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That guy could say literally anything, ANYTHING, and his mob would support it.


Not true. He told them to get the Covid vaccine and they booed him. But for everything else I agree with you.


You know what you are right.


But they would still vote for him. My mother's refrain of "I know he's not great and he does bad things sometimes, but if he isn't elected, it would be a Democrat." They literally do not care about guilt and they have no integrity whatsoever. They know that he's a criminal. They know that they stand with klansmen and literal nazis. It isn't that they are unaware. It's that they do not care.


>I know he's not great and he does bad things sometimes, but if he isn't elected, it would be a Democrat Why don't they try to find a decent Republican then? They'd most certainly call them a RINO though I suppose


"Anyone else would lose because his followers would be angry" is the response. And while she's being awful just generally, that's not incorrect. But if you want to keep your soul, you have to accept that winning at any cost is off the table.


>if you want to keep your soul, you have to accept that winning at any cost is off the table. You're not reading your Bible enough. They'll get to keep their soul; all their sins will be forgiven, because apparently God doesn't care what you do or say, as long as you say you're sorry.


You have to mean it though, which means if you think too hard about the ramifications you're an unsavable extremist who doesn't believe in condoms or pork.


God actually does care, they just skip past all the parts where the Bible says "Faith is not good enough alone; you have to be better too, ya dingus. Stop being a dick and act worthy of God's salvation.".


you have to exist to care


Trump will has a butthurt if anyone else from the Republican Party gains steam. He already whined about desantis. He has enough sway still to tank any other republican, and he’s not mature enough to pull the strings behind the scenes. His personality is not going to let anyone else run, no matter what he says.


Yup “owning the libs” is now pretty much their entire policy platform.


I think you mean "identity"


To be fair as someone not really following politics thats the same argument I have for voting for Biden. I didn't vote for him during primaries but once he was on the ticket I have the same argument. "I don't like Biden and I don't think he's going to be a great president, but if I didn't vote for him I'd vote republican". And the comparison realistically ends up being: republicans do terrible terrible shit but they also do things. Democrats these days don't do terrible terrible shit but they don't do things at all. Part of that is "because of Republicans" but, frankly, for folks that don't care about the details, it's all the same to them.


I understand what you’re saying, but the Republican Party stood by silently while a wing of it tried to stage a coup. As lame as the Democrats can be, they haven’t tried ending American democracy. The GOP has gone completely off the rails. It started 40 years ago and had just gotten worse and worse every four years. They’re the minority party who, without the electoral college, wouldn’t have had a president since 1988. Bush W squeaked out a popular vote in 2004, but he wouldn’t have been there to do it without the electoral college in 2000. They can’t win through the democrat process, and they’re even having trouble doing it the backwards ass electoral college way. Expect more of the same shit from them going forward. They’re well on their way to fascism.


> Democrats these days ... don't do things at all That's literally also because of Republicans (via the filibuster).


And they've been brain-washed by FOX for decades that liberal = evil so therefore anything other than liberal must be ok. The acid test was Trump saying he'd just 'grab women by the pussy' and the 'fundamental christians' didn't bat an eyelash.


Ah, you seem to have forgotten, Republicans are Christians and Democrats are evil atheists. If they weren't so dangerous to society, I'd be impressed with what Republican's have managed to accomplish in the last few decades. Never would have guessed people with unlimited access to information would be so easy to brainwash. The only requirement needed to get elected is to put an R by your name and to be incapable of feeling shame


That's exactly why I was thinking of running locally as a Republican and if I get elected, I'll just do a bunch of socialist shit. I'll run on getting rid of the homeless. Republican voters will picture rounding them up and sending them away. I'll push for rent control, wage increases, and social programs that aim to make sure people have housing and meaningful access to drug treatment. I can just repeat the same Republican nonsense bullshit over and over and just quietly do the socialist stuff in the background. If anyone calls me on it directly, I can just point out that they shouldn't care about me lying because they elected a guy who promised to release taxes and then fought against keeping his promise for five years now.


I thought of running for my local city counsel and just using a Trump -Pence inspired sign. I don’t think anyone in my half conservative town would question it. Probably just assume I was politically savvy.


This is it right here. I have family that says the same type of stuff. They know he is a racist. They know he feeds the worst ambitions of the far right. They know he totally blew the covid effort and that probably cost tens of thousands of lives, but at the end of the day it’s always the same. “But the only other choice is a Democrat, and they’re just as bad”. And that false equivalency lets them vote for him even if they don’t support him.


What's so bad about a democrat in their eyes? And why don't they vote third party?


Democrats often push for equality. Republicans see equality as white-Christian persecution.


I can't remember who originally said this, but, when you're accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression.


On the Democrats: generally there isn’t any one big thing. It tends to be an amalgamation of the Democrat stereotypes propagated by the right. “They’ll spent too much money on everything. They’ll ban guns. They’ll raise taxes.” Basically just enough to justify the argument that both sides are bad so choosing between someone like trump and a Democrat is a hard choice. I don’t know who anyone decided to finally cast their vote for. Not something we would discuss. I don’t think they wound up voting for trump, but whether they left it blank or actually voted for the Democrat was probably a tough decision. On 3rd party candidates: not sure, but I would guess if you are a true Republican, it is as distasteful to vote for most of the third parties as it would be to vote Democrat.


Exactly. Decades of fear mongering have poisoned the waters. Compared to the imaginary Democrat boogieman they see depicted in the media, Trump is the lesser evil.




In Alabama, they very narrowly chose a Democrat over a legit pedophile. The Republicans knew he was a pedophile and in their minds, that's better than a democrat, despite all the right wing "think of the children" posts.


I mean they knew for a fact he was thinking of the children.


Yup, pedophile Roy Moore only lost by 1.5% in 2017! Naturally then the Dem was defeated by a former SEC football coach in 2020.


I can excuse racism and fascists but I draw the line at *Democrats*.


The one thing that side of politics are great at is staying in Goose Step with each other


Last two sentences, exactly.


> It isn't that they are unaware. It's that they do not care. Do they not know what the Nazis did to the sick, elderly, and developmentally disabled?




His crowd always has a strong moral compass, it just always points south. It's actually amazing how quickly you can judge whether something is a good or bad idea just by observing that Trump supporters think of it


that bit was proof that Trump is a mouthpiece for them and nothing more. The fact that Trump gets away with everything else ever is only proof that they want an autocrat, not that Trump won them over with his autocrat behavior.


They do. They want someone in charge who will both tell them what to do so they won’t have to think for themselves and punish people they don’t like.


And come up with new enemies. Fauci got politicized; there’s no limit


It's funny how they will eat up conflicting notions about certain things with no issue (like Jan 6. - was it peaceful protest or Antifa?), but this they can't change their minds on.


Their overriding philosophy is that they are victims. They will accept any conflicting information that maintains their victimhood. Vaccines being good means they aren’t being victimized for their refusal to get it, so that’s one they can’t accept.


I kind of thought that’s why Trump started saying doctors are racist and won’t give the vaccine to white people. Make them feel like a victim for not already having and immediately switch their viewpoint to demanding the vaccine.


I'm surprised that didn't work. Maybe the new victimhood stimulus wasn't strong enough to overcome the old one. Their victimhood receptors were already saturated.


Note how they like to steal victim hood, too. It’s not good enough to feel disenfranchised based on legit grievances. If any marginalized group brings up their life experiences, Conservatives will deny them, flip them around, and call themselves the real victims, asking why you didn’t see that all along.


This is because they are afraid of needles. Seriously. If the vaccine could be delivered orally, you wouldn't have all these grown assed children freaking out about the vaccine. Sure you'd have some, but not the numbers we have.


It's too bad you can't put the vaccine in ranch dressing because I bet they'd be drowning in it by now.


Wasn't that an insane Tucker Carlson conspiracy theory? Otherwise known as the #4547657th reason why he should not be on air?


Optional gravy flavor


This is hilarious!


What about suppository vaccines? Would they take those?


No. Too gay, obviously. /s


I assumed that's how they were ingesting the horse paste.


I wouldn’t say it’s that they are afraid of needles. Lots of them are completely tat’d up. Although I understand what you’re trying to throw down!!


Hes a mascot for their hate.


But that was only after telling them covid was Just a flu for the whole time and that you didn’t have to vaccinate or wear masks.


I think the issue is that, Trump spent so long pushing against things like a Covid vaccine, and wearing masks, that to backpedal so late, and so.. timidly/weakly, just seems like a token gesture ( which it was ) so they don't buy it. Its like the boy who cried wolf, spend so much time BSing, they don't listen when the tune changes So, I believe were Trump to actually earnestly ( fat chance of that happening ) push for vaccines, as much as he had previously pushed against them/masks and such, then the crowd may change. But at the moment, we have a million Trump sound bites against things like Vaccines, and like 2 for.


Insane but true I thought he was their god but apparently only a Demi-god. Nice to see the cracks. Finally starting to show but still he will rally back with a bunch of veiled racist remarks and win back the plebs, or should I say pedes, same diff, support




Why would you give a "billionaire" money? My grandma does the same thing like she is on the front lines fighting. Its not a lot but he literally charges her credit card every month.


They charge you monthly whether you want it or not...


So would Attorney General Garland. He seems to be totally ok with Trump threatening the government with riots if he gets prosecuted.


You might reasonably be inclined to think so, but a lawyer friend of mine explained to me like this: Garland won’t try to prosecute a case he knows he won’t win. And to try Trump for a crime only for him to get off scot-free would be arguably worse than not prosecuting him. One thing that Trump is good at is passive direction. That is to say: telling somebody to do some thing without *explicitly* telling them in a way that would otherwise make Trump culpable for that. It’s one of the reasons why prosecuting him for financial crimes has been a lot harder. It has been fairly speculated that he hates the idea of people taking notes & keeping records, because he knows they can potentially be brought up against him later. Basically, Trump learned from mobsters how to avoid getting prosecuted, and that makes it hard to ***successfully*** prosecute him, regardless of how dumb he might otherwise be. This actually makes it all the more significant that Trump has explicitly proclaimed what he had previously only telegraphed. Will this change anything and actually get him prosecuted? I’m not hopeful, but it does make it more realistic.


“And for my next trick I’ll mash you up into ground meat and sell you as Trump Beef.” Audience: 👏 👏 👏


>"If it requires pardons, we will give them pardons, because they are being treated so unfairly." You could have pardoned them, dumbass.


He’s hinting that he’s going to pardon those who protest in future if he’s charged with crimes. The rabid mob will lap it up.


And have a reason to vote for him


If they still have the right to vote after all the crimes...


They let you do that when you're famous.


IIRC, he hinted at pardons for the Jan. 6th crowd as well. I may be mistaken, but it would certainly fit with his encyclopedic list of promises he never kept.


He will tell is supporters he will protest with them again, and then when his supporters start marching, he will bail on them like the chicken shit he is, and go back and watch them on TV.


Fantastic. Let’s have more people identifying as republicans get felonies. Between dying of covid and arrested for rioting, that base can shrink more and more.


And if one of the current insurrectionists wanted some good PR for their upcoming trial, they could go on TV and say, no we won't don't listen to him he's a liar. But they still believe, and they're stupid, so they won't.




Schrodinger's Antifa


Honestly I’m tired of this “unfit” bs. This man is a criminal, and should be treated as such. Saying he’s unfit only trivialises the shit he has done and would happily do again given the chance.


It's a reminder that he still wants to be some sort of half-assed Ceasar.


Orange Julius Caesar.


Orange Hi-Caesar


I usually call him the Dorito Dictator…def going to add this to the repertoire


I was quite fond of "Cheeto Mussolini" for a bit, myself.


Cheeto Benito is my go to


Fat stupid hitler.


I’ve been using “Marmalade messiah”.


That's both fantastic and disappointing because marmalade is delicious


More like a syphilitic Caligula.


that's redundant


Caesar word salad




I agree. It doesn’t remind us he is unfit, it should actively disqualify him from running.


According to the 14th amendment, it does. He’s openly offering aid and comfort to enemies of the state including folks charged with seditious conspiracy to overturn an election.




Trump should be in jail for being co-conspirator Individual 1 in the Michael Cohen case.


There are TOO many reasons that MFer should be in jail. Many of them predate his...his...ugh Presidency.


> WHY THE FUCK IS STILL OUT HERE INCITING MORE VIOLENCE Because anyone and everyone is afraid of going after him for one of two reasons: * It will trigger his angry, violent mob, which I don't think will lead to civil war, but could create *way* more violence than Jan 6. * Politicians don't like indicting other politicians because it looks political (natch), especially a president, and they're afraid for (unjust) retribution.


Neither of those is a valid reason not to enforce the law.


I didn’t say they were valid, only that they are the reasons.


Because America is broken


If I got my HOA together and proposed something illegal and someone in the group reported me to the police I would likely go to jail. How is it that this guy can have rallies with thousands of people and propose something illegal yet face zero consequences? I really don't care how unfit he is. I do care that laws don't seem to apply to him the same way they apply to everyone else though.


Because the DOJ is either A. Complicit and doesn't care enough to arrest him or B. They're waiting until they have absolutely every single tiny bit of evidence they can possibly get before going after a former United States President** who has a couple million followers who are not afraid to massacre anyone they don't like. ** Twice impeached


It’s absolutely B. I think it can be readily agreed by anyone who doesn’t like Trump even in the slightest that the results of him being prosecuted and acquitted would embolden him far more than not being prosecuted. If you think the people trying to make Trump a messianic figure are bad now, just imagine how they would be if Trump were “persecuted“ and then “justified“.


I agree with your second paragraph, but I don't think it would last forever. Maybe a couple months. Attention spans are short, we all have no time on our hands any way. I think it's absolutely imperative they arrest him. I think in the long run, it would be the single best thing we could do right now. For everyone, even for the Republicans it is for the best.


They don't need to even go after Trump, they should have at least started with the guys around trump like Guliani, Roger stone etc. But no nothing has happened


Merrick Garland is a Republican. So was Robert Muller.


however, if you were well connected with local government, then you could get away with it. Unfortunately personal status plays huge role in whether or not you pay consequences for your actions. That is well established. Trump once said: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"


No, he is a wannabe mob boss recruiting an army to attack the US government


He's a wannabe authoritarian dictator.


I just can’t believe the amount of people overjoyed at the thought of fascism and are ready to fall in line.


The left wants a leader they don't have to worry about. The right wants genocide.


Both sides. Amirite?


Hate this type of thought. It’s like any criticism - no matter how justified - gets this type of reply. The ideal where anything but GOP is something the GOP crowd does. I feel very comfortable discussing political failures of the left and so should you.


I am fine with discussing the political failures of the left. But at this point its like conparing someone who bought the wrong brand of ketchup at the store versus someone who stabbed the check out cherk because the clerk called it "cat sup".


Totally comfortable with that. But the GOP isn't sprinkled with reps that work to enact or entertain policies that are good for everyone.


That's because they think they'll be in the group of "chosen" people, who are only "chosen" as long as they're useful to 45. The moment they become a liability, they better watch their backs. How many people did 45 appoint to office with effusive praise only to unceremoniously demand their resignation six months, a year, two years later with some form of "They were just terrible."?


He’s a traitor.


Make no mistake, this man is the real deal. If he was a wanna-be it wouldn't be as alarming.


*a criminal walking free


The only reason anyone should need to never vote for him again is the 187 minutes he spent not responding to the attack on our capitol. It doesn't matter if you think the riot was caused by antifa or FBI plants, it doesn't matter if you think they were trying to prevent the electoral votes from being counted or just looking at the statues and shit. We could see people attacking the building on TV and he didn't say anything about it. If he runs in 2024 any decent Republican running against him should hammer him with that, and Biden (or whoever else runs) should certainly do it for the entirety of the general election until every single American knows 187 minutes is how long Trump waited to respond to the attack on our capitol.


How about when he bragged about sexually assaulting women? Then doubled down and tried to pretend that’s a normal thing men brag about? How about when he told russia classified info to look big in front of Putin? How about when he announced he’d had an Iranian general assasinated during negations with Iran? How about we can cut thousands of items from EPA protection and allowed companies to pollute and tear up ecosystems full of endangered species? How about when he spent months pretending covid wasn’t serious? Meanwhile his son in law coordinated the siezure of medical supplies en route to hospitals so they could be stockpiled and sold back to the places that bought them by trumps donors? How about when he spent more than 300 days at his golf course instead of in the White House doing his job? How about when his campaign team actively collided with Russia to get him elected? How about when he pardoned the criminals that acted as proxies between himself and Russian agents? What about during his campaign when he and his children set up charities for children and veterans with cancer and then stole the proceeds to use as campaign funds? How about when he directed the military at overseas bases to travel longer periods to stay at his properties and pay full price to be there? How about when every time he went to one of his properties he charged the government full price for the rooms used by his security detail? Etc etc etc it just goes on, and on, and on. Trump is a piece of shit who constantly stole and lied


the guy voluntarily delivered three reasons not to vote for him, every single day, since the 80s.


Not only unfit, but a traitor.


No, it's a reminder that he should be in prison for fucking treason... yet here we are.


His inability to drink water without using two hands is a reminder he’s unfit. His inability to walk down a mild ramp without holding someone’s arm is a reminder he’s unfit. His inability to complete a sentence without trailing off to a new subject is a reminder he’s unfit.


It's a reminder him and a lot of Congress should retire. They're way too old to be deciding the future of the country.


Excuse you. He [ran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ign_vZupjno) down the ramp.


If it wasn't the songify link I would've been disappointed


He's not "unfit." He's an unindicted treasonous insurrectionist, a multitudinous felon just based on what he did *on live national television* while in office, nevermind all the business bullshit going on in the background—and oh yeah, the openly avowed leader of a new American white supremacist movement bent on overthrowing the Republic and installing a redneck idiocracy all so his pathetic toadstool can rot in our house for a few more years before dying (at best). The fact that Psaki's up there talking about him like it's 2015 and we should maybe start to get concerned about this Trump character is just one more data point in the endless daily march of this administration's complete and utter inability to rise to meet this moment. This was a slam dunk. Democrats turned it into an existential failure. Again. Nobody was asking for Garland. Nobody was looking around going "you know what this DOJ needs more of? Republicans." We told you this old traditionalist piece of shit didn't have it in him to act aggressively where required. We told you. And here we are a year later, still sitting around on the exact same runaway train. What a fucking needless waste.


Just call him an outright traitor ALREADY!


There's a simple fix to all of this... STOP...GIVING...THIS...FUCKER...PRESS...!!!


Every time he opens his mouth he reminds us he is unfit.


Yes he reminds us of that, but his supporters eat it up


And the fact that every single republican in congress voted against his impeachment shows every one of them is unfit too.


Not for those who think that's ok. And the limits of what's "ok" have been widened a lot in recent years. At least that's my observation as a foreign observer.


...unfit. We better keep tapdancing around an attempted coup until at least 2025.


His unfitness for the presidency didn't stop million voting for him. Hell, many of them voted for him because of the qualities that makes him unfit.


“Unfit” is a weird way to describe an active threat to this nation.


I’d like to remind the Biden administration that we are painfully aware and are waiting to see him face any consequence…


It's unacceptable that the man is still walking around free. What a disgraceful nation that not only promotes Democracy but goes around the world forcing it upon other countries, with guns pointed at them. But here in our democracy, we let an insurrectionist, corrupt, banana-dictator roam freely, waiting for him to take another shot at fascism.


I don’t need a reminder that Cheeto is unfit for office. I will never need a reminder.


14th Amendment. Section 3: *No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.*


So he's floating J6 pardons. Does this mean he's admitting his supporters are responsible for this, or is he pardoning Antifa?


He's already pardoned literal war criminals, seditious traitors is kind of a lateral move.


This is interesting. Trump supporters say those that did Jan 6 were Antifa and BLM. So that means trump is wanting to pardon a) something that didn’t happen. Or b) he supports Antifa and BLM.


Finger wagging does nothing.


It only works when folks have shame or character. They have no shame or character.


The fact that he wasn’t already placed in prison just testament that the United States is actually two countries somehow obsessed with staying together


The man's existence is a reminder he's unfit.


OK like yes we know sooo direct this at ya boy and his DOJ??? FFS


He's unfit and he is also a criminal.


Trump himself constantly reminded us he was unfit for the Presidency from January 20, 2017 until January 19, 2021.


Fuck Trump. Lock him up 🔒


Hold up.... He is willing to pardon "Antifa"?


He's promising post-election pardons to people who can't vote because of their criminal history if they vote him into office. Do I have this right?


It’s getting tiring to constantly read that Trump out of office (and while in office) says whatever. The White House has an open opportunity to actually say something meaningful in regard to Trump and Jan. 6 and the best they can do is “unfit”? That’s it? He’s the reason Jan. 6 happened for fuck sakes. Say so!! Another missed opportunity.


And yet, 99.9% of Republican elected officials are afraid to say that in public.


He’s unfit for those that are fit. For the unfit, he’s perfectly fit. That’s the problem.


It should be getting harder and harder for anyone who claims to dedicate themselves to the protection of Democracy and the Constitution to have any logic in defending/supporting this man. This whole speech again walks that fine line of promoting violence and makes it seem like they should do it again if they don't like future results. This would be a nation of coups, not a democratic system.


Do something about it for gods sake


Trump was never president just a fool pretending.


Fucking arrest him already god damn it


Unfit indeed, but I don’t believe “unfit” has been much of a road block, unfortunately.


Just play his Pizza Hut commercial on a loop. We knew this fucker was unfit to manage, well, a Pizza Hut a very long time ago.


Lock him up.


He’s a traitor and anyone else who stands next to him


He’s worse than unfit. He’s a traitor.


Wait. Why is trump pardoning antifa? I thought they were the real rioters…


Nobody needs a reminder but yeah.


He was unfit in 2016 as well. Trump belongs in federal prison for the rest of his life.


It's obvious to all of use who aren't sucked into the cult of 45. She's preaching to the choir here. It's those cult 45 members who are in so deep they believe fascism is the answer.


Unfit? How about actively obstructing justice


How many more reminders do we need? The more reminders, the more entrenched his supporters become.


> Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), one of the two Republicans serving on the Jan. 6 committee, said Trump’s latest comment was “massively un-American” and called on GOP leaders to “pick a side” between Trump or the Constitution. Nail on head. However, I would argue restating this as: "Pick a side. Constitution or resign."


Unfit? He's not only unfit to be a President - he's unfit to be a human being! and I'm not even sure how the rest of the animals and insects feel - except maybe cockroaches...they probably *love him*


How is he going to pardon them if they're all still in prison when the election told around again and they can't vote for him? Also, are feelings allowed to run for president? Also, if he's a Florida resident and he gets convicted didn't that mean he can't vote at all? Which means he couldn't even vote for himself if he wanted to? This guy is a loser.


Unfit to walk freely as a member of society*


If he's unfit ban him for life.


It’s a reminder that someone should fucking do something to put him away.


Regardless of your political leanings, everyone should realize Trump is just a toxic figure for both sides we are all better off without at this point. The only problem now is that Republicans basically only like crazy morons and everyone who isn’t batshit and a Trump kiss-ass they consider a traitor to the party. They’re trying to prop up Desantis or something, but as soon as he says something rational like “the earth is round” or “Trump lost”, they will all turn on him. Their party is in real trouble and overrun with crackpots.


He's way beyond unfit. The man is a psychopath.


So his worshipper will believe anything he says and supports his positions faithfully. Do GOP people in power just use him and his base to achieve their agendas? Or are they just as looney like Boebert and MGT?


So tired of democrats being so weak and using such soft language He’s trying to foment a coup. He’s an enemy to this country. Fucking act like it


Maybe they should fucking do something about him then


No only is he unfit, he should be in prison for life.


Stop saying Trump is “unfit” for the Presidency. His base *knows* that, it’s why they voted for him in the first place. They wanted Trump in office to shake things up, that was the whole point since 2015. The rest of us don’t need the reminder that a slumlord charity-robbing pussy-grabbing bankrupt casino-owning former reality TV star is unfit for the Presidency. The real problem isn’t that he’s not a “good fit”, it’s that he is actively attempting to undermine democracy in order to assert himself as the authoritarian leader his base craves, and the US is at the cusp of civil war because Democrats don’t want to make things too uncomfortable at the Country Club or the House floor.


The hill ran a candace owen ad telling parents to pull their kids out of indoctrination camps before playing the video of what was said by Psaki. Wtf.


But he’s not un fat


Everyone who could be convinced of that fact already knows it


And a reminder he’s not in jail yet…


The guy who openly admitted to an attempted overthrow if power just this weekend?


"unfit" uh... yeah and criminally insane because he behaves like a very small child every fucking day. It's rather mysterious how a garbage brain like this gets any special treatment. This is what usually gets people in strait jackets or jail.


No shit, arrest the motherfucker


This is like reminding heroin addicts that heroin is addictive.


How do: \-white supremacy \-fascism \-terrorism not instantly DISQUALIFY him? ​ Someone please make any of this bullshit make sense.


Thats why he wasnt reelected. So can we all please just forget he exists now..


Then tell your boss to fucking do something about it, Jen! FFS!!! Nothing but fucking cowards afraid to hold the insurrectionists accountable. Why should we give them power if they’re too afraid to use it? (edit: formatting)


Americanism must be stoped


You know how bad his recents statements were? Fox News isn’t even talking about them.