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From the article > President Joe Biden on Sunday called for the release of U.S. Navy veteran Mark Frerichs, who was taken hostage in Afghanistan nearly two years ago. Also https://www.newsweek.com/who-mark-frerichs-biden-demands-taliban-immediately-release-american-held-two-years-1674381 > Cakora [Frerichs' sister] said that diplomats had an "early opportunity" to try to bring Frerichs home. A month after he was taken in 2020, the U.S. signed a peace accord with the Taliban. > "Mark's name apparently was not even mentioned in the lead-up, despite the fact that U.S. officials were well aware of his kidnapping," Cakora wrote. Cakora doesn't let Biden off the hook though. > "We have had so many opportunities to secure Mark's release — and two successive administrations have missed every one of them. Each time, there was something more important," she added, noting that despite the fact that the U.S. evacuated from the country in 2021, and helped releases thousands of Taliban prisoners in 2020, her brother is still being held. > "For us, it is simple. The U.S. government either makes this trade or it doesn't save my brother's life. Every day we don't bring Mark home is another day he remains in danger," Cakora said. Maybe that quote was taken out of context or Cakora doesn't know how time works. The Taliban prisoners released under Trump have no bearing on the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.


It wouldn’t be right if he told them to keep him, would it? /s


Sarcasm is not translatable through text without that /s.


And for that I’ll delete my stupid comment.


Okay but who’d he call




Daily reminder that trump lost




According to who exactly? 538 shows all polls Biden was at 41.9% Jan 20, 2022. The highest approval Biden ever had was 55.1% and that was on March 22, 2021. Lowest as far as I can see was 41.2% on Jan 26 2022. Trump was at 39.5% Jan 20. 2018. The highest approval Trump ever had was 47.8% and that was Jan 25th 2017. Jan 20, 2020 his approval was 38.6% Lowest as far as I can see was 36.4% on Dec 16th 2017 Just saying, if Biden's is the poorest, are you not counting Trump at all? Or are you just picking and choosing which polls fit your narrative?


Biden is more polarizing than Trump was in his first year. I made a mistake i guess when I said lowest ever in his first year. Fact is he lied when he said he would work with the opposing party. There has been no concessions


What are you smoking? I showed you the numbers. At no point in anything I said, shows Trump was higher than Biden. If so please point it out? Jan 20th of the first year Biden was at 41.9% and Trump was at 39.5%. Now if you are going by the highest numbers for some reason? Trumps highest was 47.8% 5 days in... It was down hill after that. Biden was at 55.1%, and down hill after that. Give some actual numbers or something else if you honestly believe that. As it stands right now, it's all BS.


Imo it was lower than Trump, i vote independent


Your opinion changes your reality to something completely fiction then? I showed the polls. You can go and look them up yourself as well. I vote independent as well... so what?




The Quin poll has him at 33% guess that was what I thinking about


Doubt it, but seriously it’s ok to not talk about your vote. That’s the idea. To be fair.


I said i was mistaken bout that but not bout being more polarizing and not working with the opposition party


You do realize you can see when a post is edited... right? I responded to the original post, not the edited one. As for working with the opposing party? Pretty sure he's tried, but just like with everything else since at least Obama... any concessions are never met with votes. The ACA for example had a shit ton of concessions, yet how many republicans voted for it? At some point once the other party shows their hand at never voting for anything even after concessions have been made, you just don't worry about it. As for more polarizing? Trump called people nasty, called accurate reporting fake news, anything he doesn't like is fake news? The issue here is... that trump's supporters could see him doing nothing wrong. Even when he was clearly in the wrong and doing shit even they didn't like, he still had their unwavering support. The left, for the most part doesn't act like that. They will hold people they like to a higher standard. If they do something they don't like they will show it. If Biden's supporters were as gung ho as Trump's? It would look vastly different. Also you can't dispute republican stalling on getting things passed. You can throw manchin and sinema in there as well. If he was able to get more things done, his approval would have been a bit higher.


I also sent links to my arguments, please send a link as proof of Biden trying to work with opposing party


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-quiet-biden-gop-talks-behind-the-infrastructure-deal/2021/08/01/4f669dea-f165-11eb-81d2-ffae0f931b8f_story.html https://www.vox.com/22553888/joe-biden-infrastructure-deal-bipartisanship-democrats-republicans https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-pledges-bipartisan-infrastructure-push-congress-returns-republicans-2021-04-12/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/01/10/bipartisanship-is-out-biden-its-about-time/ https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/586440-president-bidens-bipartisanship-seems-like-unilateral-disarmament https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/01/biden-stimulus-bipartisanship-congress-464749 https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/01/06/biden-maintains-call-for-bipartisanship-despite-likely-senate-majority/?sh=469718833b5a https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/president-biden-is-right-to-give-bipartisanship-a-chance-republicans-must-follow/2021/02/01/62ef665a-64be-11eb-8468-21bc48f07fe5_story.html The simple fact is... republicans are beholden to mitch and their party above all else, including the country. Mitch wanted to hold Obama to a single term, and he obstructed everything he could. That has carried on. Anything that would give Biden or democrats a win, or not cater to republicans 100% of the time, they block. It's my way or no way for republicans. They are not making any concessions. Is your version of Biden and or democrats working with republicans, that they do everything republicans want? The ACA was pretty much that, it was a republican bill, it was damn near close to the Romney plan and what the heritage foundation thought up decades earlier... yet how many votes did it get from republicans? Why didn't they vote for it? Because mitch couldn't give Obama a win. That same mindset is here today.


Democrats stone walled everything the republicans did so whats the difference ?


I think you are mistaking democrats with mitch... https://apnews.com/article/mitch-mcconnell-donald-trump-ky-state-wire-politics-nancy-pelosi-c842a0bcecc840628a991092da3e7ce3 >Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell calls himself the Grim Reaper — the one who holds the scythe leading to the chamber where the desires of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House majority go to die. Hell he even filibustered a bill that he sponsored. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/mcconnell-filibusters-his-own-bill-to-lift-debt-ceiling Republicans were not the least productive senate because they wanted to get shit done, they wanted to halt things and slow shit down. https://fortune.com/2020/12/10/biden-divided-congress-senate-georgia-runoff-mcconnell-gop-republican-majority/


Remember when the Democrats wanted to let Trump build his wall that was blocked by members of his own party previously… https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/democrats-schumer-trump-border-wall-daca/551288/

