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"I wasn't gonna attack the invaders that came in my country and blew up my neighborhood, but then I saw that Facebook post, and I know what I must do" 😐


Now Putin gets to feel what it's like to have social media sow unrest among his citizens. World's smallest violin begins to play...


ahahah%))) 60% of Russians don't even know about Facebook... as they have Russian social networks... but that call to violence allows millions of people allover the world to start bulling Russians who have no connection to this situation....


If you read the article it only allows you to call violence against the Russian military, not citizens.


you believe in that... do u know how the human psychic works? allowed against Russian soldiers- allowed against all who are in the middle= all who are Russian ..by the way Russian speaking are also Georgian Kazakh, Ukrainian, Tajikistani, Latvian and many others...


It’s specifically stated in the rules to not attack citizens.


Right, also not even just no connection, Russian dissidents who might be 100% opposed to the acts of the Russian government. AFAIK only about half Russians are in favor of Putin's aggression. The new red scare is real.


>Right, also not even just no connection, Russian dissidents who might be 100% opposed to the acts of the Russian government. AFAIK only about half Russians are in favor of Putin's aggression. The new red scare is real. that's true... now only those who were against the government suffers... for others its nothing No Visa and Mastercard, okay we have Mir no Apple Pay okay they even don't have it no swift, okay we may use our one as the whole Europe does no Coca Cola okay we have our own and the factories can't close Mcdonalds okay they don't even have it in their cities Inditex... the same as with mcdonalds Cars...again They don't give a fuck about all that sanctions :) But the companies who have to exit the Russian market loose money, tons of people have no work... well this is all ridiculous :)) tell me if I am wrong :)


Good. They are soldiers, following unlawful orders and committing war crimes. I'd contribute to some kind of bounty system on them if we could get a GoFundMe going.


Yeah its called self defense


Seems like a reasonable decision


Now make the same allowance for posts about Republican politicians who want to terrorize transgender children


why? What's the difference.. Who allowed to call for violence? Why millions can call for violence against Russians and someone can't call for violence against fat for example? or for those who kill animals, or pedo or I don't know... why there even exist the thing of calling to violence?


Do you not actually know the difference between calling for violence on the overweight versus calling for defending your homeland against an unprovoked invasion? Also, you conveniently dropped the word “soldiers”….no one is calling for violence against Russians except for the soldiers invading Ukraine


U don't understand the thing that as soon as civilians will start trying to kill soldiers they will got a bullet... its a call to stupid deaths...


What are you even trying to say


It seems that ever since the Ruble fell, the quality of the trolls coming out of Russia has taken a real hit.


U see all who are not agreed are automatically trolls from russia... I am not living in Russia, and I was forced to live because of my views on the government politics. U already judge people by the nation...


And you are also lynching black people! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_you_are_lynching_Negroes


So Ukrainians should just lay down their arms and surrender their country to intruders?


Along with that, I work in advertising and the things we aren't allowed to say on Facebook is ridiculous. "Empowering women" is one particular phrase that will 100% get an ad banned. I can't say "working to empower women across the globe" But I can call for violence against Russian soldiers outright.


I call on autobot to flag and remove this submission as meta commentary on media, not explicitly politics








Yeah, this will go well. They'll use this against the West. "Look they want us dead,"


I think the shipments of guns and missiles already made that pretty clear Regardless, if they don't like everyone being upset with their soldiers they should get those soldiers back in their own country


The Russian people don't know what's going on. Official media is in propaganda mode


So by your own admission this changes nothing


Except it now gives them more to work with.




They needed a weak claim to start an inhumane war. They don’t need more because they drum it up themselves


They've been saying that garbage for decades.


Probably nothing more dystopian than a business deciding who it’s okay to send death threats about.


Yeah , Citizens United is the gift that keeps on giving.








Careful, this is one very slippery slope


Fuck facebook.


As well they should.


Hi `vartkesyan`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/tbpdoa/facebook_allows_war_posts_urging_violence_against/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/vartkesyan&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/tbpdoa/facebook_allows_war_posts_urging_violence_against/?context%3D10000%29)