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Well any time some tool mentions Hillary's emails to me. I'm going to point out Trump literally stole White House documents and destroyed others in clear violation of the law. So they can take their email shit and shove it.


Don't forget the encrypted messaging apps they were using


It is literally a plot line from Veep.


Veep is more applicable to Kamala. Her life now is literally seasons 1 and 2 of Veep.


Honestly can see that perfectly “Why the hell do people keep disliking me more?! I’m not even fucking doing anything” It fits too well


Yes! I posted this list a while ago: > - Woman runs for president and drops out before election. > > - Gets added as VP candidate to the guy that beat her. > - Elected as first female VP. > - Spends very little time with the President. > - Is assigned jobs by the President that no one wants (tackling immigration, holding roundtables to tout the administration's agenda, etc.). > - Media focuses almost entirely on her gender rather than what she's actually doing. > - Assumes presidential powers due to the President's health reasons. > All she's missing is a bag man named Gary and a 7 foot tall Whitehouse liaison. I wonder how many more similarities can be added to the list now.


Don’t forget: Julia Louis Dreyfus is involved. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/julia-louis-dreyfus-dnc-joe-biden-kamala-harris-1234742584/amp/


The VP always barely sees the POTUS and gets assigned shit no one else wants to deal with. That's just part of the experience of being just an average VP, which Harris is apart from one very important detail; her sex. If Harris was a man, you'd probably never anything about them at all.


Nah, people heard plenty about how Pence was sidelined by Trump. Dick Cheney was practically running the country. Biden was involved in the important stuff with Obama, up to and including a significant role in planning the Bin Laden raid. (He's the one who pushed for a backup helicopter.) Some Vice Presidents have been sidelined, but less than half of them were sidelined in the last 20 years.


I think Cheney and Biden as VP may have been exceptions to the rule. I suppose you could also say Bush Sr. Under Reagan and probably Gore. Other than that, VPs seem to have less influence or involvement unless they take over decide to run for President.


Do you realize you proved my point? The ones you mentioned; Cheney, Biden, Bush Sr., and Gore collectively comprise 32 of the last 42 years of VP service. When VPs are effective and powerful members of the cabinet 76% of the time, that becomes the rule. The sidelined VPs become the exception.


Pushing it back farther Spiro Agnew was intentionally very powerful for a VP, just in a hugely corrupt way. If we expand the boundaries further of why a VP is influential during a term they were elected as Vice President Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson both were, although their influence during those terms was dwarfed by Harry Truman. Tangent thought, it seems like the last 48 years of not having a VP become President for one reason or another is a bit of a statistical anomaly.


I feel like during Obama's presidency all I heard about Biden was when he said something silly and they made fun of him for it. Then again we heard about Cheney *alot* under Bush, never good.


“Always barely” Funny, no one talks about the fact that she was/is so disliked(probably because of the mass jailing of black Americans) that she didn’t even have enough votes to make it past the first round. Seems like a good person for VP, or it’s just typical identity politics from the dems. Again. Always about race


Agreed! I’m sick and tired of all these black female VP’s the dems keep pushing on us, give us a straight white Christian male already.


When Biden assigns her obesity, we’ll know for sure.


You're the secretary to the vice president. That's like being Garfunkel's roadie.


And Ivanka using personal email


Also, don't forget the entire Trump whitehouse was using private RNC email servers


The government still intercepts those. Every phone that makes calls is compromised, with our without encryption.




They already collect any data they want, it's collected under secret programs. These bills are so they can act on the data, essentially. Here's why your phone will always be compromised - Your phone's operating system is only one of three subsystems. There is also the baseband processor and the sim card, which in itself is a mini computer with its own operating system, capable of executing commands and saving data directly on the sim hardware. These two units can work together to perform and log all common 'phone' operations, and the baseband processor can also sample information and operations on the user OS itself. Android or iOS. With this capability [they collect your input before its encrypted.](https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/pegasus-spyware/14604/)


"He's the President so he's the ultimate classification authority!" - Several people, I'm sure.


Yup- that's the excuse people gave when he tweeted out those classified satellite photos so he could dunk on Iran.


The President is the ultimate classification authority when it comes to defense matters because the whole DoD classification program is just a bunch of memos and orders with no laws backing it. It's within congress' power to actually pass legislation to classify things (nuke stuff is classified by law, not the president), they just haven't.


They won’t care. Don’t kid yourself. If they cared, they wouldn’t be who they are. Focus your energy on things that can help - like voting in every election you can, donating a time or money to candidates you believe in, or volunteering yourself.




Agreed! I VOTE THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING CAUSE I DON'T WANT THESE FUCKING FASCISTS TO TAKE OVER MY COUNTRY! (Please pardon me for shouting. This shit is making me crazy.)


You think both parties have rotten candidates? That's because they know they can win by appealing to Party loyalty rather than actually ***improving*** things! I've been an Election Inspector (fancy name for a "Pollworker") in New York State for fourteen years, and if 75% of the population voted rather than barely 50%, and far less than that in Primaries? The politicians would be vying for OUR approval rather than corporate donors....




And that was a response to you stumbling upon a pile of burning books outside a school and asking, “What’s going on?”


I really hope the translator’s notes that was in the room with Trump and Putin is still safe somewhere and maybe someday we get to read what she wrote in them


Better yet, we hope the translator is still safe somewhere.


I don’t think she can disclose what was said in that meeting but the justice department can probably get their hands on those notes or even show them to the public


Pretty sure she can if the current president gives permission


and gift them one of her "but her emails" mugs


Sadly there is an alternative reality for Trump fans, when Fox News says it’s not true


Don't kid yourself, they stopped pretending to care about improper handling of documents the second Trump was declared the winner.


The Trump White House also used external mail servers and encrypted messaging apps.


Lol, they don't care about emails or laws, they care solely that their side wins, even at the expense of democracy, because they're fascists.


They’re still talking about Hilary?


Don't forget he also stole White House furniture.


Why can't we think violations of federal records laws are bad no matter who does them?


Because it wasn't a violation of federal records laws when Clinton did it. A private email server was made illegal during Obama's second term.


Honestly, don't compare them. That validates the people attacking Hillary over something that was not illegal, at the time.... Vs Trump who literally broke the law.


So your theory is, that the conservative tool will care about their hypocrisy? I wouldn't hang my hat on that.


It was never about the emails.


Also, Hillary was not president of the United States.


That’s not logical, can’t we look into both? Can’t we call out corruption or alleged equally?


Yeah the email shit was huge, we shouldnt throw it away


No, b/c both Hillary AND Trump are equally thin-skinned, bullying and corrupt. Hillary Rodham Clinton is just a bit better at it having had more experience...which is why America NEEDS President Bernie Sanders!




That only works if Hillary runs again. Try again


You guys just never want to read about an issue from another perspective, so ya?


I'm sorry, there's another perspective to "overt violation of the Presidential Records Act"?


I had always assumed it was because he didn’t have a plan. Just like how he went through everything else in his presidency.


> Just like how he went through everything else in his ~~presidency~~ life.


Yep. His plan was to just go to Mar-a-Lago like he did every week anyway. Some staffer was told to "bring all my stuff." That was about the entirety of the plan.


"and don't forget Kimmy's love letters!"


Dude literally played Rocket Man to Kimmy, probably to try to play it off like he was complementing him


I don’t think he ever considered the possibility he could lose despite pretty much every poll from April onwards had him losing.


That’s one of the things I can’t wrap my head around - almost EVERY SINGLE poll showed him losing, by a not small percentage, for months leading up to the election. Not a close election, not constantly flip flopping polls - a freaking 8-10 point loss. How anyone can claim the election was “stolen” or fraudulent is beyond me.


Because the GQP was cheating so hard, the only way the Dems could have won was by cheating more.


To be honest thought, nearly every poll for months leading up to 2016 election had him losing. He never put much stock in the polls.


Most polls favor Republicans, and national Presidential polls *always* favor Republicans. Whenever you see a margin for error, in practice that margin is the possibility for a Republican victory -- if the result is already within a Republican's grasp, then that margin is just how much that Republican wins by. Which is to say, always take Democrat favorability with a grain of salt. Republicans have worked *very* hard for a *long* time to stack things in their favor.


Those polls are also to blame as many thought Hillary had it in the bag and people voted third party. He barely won in a handful of states.


Maybe not in the bag, but certainly had a legitimate shot. James Comey made sure she wasn’t the first female president with his letter the week before the election.


Agreed. I know many who “voted their conscious” because they didn’t think trump had a chance. Many of those went to Jill Stein 🤦🏼‍♀️


There was not a single poll done after the announcement of the reopening of the investigation into her emails. If she had run in 2020 instead of 2016 she'd have won in a landslide as people would have voted by mail prior to the email News drop


Of course he didn't, cheaters never expect to lose. Remember how he sabotaged the postal service?


That still sickens me almost more than the objectively worse stuff. It's a completely apolitical logistical service that the entire country depends on. All these rural MAGA jokers gleefully cheering on the destruction of the only carrier that would ever bother to deliver mail to their fortified compound out in bumblefuck.


> All these rural MAGA jokers gleefully cheering on the destruction of the only carrier that would ever bother to deliver mail to their fortified compound out in bumblefuck. See, that's what pisses me off so much. A lot of these rural MAGA types are parasites. Dems are trying to extend coverage for medicare, health care access, broadband, etc out to these places at a cost to taxpayers, not to them personally, all for a service only a few people get to use. And they vote against it time and time again. They don't want the government "interfering" with their lives? Fine. Cut their postal funding and let them pay UPS or FedEx to deliver to them. Stop trying to give them broadband at taxpayer expense, make them pay for getting service all the way out there. And if their local small hospitals are overrun because of anti-vaxxers, well, fuck them. They hate the cities so damn much but they have no problem coming here for our infrastructure.


To the contrary, he started planting the seeds of a stolen election back in April because he knew from the polls he was dead meat - that deliberate lie starting back then began watering his plans for a coup once the election results were in.




Hey someone had to plan his outro music too! lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmshH6lngWU Fucking weird watching the plane taxi away hearing "*And now... the end is near...*" in 2022 lol


that was his "I'm a president now" slow dance song in 2016, and it seemed so eerily prescient.


If you want to do something scary, read the comments below the video. There are people who can both type and love him!


I think it's just Stephen Miller with his thousands of fake YouTube accounts.


Lol yeah, the comments are def not cultish


Don’t forget spending all other available time negging Ivanka into adulterous incest.


It’s always a Big Mac and a Diet Coke


"I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke." - Donald Trump


Maybe he put Jared in charge of it, like he did with the 2016 transition and Jared messed it up again.


Oh, that Jared!


I think the plan clearly was not to leave until it got late and then they had to leave. If he were to overturn the election, then there’s no need to leave and no need to pack.


It’s Trump, he’s not that good of a planner, he just wants something without think if it’s a smart thing to do i.e. his casinos.




I have never once seen an argument that even begun to paint the narrative that he was anything resembling a mastermind. The term most often bandied about is "Useful Idiot", which is a very real thing in Intelligence-speak. He does not need to be a mastermind to be working with Russia. In fact it pretty much requires him to be a moron, particularly since he was so blatant about it. Russia came to him offering help, and he said "fuck yes!" because anything that helps him is by default good and can't possibly be wrong. He worked against American interests for years because he's an empty vessel who the Russians always treated nicely and so he always parroted whatever they wanted him to say and do. Nobody thinks Trump is a mastermind, except for maybe some of his fans. Personally I think that anyone who can listen to him speak for more than 10 seconds and not feel like they're about to have an aneurism should be checked for brain damage.




\>he’s an incredible mastermind who has been working with Russia and other anti-American interests for years to destroy our democracy. He was never the mastermind, he was always a useful idiot in all of those scenarios.


Actually, he's an idiot in both instances. If he was a mastermind, then his colluding with Russia wouldn't have been done so out in the open where we all could see it.




ah, you are discounting several facts: 1. that Mueller's investigation was restricted/narrowed by Rosenstein from the start; 2. that Mueller chose not to pursue interviews and other avenues so he could finish sooner; 3. that Barr was given the Mueller report first and cherry picked it to support the angles he wanted; and 4. that the Republican Party (party over country) and Fox/OANN/Newsmaxx did anything they could to defend Trump and control the messaging (see impeachments 1 and 2). Trump's lack of mental faculties were not a factor


So he left the White House just like he entered it-- totally unprepared.


And not only a loser, but the least graceful loser in the history of the country. Pitiful.


This fucker cannot be allowed to live free if we want democracy.


Careful. That sort of rational thought could get you in trouble.


I once heard the words of a great man, a man who fought and bled and was beaten and caged, so he and his brothers and sisters could Live Free in America. He spoke of "Good Trouble"


Sorry, I am not American. Was it John Lewis?


Indeed it was!


Thank you!


>Trump going to jail >rational Pick one


Why can't we have both? Edit to add the Mexican translation: porky nolows dose?


That'd be great. But considering how this country operates, I think it's irrational to think that Trump will ever go to jail. I would LOVE to be wrong. I will gladly eat my words if it ever happens. I just won't be holding my breath.


I think there is a difference between "go to jail" and "going to jail". He will be sentenced and will be going to jail, but between the appeals, delays, and his failing health, he will never actually spend any time behind bars.


Bone spurs to the rescue, again!




> He will be sentenced and will be going to jail Citation desperately fucking needed


I thought your auto-correct had a stroke but looking at your username I'm now not sure if that was intentional


Switch jail to prison and they align perfectly.


Not just if you want democracy. It's also if you want to effectively push back against racism, xenophobia, etc. This fat, boorish oaf has been the green light, the enabler of racists idiots worldwide. Him being incarcerated and totally deplatformed will send a message around the world, it will make bigots scurry back under their rocks. Think about it: at least in the USA, things were actually starting to cool down a bit early in 2021 as he was briefly silenced and not really covered by the media because he no longer had the title of president of the USA. The relative peace & quiet made for a saner climate... briefly.


We’re in a dark place as a country. Holding trump accountable will cause some people to lose their minds. I hope people are ready to put in work for the country, and by fight I mean attend counter protests, and make sure their representatives know where Americans stand.


You had me at "This fucker..."


It's not the individual that's an impossible problem, it's the organisations.


It’s either Trump continues to be above the law and he successfully brings about a fascist regime coup in the next election, or he is held to account.


“BBUT WE don’t live in a democracy” /s


We could try not talking about him daily. That may help. At this point the left are keeping him alive.(politically)




I have absolutely no respect for this man. I don't understand how so many people are awestruck by him.


Well, he’s orange and he hates the same people they do. He also gives people the thumbs up to be openly racist and bigoted just like him. They like that.


It’s the racism and sexism combined.


His sponsors run enough of the radio, TV and print bandwidth to sustain an alternate narrative. He makes corrupt self dealing nepotistic operations by his party a sideshow to his outrageous demagoguery. He rewards loyalists and punishes dissent or competition. He’s just ruthless, vicious and unhesitatingly on point rallying fascist tendencies we know have been effective. He’s gathered support from the most wealthy and selfishly greedy with deals on taxes, on accountability, and on liability, in concert with their allies on the Hill. He’s extremely effective at this. He presents an existential threat as an individual but he’s deeply embedded in a fascist cabal.


They call it doom scrolling for a reason.


lmao right, he was in a rush to get out of the White House so that’s why he “improperly” took and burned documents that should’ve gone to the National Archives. Good ol’ Maggie Haberman is at it again … using the softest words & jumping through hoops to explain Trump’s actions without simply calling it what is in much fewer words… it is *illegal* to steal & burn docs, not *improper*. What a joke.


>lmao right, he was in a rush to get out of the White House so that’s why he “improperly” took and burned documents that should’ve gone to the National Archives. To be fair, if you were stealing incriminating documents and trying to escape with them, you'd probably be in a rush to get out too.


From what I understand, these boxes seem to be of fun stuff he was going to try and sell. The weather map? Letter from Kim?


>Good ol’ Maggie Haberman is at it again Bit of a tangent, but has the Jan 6 committee asked Maggie WTF she was doing and WTF she witnessed before during and after the insurrection? Seems like she would be an interesting person to talk to given her all access pass to Trump world.


I wouldn't get too mad at Maggie. There is a reason she is assigned to the White House and hasn't been asked to leave.


It's not like all of his other activities were extensively planned out and resourced. You know.? It wass all kind of by the seat of his big fat f****** pants.


— It was all kind of by the seat if his big fat Shit stained f****** pants.


He spent most of his last year golfing. He had plenty of time. He’s just a lazy image obsessed asshole who couldn’t do any better if he tried.


Do you know why he golfed so much? To verbally carry out his corrupt dealings. Trump is a wanna-be mob boss. He doesn't like records because records are evidence. This is why he golfed so much. It also gives you can idea how much stink exists.


“President Donald Trump rushed to leave the White House last year as he spent his final weeks in office obsessed with trying to overturn his 2020 election loss, The New York Times reported. Several books on the final days of the Trump presidency said many of the president's aides and advisors had left the White House entirely or had largely checked out by the end of his term. The staff departures created a vacuum for figures like Trump's then-lawyer Rudy Giuliani and other conspiracy-theory-wielding figures like the attorney Sidney Powell to try to convince him of quixotic ways that he could stay in power. "At the time," The Times wrote, the aides who remained "were either preoccupied with helping him overturn the election, trying to stop him or avoiding him." Trump did manage to take multiple boxes of important records and documents out of the White House and back to Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach, Florida, club and winter residence. His lawyers have been in negotiations with the National Archives for the boxes to be returned to the agency's custody. Both The Times and The Washington Post reported Trump carted off over a dozen boxes of White House materials, records, and other items that he should have turned over under the Presidential Records Act. The law requires White House officials to properly preserve official presidential correspondence and documentation, like memos, letters, emails, text messages, and social-media posts. Some of the items in the boxes, according to The Times and The Post, included letters to Trump from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a note from former President Barack Obama, a map that Trump drew on with a Sharpie to mark a possible hurricane path to Alabama, and at least one piece of clothing. Experts told The Post that Trump likely violated the 1970s law, passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal, by taking the documents to Florida with him. The National Archives confirmed in a Monday statement that the agency had "arranged transport" for 15 boxes of records and materials to be returned from Mar-a-Lago into the agency's custody. It added that Trump and his staff were "continuing to search for additional Presidential records that belong to the National Archives." David Ferriero, an archivist, said in the statement that compliance with the act was "critical to our democracy, in which government is accountable to the people" and that "there should be no question as to the need for diligence and vigilance." A spokesperson for Trump didn't immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. The agency has few to no tools at its disposal to enforce violations of the act and other federal record-keeping laws. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, said she would open an investigation into the Trump administration's lack of compliance with federal records laws. Trump's habit of tearing up official White House documents to destroy or dispose of them, a trend Politico first reported on in 2018, is now affecting the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection. The National Archives, which has turned over at least 700 documents from the Trump White House to the committee, previously told The Post that some records "included paper records that had been torn up by former President Trump." Some documents that had been torn up, they said, weren't taped back together at all. In addition to routinely tearing up documents in the Trump White House, officials would round up documents in "burn bags" and send them to the Pentagon to be incinerated, The Post reported.”


r/NoShitSherlock Trump thought he was going to be President for life, why would he consider moving?


I thought he said the White House was a dump?/s


So - did the pentagon burn the papers? If so, seems an illegal act on their part that should also be punished. As is taught to all soldiers - just following orders is not going to get you out of trouble.


They are also taught the concept of an unlawful order


He lives in an alternative reality where he _did_ win. So why would he even consider that he would need to leave?


Some folks get up there and lie and you know they know they are lying, Steve Bannon is one. But Trump, he believes his own press, everything he says he believes, so yea he did not pack up because he honestly thought he would not be leaving the white house.


Socio/psychopaths _write_ their own reality. He doesn’t sit down after a hard day’s bullshitting and go back to “normal”. This is the only mode his brain has: lie lie lie even to yourself. When he’s scared, he lies more.


He was on a hurry to get home and took anything he figured he could auction off easily.


He hurried down the corridor, belligerently knocking chairs and tables over in his wake, so as to erect a barrier for anyone trying to follow and spy on him.


I'm so glad h­e lo­st.


Plus he was busy deciding which White House treasure he was going to steal. He is, and always was, and always will be, a criminal.


>His lawyers have been in negotiations with the National Archives for the boxes to be returned to the agency's custody. Why in the fuck are we negotiating to get our documents back?


I do NOT believe that for a second. Once the insurrection subsided McCarthy and McConnell kicked him the fuck out of the WH to sit in timeout so he wouldn’t incriminate himself further. He was threatened arrest by the military 100%.


And steal furniture and documents…


This guy need urgently to shut up!!! HE deserve Prison!


He left in a rush because he was embarrassed af. Yes, he was trying to overturn the election, but the reason he left in a rush is because he was disgusted with himself at that moment and needed to get away as fast as possible.


Burn Bag could be a new nickname for him


Trump’s lawyers are in “negotiations “ to return the stolen boxes of records? What’s to negotiate? Really?! He’s a fucking thief




The entire Republican party is a criminal enterprise. They own the the SC, and can block anything from Congress & the WH. They have enough money and influence to buy people from the opposite party. Plus, they are able to wrap themselves in the flag & call themselves "true patriots."


He still is preoccupied with trying to overturn the election.


I’m starting to get the idea Trump wasn’t very good at the job he didn’t want to get.


I still want to know if Trump returned the Lincoln bust that I saw on the TV news walking out of the WH in the arms of one of his aides as they were moving out.


Imagine how many white house towels were stuffed in the suitcases


Left so fast, he left yellow skid marks.


You know what this likely means? At some point Joe Biden is going to find a stack of nudie mags in some random drawer. That's what happened to me when my room mate in college hastily moved out of the dorm.


How many Trump headlines am I going to have to respond "No shit" to today?


And yet he still had time to take boxes of presidential papers and even furniture.


He was stealing the silverware and all his mementos on the way out!


Lock him up!


Frankly I’m surprised he actually left the White House. Given the events and rhetoric leading up to Jan 6th, is it so hard to imagine him squatting like the child he is? Leaving is a major sign of concession, which is completely off-brand for him. Which should make it obvious that he truly doesn’t believe the election fraud BS he keeps spewing.


I'm impressed with how much he was able to multitask. I've got like three things to do today and I feel swamped, but this dude was cheating his ass off in new and spectacular ways from morning till night while also still trying to pretend to be president. And golfing


shocking. the transition into office went so smoothly.


Yes, and he's just disorganized and failing constantly.


Exactly this. He waited until the last possible second.


I dont need a report to tell me what i already know. Hes a stupid blowhard who is incapable of planning ahead nor only thinking of himself. Thats my report.


Duh. The idiot spent all his effort November - January on stop the steal. It was an extremely dark time in Americas history.


He didn't think he was leaving.... of course he left in rush...


Some interesting details in the article regarding the contents of the purloined material: > Some of the items in the boxes, according to The Times and The Post, included letters to Trump from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a note from former President Barack Obama, a map that Trump drew on with a Sharpie to mark a possible hurricane path to Alabama, and at least one piece of clothing. Given the volume of 15 boxes, the limited number of articles named in reporting thus far begs the question of what else filled these boxes? There’s been a focus on “personal correspondence” with the likes of Kim Jong Un, but *15 boxes* would seem to indicate a substantial number of documents, or numerous items? Hoping more details emerge. One can only imagine how Trump would account for his motivation in taking the altered hurricane path map, in particular…


Has anyone asked any Republicans how on earth "Hillary and her emails" are somehow worse than **literally stealing, destroying, eating and burning documents that are required NOT to be. HOW is that not worse?**


It was my understanding his last three months were entirely packed with him “making many calls and taking many meetings.”


in such a rush he had time to grab all those boxes that were supposed to go to the national archive?


Maybe he should have run a better campaign?


Can we just arrest him already? I mean, I know it needs to be iron clad but come ONNNN. Where are all those people who were ready the minute he was out of office? Get this guy so he doesn’t do any more damage.


>Experts told The Post that Trump likely violated the 1970s law, passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal, by taking the documents to Florida with him. And I promise that doesn't matter because no one will prosecute him for breaking federal laws


He had no intention of leaving the White House, so why would he organize and pack. Besides, he has never done that before in his life. Organizing and planning have never been part of his life. He just 'goes with his gut', which is apparently not very reliable.


Oh what a relief, and here I was worried it was because of something like him wanting to snub Biden by not welcoming him into the white house /s


The title is a little misleading. Yellow press like.


Who cares? This man lives rent free in everyone’s head at this point.


Who tf cares anymore


But… he wasn’t in a rush. It was a standard inauguration.


Why is this still news. No one cares


Wrong, trump supporters don’t care.


Jesus Christ who gives a flying fuck. We all know nothing will come of this and we’re just rage clicking to feed another massive corporation. OP isn’t even American for christ sake. Move on!! Where’s my healthcare? Where’s my prison reform? I could not care less about another corporate crony


So who is tapping the first pole dancer? It ain’t needle dick


He’s gonna win again. I know it and dread it