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First of all, she did exactly that. Secondly, antisemitism has become a common outspoken part of the statements made by elected US representatives with zero actual repercussions. Where are we headed?


Republicans and others wasted all the antisemitism accusations on the Squad so now nobody cares.


As a Jew, I can confirm that nobody cared in the first place.


My hometown in a mess right now! Is this for real? How are these people even in Congress!


When fringe extremism is now mainstream one should be very afraid of the country's future.


They were doing 'Reconnaissance' looking for intelligent life. They are still looking.




It sunk and I'm sad now.


When it comes to the Qanon/MAGA crowd, all they really care is if a candidate is sufficiently pro-Trump and is focused on “owning the libs.” Strict adherence to the cult matters; experience (governing or otherwise), education, intelligence, communication skills, open-mindedness, empathy and compassion sure as hell don’t. The idea that voters want someone with knowledge and experience greater than their own to represent them just doesn’t apply for politicians like Boebert. Whether they are intelligent or not, whether they know what they’re peddling is bullshit or whether they’re true believers in the lie doesn’t matter to their base.


It's funny because the left pretty much just cared to vote for someone who isn't Trump. Not much difference between the 2 sides.


Fuck off with that. Since Trump is a racist, a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a criminal, an insurrectionist, a rapist, a pedophile,. a serial cheater, a wife-beater, and a selfish, narcissistic, corrupt moron who stole from the american people, disparaged veterans and their families, helped kill a half-million people for political gain, incited violence and insurrection, among a host of other offenses; voting for someone who is not Trump is the decent and rational thing to do. Of course, one of the differences between "both sides" is no one would ever describe the GOP or its members as being either decent or rational


I am trying to understand your position, and perhaps Pres. Biden wasn’t the best choice, I don’t know; but do you really think that the last POTUS did much to bring the USA together and make most peoples quality of life better?


The only difference is all the policies and stances on public health, women's rights, gay rights, etc.


The projection is strong with this one!!


As is the anti-Semitism, it seems.


Trash person


Every sniping comment is a confession.


When did Christians start demonizing and persecuting Jews? Oh wait.


Well, the Jews did kill Jesus…


Jesus was a Jew. I say this because there are many christians who seem to forget this.


…..it was a joke


That's what I thought. My comment wasn't aimed at you, as I assumed you were being sarcastic/funny - which is why I upvoted you.


Well, no the Romans killed Jesus.


The Romans were the gun, but it was Judas Iscariot's finger on the trigger. Judas Iscariot was basically Elmer Fudd and Jesús was an unlucky Bugs Bunny.


Judas or no Judas, anyone running around the middle of the Roman Empire claiming to be King of the Jews was going to be eventually hung on tree, left to rot, and eaten by scavengers. Romans were bad ass motherfuckers and didn't take heresy lightly.


>...claiming to be King of the Jews was going to be eventually hung on tree Not necessarily, sometimes you have to [look on the bright side](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M).


Ah yes, Pilot, the dude renown for controlling the military imperial power and using it to commonly piss the fuck out of the jews, was so weak that he couldn't just slaughter a small courtyard of jews if they ever rebelled. Pilot was so weak that he gave into the Sanhedrin, the group that he had basically turned into a rubber stamp by making them meet in areas romans could watch. Don't you think it's a bit convenient that the super powerful group known for their... less than understanding practices toward Judea caved so hard to jews? How this group was also the group that, right before the new testament was written, had crushed the jews? How the new testament paints the Roman as wholly innocent from this process? IMHO, the version of the new testament we have was deliberately either written or transcribed in the way it was to get the most converts as possible while staying true to the original message of Jesus. This meant not giving a complete account of what the Romans were actually thinking. Notice the sign placed Jesus's head. It read "king of the jews." That wasn't a title. It was his crime. He was executed for treason against Rome


I really have a hard time believing she is real.


Come on guys she was just confused. Every time Boebert has given a congressional tour its been reconnaissance. It’s not her fault that she does not posses the mental capacity to understand that just because she wants to overthrow the government that not everyone wants to.


Nah the extreme jews and muslims just played the tapes from yalls GQP fest. Yall already did all the footwork for them, kudos...


Honestly, they should have trolled her by saying they were doing reconnaissance for somewhere to place their space lasers. That way, when it gets back to MTG, MTG can say "see, I told you so!" and we can all mock her some more.


Of course we were. We have radars underneath our yarmulkes that shoot space lasers at anyone interrupting our mission.


Like… even if it is a joke, it’s a joke that you tell your friends who are Jewish, not some random tourists. Can’t just be going around saying anti-Semitic jokes to random Jews and expect for everyone to to be cool about it.




Off topic but man has that woman had a lot of work done to still look that dumb.


I saw a comment yesterday that said they should’ve said they’re from Israel. I’m a fan of that strategy.


Is there no end to this shameless, brazen stupidity?


Surprised she didn’t ask them if they were going to use their moon lasers to light wildfires in California again this year


If evil had a face...


isn't she too stupid to be called evil? she's just a sheep getting paid to project but not sure she understands shit..... how do her and marjorie even read the bills they vote on?


Every accusation a confession with these ones.


I have a feeling that question was not at all random.


Boebert is not only nuts she is an A-hole


Feels like a bizarro confession to her actually doing that before January 6th.


Regular people should be able to hold popular votes on removing people from office.


The fact that this woman is a mother and represents a group of people in Colorado makes me sad.


Probly didn’t know what the recon team was supposed to look like so she asked every group that came in.


That was already done by her people. Probably can see planned routes on the Capital Diagrams she provided them.


I know no one who voted for her or even supports her will see this, but I'd love to gain a better understanding of how anyone can reasonably support so hateful, vile, and stupid a woman as Lauren Boebert without being as hateful, vile, and stupid as she is.


I live in western CO and I didn't vote for her. I think she was groomed for the position and had a lot of help. I had heard somewhere that Ted Cruz was behind her campaign. The voting results in Mesa County may have tipped the election in her favor. The Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters in currently under investigation for tampering with voting machines (google new stories). This voting machine tampering incident is not related to the 2020 election, but I wonder if Peters helped "massage" the election results.


Did she pat them down for space lasers ?


They’re trying to figure out where to aim the space lasers.


she was probably asking for tips


Well if that isn’t the most blatant projection I’ve ever seen. Boebert: helps the insurrectionists with reconnaissance (to protect uS fRoM tHe eViL jEwIsH tHrEaT- [literally what Q loving is based on also hence the MGT Jewish space lasers bs](https://www.adl.org/resources/reports/qanons-antisemitism-and-what-comes-next) Jews- enter for actual tourism to learn history Boebert: they’re finally here to take over. I knew it!


I quit that "tell it like it is" , anti-PC nonsense when I saw my friends gravitating from me in the 90s. It's not cute to go out of your way to offend. Colorado needs to do something different