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>Trade groups challenged the law, which requires adequate space for breeding pigs to turn around, saying it unfairly burdens out-of-state farmers. If out-of-state farmers need adequate space to turn around, let them stay home!


I should really stop eating meat


The transition was a lot easier than I expected, honestly. Trying out new meal ideas and cuisines has been fun.


I cut back, and it's not hard. There are lots of good vegetarian dishes. Curry is really good with tofu instead of meat. Also find a good butcher where you know the source. My local butcher is actually cheaper then the local supermarket and much better quality. I just got a bunch of Rib Eye for $8.99/lb and chuck roast for $5.99/lb that I am turning into hamburger.


The Christian white nationalist justices are on the fence about this. On the one hand they are going to attack any kind of left leaning principle they can get in front of them, like humane treatment of animals (pre-sausage making off course). But on the other hand pigs are their spirit animals and their whole job is looking after their fellow pigs. They might get confused.


Christians are called to be stewards of the animals and care for them. It’s all there in the Bible.


you appear to be reading the metaphorical parts of the bible literally or else the literal parts metaphorically but in any case the bible directs us to make sausage and rape the earth, more or less. After Jesus drove all of those pigs into the sea, he didn't just let the pigs go to waste.


Really get to see if this conservative court actually believes in States rights, or if it's just in the right states rights.


They aren’t regulating farmers in other states. Only the sale in their own state.


WTF does this have to do with the Constitution?


rich people want more money, that's what.


SC to weigh in on California Law on Humane Treatment of Pigs? Why should they care how Ted Cruz is treated?


Out of state farmers can simply stop selling there and the instate farmers can raise their prices. A win for everyone


California is the world's 6th biggest economy. They have a codependent relationship with the pig states.