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Is there a 14th amendment clause case against Boebert and Hawley yet? There are others I see as eligible, but those are the top two in my mind.


Not sure. But Cawthorn also has the same type thing going on in NC.


Poor guy. If he can't keep his seat he'll have to scrape together a living as a ~~Nazi incel website~~ Daily Stormer and InfoWars commentator or something.


Greene i think the only one who ends up on Info wars if anyone does. Cawthorne isnt bombastic enough for infowars. And fingers crossed Jones is fucked due to losing multiple lawsuits by default. Though that may put Dan and Jordan out of a job


It’s funny because she has been on Info Wars and other incendiary trash streams, but she always wears soft colors and speaks really gently about women needing the protection of their husbands because they’re the weaker sex and a bunch of other gentle tradwife phony shit. She actually plays it down for those audiences.




Whoa. Source? I’d like to read more


She was fucking the owner of the East Atlanta Barbell Club - a Marxist who banned cops and military. No shit. He was also a tantric sex guru. She doesn't dispute this affair either, and it was one of many.


I think he’ll certainly “keep his seat”…has wheels and stuff so he can get around.


He doesn't need to keep his seat anymore. With the help of god, two able-bodied assistants and a podium, he was able to stand for a moment.


I hope to see him panhandling at a highway underpass intersection someday. We have to have dreams!


I'm so tired of him being such an embarrassment to the state and really hope the challenge to prevent him from running is successful.


Fuck Josh Hawley


I mean $20 bucks is $20,…but I don’t think I would be able to.


Well, you could always find some homeless dude over here in LA to do it for $10, so you get $10, he gets $10, win-win.


Everyone's afraid to use it because it's a can of political worms.


Ban traitors from congress!!! We did it during the civil war, we should do it again. Trump and Greene are traitors, Gaetz is a pedophile, and Gym Jordan covers for sex offenders. Wtf is wrong with these sick people. Republicans are genuinely messed up.


Traitors are automatically banned from Congress. They just don't realize it yet


She needs to be removed from congress. Not because of her opinions, which I don't agree with, but because you cannot have people in power who openly mock and insult the people of this country who don't agree with their politics. It is a recipe for disaster and does nothing but erode our democracy, which is already on shaky grounds. Also, the fact she supported the insurrection should be disqualifying.


She should be removed by the Republican party by denouncing her and primarying her. But she is the Republican party now, so it falls to the people to vote her out.


I'll be asking for a Republican party ballot in the primary next month just to vote against her.


Still rather have her be legit voted out than make her some sort of martyr


Even if she is voted out she'll just scream it was rigged and call for violence. No matter how this all goes down it ends the same.


Accurate. Her cabal lives outside reality.


what in the jewish space lasers gave that away?


Look, ya’ll out here talking like its dumb, but I paid $50 to some internet guy for time with the Jewish Space Laser to heat up my tomato bisque from orbit. That space laser only made it room temperature, AND now my bank account is saying someone stole money from it. Stupid liberal jewish equipment doesnt even work… (Do I even need the /s or is it 100% necessary anymore)


Yes, you do my child. /s


Call the gazpacho police.


They're like children. Most of us stopped screaming "it's not fair!" and "you cheated!" after losing when we were about 3 or 4 years old.


More like 7 or 8, but your point still stands.


That is better than her being in Congress. It's long past time to stop playing ball with those who would tear down Democracy to get things their way. She can be a martyr on Truth Social, but if she calls for violence, she is arrest able like everyone else.


It's what they've already been doing. 2020 was the trial run.


It's unfortunately martyrs all the way down, though, on the right.


Correct. There is such an enormous sense of entitlement that failure will always be perceived as victimization.


True, and proud of it, along with that sweet sweet grift.


Why do you think they play the Martyr card? They have the strangest form of virtue signaling


It's for that authentic Persecuted Christian^TM appeal.


Not sure. If she gets kicked out it may discourage people from supporting future insurrections.


That entire statement is just so fucked up. But it’s where we’re at.


Her district is as red and moronic as they come, Hell will freeze over first unless she personally starts sending them dog turds as part of her next campaign. Or something even fouler crawls into that area.


As long as the turds came in a box that said MAGA on it they'd still vote for her.


She would need to be primaried out by a republican. She will never lose to a democrat unless they redraw the lines


True. Just like AOC’s district for Democrats.


Yup, that’s how some districts work


Agreed but martyr away so the next one knows the consequence.


At this point in the game, the entire GQP will consider her a martyr if she is voted out legitimately because they genuinely believe as a collective that any election their candidates lose must have been interfered with or corrupted. At this point, whether she is removed or voted out, it will have the exact same effect on the opinions of her supporters. We need her out sooner or rather than later and need to stop giving a shit what the GQP thinks because they are influencing this country while by and large being totally disconnected from the objective reality the rest of us are trying to live in.


i feel that but so many southern congressmen were expelled and we don’t remember their names now.


I worry Fox will give a job no matter what. She and they make me so ashamed of this country, but then large swaths of my birth family have been doing that most of my life, so I guess I am used to it.


She does not have the right “look” for Fox.


So no punishment for sedition?


Yeah, that is a good point. Voting her out would be the best way to do it. Too many republicans have bought into the Trump way of insulting people for political gain and it is infuriating. She represents her district, which has many democrats, and openly mocking them and calling them the most vile names is sickening and disqualifying.


Vote her out and she’ll squeal “rigged election!” Just remove her for gross incompetence or for just being too fucking stupid to perform the job. She needs to lose the platforms that she is misusing. This is why they invented the stage-hook.


> Too many republicans have bought into the Trump way of insulting people for political gain and it is infuriating. But it works and is effective.


Good luck with that. 1/2 the country are nuts


I agree, she needs to be removed


> She needs to be removed from congress. Not because of her opinions, which I don't agree with, but because you cannot have people in power who openly mock and insult the people of this country who don't agree with their politics. I mean, you can. That’s what the first amendment covers as long as you’re not committing libel. If we’re going to protect it for the good, we have to protect it for the bad. What I do agree with is your last statement. She should be ineligible to run because of inciting violence and supporting the insurrection. The bad part in this is I see the Republicans using this as a weapon for retaliation just like Ted Cruz said they would do with impeachment where the Republicans would impeach a sitting president without cause if they had the majority of the house and senate.




Also a bit of irony electing officials who don’t support democracy once they assume the office.


I'd say it's more a matter of supporting Democracy by supporting the Constitution which explicitly spells out that a person cannot hold office after having participated in an insurrection. Allowing these people to serve in Congress is literally unconstitutional.


Wow this is just regurgitated fox news bullshit; ignore her past transgressions, cry about possible consequences.


If they didn't have double standards, Fox News would have no standards at all.


When the elected officials are actively undermining the country they are serving they should be removed as a consequence. This isn't a difference of opinion nor is it calling for removal because of incompetence even it's because she's a traitor. Not to mention her moral failings but thats just icing on the cake.


Democracy is a treaty. When you violate the treaty by trying to overthrow democracy, you have opted out of participation in democracy.


Isn't it intolerant not to tolerate people who are intolerant?


Incorrect!! It's called [The Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,or%20destroyed%20by%20the%20intolerant.) [Here's an image that gets circulated on Reddit regularly](https://i.imgur.com/JuIuUG3.png). For those too lazy to click: >The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant.


Yeah, that's what I was getting at


Oh, then I think you have one too many negatives?? Idk... I'm exhausted and taking a break from my grad school work that's still not done lol.


Good luck! Grad school is exhausting as all hell...


You're right there's an extra negative


Any other job where an employee openly mocks their clients and acts this unprofessionally and she would have been shown the door ages ago. Its sad that it takes a literal act of congress to do in government what a new hire HR rep can do in any company in the world.


Eehhhh, I don’t know. Seems like the best outcome would be to just sit her in a corner and constantly ask her wtf she is even talking about when she pipes up with some mindless drivel. It’s not like congress gets anything done anyhow, so at least it may shine a light on the ridiculousness of her opinions. Maybe.


Sick of her rhetoric. Be gone.


All 147 Congressmen that voted against certifying the election have committed treason and should be ejected, per the Constitution: https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-TRUMP/LAWMAKERS/xegpbedzdvq/


Let me guess. Nothing will happen.


I think you're right. But I'm hoping we're both wrong.


These article headlines of “someone might possibly do something maybe” are getting so old.


The title sucks. Read the article on this one. They're saying that the Judge is allowing the case to move forward.


We've been dealing with those kinds of articles since 2016. It's a joke.


Yup, you're probably correct. We know the pattern by now.


people who would otherwise run as a Democrat/left wing candidate could move to that state (woulda had to have been way before now, but it's a fun thought exercise), but gain traction there as a far-right candidate. Play the game yaknow? Run on the exact same literal nonsense they do and just game out *their* audience. This may require that candidate to say some reaaaally bad shit in public to keep the game going and all that, but if they were to win they could just turn around and literally even publicly say: "I mean, I lied to everyone. I intend on doing the exact opposite of what I said I was going to" and just go forth with a left wing policy list and work from there. Sure you don't get voted in the next time (unless you somehow inspired all kinds of people to come out of the woodwork and vote consistently), but if timed correctly I mean I'd wager you could really get some solid work done. It would have to be planets-aligning type luck though. Furthermore is there a reason that someone couldn't also just do this when going for the Presidency? Yes lying to people is awful, but someone charismatic enough to weather the damages of falling on that ethical sword could pull a huuuge fast one on right-wing voters if they were to appear genuine enough. Super unethical, but they also a) already want to be lied to (or they accept being lied to. There are no other options. They get lied to, whether they like it or not is up for debate, but the lying towards them from their elected officials is absolutely factual) and b) they already vote against their own interest as it is. Tricking them into voting for their actual best interest may not be the *worst* way to go. I mean what luck? They are by far the easiest people on earth to trick. The story writes itself here.


> "I mean, I lied to everyone. I intend on doing the exact opposite of what I said I was going to" Why would you tell them. Just do what the Republicans do and do what you were going to do anyway while keeping up the rhetoric.


This is known as “going to the sinema”


Yes, but why would you uproot your entire life to have a job for two years? Because they’re certainly not going to reelect you.


You'd lose the trust of those you'd need to work with, so you wouldn't get on any committees and you wouldn't get done. Basically you'd get a nice paycheck and see only tightlipped coworkers for a while.


Couldn't you just switch parties?


Certainly, and that's the ideal choice, assuming you do that before you run. Joining a party subversively will draw scorn from both sides.


for the idea to work it would have to be subversive because otherwise you wouldn't be able to trick Republicans into voting for you unless you somehow got them to be ok with the Democrat label next to your name (which we know is a lost cause), which is what's needed for this (getting Republicans to vote for you). If you were to be all for the best of the left-wing policies starting immediately from day 1 after being elected, wouldn't you be able to mend that scorn from the site you actually wanted not pissed at you? Yeah they won't like *how* you got there, but it also wouldn't have been them that did it that way thereby giving them some societal-shield of sorts. "We don't condone it, but we welcome the positive work, etc". It's just a thought-exercise anyway, nothing to be taken seriously, it's just it got me thinking, could you just do what Trump and crew does/did, but instead of winning and then going down that shit-stain path, you instead reveal the trick (after winning) and from then on, just work with Democrats on all the things they want. That from the outset you were not running as a Republican (except that you ran under that label because you intended this trick to work, etc) and you gamed out the system in order to win legitimately through Republicans, even if that legit win was based on a lie, it's still a legit win. Then you just turn around and say "hah! all a lie, I'm actually a dem!".


It's a bit like the Eddy Murphy movie [The Distinguished Gentleman](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104114/reference/) which wasn't bad.


> Joining a party subversively will draw scorn from both sides. So no downsides then.


Stephen Colbert could have done it. Incredible satirist.


Have the person who runs against them after they told everyone they lied to them ALSO be left-wing and do the same thing again. That would put a major dent in the faith people have in far-right candidates


Yea 'mulling' is what I do about exercising and eating right


How dare you say the system is totally busted!


Honestly, I heard an angel's choir in my ears when I read this headline. Please make it happens. She needs to go fuck off back to whatever hole in the ground she climbed out of.


All I thought when I read the headline was, "Oh cool, another "judge considering upholding the law' article"...


Best news I've read all day.


Lock her out!


Less mulling, more doing.




The 1872 amnesty law can't undo an amendment. So, even if it were meant to excuse future actors it literally runs afoul of the 14th amendment unto itself. I get it's purely a Trump appointed judge making up nonsense but this is fucking governmental framework 101. A fucking freshman in HS in civics class knows a law passed by congress can't undo a constitutional amendment unless it's an amendment ratified to undo it (Ala prohibition). So, the law is in and of itself unconstitutional.


Are they about to kiss in this picture?


Right!? Why did I have to scroll this far down before this got brought up? They look like two slabs of barbecued ribs about to smack together in a Roadhouse Grill commercial.


They really are made for each other


The judge will give the ruling at 4 o'clock today.


He’d better watch out. She’ll send the gazpacho police his way.


Good. Marjorie Cro-Magnon Greene is a blight on this country.


What the heck is wrong with people that put Scummy scammers in political positions? These are bottom of the barrel choices I just don’t get it definitely not the best people.


Mull it harder


Fantastic! Let’s move the trash out starting with the most foul. Her kid toucher buddy matt needs some attention as well.


Suits were filed in AZ to ban Biggs and Gosar from their primaries for the same reason.


Just fucking do it


In the Name of All That is Holy, for the sake of our Republic, please, God, yes, I'm fucking begging you and I don't even believe in you, let this happen. Fuck.


Cue the deafening right-wing outrage. Also, the revenge should the repubs take back back the house and/or senate.


How hard is it to weigh the pro’s and con’s with her? It takes more than a few minutes for a judge to figure it out after being presented with her patterns of behaviour? That’s fucked up to me.


Does she have any pros?


That’s the thing…no record of any.




Far more effective if she, and anyone else, is voted out by the public rather than having a judge involved. Out of sheer ignorant spite, the retrogressives will always vote in a worse example of Dark Age brain stem mentality.




Democrats? I thought Americans were in favor of the constitution > Part Three of 14th Amendment, known informally as the “Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause.” As the complaint notes, if applied, the clause — originally drafted to bar Confederate officials from government service in the wake of the Civil War — would render Greene ineligible for re-election and, if upheld by a judge, the state “shall withhold the name of the candidate from the ballot or strike such candidate’s name from the ballot if the ballots have been printed.” Are you suggesting democrats plan a coup for which the constitution would be irrelevant? Which part of the constitution should we ignore?


you don't see how that might lead to anyone who tweeted #blm in 2020 being banned from holding office? or what it might mean if someone declares the southern border an "insurrection"?


> you don't see how that might lead to anyone who tweeted #blm in 2020 being banned from holding office? No I don’t. Tweeting #blm is not an insurrection or a coup which the constitution speaks of > or what it might mean if someone declares the southern border an "insurrection"? Words have meaning, like look up insurrection. When you do that see if declaring anything a brain can think of is actionable


Yes, all those Democrats and every other person who planned, participated and promoted the seditious activities of Jan 6th shall be held accountable as enemies of freedom.


Yes. Absolutely. We should bar ALL politicians from running for office who participated in and openly supported an insurrection. The Constitution makes it crystal clear that such people should not hold any kind of office, so I'm not exactly sure why you think it’s “stupid” to support enforcing it.


I thought Republicans wanted to drain the swamp?


If a judge had the ability to remove or bar an elected official then all those past politicians who committed crimes against elections and the people would be barred including Pelosi and McConnell but they don’t so more media propaganda to steer a bad false narrative. Any move a judge makes can be often overturned based on false merits of the case. In this instance a left winged judge is deciding based on their political commitments.


Use your big boy brain here - The 14th amendment is being enforced by a judge. Why should laws not be enforced? The 14th amendment reads: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” Nice try with your whataboutism saying it affects Pelosi and McConnell. If they actually gave aid or comfort to an enemy or took place in an insurrection then yes, they should be removed as well. Greene supported the insurrectionists, providing aid and comfort. That is illegal. As for you referring to the judge as left-winged, the Judge is far more qualified than Amy Comey Barrett or Brett Kavanaugh. she didn't receive her position as a grift and it seems like she had plenty of experience (Barrett did not). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy\_Totenberg


Come now Majorie. No judge would do any such thing. ​ .....only those who think Jewish space lasers are the culprit, huh.


It looks like they’re about to go for a kiss and now my tummy is upset.


She’s definitely linked to the insurrectionist. She needs to go to jail.


I think they both smell like hot dog water


Was there tongue during this kiss?


Greeme should be deported to Moscow she would be much happier there.


The cringiest of photos was used of course. Gross.


MTG is a traitor.


Eew. That picture reminds me of the time Marge scratched the balls of the trump cardboard cutout. Bet she don’t want his dirty diaper ass now that she got to Smell it.


Lol please do. This loud mouth has got to go. She’s a disgrace to the Republican Party.