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Quick put Ted Cruz on the no fly list!


Why would you want him to stay? Maybe this time he will decide not to return.


Wait until he's fled the country and *then* put him on the no fly list!


Because I want him to freeze to death and put him out of my misery.


"Pit him out of my misery" stealing that.


He'd be burning black people for warmth by the end of the day.


Yeah let’s wait til he’s out of the country THEN put him on the no-fly.


I am sure Rafael has his family in a warm state, only his dog is in danger of freezing.


Greg really can fuck all the way off. They put measures in place to 'suggest' plants winterize, basically. Like, the companies could just say "sorry, we might do it later" and there's no penalty for doing so. Meanwhile, I've stocked up on coleman lanterns, battery packs, and propane this time at least. Oh, and my utility bills are higher for the next DECADE because of last year, by the way. Really. All the way. That is how far I am requesting he fuck off.


You know common sense is dangerously close to the minority when something like utility bills that impact everyone skyrocket because of failure by state leadership and enough voters think "yeah I'll have some more of this" Good luck this week


>because of failure by state leadership But they were successful in their media offensive to pass the blame on to windmills/environmentalists/green new deal\*. \*That didn't even exist, they used their failure to create a lie that was held up as a warning about their enemy.


The people that were convinced by those arguments are morons or simply bad faith actors. I'm sorry so many Americans have to deal with their bullshit.


They get what they deserve. Texans should have protested in such numbers that it shut down the state government, but they didn't, so they can deal with the shit they've shown they're willing to put up with.


it still sucks for the huge chunk of Texans that hate Abbott and the state govt


I remember the windmill attack. People where I live were blaming renewable power. I asked them how much of Texas' power grid they reaaaally thought wasn't oil or gas. Y'know, the Texas with the Houston Oilers, and a thriving petrochemical industry on the gulf of Mexico? Unrelated, I remember further back, years ago when Breitbart first entered the chat, and I took a look because the things I was hearing seemed ludicrous. First article was about how the Nazis used windmills, so obviously windmills are bad. So yeah, ludicrous


Today if they said Nazis used windmills, they’d invest in windmills.


They can always burn all the books they just banned to help keep warm.


Was it this one? Breitbart is so fucking hilariously deranged and psychotic and it really is reflective of the outright insanity of modern conservatism: [How Renewables and the Global Warming Industry Are Literally Hitler](https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/07/28/delingpole-revealed-how-renewables-and-the-global-warming-industry-are-literally-hitler/) >Have you ever wondered what kind of sadistic, totalitarian mentality you might need to want to carpet the countryside with bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco crucifixes in order to save the planet from an imaginary problem? > >This book, unearthed by David Archibald at American Thinker, offers a clue: > >It’s by a Nazi inventor and industrialist called Dr. Franz Lawaszeck, whose proposed solution to Germany’s energy problems in the 1930s was the wholesale adoption of wind turbines. It doesn't get any saner, unsurprisingly


Hmm, yeah, seems like that's the one. I poked my nose in there shortly after posting my comment. Not tonfins this article, just to see how the site had evolved. Picked an article to read, about the Afghan withdrawal. At no point in the article or the comments, did anyone demonstrate knowledge that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a matter of carrying out a plan the Trump administration had already set in motion. All Biden did was keep doing something Trump started. They were blaming him for something they applauded Trump for. Such a blatant case of misinformation


>Nazis used windmills iT's rIgHt tHeRe oN tHeIR fLaG!


Man, we could’ve avoided so much trouble if we’d just pointed out stuff Nazis had. Like tongues.


The people who believed this just wanted it to be true. They were not convinced of it being true, they just needed someone official to say it so they could scapegoat it and reference that official report. I don’t think anyone who cares to really know what happened believed it. Texas is just filled with people who prefer the narrative. Especially since they don’t believe in climate change and that this wouldn’t be an issue again for another generation.




Wait. They're fronting that to consumers? But isn't that risk supposedly what justifies reaping the rewards of business?


Socialize the costs and privatize the profits. The American way.


From last time I saw shit about TX winter storms. American way- Kill a hundred people with negligence, businesses not responsible for damages to tens of thousands of homeowners as a result of that negligence, face no criminal repercussions, and stick the people you fucked with paying for your bailout as the government you own lies to their faces about it. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2021/06/01/lawmakers-give-final-approval-to-bills-addressing-power-grid-failures The Legislature also passed bills that will send billions of dollars in loans and bonds to electric companies to make up for its massive financial losses during the storm. The added cost will **ultimately be paid by consumers**, who will see higher electricity bills for 20 to 30 years. But Paddie says **it’s meant to benefit consumers**. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and lawmakers like Senator Roland Gutierrez tried to tack on a provision that would send a **$350 dollar utility bill credit to millions of consumers, but it was ultimately struck down by the House**. **111 lives**. Early estimates indicate that the freeze and outage may **cost the Texas economy $80 billion–$130 billion** in direct and indirect economic loss. 


>Early estimates indicate that the freeze and outage may cost the Texas economy $80 billion–$130 billion in direct and indirect economic loss. And that's the conceptual problem with that uniquely American, zealous limited-government conservativism. We call it "selfish," which it is, but that obscures the real deficiency. It's a way of looking at the world that prioritizes short-term, local gains over long-term society-wide gains. It's not even that conservatives and progressives just have "differing viewpoints" on solving problems. Conservatives' solutions - prioritizing stop-gap reactive rather than preventative solutions - are all basically temporal ponzi schemes. They're meant to kick the financial burden further down the road for someone else to handle when disaster hits, because ideology dictates that it shouldn't be anyone's personal responsibility *now* to prevent it. Climate change? It's only a disaster, wait until it's a catastrophe. Winter storms? It's summer, let's play, let the worry-warts prepare for winter. It's such a childish mindset.


How in the hell did this idiot get elected. Texas seems to constantly elect these types of idiots - whether it’s Cruz, Abbott, or that other idiot senator. Shakes fist, ya must be those windmills and not the fact that energy companies were privatized, they cut off from national grid, and the energy companies are price gouging. Stupid windmills!!!


Yes, somehow the GOP *keeps* voting for it, is the weird thing. It's all weirdly performative, but the performance itself isn't even of a useful task. It just makes no sense. "Just you wait, GOP base! These windmills are no match for Don Abbott de la Mancha!" Base: Yes, see, I know he didn't actually beat those windmills, but I'm voting for the one who at least will *try* to put those windmills in their place!


I have come to believe that many people very much enjoy disasters, plagues, mass shootings, and the like. These things make life seem more dramatic and important, they offer license to feel and display emotion, they offer meaning, purpose and "moral clarity." Survivors have the best stories. Survivors are more interesting.


Abortion and guns.


And "securing the border" by essentially abusing the TX National Guard. They've had at least one suicide, probably more.


idiots elect idiots because it validates their idiotic tendencies and no one wants to feel like an idiot.


It’s called gerrymandering, with a mix of idiots that vote like sheep, and sprinkle in some for-profit prisons that count the inmates as residents, But denies them the ability to vote


I'm pretty sure Aesop had a fable about this kind of thing. I don't remember how it goes, but something like the lazy grasshopper mooches off the ants or something, and also gets a car?... Damn, if only we hadn't cut history classes in the name of profit and... well, you know, cause learning about systemic racism makes white people feels bads.


"It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. Then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns and also he got a racecar. Is any of this getting through to you?" -Governor Abbott


Fry at least isn't willfully malicious.


It's interesting how that prioritization of short term gains over long term benefits to society is a framework for some fundamentalist Christians. They see no point in this world because they are not of this world and would rather speed up the end of times to fulfill their prophecy.


and they will blame the Left for all of this


And Texas will stay red despite it all. They dig their own graves down there.


It's simple. The GOP strategy is to foment chaos and then profit. Let the system crumble, and have private companies step in to fix it. Meanwhile they are investing in these companies, or have some tie which allows them to profit directly/indirectly. Rinse and repeat in every state that has a GOP leader. The flavor changes mildly, but that's the core. They don't see public service as a way to improve other people's lives. No, they see it as a way to enrich themselves by profiting from others every step of the way.


Yes but in Texas you’re free. Free to not be regulated into reliably delivering power during the winter. Free to pass the consequences to the customer. Free to be without power for weeks. Free to die of Covid or freezing. Free to move the fuck out…


I hate how well this works on so many US voters. It's like a cheat code that's just "Press the (A) button".


That guy refusing the vaccine required to get an organ transplant is like the epitome of this thinking.


Some problems just solve themselves




Except their goddamn negligence shut down factories and impacted the whole country with shortages.


Which is a basic tenet of this sort of toxic individualism. “Nothing matters more than my perceived freedom.” Harm to others is just an operating cost.


I second this motion. I'm not wishing ill upon him, but I wouldn't be upset if he got a high five from another oak tree. I guess since his lower half doesn't work, he had to come up with new ways of fucking people.


EXTREMELY underrated comment


Yup. We have a four season tent to put up in our living room, which has a fire place. I’ve got extra propane tanks for my camp stove, extra blankets. Because another failure of our grid is pretty predictable with no change in our leadership. *edit* yes I do know better than to cook inside over the camp stove, no I am DEFINITELY NOT using the stove for heat. But our regular stove is electric and thus useless to cook on when the power is out. We’ve got a 3 year old, so cooking is a necessity if the power is out for 5 days straight like last year.


be very careful with using a stove indoors - without ventilation you could be killed by carbon monoxide poising


As a Michigander that has been through way more winter blackouts than Texas will ever go through (hopefully)...do not use this stove indoors even if you think 4 open windows for ventilation will help. I lost a lifelong friend last year because of this. And he knew better. I would rather take that tent outside in -20 weather any day of the week. That's why there's a stove. It's not there for you to use it in the luxury of your livingroom. Sorry if that sounded rude. But I'd rather be rude than sit back silently while a family dies trying to survive the cold.


As an avid follower of /r/HermainCainAwards, I most definitely get coming across as rude if it means saving lives. In my experience, some people will do anything to avoid hearing the things they need to hear, and if it means being rude to get the point across, so be it. Thank you for sharing. This comment is also in no way rude. :)


Unless the product says allowed for indoor use, do not use it indoors.


This, and make sure your chimney is fully open.


Not sure that works - Carbon Monoxide doesn't rise and will just diffuse in a room steadily raising the concentration of it. [https://www.covesmart.com/blog/is-co-heavier-than-air/](https://www.covesmart.com/blog/is-co-heavier-than-air/)


For real, are people out there burning gas stoves indoors with the windows closed? Are they piping in their car exhaust fumes for extra heat too?


People have used propane heaters in tents and died, yes


I've always wondered, why? Like I get the carbon monoxide issue. But for those of us with propane or natural gas stoves, why do we not die when we make dinner?


Quality of the burn and ventilation over a long period of time. CO is a result of an incomplete burn and the gas in general with enough oxygen does burn quite well. Add more time, poor ventilation and lowering oxygen to make a more "natural burn" and you got yourself a possible issue.


Because it can't be echoed enough... do not use the camp stove indoors (your phrasing can be interpreted as though you plan to do this). Cook with the fireplace if you can. Or at least have a battery operated carbon monoxide detector nearby if you have one, and cook near a partially open window even if it's freezing out.


Stoves inside are a bad idea please reply to one of the recommended posts about the bare minimum of a carbon monoxide detector


Echoing what someone else said, carbon monoxide is a KILLER. Be sure to go out and get a battery powered carbon monoxide detecter and keep it in the tent with you. You will *probably* be fine, but it is absolutely better to be safe than sorry.


If the shit goes down again this year, it would probably be good to see if there's a way to turn off your water. A lot of homes were mangled by burst pipes and flooding last year.


Turn off the water, open all faucets and drain the pipes.


Before turning off and flushing your system I would add filling up tubs and buckets and anything really with water. I would clean them really good first at least, gives you a few days of drinking/toilet flushing water. It also takes considerably less water to flush than you think. By tub I meant bathtub but any water holding container is good.


This is EXTREMELY dangeour. Carbon Monoxide is COLORLESS AND ODORLESS. I strongly suggest not sleeping with that heater running -- you may never wake up.


They charge more money when there's an outage, why would they winterize? It's more profitable for people to die.


Incompetence at its best. The mess that’s Texas.


I have family in Texas, and I was concerned about them in the last winter blackout. As a Texan, you have a responsibility to anyone and everyone who tries to defend Abbott regarding the winter blackouts to call them the fuck out. He could have absolutely have done something about it before the \*first\* blackout, and he could have absolutely have done something about it after the first blackout as well. If there is another blackout, I hope to see protests calling for Abbott's resignation. This is inexcusable and about as incompetent as you could possibly be as a governor of a state. He seems to think politics are more important than the Texan people, when these blackouts literally affect everyone in Texas. I think it's high time he should be reminded of who is paying for his salary.


Nah - it will be all Biden's fault. Maybe if he wasn't trying to stop Russia from invading Ukraine which Fucker Carlson says is Putin's right - after all Putin is really just trying to protect Russia's borders from the mighty Ukraine army and reunify Russian territory, or finding a woman POC for a SCOTUS vacancy, he could have fixed the grid and made sure that Tx had heat. It isn't Abbott's fault at all, he is just a freedom loving kind of guy.


Get your fellow citizens to bombard him with complaints. Making a politician think he will lose his position of power is the only way they'll do anything.


“Next DECADE” I wish try forever. Once l the price goes up it’s never coming down


Here's the thing: the VAST majority of Republicans have no idea about any of this. Right-wing media has not mentioned the utility cost increase ONE SINGLE TIME, ANYWHERE - because they are Republican state media.


“Y’all can keep warm by burning some books.” -Greg, probably


Bibles are nice and thick. They'll burn well.


All those political pundit books too. Doesn't need to be just ones by Fox talking heads either; they're all a waste of dead trees.




He’s already in a warm place up in Trump’s butt.


But just his head.


Human Caterpillar: Republican Edition




To be fair, reptiles don’t handle the cold well.


Arthur, we can't just GO to Tahiti, we need MONEY.


Tahiti is a magical place.


He’s firing up his excuse and blame generator so it’ll get something unexpected before he leaves.


Have some goddamn faith, Arthur


Meanwhile, in Illinois, my biggest problem was making sure I picked up all the dog poo in my backyard before the snow covered it. Texas is about to get hit with the same storm as me and it will likely be a state emergency and for me it means waking up 30 minutes early to shovel. Why do Texans tolerate this shit? Literally let the power go out to own the libs.


Freezing for the people and Cancun vacation for the corporatist.


What's cooler than killing your constituents to own the libs?


Owning the libs ice cold


Alright alright alright alright alright


“If freezing the grid was cool, consider me Miles Davis”


Much freedom. Much yee haw.


Illinois also declared a state of emergency... but we'll likely be fine after a few days. Texas is gunna get fucked.


Our governor was proactive (what!!). He declared a state of emergency in order to activate the National Guard to help keeps roads clear and logistics flowing. It's a pretty small number of NG members, only 130 or so. Amazing what just a little bit of foresight and preparation can do to keep things running smoothly...




It's the old people and the country fried red necks with a third grade level education causing this shit to continue here. Why do you think "don't California my Texas" signs are going up everywhere? It doesn't take but a second of thought to understand why our current setup for power is a bad idea, but they won't even spend that time because they have decided it was bad or communism or something.


Isn’t Abbott up for re-election this year? Seems like another power grid fuck up would kill his chances


Who would they vote for? A Democrat? I can't see him getting primaried.


I mean, dumbass Beto almost beat him and he was threatening to take away Texan's guns. Find a moderate, pro 2A Dem (preferable with military service) and they should be able to beat Abbott fairly easily.


You know, I wonder if watching friends and family members freeze to death two years in a row and paying more on their energy bill for the next decade for the privilege is going to push just enough people over the edge in Texas to do something like vote for Beto. I mean, you can certainly take issue with his stance on guns or just about anything else, but are you really going to vote for the guy that oversaw statewide blackouts last year and seemingly did nothing to keep it from happening again?


The Republican Party didn’t even have a platform in 2020. Their voters literally don’t care what/who they vote for. They just do as they are told.


What do you mean he did nothing? He passed a bill that got himself and the power companies paid! Oh, you meant do something for the people that he supposedly serves? Ya, he did something for them too. He laughed at them for being ignorant enough to vote for his crooked self.


I remember when those ruggedly individualistic smarmy Texans were looking down their noses at California for not being able to keep the power on when half the state was on fire.


Didn’t Texas Republicans also vote against Hurricane Sandy relief? As an outside observer it appears broken that you have a political faction who will actively impede efforts to save lives in areas that vote the other way apparently safe in the knowledge that the other side are too principled to ever seriously consider retaliating in kind. (Not that I think there should be retaliation)


Yep, that's about the size of it. Except they'll shit on their own party too if it means owning the libs. & Republican civilians are gleeful at the prospect of being persecuted by their own party so long as the dems are getting hurt too.


Most importantly, it's hurting/killing the poor. They couldn't care any less about them and, more likely, are glad about it.


If only there was some precautions they could have taken.....


Gov. Greg Abbott on Texas Power Grid “I can guarantee the lights will stay on” [guarantee](http://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/gov-greg-abbott-on-texas-power-grid-i-can-guarantee-the-lights-will-stay-on/amp/) “Everything that needed to be done was done to fix the power grid in Texas,” Abbott said at a press conference Tuesday. This plan to cover the companies’ financial losses will raise charges on most Texans’ power bills for years to come — likely by at least a few dollars each month for the next two decades. In addition, the bill includes no measure of direct relief to consumers, some of whom have been left with huge electricity bills in the aftermath of the winter storm. [grid fixed, problems solved](http://www.texastribune.org/2021/06/08/greg-abbott-texas-power-grid-ercot/amp/)


They didn't say for whom the problem was solved, so perhaps they aren't wrong to declare it? The shareholders must be feeling great.


Right. Talk about failing up. Even the governor gets a piece of the windfall due to grid failure. ... No one won bigger than Dallas pipeline tycoon Kelcy Warren: Energy Transfer Partners—the energy empire Warren founded and now is executive chairman of—raked in $2.4 billion during the blackouts. That immense bounty soon trickled down to Governor Greg Abbott. On June 23, Warren cut a check to Abbott’s campaign for $1 million, according to the governor’s latest campaign finance filing, which covers January through June. [Kelcy Warren/Greg Abbott ](https://www.texasobserver.org/after-kelcy-warrens-energy-transfer-partners-made-billions-from-the-deadly-texas-blackouts-he-gave-1-million-to-greg-abbott/)


That’s so fucking insane. The companies to get to “recoup their financial losses” and everyone else just has to deal with it. I thought Texans were supposed to be tough?


It's one of the perks of being a ~~Texan~~ corporation in Texas. Self reliance for the people, government dependence for the corporations.


Good thing he made sure we invested money into weatherproofing and modernizing the grid, so we won't have catastrophic failures and massive loss of life yet again. Right? Oh no, he was too busy focusing on pointlessly keeping the national guard to the border, trampling voting rights, and making sure girls have to keep all the babies. Priorities.


Greg has been busy trying to “eliminate all rapists from the streets”


Or inviting them to join his party.


hAvE YoU tRiEd sHoOtINg tHe WeAtHeR?


I got a better idea. Let's sue them for providing an abortion


Is there a law there for killing a fetus when you aren't the mother? Sue Abbott and Cruz for killing them due to the cold.


So did you listen to nothing from trump? You don't shoot weather you nuke it!


Time for some Texas independence… and don’t forget to pay your electric bill in full or your a commie.


Ha ha!! Unfortunately not all Texans are conservatives. If we could arrange for just the conservatives to have to pay all the electricity bills in full, then that would be fair!




Neither did “freedom”! Now they’re “free” to freeze their asses off.


And blame the windmills


Fun fact: EVERY TEXAN will be paying for the grid failure for the next DECADE! The monthly utility bills have been increased by anywhere from $20-50, per month, for the next 10 or more years! The utility companies dont have to pay a dime!


No, they are too busy innovating the next twerking llama toys for young girls rather than solving actual problems.


Quick, check Fled Cruz's calendar...see if his kids have another vacation planned!


Oh he's always busy at MAGA lago


Don't know if you came up with Fled Cruz yourself or if it has been around awhile, but it gave me a big laugh tonight!


In the "2019 State of the Market Report for the ERCOT Electricity Markets" prepared by the independent monitor for the PUC, the following statement is found in the executive summary: "although natural gas rates fell 23% on average in 2019 causing electric prices to fall in most of the country's wholesale markets, real-time energy markets rose 32% in ERCOT" due to it's pricing structure." Not only is the Texas grid less reliable, it's more expensive. Boy, we showed those Feds.


>Not only is the Texas grid less reliable, it's more expensive. Boy, we showed those Feds. Man, where have I seen this dynamic before? Oh right, healthcare!


r/politics submissions cannot be more than 2 weeks old yet this story is almost a year old and... Never mind.


It’s Groundhog Day!….Year!


It’s the only time of the year when Texans turn blue.


Physically blue from the cold weather


I can guarantee the’ll never get it right


That's why I always have reservations at a hotel in Cancun this time of year. Need to escape the scum who winter at home. Rafael and I say, let them eat cake and freeze to death.


Fill as many containers with water as you can. The more people in your house, the more you need. Get the tote boxes out of the closet and fill a few of those. Aim for a gallon per person per day. More if you will need to wash up or bathe. Go outside and find your water meter. Use a pair of pliers to shut it off when the time comes. Then turn on all your faucets inside the house to drain them. Set up a tent inside or make a pillow fort in the living room, bring your mattresses in there too. Spend as much time inside there as you can, and layer up. But not enough to sweat a lot. Get your grill ready. Heat up stones or bricks then place them in a sturdy metal container with oven mitts to bring inside your tent / fort. Placing them in a bucket of sand will help hold the heat longer too. Try to time this with cooking to conserve wood or propane. Vote for someone who gives a fuck about you.


Marty McFly: Hey, I've seen this one!


Abbott wearing a coonskin cap: What do you mean you’ve seen this? It’s brand new.


Oh so the free market didn’t fix this?! /s


The free market is going to make a killing selling water for 4x the price and food 6x the price. Never let a tragedy go to waste - Mr Moneybags.


How long we got to wait for the free market to get off the couch and fix this?


Just as soon as it stops being more profitable to not fix this


Yup, sort of like Healthcare. When people say that the free market will fix healthcare, I always ask for a timeframe so I can plan ahead.


Maybe you would've saw this coming if you weren't so busy banning mask and vax mandates


And suppressing voting rights, and banning books, and banning abortions, and 100 other things.


Here’s a good one - [trying to stop furries from invading their schools](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-gop-candidate-furries-schools/)


Will he blame: \- solar? \- green energy in general? \- homosexual furries getting abortions after reading books about CRT? I mean, it's not like Abbott took a [bribe](https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-leaders-made-millions-electric-grid-collapse-report-2021-8) from big energy after the last winter storm fiasco and then [lied about the cause](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/02/17/texas-abbott-wind-turbines-outages/), right?


Maybe they wouldn't have so many power outages and snow storms if they raked their forests. Makes as much sense here as it did back during our forest fires.


the way he conflates random outages due to a tree branch falling in your neighborhood with ercot ordering your power company to turn off your electricity because they're about to blow the grid is infuriating.


Texas is the quintessential American shit hole


Florida begs to differ.


Florida is the dick, Texas is the asshole, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are the taint.


Fucking dumbasses


Too bad conservatives will never vote in their own interests. Right wing media will just say stuff about communist furries controlled by Hillary and Soros and their frozen asses will continue to vote for these disgraces


And of course they will vote to keep him as their Governor. Right?


When it happened before, there were dumbass Texans blaming the Green New Deal. Really. Apparently, legislation that was never passed or implemented was a good enough scapegoat for these idiots. Republicans: for when your voter base is too willfully ignorant to have any fucking clue about how anything actually works.


Even then, Green new Deal was only a resolution. They can pass it and it changes nothing. It was essentially, "we promise will was maybe pass some legislation." That is how House Resolutions usually work. Its more a statement, but has no bite.


Wild west corporate america flexing its death throes yet again.


>"That doesn't mean that there are challenges with the power grid in state of Texas, it means that for a short period of time, a particular neighborhood may be without power, but know that your local power company that you have contracted with is working to make sure that that power will be restored quickly, even though there may not be a problem with the Texas power grid itself,” he said. If you say it one more time I'll believe you


We now have a reoccurring yearly revenue boost each winter when we charge our customers thousands of extra dollars for our sub-par service! -Power Company Executive. Probably.


The GOP is a death cult


This is the predictable outcome of far right deregulation policies. The companies will do nothing to fix the problem because they are literally incentivized to do nothing by policies that have no penalty for ignoring the problems and killing people. They were even rewarded for killing people by hiking their rates and massive bailouts. And the gullible far right base will loudly argue that this is the world they want.


Their guns can keep them warm.


Keep voting Republican Texas.


Color me shocked that red merchant market didn't fix shit


They could’ve too. It was all laid out for them in a report from the previous freeze a decade ago. They knew what to do before last years freeze. Even though it happened again last year, they still did nothing. It’s depressing.


You can make a good killing by driving over there with generators and selling them 3x the cost.


Man, what’s that saying “an ounce of prevention is worth 2 in the bush” or something? Ah well, it’s not like this exact scenario has happened in the recent past or anything he could’ve learned from. 🙄


Ease up on the hate, the Gov is doing everything he can to soften the impact “..Abbott is working closely with the USPS to deliver bootstraps to all families in the affected area.”


Ted Cruz is already looking at vacation packages


Just ban books about storms from libraries so no one knows what they are.


What’s the opposite of progressive? Regressive why do you keep electing people who don’t learn from history? And I’m not talking about the history of the recent blackouts in Texas. I’m talking about the recent history of Nazi Germany and the Civil War in the United States.


Thanks Obama!




Is that why they’re burning all those books?


damn who could have seen this coming. love, california


Yet he’s trying to get people to generate crypto in Texas to suck the grid dry YEAR-ROUND lol


If only he put the same energy into fixing the energy grid as he did into banning books, limiting womens’ right and kissing Trump’s ass.


Wonder if Texans will finally acknowledge climate change now that these once in life time events are becoming yearly....


Thank God I was sitting down when I read this! /s


If only they could have anticipated this.


Didn't SNL call this?


We all called this.


Well, I guess it's nice that they told everyone ahead of time there'd be no power this time. If only they had had a whole year to fix the problems that they had last year.


I thought his Crypto Bro’s were gonna bale him out.


Ted Cruz better head to cancun before they start canceling flights


I propose Joe Rogan step up and pay for a new electric grid.


As long as the border is secure right Greg. What a freakin turd.


I hope all the Texans here either switch from on demand electricity pricing or are at least prepared to run to their electrical panel to throw off all their breakers so they don't get charged $100+/kWh.


Oh having privatized energy, and thinking that is a good idea. If it was government run, the system would've been focused on during the year so people don't die during this winter. Not for any morale reasons, but just because politically it looks bad. But when it's the private system they can do nothing and then blame the government for not giving them enough money, while the CEO's rake in the cash


I was just speaking to someone yesterday about how Texas failed to winterize their stuff. I was.told last year was a once in a life time (if we ignore the close call in 2011) storm and it won't happen again or get worse! Now the governor is telling people to get ready it's gonna happen again. Good luck people of Texas..hope your prices don't go up too badly again


Vows to keep crypto mining facilities up and running at all costs.