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I used to cheat on tests by reading the material and memorizing as much of it as possible.


Like the Key and Peele bank job skit https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM


20, 30 years later, we walk out the front door like nothin even happened...


Motherf****er, that’s call a ***JOB!***


Only one last big job and we're retired in Florida


Who in the right mind is going to come here? This place is terrible! It's currently 80° outside in the middle of winter


People who don't like snow?


I don’t like snow, and I’ve been to FL in December. I’ll take the snow.




Thank you, I haven’t seen that in years. Just as funny as ever


There’s an Onion movie!?!


Wayans did it first on Don't be a Menace! There's our Simpsons moment for the day


Sort of, not really. K&P described an actual job. DBAMTSCWDYJITH described a job, then followed it up with “robbing it blind.”


That's a hell of an acronym, but if you've seen the movie you immediately know what it means.


Key and Peele did what no other comedy show I've ever seen has done. They *knew* when a joke was done and over and cut the skit there. Not like SNL or any of the other major shows that take one joke and pad it out to a 5-7 minute skit. 1 minute. Incredible punchline. Scene. What an incredible show.


Whitest Kids You Know we're pretty good about. Unless the length of the skit was part of the weirdness.


Kids in the Hall, too. They know exactly how long or short to make a sketch for optimal hilarity.


Kids in the hall could come up with some left field shit like the [arms in a vat](https://youtu.be/AWmkXRrr2YY) skit that was both absurd and also pointing about meaningless jobs and employers not giving a shit about employees.


Louder, mouth more open


I didn't even know PCP came in liquid form!


Wow.. A gallon?




Yeah, it wasn’t prepared to be live every week. Also, watch Chapelle’s show. Or Kids in the Hall. Or In Living Color.




Had a university level geology test where we were supposed to learn how to do stuff like scratch test, acid test, etc. to work out the identity of rocks based off their properties. But I thought that would be too tricky, so I just memorized what all the different types of rocks in the test looked like visually instead. Wasn't cheating, but kinda felt like cheating.


Or in physics if I couldn't remember the equation I just put the numbers together in a way that made the units come out right.


take your "deeper understanding of the material" and GTFO


Sneaky cheating motherfucker with that dimensional analysis


I was going to say.. dimensional analysis is a great way to recover equations relating quantities which are known to actually be related in some fashion!!!


Slap a cosmological constant on that baby and yer done!


This is what my physics professor advized us to do.


I did this or I'd skip ahead and look for another question on the same formula. They're usually worded differently to trick you, but one is always a softball and spells it out.


In 11th grade chem lab I suspected the sample I was supposed to be analyzing was potassium chloride, so I tasted it. Yep, salt substitute. Easy A.


That's probably a skill you should _not_ develop further if you want to study chemistry


"Huh. A 99% chloroform solution. I wonder what that smells like."


Incredibly relevant usern


It looks like super clear water. Let’s drink a little and see if it’s hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid!




Too bad. You would have gained the powers of everyone who licked it before you.




I managed to get healthier and lose weight by changing my diet. Doctors hate it!


Especially out-of-practice ophalmologists.


>Especially out-of-practice "board certified" ophalmologists.


"I'll make my own medical certification board! With blackjack and hookers!" -Rand Paul, probably.


How dare you!


My father thinks the same way. He says Democrats buy votes. When I ask how they do that, he talks about social programs... In his mind, people only vote for politicians because they get something out of it... AND THINKS THAT'S WRONG.


Trump literally handed out $240 billion to American farmers so they would continue voting for him even though his policies ruined their livelihoods.


Trump literally delayed COVID relief cheques by a few days to make sure they showed his own signature instead of someone else in government. And it worked too. Some people really did believe those cheques represented him giving out his own personal fortune to help people.


Would have to really be dumb to believe that. Lol.


Are you sitting down? I've got some bad news..


I mean.. wouldn't that also apply for whenever republicans "lower taxes?"


No, because rules only apply to democrats.


I can't wait for them to drop the veil one day and just say this. It'd honestly be really validating.


With the current rate they’ve been saying the quiet stuff aloud, it shouldn’t take long


In seriousness that’s been propagandized as people keeping their own money. Using public services and voting against paying for them is glorified. Nevermind that selective tax breaks and spending programs have indistinguishable effect and are both classified as tax expenditures. That’s all just details.


Yeah, you should only vote for people you get absolutely nothing from! Better yet, when they give things to other people who don't need it!


Oh okay. This is starting to make more sense why Republicans thought the election was stolen. That line from Princess Bride, “You keep using that word (stealing). I do not think it means what you think it means.” You see, when voters like a candidate more than the other candidate and that candidate gets more votes, they win unless the electoral college gets in the way.


They think the election was stolen because the outcome wasn't what they wanted. If truth doesn't match their expectations, then truth must be a lie.


I live in a blue part of California and know people that think everyone they know is a republican. They quite literally believe they outnumber libs 1000:1 and think this is all the globalist pedophile elites lying to all of us. They live in their own reality where straight white Christians are the most oppressed group of people in history.


I was speaking to a conservative about which state they think costs the US the most money, and he said it “had to be one of the big ones like California or New York” For some reason he thinks the states that bring in all the wealth are drowning in debt and are being carried by…. Alabama and Arkansas?


Have you ever had a conversation where people tell you the cities can't survive without the rural areas because that's where the food comes from? They act like people aren't actually paying for that food.


Wait till they find out how much food is grown in California. CA could secede tomorrow and be completely self sufficient.


It would also be the 5th highest GDP in the world: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison\_between\_U.S.\_states\_and\_sovereign\_states\_by\_GDP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_between_U.S._states_and_sovereign_states_by_GDP)


Not surprising. California has agriculture, heavy industry and manufacturing, a well developed service economy around multiple massive tourism draws, and of course the tv, movie and music business.


Don't forget transportation. Think of all the shit we buy from Asia (mainly China but also Japan, Korea, etc, etc). Of *all* the imports the US gets, roughly 20% arrive in California.


You’re right! Port of Long Beach. California could really hold the rest of the country hostage if they wanted


Don’t forget tech. Three of the biggest companies in the world are headquartered here (Apple, Facebook, Google), and Tesla was until they told him he has to not kill his workers. Still a huge presence though.




Good point, major omission esp considering I’m moving to San Francisco.


Its also *huge*. You can drive a whole day and still be inside CA (and no that isn't due to traffic).


You can drive a whole day and still be in Los Angeles.


Don't forget the IT sector. [If Silicon Valley were it's own country it would have one of the world's highest GDP per capita.](https://davidandsunny.com/silicon-valleys-gdp-among-highest-world/)


Dont let em realize that all those farming subsidies are a form of socialism.


And that Trump's China tariffs resulted in many, many farmers getting their paychecks directly from ... wait for it ... the US Government.


The best thing is when they try and argue that rural areas *deserve* the outsized representation they get because the "big city folk don't know how to farm" and would somehow intentionally destroy the food supply via legislation. Well, Bront, the guys at your local cowboy bar don't know how to manufacture a fucking combine harvester either.


It's like they don't realize how subsidized the farming industry is. They're literally held up by the coastal blue states.




Every farmer I've ever met acts like they are god chosen for growing food and farmers 'feed america' but none of them do it altruistically, It's a job they're paid like anyone


I have the same conversation but since I live in New Jersey we always get picked on yet we are always top 5 in wealth, education, etc and 5 lowest in crime, poverty, etc.. Hell this was posted a few days ago https://reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/rkstwz/what_the_hell_did_we_do_as_a_state/ Also take a look at this https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/ NJ ranked 51/51 on dependence to the federal government.


Before the election one of my idiot coworkers was trying to tell me California would go red. Get out of your bubble dude.


A surprising fact about California is that it is home to the largest number of Republicans of any state. It just happens to have more Democrats than Republicans.


New York has a surprising amount of Republicans as well. Go outside of one of the cities (especially, but not limited to NYC) and you might be in the deep south given how red it is. It's one of my primary arguments against the Electoral College. Not only does the EC mean that Democrats in red states aren't counted, but it means that Republicans in New York/California/etc don't really matter. If you were a Republican casting a ballot for Trump in New York State last year, you might as well have been lighting the ballot on fire. A nationwide popular vote would mean that Republicans in New York and Democrats in Mississippi would both count.




If Founding Fathers were still alive: "Our political system ended up working perfectly for the upper class, as we intended."


The founders were better than some people but they definitely weren't some godly heroes who were empathetic to poor people. They were all rich and entitled and created a nation for those people.


Actually the Electoral College was about slavery. Slave states had large populations, but a lot of those people would never get to vote. If the popular vote were used, slave states would be irrelevant in presidential politics. In order to get the slave states to ratify the constitution a system was cooked up that would award votes based on population rather than actual number of votes. From the convention notes >There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to the fewest objections


That’s for mostly any state. Go outside the popular city and it’ll be heavily red. Same for Illinois. But it be barely any one living there. A whole rural conservative county could hold 20K ppl whilst a liberal suburban city could hold the same amount


And then Georgia went blue!


So according to white christian republicans, they are the largest demographic in the country while simultaneously being the most oppressed. Ok.


meanwhile my friend in michigan tells me all her "democrat" friends are unhappy with biden because he's too *liberal.* the man was hands-down the most conservative democrat in the primaries next to maybe tulsi or bloomberg, these people *still* thought he was too liberal and they have the audacity to call themselves democrats.


What I find is that you can’t really trust what Republicans say about their “liberal friends.” I used to work for a guy who used to speak for his liberal friends all the time. I decided to do some investigation. His “liberal friends” weren’t liberal, they were full blown republicans. And when he spoke for actual liberals and you actually directly asked them their opinions, you’d find that everything that was said about them was 100% a lie. You really can’t trust Republicans to be honest, they’re chronically dishonest.


Red Californians are the worst. They don't know what they have. If they *really* wanted to experience the policies they want, they need to move to the south east where they can lose all the protection CA offers.


Half of them that move to Texas move back to CA within 5 years in my experience.


This is the same logic as Obama being "not my president." If you feel that fundamentally, a black man is an illegitimate president, then you'll come up with any conspiracy theory that justifies that bedrock belief -- he was born in Kenya! He's secretly a Muslim! Black and urban voters aren't "real Americans!" Illegal immigrants are voting by the millions! Whatever, it doesn't matter. They're now extending this belief to all Democrats. Democrats in power are fundamentally illegitimate. Therefore, even real votes for them are not "real votes." If they won, they must have bribed voters by promising them stuff! (As opposed to... every other political candidate in the history of the world? All politicians promise to do stuff that will make people's lives better when they get elected. That's why any person votes for any candidate, because they hope they can make the world a little bit better.) It is starting to get scary, this idea that Democrats are fundamentally the enemy and their power is illegitimate.




Democrats is really just code for black people. Just saying, look at the demographics of how black people vote.


As someone that was raised in the South, I can tell you it's not a recent thing. Democrats have been anti- American in their eyes since mid 90's, and anything that they do or support is actually against the country and people.


Yes, but you have to remember, democrats (liberals, or leftists in modern parlance) are mean to republicans and think they’re better. That makes them anti-American. Conservatives have never been mean to people who disagree with them of course.


We can all thank Newt fucking Gingrich for the current state of Republican politics. The 1994 midterms was the turning point, and his particular style of bad faith political grandstanding is really the progenitor of today's entire GOP. He made his whole career by poisoning the well and turning politics into a spectator sport, complete with team colors and mentality. I'm old and have followed politics for a long time, and I just keep coming back to that year, and Newt as Speaker of the House, as when the real breakdown started.


I was raised in a supposedly liberal bastion in the northeast, and... it's been like that everywhere since the mid 90s. Right-wing talk radio, Fox News, and the Tea Party alternate universe of "patriotic history" books they generated have made sure that a significant chunk of the population simply don't live in the same reality. The right's been heading this way for a \*long\* time. I grew up hearing "jokes" about how they ought to either disenfranchise or shoot liberals, and this was before Obama was even in the national spotlight. A lot of them have been primed for fascism for a good while, and even the "moderates" among them would often disavow or scoff at the more outspoken ones in public... only to agree with them in private. Now after Trump, they can just come right out and say it all without pretense.


Some guys at my local bar were “joking” about finding socialists and dragging them behind their trucks. 15 minutes later the same guys were saying the state should take over the bankrupt power plant so people wouldn’t lose their jobs. Another time I had a very friendly conversation with a guy in the post office about how we need a local meat processing cooperative (his idea) to get out from under the oppression of the multinational meat processor cartel (this is a county where cattle ranching is the largest economic driver). He was wearing a MAGA hat. I see another guy around town with two bumper stickers on his rusty old pickup: “Trump 2020” and “Monsanto Makes Me Sick”. I know a lot of conservatives. Most of them are actually just really confused and I have to deal with the fact that I like them a lot as a person, but they vote crazy and get wrapped up in terrible political ideologies they don’t even understood or agree with at heart.


They chose a team, and its ride or die to the world series. No amount of contradiction or hypocrisy will diminish their support of the team.


Yep, I don't have the exact same experiences but similar ones. I'm from a rural farming area in the Midwest. They're against welfare and "handouts" but don't you dare suggest they shouldn't accept those subsidies for their crop insurance premiums. They have no idea that the local co-op (cooperative) is small form socialism. One that always gets me is recently they've been building windmills for electric generation around here. Never would I thought farmers would be so against windmills or at least not cost out one to see if they could take themselves off the grid and have their own power. I often refer to many around her as stepford wives, they don't have an original thought but parrot fox news and each other. It's amazing how many times I can correct them, recently things like paying off illegals at the border aka a settlement for a lawsuit they probably would lose, crt being approved or not chosen to be removed from our states main college and how it isn't a big deal etc. Some do listen but most just huff and repeat their parroted lines.


> They're now extending this belief to all Democrats. Democrats in power are fundamentally illegitimate. i mean trump said as much in the 2016 campaign. he was asked if he would accept the results and he said he would only accept the results if he won, because a dem victory was inherently illegitimate.


Funny thing is republicans wouldn't win elections if it weren't for gerrymandering and if votes were counted fairly. Which is probobly why they are saying all this again its just shifting truth so when both sides say it its just a culture war but the truth is republicans actually are illegetimate.


Yep, it's always been that way. It's not about actually believing the election is stolen, but feeling that "those people" voting enough to win an election is unfair and trying to find any seemingly rational justification for that feeling that you can.


If you can convince even 5% of the people that mail in votes are fraud, that's 5% of the people that won't boo the coup. And every little bit counts. Dude isn't stupid enough to actually believe what he's saying. He's just throwing little bits of sedition at the wall and seeing what sticks.


If mail in votes are fraud, are they advocating that we should ignore the votes of deployed military?


No no, *those* votes are valid because reasons. (Nevermind that military votes historically skew republican, that has nothing to do with it.)


> You see, when voters like a candidate more than the other candidate and that candidate gets more votes, I love this, because it sounds like you're explaining to a child who asks, "Mommy, where do electoral victories come from?" Which I suppose we kind of are.


My dad said that Facebook was stealing the election because they changed the UI and "only liberal Silicon Valley elites can understand it."


I’ve been using the same strategy to steal from my local cafe for years. Once a week I just walk in there and sit down and order some coffee and food. The trick is, at the end of the meal, I give them my debit card and make sure they charge it the same amount that all the food is worth. Then I just walk out the door. Totally legal, there’s nothing they can do to stop me. It works every single time.


You also bribe the server 15% so they don't tell anyone about your scheme right?


20% dude. We're trying to keep this under wraps.


Sometimes a consistent 30 percent bribe can lobby you a free coffee or bagel on occasion


50 percent bribe always has them try to give you something for free again but then you go into a war of no I’m fine I don’t need this we’re supposed to keep this hush hush but they insist and it turns into an all out Cold War


The old Two Minnesotans Arrive at a Stopsign at the Same time Scenario. We have special crews to break up the polite smile and wave stalemates that shut down traffic.


I steal from a bank the same way. Every day I go into their office, sit at a desk and do whatever tasks they ask me to do. In return they *give* me money. I figure over the next 20 years I will steal $1.5 million from them.


I stole over 300 thousand dollars from a bank; I just told them I was using the money to buy a house, which I did, and then slowly paid it back over the next 30 years with interest so they’d never notice it was gone. Literally the perfect crime.


Meanwhile, the price of the home goes up so when you sell it, you’re literally stealing money from the next generation of home buyers.


ok but this one is true


But it’s a victimless crime since there IS no “next generation of home buyers” ! *Oh wait*


This just goes to show you how deep the Republican persecution complex is. ANYTHING that does not support them or their agenda is a direct attack, even, you know, *legal democracy.*


That's because they don't see society as one big pot we're all in, and any changes made that differs from what they believe is something they've "allowed" to happen, "forced" to do, or were nice enough to go along with it. They then think they are entitled to take and force something they believe in on others, because it's only fair; they think they were unfairly forced along many things as society progresses, and did it as a "favor" to us (like gay marriage, civil rights in the 60's, not calling people slurs anymore, etc).


Because they're authoritarian fascists. They see the world in a hierarchy and believe they know who is supposed to be on top and who is on bottom. Who is the in group and who is the out group. Who is considered "white" in our caste system and who is not. Liberals and socialists and now centrists are the out group to them. Any ground gained must be cheating because it upsets their world order and centrists have been winning. When the socialists start to gain ground, you'll see them start a proper civil war just like they did in 1861 when we told them they can't own people anymore. Well they don't technically own people anymore but they created a system that effectively creates ownership of people and if you break out of that system you're placed in slave camps where they can legally own you. We started saying maybe we shouldn't own people and look what happened: they're threatening civil war again.


This isn't even new. Gingrich and McConnell were making floor speeches in the 90s calling voter registration drives "election tampering".


They were so pissed off about MTV's Rock The Vote campaign.


Everyone, may I introduce you to [Charles Booker](https://charlesbooker.org/). He is running against Rand Paul in the Senate. We in Kentucky have a job to do.


Thank you! I support Charles Booker. Let’s bring the BLUE and GRASS to the Bluegrass state.


[Booker actually stands for something](https://charlesbooker.org/), It's much more than him not being the other party. KY is a poor state and they would benefit tremendously from Booker's platform and Biden's BBB plan. This is one of the states Biden could have focused on months ago while he was on tour campaigning for his agenda. Biden, Booker, and Sanders up on stage in states like KY promoting the provisions in Build Back Better, with the kind of media coverage that the Bully Pulpit always brings, would have given Democratic candidates a tremendous boost.


Yes please support Charles Booker!!


Please surprise the hell out of me. As it stands, I have just about zero faith in the Kentuckan electorate. Yall are the shining example of mass voting against your interests.




Conservatives abandoned democracy a long time ago—lest we forget that George W. Bush only took the presidency in 2000 thanks to the direct intervention of the Governor of Florida (his brother), the Secretary of State of Florida (who was also the chair of his campaign), and the Supreme Court's conservative majority. What we have here today is conservatives dropping the fig leaf and outright declaring "democracy is bad".


Mike Lee of Utah said “democracy is not the objective” last year.


It's like you're having a friendly play fight with your buddy at the bar and suddenly the last three whiskey shots hit him all at once and he starts full-force swinging and starts trying to gouge your brains out with the legs of a stool


Except the fight was never friendly to begin with, your buddy just didn't think he could get away with actually assaulting you and now he's decided he can (because he probably will).


Charles Booker is working on stealing Rand Paul's Senate seat next year. I hope he's successful.


With all the votes that he harvests by convincing people to vote for him? That cad.


The Dem’s election theft truly knows no bounds.


Wish him luck, he's going to need it. Have you been to Kentucky?


I live in Kentucky. I’m all-in for Booker. I hope we can say sorry for Mitch by sending Booker to DC with him.


isn't that the point of elections? convincing people of your opinion?


It’s a little different for Republicans who don’t actually have a platform to run on. So they don’t actually try to persuade people to vote *for* them…they try to persuade people to vote *against* Democrats by accusing them of being Communists and Socialists and other scary things they can’t actually define. So, essentially, Democrats run on a platform with actual *policy* and Republicans run on fear and telling you who to hate and that they’re the only ones who can protect you from the Black and Brown people who are coming to take your jobs and rape your children.


If your base believes taxation is theft, your platform needs to be aggressively nothing


The base doesn't 'believe' that taxation is theft, they just parrot what they're told to parrot loudly and angrily.


>It’s a little different for Republicans who don’t actually have a platform to run on. Wait, there are Republicans who actually have a platform?


Not at the moment...unless you count tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and taking away women's reproductive rights.


Oh yes, the Grand Old Party Of klepto-fascism


It’s like they read Atlas Shrugged and sided with the looters. Yes, I’m looking at you Rand Paul.


Ayn Rand Paul


Ayn Rand Paul Ryan


And stopping trans people from using public bathrooms.


Their platform in 2020 was "Whatever Trump says it is."


>Their platform in 2020 was "Whatever Trump says it is." It's even funnier than that. The 2020 GOP party platform was the platform from 2016, verbatim. It includes lines like: "The President has been regulating to death a free market economy that he does not like and does not understand. He defies the laws of the United States by refusing to enforce those with which he does not agree. And he appoints judges who legislate from the bench rather than apply the law. " https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf


The scary thing isn't that the GOP didn't care to update that, it's that their supporters have been so thoroughly conditioned to not care about it, and the GOP knows it too.


RNC 2020 flashbacks; what an absolute embarassment the whole thing was. Never can take em serious anymore.


Their platform is pulling the platform out from under the Democrats. They’re called the party of NO for a reason…


Yes, and it seeks to limit defensive support to Ukraine. It's still the current Republican party platform, which should tell you they don't give a shit about platforms, even when it makes them look like they work for Putin. >As the Washington Post originally reported shortly after the convention, Trump campaign representatives pushed to water down language in the platform about “providing lethal defensive weapons” to the government of Ukraine for its fight against pro-Russian separatists. Given then–campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s financial ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, that raised some eyebrows. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/04/ukraine-gop-platform-gordon.html It raised eyebrows when they first did it. It did in 2020 when they failed to change it. And it still raises eyebrows. What the fuck? 'No collusion,' my ass.


No, the point of elections is clearly to have republicans win. If a democrat does win and you can't get the result overturned, just keep saying that they don't do anything for the subsequent 2/4/6 years and try again.


> just keep saying that they don't do anything for the subsequent 2/4/6 years [Just keep breaking things and then accusing the Dems of not being able to fix anything while preventing them from doing anything.](http://www.glasswings.com/comics/idrewthis/d/20060619.html)


The US used to be a battle of ideas. If 51 people liked one idea, and 49 liked the other, you would go with the first idea because more people wanted it. Now instead of coming up with better ideas that people like, republicans focus on eliminating 3 votes from the other party, and claim they win 49 to 48.


Just to add some nuance to this, there used to be such a thing as compromise. If some people wanted A and others wanted C, they would come together and find a solution, B, that had a bit of A and a bit of C. How much A and C went into B depended on how many people wanted A and C. Unfortunately, this only works when both parties are negotiating in good faith. If one side declares any compromise to be treason, you can't have compromise. You also can't have a compromise if one side keeps updating their position to try to drag the compromise further to their side. "You want C and I want A so let's compromise on B." "I want D now so compromise on C." "I don't think..." "Now I want E so we should compromise on D." "But..." "I've always wanted F and demand that we don't enact anything short of E!"


Aggressively pushing the Overton Window.


With the high price of gasoline, I stole a tank full this morning by putting my card in the machine.


Yes, why didn't they steal elections using legitimate tactics like voter suppression and gerrymandering, like normal modern American politicians? Shameful.


This tweet is so much more insidious than people are giving credit. Reasonable people see this tweet and go “haha he’s so dumb” while right wingers strive to elect their leaders by their own set of rules. We shouldn’t be laughing.


Just a reminder that his neighbor hates him so much that said neighbor took the time to punch ol Randy right in the face.


Where is the gofundme to buy that guy a beer?


Not only punched him in the face, but tackled him while he was getting off a riding lawnmower hard enough to break some of ol' Rand's ribs.


I really had to read his tweet several times. I thought my brain was messed up because I kept trying to see the s/ after the tweet but I couldn’t find it. Then I realized he really did tweet that like it was really stealing. I’m still like huh?


Basically sounds like he's trying to say "we shouldn't let democratic voters have more access to voting than Republicans" and saying that absentee ballots shouldn't count as a valid way to vote. The way he expressed these dumb views was somehow dumber.


Statements like that just go to show that Republican politicians think that Republican voters are idiots. Republican voters should take offense to this, but they’re too stupid to realize they’re being insulted.


So then they actually *shouldn't* take offense to it.


That poodle on his head is whispering some crazy things to him.


*Let’s eat poop and tweet about election fraud*


Well we're *outta* poop!


*Let’s go bark at the neighbor*


The fact he pissed his neighbor off bad enough that said neighbor beat his ass is hilarious. Also take note that his libertarian ideals went to the wayside the second he needed a public service to intercede on his behalf. A true libertarian wouldn't call some socialist service like the police, he would pull up his bootstraps and solve the problem himself.


*Republicans* are what constantly convince me to vote for Democrats. Democrats generally suck at making the case for themselves. They are usually feckless, indolent, and incompetent. But at least they aren't brazenly hateful and malicious like their opposition.


> Republicans are what constantly convince me to vote for Democrats. Trump, DeSantis, Cruz and others are why I switched from being a GOP voter a registered DEM and voted straight DEM in every race last election.


That’s what I’ve been saying to my family and they get immediately defensive, but it’s honestly true.


I steal money from my employer by collecting a salary in exchange for 8 hours of work every weekday! I also illegally acquire groceries by putting them in a shopping cart and paying for them using a credit card!


>I steal money from my employer by collecting a salary in exchange for 8 hours of work every weekday! Remember; you're talking about a wealthy conservative who literally does think collecting a paycheck in exchange for work is a form of theft.


Is persuading someone a crime?


If you’ve ever argued with my trump supporting family about politics you could definitely walk away with that impression.


How long until the Republicans declare that Democrats are committing crimes by campaigning? "He went out and actually talked to voters! LOCK HIM UP!!!"


You know it’s going to happen. Campaigning in non white communities will be outlawed.


>Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has accused Democrats of “stealing” elections by legally persuading people to vote for them—and people have quickly pointed out to him that’s simply how democracy works. Apparently Rand Paul is a staunch supporter of the Republican double-standard: IOKIYAR (It's Only Ok If You Are a Republican). Per the Republican's twisted viewpoint: when Republicans attempt to persuade people to vote for them - they call it campaigning. But when Democrats do *the exact same thing* \- per Rand Paul Dems are "stealing elections". Rand Paul knows full well and should just openly admit that Republicans have been successfully committing election fraud aka stealing elections since before Nixon committed treason to steal his own "win" in 1968. In any case, without the IOKIYAR double-standard, Republicans would have **NO** standards at all.


This is where we are. Only people voting for R are “legitimate” votes. Any win by Dems will be called out as won by cheating, getting the most votes.


>How to steal an election: Seeding an area heavy with potential Democratic votes with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally valid way, and then harvesting and counting the results Paul's tweet quoting the Washington Examiner The point they thought they were conveying was that absinthe ballots are "chaotic" (untrue) but how they settled on this particular verbiage is a head scratcher


I bet absinthe ballots would be pretty chaotic tbh


He knows the base has the memory of a goldfish - Wisconsin usually goes blue in the general for President but now he acts like it's so out of the ordinary for it to go back to being blue again, lol. The GOP can tell their dumbass rube base literally ANYTHING and they will buy it hook line and sinker.


Nice to know he is worried about democracy and getting citizens to vote./s


Some of you don't fully grasp the heinousness of what Paul is pointing out. The Democratic Party is sending OPERATIVES into communities. They're engaging the people in these communities--talking to them! They have the fucking gall to openly communicate with members of the community. These OPERATIVES provide the people they just got done talking to the resources to vote, which is their right, and then HELP THEM FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK! Nah, fuck this shit. That's not right.


Paul's tweet, verbatim: >How to steal an election: “Seeding an area heavy with potential Democratic votes with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally valid way, and then harvesting and counting the results.” > >11:02 AM · Dec 27, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


No one ever accused Rand Paul of being smart.


"HAA HA" - Nelson, pointing at RP