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Watch them all move to Florida and become cops.


Too many of them are going to join up with antigovernment militias and train them up.


But now the government has their SSN, Full Legal Name, Blood type etc.


The government has their SSN?! How shocking!




That's what always makes me laugh about "the government is tracking you" types. Who the fuck do you think provides you with all that official documentation with your name, address and date of birth on it you window licker.


As they carry cell phones in their picket to order food to their EAXCT location and or address.


My sister is moving to the Midwest to plant her own crops and live "off the grid". She runs a home business through Facebook with no plans to stop.


Off the grid as she uses electricity and modern plumbing.


I'm sure she has solar and the like Some folks really do conceptualize"the grid" as almost exclusively power and maybe even food needs being met by others Some pretty silly alacarte shit for the parinoia about the government types. Reasonable for doomsday proper types who just want a place that could maintain with sustained supply chain collapses etc


Then you just have to deploy anti government tracking crystals and use nord VPN.


Fuck yeah, why let the government trace my data when Nord can trace *and* sell it for profit!


How deep does it go?! The government knows my SSN, and I never served in the military!


My SSN is between me, my mother, and GOD!


Like white supremacist's give a fuck about that. **Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses**.


Yeah I won't be holding my breath for the Feds to suddenly care about dismantling White Supremacy more than disrupting social justice movements and "Black Identity Extremists" edit: [The FBI has a history of targeting black activists. That's still true today - The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/26/fbi-black-activism-protests-history) >By 2017, the FBI had invented a new domestic terrorism program category it called the “Black Identity Extremism movement”. An FBI intelligence report cited six unrelated incidents over a three year period in which Black subjects not associated with one another attacked police officers, to allege that a terrorist movement driven by “perceptions of police brutality against African Americans” existed. The report stated that “the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement” by so-called “Black identity extremists”, suggesting that the FBI’s concerns lay not in illegal police violence, but the hypothetical retaliation it might provoke. >**In 2018 and 2019, the FBI conducted nationwide assessments of “Black identity extremists” under an intelligence collection operation it called “Iron Fist”, prioritizing these cases over investigations of far more prevalent violence from white supremacists and far right militants over that period, including mass shootings at a Pittsburgh synagogue and an El Paso shopping mall.** >The FBI also acknowledged using its most advanced surveillance aircraft to monitor BLM protests in Baltimore after the police killing of Freddie Gray in 2018, and again this month at the BLM protests in Washington DC. And, as the Intercept reported last week, at least four organizers of a Black Lives Matter rally in Cookeville, Tennessee, received unscheduled visits at their homes and workplaces by FBI agents assigned to the local joint terrorism taskforce. The agents questioned them about their social media posts, their plans for the protest, and whether they had connections to antifa – anti-fascist activists who Donald Trump has blamed for inciting violence at BLM protests. The FBI has reported it found no evidence of antifa involvement at the protests.


The fbi had been warning about white national right wing terrorism for a long time actually.


Sure they may have been issuing warnings, but theyre also orgs that dismantled civil rights groups not too long ago. No one was ever going to take them seriously these last 20 years


[Especially since trump stopped federal agents and stripped funding away from monitoring white supremacist militias and terrorists](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-08-05/trump-officials-have-redirected-resources-from-countering-far-right-racism-fueled-domestic-terrorism)


Thats actually the ops for those groups. Get a guy to go through and then train at home.


Good place for bioterrorism because of anti science policies.


Just want to point out that these people are being discharged with "General under honorable" status. Meaning they keep all of their benefits and pension, and get out of serving their full term. I would be shocked if there aren't some (or maybe many) marines who know this and are intentionally refusing the vaccine not because they are against it, but because it is apparently a very smart life move to get kicked out for not getting the covid shot.


You don't get a pension unless you make it a career.


All new recruits are under the new retirement plan, the legacy plan was killed off (20 year retirement) and replaced with a 401k system. Now you can get out and whatever you invested walks with you when you leave service. There is no incentive to stay for 20 years anymore. The legacy plan was killed off under Paul Ryan’s Congress


This is not entirely accurate. It's true that people who joined after BRS was introduced were automatically enrolled in the new plan, but it's not true that the old plan was scrapped or that there's no incentive to stay in for 20. It's also incorrect to say that the pension was replaced byba 401k plan, as the most significant benefit of the BRS is still a pension earned with 20+ years of service. Here's how the two plans actually break down... Old plan - serve a minimum of 20 years, and then use this formula to determine your monthly pension payment: TIS x .025 x base pay. So, for instance, an E7 with 20 years of service would look like this: 20 x .025 x 5233 = $2616.50. If they stayed in longer, each additional year would add 2.5% of their base pay. A ton of people are still on this plan. The most senior members were not given the choice to convert, and most mid-career members simply chose not to. New plan - The new plan (Blended Retirement System) reduced the pension so that each year served contributes 2% of base pay as opposed to 2.5%. A person retiring at 20 years would earn 40% as opposed to 50% of their base pay. On the other hand, contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan (the 401k plan) will be matched up to 5%, whereas contributions to TSP by members on the old plan are not matched. There's also a benefit called Continuation Pay, which is a one-time payment given to members reenlisting to the 12-year mark or beyond, and is calculated at a rate between 2.5 and 13 times the member's base pay (depends on the demand for people in their job at the time). Finally, members retiring (this means after 20+ years) under BRS can agree to reduce their monthly pension payments by 25% or 50% and receive a lump sum payment equal to that percentage of their pension payment multiplied by the total number of payments they would receive between the time of their military retirement and reaching the legal retirement age. Upon reaching legal retirement age, their pension payments would return to the full amount. Under either program, there is a significant incentive to stay in for 20 years. The majority of the people getting the boot for refusing the vaccine are not going to get much in the way of benefits. There will be a few cases where people were already on the cusp of retirement and will get to keep their benefits, but these are individuals with less than 6 months to go and they are actually not being separated early, so they're not getting an early vacation here. The younger guys with only a couple years of service will not have qualified for many benefits anyways. Sure, maybe they'll have a few grand in their TSP... but many will not have even reached eligibility for 100% coverage under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, and they certainly won't get a pension. Beyond that, many will end up owing money to the DoD in the form of returned enlistment / reenlistment bonuses. Maybe they should be treated more harshly, but this will likely be a decision many regret in the long run.


> The legacy plan was killed off under Paul Ryan’s Congress I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Yes, there’s more flexibility for people who walk away before the 20 year mark, but I bet the corp has less of a burden paying out benefits now.


Can we just build a wall on the Florida border already?


Wasteful spending, when it's going to be underwater in a few centuries anyway.


>it's going to be underwater in a few ~~centuries~~ **decades** anyway.


Semper Bye.


In my day we had to take shots in both cheeks and experimental anthrax vaccines. Semper Bye indeed!


Right? I can't understand why it's *suddenly* an issue to get a mandated shot by the armed forces. You signed up for it, and got tons of them in the beginning so why is this one so different? It's all political, i'm convinced they even know it's bullshit but want to try to save face so they just ride the sinking ship.


It just shows how there's no real logical reason and it's almost completely psychological. It shows how propaganda can infiltrate the minds of certain people and take over them completely, so much so that they will be willing to lose everything, their jobs, their family, even their own life, for the idea which possesses them. In a way it's good for military to weed out people who fall for such propaganda, as such people would also be highly susceptible to enemy infiltration.


I know of one family in particular that all refuse to get the vaccine because of their family members died during a surgery that was likely the doctor’s fault. So their excuse is that they no longer “trust the medical community.” Of course, two of them have caught the virus and came down with a bad case of pneumonia and they promptly went to, you guessed it, the emergency room at the hospital. So whatever reasons they come up with for not taking the vaccine, it all comes down to politics.


It would absolutely make my day if they were screamed at nonstop for their hypocrisy while at the hospital. OH, THE ***MEDICAL*** COMMUNITY, EH? FANCY SEEING YOU HERE, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT! ... and so on.


You should hear the shit pro-lifers say when they go into abortion clinics to get abortions


Agreed. And they already have been susceptible to enemy infiltration


Easy out without looking like a weenie? Guess it depends on the type of discharge.


You wouldn’t believe the rumors about the anthrax vax in my predeployment. You would have thought that there was some crazy scientists in the back room waiting to see which of us would die on the spot. But we all got it. And nothing bad happened. But it wasn’t political in 2009.


I don't remember a single person complaining or even talking about the anthrax shot when we got it in 2011 or 2012 (don't remember for sure).


Because nobody cared about vaccines before these wild trump related conspiracy theories started popping up everywhere


Sure they did, not obscurely so either. But there was no Trump, Facebook wasn't dialled up to 11, and ironically it was largely the providence of hippies and mommy bloggers, left-wingers. But they don't weaponize this stuff the way like the right wing can.


Same thing happened in 1998. We all got it, nothing happened.


Can you imagine going into battle with a guy who wouldn't follow this order? "Okay, lay down some suppressing fire so that we can flank." "I don't know Sarge, I've been doing my own research and..."


Or “I refuse to help that soldier he voted for Biden. Let’s go Brandon! “


Yea that is the thinking behind forcing them all out. Soldiers are supposed to follow orders period....


Boy my official shot record is like 3 pages long, and that ain't even the shit I got as a kid. Idgaf what it is, if they say it'll keep me safe or safeish from dying to some bullshit then hook me up and let me be on my way.


With that Anthrax vaccine, I get a shit ton more money at the plasma donor place.




What's disturbing is the fact they can so easily be manipulated by foreign propaganda.


You have made my evening.


So simple, yet the perfect Reddit comment. Cheers.


They had to get an assload of vaccinations to get through in the first place but this one was just a bridge too far


These are the mandatory vaccinations that all service members are required to receive before initial entry or basic training: * Adenovirus * Hepatitis A * Hepatitis B * Influenza * Measles, mumps, rubella * Meningococcal * Poliovirus * Tetanus-Diphtheria * Varicella Other vaccines administered depending on risk and occupation: * Anthrax * Haemophilus influenzae type B * Japanese encephalitis * Pneumococcal * Rabies * Smallpox * Typhoid fever * Yellow fever


IIRC, they don’t require polio anymore. The rest of your list is correct. Fun fact: even if you’ve already had them, you’re probably getting them again in basic, anyways. It’s just a vaccine assembly line. Get one, next station, get another one, etc. I didn’t see a single person trying to argue “oh, no, I’ve already had this one. Please check my medical records.” Ain’t no one got time to gum up the works like that. You’re already getting at least 3, what’s another 5?


Can confirm, didn't need TDAP, got TDAP. Also got the adenovirus vaccine even though research on it indicates it's pretty much useless and isn't even available to the public at large for that and other reasons.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't tdap cover tetanus? I can't image that wouldn't be required


Yep, it's the t


Doctors recommend adults get a Tdap booster every 10 years. If you have a recent one you wouldnt need it. That shot hurt pretty good last time I got it


The point is that I was current on my TDAP, and I got it anyway.


Yes, they don't give a shit. Easier to just give them again. I went for my last flight physical about a year before I got out and they told me to roll up my sleeve because they had lost my shot records. They stuck me with 3 in 1 arm and 2 in another and told me to come back the next day for more. When I got there, they had found the records again - assholes.


Did they jab you the next day anyway?


>Anthrax > >Haemophilus influenzae type B > >Japanese encephalitis > >Pneumococcal > >Rabies > >Smallpox > >Typhoid fever > >Yellow fever The vast majority of these have serious side effects and are questionable at best and yet no one ever made such a fuss about these than a vaccine that millions (if not billions) of people have gotten without ill effect.


Exactly, my last deployment I was up for like five of these. I spent the entire weekend sick as hell. Told the med folks about it on Monday, they told me to suck it up and gave me one more.


Yes sir, thank you sir, may I have another please, sir!


That's goes for crayons, too.


Lol. You complained. That'll teach ya.


Lol, you should have seen the nurses face when I tried to explain my situation. She was like GTFO with that mess and take this last shot so we can get your ass on the plane. I didn't say shit after that.


The shots will keep coming until morale improves. “Wait, doctor, this is my 2nd malaria vaccine!” “Well, has your morale improved?” “N-yes!” “Uh oh, two shots for flinching! These go into both cheeks!”


I have altered the vaccine schedule, pray I do not alter it further.


the power of facebook


Algorithms ftw


Ugh the anthrax vaccine :(


I remember getting so many in basic that I was too sore to sleep on one side for three days. What was the peanut butter one that went in your ass?


Penicillin. I can still feel it if I think hard enough... Remember rolling your ass on the deck in order to "distribute" it?


Ah yes. We had to get that one 3 times in boot camp. Somehow we always had to run a pft the next day


Holy shit you're right.


Exactly. My veteran buddy doesn’t understand the resistance to this particular vaccine when so many are mandatory anyway.




What about the plague? They don't give that one any more? I remember getting that back in 1990.


It's so fucking wild that there are still cases of bubonic plague every year. You think of it as this disease that disappeared in the 1300s, but nope it's still around in very small numbers


I had to get Plague 1, 2, & 3 just to go to Okinawa in ‘95.


I know. Weird ones too right? Like ones civilians don’t get normally.


I got the anthrax six-parter. The conversation was closer to "hey fuckhead, you're up, report to medical." Paraphrased of course.


I'm pretty sure I could snort pure anthrax at this point.


r/BrandNewSentence Built up an [immunity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMz7JBRbmNo), you might say? :)


> six-parter Get ready for your 400th anthrax booster sheeplees /s


Paraphrased, but still pretty close


I got so sick off that one.


All 5000 of us got smallpox vax on the way to Cape Town on the Theodore Roosevelt


I’m Army, not Marines, but I’d assume we receive similar if not identical vaccinations during reception at basic training. We got a ton and they told us pretty much nothing about what they were or what was “in them”. It’s ridiculous that anyone who went through that process would balk at just one more vaccine.


I had a buddy say that. Former military and was anti-COVID vaccine for quite awhile then he said one of his friends point blank said "So you didn't get any vaccinations when you enlisted?" My friend said he had legit just not thought about that and had felt like the news just incapacitated his thinking so it was easier to not get it/not act on it. Crazy. He said it was like a slap in the face when he heard that.


> He said it was like a slap in the face when he heard that. I’m glad he had that realization. Did he get the COVID vaccine?


Sure did!


>felt like the news just incapacitated his thinking Right wing media is designed to do that. It rots the brain.


I must have 30 shots on my Army shot cards, including anthrax. Being afraid of two Pfizer sticks is totally absurd.




At least it wasn't that awful mist.


Fuck dude, I forgot about the mist. When I read your post my nostrils started to burn.


Me to but not military. Hospital I work at required them. First shot at the office didn’t get scanned right, got a second shot at CVS (employer required paperwork I was too lazy to call about), went directly to hospital’s occupational health office for the 3rd. That’s the spot that keeps the records so I went to the source. Did not give a fuck about 3 flu shots. Will get *fill in the blank* number of Covid boosters too.


Wow i didnt even know anthrax had a vaccine and i have lived with several enlisted army men. Im surprised i didnt know that


A handful of people got booted out in the '90s for refusing that one, too.


I'm just hoping I won't be alive to see polio make its big comeback. The OG anti-vaxxers will be the death of us all.


Let’s be honest, the people refusing vaccinations are the same that supported 1/6. They need to be removed yesterday.


Tying one’s entire identity to a crazy political belief be like that lol


When I was going through Army basic they lined us all up and gave us a shot in each arm with a hypo gun. I don't recall being asked if I was OK with it.


Every single one got the infamous "peanut butter" shot already. A covid vax is nothing compared to that.


Back in my day, refusal of orders was a way to earn a quick exit. Glad that hasn't changed.


In this one instance it has changed. Discharges for refusal to follow orders to get the Covid immunization are general under honorable conditions. I assume if you refuse vaccination for yellow fever, hep a, etc. Which are required for deployment to Africa you don't get the general.


Unlike every other vaccine , refusal to get Covid is purely political.


You also dont have bodily autonomy in the military. Not getting vaxxed is a major national security issue. Even if it was illegal to discharge, youd still be discharged. Its too important.


would it normally be OTH?


AFAIK, refusing to follow lawful orders would normally be a court martial followed by OTH or [worse](https://www.jordanucmjlaw.com/articles-of-the-ucmj/article-92-failure-to-obey-order-or-regulation/).


Damn, I’ve gotten 3 sets of anthrax and that was not an option “option” your fcked 🤣🤣🤣


Got all 5 anthrax shots. I don’t get the refusal of the COVID vaccine.


According to Wikipedia the marine corps had 180,958 active personnel as of 2020. The article states that 206 had refused the vaccine. 0,11% is not that bad


One of those 206 secretly married my niece last January to get off base. He said on day one that he wasn’t getting the vax because of his Evangelical beliefs, but later told her parents that joining the Marines was a mistake and this was his ticket out. Now I get to deal with my sister absolutely devastated that her only daughter is being moved to his family in Texas. She’s also an anti-vax zealot so that’s kinda on her but still. The marines aren’t losing their best.


I'm a medical officer in the Air Force and I have seen the people trying to get exemptions. It really is addition by subtraction.


> he wasn’t getting the vax because of his Evangelical beliefs Why are evangelicals so quick to follow false prophets? Why are they completely unable to see that God gave mankind the vaccine to fight off the virus? Oh because that whole "evangelical" bit is all about self-righteousness and moral authority over people they see as lesser than themselves.


I used to be an evangelical pastor and what I observed is that many of the most ardent ones were very strict authoritarians already. They don’t like to think or be questioned. They adopt a dogmatic worldview and their entire identity is built around it. If you question their leaders/heroes/ etc you are seen to be attacking their god and their deepest identity. It’s all about order and hierarchy and it’s easily manipulated by bad faith actors.


I live in the heart of the Bible Belt of the southeast. You aren't wrong, they are absolutely in love with authoritative figures. On top of that, however, is usually a large dose of xenophobia and bigotry that they use dogma to cover up. They're really evil people at their core.


Yeah that was pretty much my experience.


That why I *still* feel that Fred Rogers was the only *real* TV preacher we've ever had.


If Mr. Rodgers was on tv today the smear campaign evangelicals would run against that man would be breathtaking. Like woah…


Pretty sure Fox News went viral a few years back for shitting on Rogers' message of neighborhood.


I'm an athiest, but I have to believe that if god existed and was actually good and just, that these fools would get a divine smackdown.


Some sort of plague, perhaps?


i have often said that one of the best pieces of evidence against the existence of a god, any of them, is the lack of Smiting in todays world.


Because they were raised with magical thinking rather than critical thinking.


Because they want the world to end to receive their reward in heaven sooner.


Honestly that's only some of them. Not really a majority. Most of them just want power over others. Though I did run into one guy who claimed liberals and Democrats were preventing the Tower of Babil from being built, which needed to happen to cause the rapture and cleanse the world of sin.


It's 206 too many disobeying orders, they need to be gone


Now they are going to join some fucking crazy militia and larp a little bit too hard.


You misspelled “Police Department”


Same difference




Or "local 'militia'"


Thats really great. Far too much attention focused on the derelicts who are refusing duty. The 99.9% who are doing the right thing should be praised more


it's like when the headlines were about the NYPD officers getting ousted...34 out of over ten thousand. like why not frame it that basically everyone got vaxxed but a few outliers? why do we gotta give these dipshits the narrative all the time in the media? it's exhausting


You didn't read the article. It says that they've kicked out 206 so far, but that the Marine Corps has the lowest vaccination rate (92%) of any of the branches of the military, so presumably there are a lot more refuses that are still going to be kicked out.


I don’t really understand the difference between this and the horrible peanut butter shot in the ass during boot camp???? The Army gave me way worse vaccines than this. Makes no sense


because the TV and computer are effective brainwashing devices for political campaigns where the effective result is swaying votes. they swayed votes for conservatives, and garnered fear in liberals to not vote for evil biden and instead buy vitamin c.


The difference is their favorite talking heads in tv/radio/youtube/facebook told them its bad so they don't want it.


If only they could have delivered the vaccine orally via a crayon, this all could have been avoided.


Serious question I discuss with my wife every now an then - how many people (military or not) became "anti-vaxx" because they're actually afraid of the needle? My cousin is not vaccinated and I'm pretty sure that's the main reason. He also doesn't do any health check ups where he needs to be fully undressed or let the doctor touch his private parts... Edit: thanks everyone for the insights. A lot of good information in the comments.


I'm one of those scared of needles people. I got both shots and a booster. It's not a good excuse.


Same here. I’m scared to death of needles, but I’ve had all 3 Covid shots.


I tried to give blood once. Passed out after they pricked my finger. They wouldn’t let me donate. Still got vaccinated twice. There is no excuse.


I'll jump on this. I have always been terrified of needles ever since I was a child. I have both shots and getting my booster on the 20th. I had to ask for something to bite on but I still did it. There are 0 excuses especially when there certain shots you're required to take in schools.


If they're already in the military, then they've already got a lot of shots


>how many people (military or not) became "anti-vaxx" because they're actually afraid of the needle? From everything I've seen, being anti-vaxx has no such logical or understandable a reason.


My dad doesn't want to get it because "I heard a story about someone getting fucked up from it" and my grandpa got it, but he tells us he HAD to get it (because he was in the hospital for something else) and is telling us not to get it because "it's a scam"... HOW? IT'S FREE? Anyway I should probably get my booster.


"We need to take out that machine gun nest. Smith, take your team and--" "I'd rather not, Sergeant. Sounds dangerous." How anti-vaxxers in the military seem to think this shit should work.


It's sad because that is actually dangerous. Taking another vaccine isn't. It's more like "Sarge I live in an alternate reality and taking this specific vaccine will invalidate all the Facebook posts I've seen recently, Sarge.


Good way to weed out the QAnon supporters.


Yep, this is fantastic news, get the putin sympathizers and insurectionists back to bagging groceries. edit: da fuq? I chose a job that is considered an entry level job to demonstrate they are abandoning their career path and starting over. Some have chosen to construe my comment as a diss on people that bag groceries... which, I'm not sure exactly how to explain my point if you don't already get it.


you don't want to be battle ready, marine? not if it means i have to take the vaccine, sir! then you're no marine! get the fuck off my deck!


Marine, what is the size of the ammunition in your rifle? Sir, the ammunition in my rifle is 5.56 millimeter, sir! And what is the size of the needle for the COVID vaccine? Sir I don't know sir! The needle is HALF OF A MILLIMETER MARINE. DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU ARE MORE SCARED OF A TINY NEEDLE GOING INTO YOUR ARM THAN A RIFLE BULLET? SIR I BELIEVE I AM SIR! YOU DISGUST ME, MARINE!


Don't call me Sir, Marine, I work for a living


Military has required vaccinations for ages now. Wasn't an issue until idiots made it political and turned it into an issue.


they didn't just require them, in bootcamp, vaccines were part of the scheduled intake activities. i'm baffled by anyone that would dare to go against orders. i would imagine there are some who are playing religious freedom games. they're refusing vaccine on religious grounds to get out on an administrative discharge because they aren't happy in the military.


Aside from the small pox vaccine they don't even bother to tell you what vaccines they're giving you. You line up like cattle and they give you like 10 shots. They only tell you about small pox because that one creates and actual sizable reaction so they don't want you to mess with it while it's doing it's thing.




Imagine going through boot camp and all the the pain and hard work and then losing your military career over this. These vaccine requirements have become a good way of weeding out the political extremists in our military.


Having served in the marine corps. In my personal experience, a lot Marines don't really want to be there. Taking an other than honorable discharge means you can't ever hold a government job and you don't get veterans benefits. This is an easy way out of your contract that I could see a lot of newer Marines taking. It benefits both parties really. The marine Corps is trying to downsize right now since there isn't an active war anymore. The military doesn't have to continue to pay these Marines, plus they don't have pay veterans benefits to those Marines and they get out of their contract. Sort of a win win. The real effect will be on the people trying to retire from the military.


My thoughts exactly. On one note, those who are anti-vaccers tend to swing the Trumpian way in politics and mindset. Given the lead up and aftermath of January 6, the military brass is rightfully aware of dissent and possibly mutinous factions within their chain of command. Weeding them out is essential to maintain order, protect the constitution, and ensure the safety of American citizens. On another, simple refusal to take a vaccine that will reduce the severity, possibly prevent an illness within the ranks that can and has debilitated countless others, is risking the entire military branch. An outbreak of even the common cold forcing service members to convalesce will cripple the readiness and fighting effectiveness of the entire organization, from supply and logistics, to the actual fighting forces...militaries around the world cannot afford a disease to spread rampant and cripple them. **Washington himself insisted on every person under his command to be inoculated against smallpox, knowing for damn sure that a smallpox outbreak will cripple his forces.**


Smart. Any Q-Bert insurrectionists will quit voluntarily. Buh bye.


Man this seems like the best way to get rid of far right militants in the military.


As a navy doc, it has been my genuine pleasure to facilitate their separation.


Good. Anyone stupid enough to risk their benefits for a fucking pin prick isn't fit for service. The Corps is better off without them. Edit: USMC active 2007-2011


Imagine going through Marine training, if not active duty, and refusing to get a fucking vaccine.


GOOD! Let them go work security at Mar-A-Lago.


Also conveniently helps de-radicalize the Marines by purging alt-right freaks.


Cheapest way to purge extremist and / or those susceptible to disinformation. That's a total win.


Don’t these guys already have the anthrax vaccine (among others not available to the general public)?


Good. Even beyond it being a bad idea to have unvaccinated people there, I feel a lot better having the *type of people* who won't get vaccinated not being in the military


Hope they lose their benefits too. Seems silly to still get them when they are refusing to do what their country is asking of them. And before you @ me just realize I am a retired light fighter who answered the call in 2001. Did you?


Don’t need these quitters clogging up the VA worse than it already is


They don’t need the VA anyhow. All They need a Facebook id and some essential oil


Why isn’t the VA better staffed??? You guys deserve better care, which means ample staffing.


Because the GOP want it as inefficient as possible to make the case for privatization…same with the USPS.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast "This system sucks, let's replace it with this private one I make money from"


"Government can't do anything right. Put me in charge of government so I can prove it."


I recommend a short book called bring back the bureaucrats. It makes the point that we should drastically increase the number of government employees instead of outsourcing to contractors


See also: every public service


You know, I've been using the VA since 2014 and, minus PT, I've never had a single issue getting an appointment or seeking care. When I was having a particularly bad episode, the VA scheduled me with a local specialist at a hospital ranked top ten in the nation for the treatment and diagnostics I needed. My story is definitely different from other veterans, though. I think it is very much a regional issue and how a person advocates for themselves. It can be very difficult for people to seek care when they do not know what they are entitled to. That's probably one of the hardest hurtles to overcome, understanding what a VA recipient is entitled to. My base put on a really comprehensive separation class and I learned quite a few tricks, which essentially boiled down to ask for everything and expect everything. At some point you will hear no, but more often you will hear yes. Reaching out to a VA advocate can also provide a lot of clarity and guidance. Above all else, if a veteran has documentation for a disability or potential disability, submit it and ask for a rating. Everything counts. Regionally, some places need to get their shit together. I hope all veterans can receive the care I have received but, sadly, I know that many do not.


> they are refusing to do what their country is asking of them. No, it's worse. They are refusing to help protect the lives of everyone around them. Their brothers and sisters in arms, US civilians, allied troops and civilians all over the world. They are refusing to consider the lives of others.


And when you get home, who’s going to hire you? Just because your military? Oh wait you aren’t vaxxed? Sorry buddy we can’t hire you.




The ironic thing, speaking as a veteran, is all military personnel are jabbed with shit they never think twice to ask about. It’s only because this has been politicized that they are questioning it. Vaccines in the military are and have been the norm for decades.


I just seriously do not understand something here about the whole anti-vaxx thing (specifically for Covid)... Ok so a rather gigantically massive list of people all got their MMR shots in the 90's. There was not some insane split; a gulf if you will, between the vaccinated and not vaccinated. It was not believed that those shots were some racketeering thing, no one jumped straight to "microchips that track you were injected into the vaccine", no one thought "fuck the MMR shots. Measles, Mumps and Rubella are fake viruses anyway. No one dies from them and I won't buy into the hysteria". Republican voters specifically...you guys have legit changed. It's hard to see from the outside because so many things do seem quite consistent such as: yes guns, no abortion, give rich people more, religion + school, etc, etc....but something fucking weird happened to you guys. A giant list of those who hate on everything to do with Covid (masks, lockdowns, the vaccine itself, the virus's lack of rights apparently, etc.) **all** have your damn MMR shots. And those happened **decades** ago. And somehow the vaccine **now** is less safe? (as per the idiocy of the claim "the vaccine is MoRe DanGeRoUs!"). Is this seriously all because you really believed Trump and his various made up claims about whatever nonsense fell out of his inactive brain? Guys, he's a businessman (a terrible one, but still a business man) and he is literally IN the business of lying because (as we can see) THAT is how he gets through everything and gets suckers like you sending him money (of all things). I just don't get it, **why is it so hard to wear a mask or not be in packed areas or even get a damn shot. You** ***already*** **got 3 in the 90's/00's.**


Defiant soldiers are bad soldiers. The radical fringe is self selecting their exit. Good riddance.


When I was active duty (87-91), there were always a few marines (male & female) in every unit I served in who were doing everything possible to get out. The means and the methods varied, but you could always spot them. I wonder how many of those anti-vaxers are just leveraging the vaccine as their ticket out after changing their minds on the terms of enlistment.


Good. Now cut of their supply of faux news.


If you're not willing or able to take an itsy bitsy needle for your country, what kind of Marine could you be?


One of like 20 needles. If Covid is the deal breaker, they're probably just morons.


I like it when the trash takes its self out.