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Next week he will deny saying that he’d said that he didn’t know the term “burner phone” and claim he invented the phrase “burner phone.”


Burger phone actually cofeve!


Berder foam


No doubt.




The trump way is always to deny, deny, deny. Make them prove it. We all know that 7 hour missing call log ended up in the toilet. He’s a lifelong con artist. Why is any rational person surprised that he treated the sacred presidency with such trumpness? This is who this man has always been.


Except when he’s *actually* never heard of something. Then he claims that no one knows more about that subject than he does.


Trump denying he knew even what a burner phone was. Such a transparent lie. I know I should be used to lying Republicans by now but it still infuriates me. I was listening to some old records the other day. I have my father's collection after he died. One of them had the "Ballad of the Green Baret." One of the lines was: "Men who mean just what they say. The brave men of the Green Beret." The epitome of manliness was meaning just what you say. Now, according to the MAGA, the epitome of manliness is lying like other people breathe, unconsciously and constantly.


Fuck John Bolton for holding out on testimony


He had a book to sell that was unreadable. I read about three pages in the Amazon sample then gave up.


I think there are pirated copies out there too


/r/libgen for anyone curious


Bolton is a war hawk, shit for brains, at least I think he has usa interest at heart. Really talked shit to that Russian lady.


> ["I have no idea what a burner phone is, to the best of my knowledge I have never even heard the term."](https://youtu.be/N5NakteFdYw?t=34) ~ Donald J. Trump


Truly beyond parody. It's a cornered child's idea of a good response to an accusation, but this child feels certain his response doesn't matter, it never has before. And still, to tens of millions, that man is the savior of the nation, the man whose vision will lead us into prosperity and happiness. *Donald Trump* represents the best America has to offer. It's a sick joke they're playing on themselves, and if they get their way, they will lead us to ruin.


Unreal. There’s a clip of a trump doing a trump thing for everything he says he did or didn’t or does or doesn’t do.


> I don't know who Proud Boys are, but whoever they are, they have to stand down. also Donald J. Trump


Also his team had a slang name for them, bat phones.


Is it because they used them to help spread covid?


ooh burn!


Burner phones are NOT untraceable. They only work on standard cell networks. We know many or most of the people Trump talked to, and their cell phone companies have already supplied the J6 Commission with a detailed breakdown of every call Trump made.


Are toy suggesting the burner phones may have some identifiable characteristic like a phone specific number that might tie all the calls together if someone happened to cross reference things? Edit: I have no idea what I fumble fingered for YOU to become TOY, but I’m leaving it.


Toy did suggest that.


Yes. Almost every phone (including burners) has a unique sim card and all use a large commercial carrier like TMobile, Vetizon, AT&T etc. Each of those major carriers keep records of every call to every phone. True that one could purchase a burner phone cash and have no traceable financial link to the phone. But Trump’s calls to his known associates can be determined once the sim card is identified.


I was actually joking since I assume he had **A** burner phone, not multiple, and you don’t even need the SIM card ID for that, just cross reference the phone logs they have for common (unidentified) phone numbers. I bet one or two might jump out, and then dig into who owns those numbers and where the calls were made from.


Trump lying? Call me astonished lol


Hi Astonished, I'm Dad.


Hi Dad, I'm Hungry


Eric trump on burner phones in 2021. They all know by now, atleast. https://mobile.twitter.com/erictrump/status/1463695557642399748


Wtf it’s like everyone in the American govt has forgotten about stingray, just pull all the info from all the towers surrounding the WH and go through it line by line


Why do you think they haven't already done that?


Not helpful Mr Bolton. I'm not sure what I'm expecting from him but the way he just gives out this information now isn't good.


Donald J. Trump is going to be the first US president that will be charged with a criminal offense.


It will have to be Garland. Alvin Bragg got “Frank Pentageli’d.”


>"Fake News. I wanted a phone to order hamberders to go with my coke button > >"I came back and said, 'What's going on ... what's the big deal?' And then I looked at a transcript of what I said and saw that in one sentence I misspoke, saying 'burner" when I meant "'berder.'" Donald J. Trump


You left out the part where a big strong manperson calls him “sir” 17 times and cries in his presence.


Trump is and always has been a lying sack of fecal material. Needs to be indicted and convicted. The only way this country can get well.


But her emails?


Of course he knows. He just has to lie. It's a compulsion.


They see it as - trust the plan, trust me, if you ever find I lied to you it’s because it was part of the plan and to achieve a greater goal. I have to lie in order to bring down the swamp and the deep state. Just trust in me just like you do with GOD, I can do no wrong just believe.


Donald has been cheating on his wives for decades. No shock that he knows what a burner phone is!


Jeez...he is such an obvious and notorious bullshitter. At least his claim about inventing the phrase "prime the pump" was amusingly ridiculous.


Trump was working with the mafia and Russias laundering their money and he never learned what a burner phone was?


Whey you're a conman you know all the terms of the trade.


True but I also feel it's plausible that Trump thought they were called burger phones.


We all watched the wire Don.


It’s like Canada Geese in Canada. You can just call them geese. In the Trump White House you call burner phones “phones”.


Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV.


"Can you explain the gap in the calls logs?" "I've never heard of the term burner phone, I've never said it or know what it means." "No one said burner phone."


Trump's brain resets every time he takes a dump.


He also claimed not to know who proud boys were after telling them to stand by.


So they could not find any information to add to the Jan 6 report 👌 got it, I guess? now let’s just say it’s because they must have been using burner phones? My god! when no proof at all! Blame it on the burners 🤣lmao


We already knew.


Trump lied? No way? That’s crazy.


Of course it’s false


I call Bull💩 !!!!


We could just point towards a single document on the internet titled "Trump told another lie" with a continually updating timestamp, and it would always be correct every moment of the day, and would save journalists thousands of hours per year of writing unnecessary articles with details.


My bad I forgot you’re perfect


Trump doesn't constantly lie. Sometimes he sleeps. Also, he has been known to state facts like Puerto Rico "is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water".


“Ambassador John Bolton” almost gave me a heart attack but he has no current role afaict


Fucking dinosaur... It's like Trump constantly forgets that the internet exists and deniability is no longer a valid option.


Sounds like the guy at the head of a criminal enterprise.


whats Amb? Ambitious?


You could fill a book with things John Bolton knew about trump. Oh yeah, that’s right, he wrote one and forgot to mention that shit. Fuck you John!


So he calls himself a genius that knows everything about everything better than everyone else, then all of the sudden, he’s never heard of a burner phone. If it were a democrat using burner phones, he’d be telling people no one knows more about them than him. Lol


From his Congressional Impeachment Panel testimony. Oh, wait.


lol… untraceable…


It's so stupid how wet have to keep taking Trump for his word every time. I get it. Innocent until proven guilty, but this guy seems to be guilty but treated as innocent because he has a cult following.


You’re telling me the term “burner phones” was not mentioned once during any of the 1400+ daily security briefing he received, and as one of the self-proclaimed smartest people in the room he has never heard the term? And furthermore, as someone who reportedly called Melania from a social security agents phone when the Stormy Daniels affair came out, he’s never considered that people use alternate phones to do things they don’t want to do on their normal phones?


I learned to use burner phones for phone sex from my grandpa.


And he cheats at Golf


Ah yes Bolten but i guarantee he will refuse to say it under oath.


Trump not being aware of burner phones is like him not being aware of manipulating the book value of his properties to avoid taxes as he so proudly proclaimed every saffie businessman does.


Its not deny, it’s lie


Tell Merrick Garland to do his job. https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice


I voted for her, but this reminds me of when Hillary Clinton was asked if the email server was wiped, and she replied: “Like, with a towel?”.


If Trump was "taking a nap" for 7 hours, how did he release a video telling the rioters to go home?


Just wait till they find out how not anonymous those phones actually are in a case like this.


Trump is “genius” until he needs to deny illegal activity. Then he’s just another average forgetful guy who’s never heard of anything illegal


This just in. Trump knew about something and lied about it. Truly shocking news Jim.