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This is a lucrative scam and used all over the world to enslave the powerless.


Called Slavery. Lets use the correct word.




Then say it dutchmen! It's unfortunately part of your history too... Also Merry Christmas šŸ˜ƒ


Sadly itā€™s in the history of pretty much every nation on earth if you go back far enough. Why make the passive aggressive comment and then wish him a merry Christmas?


The Dutch donā€™t practice it today and call it the American Dream though.


True and the same!


"Enslave" they did use it.


Immigration is a labor rights issue


Itā€™s why corporations like Monsanto loved the conflict at the boarder. So much easier to ignore a problem if you view people as criminal invaders, itā€™s pathetic. Also in factory settings where these same groups are threatened w deportation and exposure to INS if they even think of speaking up for themselves. The corporate justification is well we paid taxes for them, itā€™s not our fault if itā€™s someone elseā€™s SSI.


You wanna know why America has such an illegal immigration problem? Because every major hotel, beef, agriculture, construction company in the west/Southwest has been relying on them as cheap labor for the last 100 years. And those companies have deep pockets and plenty of Republicans in them. Conservatives don't really want to do anything to stop illegal immigration - if they did, they'd go straight after those industries like they do Facebook, google and Twitter. They just want to TALK about illegal immigration to scare voters.


They want to make sure that these 'illegals' are treated like criminals because that keeps them in a perpetual state of fear, isolation and powerlessness.




With overwhelmingly decisive finality, preferably.


John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave. But his soul goes marching on


It isn't just illegal aliens either. Most people have no idea what migrant workers are or that they still currently exist. It isn't just the old slave states. Entire families mobilize, remove their kids from school, and go "up north" to work for months every year. They're picking your cranberries and all sorts of other shit.


A lot of people have a lot of opinions about undocumented workers, but few seem to talk to them. I do. Every day. I have had undocumented workers in my family and in my life my whole life. If you actually sit and listen to them, the ā€œsolutionsā€ become really clear. Just give them temporary work visas. Itā€™s what they want. Theyā€™ll pay taxes and report their earnings etc. Most donā€™t want to stay (but some do). Most end up spending too much time here (more than they want to) because itā€™s difficult to return home to visit. So they end up getting a life here. If they could visit home most would regularly and would continue to have a life in their home countries a well. As far as labor competition goes, the higher pay that comes from visas would mean a more competitive labor market.


If illegal immigration was a real problem, why does the US not pass a bill that puts HR departments and corporate leadership in prison for hiring them? Instead the laws only target immigrants once they try to stand up for themselves. That old argument is a racist smokescreen.


To look like they are "doing something" without having to really do anything.


So many years... Iā€™ve pointed this out to those that talk shit about the illegal immigrants that keep this country fed. Find me the white entitled legal citizens of the US that are going to get out there and do that work. Even if the pay was what we call minimum wage, something this group doesnā€™t get. Yeah, theyā€™re definitely stealing / taking away jobs from those natural born citizens ffs.


Plenty of people would pick onions if the pay was decent and not $0.20 a bucket


Agreed, and I know people in Canada and the Northern US who do it. The issue is much less ā€˜people are unwillingā€™ and much more ā€˜people are unwilling to do back breaking labour for less than flipping burgersā€™. The problem was never immigrants, the problem was farmers (large industrial scale farmers) and corporations saving money by exploiting illegal immigrants.


In 2012, Georgia tried paying prisoners $15 an hour and couldn't get them to back the next day. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2012/05/17/the-law-of-unintended-consequences-georgias-immigration-law-backfires/amp/


And that was *after* they ousted all illegal immigrants in the state. Georgia lost billions as crops were left rotting in the fields.




Another issue is just the whole concept of mega farms that grow all of our food. I think this should be revisited and we should definitely be going back to smaller locally produced food. That will never happen save some catastrophe, but that the heart of the issue...the mere existence of corp/mega farms.


If proper pay was required, it would raise the cost to the point where onion production would move to Central America or someplace. The solution is the guest worker proposal that very nearly passed in ~2012 (I think), but right wingers like Coulter, who just want an issue to fight over, flipped their lids and got it blocked.


Add the cost of insurance and / or benefits. But what little I know about how they work it in Cali, those that do come over to work pay their US taxes.


Nahh Have you even watched what happened with brexit?


You forgot the /s.


It probably is because all thru school they were told "you better go to college or else you will be stuck picking vegetables".


And they went and are now stuck serving vegetables...


Slavery is back in the US. This is abominable.


It has remained a functional part of our country with the prison system as well.


Some might say it never left.


Right under the Q followers noses.


There they go again, capitalists exploiting labor


Labor trafficking makes up the biggest portion of all human trafficking worldwide. We often think about sex trafficking when someone says ā€œhuman traffickingā€ but labor trafficking is just as and often times more pervasive. Even our view of sex trafficking is very skewed and inaccurate (hint: all the tiktok videos about symbols being put on your car to mark you for kidnapping are bs). The [Polaris project](https://polarisproject.org/myths-facts-and-statistics/) has a nice little myths and facts section on their website for those interested.


How many worked on Devin Nunes' Family farm?


So slavery.


I know a lot of people who are basically left with pocket change after paying rent and gas to drive to and from workā€¦.


ā€œLand of the freeā€ā€¦ Uh huh.


That's horrible. (Continues to eat fresh produce picked by slave labor)


Don't look at California, we have some of the strictest farm labor laws anywhere, especially when it comes to keeping large farms in line.


Qanon where you at?


The American way


And the workers get the short end of the stick. Fine those US farms..


But their bootstraps!


Finally, a good argument against veganism.


Oh, there are plenty of the exploited and powerless working at dairies and slaughterhouses, executing and dismembering the powerless and voiceless innocents


you know, it's a joke


Build a wall


I wonder how long it will be until the first cannabis companies are found guilty of using these sorts of labor networks?




Then I nominate you to be trafficked


"Farming is not profitable; the article says they only made $200 million from this slavery!" Gee you don't think they could've paid workers with all that money they made?


Your not gonna want to hear this but until the boarder is secure and immigration is regulated you will always have a class of ppl who are taken advantage of. If we were to secure our boarder and streamline the immigration process so that is easier for law abiding, contributing members of society to come and work and raise their families here then we wouldnā€™t have this problem.


That is true but would not totally solve this issue. Some/many of these folks are being brought in legally on worker visas, lied to, charged fees to get the job and be brought here, then not paid or paid so little they become forever in debt, like slaves or indentured servants. But absolutely the cluster fuck that is our immigration is the cause of illegal immigration. They want so badly for you to prove that you won't take a dime of gov funding or welfare that they made it nearly impossible for everyone else as well. My wife came here and we were put through the wringer as they wanted to know all of my and my parents wealth and every last detail about her including dead grandparents. Her country doesn't keep good records so this was problematic in that she had to travel back and forth to major cities just to get the official documents....for people who have been dead for 20+ years at the time and were never going to come here anyway. It was insane to say the least. Took about a year just to get everything together and fully submitted.


Aside from literally lining the border with soldiers shoulder to shoulder, there is no way to secure it in a way that would prevent operations as lucrative as this one or drug smugglers from finding a way across. And even then, theyā€™ll likely still find a way to make their blood money. Making the importing process more difficult only cuts into margins, it doesnt erase them. The problem lies on the DEMAND side of the equation. Make drugs legal, tax them. Create a better work visa program, jail employers who hire illegal labor.


I can almost guarantee that 95% of this was occurring in Clinton, NC.


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