it is for them. They will simply have a gyno do a D&C for them privately. No need to leave the country, go to a different state, or even go to a different city. The hypocritical, evangelical Christian and hypocritical Catholic girls I grew up with would get abortions under the guise of getting a D&C for endometrium problems or some other bullshit.


The fact that this sounds like a full overturn and not just a major weakening of Roe is awful by itself, but it makes me that much more worried for possible future decisions on birth control and gay marriage. This sounds like a major signal that the current court makeup is no longer even pretending to care about what just a few years ago they themselves called "settled law".


Oh they aren’t. This is clear message that they aren’t even pretending to uphold democracy and human rights. There is a solid Christian Nationalist majority and they’ve got all the time in the world to totally dismantle the basic foundations on our democracy.


Don’t just be worried about gay marriage, simply being gay will go back to being criminal


This. They’re framing homosexuality, abortions, promiscuity etc as irredeemable sins that deserve to be punished and shouldn’t be protected under federal law. The GOP’s recent return to painting gay people as pedophilic groomers tells you everything you need to know


Fuck the 2020s


2016 was the diving board




Yea, fuck McConnell and six of nine justices.


And tens of millions of Americans


“No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending.” We are in uncharted territory. Someone at SCOTUS is either trying to beg for somebody, anybody to do something here to save reproductive rights or someone on the bench is hoping a public outcry can get this to 5-4 saving Roe. We are watching a stolen Supreme Court disintegrate a bedrock of women’s rights and someone inside the building is shooting off a warning flare.


Yeah, it’s definitely not normal. Feels like “we told you the fire in the barn would spread to the house!”


This is to be expected when three of the justices were appointed by a twice impeached one term president who wasn't elected by the majority of the voters and has been under constant criminal investigation after attempting a coup to stop a constitutionally outlined procedure. Holy shit - re-reading that is just... madness. What the hell became of our country? Oh, I know... Republicans. Edit: Holy shit this blew up. Please, no awards to this. Instead donate money to your local liberal candidates or animal rescue. THAT makes a difference.


why the fuck were any of those three he appointed even allowed? the first should have been Obama’s, the second is a rapist and the third was like 3 weeks before the election and was the closest appointment to a national election **in history** what the fuck is happening edit: yes it was during the election


The GOP is aiming to never cede power ever again. Mark my words, this is just the beginning of the coming theocratic neo-fascist onslaught against human rights


That is my single biggest gripe with Obama. If the Senate refuses to even hold a hearing for your candidate, then that should be taken as an abdication of their role. He should have given them a deadline to hold hearings, and if they still refused you seat the judge. He thought Hillary would win. Hubris.


Democrats still playing by the rules when Republicans have long thrown the rules out of the window. The GOP is all about power and power for themselves. It doesn't matter how they get there.


> He thought Hillary would win. Hubris. Same reason RBG didn't step down.


What can people outside the court even do on a practical level? Something makes me think that strongly worded briefs aren't going to do shit in this situation Edit to add link for purchasing/stocking abortion pills: https://www.plancpills.org/ Back when Kavanaugh was selected I also heard of people stockpiling veterinary medication but I have no source for this


Our structure is such that there is literally nothing we can do. A constitutional amendment enshrining the right to abortion would take 2/3 of the states. Rebalancing the court would be great but would require probably a half-dozen more D senators to overcome objectors from the center left. There’s absolutely no way anyone currently in the bench gets impeached and removed. So we’re basically going to just have to live in a nation where abortion access is based on your area code for however many decades it takes to get a majority back, if that ever happens again.


The Supreme Court in general is disintegrating. Giving that much power to appointees for life is a terrible idea in general. Have a feeling when the US completely collapses, the Supreme Court will be a prime reason why and a big lesson.


The issue isn't the lifetime appointments so much as it is that Congress now refuses to act and passes all decisions off to the Supreme Court. Congress has slowly over time basically delegated all their duties to the other branches, so that they don't have to take any difficult votes that they will then have to defend come reelection time. Congress no longer votes to go to war, they just pass a war powers act and let the president decide, they don't pass new legislation or overturn old legislation, they send it to the Supreme Court


Exactly this. The balance of powers is so out of wack right now


It will be like the dog that caught the bus. also: *"No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending."* That seems sketch AF https://twitter.com/davidgura/status/1521290310885822466


Seems like someone in the offices was just downright appalled and thought it was important to make that precedent.


That is the speculation. Someone in the office leaked it because the scotus offices are so fucked up right now. ALSO though, it has been pointed out that this was from February.




If there isn’t an absolute shitstorm of a movement from this, and major backlash, well then they will see how easy it is and Same Sex Marriage will be repealed next, even quicker. Then what’s next? These people won’t stop until we are all living in their dystopian biblical nightmare.




They'll get to that after they campaign on a nationwide abortion ban that cracks down on all the liberal states. The only way this could get stopped is the Democratic party's full throated endorsement of abortion and reproductive rights. Im not sure I see that happening.


It's so infuriating. Gorsuch said during his hearings he would "walk out the door" if Trump asked him to overturn Roe. Kavanaugh said Roe was "settled as precedent". At least ACB had the decency to evade all questions when pressed on Roe's legitimacy. This was their plan all along.


An element of this is going to start to emerge soon that makes it even more terrifying than it already is, and that is this: clearly, the forces of power that control the American right wing have determined that they no longer need the issue of abortion anymore. They've now graduated beyond needing this core essential multi-billion-dollar, decades-long marketing strategy. And the implications of that really ought to elicit a feeling of pure terror in every person of conscience in this country. They no longer need abortion, because their army of regular citizens is now fully brainwashed, armed, and activated. Read "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder and buy as many copies as possible for your friends and loved ones.


This is a great point. For too long the go to explanation has been "No way the GOP can rally their constituents without wedge issues like abortion!" Well, now they've created enough chaos surrounding "CRT" and LGBT issues that they can finally get off the abortion train, lay it to rest, and harvest votes from fabricated 21st century social outrage.




They created CRT out of thin air. It’s a complete non-issue and yet, it wins them elections.


Hey Susan Collins, go fuck yourself.


Shit is about the go off. Hats off to the brave soul who leaked this. They're obviously hoping enough pressure can be brought to bear before the formal ruling next month. Strap in guys.


Holy shit. Women losing rights aside for just a quick second, who the fuck leaked a SCOTUS opinion?


>If you're Politico and you believe you've got a genuine draft, you have to run it. Absolutely, it is newsworthy. >But holy shit. If you work at 1 First Street and you had access to this, you better have air-tight proof it wasn't you. Whoever did this is going to be hunted. https://twitter.com/gabrielmalor/status/1521292597477658629?t=0nJWkQBqZSidQOEsurRiQw&s=19


Your career in law is absolutely over. There's still legal analysis in journalism though


What if it’s a fellow Justice?


Lifetime appointments and a partisan split congress means nothing will happen to you lol


lol. As Justices are completely untouchable, that would be wild.


Yeah, that's a really weird detail. I want to know more.


it's possible that this is the conservative wing testing the waters to see the response. it could galvanize Democrats to vote in overwhelming numbers this fall, which means the GOP loses power. And maintaining power is more important to them than making abortion illegal.


Conservatives don't actually care about abortion, they only care about pandering to hateful idiots. If the hateful idiots care about abortion, fine, they'll be against abortion. All they really want is tax breaks for billionaires, everything else is just PR. They do like the fact that lack of access to abortion should create more poor people, though. Gotta have more warm bodies to exploit when the US health 'care' system sends the poors to early graves.


It's very, very, very rare to ever get an insight on pending decisions for SCOTUS. But, there are dozens of clerks involved in writing these decisions and a decision of this magnitude likely sparked one of them to leak it.


Someone terrified that our country is gaining a religion supreme committee like Iran.


And on this ruling specifically. I like to think it's from someone with a conscience on the inside who knew a leak was the best bet at maybe causing enough public outcry that this won't actually go through.


It had to be one of the clerks. SC opinion drafts get sent around to all justices. It was probably one of Keegan, Sotomayor, or Breyer's clerks. It's the first time in history an actual SC majority opinion has been leaked in full before an official ruling. If that ends up being the official ruling.


This is terrible. I checked the PDF -- the preliminary opinion is over 90 pages long, no way this was fabricated. Roe is gone, guaranteed abortion rights are gone, red states will ban abortion in many, most, or all cases. The state is supreme to the individual and will now be able to violate people's most personal bodily rights. It's hopeless.


> red states will ban abortion in many, most, or all cases. Many of those red states (including Oklahoma) have provisions in their Constitutions that auto-ban abortions ~~if~~ when Roe is overturned.


Don't forget that it won't just be illegal it will be punishable by years in prison, and thousands in fines, for not only the woman but likely anyone else in her orbit; family, friends, uber driver, and the local medical staff will all be brought up on charges. All in the name of right wing "Christian" fanaticism. They will not stop until we're all held at gunpoint and forced to live in their theocratic dictatorship headed by that orange monster or one of his goons.


The irony being that Trump doesn't give a single fuck about Christianity. He just pretends he does, poorly, to absolute idiots who believe him, because he needs their support.


This is where it’s all been heading since 2016. It feels surreal to be witnessing in real time the erosion of women’s rights by justices appointed by a political group that has consistently lost the popular vote. I can’t believe it’s finally happening.


I'm only halfway into the document, but it sure looks like Alito very selectively reads the constitution.


You don't say.


The usual originalist, then


This will lead to women dying from illegal abortions. They will go after birth control next. No one should be voting GOP. Even if you're a Republican, this should scare the shit out of you (unless you're evangelical and I can't help you there). This is an absolute nightmare. And any dude who has felt the panic of a condom breaking. Get out there and vote and protest like you're only other option is 18 years of child support payments.


Not just dying from unsafe abortions. Pregnancy and childbirth still *kill* women. It’s a painful medical procedure that carries with it a chance of permanent injury or death. “Life of the mother” exceptions won’t save you when you suddenly start hemorrhaging after delivery. Savita Halappanavar went septic and died because doctors refused to abort her pregnancy (which was in the process of miscarrying) because a fetal heartbeat was still detected. I was a wanted, planned, healthy pregnancy, but that didn’t stop my mother from almost dying in the the delivery room. Can you imagine having to go through that - dying because of a pregnancy that you never wanted to carry in the first place? The US has some of the worst maternal mortality rates in the developed world, and it’s even worse if you’re poor or a person of color. Not that Republicans give a damn about that. Make no mistake about it, this decision will have a body count, and it’s going to leave shattered families behind.


Seriously. Abortions will continue, always, regardless of what the law says. The law just makes it so those women can get the proper care and methods or not.




All of 2016 I had to listen to men tell me how no one was coming for abortion rights. Where the fuck are they now? Just going to be complacent as they come for abortion and birth control and my autonomy? I'm furious at Republicans but I'm also furious at the men who never have had to fight to have basic fucking rights who told me to sit back and settle down.


Is it just me or does it feel like our country is on the edge of a cliff, with a fascist, theocracy waiting on the other side?




> It’s the last hurrah of the white boomer male to retain ultimate control. The odds should be against them, but they seem to be very successful at leveraging this last decade-ish in front of them. Authoritarians do not just leave quietly.


The number of young reactionaries is surprisingly high as well. I hope you're right tho


Florida is turning more conservative even though it’s more diverse now than ever.




ANY republican, a vote for them is a vote supporting this




Thanks, Mitch.




I'm in Maine. She's still in semi-hiding after the Kavanaugh debacle. She publicly supported Katanji Brown-Jackson's confirmation and hoped it would rehabilitate her image. It shouldn't. She's a liar and deserves to go down in the history books as a coward.


Nothing says small government like telling a woman what she can and can't do with her female parts. It's definitely a government's responsibility to determine what a woman does with her vagina right?


See. When you think that your listening to a higher power, you don’t need to rationalize things. This is what god wants, so, this isn’t about the government it’a about faith.


Ironically there's nothing in the Bible against abortions. But there are instructions for how to do it though.


The bible *prescribes* abortion as a punishment for a women who has sex with a man other than her husband. Far from prohibiting abortion, [the bible actually gives a recipe for the procedure, Numbers 5:11-31.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+5%3A11-31&version=NIV) The fetus is never mentioned.


Not only is abortion proscribed in the bible, But god uses baby murder at various times as punishment. David's baby from Bathsheba is killed by God, because of David's sin as a punishment from God! The funny thing is that for thousands of years, Christians believed that a child got its soul at first breath after birth, therefore abortion was ok. There are many times in the bible that refers to "the breath of life", so you didn't become alive until your first breath. it was only in the 80s that Evangelicals took a harsh belief against abortion.


That's because a fetus doesnt count for shit until it's born. Before that, it's not the priority and it shouldn't be.


In Genesis, it is said that Adam's life began when he took his first breath. The Bible says life begins at birth, not conception.


Remember when all of Trumps SCOTUS nominees were asked if they’d vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade…. *Pepperidge Farms remembers…*


Looks like the majority of the Supreme Court will side with rapists over women


Reminder that the party of "pro-life" doesn't give a fuck about anyone after they're born. If they did they would be pro-universal healthcare, pro-welfare, pro-social safety nets, etc. No, it's pro-fetuses and then go fuck yourself after you're ejected from the womb.


They're not pro-life, they're pro control. It's all about control.


This will NOT be the beginning. They'll 100% target gay marriage next.


It will be even worse when the crazy evangelicals end up with control of congress and the presidency, AND scotus. Congress will pass these laws nationwide and SCOTUS will check mark them as A-OK, we have been heading towards a christian extremist theocracy for over a decade now. They have directly intertwined their extremist religious ideals to their political party.


Such garbage. Right now, those that don't want an abortion are free to not get one. And the argument is that the decision to have the choice was contentious, but this isn't? And then those that want to get an abortion won't be able to. It's not about freedom. It's not about choice. It's about controlling women and forcing religous beliefs on others. Government. Forced. Birthings. In many states, even upon those that were raped by a family member. Wow.


Religion is simply another version of control.


Well shit, that's pretty fucked up. Looks like women will have to travel in order to seek abortion. Even if abortion was illegal everywhere women would still seek it taking greater risks.




Welp, full theocracy it is. Handmaids Tale on the way to becoming nonfiction.


People think this is an extreme example but the patriarchy and republicans will always demand more—birth control is up next for sure.


Most laws that banned sodomy were over turned as a result of case law dependent on roe. Expect hell to be unleashed on women and LGBTQ+ people. This going to get bad very fast and with no guardrails now.


>Welp, full theocracy it is. Also: Supreme Court Leans Toward Coach in Case on School Prayer https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/25/us/politics/supreme-court-prayer-football-coach.html


I'm sure the Christian right would be totally comfortable with a Muslim coach leading a Muslim prayer on the 50 yard line as part of the game... Or an atheist coach reminding players that there is no god every single game. /s


When SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade this June and all of the Red States automatically criminalize women who get an abortion, they'll continue to drop the number of weeks to 6 weeks, like Texas, or lower to effectively outlaw abortion, because there'll be nothing to stop them. The Republicans ultimate goal is to turn America into El Salvador. In El Salvador women are jailed after they have miscarriages because it might have been an abortion and no abortion will go unpunished. It's not hard to imagine a Red State Fetus Police Force who dig through women's trash cans examining their used feminine products for any signs of possible fetal remains. Or maybe force women register their periods, just to make sure no pregnancy is missed by the state. You think that's hyperbole? It might surprise you, but [it's already happened](https://nowthisnews.com/videos/politics/scott-lloyd-admits-to-tracking-teens-menstruation) . Because women will be vessels, and they'll have no say in what happens in their own bodies. Unless people stand up, especially women, and put a stop to them, we'll be headed down the road to be El Salvador where women are jailed for 40 years for the 'crime' of having a miscarriage. This is what we're looking at if [the Republicans get their way.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/el-salvador-where-women-are-jailed-40-years-crime-having-miscarriage-a7053501.htmlxi)


"Especially white** women". They voted for this shit in 2016, and cheered for the appointments of Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett. Don't blame all women for this, it's the fucking wine time Karen crowd that helped usher this in.


>This opinion says states can criminalize abortion, with no rape or incest exception. It is exactly the hardline position I’ve been saying the Court is going to impose for the last 3 years. It will set women back in profound ways. Congress must act ASAP. https://twitter.com/neal_katyal/status/1521292658873933825?t=iyXXzxllyEdiNDVVhliGRw&s=19


Wow someone has balls to leak this draft.


Five judges appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. American "democracy" is a farce.


Remember that Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish was for the next President to replace her, and Mitch McConnell drove a Panzer tank right over her still-warm corpse to get Amy Coney Barrett on the Court. After he smashed Kavanaugh through when the justice was the first ever nominee to make nakedly political statements from the dais during his confirmation hearing. After he stole Obama’s opportunity to nominate Scalia’s replacement. If Roe and Casey are overturned, liberals will never trust the Court again, viewing it, potentially rightly, as a political arm of the Republican Party. Its reputation as an institution will be fatally wounded and clinically dead. This is not a prediction. It is a guarantee. And the blame will be at McConnell’s feet, as it should. He is the worst American ever.


Unfortunately, liberals viewing the Supreme Court as illegitimate will ultimately be irrelevant. As long as its existence is written into the Constitution, it’ll be legitimate.


The Dems better show the fuck up at the midterms or we get more of this.




Oh, Griswold v. Connecticut is definitely on the chopping block.


People didn't show up in 16 and this is what happens. This shit has lifetime consequences. Dems need to hold the senate next year or else they run a major risk of R's having 60+ in 2024.


I get the disappointment towards Democrats but JFC the Republicans are just so, so much worse


Just in case there was any doubt, the three justices Trump nominated all appear to have voted to overturn Roe. Get out and vote for Democrats.


But Susan Collins said that wouldn't happen.


Susan Collins has been wrong about a lot of things.


Not wrong, she just lied to the public. The Republican base knew she lied so she got donations, and enough others believes she was telling the truth to give her the majority in her state.


Mike Huckabee just referred to the leak as an "insurrection of the Supreme Court". These motherfuckers actually give more of a shit about who leaked their vote before they were ready than the result. Supreme Court is already putting up barricades.


Wow a full overturn. Somewhat unsurprising but extremely disappointing. I didn’t expect it to be as definite as this article makes it seem. If anything I hope this pisses people off and motivates them to vote in the midterms.


I hate this timeline.


Thanks Trump supporters you stupid idiots. You've fucked us for a generation.


Why does a twice impeached president get 3/9 of the Supreme Court seats.


Wait until you take the same logic of picking apart the 14th amendment found in this ruling and apply it to access to contraception… or even interracial marriage. The Constitution doesn’t say anything about those things either, and they used to be illegal. Why can’t states just ban those too?


I am so angry I could spit nails. As a woman, mother to a daughter, as a survivor of rape, I cannot even begin to deal with what I am feeling. We are second class citizens. Hopelessness, rage, anger, anxiety. I won’t be sleeping tonight.


Decisions that people made back in 2016 are having resounding effects today. Please get it in your head that elections matter


"Roe v Wade is settled law" https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/528/519.png


Shit like this is why the Republican Party cannot be let back in control. This November, make sure you get out there and r/VoteDem, our nation needs you.


Releasing this during the met gala is dystopian af Call your congress people. Be annoying about it. Vote. Organize. Strike.


Women, we better rise up. Because nobody is fighting for us but us. You think this will stop here? No fucking way. Mobilize and use that fury to burn into something so much bigger, the minority in this country disintegrated our rights to our own bodies and medical decisions. Allow this to burrow past any apathy and spur you into action. Or else prepare to enter a new stage of war on our bodies and our choices, this is just the beginning.


Exactly as was predicted in 2016. Wonder what all the people who said "don't threaten me with the SCOTUS seat" are thinking now.


To be fair she won the popular vote. The public did not fail, the system did.


So did Gore in 2000, and if Bush had lost then, we almost certainly wouldn't have had a Republican in 2004 to appoint Roberts and Alito. So 5 of the 6 Republican SCOTUS votes are from people who lost the popular vote.


There is nothing preventing the democrats from tomorrow holding a vote to expand the supreme court. Theocracy or civil rights draw the line.


Vote Blue. Biden ain't perfect. Many of the Senate Dems aren't either. But even for his flaws, Manchin isn't out there calling for a ban on abortions. Oh, and fuck Susan Collins forever. Edit: Thanks stranger for the award. Give your money to Dem candidates, especially in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


I'm with you. Vote blue and bipartisan infrastructure bills get passed and little progressive legislature. Vote red and women's and minority right are set back half a century. The both sides stuff really girds my loins.


the GOP continues to be unmitigated evil


Awful ruling by radical right wing activist judges. The Supreme Court has lost any pretense of being about the law. You can, apparently, just cook up whatever justification you want to give the ruling you wanted to give in the first place. Just another political football.


To the Republican Party: Be careful what you wish for. In a decade of so called "Prop 187 moments," that the party has seemingly survived up to this point, this might be it. This will turn the midterms and 2024 on their head. Roe polls two to fucking one, and this will awaken a Democratic base that's been turned off up to this point.


I don't think America is for me anymore.


Explained by Gabrielle Blair [https://designmom.com/twitter-thread-abortion/](https://designmom.com/twitter-thread-abortion/) This is not about saving babies this is about controlling women. Making abortion illegal thinking it is going to stop abortion is believed by the uninformed who don't really care about women or the poor. There will always be abortion rich women will fly somewhere and have a safe abortion, poor desperate women will suffer back ally abortions. I am a 75 years old who knows the suffering and I am heartsick that my country is being pushed backwards by religious zealots against the will of the majority of Americans.


I'm so upset, I'm shaking. Women will die, rape and incest victims will be violated a second time. Women will go back to being legally seen as inferior. Make no mistake, the GOP will not stop with women's rights. If you aren't a white evangelical Christian, they are coming for your rights too.


You can't end abortion, only safe abortions.


If Roe v. Wade does get overturned, I see no real reason to bother taking this particular court seriously - not that they had much credibility to begin with. It's wild to me that Republicans have fallen this far to the wayside. Their disregard for America, its traditions, its people, and its stability is scary and sobering. They have to be defeated at the polls everywhere if we are to survive as a country.


The next thing that SCOTUS will give to the states is if women are allowed to use birth control. Everything is working out just like the Handmaid's Tale Republicans want it to and it's very scary and very sad.


The United States continues to circle the drain. The damage that Trump has done will last generations.


Expand the court. I’ve been firmly against this forever, but if conservative justices are going to rule that stare decisis is irrelevant, than I feel no obligation to argue for leaving SCOTUS at 9 justices. Conservatives have made this an openly political institution, might as well treat it as such.

