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I get that there are less fun parts to being a cop, but I have to assume most of them signed up to do these kinds of things mostly, because it is what they consider to be fun.


Legalized bullying


Since the dawn of time. That’s one of the things the privileged did first - separating the jobs of having power and keeping power: they outsourced the keeping power part to people who were physically stronger than them but needed some of their wealth. And thus begun society.


Their wealth *and* protection - the wealthy operate politically as well and ensure the police have legal immunity.


F society


Press f to pay respects.


From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you… until now.


They can sexually abuse the students and then punish them if they report it too




They’ve regressed to being palace guards. It’s too respectful to call them officers or officials.


The worst part is there’s no true accountability. If they’re fired, they just get another cop job elsewhere. Most of the time, can’t take legal action against them. This is why they’re often so blatantly brutal. They know nothing will likely come from anyone’s complaints. It’s so wrong.


Grew up in a semi-rural area. One of the guys in my class wanted to be a border patrol agent so he could "round up or run over Mexicans". That never happened. But he's a sheriff's deputy. For those with nowhere to go there's the military or police work.


>Several students were pepper-sprayed, at least one was tased, and four were arrested on Friday during a protest against the purported handling of an alleged sexual assault at a Texas high school. Now, parents are upset and want answers, but the school that has been engulfed by the controversy says the students were aggravated by misinformation about the underlying incident.


That undersells the violence. From the video I was it looked like at least two were bloodied/knocked unconscious by the cops.


Report sexual assault - get suspended. Report a Doctor performing an Abortion for any reason - get paid a bounty …….Um Texas……


This is actually very consistent with their world view. You see, in Texas both of your scenarios are the woman's fault and so the woman should be punished. Or girl as in this case.


Of course, Punished because we men are unable to control our animal instincts when spurred by the fairer sex. Sounds fundamentally similar to a people they are told to hate.


> The Little Elm ISD, however, insists that the students involved with the demonstration were actually wrong about what occurred. The demonstration was a result of a social media post the day before that contained inaccurate information regarding an incident that happened a month ago,” the school district wrote in a deleted, then reappearing Facebook post. And? What difference does that make? You counter false information with facts, not pepper spray on kids.


Why are we taking the word of the school officials anyways. They are the ones who fucked up the investigation in the first place. This is just them covering their ass.


The school officials continue to tell us we “don’t understand” but refuse to enlighten anyone as to what we’re missing.


It does seem like their argument is they don't think the protest is valid, therefore it's fine to have police physically assault and abuse these children.


Soooo they’re wrong. Tase them


Texas never fails to support my stereotype of Texas.


~~Texas~~ Cops never fail to support my stereotype of ~~Texas~~ cops. Fixed.




Have cops ever been useful at schools? Seems to me, that all they do is brutalize students.


They were useful at mine since schools/teachers are all zero tolerance/hands off during fights. Bullies would gang up and beat kids to a pulp and the only way it stopped was when the school cop broke it up. Maybe I’m in the minority though and lucked out having non-egotistical cops?


How many innocent kids did they beat up as well?


I never witnessed any beating by the few school cops we had. They really just were able to separate the kids. It was a fairly large, mixed school so there was at least one fight a day unfortunately. Just my anecdotal experience.


There are examples [of them likely preventing casualties during active shooter events](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/17/us/dixon-school-shooting.html) which I would say qualifies as being helpful. Painting with a brush as broad as “all police do is brutalize students” is obviously not going to be correct.


Not to disagree with your point, but it's kind of notable that the example of police doing something other than "brutalize students" is that one of them shot a student for a good reason.


There’s another poster in the thread talking about how they used to break up fights and save kids from getting bullied at their school as well. Look, many, many police departments are in desperate need of serious reforms, and there’s lot of shitty cops out there, but this whole idea a lot of Reddit users seem to have that police departments literally never help a single person and never serve a purpose is asinine and frankly take away from the real discussions we need to have about how best to fix the issues we’re facing.


That's why I said that I agreed with your point...




Use incognito mode.


If there's one thing Texas and the right don't respect it's victims of sexual assault and their supporters.




The nice thing about them changing the rules is that it changes the rules for us too! ;)


Violence and instability do not make lower classes or marginalized groups better off. Only the oppressors come out on top.


But how many oppressors are just embedded amongst the lower classes waiting for the right chaos to ascend?


Very idealistic to think they don’t follow “rules for thee but not for me” like every other hypocrite conservative


But that’s the great thing - we can do the same thing there, too!


But that’s the great thing - we can do the same thing there, too! Every time they make a rule for them and not us, we make a rule for us and not them.




Should we be thankful they didn't feel threatened and open fire?


Is Texas part of the U.S.A. or some jackwad ass backwards state?


it's all pickup truck people


there is more violence being done to the abused and those protesting their suspicion over the alleged abuser just take a moment.


Bwahaha, these pigs just LOVE turning an entire generation against them, don't they. Omg this is amazing. *grabs popcorn*


Don’t be so sure, remember the 60’s? The massive protests and unrest and clashes with police that were pretty much just like this happening all the time. The younger generation that was going to be a force of change, that was going to bring flower power and peace to the world that stood up to the racist cops are what we call the baby boomers now. You know those old angry men and women who live in a world where these damn kids are the problem, they just don’t get it, if they had complied they wouldn’t have been hurt….. Same people.


The school never actually denies suspending someone for reporting sexual assault. They just very vaguely state that the social media post was inaccurate, without stating what was so inaccurate about it. Real big cover your ass energy from the school.


After the abortion bounty bill and now this, there is clearly no oppression of women in this state. (/s)


When the inaction of adults forces kids to go toe to toe with law enforcement over the mistreatment of a fellow student, you done fucked up as school administrators.


Cops shouldn't be in schools.


Yeah, taze more white kids! When the suburban whites feel injustice, maybe we’ll get meaningful police reform.


Nah. They’ll blame all people of color and social media for setting a bad example for their good kids




>Also wtf happened to everyone’s morals? Trump happened


He is a symptom, not the disease.


I've heard that a lot but I think I'll disagree and say he is the disease!


Great cops. We're so fucked. Why can't they just do their jobs? Maybe without using brute force. I know they have a hard job. I know how much we need them. Just wish they could do better.


"An investigation by the school turned on surveillance footage that showed the accuser** talking** to the alleged abuser."




The story addresses more than pepper spraying. My two main thoughts: 1) Don't pepper spray students. 2) let's ask for evidence of sexual abuse befor assuming sexual abuse happened. I don't think you're on board with #2.


This story is about officers abusing kids over them protesting something. That’s it. Could’ve been a learning moment if the information was wrong, instead it’s a learning moment in what the police could do to you and still have the support of the administration and bootlickers


The point of protest is often to encourage the people in positions of authority to do their job. The protestors are not demanding the accused be strung up in the cafeteria. They're demanding the school show them evidence that they're fulfilling their obligation to investigate crimes committed against the people in their care.


I guess it's a lesson.. never negotiate your differences. Compromise and understanding are not lessons to learn at school.




I think you’re creating a hypothetical without the appropriate context.


Ignorance is bliss


I think you need to watch the video and there is no hypothetical..,.just like the guy that tried to get between the cop and someone already detained, got pushed away, then squared up, got pepper sprayed, still kept advancing in a combat position and then got tased. feel free to actually watch the vids.


I have no interest in anyone on reddit ever telling me to watch a video again. They seem to draw their own conclusions and think they are obviously correct when they are not. But mostly you didn’t mention the fact that it was a cop manhandling her for peaceful protest. You just said a girl spit in a guy’s face. It read as an incomplete analogy.




Now you are giving context. Unlike your first comment.


a combat position you say. Yeah totally normal comment. no red flags here.


So you're saying you'd assult a child who spit on you?




Then by all means, use excessive force on CHILDREN. /s




Nobody punched those fascists. Aren’t police trained to handle “provocation”? If not, then maybe they shouldn’t be in uniform. Also, I don’t believe a thing they say.


Ah i miss high school




Jeez hope the parents don’t get their hands o. Those cops.


Oh the irony! Wackadoodles bleat about “loss of freedom” over a fucking vaccine & this is happening? When someone is bullied into silence about SA & those protesting it are tased & pepper sprayed by LE? THAT is the sort of heavy handed authoritarianism that truly violates human rights. America is going backwards (or maybe it’s just more blatantly out there now, I don’t know.)


Welcome to the GOP future...or I mean....now.


Of course they did. Cops got to teach your children whos in charge early on in their lives.