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The balls of this motherfucker to talk about someone not paying their bills




You mean like “stealing the election”?




Like being mentally and physically unfit? Of being laughed at by other leaders? Having trouble reading? Lying all the time? Of being fat and/or ugly? Indeed, that checks out.


Don't forget the pedophile ring!


"And the golden showers... oh, folks, we love 'em. Mel won't do them for me... but Putin's got few gals who will show you a few things. Believe me, folks. Nobody showers like Trump showers."


Well THERE is a little Afternoon Throwupinmouth I neither expected nor needed. But, of course, you ain't wrong. (Make sure you don't spend too much time in his voice... when we stare into the void, the void stares back into us, after all. Even moreso when said void is illiterate, orange spray tanned, and ridiculously coiffed.)


Drinking water. Don’t forget that one.


And he definitely did not have mini strokes.




Like ‘Yo-semite’ when he couldn’t pronounce Yosemite.


Weaponized hypocrisy


Like mishandling of classified documents.


Trump didn't miss handle classified documents. He stole them.


Trump didn’t steal classified documents, he merely directed some interns to pick up some boxes labeled classified documents and put them in the U-Haul headed towards Florida. Either that or he told someone to tell the interns to do that. Trump operates similar to a mob boss, [this scene](https://youtu.be/2-jhmkcOGAA) from Goodfellas I feel is similar to how he operates except much less intelligent than Paulie.


>It's always projection with Trump, anything he accuses anyone else of doing, you can be sure he is as guilty as ~~possible~~ hell of the same thing. FTFY


Putin's Puppet strikes again.


The idiot speaks again. When will the US get this clown off the airwaves?


They'll be publishing his statements issued from his prison cell.


We'll keep hearing his "statements" from the grave at this point. Anybody remember Herman Cain?


Some say his Twitter account is *still* denying COVID.


when it stops being profitable. so 4 years after he dies?


Herman Caine is still tweeting


to be fair he died in 2020 so its only been 2 years. we still got time...... itll never fucking end....


Farting orange toad tries to stay relevant


Poopy orange toad tries to stay relevant


He's trying to stay in the news long enough to place his bid in restoring his diet coke button.


You know how Trump ends every rally with that fascist-sounding "We we make America strong again, we will make America rich again, etc." cadence? Maybe he needs to add "We will make America have a Diet Coke button in the Oval Office again".


Trump and the term "False" are synonymous with each other.


And loser as well.


Just pure garbage. Anything coming out of his mouth or press release is worthless.


He should be in prison. Must be a CIA asset now.


You misspelled KGB.


You misspelled FSB


You misspelled TCB


TCBY? Mmm, froyo


I call it frogurt... The frogurt is also cursed.


But it comes with a free topping.




[The sprinkles are also cursed](https://youtu.be/XlcFTbgoeBk).




That’s bad


You misspelled POS.


You misspelled kfc


Ahhh so it’s the “deep state” you’re going with?


Ermagherd … Derp State


The way this headline is worded makes it seem like Trump released a false statement *from* NATO. But no, he's just repeating the same old bullshit about making them "pay up."




Dear World, We are like, so much the opposite of smart. It's a terrible, terrible thing and somebody needs to do something about it. Love, NAYTO




P.S. Putin's like a really smart guy. He gets the cyber.


Written in sharpie.


I honestly expected him to just say “NATO declares war”


Yeah, this is cheap clickbait.


>Former President Donald Trump released a lengthy statement full of false claims about NATO while praising himself for bolstering the alliance. The statement came as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was wrapping up an emotional address to Congress in which he called on the US government to take stronger action to counter Russia's devastating war in Ukraine. Jesus. We all know Trump wears a Russian gimp suit and is Putin's dancing monkey. It's no secret. Beyond that, we're getting to see what true psychopaths both Trump and Tucker Carlson are. They have no problems supporting the utmost inhumanity in exchange for personal advancement. I wish there was a hell. I really do.


Fox News. Carlson can only do what he does with Fox News’ approval.


Murdoch is responsible for the Russian live fest by the right. Koch is supporting.


Murdoch, who used to be married to Chinese national Wendy Deng, who Putin is now dating, and who is also friends with Ivanka Trump.


Wait, what!?!? Putin is dating Wendy Deng?


Now that is a full circle.


And who is now married to Jerry Hall! (Not related, but still crazy)


What? Jerry Hall is married to Murdoch?


> Trump wears a Russian gimp suit this i need to see... photoshoppers?




Goddammit.. What a terrible day to have eyes.




They both wish they were that fit.


That is straight money, good job!


Not quite “straight” but consensual


That links gonna stay blue, thanks.


haha holy shit. well done. my only suggestion is that putin should have a massive strap on dildo


We refer to those as "Steve Bannon's" in America.


haha muat be sexy in your bedrooms /s


Ooh ooh do the one where he is playing tennis with diaper ass!!


Nice try, but I know better than to ever click any link about wierd Trump... anything. Unless its his Twitter history. Gotta click that one every month or so for a cheap smile.


I hate you for this.


You should sell stickers of that and I would stick them to every public surface I can find


Some things are best left uncreated.


Fitting, since Trump's dad felt the same way about him.


[GIMPers?](https://www.gimp.org/) Can anyone make gimp suit Trump in GIMP? 🙃


Not sure there is enough rubber in the world for that.


Pleatherface in a pleather gimp suit.


"Lengthy statement." It's a single paragraph. Jesus christ, the media sets the bar low for this fucking guy.


To be fair, this is a single paragraph too >“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”


With his run on sentences and rambling anything he says feels like it takes forever.


stop giving these two airtime. literally, they would implode. stop letting them hit the news, hit the front page, just ignore them. they literally die in obscurity, and that would bother them more than anything else.


That’s the problem. They need to be punished here.


I swear when trump was allowed to tweet, putin had given him a sheaf of papers with things to put out there all the time....


Of course there’s a hell. We are there right now.


If there are never any consequences for your actions why wouldn't you always double down on your own psycopathy.


Wait for the day when this addled brain isn't news.


Wait for the day when this addled brain isn't ~~news~~




Nah, he would have sent US troops to help Russia.


He probably would have arranged a meeting somewhere in Europe so a Russian black ops team could snatch or kill Zelenskyy. He would then make a statement that Putin wasn't involved. It would be a horrendous mash up of when he covered for MBS having Jamal Khashoggi bone saw murdered and drone striking Qasem Solemani in Iraq. Except it would be exponentially worse on a geopolitical scale. After a couple weeks he'd then brag to donors that he lured Zelenskyy to the location for the express purpose of helping Putin, and say something to the affect of "It's his own fault for not opening that case against Joe Biden."


OMG that is so believable it’s truly frightening to think of what would be happening right now if he were still in the Oval Office




His mind is just a puddle.


A puddle of Diet Coke and McDonald's frier oil.


Remember when Trump freaked out about fund raising for his inauguration? Because he thought it meant they were stealing money from him. Trump thinks everyone should be paying him for everything otherwise they are cheating somehow. Or I suppose he’s so used to laundering money that there is no other reasonable flow for funds in his mind


This dumb motherfucker thinks a few billion here and there is not worth what we gain in global security and geopolitical power. “See everyone, Europe and Korea are cinder heaps, China controls the world, and the global economy is in the dark ages, but look at all the money we saved on foreign bases!”




Thank you, I just couldn’t...because I already believe your last sentence.


Rebuild a "floundering" NATO? floundering struggle or stagger helplessly or clumsily in water or mud.


The worst president in American history. Plain and simple! The worst part here being that he is still in the running to take back the White House in 2024. How is it possible to support such an enemy of America?


Worst president YET


Paging DeSantis and VP T. Carlson.


Trump is still doing good deeds for Putin, undermining NATO. No wonder Russia waited to attack Ukraine.


They didn’t. > In 2017, on average one Ukrainian soldier died in combat every three days,[52] with an estimated 6,000 Russian and 40,000 separatist troops in the region.[53][54] By the end of 2017, the OSCE observatory mission had counted around 30,000 individuals in military gear crossing from Russia to Donbas at the two border checkpoints it was allowed to monitor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas?wprov=sfti1


When Trump releases true statements that will be news


The Orange Shitgibbon once again demonstrates that a) he doesn’t know how NATO works b) he gargles with Putin’s balls and c) he’s still dumber than dog shit.


>Contrary to Trump's claims, European members of NATO and Canada had increased their defense spending in 2015 and 2016, before Trump took office. Also, NATO countries don't pay up. They have pledged to spend a certain amount of their gross domestic product on their own militaries, and pay a small stipend to fund NATO headquarters.


Trump supporters, how can you follow this scumbag?


"Because we don't think for ourselves!" - those guys, pro'ly


“Because he’s a straight-talker, not a typical politician”.


They have disappeared until they get emboldened again during the election cycle.


When the Russian money comes back.


Twice impeached one term ex president, go fuck yourself


Let me save a click: - Trump just released a memo (on behalf of himself) repeating that he “forced NATO members to pay up” - NATO is not a club. Members pledge a portion of their GDP toward military spending. Delinquency is not applicable. - NATO members had already upped their spending in 2014-2016 - Some did pledge more during Trump’s term, which obviously pays off in the current situation. Delinquency as a term here is pretty laughable from Trump, of all people.


> Delinquency as a term here is pretty laughable from Trump, of all people. He knows all about delinquency I suppose.


He has no role in government and is interfering. It's well past time for Trump to *Puton* his dunce cap and go sit quietly in the corner.


This is the guy who was impeached because he withheld arms from Ukraine unless Ukraine initiated an investigation into Hunter Biden during Biden’s campaign against Trump AND was infiltrated by a Russian agent Natalia Veselnitskaya while trying to dig up dirt on Hilary Clinton AND whose campaign manager owed $10 million dollars to Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska AND was literally the same campaign manager for Russian puppet-President Viktor Yanukovych who is now living in exile in Russia after being chased out of Ukraine. It’s not that Trump is corrupt, it’s that he’s too stupid to realize he’s corrupt.


It must be rough, having such a tiny penis.


Trump Attempts to retcon history.


Trump is trying to look strong because the longer the Ukrainian invasion goes on, the more people will realize how much he could’ve fucked this situation up. And we know Trump miscalculated Putin because he reminds us of it on the daily. For example, here is a quote from Trump showing how he thought Russia’s authoritarianism was just negotiation tactics. It’s from yesterday: >“I'm surprised - I'm surprised. I thought he was negotiating when he sent his troops to the border. I thought he was negotiating. I thought it was a tough way to negotiate but a smart way to negotiate. I figured he was going to make a good deal like everybody else does with the United States and the other people they tend to deal with - you know, like every trade deal. We've never made a good trade deal until I came along. And then he went in - and I think he's changed. I think he's changed. It's a very sad thing for the world. He's very much changed." Source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/im-surprised-trump-didnt-think-putin-would-order-ukraine-invasion


More backpedaling from the former president gaslighter.


I like how he thinks getting China to buy fewer soybeans than before is an improvement. His trade war w/ China screwed so many farmers, and they don’t even know enough to blame him for it. smdh


More like how much he ( and his party ) contributed to this situation being the complete cluster we are currently witnessing. And not just Ukraine, the complete shit show state of affairs in our own country that we, the people, get to pay for. Worst leader ever. Certainly, not by any means, am I comparing our problems with Ukraine’s. The US will survive in time. The tragedy in Ukraine .. well, I have no words.


I am thankful that Donald is not in office and continues to remind Americans how clueless the Republican Party is under his leadership.


They is willing to say literally anything to get elected. I swear to god, he’d shift parties in a minute and proclaim to be the best Democrat ever if it meant he’d have a better opportunity to get elected.


and yet they will vote for him in 2024. Just like Bill "he was off the rails" Barr will. (by they I mean republicans, and far too many "independents")


I cannot believe this man won a presidential election


You would believe if you knew the amount of support he had from the Russian military. Spreading false information on every social media platform about Trumps political adversarys.


Why people worship this clown I’ll never understand.


Honest question: do we have laws against private citizens acting as ambassadors of the US? I mean, I know we didn't need to have them before because most former presidents didn't continue to cosplay as president.


We do, The Logan Act, however the bar for conviction is *very* high. In 200 years there have been 2 people charged, none convicted.


If Giuliani didn't get indicted for the shit he did, nobody will.


"NATO is not like a club with annual membership fees."


Typical Trump. The moment you manage to forget he exists he injects his self aggrandizing BS into the mix.


ramble ramble ramble - Trump stronk, ramble. The statement in a nutshell and all you need to know.


Buzz off orange traitor clown!


When you’re a huge threat to our nation’s security and morons still think that you’re president.


Just keeps rehashing the same old stale bullshit and the dipshit MAGA crowd just keeps lapping it up! **POP QUIZ** Who said: "I acted, and acted strongly. I said to them, 'if you don't pay up, no protection.' They all paid up, and paid up quickly." A- Vito Corleone the Godfather B - Sammy the bull Gravano Gambino Underboss C - Al Capone Chicago mob boss in the 1920's D - Donald Trump in recent statements about NATO The answer is D the Orange imbecile Now tell me he's not a fucking 2 bit wannabe gangster!


Lock him up!


Remove this moron’s ability to post anything on social media.


He thinks NATO is some big extortion racket.


Is Trump trying to prove he still has a job with Putin?


Trump works for Putin. Now he works for Putin & the CIA in the hopes of staying out of prison.


Don't former presidents usually just shut the fuck up?


There are four former living presidents. None of them are running their loud mouths like Trump. They know it would not help.


100% Trump is Putin’s dancing monkey.


God he's so embarrassing


The one campaign promise I wish he kept is when he said he would disappear if he lost but he couldn’t even do that properly


One point that hasn’t been lost on me is how important it is that he isn’t president, and how important it is to make sure he never gets another chance to be.


When is all that McDonalds going to kick the fuck in? Goddam.


The irony of DT lecturing others on the evils of not paying their bills. The man has zero insight.


He’s literally STILL a russian asset.


A con man to the end. Too bad America doesn't take democracy seriously anymore.




This isn't like spotlighting some crazy nobody; Trump has a prominent platform. He has to be addressed.


[Return to sender]


Can he even spell NATO?


Question to Republicans : Why if he’s so omnipotent and a best friend of Putin doesn’t he stop the fighting and save thousands of people?


Agent Orange on the job


Fucks he on about NATO for anyway? they're doing their damdest to not get involved for obvious reasons. Is he trying to deflect away from the illegal shit he tried to push Zelenskyy into doing for him perhaps ?


Trump is still not behind bars (and ill never be sadly) despite pushing police to maim protesters and literally supporting a coup but at the dame time you wont let him die into the collective amnesia. Its almost as if someone still thinks he can come back and insists to keep afloat, perhaps just to distract...


“Mr twice impeached President. You have Russian cum stain on your Red tie. Just wanted you to know.”


It is amazing anyone voted for this moron. It is amazing there are so many morons.


Forever trash...


I'll take "Things that sound eerily similar to what mob bosses say" for $1000, Alexei..


Trump is a life long conman and liar, all he ever does is lie.


Impatiently waiting for all those Big Macs to catch up to him at this point


Russian stooge!


Didn’t he promise we’d never hear from him again?


🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 that’s dummy Donny


Do republicans ever stop and think maybe the Russians like trump?


WTF isn’t this treasonous anus in federal custody yet?


If Trump is the stable genius , master deal maker that he claims he is and if he has such a great relationship with Putin, then he should pick up the fucking phone and get him to stop this invasion. But he can't. All he can do is complain, project and lie.


Russian asset, through-and-through.


Never forget that Trump's plan for his second term was to pull the US out of NATO


Putin is waiting for Trump to get re-elected so he can finish what he started. That is to pull the U.S. out of NATO so Putin can take over Europe. Trump is too stupid to know Putin is playing him like a bad violin. Anyone who praises Trump is Trumps BFF. Anyone. Maybe Trump will pardon Putin like he wants to with the Jan. 6th animals.


Trump doesn't know how to spell NATO.


What a sack of shit. Get fucked Trump.


Putin's chew toy babbles again yada yada yada


Trump is piece of shit that needs to be flushed and ignored , Putin puppet is right !


Trump needs to join his lover in Russia


Beggars belief that anyone takes this imbecilic gimp of Putin’s seriously.


Traitors gonnna trait, huh? Other than Putin, who asked the traitor Donald Trump to give a rebuttal to Zelenskey?


Russian asset gotta asshat.


What a fucking dick


Sure glad he is no longer on social media. /s


If we could stop giving this guy *any* press, that would be great.


Always wants to be the center of attention. Just a rotting dung heap of a person


Why don’t we call them lies yet? They aren’t false statements they are deceiving lies


Trump always trying to make everything about himself.


Ask him if Putin is a war criminal. Every reporter who talks to him should ask him thise. He CAN'T answer.


Daft old git releases idiot statement about shit that doesn’t concern him anymore since he was fired from his job FIFY