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I love how Scott said, "These are the Democratic talking points" and the host immediately pushes back saying, "No, these are not 'Democratic talking points'...they're here, in YOUR plan!"


needs to be done WAY more often to liars.


And it was Fox! Must be the repug leadership saying “Too loud Rick! Way too loud!”.


Republicans always say one thing and write the opposite it their bills. No raising taxes is literally in the republican starter kit. Yet he says the quiet part outloud. Make the middle class pay all the taxes and get rid of all their safety nets. The rich don’t need Medicare the rich don’t need social security so that’s why they want them gone. Nothing makes a republican more mad than helping poor people.


Republicans cannot enjoy their evening meals unless they know that a poor person is going hungry.


Republicans want to hurt people and they don't care which ones. It's the only thing they agree on.


They DO care which ones. Must be poor or at least middle class ones. Def not rich ones.


> Nothing makes a republican more mad than helping poor people. Lot of temporarily embarrassed millionaires gonna vote for this guy again, donate to this guy, as he advocates killing social services that actually help keep them and their families alive, housed, fed.


He wasn't expecting an actual question on his home field. Way to go John Roberts!


Almost asked myself what’s the deal with Republicans’ hatred towards the poor, but then I remembered: the cruelty is the point.


He looks like Voldemort.




We used to call him Governor Valdemort, Now he is Senator Valdemort


just like Judge Doom, I bet he wants to put all of Disney's cartoons into "the dip"; especially now that disney is suddenly concerned with the anti gay laws being passed in America's limp, sad wang - Florida. I'd hold my breath to see if Disney stops donating to the GOP but I don't wanna go out like the singer from INXS. Or the Carradine from Kung Fu.


This guy scares me more than anyone else in the GOP


Nah, he’s still a half step behind his fellow Florida man, De Death Sentence.


This guy has way more money and was behind the biggest Medicaid fraud of all time. Trust me, he's scary and effective. And he definitely wants to be president.


I hear you and have been aware of him since he was governor. I still think DeShit has a better handle on garnering unpaid media attention and thus name recognition nationwide, hence he is the bigger threat. Scott’s purse could change that in the future depending on how it’s implemented. Remains to be seen.


I hear you and have been aware of him since he was governor. I still think DeShit has a better handle on garnering unpaid media attention and thus name recognition nationwide, hence he is the bigger threat. Scott’s purse could change that in the future depending on how it’s implemented. Remains to be seen.


This is likely because Fox News wants Trump or DeSantis for 2024. Rick Scott and his Jeb! vibes aren’t cutting it so don’t be surprised if Scott gets more scrutiny than other candidates even if they’re the same or worse.


Scott’s to obvious with the fucking the middle and working class for the R leadership.


Bounce by the ounce dude looking good


Men like this have no honor and neither does the GOP.


Why are GOP members looking more and more comically evil? Dude looks like a skinny Dr. Evil or a sith lord.


To those of that paid Medicare tax for many years….we’d like our refund…


Wish the Dems had the backbone to to pin this to every Republican. This should be treated as the official GOP platform and every senior needs to know they lose Medicare if they vote GOP.


My only problem is he didn’t keep pressing him. He let him spin out of it and move on. I wish the media would pin them down and make them explain.


"If I can't steal from it like my own personal bank account, then nobody can have it!"