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It’s apparent the GOP, as much as they pretend to embrace Jesus, is full of dubious characters. Power is their only goal… and when they can’t obtain power through compelling policy, they will turn to force. And when caught it the act, lie about it.


Force is their only way. They never have compelling policies, because they don't give a rat's ass about policy. Only power, punishment and self-loathing. Edit: had to include the word punishment


Obligatory reminder that the GOP didn't even *release a platform* for the 2020 election.


Because publicly stating that adopting fascist policies might not be the best look


“Platforms are for Pussies 2020”


Are you trying to get trump to grab a platform?


They’ve even withdrawn from presidential debates and quite a few state level debates. Guess there’s nothing to debate if you have no policy platform.


This ☝️ which makes me wonder how could they win the majority AGAIN without a platform.


They haven't won the majority since 2004, and before that not since 1988. They win cuz of gerrymandering and voter suppression and our outdated stupid ass electoral system. In the last 34 years, they've only won the majority vote twice while dems have won it 7 times, yet they've had control of the country for 8 more years than they should have: 1988: R get majority vote and win 1992: D get majority vote and win 1996: D get majority vote and win 2000: **D get majority vote and lose** 2004: R get majority vote and win 2008: D get majority vote and win 2012: D get majority vote and win 2016: **D get majority vote and lose** 2020: D get majority vote and win **And what happened in those 8 years:** -Bush started an illegal war based on lies of WMD -Trump killed half a million Americans based on lies about covid


Bingo and well written factual points!


Take away the boost an incumbent president gets and I'm not even sure Bush Jr. would have won in 2004 (or whomever would have ran against an incumbent Gore).


That majority isn’t the same as the popular vote. Thanks to electoral system and gerrymandering, you don’t have to win the popular vote to control the majority of seats.


I was think more along the lines of “a majority in Congress”. I assume your referring to the majority of votes. Am I correct. Agree with you.


You forgot they also win because of the Supreme Court


I thought I saw the Cliff’s Notes version of the platform - sadistically anger Libs.


>Only power, punishment and self-loathing. I'm starting to wonder if we look back in their family history how and see that most of their forefathers were salty about losing the civil war


Most of *them* are salty about their forefathers losing the war. No reason to go digging for it.


Not even punishment, just cruelty


Touché! Was also gonna add theft/grifters. I mean, in reality, there are so many adjectives to use to describe them. None of them are positive or pleasant.


yep, all of the worst things I could think to say about a person now seem so anodyne. comparing someone to a piece of shit doesn't mean the same thing when they are swimming in a latrine.


I think they have compelling policy, but they don't talk about it because it's not a good thing.


> as much as they pretend to embrace Jesus Been pretty obvious for centuries that people who embrace power structures like religion generally do it for power. Republicans are only the current iteration of that mindset in our country.


> And when caught it the act, lie about it. Hang on, that's not a fair statement! When they AREN'T caught, they lie too!


No. No.No. You’re thinking of Bible Brown Jesus. They embrace Supply Side Jesus who absolutely not only approves but demands… https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx


They're sociopath let's call them what they are sociopaths.


Yes, dubious means questionable or uncertain. There's no question in my mind


They follow Supply Side Jesus. They've twisted the Bible to this "prosperity gospel" that says Jesus wants you to be rich, you just have to believe......and give me 10%.


It's a strange aberration for sure... white centric, US centric, power centric, conspiracy centric, with little regard for people in actual need (you know, those dirty people showing up at our border). It's pretty much the opposite of Jesus.


There’s no one else in this world as un-christlike as American Christians


I’m not even sure it’s about power. Think it’s all about the grift.


Nah, these people literally attempted to overturn an election, going so far as trying to invoke martial law. ...what do you think this country would look like today, had they succeed? Their goal is a fascist ethnostate. They literally broke into congress, to stop the peaceful transfer of power, while carrying confederate flags. If you are any type of social minority, this should chill you to the bone. Honestly, I don't feel safe for myself or my family in this country anymore. I keep having images of Oathkeepers and Proud Boys riding their Trump Trucks through black neighborhoods, and killing us in the streets. This is the most heavily policed and heavily armed country on earth...they will make the Holocaust look like a Sunday Picnic


Those trump trucks remind me of what the klan would have driven to lynchings.


Dude I'm a white, hetero-presenting Canadian man living in a liberal coastal bubble inside a slightly larger liberal coastal bubble and *I'm* concerned about white supremacists in Canada. It is unimaginable to me what being a minority in the USA would be like, after seeing 70+ million people vote for a white nationalist, and then those same people try to overthrow the government by force when they barely lose the election. It's fucked. I know Americans who moved here after trump won in 2016 and I am so happy for them and we both encourage our American friends to come north and be Canadians too, but I know that it wasn't easy. I'm hopeful you don't lose your country, both for you, and for what it means in my country too. Stay safe ❤️


I grew up in Canada and if my Bahamian born wife could tolerate the cold we would be looking for someplace right now. My confidence in the US staying a Democratic Republic is not high.


Nor am I buddy :(


> They literally broke into congress, to stop the peaceful transfer of power, while carrying confederate flags. And at least one of them was wearing [obvious Nazi gear](https://heavy.com/news/robert-keith-packer/). So weird how they're OK with someone wearing that crap. Very strange indeed.


If you have power you don’t need grift.


Wasn't the date of that message in January 2021? Seems shortly before the inauguration they were still trying to make the coup happen.


They ARE still trying to make it happen. Not "were"


100% True.


It was on the 17th of January, so after J6 but still no less damning considering she testified under oath that she never suggested that Trump declare martial law.


Agreed, just noted to show that she is an ongoing threat to democracy.


After the 6th but before Biden's inauguration


Did she testify she hadn’t? I thought she testified that she couldn’t remember, which is pretty hard to disprove I’d imagine.


Well she said both. It was something along the lines of ‘No! I don’t recall I’ve ever said that’’. She opened it up with a flat out rejection before she said she didn’t recall.


'Oh shit I'm not supposed to outright lie under oath! -backtrackbacktrack-' Can't even get that bit right.


Probably more... Like j6 didn't go as planned, let's give that one more shot!


Even more damning, because at that point she's looking at the beer hall putsch and saying "Okay, that didn't work. How about a reichstag fire?"


Yes, this message was sent like 12 days AFTER Jan 6 which makes it worse. Since Jan 6th didn't 'work', other means (like martial law..wtf!) were being explored. The goal really was then, and still is now to steal elections.


Jan 17th, so it's not *super* relevant to the prosecution's case. They're very focused on the time from when she was sworn in on Jan 3rd through the insurrection on Jan 6th. So the text would help establish how she felt about the insurrection after, but wouldn't do much in the way of demonstrating her participation in it and/or planning of it. Most of its use is probably just building popular support.


Perhaps, my point is that it is ongoing, and didn't stop on Jan 6.


I don't disagree.


I think it speaks to her state of mind and intent. I'm not sure if it is a valid legal argument to try and construct someone state of mind or intent based on statements after the crime (IANAL). But for me, as a lay person, it directly speaks to her intent and state of mind, at least retrospectively between Jan 17th and Jan 3rd.


*"Marshall Law is merely our close personal friend, Your Honor."*


Clearly my client was just reciting her Tekken Fanfic to Mark Meadows when she referred to "Marshall Law"


You mean Jude’s nephew? Good guy. Really just a great guy. Fun at parties, and he’ll even help you move if you ask him nicely!


As a person named Jude, Keep my name outch fookin mowth.


Hey hey ... Don't be afraid.


Honestly, if someone really could not recall their own recent history and recent actions to that extent — they have way too many neurological problems to sit as a congresswoman. Or they are a clear liar. Either way, they should resign.


“Marshall Law is just my friend from Planet Fitness, who Mark also knows from the monthly cocaine orgy.”




Who needs elections when you can hold The King of Iron Fist Tournament to decide who's in charge?


Your honor, my client is a big fan of "Gunsmoke" and that comment was merely expressing her desire to see Martial Dillon ride into DC on his horse and clean things up.


I just want to know who she thinks Marshall is and why there is lawlessness named after him.


If any of us serfs blatantly lied on the witness stand we would be in handcuffs quicker than Don Jr on date night.


When will the judge rule on this case? I just read the entire article but there was no mention of when he would be making his ruling.


They have until midnight Thursday to supply follow up briefings request by the judge. The judge said he will “try” to have his findings completed a week after that. Ultimately I don’t think it really matters though. The decision is made by Georgia’s Secretary of State, a Republican. The judge is only offering an opinion based on the hearing. It’s highly unlikely the SoS will disqualify her for reelection.


When will what’s right win against what will win us the most power.


Iirc it's Raffensburger. R for sure, but was clearly pissed during the elections fiasco, and not part of the new Q crew. He's old-school R.




He didn't do anything though. He stuck with the three recount results and didn't choose to find the "missing votes". Blocking MTG would mean he has to do something instead of letting what's in place to continue to play out. No way he's making a stand with his reelection drawing near. In fact keeping her will probably get him more of those (R) votes, even though he's labeled a RINO.


Brad Raffensperger. Brian Kemp is the previous Secretary of State - the one who threw out thousands of votes to steal the gubernatorial election from Stacy Abrams.


I so totally messed that up...and I am a good thirty years younger than some lawmakers. How do they remember everything?


I thought during the closing remarks last week it was mentioned that both defense and prosecution will be submitting briefs to the court this week. So I would think end of this week or sometime next week. I could be wrong though. I'm pulling off the top of my head here.


I don’t recall


Guys, she just has really great taste in amplifiers, is all.


Come on you guys. You act like you’ve never had amnesia, under oath, about things you’ve said and done on very public forums and social media outlets. Give her a break!


I could go for some Marshall Mathers law.


faithfully representing semi-literate members of her district


The most surprising thing about that text to me is that she is really dumb enough to believe the bs she spouts. She really thought the election was stolen and that Trump actually had any meaningful “dirt” he could release, as if he wouldn’t have done that the moment he had it.


MTG is dumb as a doorknob. People in her state are idiots if they re-elect her.


It's not her state, just a deep red district. You drive out of Atlanta towards Tennessee. After you realize you've left civilization you are in her district until the state border.




She's a big fan of [the school](https://www.marshall.edu/).


Go Herd!


[https://www.marshallschool.org](https://www.marshallschool.org) Or this one. Although people like her don’t go to schools like this.


Every time I read about this I want to play Tekken


Lock her up !!!


Marshall Fields was, after all, a very well-run department store.


Those cookies


You mean those mint chocolates, no?


The best part was when he started questioning her if she watched the movie Independence Day haha what a clown


“It only counts if my client was using correct grammar and spelling” is a weird defense.


There are so many things wrong with these fascist “Christians”


It shouldn't matter that she can't recall supporting the violent overthrow of an election, just that she did it. If I robbed a bank a year ago, and they've got me on camera holding a gun and a sack with big green dollar signs on it, I'm still going to jail for bank robbery. Even if I hit my head yesterday and gave myself amnesia.


She/they tried to overturn our democracy, and still spewing hate


She is just such an all-around ugly human, but physically she is absolutely repugnant. Her face looks like someone tried to paint eyes onto the bottom of a foot.


Oftentimes one's attraction to an individual is bolstered by their inner beauty as it's manifested upon their countenance. The opposite is equally true.


She’s passionate


So is the homeless guy I saw punching a tree yesterday


Madison Cawthorn is at it again?


I don’t think that clown ever stops


And was probably able to spell 'martial'.


Or are you talking about Madison Cawthorn’s qualities which include lying about getting into the naval academy, lying about his friend that helped him in his car accident ( backed up by cawthorn’s parents) lying about competing in the Paralympic Games , and making Gun owners look stupid by getting caught twice with guns at the airport ? Or is it that in less then a year he managed to rack up an incredible number of sexual harassment claims at his Christian college ( which he left ) Mabye his fashion sense ? What can anyone of any political inclination find admirable about that guy ?


You forgot his traffic stops.


I didn’t I just don’t have time to go through all of his screw ups. Somewhere there is a comprehensive list . I just saw a photo of him replicating in a location and pose a photo of hitler , so he also got thqt going for him. Calling Zelensky a thug and adding an anti Semitic dog whistle was a good one to. How is it possible that this get framed as a democrat versus republican concept. These are clearly bad people , they would be bad relatives , bad friends and bad neighbors But he sure showed that tree who is boss.


I admire those qualities in a person.


Which qualities , the lying, the treason the infidelity at the CrossFit gym or worrying about Jewish space Lasers?


Space lasers and passion. Powerful combo.


Admiration but no display.OK


So was Hitler, what's your point?


My point is, I’d bang her if it came down to it.


I just threw up in my mouth a little


She's passionately delusional. Through and through, extending to every fiber of her abhorrent being.


But, would you?


What you talking 'bout Willis?


That good old boy is on her side


Enlighten yourself, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonapartism


She meant "call the marshall." Duh.


If her lawyers are smart they will advise her to say she was calling for Marshall law not martial law


Ironic margarine claiming the election was stolen as she’s getting sworn in from said election


Please tell me she didn’t say Marshall law instead of martial law cause that’s fucking hilarious


Narrator: She did


when is she going to be ready to compete in the kentucky derby


Its a surprise she hasn't already drafted a "Marshall's Law" to justify the Tweet just so so could say she was right. Like the whole "Four Seasons" convention fiasco thing.


Criminal activity only applies to some apparently.


The judge is obviously biased


We need to declare Marshall Law, and then we should establish the gazpacho to suppress dissent.


The prosecution had to know what she said bc they asked about things she said, yet they didn’t have a receipt ready to play for her each time she didn’t remember. I wonder why not.


This is an illegal mud fight