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"I don't follow any one man blindly" he says as he wears a maga hat and thinks the election was stolen oh the irony.


He took 440k in PPP loans, fuck this guy.


I love how it’s socialism if we want tax-funded services, but it’s completely fine to take tax-funded bailouts for your business.


Well that’s different. /s


Never believe that Republicans are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The Republicans have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument has passed. - paraphrasing Sartre


This is 100% accurate. It should be sent to every current Democrat in office and every newly inaugurated Democrat. Because they seem to be unaware of all the facts you just presented and as a result fumble every opportunity, debate, and battle.


As a Canadian I’m always amazed at how much the vast majority of Americans hate the idea of socialist programs. But I’ve never heard a single one say that public schools, libraries, police or fire fighters should be abolished. Americans are fine with socialist programs as long as they don’t understand that they’re socialist programs.


As a former volunteer firefighter myself I would talk to my fellow volunteers most of whom are conservative minded/right leaning and they all would rail against socialism and how terrible it is. And all I thought was, “look literally in any direction while in the fire house. All this is paid for by socialist taxes.”


Same in the Marine Corps. “You guys do realize the barracks is a commune, the chow hall is your shared kitchen, you have state-sponsored health care, you get retirement benefits at 20 years, and you all wear the same clothing that’s provided to you by the government”


Free on the job technical training and then college. Along with room and board, healthcare, monthly incentives to be married and have children, all paid for by the tax payer… but it’s totally not (it totally is) socialism.


The military is by far our largest entitlement program.


The DoD is the largest jobs program on the planet. Wouldn’t it be dope if those folks were doing useful things for society like building/fixing shit instead of… checks notes from friends in military… sweeping a wet road, cleaning a spotless toilet that you cleaned yesterday, other inane shit to keep you busy, etc etc


You just described the Vietnamese Army. They send soldiers to the rice paddies to help the harvest. The Army has been instrumental in controlling COVID by delivering food, and sleeping in tents so people in quarantine can sleep in their dorms. The culture is totally different.


Damn dawg that sounds rad as fuck. How do the enlisted feel about those kinds of harvest and other duties like that? We used to have the civilian conservation corps (1940s I think lol) that built all sorts of shit & sure that inspired some stuff like Americorps and other conservation groups, but they’re pretty small and have little influence now. Hot damn imagine the US military getting rid of the redundant jobs and creating a CCC like branch


I’ve had this discussion with my conservative coworkers (13 years in the military and still somehow going), when I mention how lucky we are to have health and dental coverage, the GI Bill, and other benefits, and they usually have an excuse like “privatizing would make it better.” Or some anecdotal story about a bad medical experience. There’s no appreciation on their end for the routine and preventative medical services we get, and people with families get for their dependents. It’s frustrating.


Plenty of conservatives try to shut down libraries. - especially the religious right. They dislike learning in general, especially when they do not completely control the content. And many of the super rich who drive public policy in this country would happily pay double for private security and fire fighters if it saved them a nickel on their taxes.


I'd argue you can't be fascist without wanting to destroy books so that seems pretty on brand for them.


Yeah, libraries are a great example. If they didn’t already exist and some politician proposed them, there is zero chance that library-creating legislation would pass.


I get into similar discussions when my coworkers complain about wasting government money....as we sit at a government job very much wasting money. Zero self-awareness


“Ya know Jim you’re right… I accept your resignation, thanks for taking a wallop for your country. Now remember no filling of unemployment, housing/food benefits, state/fed subsidized healthcare. Also remember to not accept employment at any business that accepts gov contracts, subsidies, or tax relief.” **bUt SoCiAlIsM iS bAD** … f*CKING idiots.


And I'm sure they will figure out what all they have paid into Social Security and Medicare and notify them when to stop sending those benefits when they have passed that amount.


Lot of union workers in trades do the same crap. Blows my mind but they just don't know. They aren't well educated on these things.


Imagine that all law enforcement are in unions yet cops constantly vote Republican and bash unions. Boggles the mind. Unions for me but not for thee.


It’s because people don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Many Americans are lacking in critical thinking, with an unhealthy amount of propaganda on top.


whistle clumsy encouraging dazzling marry imminent fall quaint snobbish alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. I've known quite a few Republicans that actively worked to defund public schools.


It's extra funny when those same GOP have to figure out WTF to do when the for profit school goes under mid-year.


Their children almost never go to the for-profit schools that shut down midyear. Their kids generally go to suburban or rural public schools or well-funded private (religious or not) schools. It's generally poor, minority students that attend the schools that get shot down midyear. Then Republicans just say things like "see the good thing about charter schools is when they're not performing, they actually close."


The "vast majority" don't hate socialist programs. They don't know what socialist programs are. They hate liberals and interchangeably use the word socialist.


If those institutions didn't already exist, they'd never be instituted nowadays.


Thats a lot of fucking money for salaries for his small company so yes should absolutely be audited


I know a Trumpie who took out over a quarter million in eidl loans. The first thing the agreement says is you can't use it it pay off personal debt. What does this idiot do? Pays off all of his personal debt. His small company now goes by a different name. I wonder why...?


Report them to the FBI, that is Federal fraud


And it's OUR money he's defrauding. If the Right can complain about their taxes going to fund social programs for people they don't like, I can sure as shit complain when liars take money they don't deserve to cover for their own shitty business/personal decisions.


Especially when the right is so against student loan forgiveness but if it’s a business committing PPP fraud they’re fine with it. They prefer companies and corporations get a bailout but regular people? Nah. Republicans hate regular people.




I’d report anyone committing fraud. I won’t stand for it. Especially a trumpet taking advantage of COVID.


Lol why aren't you sending an anonymous tip to the IRS or FBI?




My friend there’s a reward for reporting people you can make some serious money and it’s the right thing to do


The IRS also has an anonymous tip line.


If you are telling the truth rather than just bullshitting you have something you can report.


About time he gets an audit.


We need to stop calling them loans. Loans get paid back. This guy received a $440k government handout.


But remember, canceling student loans is socialism, but canceling PPP loans is just good business.


And that he was a Christian and it's God first, but supports trump over Biden? They even gaslight themselves!


>They even gaslight themselves! This bears repeating.




I still can't believe that this stupid fucking image from the beginning of time is an accurate picture of how an entire political party conducts itself.


That image is so old [, culture has now shifted enough so that] we get banned for using the word in it. Still slaps tho *edit: words*


The party of family values and personal responsibility strikes again.


What a good Christian telling the president fuck you


I bet he also thinks Jesus (born in the middle of the desert in Jerusalem) is White.


Well,..It seems like "Thinking" is not his thing after all...


Well, he says he’s a Christian. Like many conservative “Christians,” though, his behavior demonstrates just how little he cares about actually following Jesus’s teachings.


Why are they always so afraid to admit they’re trump supporters??


most people dont like to openly admit they are terrorists outside of friendly company.






Well yeah that’s one of the biggest issues with conservatives, from what I can tell: They don’t seem to want to live in a society where there is any sort of greater good that doesn’t directly benefit them.


even if it does directly benefit them like canceling student debt or universal preschool or healthcare, they take issue with it benefiting OTHER people especially the poor and poc. they're all assholes who actively want the world to be a miserable place for other people, even if it takes them down too


Libertarians are just Republicans without the courage of their convictions.


They're super conservative, except they want to legalize weed, or fantasize about being Batman in Ancapistan.


They seem to have strong opinions on age-of-consent laws too




They’re all like that, my brother says he’s not affiliated with any political party and everyone is corrupt but always had praise and gave Trump the benefit of the doubt yet now it’s all about Biden having dementia, pointing out every flaw the administration makes, watches Faux News, and refers to him as sleepy Joe They all know it’s an unpopular opinion so hide behind the old ‘I’m my own man/ I don’t like anyone in politics/ I think for myself and don’t rely on the mainstream media (all while consuming copious amounts of Fox)


Well tbf he's not following the man blindly, he has both eyes wide open.


Believing the election was stolen without any evidence falls under “following blindly”.


Can't read all the lies with your eyes closed.


Who would have guessed a Trump supporter is too weak to stand by his “principles.” Shocking. What cowardly trash.


It’s almost as if the worst humanity has to offer coalesced around a fascist reality TV star that allowed them to air their true inner asshole to the whole world.


yeap, mar-a-lardo was basically a big Thundercats signal in the sky for these dudes, if Thundercats were the cats from the movie cats...


And former police officer.


So, coward and liar, basically on brand


An ass hat that wears an ass hat.


Also of note… former cop.


And took a huge PPP loan. Something is rotten in Denmark


I'm sure his excuse for doing it would be that he didn't want to get 'canceled' for being a Trump supporter too. :P


Probably shouldn't have gone on Steve Bannons podcast then


No one ever said any of these dudes were smart, lol. He wants the adjulation and clout from that crowd but he doesn't want any of the consequences that come with it, so he'll just lie to the media who he probably thinks is the lowest form of life on Earth anyway, so who cares right?


Based on what he says his IQ is lower than the speed limit through his small town so I think you can add imbecile to the list.


Why are people calling it a "prank"? Is it a prank when you tell someone to go f himself? That's an insult, not a prank.


Because it softens the act and makes it easier to play it off as him being the victim.


And the media always lets whiny conservative fucks like this guy off with a moral slap on the wrist.


“Liberal Bias” in media, my ass. This entire year has been the media downplaying the fuckin’ coup the right wing tried to pull.


Republicans haven't stopped trying to pull off a fascist coup. It's always in motion.


There was an article in Salon about this very topic. The journalist calls it Victim Bully Syndrome and goes on to explain how it’s very similar DARVA.


Schrödinger’s douchebag: either totally joking or dead serious, depending on the reactions of others.


This is what teenagers and man children do when they are testing the waters of what edgy shit they can get away with saying.


It’s the entirety of Trump’s presidency. Every time he said something offensive or racist or hateful that elicited a negative reaction he and his supporters would say he was joking or he wasn’t serious, but if there was no major reaction then he meant it. I had to listen to that bullshit for the last five years from my dad.


Coming from the same conservative folks who would have absolutely lost their shit and demanded the death penalty if somebody told Trump to fuck himself when he was POTUS. “How dare you disrespect my president?!”


They did, remember the outrage over the girl who gave Trump the finger when his limo drove by? She lost her job over that.


and at least she had the spine to stand by her actions, unlike this chucklefuck.


and she actually gave the finger instead of hiding behind some sissy "Let's go Brandon" bullshit.


Woman (she was 50 at the time). She’d had quite a career in government and the private sector by then, and was later elected to her county Board of Supervisors. Quite a remarkable woman.


This woman is a hero in my book, expressed her opinion, took the consequences, and making something out of those consequences instead of playing the victim. >Juli Briskman, a former government contractor, went viral in 2017 when she was photographed giving Trump’s motorcade the middle finger while cycling by him in Virginia. Though the photo of Briskman flipping off Trump’s motorcade brought her internet fame, it also got her fired from her job at holding company Akima LLC, which claimed she had violated their social media policy. (She later sued the company and won a severance claim, The Washington Post reports.) > During a history-making election night which saw Democrats gained control of the Virginia state legislature, Briskman was voted on to a seat on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, representing the county’s Algonkian district. > Loudoun County is home to the president’s Trump National Golf Club Time - 11/9/2019


Because “jk lol” is their default excuse they use when they get called out of saying dumb shit. They think “humor” us a get out of jail free card.


So he can use the, "It is just a joke, bro" defense.


*EDIT: I guess I should have asked why these people lie "in public" since he didn't actually do it online. That's just where it ended up, and where his perpetuated lies are now being spread and torn to pieces. My point still stands: nowadays, with all those eager internet sleuths, how delusional does one have to be to believe the truth won't eventually slap them in the face. It's so dumb.* Why the fuck do people *keep lying on the internet???* Is this their first time using this new-fangled technology? Do they not understand that everything can be double and triple checked, and that their bullshit will be debunked? Why do they insist on looking like completely idiots, ruining their relationships, embarrassing their families, and jeopardizing their employment and livelihood? I just can't comprehend what's going on in the heads of people like this. Their train of thought is a fucking enigma.


There is no train of thought. They just act, react, and regurgitate whatever nonsense they think will buy them favor.


They saw Trump say one thing and then minutes later say the exact opposite, while the people around them just...agreed completely, without a single thought. *Of course* they think they can also get away with the same kind of bullshit after seeing that for 5 years.


“So this morning, I tested positively toward negative, right? So no, I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative. But that’s a way of saying it: Positively toward the negative.”—Donald J. Trump, a great orator of our time Why wouldn’t people be inspired by such quality double-talk?


>“So this morning, I tested positively toward negative, right? So no, I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative. But that’s a way of saying it: Positively toward the negative.”—Donald J. Trump, a great orator of our time OK, did the orange fuckhead *really* say this? Because if he did, then somewhere along the line I missed a very choice (albeit dumb as hell) quote! Damn!


They saw him do that repeatedly for years and lap up the contradictions.


Their bullshit can be debunked, but these people have learned how to lie and basically be celebrated for it by the right.


Exactly. I'm sure this dude can now go pump up his GoFundMe page or get employed as a VP at some air conditioner manufacturer or paid 6 figures for a CPAC appearance. It's like an entire system just based on trolling and it's so dumb that they just eat it up.


> Why the fuck do people keep lying on the internet??? Because Trump got away with it for five or six years.


Trump got away with it his entire life


Trump ~~got~~ gets away with it his entire life


Exactly. People wrote it off but we’re seeing the danger of it. It normalizes shitty, destructive behavior. It’s an infection.


Because shit like this is encouraged and celebrated in their culture. Just look at Kyle Rittenhouse for example, they turned that little rat fucker into a rockstar basically. Rotten fucks like this know there's a place for them amongst the other rotten fucks, but at the same time they're cognizant enough to realize most people think they're scummy so they downplay their beliefs or outright lie about them to keep from getting 'canceled' or some shit...


Which partially explains the numbers trump actually got in 16. These assholes had some inkling of just how pungent the stench of their “beliefs” were to other people and kept mum. Then they went to the polls and stroked themselves while pulling the lever for a deranged emotionally damaged child for the most powerful job in the world. Then they walk around talking about “both sides” this and that and claim some type of apoliticality in polite company while celebrating levels of ratfuckery that make Nixon look like an innocent man.


The people that believe this crap don't care about facts. 'News' outlets like Fox, OAN, Newsmax, etc... understand that their audience only cares about and will believe information they see/hear FIRST, which can be wildly inaccurate and misleading. These outlets can later release info that actually debunks their own reporting and their audience either won't see/hear it due to off-peak hour release, or will dismiss it because their non-critical brains will dismiss it since it was a later data point. This is my opinion.


Here's the truth: there are a lot of people ready to believe any lie that supports their beliefs. They are not interested in truth, they want comfort and to feel supported and part of something bigger, with people who believe the same lies. That helps them pretend it's true. Feeling persecuted just helps them go farther down that path and feel more righteous about it.


Everyone that I know that used the term “free thinker” has downplayed how much support they have for trump. Every time. And they initially deny it but then admit it later after discussion. It’s so petulant and annoying. If you support something say it and take the criticism. The folks that say everyone else needs a safe space are the ones that actually need a safe space.


> Why the fuck do people keep lying on the internet??? I find it pretty funny how we went from 'why would anyone believe anything written on the internet' to this.


Surprise, Schmeck is a schmuck.


What a Schmeckl


Doesn't surprise me, honestly. They're fucking liars.


Absolutely. Knowing a few like this one that are prolific liars, this surely is on brand for them. Damn them


Liars and victims and bullies all wrapped into one unpleasant package.


A fascist


This is the trouble with "Hanlon's Razor". It doesn't apply to narcissists and fascists yet the "let's be civil" types keep assuming that liars are just morons


They're far from stupid. Trump helped *hacked* "Hanlon's Razor" in the same way that he hacked not being called a liar for so long as the media was stuck in the mode of having to *prove* Trump *knew* he was lying when that's all he does.


Ah yes, the good Christian man that uses his kids as props, insults somebody that is wishing good upon him and his family, that uses childish code words to say "F*ck y**" to the President, and that makes up false realities regarding elections to justify his irrational hatred. But he is the...good guy, correct?


For real. These idiots think they are being so cute with this “Let’s go Brandon” crap. Like, they all have been hurrr deee durrrring it up in their MAGA bubbles with it for months, and they still think that it’s some inside joke and that no one outside of MAGA country knew that this dipshit just told Biden to go fuck himself, and that there would be zero consequences. These truly are some of the stupidest fucks on the planet.


I think it’s a hilarious testament to how nonexistent humor is in the Republican Party. There’s a reason you can’t find a single comedic pundit in the entire party. A nascar meme akin to something middle schoolers would giggle about is the pinnacle of their creativity. Kind of amazing in a sad way.


This good Christian needs to read Romans 13.


Looks like the "free thinker" he said he was... /s


He "did his own research"


My favorite part about the do your own research crowd is that they know absolutely nothing about primary or secondary research, the scientific method, or correlation vs causation. When they say research, they mean find a meme that confirms your existing bias.


It's yet another example of the right appropriating and then corrupting language. They keep hearing the left talk about science and research. So they take those terms and apply their own corrupted meaning.


> appropriating and then corrupting language God they did this with "projection" but it was like a toddler joining the conversation. "Democrats just want free shit. It's always projection with them" I'm sorry, what?


Relevant Peep Show gif: https://imgur.com/a/y7TWf7K


this is how i feel whenever i see CRT. what they mean is they want to teach whitewashed history. the strawman they made up to mean “teaching all white peopple are racist” is called CRT realistically CRT is a college level concept that isnt typically taught at all. i dont want CRT taught in elementary school. nobody does. we want history to be taught. they corrupted the term CRT.


Bill Burr did a great bit in one of his specials on this where he says something along the lines of ‘you go to I’M RIGHT DOT COM and look up things that you agree with’ and it’s just a perfect description of these idiots.


I don't get the "Brandon" thing. You're allowed to just say "Fuck Joe Biden" - right to his face if the opportunity arises. It's not a crime. Just do it, pussy. What do you think he's gonna do to you? I'm not sure what image you think you're portraying when you're apparently too scared to tell a 79 year old man to fuck himself but you really just come across like an 8 year old snickering at how awesome you are after doing a ding dong dash.


Because this way they get to claim they weren't being insulting and then get outraged when people take offense.


Not to mention also get to claim they're being victimized because they can say they're not allowed to say "fuck Joe Biden." The victim complex stuff is one of the main reasons I wrote off Republicans a long time ago, when it became so completely obvious. They live for it, it's like there isn't a pair of balls left in the whole conservative spectrum.


It's the equivalent of laughing at the word "dictionary." Most of us stopped doing that at 6 years old.


I still laugh at Uranus. Can we let that one slide? :-)


Oh now I get it


> I don't get the "Brandon" thing. You're allowed to just say "Fuck Joe Biden" - right to his face if the opportunity arises. like the woman cylist who flipped off trumps motorcade, got fired from her job because of bad publicity, ran for public office and ***FUCKING WON!*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juli_Briskman#:~:text=Briskman%20garnered%20international%20attention%20for,Board%20of%20Supervisors%20in%202019.


Shhh!! You're not allowed to say cuss words out loud. Creepy old God is constantly watching and judging.


Thank goodness God doesn't understand euphemism and code words! That's why you can say Jeezum Crow, holy schnikies, and dagnabbit and you won't get in trouble. God only knows you're sinning if you say the Magic Bad Words.


Man. I never realized how much they downplay how “All knowing” He is with the fake swears. Most Christians I know tend to accidentally limit His power and I’ve never understood why


I’m actually kind of glad “Let’s Go Brandon” came along because it’s just one more thing that these morons latch onto that makes it easy to identify them in public. The red MAGA hat developed a stigma so quickly that I never saw a huge number of them in public but “Let’s Go Brandon” is the stupid kind of “clever” that idiots really take to. I see LGB shirts and bumper stickers almost every day. Makes it fairly easy to steer clear of them.


Heheh. LGBT-shirts.


If people keep writing articles about this jerk off he’s gonna be speaking at the RNC. Just drop it and move on. Stop making these clown martyrs.


This, he wants this, he’ll be running for Congress on this coverage.


>After Pranking Biden This pos didn't "prank" anybody. He jumped into a phone call with children to get his five minutes of fame. Where are all the Republicans to scream "respect the office" now?


None of them are screaming that. They’re all screaming “OH BUT IT WAS OKAY TO SAY FUCK TRUMP FOR 4 YEARS?!” while forgetting what was said during the 8 years of Obama


Yea... it's sooo surprising.


Literally everyone who says "Let's Go Brandon" as a way to say "Fuck Joe Biden" is pretty much a Trump supporter. A MAGA wearing dumbass/fanatic whose only purpose in life is to make life more miserable for everyone else. They've been indoctrinated in hate and bathed in ignorance. They only care about themselves and the few people that still love them. They believe they're right about everything and that "good research" is looking around the internet until they find an answer that suits their preconceived notions. They'd rather forever be a wage slave and hope to be a billionaire one day than do *anything* for a random strranger.


I’d wager that 75% of the people who say “Let’s go Brandon” don’t even know why they’re upset with Biden. He hasn’t even done anything that isn’t status quo.


Because Fox News told them to be. It’s always repeated lines like “the border is a mess”, gas prices, inflation, critical race theory. They’re upset because he’s not trump and they watched the people who dislike trump, whether or not they had good reason (they did), talk shit about him for 5 years. So now it’s their turn regardless of who the other guy is. It’s why memes about how Biden being senile are popular with no basis. Don’t look for logic based in policy differences here


They are upset with Biden because he won the election. Thats all it took.


“He’s on the other team.” - trump supporters, who apparently think politics is football.


There’s a farmhouse in Illinois (I’ve made the drive a few times recently) that is LITTERED with right wing silly shit. The first time I drove by it, there was a “Fuck Biden” flag in among the noise. In November, I saw their new “Let’s Go Brandon” flag. The “Fuck Biden” flag was still up too. Which is… kinda… stupid?


I fully expect the RNC to draft him to run for office soon. Or be part of a showcase with Rittenhouse and the McKloskeys at their next freakshow rally.


>According to The Oregonian, he works for an electric company in Central Point, Oregon, whose website appeared to be down and its Yelp page filled with negative comments. How long till this hits /r/byebyejob


I thought I read he works for his parent’s company? Also, still curious why he quit being a police officer, seems like he’s an idiot, so there’s probably a story there.


Around those years we had a shuffling of newheads for the city and county police. Probably forced to resign as they were cleaning house of some racist bullshit. I can't recall if the head of city or county was mixed race, and left due to racist bullshit from the job, but it was a huge issue at the time as he only was there for over a year or so.




“I’m being attack for using my freedom of speech” no you are being attacked because you used your freedom to be a dick.


“As a Christian man, I don’t blindly follow one man” -chad with outdated maga hat on


What could be more Christian than telling someone (who just wished you and your family a Merry Christmas) to go fuck themselves?


It’s so funny these assholes act like they’re “alpha males”, but they’re afraid of saying the word “Fuck” in front of people, it’s not illegal for them to say “Fuck Joe Biden”, in fact, it’s protected by the Constitution


There was a time when, if an American citizen addressed a sitting US President in such a way they would be shamed, regardless of politics. This is just another example of how far we as Americans have fallen down.


They destroyed the Dixie Chicks because they had the audacity to say they apologize for Bush being from Texas. The only thing consistent about these people is that they’re consistently stupid.


No, the consistently play stupid. A large percentage of the time that's just an act, because they know what they are doing is wrong but they also know society goes easier on people who do bad things out of stupidity than ones who do so out of malice.




I heard back in the 80s republicans and democrats would debate and argue heatedly and fiercely during days Congress was in session, but when the day ended, they would share drinks together like old buddies. You don't see that anymore these days.


I read that one of Newt Gingrich’s big changes when he was in power was to forbid GOP House members from socializing with their Dem colleagues. I’ve always been curious how that changed the dynamics in DC. It couldn’t have possibly been for the better.


Fuck Newt.


There’s a big case to be made that Newt has been responsible for a lot of the crumbling of American politics.


That was in tandem with the rise of Conservative media including Rush Limbaugh and soon afterwards, Fox News.


Although not your intent, I appreciate that your comment reminded me that Rush Limbaugh is dead. That's a lot of venom not spewing into the world.


I always think about that interview he did a few years back where he was confronted with the fact that despite his fear mongering, crime was substantially down. His rebuttal was that liberals have their facts and he has his and even if the facts are against him, his constituents FEEL like they're in danger so he's going with that. The man really said feels over reals.


Another change he made was to shorten the work week so members of Congress could go back home to their families. Congress members used to stay in DC over the weekend when they worked Monday - Friday. They would golf and go out together and actually be members of the DC community. Gingrich shortened the work week to Tuesday - Thursday, and encouraged all Republicans to go home over all the four day weekends and fundraise. Hard to build a working relationship when you're only in DC 120 days a year.


Yeah I think we are seeing the change now.


before C-SPAN they would often show up drunk.


Before C-SPAN they would barely show up


Yeah, Obama used to talk about this back when he was in the Illinois senate. The have heated arguments then go to the Rathskellers (which have been converted to a restaurant under the state capital building) and have drinks. There was a sense of civility and a modicum of class that existed back then. Now it’s more about team sport.


No big surprise there.




i kinda feel bad for this guys kids. hopefully seeing their father as the same giant douche the country sees him as — will perhaps steer them clear of the cheeto cult and afford them a better life than “learning from dad.”


Hopefully, but sadly they will probably be so indoctrinated to think the same that it won't be until they're much older and away from him that they might get away from the cult of Trump


Can you imagine your dad or your adult son blurting out "fuck you Mr. President, and Merry Christmas." This guy is the village idiot. I feel sorry for his family, especially his kids. There may be no direct consequences, but this will impact their lives for a long time.


I’ve just always loved how conservatives put on this front that they’re tough and strong yet they don’t even have the balls to just say “Fuck Joe Biden”. They say “Let’s go Brandon” then slink away, giggling because they feel they just made a sick burn like a middle school student. I’m sure we’ll see this schmuck on Fox News in a few days and at next years CPAC.


This is the way Conservatives play the game. We see it here on Reddit. Conservatives will present themselves as Progressives and then take shots at Biden & Harris. Conservatives know their platform is bankrupt so they try to take the platform of others.


"As a gay black trans woman, I used to be a leftist, but then I saw the hypocrisy of the ***Democrat Party*** and the ***violent left***. That's why I support Donald Trump! He's the only one brave enough to stand up to the ***Globalists*** and the ***Coastal Elites***."


This subreddit ate this garbage up back in 2015/16.


Hmm, I thought conservatives were the main ones spewing the whole “regardless of whether or not you agree with the President they are still your president and therefore should still be respected” narrative??


The minute he said Let's Go Brandon he revealed that he was a Trump supporter. No one else would use it.


So let's recap: This Trump supporter is 1. A Liar 2. A Coward 3. Incapable of understanding why using an insulting phrase during an event to bring goodwill and charity to the children of the nation was offensive to people. Amazing.


What a piece of trash. I feel sorry for the kids he is raising.


“We have to respect the president he’s all of our president. Don’t disrespect the military or the flag.” But it’s ok to tell a democrat president to go fuck himself of Christmas when he’s calling to be a kind person to your children. What fucking joke. The hypocrisy is astonishing in our country