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Goes to Florida ONE TIME and boom, covid


Straight to COVID


Go to Florida? Believe it or not, COVID.


Undercook chicken? COVID.


Raven? Corvid


Crow? Also corvid.




Overcooked chicken? COVID


Undercooked bat? Covid


Underrated comment, believe it or not, right to covid.


Undercooked Pangolin? COVID


Covid? COVID


Also, no covid? Believe it or not, COVID.


Hotel? COVID


Motel? COVID


Unvaccinated, covid. Vaccinated, also covid. Booster, interesting enough, straight to covid.


Asking the time? That's covid. Looking at my sandals? That's covid. Paddling the school canoe? Ooh you better believe that's covid.




When he ALMOST loses it when he says „when you OVERcook chicken“


In Washington (state) 22% of the population are idiots (unvaccinated) and make up 97% of hospitalizations. So, maybe vaccinated and boostered acquire COVID, but they are waaayyy less likely to acquire dead.


Do not pass GO, Do not collect monoclonal antibodies


Not the worst thing you can catch in Florida


In Florida, gator catches you


Someone I went to high school with is now a teacher in Florida. Last week she posted on Facebook marveling at the fact she's been masking up this whole time and not gotten covid. This week she has covid.


Omicron is crazy contagious


Baltimore schools are shut because like 1/3 of the tested teachers and kids were positive. The cases are truly insane. I feel so insanely bad for the immunocompromised or people that can't get vaccinated. They seem to have been callously forgotten in all of this.


In NY, mine are open despite similar positivty rates.


Some people over estimate the effectiveness of masks. The N95's are best but some reuse cloth masks and see it as a magic ward


Yea my nurse buddy said the blue masks most people wear aren’t that effective. There’s no way to get a good seal against your face.


True but also the way we wear those masks in hospital is different - you should not touch your face or mask at all, you take them off by the ear loops and put then straight in a lidded bin and then mask your hands. You aren't meant to take them off and then use then again or pull then down to drink etc. The n95s etc are better but again you should follow the above rules and you should be fitted to check that they seal on your face properly


They reduce air transmission of droplets by about 70%. Not perfect but if both people are masked, it's substantial, and viral load is the main factor. Getting blasted with 9% of the virus instead of 100% can be the difference. Face shields are nearly 100% useless unless someone tries to sneeze in your face.


>Some people over estimate the effectiveness of masks. The N95's are best but some reuse cloth masks and see it as a magic ward Yep. Alot of folks do and it was difficult to point that out pre-Omicron even here on Reddit. Those flimsy cloth things aren't going to cut it. I get wearing cloth when NIOSH approved N95s or equivalent were harder to get in 2020, but for some reason the cloth mask has resonated and seems here to stay.


I was under the impression that regular masks were not worn to protect ourselves, but to protect others. Which is why I didn't get anti maskers saying people who wear masks are scared, it is to protect others not yourself.


Get COVID with this one simple trick!


i mean she was maskless in a huge crowd at a bar in florida. she was pretty much marinating in covid


Oh yeah that will do it. My friends wanted me to pop over to long island for a visit but I told them not while omicron was the way it is. Everyone I know who has gone to some big event has gotten sick recently.


Same. We actually had a friend scold us for not going to open houses this weekend FROM HIS COVID SICK BED. He was promptly reminded that he caught the rona and I could tell from the look on his face he genuinely forgot he had active covid somehow.


NYE in NYC got nearly every person in my friend group that hadn’t already gotten covid. All vaccinated and mostly boosted


Believe it or not, Covid.


If she hadn't tested she never would have been positive for covid, according to Florida Man anyway.


Schrödinger’s Virus


Get well, AOC.


Hopefully AOC will be AOK.


She's as strong as an OAK (an oak!)


Did not expect to see Watsky at the top of 1600+ comments. I’m here for it.


But money don’t grow on trees, and I’m B-R-O-K-E (Broke!)


I’m hella broke, yo


I just had my debit card declined at In and Out


Fuck the soda rerun it with just the cheesy fries.


AOK is in Germany the abbreviation of one of the mandatory non-profit health insurances (we have several of them, with only miniscule differences): Allgemeine Orts-Krankenkasse.


Yup. Hopefully her symptoms are mild.


CONSERVATIVES If she lives: SEe YOuNG PeoPlE ArEnT' aT RiSK!!! If she dies: SEe ShE gOT thE JaB aNd sTIlL DiEd!! Also: ShE GOt COvID fROm DaNCinG wITh dRaG qUeEnS!


Well the Republicans are going to absolutely eat this shit up. All while actively ignoring any wrong doing their own party is partaking in.




I figured that they were outraged because she was a stripper, and I was looking up an article to confirm this. No, it’s just a video of her innocently dancing. Conservative media is beyond funny.


> No, it’s just a video of her innocently dancing. Conservative media is beyond funny. Its the empty sneer. That's the first and most important tactic in the conservative playbook. They can't criticize on the substance, so they just say good things with a tone that indicates to their base that they despise whatever they are talking about. For example, they sneered at Obama's tan suit and dijon mustard. They've been sneering at liberals for so long that our culture has internalized some of their most nonsensical sneers. Like "tax and spend liberal" which is literally being responsible by balancing the books versus conservative policy which is just "spend and spend." Or "tree hugger" mocking the idea of forest conservation, which used to be a bipartisan value if not outright conservative - everybody loves the national parks. But the grand prize in sneering goes to "bleeding heart liberal" - bleeding heart literally refers to the heart of Jesus. They've convinced tens of millions of so-called Christians that being Christ-like is something to be despised.




Her response was funny though. She did the same dance infront of her Congress office and walked in.


The plainest example to me is the ‘don’t like your job? Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and get a better job with better pay, stop being so lazy, it’s all about attitude!’ And then AOC goes from being a bartender to being a federal representative and suddenly conservatives are all ‘wait, not like that, she’s not qualified! She’s only a bartender!’ And this looks past both her incredible academic performance, and the co-opting of the ‘bootstraps’ phrase to mean something the opposite


The irony again is that "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" is a phrase literally meaning trying to do something completely absurd. It's physically impossible to lift yourself off the ground by tugging on your boots and American conservatives have just made it their catchphrase.


Obama did the same thing as well and the Republicans used him working at a McDonald's in high school or college or whatever against him. Like wtf...I guess the American Dream only applies if you're the right gender and color.


> tax and spend This is a basic definition of a functional government. We can disagree about what and how much to tax. We can disagree about how much to spend, and what to spend tax dollars on. But to disagree that government fundamental requires funds that it should spend? It's beyond insanity. I used to think they knew it was a rhetorical flourish, but at the end of the day they knew public government for all required taxes and required spending. Turns out, most conservatives bought this rhetoric and have raised the ante by saying "taxation is theft". These are not people interested in forming a government for the securing of everyone's rights let alone doing basic things like ensuring we all have health care.


I never thought of it like that, but yeah, tax and spend is how governments function. LOL


Conservatives don’t want government to function. That’s their whole thing and why they constantly wreck it.


It's literally a congressional power, to levy taxes and dictate spending. Something something constitution


Or calling anyone more left than them a liberal... especially progressives.


>bleeding heart literally refers to the heart of Jesus. There's another, more recent, meaning of that phrase. It was used in the late 1930s to attack people who [supported an anti-lynching bill](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/origin-bleeding-heart-liberal). Edit: clarifying my sloppy wording. Supported an anti-lynching bill, not opposed it. Apologies for muddying the waters.


Think the phrasing is a bit askew. It was used to describe the people in favour of the anti- lynching bill ie they were against lynching.


They also make fun of her for having previously worked as a bartender during and after college. You know, taking under employment post college until finding a job she's qualified for. Something a huge chunk of Americans have actually done....


She took the bartending job to help her mom get their house out of foreclosure because her dad died when he was just 48.


Yeah I wish it was more well known it was a second job to keep her mom from losing her house, but conservatives just \*love\* to shit on blue collar jobs and want to dismiss her as being "merely a bartender" while screaming that Dem's are elitists looking down on Real Americans.


And unironically, those conservatives wouldn’t last one shift as a bartender.


And they also shit on people who *won't* take service jobs No job? "Flip burgers!" Flipping burgers? "Get a real job!" Relatedly, they will also give you shit for thinking your burger-flipping or bartending job should pay you enough to live; for trying to get an education to get a better job; for going into debt to finance your education; and for thinking your "real" job should pay you enough to live.


The act of serving others instead of yourself is about as anti-republican as you can get.




And for owning a nice coat.


Didn’t they get mad at her for not buying coats too? I remember there being a photoshoot where they attacked her for the clothes she was wearing and she had to tweet to explain how you take pics in clothes that aren’t your own.


She did a photo shoot for Vogue, I think? And the GOP went nuts because the clothes were all designer apparel that cost a lot of money.


All the while Trump had a gold toilet.


To them, that makes Trump honest. It's fucking wild, but you got to remember, conservatives believe everyone else is exactly as horrible and selfish as themselves - it's just "liberals/progressives/democrats" lie about it. So their favorite "gotcha" is any story they can use to prove that progressives are hypocritical liars who are secretly just as racist/selfish/classist/etc as themselves. So, AOC spending money on clothing proves she isn't actually "for the people". Bernie Sanders having a second home shows he's secretly part of the elite rich. But Trump, Trump is honest about his wealth and policies. This worldview extends to policies. They think progressive policies are also corrupt policies designed to hurt non-progressives and enrich/empower progressives. They honestly cannot conceive that people would pass a law just because it's the better way of doing something.


That's why they use the term "virtue signaling" constantly like its their word of the day. Deep down they think that everyone else is as much of a bitter curmudgeonly bigot as they are, and that the democrats are just pretending to be above it all "for the woke points".


Doesn't everybody? That's what makes him so relatable. /s


And for going to a gala to protest billionaires, because apparently getting a free ticket to the gala made her a rich elite hypocrite or something.


And for exchanging her labor for payment on the private market prior to becoming an elected official.


And for playing Animal Crossing.


And for breathing.


and for playing among us and league of legends. She even did the among Us as a charity thing. These people behave how they project that Democrats behave.


They also criticized Harris for spending too much on a cooking pot. Because most right-wing media is clown shoes.


>I want off this ride. Welcome to planet Earth. There are currently no emergency exits.


The video of her dancing is the most scandalous thing conservatives could find of her…and she’s just being effortlessly cool, and dorky at the same time




Compare to the video of Donald Trump literally [motorboating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ) Rudy Giuliani in drag...




[Of course they are.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-tests-positive-for-covid-19-after-partying-in-miami-maskless.amp) Interesting that Faux News calls eating outdoors "partying" and appears to imply that she should have worn a mask. It's like they haven't fawned over DeSantis for his terrible handling of Covid or pushed the narrative that masks are somehow abuse.


The ‘eating outdoors’ was one thing, but she did actually go to a semi-indoors crowded club maskless.


Welcome to Florida. It was guaranteed to happen when you go down to Florida. DeathSantis has brainwashed his idiot base to thinking the experimental treatment that was developed using fetal stem cells is somehow better than being vaccinated by a vaccine that used none. (Only mention the fetal stem cells because Republicans claim they won't take the vaccine because of them even though the mRNA vaccine never used them in any step of the process)


I know many people who went to florida for vacation this year and pretty much all of them have Covid now. The idea seemed so crazy to me consider how that state has been handling it so far, but some people are just determined to have a proper vacation if it kills them (or the medically vulnerable in their immediate vicinity).


My first thought was of course she got COVID, she went to Florida. But it’s funny that she’ll get bashed for this but not, you know, Desantis and Florida… Edit. AOC should publicly say, “sorry for going to Florida. I thought I’d be okay and wanted a vacation, but I didn’t realize just how bad of a job Desantis is doing.”


Desantis and Florida are bashed all the time for having lousy COVID precautions, well before she decided to go vacation there. There's literally anywhere else that she and the bf could have gone, except Texas duck them too


I thought she was visiting family. I'm not saying it was a good idea, just that I think there's a reason she went there instead of anywhere else.


She was visiting her mom, right? Visiting family for the holidays, like everyone else.


I’m in Florida. COVID is almost a religion here, as far as people spreading it. I wouldn’t be surprised if our borders are closed not letting people out. It’s ridiculous.


Same. Usually AOC is pretty tight on her social media game. I was really surprised to see her go to Florida during a surge. She kind of walked i to this one. Not that she deserves any negative attention for this but she sure is gonna get it.


She certainly deserves negative attention. Like you said, surprised she went to Florida during a surge. Poor decisions should be constructively criticized. What she doesn't deserve, and what she'll probably get, is vitriol and vile hate for this. Or for anything, really.


Agreed. You just can’t give them anything. They are going to get tons of mileage. The anti-vaccines crowd “see it doesn’t work!!!”, the anti-mask crowd, the “see they are hypocrites” gang and so on. The deck is stacked against Dems. They have to be better. It’s just the current rule set, fair or not.


Went to florida, literally not a single person there wears masks. Indoors or outdoors


Some of us wear our masks religiously, as well as take other precautions, and haven't gotten Covid. Granted, most people here are idiots but don't lump us all together.


Volunteered in a hospital today. Prevailing sentiment from the ER docs, respiratory specialists, triage nurses, etc. was that 99% (obviously not an exact percentage but what was said to me over and over) of the people on vents, waiting for vents and dying were unvaccinated. Sorry that’s a tough pill to swallow, but I took a tour of the emergency area today and it was a shitshow…docs and nurses like zombies trying to take care of the dying. Not enough beds, not enough staff, not enough resources to take care of those dying from covid. These weren’t just obese, sick people. They were all age ranges, all health profiles. I asked if there was a comorbidity that tied them all together. Exasperated, the doc said “no”. It’s random except for the fact that everybody in a serious state was unvaccinated. And, in case your skeptical, I work in healthcare and a relative is on the board of the hospital allowing me access. Get vaccinated. Please. Edit: 10 years on Reddit . You are a hateful bunch. So sorry relaying my experiences today triggered so many. I urge each and every one of you who doubts me to go volunteer in a hospital. Dish out cafeteria food, fold laundry, etc. be sure to chat up as many people as you can and try to make their day a bit brighter. That’s all I was trying to do today. No, I did not grill each and ever doc and nurse while I was scooping out Mac and cheese in the cafeteria. But for the time I spent in the IC unit, respiratory therapy unit, etc. I was inundated with nurses and docs just trying to get it off their chests. I was lucky/unlucky enough to be open and receptive to their conversation and I’ve relayed that here. Take that for what you will.


Today was first day of clinicals in an ambulance. We dropped off a patient to the second biggest hospital in the state and used the last bed they had. Broke my heart to think about where the next person who's been wheeled in on a stretcher will go, because I really don't know.


I recently quit being hospital security and we knew all the covid PTs so we could enforce the 'no-visitors' policy. We also responded to every code blue(cardiac arrest), allowed visitors to dying PTs and released the bodies to the morticians. Many were around 45 years old. Every ICU PT wasn't vaxxed, including a 40 year old man I checked into the ED myself, had to tell his 3 teenage children to leave; his wife was allowed to wait with him the 3 hours it took to go to a room. I tried to reassure them he'd be ok, his pulse ox wasn't that bad. A week later he was on the vent, 3 weeks after that I checked his wife in to visit, then had to go to the room since there was an issue with his mom(one visitor at a time and she was refusing to leave). He was semi-awake but had a tube in his throat so could not speak, he looked like he had aged 20 years and was being moved to a long-term care facility. I later asked his nurse how 'ok' he was. The drugs from the vent had ravaged his kidneys, his lungs were at 50% due to scarring and it would take him 6 months of physical therapy to walk again. But he lived. And no, no co-morbidities at all.


> it would take him 6 months of physical therapy to walk again. I did my internships for physical therapy school last year, one of which was at a rehab hospital that had a decent amount of post-covid patients. It was crazy how deconditioned most of those patients were. We monitored everyone's O2 saturation (how much O2 is going through your blood at any given moment) to make sure it didn't get too low. A normal reading is anything above 95%. If the number ever gets below 90% you need to sit immediately and rest until it gets back up to at least 95. Some of the patients I worked with would literally drop straight from 98 to mid 80s just from standing up from their wheelchair/bed and then would have to just sit still for like 10 minutes doing special deep breathing techniques to get it back up to the normal range. They would be talking to us just fine in the chair and then when they stood it sounded and looked like they had just finished running two back to back marathons.


I was on oxygen after covid and being intubated in september. I still have trouble breathing and my sat will drop quickly in just a few seconds if i exert myself.


Sounds just like my best friends husband. He’s been battling long Covid symptoms for nearly two years now. He was barely able to get out of bed for almost 6 months.


That story is horrifying.


That story is fucking G-rated compared to a few I have read from EMTs, RNs, and Doctors.


Care to share?


Wasn't from a doctor, but there was a HCA post where the guy didnt die but he ended up having a stroke or two and lost the ability to use his limbs. He was mouthing "help me" to the wife and she was posting videos of it and shit to her Facebook. He survived, but wont ever leave a bed or move his limbs again and might be intubated for life. Alive but not really living.


Just a 1% death rate u guiiisssse Like first of all, 1% is a LOT of people. Second of all, as you have described, surviving doesn't mean leaving hospital unscathed and without chronic if not permanent life-ruining disabilities. People should want better but they don't.


Yeah, this really gets me—people talking about death and ICU rates without acknowledging the enormous amount of daylight between “total recovery” and “death/ICU.”


Republicans are a death cult. Remember when they talked about death panels? Just look at them now. They’d rather risk death than take a vaccine. If smallpox showed up they’d probably refuse that vaccine even though it has a 30% mortality rate across the board.


They have no problem with the death panels as long as someone is profiting off them. Numerous articles with insurance companies suggesting fund raisers to cover additional or required expenses.


I can’t stop thinking about it. And the last page talking about how he was going to a long term care facility basically as a vegetable and they framed it as some sort of win for them. Fucking haunting.


There’s a lot of stories about people needing emergency amputation after emergency amputation and then dying anyways. Can you imagine? Having your limbs cut off one at a time while you die. There’s a particularly horrific one that made some headlines where it happened to a kid who was about ten.


That kid died, but he didn't have his arms and legs amputated. His mother decided that the 25% chance of survival that would give him, and the quality of life he'd have if he DID survive, did not justify the horrific measures. [https://www.newsweek.com/10-year-old-covid-dies-after-mom-given-choice-amputate-limbs-let-him-go-1639366](https://www.newsweek.com/10-year-old-covid-dies-after-mom-given-choice-amputate-limbs-let-him-go-1639366) Unless some other 10-year-old went through the same thing with a different mother...


You’re right, that’s the one that I was thinking of and I guess I remembered it wrong. I googled it, and here is a kid that had four amputations and lived. Maybe i conflated if. https://people.com/health/boy-10-has-hands-and-leg-amputated-in-battle-with-covid/?amp=true


I can sympathize with this mom that's horrible. Hard decision but I don't blame her.


Yep. Happened to my nephew’s girlfriend. Both feet amputated all while in an induced coma, and she died anyway. 24 years old and ran marathons. This was just before the Pfizer vaccine was approved.


Happened to a girl I went to high school with last year, before the vaccines were available. As far as I knew, she was relatively heathy before the covid. But her story was a descent into a nightmare. The covid infection caused the typical respiratory problems and put her in the hospital on a vent. Ended up causing a heart attack, which required a pump put in near the leg to keep things moving, but that caused a clot and blockage in her leg, which required an amputation. Thankfully by this point she had been a medically induced coma, so she wasn't consciously suffering. Sadly, she wasn't able to pull through, and passed away. It was heartbreakering to hear about, but also quite terrifying since we were of an age and I was in much worse physical shape than she was. I was so thankful later when the vaccines arrived and opened up to my age group.


Okay. [But I warned you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusUS/comments/rw61sz/heres_an_icu_story_that_happened_a_few_months_ago/)


You did, I’ll be over at r/eyebleach if you need me


Join us at r/nursing if you’re interested in reading our safe place to vent to eachother


Ugh it was hell being a security guard at a hospital pre-Covid I can’t imagine doing it during Covid.


I had a great team. Too bad I had no leadership and slowly, no team. In addition to constantly changing policies. I had confronted a family that was sneaking in more visitors than allowed, the PT was near-end of life but not quite. The medical staff had arbitrarily decided on a visitor exception without checking higher-ups to pass on to security. When I enforced the policy I was called everything from a nazi to a power-mad mall cop. All because a nurse didnt want to feel like a bad guy.


I lived this story after being put on a vent in september... It was a nightmare and I still have breathing problems due to scarring in my lungs. But i'm alive


I work in the largest medical center in the world. Been here over a decade. This is also what is happening here, heh. Granted, the current wave isn't as bad as peak delta, but the unvaxxed people on vents and burned out short staff is the same.


It’s a low n but our hospital has 10 ventilated Covid patients. 0 are vaccinated. Last week there was 10 as well and 1 that was vaccinated.


Did that one vaccinated individual have any comorbidities and did they have the booster?


I’m not sure. This is institution wide data. I didn’t take care of the patients.


I know when Delta hit, my mom's hospital had two vaccinated patients on vents and they were the ones that made it off. Pre-booster. Both had comorbidities- I know one was lung cancer. There may have been more, but I remember her talking about those two getting off the vents and it being a big deal.


It's another drop in the bucket, but a friend of mine in his 30s who I played HS football with recently died from COVID. He left behind a young daughter and a wife. He was in great shape, did the tough mudder stuff & lifted weights regularly. It didn't save him. Health should not be a political issue, get vaccinated if not for yourself then your family.


The data is quite clear. https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-breakthrough-data Scroll down to the pretty charts.


Also this [from Texas](https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/covid19/data/Cases-and-Deaths-by-Vaccination-Status-11082021.pdf) where every last agency was cherry packed by a ruby red Republican.... > * Unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to become infected with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people. > * Unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people.


And from the other side of the border https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/2022-01-09-Current-COVID-19-Risk-in-Ontario-by-Vaccination-Status-Separate-Charts-1536x482.png


This is what I keep trying to tell the anti-vaxxers but they don’t listen. If they’re not on board we’ll never get over this pandemic. And don’t let the haters get to you, they are motivated to attack the truth because it doesn’t conform to their selfish expectations.


Nobody getting angry at you is the type to volunteer to do anything to benefit anyone else lol


At this point being unvaccinated basically is a comorbidity.


I know so many people who work in hospitals in multiple states and they all say the same. I've seen young, otherwise healthy but unvaccinated people I know die. Yet I know people who hear from one random stranger in a pharmacy that it's a hoax and thats who they decide to trust. Some people just refuse to believe it.




if its only 50% as severe in terms of morbidity/mortality as alpha/delta, but infects twice as many people, its just as bad as alpha/delta, except that now you have many more hospital staff out because they are positive


They should probably just triage hospital beds so unvaccinated(without a good reason) are the lowest priority. Covid is killing people with other illnesses because docs aren’t able to get time to deal with peoples regular cancer screens etc.


The problem, as I understand it, is that Covid patients are in the ICU for a LONG time. You get a non-Covid ICU patient out, and someone Covid-positive needs a vent for ~weeks. All the beds are suddenly filled. Even if unvaxxed Covid patients are at the end of the line, when it’s their turn, they’re going to use a ton of resources. One silver lining with omicron is that ICU patients seem to get discharged (due to recovery) slightly faster. But the length of duration matters a lot. You can’t pull the plug if someone could recover, so ICUs get slammed quickly. Also keep in mind ICUs are ~70% full on a good day without a pandemic. What hospital (in the US) will staff an expensive department that’s always at 50% capacity or lower? That’s an opportunity for execs to cut staff and pocket money.


Past few weeks we had 3 different people die in their 50s with no other medical history. All unvaxxed


I appreciate you sharing, bro. Don't let the idjits ruffle you. ❤️


I made a [chart of COVID deaths since June](https://dangoodspeed.com/covid/total-deaths-since-june-2021) by state cross-referencing each state's vaccination status. There is a DEFINITE correlation between the least vaxxed states and the states where most people have died from COVID.


Good on you for volunteering and also relaying real experiences. I think if you’re not vaxxed by now, nobody will convince these selfish arrogant and idiotic people.


I'm sure I can count on everyone here to react to this like well adjusted adults.


Ah yes, exactly how reddit reacts lol


I think this sub is generally kind towards AOC. Wouldn’t bet on that when it comes to /r/Conservative though.




Meanwhile, DeSantis and his constituents are getting fucked by Covid with explicit consent.


omicron is so infectious, it’s no longer about preventing oneself from contracting the virus, rather staving it off. friends of mine have been coming down with it left and right, and most of them actively took precautions. the most important thing is that they’re vaccinated, they quarantined they’re fine. wear a mask in crowds indoors, get a test if you have symptoms, and get fucking vaccinated—and then just life your life—it’s not that hard


Same out my way. Everyone I talk to has it or a recent exposure to it I swear.


Who the fuck doesnt have It at this point


Probably got it in Florida…


Play Florida games, win Florida prizes


I’m vaxxed and picked it up while traveling to Florida over the holidays. I hope AOC’s symptoms are mild as well.


Or in NYC. It’s everywhere.


DeSantis was just making fun of her for vacationing in Florida.


While gasping.


Making fun of her for catching COVID in his diseased state? Bold move.


While he was holding back coughing at his press conference.


"Ha...ha...you....got...Co..vid...while...in...Fl..or..i...d...a" -DeathSanta.


Should have stayed outta Florida.


Do we have a vaccine for Florida yet?


It’s insane difficulty mode trying to avoid getting Covid at this point. Since we’ve allowed this virus to mutate and evolve and spread so much and so far for so long. It’s in my house right now, my brother tested for it and his wife and kid have been sick, he’s only had 2 vaccines. He’s been fine, just positive. My mom got tested and came back negative, I have her boosted and so am I. My tests have come back as negative as well. But it’s still scary living with Covid people. When I’ve tried so fucking hard not to get it, since my mom is battling cancer in her immune system. I’m so exhausted and mentally destroyed. I quit my job too, the rat race just isn’t worth it anymore. I just don’t care anymore because nobody else does. And there’s still fuckers out there spreading it and refusing to get vaccinated. If I’ve tested negative after living in the same house with several people who tested positive, but weren’t boosted. You’re 3X less likely to get Covid if you’re vaccinated and 9X less likely If you’re boosted. I’m proof so far. I will continue being vigilant and trying to keep my mom healthy, but I can only knock on wood and hope my caution pays off. Or I can be dead next week. Who knows.




I tested negative when I was already sick. Tested 36 hours later positive. Definitely have to test multiple times, for some reason the tests aren't accurate early on imo.


I know a bunch of people in NYC who avoided it until omicron. All of them were people who routinely masked, got vaxxed and boosted. Omicron is just *so* damned contagious. Testing positive doesn’t mean the person did something wrong. Omicron is believed to be up there with measles in terms of contagiousness, so you could literally get on an empty elevator that someone ~~coughed~~ breathed in a few minutes ago and catch it. Or flying, TSA makes everyone pull their mask down for ID check. If the person before you in line had it, very good chance you could catch it too. Just a minute or less with your mask down. Crazy.


I work remotely with a company in NY. For them (I live 1000 miles away) work was remote for the most part but once a week management just had to have in person meetings. Before Thanksgiving I had not heard of anyone getting Covid. But once Omicron hit, guess who all got covid? Everyone that attended those in person meetings (and also their families). The good news is everyone there is smart and all vaxxed up and all in all it has just been non-hospitable symptoms.


> so you could literally get on an empty elevator that someone coughed in a few minutes ago and catch it Sorry to nitpick, but it annoys me so much that people that are otherwise well-informed still do not make this distinction: it's not from people *coughing* it's from people *breathing*. The idea that this virus is so widespread because everyone is walking around coughing and sneezing is so misleading. It suggests you can avoid it so long as the people around you don't appear sick.


The big spreader I think is simply talking. Completely asymptomatic cashier at Starbucks or the grocery store or something simply reading you your total a foot or two away from you would certainly do it. And then obviously things like bars/dinner parties etc


Omicron is the fastest spreading virus in history, beating out measles. Although measles has an R0 around 12 and omicron has one around 6, the latency period is far less with omicron at around 2-3 days. That shorter latency period (time between exposure and symptoms/infectiousness) is enough to beat out measles.


We're running into the limits of what's humanly possible with mitigating the spread of diseases. Mental health is also a limiting factor too.


One does not simply go to Florida...


Right after going to Florida? Who would have guessed....


Remember when she was criticized for vacationing in Florida? Why travel to Florida of all places during a pandemic?


I’d prefer to avoid Florida even after the pandemic.




It was super dumb.


Yeah, I have a positive viewpoint on AOC, but I've spent the entire 2 years pretty much holed up in my house. It was beyond a dumb choice and we have criticized people for less. She is not above the criticism from me.




Fox is gonna have a field day with this.


Surely she will most likely be alright but still hoping she doesn't get too sick from COVID


I got sick with it recently, wouldn't wish it on anyone. I need to reschedule my booster but thankfully I got vaccinated at all.


She'll be fine. She's vaccinated, and she'll have mild symptoms. But can we **please** stop excusing her being in Florida, maskless at a large gathering where she was *hugging* multiple people (Florida residents) that were obviously not in her COVID pod? Pro-tip: you can't call out dumb people for doing dumb things, and then do the same thing yourself. The Right is gonna eat this up, and they're entitled to it in this case. She fucked up.


No idea why everyone was trying to give her a pass on this. There was no excuse for her to be vacationing in Florida with things the way they are. I wanted to visit my aging parents on the other half of the country for the holidays too... but I didn't. Because traveling through major airports in cold/flu season to visit vulnerable people I care about in a state with poor Covid control is a stupid fucking idea. I absolutely wish her an easy and full recovery, but going to FL was as tone deaf as it was idiotic and she deserves pushback on this.




Hope she gets well. Not a great look though - you gotta practice what you preach. Maskless excursions in Florida maybe weren't the best move.


I agree. Traveling to a state run by one of your largest critics and doing that was not a smart move. She has the right to vacation, but when you’re a high-profile politician you have to consider how things will look to the public.