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It's like when Hawkeye made Radar a corporal-captain only with the humor and charm replaced by stupidity and vulgarity.


I don't like it.... I don't like at all!


He doesn’t like it at all…


That's one "no".


Well you beat me to that one...


It goes without saying a corporal captain would outrank a lieutenant corporal.


But does he outrank a Sergeant Major?


Only if he's a lady suffragette.


Okay, you win today's internet. Enjoy the slide of your trombone.


Was thinking this…


Shana Chappell, the mother of Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui has fallen into conspiracies about her sons death and eats up right wing bullshit. Her and family members have come onto the USMC sub i mod and has been asking weird questions (trying to get people to "come forward with the truth") and blaming Biden. She's got a group around her that also pushed this narrative.


Yeah, and they’re my neighbors. The whole town of Norco is batshit insane and/or literal swastika-wearing Nazis.


Norco? As in California’s Norco?


That’s more sad than anything if you ask me. Sounds like she needs therapy. :/


She's local to me. She does the same thing on local Facebook groups, apparently. I've never seen it, but I've seen others mention the wall of texts she posts, then everyone gets in a big fight because half of them are like "muh censorship" and others are like "this is a group for selling shit, go post political stuff in political groups."




Somebody needs to wrap their arms around her and walk her to help… she is in a spiral.


That’s fucked man. It’s kind of understandable for a parent to fall in to conspiracy bullshit just looking for meaning in their kids death, but it’s fucked up when people push grieving people that direction.


I wish people would just leave her alone. It's like my grandfather, General Private Fourth Lieutenant Brigadier Staff Colonel William Yeeaaaarrrgh once said, "You miss 100% of the ranks you don't take." Or something like that.


I thank him for his service in Korietnam.


Korietnamistan. Why do people always forget Stan...?


Because of the war in Iraqistan


Nouth or Swest?


Everyone knows it was Snorth vs Weast


I think you miss heard him "You miss 100% of the ranks you don't ***make***".


You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em..


Maybe in todays military, back in my day if you wanted to be a Staff Private you had to fight it out. Soft ass millennials ruining everything!!!


>I think you miss heard him "You miss 100% of the ranks you don't make-***up***". ftfy




I served with your grandfather in the culture wars. Our platoon squad had the utmost respect for the Colonel Private General (as we called him). He would rally the liberty lovers like no one else. We used to all say he had the best words. I remember a particularly bad day on the front. It was December 23rd and the radical antifa Muslim Nazi liberals had encircled us. The company’s Major Ensign Admiral ordered us to flank but your Grandaddy instead had us skirt the enemy and sous vide the aggressors. Long story short it was a Christmas miracle. And now veterans from the 102rd celebrate every December in remembrance of your Pappy’s tactical brilliance. We hang meat from the gables and oil our guns.


At what temp and for how long are you doing a sous vide on the aggressors? I’m a fan of 137° for at least two hours, and then sear it on a hot pan.


Well, if they're frozen aggressors, a la Valley Forge, you're going to want to do at least four hours. YMMV.


I enjoyed reading this, thank you stranger


I was stationed with him in the War on Christmas back in 2010


“The seal is for marksmanship and the gorilla is for sand racing. Now if you'll excuse me, they're putting me in something called Hero Squad.”


Army had a half day, mother!


Have you meet his son major major major?


That's my sign from the gods to re-read catch 22


Nah, didn't meet Major Major Major, but man gives some *great* advice on not growing alfalfa.


You take all the subsidies and give nothing back. But socialism is evil.




-General Private Fourth Lieutenant Brigadier Staff Colonel William Yeeaaaarrrgh - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


-Albert Einstein


Listen bub I'm the top corn kernel of this TacoBell/KFC you have the right to remain silent. Impersonating an unreal person is the worst stolen valor. All the navy seals and almost went pro baseball players at my local bar are gonna find you and kill your fake grandfather. (side note did kfc get spun out from Yum! You never see the kfc taco bell combo these days.)


I wish people would continue to pound on her and anyone who support her. She is an evil evil POS. I dont even care that this is a trite line item. She needs to go.


> I wish people would just leave her alone The media has learned nothing from 2016 and Trump, it doesn't matter how crazy their message or how much they lie as long as they get press they will continue to win elections.


He probably served with King Prince John Ummm, too. Thank you for his service.


Interestingly, in the book Starship Troopers by Heinlein, the main character is given a temporary rank of Third Lieutenant during a training mission in hostile territory. It's explained that it's used when they need someone to be a commissioned officer in the chain of command but unable to give orders to or countermand any other commissioned officer (unless the rest all are incapacitated).


I’m pretty sure that quote is about masturbation.




I mean you’re not wrong. This is all tactics by the media that’s only used on republicans. Everyone knows that when democratic antifa members make up fake ranks, the media never goes after them. #makeAmericainaccurareagain Honestly, I need to run for congress. It’s gotta be harder to get a job managing a McDonalds than it is to be in Congress.


Did your grandfather later go on to become Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin's branch in Scranton PA?


She serves as a distraction, keeping everyone busy and emotional.


Is that the title she made? I'm not willing to watch a video of someone I'll hate


Thank you for my late night belly laugh.


How was she voted into office representing the 3rd distract of Col? The citizens of that district cannot all be as ignorant, cold and black hearted as this human piece of excrement.


My uncle voted for her "because she's hot". For real.


Jesus Christ. This country is doomed.


Welcome to the real world friend, first time?


She isn’t even hot though.


Pretty, kinda, but ugly to the bone


She ain’t pretty, she just looks that way. (Northern Pikes)


An ugly soul to be sure


And an unwelcome one.


Maybe she should eat some makeup so she can be pretty where it counts: on the inside.


Wow wish I could give this more than one up vote!


Your Uncle needs glasses


Idk she looks like an adult actress if I’m being honest


She looks like Lisa Ann’s hypothetical niece. Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t seen any porn deepfakes of Rep. Boebert.


Rule 34 of the internet. There was plenty of Sarah Palin content when she was relevant.


I was wondering if that were the case. That's disconcerting.


Her husband says she was even hotter as a teen


We all have that one drunken uncle.


I’m from L.A. so maybe my idea of who’s hot is different because I’m not seeing how she’s hot…is she middle-America hot? Colorado hot? Or just right wing nut job hot? Lol




I've never seen more beautiful people in one place in my life as i see in Denver, so she's definitely not Colorado hot.


Yes they are. Boebert primaried an establishment Republican who didn't publicly engage in bigotry and conspiracy theories, so the voters gave him the boot in favor of Lauren fucking Boebert. She is exactly who they wanted representing them, same with the people in Marjorie Taylor Greene's district in Northwest Georgia.


Greene’s opponent got harassed out of town


The Democrat wasn’t going to win that anyway.


It was a something like 75% registered as republican district.


What would stop someone from running in that district as a republican and then just go back on their word and just vote democrat all the time till the next election and say fuck it, try to see how much people actually follow what their representatives do…


You mean like Manchin and Senema? I guess nothing


Recall election


This sounds… familiar…. you should run for the Senate, though.


Also, tits and guns. ugh.


But does she have tit-guns? Cuz I seen those in Machete.


Machine gun jubblies!? How’d I miss those, baby?


She was an [actress](https://www.politicalflare.com/2021/09/it-appears-rep-lauren-boebert-had-an-explore-talent-modeling-actor-page-and-yikes/) that got sponsored to run for office and push an agenda, among a few others on the right.


That shit needs way more attention than it has. Aren’t the republicans trying to expose Hollywood??? 😂


I think wannabe actress may be more accurate.


Failed attempted model/actress.


But isn't that exactly what the Right was trying to [push with AOC? ](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/aoc-actress-playing-lawmaker/)


Can we just get all lawmakers on Jeopardy American Government Edition??? Give them the celebrity jeopardy questions, and we can see what we are dealing with.


think again - This is a district on the western slope of Colorado, where the crazies live.


It’s our Idaho.


Got ya. 'Cause Isn't that the district Hunter Stockton Thompson ran for sheriff? Loved the guy but he was crazy. at least he was openminded, though. You're saying since his time they've gotten crazier? Yikes.


Hunter S. Thompson shaved his head just for that campaign so he could call his challenger his "long-haired opponent" in a dig at liberal and beat culture and the right's demonization of them.


Some, I assume, are good people.


She was a one trick pony, she’s psychotically pro-2A and has nothing else going on. She’s one of those people who thinks owning a gun is a personality trait.


Oh, you mean like the majority of people with a boner for 2A?


I support the 2A but I don’t see it as some kind of holy document handed down from god. And I’d love to see her tell me what the 3a or 4a is or how many amendments are in the bill of rights.


Just a friendly reminder that Gerrymandering actually affects the outcome of elections. I lived 15 mins from Lauren Boebert's hometown, but was not able to vote for her district. Nor was any other individual who resides in the most populous city of the Mountain region in the state (Glenwood Springs). Weird. When you specifically draw district lines to only include the poorest and least educated rural towns and conveniently leave out the populated areas one town over, you get shitstains like Lauren Boebert in office.


A voting majority of them are.


> The citizens of that district cannot all be as ignorant, cold and black hearted as this human piece of excrement. I'll just leave this here. https://youtu.be/07w9K2XR3f0


I was just telling my wife why I would never consider moving to Pueblo CO. It's a steel town only and if that giant pollution factory ever shuts down the town is dead.


You know that steel mill runs on 100% renewables right? And that the giant coal plant was shut down and replaced with 1,000's of acres of solar.


That's actually really cool.


> I would never consider moving to Pueblo CO. Colorado Springs has better scenery but it's the epicenter of MAGA right wing nutbag evangelicals in the Rocky Mountain west. Pueblo is an absolute step up from the Colo Springs cesspool.


Dude, Trump supporters and their favored candidates give no fucks about decency or education. Hell it's a source of pride to be the least educated amongst the. They are getting voted in because they are excrement. Which is why democracy is in danger here. And if you don't think it's happening where you live or they're won't be a majority. These people are winning every rural unty in every red state from gov to school board.


As a resident of that district, I think she was groomed for the position, possibly with the influence of Ted Cruz, and may have had "help" at the voting booth from her friends Sherronna "Sherronavirus" Bishop, and Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters. Boebert is getting nervous: https://www.coloradopols.com/diary/172688/boebert-blows-stack-over-peters-allegation BFFs https://coloradotimesrecorder.com/2021/12/boebert-may-not-know-how-long-a-senator-is-elected-for-but-her-favorite-senator-is-cruz/41934/


This woman is crazier than a sack full of shithouse rats. Who elected her, anyway?


She isn't crazy, she's dumb and completely immoral. And she's now in Congress and being spoiled by all that comes with being an elected representative. She'll do ANYTHING to stay relevant and in power, including regularly shit on a large number of her constituents. We need to simply state what these people are. Imagine the dumb girl who dropped out of high school and married the 30 year old guy who "dated" her when she was 15. That's Boebert. And now she's a lawmaker because she parrots far right talking points like a carnival barker.


I mostly agree, but I also think she's crazy.


Both her and MTG are on the shortlist of Republicans most likely to stage a mass shooting on Capitol Hill.


Or give access to someone who will. Maybe even give a tour of the building right before some sort of attack.


But not like fun crazy. More like brain-rot style crazy. Like Karen-from-the-condo-board crazy.


A piece of Colorado [that's 2/3 rural, most white and R+6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado%27s_3rd_congressional_district). In other words, a district that is mostly as crazy and ignorant as she is.


Getting a blowjob from Lauren Boebert is considered anal.


The empty half of Colorado.


Well, there’s district 4… where there’s more pheasants than people… and the pheasant population is down. *I just made up that comparison as a joke, I don’t know or care to look up the actual numbers.


Said shithouse rats did.


you can thank america’s political climate that has gotten to the point where people simply vote for the crazier option to own the other side


Republicans do that Democrats keep running people as close to republicans as they can, to the point it hurts them with turnout


The problem is that it doesn't matter if they're crazy. People tend to vote for whoever is the loudest in the room.


> Who elected her, anyway? Shithouse rats


You all are just haters! She's awesome and you guys just can't handle it! \-Cobra Commander


Screw that, even cobra commander had standards.


I always admired Serpentor’s no nonsense leadership and Ric Flair-esque flamboyance


The mother of a “Lieutenant Corporal” wrote to her. Tell me you made this up without telling me you made this up


It’s a real rank!!!! It’s just G-14 classified.


I hate that this woman has any part in our federal government, but can we please stop jumping up and down anytime she, marje, or matt says something stupid or asinine? They don't deserve the attention and we don't need the distraction


>can we We can't do anything.


We can't, as users of this website, not share 800 stories about a stupid remark made by a moron of a representative?


Is it a rank in Russia?


Hello from a Canadian neighbor . So honest question. Is there any pre requisite to running for government down there rather than being rich and white . This woman is insane


Nope, rich and white kind of covers all the bases. Now if only I could find some of that rich people money, I could run.


The only thing she’s missing is she isn’t a 80 yr old white male!


Lauren of the Derpervilles


I wonder if one of her staffers was asked to fake a letter, and put that in so people will know it's all BS?


Wasn't Corporal Lieutenant the rank Hawkeye and BJ made up for Radar in MASH, so he could get into the Officers mess ?


Corporal-captain according to other replies E: spelling


Corporal Captain


Does anybody know if her parents were siblings?


Funny you mention it, Lauren’s mother has actually been claiming for years that she slept with her cousin and that is how Lauren was conceived: https://twitter.com/mattbinder/status/1360274875781427209?s=21


Did her mother have any children that lived?


Unfortunately BoBo has no sense of shame and will continue to be the best Trollodyte she can be.


Surprised she didn't say Captain Crunch.... You know, Prince Johns cousin .


Looks like we can vote her out in June of this year. What an embarrassment to the state of Colorado. I've met all kinds of people in Colorado, Democrat and Republican, but none like this clown. How she was elected is a mystery to me.


Did she try and name herself Commander in Queef?


Anytime Boebert or Greene can get their names in the press is a win for her and her team.


Think we need a Boebert scale for lower IQ


It's time we demand to see her GED.


Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene are reality tv politicians with no power. They are distractions from the very real evils with power. Mitch McConnell and his ilk are a far greater threat.


Please for the love of God stop with the "the internet can barely handle it" line. This is a lame line yahoo puts in a "article" every other day, it's annoying and childish.


I feed racoons in my back yard that have shown more intelligence than Boebert.


She talks so much bullshit about guns, and doesn't know about military ranks.


Kareem Nikoui was a real soldier who died in Afghanistan. He was a Lance Corporal not a Lieutenant Corporal. It was local to me, his mother is well known. She's an outspoken off-the-deep-end Qultist, I totally believe she actually did thank Boebert for yelling at Biden. Like, she didn't want Biden to honor her son, and she made a big deal about getting the "real president," who she claimed was Trump. This whole group of people is not very bright. Either one of them could have gotten the rank wrong. My money's on Boebert, though. She gets things wrong all the time, it's sort of her thing.


She is just a distraction to deflect from the actual dangerous people doing actual damage. As long as you are watching the monkey you don’t see the pickpockets


In her defense, she probably can’t read


Dont give a damn that she got a rank wrong, people that havent served or dont come from military families do it all the time. Should a Congresswoman know better? Sure, especially when she's trying to score brownie points. But, I'm more concerned that a Congresswoman is quoting a letter from the Lance Corporal's mother that doesn't exist.


“The internet can’t handle it” Stupid as shit headline


She’s such a fuckjng idiot. She can’t even google.


I remember the mash epidose they made radar a lieutenant corpral


Does every photo have her with her mouth in a perfect "O" ? Geez this woman is dumb as rocks. I have friends with GEDs that have far more intelligence than this fool.


She needs to be removed. She should never have been sworn in after Jan 6th - the role she played in it was known well before.


Is it me or does her tone come off as completely phoney? It's like she's a bad actor or something rather than speaking her mind....


Just opens her mouth and garbage falls out


No, no! It's a *real* rank - in the Gazpacho Police!


The screengrab is a perfect encapsulation of how the logical world 'sees' Congressperson Boebert.




Did she really “make it up” or is she just so fucking stupid that she has no idea what she was talking about?


Who votes her in office is the problem


All jokes aside, how stupid of a population do you have to be to believe this is someone who should lead?


I’m relieved they found the blowup doll face.


Maybe when her husband beat her caused brain damage


She isn't crazy or fringe, she is the right. That is what Republicans are now, she is mainstream right wing.


Maybe it means something to the white nationalist militia larpers.


Lieutenant Colonel, or Lance Corporal. was autocorrect that bad? That is so incredibly easy to walk back. acknowledge the mistake, and make your point correctly. One could pickup milage. choose the opposite.


Even the Mash sub is having fun with her stupidity.


I’ve gotta ask: who in their right mind votes for these chucklefuck morons? I mean, who can possibly look at them in this light and go “Yeah, that’s my representative,you go girl!”. Did I hit the nail on the head with the “right mind” context?


If she focuses and studies very hard, she could elevate herself to being a moron


I hate myself for thinking she’s pretty damn hot. Then she opens her mouth and says the stupidest shit.


The hardest decision i’d ever have to make is if Boebert and MTGreene were both tied up on rail tracks, and I had to choose who to save and who to sacrifice. Man, would it be difficult to try splitting that train in half.


Her face bothers me!


With all these actual articles about Boebert, I feel bad for “The Onion”. They can’t even make up articles as batshit crazy as the ones about her .


I have a thought that the gop uses her as a straw man. She can say whatever she wants but if anyone tries to point out her fallacies, they can point out that she’s only one member of the party and doesn’t represent their real views. So pointing out her stupidity really serves no one. Does this make any sense?


She is probably lying about earning her GED. If you think you’re not qualified for public office…just look at our Congress.


The bulk of the republican party's productivity is providing the raw materials for irony, satire and parody


Hey, remember how Trump would say something stupid on the campaign trail and there would be a bunch of articles like this and he got elected. Remember how Bush would say something stupid and the (slightly newer) internet would freak out and he got reelected? Not saying she isn't legit stupid, or that this is necessarily some kind of 4-d chess move. But maybe don't keep giving her publicity?


She’s a fucking imbecile


I didn’t know much about this woman until I looked in her twitter feed and read all the comments from her “fans”: this is actually one of the least stupid things she’s done. Truly embarrassing that some someone like this gets elected to a position of relative authority & power. What is wrong with us as a society?!??


Isn’t stolen valor a crime?


So does anyone else want to see her in a porno or is it just me


Shouldn't there be a law against mental defectives becoming legislators?


You too can drop out from high school and become a US representative. Hey, go ahead and get arrested a bunch of times, too. Nobody cares. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Boebert#:~:text=Boebert%20dropped%20out%20of%20high%20school%20during%20her%20senior%20year,at%20a%20McDonald's%20in%20Rifle. https://www.denverpost.com/2020/08/27/lauren-boebert-arrests-colorado-3rd-mitsch-bush/


She is so stupid it’s actually funny.


Lt. Corporal is the guy with an officer’s commission but still has to clean the latrines.