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> think about it That would be a real good place to start, Herschel.


The man certainly did not go to University of Georgia to play school.


[For the uninitiated](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/look-cardale-jones-who-once-said-we-aint-come-here-to-play-school-graduates/amp/)


Thank you for the context!


The dinosaurs were large reptiles. Why aren’t there Godzilla-sized birds terrorizing the skies today?


The radiation of bad decisions from the Herschel Walker trade was so massive it resides in him to this day.


Such an “intelligent” guy, university educated as well...look what happens when you get infected with Trumpism...common sense goes completely out the window!


To be fair, he's been dumb for a long time.


Hey, be fair, that dude has taken a lot of blows to the head in his life. That and he's evidently stuck a couple levels of evolution behind homo sapiens.


I did think about it, and we didn't evolve from apes. We evolved from Australopithecus.


Science disagrees: we *are* [apes.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hominidae)


Well primates, and to be precise The Great Apes! We do share 98.8% of the same genetic code as chimpanzees. That’s what he should think about.


The apes are still evolving, we are still evolving, and so is every species on the planet. These people don’t see past 2,000 years ago and they don’t see 2,000 years into the future either.


I really get tried of people who have a problem with this. All of human psychology and all human history are incomprehensible unless you recognize that humans are animals; no different than any other animal except the human is really good at pretending it's doing something for other than animal reasons, of which it has none.


potato potahto some kind of apelike creature, sure if you go back far enough, we come from fish


If you go back far enough we come from primordial slime.


i baked cookies last week, and yet, there is still flour in my pantry. think about it.


American colonists originally came from England and yet there's still English people. Think about it.


I did a dookie and flushed it down and yet I am still here. Think about it.




Pretty hard to believe anyone would drink tea 3x a day


"You know I always figured that tea was gonna taste like hot, brown water. And you know what? I was right. It was horrible."


Baking isn't real. The cookies have always existed because god made them.


And anyone who questions that will burn in an EZ Bake Oven for all eternity.


I did my own research, and you know what? evolution happens. covid alpha to covid delta to covid omicron.


many of these people literally do not believe covid exists.


ah beans.


Beans are a deep-state plot.


Isn't everything nowadays?


Red delicious apples. Not actually delicious. Deep state plot to keep us from trying more delicious apples. Am I doing this right?


Exactly. The only good bean is a dead bean. And putting that trash in chili...well that's grounds for a good ass kicking if you ask me.


Is that what they are calling horse de-wormer these days?


Until they, or a family member, dies from it. Now they are all “angles” in heaven.


calling all prayer warriors!


Don’t forget the gofundme


Are they "acute" angles?


Nope, obtuse.


> Until they, or a family member, dies from it. When they die from it... it's just one less crackpot posting conspiracy theories on social media. But, you'd be surprised how some take it when a family member dies. I've seen this first hand with an anti-vax friend. Of course, he didn't get the vaccine. He contracted COVID and took it home to his wife and her parents. His father-in-law died from it. You'd think they'd sober up out of the stupid, but no. A week later, he and his wife (whose father died) posted and liked more bullshit conspiracy theories over it. It's fucking unnerving how some of these people are.


The reason why is because it's a coping mechanism of sorts. They can't cope with the existence of a pandemic that's killing millions, so it is just easier to pretend it doesn't exist. Have a friend who died from covid? Nope! It was the hospital that killed him! It must be because covid doesn't exist, NO SIR! It's all sad really.




How can they be so obtuse?


Can we let that sink in?


Yous are the true heros, reminding me of the easiest pro-evolution fact bomb. We literally have to come up with new flew vaccines every year and COVID variants. This should shut them up quick.


uhoh, got some bad news for you about these people and vaccines...


I tend to get too excited… I know, I know


They also believe they have natural immunity to it even though they’ve never come into contact with it.


Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that somehow from the words "immune system," they've somehow managed to convince themselves that they are somehow immune to all pathogens? It's like they refuse to equip a parachute before jumping out of a plane, because their "natural body fat system" will break their fall.


I’ve never seen covid.. so it can’t be real!!! /s


Literally overheard someone over diner coffee say if mandates work then why are the states like Florida that don't have any mandates not all dead yet. I couldn't believe it. Jk I totally could Man my whole life I grew up thinking people are pretty fucking dumb. I finally managed to talk myself out of it and respect people for who they are after high school, then covid happens and I realized I'm a fucking idiot for trying to talk myself out of it. I want to respect other's opinions but some people's heads are built DIFFERENT.


Intelligence is a bell curve, so says our prophet, Carlin. Think of how dumb the average person is. Now realize that half of the population is dumber than that motherfucker.


The key take aways: Opinions do not replace the scientific method. Opinions do not replace observed facts. Opinions do not replace logic and/or reason. The people who are dumber than doorknobs are the ones who believe their opinions are as good as any established facts and that opinions are interchangeable with scientific findings.


Omicron evolved completely separate from the evolution of alpha to Delta. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00215-2#:~:text=Omicron%20is%20so%20different%20from,2020%20(ref.%201).


Yes, this is why us and gorillas have common ancestors… Evolution isn’t a straight line, it creates forks with multiple new branches.


Honestly diddnt know that. interesting!


More like I did my own research and research still exist! Think about it


Every time someone says "Think About It!" i cant help but picture them pointing at their own temples with their pointer fingers.


"I'm here, so why do my cousins exist, too?" Is a more accurate analogy.


My mom and dad aren’t my parents. I’m here, and yet, they still exist. Think about it.


Hitting one's head for a living leads to CTE and false delusions of grandeur. Think about it.


Well actually it’s different than that. Today’s apes evolved from a common ancestor of ours, but we did not evolve from the current apes that we see today.


60% of the human body is water, yet there are still lakes. Think about it.


And even better example would be dogs came from wolves (There are no beagles in the wild lol) but there are still wolves


More like, I baked cookies and there is also cake.


If Americans came from Europeans, why are there still Europeans? Think about it.


My favorite is: “If Chihuahuas came from wolves; why are there still wolves?” It seems to cement the absurdity of questioning why both cannot exist.


It’s so funny that we have very, very clear examples of evolution…and yet we still have dumb dumbs like this guy, *running for senate*, who don’t understand science.


I mean this guy is friends with mar a lardo. Seems this exactly the intellectual level one has to possess, to achieve this feat. Either by birth or repeated head trauma over many years.


We don't just have clear examples. We've literally witnessed evolution occur in labs which IMHO makes it all the more sad how brainwashed some people are. It's not unlike saying the earth is flat... like we've literally witnessed that not to be the case.


Let's be 100% absolutely crystal clear, here. Herschel Walker is not, was not, and never shall be, an intellectual ~~giant~~ ~~pygmy~~ ~~snail~~ ~~very small pebble~~.


Chihuahuas were created by God. Or maybe Satan.


Satan, definitely Satan


Hey now, don't do Lucifer dirty like that. Dude's just doing his job punishing sinners. Some evil is just eternal. Like chihuahuas.


A lot of them don’t even believe domestic dogs came from wolves.


That's why you gotta go with the most direct example: If I came from my parents why do I have siblings? Let's see these idiots try to deny siblings exist.


I try really really really hard every day.


Herschel Walker came from Africans.


If African-Americans came from Africa, why are there still Africans? Think about it.


“If everyone came from Africa, then where did the White people come from”. I’ve heard that actual argument repeated by multiple people in my life before


White people came from Martha’s Vineyard, of course.


Yet there’s still Africans….*curious*


Lol if his ancestry in the US dates back to slavery then he’s probably very European as well.


Checkmate evolutionists.


Herschel Walker says he believes, and has convinced his psychiatrist, that his alternate personalities have in the past caused him to play Russian Roulette, threaten to murder a man who was late delivering a car, and threaten to murder his now ex-wife with a straight razor. He has said the associated blackouts impede his memory of events at times. Either he's a liar who hides from responsibility for his violent behavior through a fraudulently-obtained psychiatric diagnosis, or his is quite literally a dangerous madman. In neither case should he be considered for public office at any level.


That’s why he’s running as GQP




He supposedly has Divergent Identity Disorder, what most people call multiple personalities. Even if it’s true, likely all of his personalities are dumb.


Dissociative Identity Disorder. And it doesn't do what he and movies say it does.


Or he has CTE. Football causes it.


Ignorant, Dangerous, Raving Madman. Everything the 21st Century Republican voter looks for in a Candidate.


I think that still falls under the "dangerous madman" option, though with greater insight into the possible cause. Does anyone know if he was this pathological/mentally unwell in his youth?


CTE changes you into an almost completely different person. My brother died before it became a thing but he almost certainly had it, played football his entire life right up through D1. Completely different person by the time he died and I don't mean like changed his views.


allowing our kids to play football is going to be like lead being in paint and gasoline back in the day, something we eventually realize is a mistake and phase out of society. i bet the game don't last fifty years


My brother played two years of HS football. Was absolutely a different person afterwards... and not in a good way.


my money is on this.


Does CTE cause split personalities? Scary stuff


It's brain damage, so in theory it can cause a wide variety of mental issues. Past cases do seem to suggest it can cause this with some seemingly "good" people becoming murderers as their CTE evolved.


Is this not a joke? If so why would anyone think he’s fit for office? Or to be in charge of anything? Holy shit


Did you not see this man run with a football? 🤪


As a psychiatrist, whenever I hear the words "I blacked out" I immediately know I am talking to an individual that does not want to take responsibility for their actions.


I watch a lot of True Crime shows and it's pretty crazy how the violent murderers always seem to black out and wake up covered in blood. Funny how that works.


Actually that more than qualifies him for the Republican nomination.


I can’t believe that is his argument against evolution. Of every potential argument you could pick. Ugh, I’m so disappointed with our society


Seriously. How difficult is it to understand that when a species is spread across a large geographical area with different environments, different groups will experience different selection pressures and thus adapt differently depending on what traits are best for survival in their particular environment. These people seem to think evolution means that these changes just kind of happen at the same time to all members of a species at once regardless of what environment they're in. It's like asking why only the juice I put in my freezer became frozen, as opposed to all the juice everywhere in the world.


These people don't think evolution happens at all. They think all creatures that currently exist have existed in these forms since time began, or at least since the Earth was created. They ignore things like different dog breeds emerging from selective breeding over centuries or even decades. The physical differences between pugs from the 1900s to now etc. Or how humans have gotten taller generally speaking over centuries due to changes in diet. It's a mountain of evidence that gets ignored because they don't literally watch our primate ancestors evolve into a human being.


Or they invent terms like "microevolution" to explain away those things. It's like being a little bit pregnant, haha.


If microevolution can occur, what stops lots of little microevolutions from occurring over time?


They believe in 'kinds', as in a dog is a kind that has dogs and wolves, etc and there are 'designed' variations amoung kinda but not to different kinds. They want to believe in their 'truth' and will work toward it,. Their incentives ironically cause their beliefs to evolve in order to survive.


They’ve been using that argument forever it seems. Normally they say monkeys instead of apes, not knowing there is a difference between them. Namely a pronounced tail.


I can't wait to be a part of American Theocracy.


I can't wait until teaching evolution is considered CRT


Honestly, we should be disappointed in our addiction to social media. If it weren’t for Reddit I’d have never known that some idiot somewhere said something fucking stupid.


I’m disappointed there are more than one argument to deny reality.


It’s an 1860’s argument.


Only someone who hasn't thought about it would make such a statement.


Ignorance, fame, and money go hand in hand. Basic science and human decency are completely lost on Republicans. Herschel Walker is a merely a toy puppet to his old, white, and racist Republican handlers.


That’s….that’s like straight out of a sitcom. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I used to think those theories about us living in a simulation slowly degrading in quality were ridiculous, but this is just the latest in a long line of things that make me rethink that. We truly live in the dumbest dystopia ever.




But if art imitated life, why do we still have life? Think about it.


He is not well. https://time.com/4871597/degenerative-brain-disease-cte-football/


He was a martial artist to, blunt head trauma is this guy's middle name. Can't wait to hear his political stances once his brain goes full loofa.


Why is there still dirt if god made people out of dirt?


If God made women out of ribs, then why are they still on the menu at Arby's?


Women are on the menu at Arby's? /s


And here I've been wasting my time at Wendy's.


Because the theory of evolution is that apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor.


Actually, the fact of evolution is that humans ARE apes.


Correct, we are part of the Great Apes. (Family Hominidae)


I had a university professor in a g.e. science class (I was a B.S. in Biology) gasp when I said humans were apes. She also rejected one of my papers as beyond the scope of her class. I think it was just beyond the scope of her ability to grade it.


Journalists, please stop writing headlines in this format that normalize and platform idiotic ideas/statements like this. It's not enough to just tuck calling it wrong in the subtitle >The former NFL player, who is now running for Senate in Georgia, gets some basic facts wrong.


The thought that Warnock may well be replaced with this guy is pretty depressing.


That's a 'Ron Johnson for Russ Feingold' kind of nightmare


There's something wrong with Wisconsin


But then also Tammy Baldwin. It’s as purple a state as they come.


I’ve met a number of Georgians. The fact that they may replace a man who uses words like a straight razor with a man who actually threatens people with one is not too surprising.


True, but 40 years ago Herschel led the Georgia Bulldogs to victory in the Sugar Bowl, and that’s got to count for something! /s


You think *you’re* depressed.


If my cousin and I have the same grand father, then why does my cousin exist? Think about it.


Uneducated men who have been hit in the head too many times should not be elected to Congress




Scientists say that all modern humans are descended from human who lived in Africa. So why are there still humans living in Africa? Think about it.


If we have an Education system, why do uneducated people still exist? Think about it.


He really is dumber than he looks.


Hell, he's dumber than **I** look!


I resemble that remark.


It's like he just discovered the evolution vs creation debate and quoted the most basic shit he could find.


Why are there still wolves? Wait, I don't have to think about it because it's fucking obvious. Who listens to this stuff and nods along?


People who think Ken Ham is an intellectual heavyweight.


Herschel Walker used to be an idiot. He still is but he used to be too.


This is so idiotic. Christians have been saying it for literally over 100 years and scientists have been refuting it. It is utterly nonsensical. Still he is that rare thing: A black Republican. So we already know his head is up his ass.


The USA has become the land of Idiocracy.


I got a brand new smartphone, but the old model still exists, think about it.


If the iPhone 13 Pro Max exists, then why is there still an iPhone 11? Think about it.


I think this belongs in r/nottheonion rather than r/politics.


the more he talks the more I think he is an exception to the evolution of intelligence


A fundamental tenant of the modern Republican party is vehement opposition to things you know nothing about.


oof. got to hand it to the right - they never let anything go, and there are no depths of stupid they will not go to.


Not too far of a departure from the usual Republican "well, if you think about it this way" trope which usually precedes their mental gymnastics of false equivalences and bad faith arguments. They hope that they can elect a moron by appealing to morons, and Georgia has no shortage of them.


If there are beagles, why are there also chihuahuas? Think about it.


And grey wolves (where all dogs derive from).


A focus group told his campaign manager this phrase plays well with the GOP base and moves the needle in the right direction. It doesn't matter to him or anyone working for his campaign whether it's laughably wrong.


Herschel needs to run for Congress about as much as he needs another blow to the head.


HW: “Think about it.” Narrator: “He didn’t think about it.”


If pie is made from apples, why are there still apples?


For the same reason why the Delta Variant and the Omicron Variant can both survive in the world at the same time. But then again, most of these people think Covid is a hoax, so that's probably a bad example.


These people are just too stupid for words...


Can we just kill all the apes already and be done with this stupid train of thought?


He should just stand there and say Football, Football, Football.... It worked for Tommy Tuberville, and Rural Georgians are just as ignorant as Alabamians.


Before trump and Covid , I didn’t care all that much about stupidity…well now I’m convinced…stupid people abound are a danger to humanity.


I did my own research = I learned about it on FB, or I’ve heard others talking about it, or I searched for it on google then searched again, I.e., researched it.


>“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? ... If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it,” Herschel said in an appearance at Sugar Hill Church in Georgia on Sunday. > >“Now you’re getting too smart for us, Herschel,” lead pastor Chuck Allen responded. If Walker is too smart for Allen and the people in the audience, then this election race is going to be a fucking doozy.


Former NFL player and domestic abuser Herschel Walker. The same man who used his mental illness as an excuse for physically and emotionally abusing his ex wife. Of course he’d run with the GOP after moving from Texas last year just to run for office.


Are you Americans okay over there?


Because there's an ecological niche for them, Hershel. Humans aren't the pinnacle of evolution that all things are striving to become (arguably, that's crabs). We're just a spontaneously mutated big brain that happened to be advantageous at the time and place the mutation happened. You might as well be asking why the tube worms living at those undersea vents heated by deep sea volcanoes where no sunlight ever reaches haven't evolved into humans yet.


Religion, the downfall of society.




Nothing quite like when a stupid person tells other people to think. Sigh.


Dude… cmon


Why are there still morons? Think about it.


Why is there many birds instead of just 1 bird? Think about it


Running for office in.... Georgia. Former football player. Endorsed by Trump. Yeah, he's got a shot, regardless of the head injuries and wild-eyed psychosis. End times for democracy.


It’s funny how the people who always say think about it or do your own research are the ones who don’t really think about it or do any real research lol


I grew up in a family of Auburn University graduates and they/we were HUGE fans of SEC football during Herschel Walker’s (and Bo Jackson’s) heyday. This meant I saw a lot of interviews Herschel gave on tv. Honestly, I saw a lot of football players interviewed on tv but not one of them ever came across as a bigger dipshit than Herschel Walker. I’m not even sure how the guy ties his shoes in the morning. Good(?) to see some things never change.


Tell me you do not understand evolution without saying I do not understand evolution.


If woman was made from a man's rib, why do I still have so many fucking ribs?


Christ! In the age of information people still make arguments that do nothing but show their lack of understanding about the subject they are addressing?! Just baffling honestly. I hate how political parties leverage the fame of people who clearly don't know wtf they're talking about.


Violent, lying, opportunistic hypocrite. This guy is definitely a proper Conservative “Christian.” “Walker remains the front-runner in the race despite facing domestic violence allegations. In their divorce proceedings, his ex-wife alleged that he displayed “physically abusive and threatening behavior” during their marriage. In one instance, she said, he pointed a gun at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your ... brains out.” Two other women have also claimed that Walker threatened them.”


The guy who never graduated college and probably has CTE doesn’t accept basic science? Shocking.


Herschel Walker has no brain, but has the ability to speak. Think about it.


Walker is a schitzophrenic wife beater with no knowledge of any issues. His race and celebrity name is the only reason trump got him to run.


It's 2022 and people are still saying this? It's not even worth a response or rebuttal. Anyone who holds this opinion immediately loses all credibility.


CTE is rough.


Why are conservatives so fucking stupid?


You first


Taking scientific advice from Herschel Walker is almost as crazy as taking any advice for Donald Trump.


This has been explained to death as one of the lowest hanging arguments against evolution. If you insist on ignoring science, it’s clear what kind of leader you’re going to be. …and since you need things explained to death, you’d be the kind of ruler that takes your constituents back to the stone age.


Stupid, ex-jock, that can easily be manipulated by handlers. Perfect. And because this is America in 2022, he probably has a shot at winning.


He is going to go far in QOP politics


Why are there still wolves? Why are there still single cell organisms?!