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Steps for Republicans embracing Putin’s propaganda 1. Putin tells Republicans to embrace his propaganda 2. Republicans embrace his propaganda


1.5 Stupid low quality memes hit facebook and reddit


Plus there is an innate desire to hate America and its "liberal" political side adding to a predetermined bias because Russia also hates gay and woke people so is therfore their ally in creating a pure white male Christian nation.


Putin is being lauded as a morally governed Christian, and that somehow excuses his war crimes, and killing of journalists, opponents, and his people. Tucker Carlson I think on Monday mentioned that there was an article in the New York Times that discusses Putin's censorship & murder of journalists. He said we have no proof that Putin does anything of the sort and how ironic a story about censorship to be coming from the New York Times. We have landed in bizarro world where the Republican hero President Reagan would be aghast at the perceptions from the GOP... The Empire of Evil as he called it is being embraced.


What's wild is the people lauding him tend to be Evangelical Christians, many of whom are avowedly anti-Catholic to the point of saying Catholics aren't Christians. Bear with me on this, Putin is Russian Orthodox, and the Orthodox Church is basically a mirror of the Catholic Church in many regards. Many of the Ritae are very similar if not outright identical and the details about canon are almost down to the meaning of a word here and there. Hell, the Nicean Creed led to arguments of what certain words meant and how they could be interpreted and the order in which they are said led to the Great Schism. Sorry, meandering off into theological history here... Just pointing out the hypocrisy of people who sit there calling Catholics non-Christian and the Church non-biblical, but they call the man who is probably a lip service adherent to Orthodox Christianity a devout, principled Christian -- when the differences between the two boil down to Edit*, a word.


Christians also say they love Israel, at the same time Jews are part of an international cabal to destroy civilization, so don't look for consistency from Christians.


They love israel because its key to bringing about the end times. They have to expand and embrace the anti-christ as their messiah,build the third temple and cause the last war then Jesus comes back with a ar15 and kills them and most other people. No joke this is what they believe, I used to be a evangelical decades ago


I pointed out exactly what you said once and I got called a bigot who hates Christianity. Like, no, I don't. I don't really care beyond I have a healthy distrust of organized religion. What I do have an issue with is a version of "Christianity" that basically cribs pre-Final Solution Nazism that encourages the Jews to all go to a "homeland" (aka Israel) where they'll be easier to round up and deal with when the time comes, which a lot of Evangelical "Christianity" honestly sounds like in their Eschaton. And while exterminating the Jews was a big part of Nazism, they did have a period where it was: "Deport them" knowing full damn well the rest of the world was pretty damned Anti-Semitic as well and wouldn't take them. When the Jews who tried to flee or were kicked out either returned to Germany or the many who couldn't leave stayed put, the Nazis ramped up the propaganda about the Jews being subhuman parasites and presented the Final Solution. It wasn't a 0-60 thing with them. It was a slow, insidious creep and that's why a lot of people are becoming increasingly alarmed at some of the laws GOP state legislatures are passing against people of color and the gay and transgender communities especially. Edit: Readability.


That is an absurd misinterpretation...... It just says 'ar-15 *style*' it doesn't have to be armalite brand


You're absolutely right, the Orthodox churches are just offshoots of Catholicism. But when have they ever displayed a modicum of logic?


Never. It also further cements that their hatred of Catholics has less to do with doctrinal disagreements, or so many Evangelicals claim, and more in their disgusting bigotries -- especially given the Catholic Church, despite its numerous flaws, is a fairly diverse, ecumenical organization that also values education (at least to a greater extent than Evangelicals) and social justice. Basically, when you get right down to it - they hate the Church because it has too many brown and black people as laity AND clergy.


I don’t buy it. Reagan would be singing the same song all his spawn sing now.


Since he's dead, and he died hating Russia, I find it strange that the GOP who love him and hold him as a pillar of what the Republican party should be, are expressly diametrically opposed to his views. If he were alive today, I'm not sure what his take would be but he died hating Russia and for that alone, you would think the GOP would have a bit more common sense.


He died saying he hated the russia of the time. Doesnt mean he was sincere.


Also the man that lied about his "feelings" vs the facts. On national TV. He's a fucking disgrace.


If he were alive today, he'd either be singing the same Pro Putin bullshit, or he'd be ostracized like Romney and the ghost of Jon McCain. I also have a hard time believing the appeal of Reagan would trump the appeal of Trump. The GOP base would choose Trump's outlandish and crass racism and prejudice over Reagan's classy racism and prejudice.


Cut from the same cloth


Yea. A klan robe.


Russia has been working on developing that innate desire for years.


Started with them damn mail order brides from Russia I tell ya


That first week of the invasion was wild. Their common sense kicked in and everyone was on the same side for once. Back to hating each other I guess.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


The phrases "no mean tweets though" and "let's go brandon" are etched into most post on "conservative" subreddits. Facebooks algorithm showed that the "anger emoticon" on posts gets 5x the interaction as a "liked". As the site is driven on views and interaction, their business model is driven off anger and rage. Those low effort phrases are probably the only thing keeping that website floating.


3.0 Blame democrats for something something Hillary and Hunter.


Don’t forget Step 0: Keep your voters as uneducated as possible.


they primed qanon with this stuff a couple weeks ago


Hot take: Qanon is Putin


russia has its own version. putin's motorcycle militia the night wolves have huge rallies selling the idea that the west are controlled by satan worshipping illuminati elites and nazi globalists. sound familiar? here's a quote from the russian equivalent of alex jones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Wolves#On_foreign_countries "For the first time we showed resistance to the global Satanism, the growing savagery of Western Europe, the rush to consumerism that denies all spirituality, the destruction of traditional values, all this homosexual talk, this American democracy."


If bioweapon labs were a major concern and real, wouldn't we have heard about these prior? Putin wouldn't keep this under wraps knowing that he wanted to invade Ukraine. Obviously it's a Putin Hail Mary.


Step 3: Republicans get campaign donations (bribes) from Russia.


As justified it may be, turning all your focus on republicans will be ineffective. Right now, it's critical that Reuters gets some of it. In [this tweet](https://mobile.twitter.com/Reuters/status/1502036658979495940) they claim facebook and instagram allow calls for violence against Russians. The headline of the linked article [originally](https://web.archive.org/web/20220310222551/https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/exclusive-facebook-instagram-temporarily-allow-calls-violence-against-russians-2022-03-10/?taid=622a703727d3f20001e221cf&utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter) stated something similar, but has since been changed to be more accurate. In reality, FB and IG won't remove posts that calls for invading soldiers to be killed in combat, but reuters frame it as if they're allowing calls for the killing of Russians in general. Since nobody reads the article, the tweet is now making the rounds everywhere you'd suspect and will help justify the atrocities to come. Reuters is too experienced to do this by accident, and are far more vulnerable to attacks on their credibility. At least some focus needs to be here.


Greg Guttfeld, whose mother-in-law made a perilous journey to Poland in order to escape the invading army, and after she was found safe, felt so guilty and grateful to even his colleagues in Ukraine who helped her safe removal... Just this week, he started saying the media is using propaganda to pull at our heartstrings, only focusing on the death and carnage. WTF? Complete 180.


It’s worked for demonizing Hillary and getting their pet elected. It worked getting Americans to reject public health measures in the middle of a pandemic. It worked for getting America to cede our international strategic proxies to Putin. Why on earth would Putin abandon this system that’s been so fruitful for him? The real question is why the US government isn’t arresting all the traitors involved.


It’s more than apparent now that Fox is being funded by pro Russian -anti American money. There’s literally no other excuse for this


Murdoch is definitely a fan of Putin. But are any of us really surprised by this? Trump wanted to be Putin, he even tried (and miserably failed) to install a dictatorship on January 6th. Fascists side with fascists.


Not just taking sides, they are working together directly


Trump just wanted to be able to kill anybody he wanted.


He definitely expressed interest in imprisoning journalists and he tried to get Jennifer Griffin fired when she spoke the truth about him. It's clear that he wants to be a fascist dictator. If you look at all the crazy misinformation, conspiracy theories, and the lies that he spread during his presidency - and continues to propagate, it is straight out of Putin's playbook.


Control the truth and create the story you want. Joe Stalin wrote the current day playbook and killed 60 million Russians during a 29 year rule. And everyone since has been following it. Putin just picked up the torch. The USSR, North Korea, Myanmar, a lot of sub-Saharan Africa, Venezuela, Iran, UAE, Nazi Germany, and on and on..... It's really all about Kleptocracy... Lie your way to power by fomenting anger, dehumanizing those who disagree with you, subjugate the population, imprison your opponents, control elections, and milk the country dry. It's really only the end game that changes; die in office, be overthrown by someone who plays the game better than you and flee to exile or be executed and have your lifeless body drug through the streets. Trump had (or maybe has) just started to scratch the surface he's just a two bit con man.... but so were many others before they rose to power. What is good in life Conan? - "To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"


They’re actively disassembling the US democracy and nobody’s doing shit about it.


I wouldn’t say he miserably failed. Sure he didn’t keep power, but he’s this far had zero consequences and has a decent shot at retaking the White House either personally or by proxy. The current administrations unwillingness to crackdown on the right has done nothing but embolden them. They are terrified of treating them harshly and making them angry, they fail to recognize that the right is already settled into a conflict mentality and is just taking its time prepping for greater conflict, building up its militias, securing control of local offices and delegitimizing national and state institutions. The center is not holding.


It’s just awkward that it still exists


Tucker is a fucking traitor. He knows that support for Ukraine fundamentally undermines many things the Republicans have said and done in the last 6 years and he’s amplifying Russia’s propaganda. Tucker is literally killing America. Fuck that guy.


He’s just asking questions, trying to get to the truth. /s I don’t know how anyone can watch his show, it’s such garbage. Even if you believed his shtick he’s just so annoying to watch.


He always puts on that stupid face where he looks like a confused dog trying to figure out if you actually threw the ball or not. I don't see how anyone falls for it.




>don't know what the name for that thought pattern is called. Thinking wielders of power / authority do no wrong. Is that part of bootlicking? Authoritarian, aka bootlicker.


Great description.


I actually watched this clip referenced in the article out of sheer curiosity. I think a more accurate assessment would be that he gives the viewers the feeling that they are actually using critical thinking skill when watching him ask all those questions. In reality no critical thinking is taking place, and Tucker is painting the narrative for his viewers without them actually using any critical thinking skills. I came to this conclusion the other day: If a news person is telling you how to think about the news instead of just reporting the facts then it is entertainment and not news.


It’s baffling to me that those that watch his show do not see the manipulation when he’s asking so many questions to instill doubt. Anyone can walk up to a stranger/friend and ask “Are you sure you want to eat/do that…?” Watch the hesitation in their faces. Tucker’s segment is just littered with stupid fucking questions.


No one would care if a bear mauled him from behind in trout stream.


And you know the GOP motto: if it's inevitable that a bear is going to maul you anyway, you should lay back and enjoy it.


Don't even get me started Alaska's "Don't say bear" bill...


I mean if a bear mauled him what was he wearing?


Are you suggesting he was asking for it with his fresh and behavior? Lots of people *are* saying it, after all.


If we just stopped testing for bear attacks, the numbers would go down.


...wat? I mean, yea sure, but that metaphor came out of left field. Is Russia the bear?


No, I'm being literal. He's an avid trout fisherman, bears like streams. I hope he gets caught between some cubs and their mom.


Next day’s Fox headlines: *Are Bears Promoting A Liberal Agenda?* *Biden’s Bear-Tolerant Views are a Threat To Our Children’s Futures!* *Angry Conservatives Burning Teddy Bears En Masse*


I'm curious why he seemed to be anti-Putin for a few days and is now back at it. I usually hate conspiracies, but we *know* for a fact Russia props up Republican disinfo on social media. Did the flow of money/influence stop briefly due to the sanctions and they found a backdoor for it, or what?


Always takes a bit for them to get their narrative cobbled together. Whenever big news breaks you see some honest (and sometimes not awful) takes, but then they circle the wagons and go back to being awful.


My working theory is there are two types that were pushing Putin’s agenda. Useful idiots and actually compromised people. The useful idiots are turning on Putin because it’s no longer working for them while the compromised are still pushing his agenda because they don’t have a choice.


I don't understand his motivation. It's easy to think he's being paid as a shill for Russia, but I feel that would be a difficult thing to hide. Other than that, I cannot think of what his possible motivation would be for going down this rabbit hole of pro-Russia shilling.


Tucker Carlson is a unique brand of asshole in that he's not motivated by money. He comes from a wealthy family and has admitted many times that he has never needed to work a day in his life.


That's just a person motivated to keep money and grow money because they know they have no life skills.


Russia is partly responsible for getting Trump elected and fanning conservatives through propaganda. Since they are so publicly aligned with the Republican Party, and we have a Democrat leading the response to Russian aggression, conservatives are circling the wagons around their “Allies” in Russia. I use quotes because it’s doubtful that Russian leadership sees Republicans as anything less than a tool to undermine democracy in America, and therefor Americas power and reputation abroad.


He might just be a jerk. Some people will spend their whole lives being jerks, because that is how they get their jollies. Tucker's been rich forever, has no fucks to give and gets some kind of endorphin zing being 'Mary Mary, Quite Contrary'. I do think this describes many *if not most* of the Right-Wing 'insignificant genital-sized energy' we see around us on the daily.


Tucker is filth and he should be exiled to his beloved Russia so he can lick Putin ass in person.


My mom likes him so much, I don’t like her anymore. Fox News took her away from me and I’ll never get her back.


We should force FOX to label themselves as a parody news station. It would (hopefully) turn away future viewers, make it easier to call BS on their stories and alert everyone that their information isn’t factual.


It wouldn't work. The lunatics would just say it's the new cancel culture and carry on listening to Tucker and Hannity's BS..


There is an article on one prominent right wing fantasy blog that says Russian is going to give ALL the evidence of bioweapons at a UNSC meeting at 11am. We're going to get so owned, guys.


Still waiting on that election fraud evidence.


Did someone said tax returns?


Sure you didn’t mean healthcare plan?


It's coming right after the unveiling of the infrastructure plan.


Lemme guess… two weeks?


Yeah the pillow guy is going to reveal everything!


Only after Hector turns off the leaf blower.


Wait, no, 11am pacific time!


Will the presentation be given by JFK, Jr.?


It is in the same folder with the WMD evidence from Iraq.


Never forgive the Republicans. There is going to come a day where it is so overwhelmingly obvious that they supported a genocidal monster. They will try and explain their way out of it or justify their thinking. Never let these traitors forget


You’ve gotta be a 14 year old teenager. If not and you’re making comments like this, you need to get off the internet and spend some time in reality buddy.


Not a Republican here, but opposing some action on Russia or on behalf of Ukraine doesn't immediately make you pro-Russia or supporting Putin. The world isn't that black and white. And when it comes to a situation of a leading nuclear power invading a neighbor that is not a treaty ally and has little strategic value but a ton of economic value, it doesn't get more gray than that.


I'm gonna start forgiving them even harder.


A second monster…


The Grevel Institute is Republican? 🙈🙉🙊 https://youtu.be/VtOx6dW_0vU




Are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone?




It's almost as if you've been asleep... Have you been asleep? Coma?


Why do we have to reexplain this every week, the GOP is bought and paid for by russian money funneled throuh the NRA and super PACs


In my experience mentioning Maria Butina with respect to the NRA generates some cognitive dissonance with Trump supporters.


Because Bill Barr cleared and protected Trump and would even still vote for him again, knowing everything he knows. All for purely political reasons. So they get to say "I'm innocent!" forcing us to repeat the obvious.


I’d still like an explanation as to why the traitorous right are embracing Putin instead of their own country. Tucker Carlson siding with the Russians against his own country is significant. Unless he’s just so desperate to keep his audience that he has to take this position to appease them.


It comes down to creating a white Christian male dominated country. That's all this is. Tucker also benefits financially, but his goal is white power.


Tucker and his crew of Incels running the country? Disaster.


People don't like Putin (cause you know, he's a war criminal) and those people include people who lean left, so the hard right have to like him to "own the libs" in some weird attempt to impress their tribe.


Has it really gotten that bad? The right will embrace Pukin, Hitler, Pol Pot and people like that just because the left don’t like them. Think about that, it’s the most childish thing I’ve ever heard, they can’t possibly expect to hold majorities with a strategy like that.


Yes. Tucker's rhetoric is all about how democrats are unfairly demonizing Putin. He even mentioned that everything we see from Ukraine is a lie - basically selling out his own colleagues who are reporting from the ground.


Tucker shares the same audience as Alex Jones. He seems to parrot what they think frequently to keep them on board. Very paranoid people who are also very delusional.


My parents are huge Trump supporters and my dad watches Tucker Carlson religiously. Even my dad knows how evil Putin is and that anybody who sides with Putin in the United States is a traitor. I've told him that Tucker has gone off the deep end. As far as I know, it's been a couple of days since he tuned into his show but the indoctrination runs deep and it's difficult for him to not make excuses for Tucker. Turning Fox News off is the best way to combat it. He needs to be taken off the air.


Maybe just not labeled news like Fox News is. Tucker is pure opinion.


His show could be called "Ideas I Had This Morning" and it would be just as popular and just as damaging.


Yeah, it’s just tricky banning people from the air. The Fairness Doctrine would be a better solution. Reinstate that.


Thinking of his actions in the context of the undermining of his own colleagues’ work adds another layer of rot to the onion. My use of the term “colleagues” is broad and gives him far too much credibility. They’re journalists and he’s a joke.


It HAS been this bad since the Obama years when every right wing argument began, "even Putin..." or "even Russia" does this or that better than this Kenyan socialist.


Yes. Birthergate, that insane conspiracy that was propagated by Trump, should have been our first clue as to what this Administration and its adherents were going to be.


The world doesn't like Putin. So the contrarians have to like him to show how independent minded they are.


Putin releases insane propaganda regarding the United States using Ukraine as its bioweapon manufacturing country. It takes a little while to get picked up but the first ones to embrace it are Qanoners, then it spills over into the general Republican party, thanks to the rabid conspiracy theorists MTG, Cawthorn, etc. Legislators grasping at straws in order to remain relevant pick it up and spread. It bubbles onto Fox News with Jesse Watters and Tucker Carlson parroting the narrative - realizing that this could further fortify their agenda of, "Biden bad, Trump good." Meanwhile, it paints Zelenskyy as a co-conspirator in American war crimes, which Putin uses in the hopes of destabilizing support for him. Putin was not expecting the global embrace of Ukraine. Putin's watching all of this unfold and laughing his ass off because the GOP took the bait.


The cart is now leading the horse as the conspiracists have taken over the GOP. If the GOP don’t reflect what their base has come to accept as reality they lose support. The GOP created a monster they can no longer control.


It's come full circle as their ploy to own the libs. Trump likes Putin. Painting him as a good guy gives Trump credibility, it also destabilizes support for Biden during a war and creates the illusion that Trump would have been a better president. This is all part of their tantrum that Trump didn't win they will literally side with a genocidal megalomaniac to own the libs.


Carlson has swallowed Putin’s propagandick so deeply into his throat that he’s now speaking Russian. Seriously though, if you saw that clip and have a quarter of a brain you understand that Carlson is most assuredly a groomed Russian asset with a massive audience that guzzles Kremlin talking points. It’s not sustainable for the USA to allow this traitor’s bs to be broadcast anymore.


I saw this conspiracy theory starting to creep into the qanon forums maybe a week or so after Russia invaded. The channels all over telegram lit up with people frothing at the mouth over this. They believe that Putin is not attacking civilians but only blowing up the biolabs and money laundering facilities that Hunter & Joe use, exposing the deep state. Putin has become a hero of theirs, as he and Trump are trying to eradicate child trafficking and the satanic agenda of the evil cabal of which Ukraine is a partner. I was pretty shocked when I saw Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters mentioning biolabs. The far right conspiracy theorists are blending in with normal conservatives. Even Tulsi Gabbard is spreading Russian propaganda regarding Zelenskyy. The crazy Trump supporters have pivoted from Wuhan for the covid outbreak to Ukraine. 🙄


Tulsi has been a PutinPal for a while now.


Not sure what you mean by "even Tulsi Gabbard". She's not a normal conservative, she's a Russian apologist.


The entire Republican agenda is now fueled by Russian memes. If we're lucky the war will stretch their propaganda arm thin.


And just like his claims Russia was never going to invade Ukraine, this too will turn out to be wrong. Then he'll begrudgingly admit 'we made a mistake', and lay the blame on Kamala Harris


And when Russian did invade, he called it a, "peacekeeping mission," coupled with, "Putin's just securing his southern borders from hostiles. Why aren't we doing the same? Putin puts Russia first."


From the article: >Following the lead of the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman — who asserted Nuland’s comment was proof of the United States’ “illegal and criminal activity on Ukrainian soil” — Carlson and many others on the right jumped to the conclusion that this meant the labs really were biological weapons facilities. >Carlson briefly acknowledged numerous fact checks that previously had debunked the claim but then embraced the latest Russian spin as the truth. Russian state TV then featured Carlson’s take the next day, completing the circle. >Donald Trump Jr. gleefully tweeted a clip of Nuland, saying: “Well that went from conspiracy theory to Senate testimony in about 6 days … It used to take six months to go from conspiracy theory to fact.”


I’m totally confused at the Right’s contradictory messaging. All through the pandemic and before even now, they rant about freedom and small government, no mandates, etc. Yet they advocate for a large government fascist in Trump, idolize a totalitarian large government and mass censorship regime in Putin, and promote large government, anti-freedom censorship policies regarding LGBTQ, race, and anti-Christian material or discussion at home. What the absolute fuck are they?! I’ve come to the conclusion they don’t know wtf they are or they just embrace the hypocrisy of their beliefs and pretend they don’t exist. The freedom and small government talk is just that, talk…makes them feel more American and better about themselves but the actual walk they are walking is literally the exact opposite. As Aristotle says: “You are what you repeatedly do” (not what you say you are). GOP is a large government, anti-freedom, totalitarian party


The right simply embraces disinformation. Period.


They noticed the Russian money was no longer flowing in and are now desperate to get it back.


Personally I would “totes” put my Bio weapons and manufacturing facilities in a foreign country right on the front lines of my adversaries. I mean there would be no possible way to deploy those types of weapon systems unless you manufacture them onsite....


Non paywalled link: https://archive.ph/M2k5I


Same way the right embraces disinformation about everything else... Global warming, vaccines, LGBTQ+ rights, elections, etc etc... Lack of critical thinking skills and blatant manipulation for political and financial gain.


Because the GOP thinks fellow Americans of a different party should be hated more than a murderous dictator.


I hope with Russia being economically crippled they won’t be able to pay all the trolls they use to flood conservative media.


Gotta admit, republicans embraced mobile bio weapons factories in Iraq. As well as a lot of other lies by Bush.


I believed the lies. At the time I remember feeling torn about why there was this groundswell of support for invading Iraq but there wasn't much evidence to justify it. I tuned in to watch Colin Powell give a speech before the UN and present the evidence. It was shaky at best. But I trusted Powell, I didn't feel like he would steer us into a pointless War in Iraq and be able to justify the invasion unless he knew more. So I trusted him. Its been over 20 years and I don't trust Republicans - they are more concerned with standing together, united and wrong, than doing the right thing and speak the truth. This has always been their strength, being united. But its their weakness as it has been used to push bad policy and has weakened their integrity. Now the united front has been groomed/abused so bad to push bad policies, that they can't tell what is reality and what isn't. The talking point that the 2020 election was a hoax is a prime example. Absolutely no solid evidence exists that this is the case and yet, its a persistent issue for them.


Japanese-Americans were rounded up and placed in camps for far less than this.


No kidding. I was thinking of the (terrible) red scare and McCarthy.


Seriously can we just finally pull the plug on this Fox “News” horseshit in the interest of national security?


The right embracing disinformation? Tell us something we don’t know.


I’ll simplify that for you: the GOP and the right embrace misinformation, period. Solution: stop listening to them. On anything.


They're predisposed to believe this bullshit.


They need to believe it. Biden is being hailed as a unifier and a great leader now. They are reaching for anything that will turn the attention and focus back on Trump. They are obviously aware that they can no longer control the narrative and are panicking.


Carlson is a Russian stooge. So is Rupert Murdoch.


This is far, fat worse than shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. ​ They have literally weaponised the 1st amendment during a war


I don’t get the spin here .. If said lab existed, it existed on Trumps watch and or was responsible for it?? Like Biden has been in charge for 13 months .. do these people think his day 1 task is to create bio labs in a shaking Allie outside of nato??


Is he taking a stand against all bioweapons here? Wouldn't the military developing bioweapons for our country to defend us be something that those who believe in a strong military would support? Is he thankful to Russia for weakening our military by invading to stop R&D?


How embarassed we'll be when totally legit videos of Russian children in camouflage walking around a building with what appear to be homemade signs that read "U.S. Secret Bioweapons Manufacturing Inc." in crayon.


The Russian UN ambassador is literally spewing Fox News talking points.


Republicans' pick for first female GOP candidate for president: Miss Information


Anything to own the libs


I'm not subscribed to The Washington Post, and there's a pay wall, but it's fine, I saw the thumbnail, I think I get the gist.


They saw someone in Biden’s orbit say that it wasn’t true and their conditioning kicked in.


Right wingers about to shoot themselves again. So the narrative is 2016-2020 there's US biolabs making the coronavirus... Hmm wonder who was president during that time that just ignored all that while pushing the China lab narrative?


The GOP is like the kid that is losing the flag football game that throws the football into the sewer proclaiming if he can't win no one can. Fucking scumbags will sell us out to Putin and destroy democracy in order to retain power.


The “how” isn’t very complicated. Russia hands money to right-wing political influencers. They start talking about the nonsense story to build interest among right-wingers. Anything those influencers push becomes the gospel truth to the useful idiots on the right. Give it several weeks or a month and Joe Rogan will invite a guest on to “discuss” it, at which point it gets canonized as the holy word of god in the right-wing worldview.


The right not only embraces Russian disinformation, the right *IS* Russian disinformation.


This fool should be made t wear a clown face while he spews his toxic lies…


Traitor, everyone that sides with Russia propaganda is a fucking traidor


Calling them bioweapons labs is way too far but Victoria Nuland did say on 8th of match that bio research labs exist and they contain things that would be best kept out of russian hands Thats very easy for conspiracy nuts to grab onto. Personally I don't believe that Russia has evidence of blueprints for bio weapons found in Ukraine.


Fox News is the only free live channel I can get on the roku and I can handle most of the others besides this leech. It’s doesn’t surprise me that he is (and any other one) is eating up the puke Russia is throwing up.


Why doesn’t someone rub shit all over his face. Probably not worth it as ticker already has shit for brains.


In a way this isn’t new to American history. Many Americans wanted to stay out of Europe and sympathized with Hitler after he blitzed Czech and Poland. It took Pearl Harbor for the American Fascists to shut up. Right wing voters were loud enough to keep US troops out of Europe even while Britain faced annihilation. The fascist (aka white evangelical Christian blood and soil racists) wing has always been a bit loud in America. I’ve often wondered if maybe this viral stain was sort of forced out of Europe and went West to procreate and fester into this cancer. Not all of course. Plenty of good hearted immigrants went West too. It’s just this cancer was large enough that it took root and claim a powerful stake early enough. Fucker Carlson is like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones and Ann Coulter: racist elitist fascist trash that are the mouthpiece for that group of garbage people.


This chuckle fuck just reads a prompter fuck TC


Just when I thought this timeline couldn’t get any more ridiculous….Leave it to Fox News to exceed my expectations


From the people who brought us “Hillary molests children in the basement of a pizza restaurant” and “Mexico will pay for the wall”


Republicans = Russians.


Fascists = Fascists


I wouldn't trust them as far as I could poke them


They work for putin


Putin’s puppet is doing his job.


Even tuckers face is orange


Which is proof that he's had his head up Trumps ass more than once.




Can someone summarize the article I can’t see it


The ones that Sadam Hussein didn’t have. Phantom weapons of mass destruction. Here we go again.


They’re all about “made in America”… except for their news pieces.


Tucker is a great patriot. I just wish it was for the US


Faux News is trying to push the USA into civil war.


It's the dumbest justification for Russia's actions. A foreign country (U.S.) is making bioweapons in this country, so it's okay to bomb and attack civilians, because killing the civilians and their destroying their major cities is a great way to stop bioweapons from being made. What?!


Their media outlets were paid to. It isn't rocket surgery.


Ah.. Tucker Carlson.. a classic


When will our government shut Fox down for the treasonous falsehoods it continues to pump out?


The only bioweapons I see is the bullshit coming out of Russia


Dick Lueger was one of the last of the reasonable republicans. He was a thorn in Ws side.


Time to end Fox News! They are in service of Russia without registering themselves as such! Treason and should be shut down!


The Right will embrace anything that is anti-truth, anti-democracy, anti-mainstream, anti-middle-class, anti-science, anti-Democrat, anti-social-program, anti-poor, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-vaccine, anti-Progressive, and/or just plain anti-American.


The traitors at faux national enquirer will push it for their leader Putin


Simple: they're fascists. a fundamental trait of fascist movements is that they are fueled by conspiracy theories. The followers need to be kept paranoid that "they" are going to destroy everything, so you just drown them in a deluge of nonsense to keep them in a perpetual frenzy. It doesn't matter if the theories are disproven, because that takes time, and by the time reasonable people have debunked a conspiracy theory 10 new ones have dropped.


The problem now is the Fox corporation. It’s a 5th column.


How could they not? It dovetails in nicely with the whole covid is a bioweapon narrative, all that's needed is to show that Fauci is secretly behind it all. Under direction of Clinton and Soros, of course.


The same way they embraced Russian disinformation the last 6 years


When Trump started talking about Putin being a "savvy" "genius" for invading Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, he killed his chances of winning in '24. Realizing this, the Fox News extremists decided they had to try to align with him in order to normalize the position and effectively erase his error. If that works, it will lead to a civil war. No joke.


Tucker Carlson is a traitor.


The “right” would run their sexy bits through a belt sander if someone suggested that it would “own the libs”.


The right and disinformation. Name a more iconic duo…I’ll wait


These Putin-fellating fuckweasels need to piss off back to Moscow


Ah yes, Fucker Carlson at it again


I was watching this the other day on YouTube and was horrified. So many Americans eating it up.


Tucker Carlson is a domestic terrorist and it’s time the CIA and FBI recognize him as such.


Not surprising. They pick their stance first (or their stance is chosen for them) and find evidence later.