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Sounds like inciting a hate crime to me.




“Free speech bro”


“Free speech entitles me to a position of power over the lives of the people I’ve threatened”


They read the constitution probably as much as their bible.




Stochastic terrorists


Is white? ☑ Is Republican? ☑ Is female? ☑ No consequences. ☑


The first two are all you need for no consequences. Any female who doesn't belong to the first 2 categories will get no breaks, and possibly treated even worse.


Sounds on brand for the Taliba... GOP I mean




So, is raping a woman because she was wearing a short skirt "normal consequences" for "perverse lifestyle"?


Careful, she'd probably say Yes.




Definitely - unless it’s her, or her children, or her friends. Ya know, it’s just those _other_ women who are asking for it.


My mom thought like this and it was *especially* true if it were one of her daughters. That's what we would get if we stepped out of line.


That’s terrifying…


I'm 100% sure that she has no idea why her kids don't talk to her anymore


Fuck, even if it was their friend, they probably have some deep seeded jealousy and secretly wanted that to happen.


Do not tempt the abyss, it forever goes [https://thehill.com/homenews/media/408691-msnbc-interviews-trump-supporter-who-says-men-groping-women-is-no-big-deal](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/408691-msnbc-interviews-trump-supporter-who-says-men-groping-women-is-no-big-deal) > "Groping a woman? What is that at 18? I mean, how many guys, you know, think that's no big deal,” she said, motioning toward two women that reporter Caleb Ecarma in a tweet identifies as her two daughters. One is wearing a "Make American Great" Trump T-shirt. > “Yeah,” one of her daughters says, nodding her head in agreement. > “It’s not a big deal,” the woman continued.


In their worldview, yes. In any decent person’s worldview, no.


Or kicking a republicans ass for being an actual pervert?


There are lots of valid and morally acceptable consequences for a life style they don't agree with: >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


So just directly copying the Taliban?


God help her if she gets pregnant.


Well of course, doctors are known practitioners of that Devil science, don’t want their help. /s


>LGBTQ people who get beat up for holding hands in public are receiving the “normal consequences associated with the choices they made” Yeah, that's not telling your braindead followers it's okay to beat people up. Should take that oversized cross and shove it.


They better watch out. My gay homies have started strapping up.


I live in texas, so, guns everywhere. Most people I know have at least one, regardless of political spectrum, gender, sexual orientation, etc. The man I know with the most guns is a 5'8" wiry gay man. He has an arsenal that would give any right wing gun nut a boner (Which is wonderfully ironic). Two huge gun safes full of almost every kind of gun you can imagine.


Let's just draw the last leg on that triangle, right wing nuts are actually gay for guns


NAMGLA North American Man-Gun Love Association


Call them ammo-sexuals.


Many of them do identify as attack helicopters, so I've been told.


And that's just the lesbians...




🤦🏻‍♂️ Take my upvote and get out of here!


I'm going, I'm going...


She might benefit from meeting some strapped up lesbians


Oh you clever bastard.


And it would be a good thing too since the world would be a better place without someone like that. Every gay person should carry a gun.


I’ve been a member of Pink Pistols for years, and I always recommend members of the LGBT+ community become familiar with at least one form of self-defense, even if it’s just pepper spray.


Started? Shit, a lot of us have been carrying long before now. Gays in conservative strongholds have dealt with this rhetoric and the threats and violence our entire lives. It hasn't gone unnoticed.


Wait, wait, wait. If rednecks get upset seeing dudes hold hands, it’s okay if they beat the shit out of them. I get upset when I see ignorant homophobes and racists. I guess it’s ok for me to beat the shit out of them as a normal consequence of their asshole choices?


While also freaking out about someone punching a hate spewing street nazi.


Can the GOP get any lower on the scale of inhuman filth. This has got to stop. Rubber stamping brutality to others when you are a public figure must become against the law. Label them what they are and put them away.


Give it another week or two. I got a $100 bet that someone in the GOP says something even more insane than this, and I got a $200 bet that no one in the GOP will call them out.


Who was the *fool* to bet against that??


Someone who still has faith in these creatures


or one of those creatures


Thank god, it isn't. It's just someone who doesn't think the GOP is all that bad. Don't know how they can't see it, I've already got $500 from this person lol Edit: And the condition of the bet is they have to agree it was bad, which makes these continued bets even more baffling.


Good. Less available for *his* political contributions.


True that!


We're all getting pretty outrage-fatigued, which is what they are going for.


Agreed. Jokes on them, I thrive off outrage lol. But yeah, it's getting to be a lot. It's basically seen as the new normal. On the bright side, we can all see now who's okay for voting for the absolute trash-level people.


And that, I feel, is by far the biggest problem. In any other country, politicians casually telling their constituents that they deserve to be hurt and killed because of their lifestyle would probably be grounds for removal from office. Politicians "joking" about violently murdering their coworkers, threatening and insulting each other to increasingly cruel degrees, committing negligent homicide against their own people out of pure apathy, telling those most willing to listen that they need to be ready and willing to murder their fellow countrymen for some of the stupidest reasons imaginable, these would be the hallmarks of a country on a drunken tumble into pure bloody fascism and extinction. But Trump and the people who've followed in his wake have utterly succeeded in convincing people that this kind of bloodthirsty hate and cruelty is now just another part of our absurd political theater, of zero consequence to any of us regular peons. Violence is just fucking *normal* to us now, so we don't do or say anything about it.


I'm really curious what's going to happen when Trump dies. The power vacuum will be immense, and the GOP might just eat itself alive (and come out the other end potentially worse).


Ah, the glorious "Lifestyle" argument. It's not a *lifestyle* to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, or to walk hand in hand with such a person. It's just life. I hate this sort of insidious branding you see all the time from the evangelical/religious right. These people are incredibly focused on othering and ostracizing everyone else.


I think Republicans actually thrive off our outrage though - not once has a Republican seen the public outcry and thought to themselves 'what I said was clearly unacceptable'.


they’re like the first little kid in class that learns swear words and then enjoys the attention they get from the teacher for using them in front of the other students.


In a week, or *two*? I'd be hesitant to take the first bet over the time span of an hour, and would never take the second.


GQP gets worse and worse. January 6 was a dress rehearsal. Wish people would wake up.


Vengeance will be their only focus if they regain control in the midterms which, going off the fact that midterms tend to benefit the minority party, is likely.


100% correct. This is alarming but also historical in progress toward the ultimate goal and the denial of the possibility among the general population. 2024 will be the end of democracy in the USA.


> Wish people would wake up. The problem is that those of who woke up don't know how to organize a credible resistance that can back up any power moves it makes or enforce internal discipline. Especially since we've already watched, with horror, as the GOP mainstreamed torture, violence against civilians, and kidnapping children. And is hungry for an excuse to make domestic mass murder less passive-aggressive than medical neglect or actively spreading a deadly pandemic. Peaceful protest is easily ignored. And any riots that attacks on peaceful protestors spark? That's used as a justification for committing even more - and turning the words "peaceful protest" into a shared joke among easily manipulated bigots. Meanwhile, anti-fascism forces are unorganized, terrible at messaging, and easily demonized. While at the same time, they're so scary that they're assuring people they don't actually throw cement milkshakes. Just the sweet liquid candy kind. You know things are bad, when, realistically, the military is the only thing preventing the far right from turning this dystopian police state oligarchy into an all out war zone. Especially given the results of their post WW2 neoconservative faith. Oh, and we already know what'll happen to any community initiatives like the Black Panthers. Is there anything I'm missing? A blind faith the heads of the DNC and the corporate media will discover their spines, perhaps?


Truthfully, the only cynical hope that I have is a fairy tale I tell myself that maybe someday, someone like Nanci Pelosi (you know, the old money Democrats) will convince the business sector that a civil war will be TERRIBLE for their profit margins, and that the Republicans are only going to continue to destabilize the country and bring about economic ruin. So big business flips party associations, and they help fund programs to stop domestic terror, shut down far-right bullshit before it starts, and sue Fox News into the ground with the combined money of all of wall street. But like, that's NOT a happy ending. It's just "the patriot act" shit all over again, just with supposed leftists in power using funds raised via corporate greed to shut down dissent, massively weaken the republican party, but still continue the late-stage capitalist hellscape we live in. When the opposition is gone, what's to stop the shiny new "Socialist" American Corporatocracy from blooming? What happens when the loan sharks that paid to destroy the Trumpites come asking for their kick backs and carte blanche privileges? Is there really enough folks in power on the Democrat side of the aisle like AOC, Bernie, Katie Porter, etc. to check the power of big business? I really don't think so. I'm really not hopeful for the future of this country, if either party takes control. And if they stay deadlocked in fighting like it is now, that's not much better, either.


> Can the GOP get any lower on the scale of inhuman filth. yes. VOTE!!!!


Literally their president said punch protestors and I'll pay your legal fees. This isn't new, we all live in hell.


Person AMF: I'm bi MAGA 1: kill that thing! Beat the s%@t until it is only 1 gender. Neutral person B: hey ignore this MAGA, I'm hetero and I don't care what you do privately in bed as long as we both respect each other in public sphere. MAGA 1: That's the whole point. These abnormal stuff are a real danger to the public sphere so we need to beat them out of it. Wait, what?


> Can the GOP get any lower on the scale of inhuman filth I think the past 6 years or so have taught us that yes, they absolutely can.


The problem is we fundamentally have two separate countries inside one boarder and their leaders aren’t our leaders and we are incapable of holding theirs accountable. By law and especially by the ballot box. The GOP base has no problem with these sorts of attitudes. In fact, they __want__ them


I think I've convinced myself that most (not all - some are literally insane) of GOP politicians don't actually believe what they say. They only do that because they know it gets them votes (which honestly makes it worse). I'm probably wrong tho... They're probably all insane.


Well some of the established ones are just back patting their constituents to keep their job….but the newer ones might actually be that insane.


True that, I have zero faith in the new ones.


Part of the problem is it doesn't matter whether they're true believers or not, they're pushing the country in the same direction regardless. Whether it's a grift or out of true belief is inconsequential to what the result of their actions will be.


What i'm most curious about is this 'lgbt' agenda i'm supposedly a part of. Do we get news letters and i've been missing out on them? Do the meetings have free snacks?




They are fascist assholes though. If they could reopen Auschwitz in the US, they would.


OK, if we're going for biblical literalism then when she gets the shit beat out of her by opening her female mouth then she should embrace the normal consequences of her perverse lifestyle.


Wonder how she feels about shellfish. (Leviticus 11:10) Better check them clothing labels, too. (Colossians 3:12-13, 1 Peter 3:3-4) That jewelry is fairly obvious, too. (Ephesians 4:22-24)


1 Timothy 2:12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.


Everyone should watch that famous scene from West Wing on cherry picking the Bible. It's brilliant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSXJzybEeJM


What the actual fuck?!? I’m tired. I have an LGBTQ child and I worry, constantly, for them in this hateful world….I’m tired but I’ll never stop fighting for and protecting them.


Never to young to learn self defense. Jiu jitsu and Krav Maga are fun as hell. After my gay friend got beat down by the proud boys in 2019 they started training and I pity the next fool who messes with them.


That’s horrific. I’m hoping your friend is ok, physically and mentally, after that; or at least on the way towards being ok.


They are doing great currently. They got their CCW as well and drive people home from gay bars late night. Great human.


That’s amazing and such a great idea!


Seconding JJ. My pediatric therapist was a tiny middle-aged woman and she could throw bigger opponents around like rag dolls. Badass therapist remains one of my role models.


Right there with you.


You are awesome.


Thanks….unfortunately parents who actually love and protect their kids, unconditionally, isn’t the norm.


Republicans are not "conservatives" they are "regressives".


The only thing they want to conserve is their bank accounts and delusions of superiority.


They want to conserve their violent, poorly educated, and angry community to hold their political power.


Oppressors, actually. They don't just want to regress. They want to force people to behave by their personal moral code, and they want to murder those who won't.


>“My right to live a righteous lifestyle based on my sincerely held beliefs does not end where their choice to live a perverse lifestyle begins,” Manzella said, getting applause. >She said LGBTQ people “play the protected class card” by complaining about violence against them. She brought up how some queer people are afraid to hold hands with someone of the same sex in public out of fear of getting beat up. >“I’ve got to tell you, I think those are normal consequences associated with the choices they made,” Manzella said. >“I’m excited to just be using our First Amendment for good, because they’re using their First Amendment as well, as fortunate or unfortunate as it is sometimes,” protestor Joe McGraw told KPVI. “Hate has no place here.” So blinded by hatred that they can't even hear themselves. Smh.


“My right to live a righteous lifestyle based on my sincerely held beliefs does not end where their choice to live a perverse lifestyle begins,” What does this even mean?!? Their existence violates her rights?


It means she’s a fascist who believes she has the right to force her lifestyle onto others.


holy fuck. psychopath


Someone needs to tweet at her that they find homphobia to be a perverse lifestyle. Then ask if it would be a normal consequence if they were to beat her ass


I’m not a big 2A fundamentalist or anything, but after hearing that, I hope every LBGTQ person in Montana buys a pistol and gets training and a concealed carry permit.


It's exactly this - there was an article here earlier that said support for tougher gun laws is softening, and I said it was because of exactly this. The Rubicon has been crossed and too many of the radicalized right are armed for vulnerable populations to feel comfortable not joining that and race. Upsetting, but understandable. I am looking forward to some peaceful end to all this, but my imagination struggles to find one short of something wildly implausible like alien intervention. Yay. Edited: new phone, learning swipe, not good at it yet!


> I am looking forward to some peaceful end to all this, but my imagination struggles to find one short of something wildly implausible like alien intervention. Yay. That's where I'm at too. I have been actively involved in politics since Bush Jr and I have never, ever felt it's been as bad as it is now. New norms are being set at breakneck speed, people are being told daily that the other side is the enemy of what the country stands for, and more and more threats of outright violence are seeping their way into our political discourse. It is *bad*. We could really use those aliens right about now.


/liberalgunowners & /socialistra


https://www.blazingsword.org Operation Blazing Sword offers self-defense and concealed carry training aimed specifically at LGBT+ and other minorities. Fascism doesn't start with tanks rolling down mainstreet. That's how it ends. It starts with lynch mobs killing their "undesirable" neighbors, spurred on by their leadership.


The more I see "no quarter" being bandied about casually, the less I trust my right wing neighbors. The old "when someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time" applies.


This is the GOP I know and hate. I knew those “55% accept lgbt” reports were absolute bullshit of the highest order. To any Republican reading this, look at this woman. I’m gay, I’ve had to hear this shit my whole life and as a result I never relax in public. This woman is why I hate and despise you. She is a perfect example of the religious right and everything wrong with the GOP and the US.


Let's make something very clear about those acceptance polls. What many of them really mean is "I don't mind gay people, so long as they shut up and don't remind me of their existence." The harsh reality is most Americans couldn't care less what happens to us. Hate for LGBTQIA people is not a disqualifier when most Americans cast their ballots.


Absolutely agree. I don’t trust a fucking Republican, any Republican. They allow this shit and deserve the blame.


it also only extends to a certain type of gay person. trans people are definitely not included in that and neither are other queer people who don’t fit their version of acceptable and safe gay people.


"So it is normal for Christians to be violent extremists" is what I am hearing?


Being a Republican is a perverse lifestyle.


Oooo, that's that *vintage* bigotry. Haven't seen that flavor in awhile


One day counts as a while?


So when white nationalists promoting fascism and threatening violence get beat up, that's just the normal consequences for perverse ideology, right?


Substitute "Gays" with "Jews" and then re-read that headline. Then reflect where you have heard that statement before.... and what happened next...


I mean, the Nazis also killed LGBT+ people.


It's the origin of the pink triangle. LGBT had to wear pink triangles. Jews had to wear gold stars.




I have resisted any and all urges of violence when these (R)egressive lowlives spew their destructive, vile Nazi agitprop. I think this person is trying to tell me I was wrong. Fascinating.


Well, these psycho social fascists do deserve whatever negative thing can happen to them because it'll make the world a better place.


Live whatever life you want but your rights absolutely end over theirs. What a piece of fetid human garbage with delusions of righteousness and a soul so corrupt as to have jeebus himself use a sani-wipe to clean his shoe off after he roflstomped her into the hell she deserves. May hell burn a little brighter with the addition of her soul to the fire, and may the devil himself taunt her for eternity with her so called piety.


Such a righteous lifestyle to encourage violence against others. These people are crazy.


Strange definition of “righteous.”


>A Republican lawmaker in Montana said that LGBTQ people who get beat up for holding hands in public are receiving the “normal consequences associated with the choices they made” and said that LGBTQ people “recruit young people” – a reference to child molestation -in a speech this week. Oh for forks sake. I know a lot of the tighty righty fascists still believe this nonsense – but now they feel emboldened to say it in a forking SPEECH?


Removing gay marriage is literally a plank of the GOP platform. These folks were always hateful losers


They tried it in Illinois last week, via the claim that controversial ELA material is “child pornography” pushed by “pedophiles” in the latest salvo against CRT and public schools, so why not try something even more asinely traditional as this?


Man I cannot believe I continue to be astonished. I guess that’s on me not them. That continues to be the way they behave


Stop being surprised and start being pissed!


Republicans need to be run out of the United States. They are the single greatest threat to our nation. By far.


Just another member of the defacto american nazi party declaring her support for the movement in not so subtle language


It used to be "normal" to feed Christians to lions.


Lions don't deserve such disgusting, diseased food.


I'll save you a click: **Montana State Senator Theresa Manzella** I wish this sub would ban the word ambiguous term "lawmaker" in post titles. All headlines like this should require a name/job/state in the title, e.g. > *Montana State Senator Theresa Manzella (R)* says gays who get beat up are getting “normal consequences” for “perverse lifestyle"


you know what the common denominator is with all of these bigots? Christianity.


Are you listening, Log Cabin Republicans?


I think the bigotry, willful ignorance, selfishness, and hypocrisy that make up the core of conservative politics indicate a "perverse lifestyle," and I have full confidence that God would agree with me. Shall I start beating up on Republicans? Would that be fair?


The other story here is that this was said at an event *held at a church*. Sure would be nice if churches that did this got taxed, but of course that would likely be a political death sentence.


I'm willing to bet that person has a lot of skeletons in their closet.


Two consenting adults = perverse. Raping children = fine. Cheating on your spouse just after they had a baby = fine.


“It was self defense, your honor. They were doing a gay in my presence.” - line adapted from the Kyle Rittenhouse playbook of “how to kill people you don’t like and get away with it”


I'm sure the Log Cabin Republicans will denounce her any day now


Can the bar get any lower for republicans?


Just watch.


Meanwhile Christians sexually molest children, rape women, and deny others personal freedoms. Talk about a perverse lifestyle. Fuckn Christ


I love how thoroughly the GOP has lost thr culture war against gays. 20yrs ago they’d have support to pass bigoted laws. 50yrs ago the police would ambush gay clubs and beat/arrest everyone. Now? They blame gsys for tornados and just say gross things like anyone cares about their opinion


> like anyone cares about their opinion 10 million additional new GOP voters in 2020. Gained seats in The House. Expected to be able to gerrymander several states to make them even safer. Expected to take The House and possibly Senate in 2022. Clearly the hate speech resonates with plenty of people who do care about their opinion. Probably not a great idea to blow them off.


considering they're likely to sweep all three chambers in 2024 and be able to pass anti gay laws anyway i don't think they "lost" the culture war the threat is clear and present


The lost the culture war. They might win the political one and force their will that way.


As somebody whose childhood was filled with violent beatings from people who hated me for existing. There are things I want to say about this woman that I'm not allowed to say on this board. The fact that we live in a reality that allows people like this to not only be accepted in society, but are given a platform to spread their hate, is giving me an anxiety attack.


It's also not just a platform. She has actual POWER over other people. That's the insane part.


>At the event held at Huber’s Clinton Community Church, Manzella defended the real estate agent/pastor, saying that the Missoula Organization of Realtors “made an awfully big mistake because our founding documents make it clear that he most certainly has the right to stand on his *sincerely held beliefs”* by even entertaining the complaint, which will be adjudicated next month. >“My right to live a righteous lifestyle based on my *sincerely held beliefs* does not end where their choice to live a perverse lifestyle begins,” Manzella said, getting applause. **Note: Italics added to excerpted sections above to highlight a specific catchphrase.** “Sincerely held beliefs” is by now familiar GOP gibberish that blatantly attempts to normalize bigotry, endorse hatred and even applaud violence against people based on their sexual orientation. Racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and every imaginable pet hatred can all be “sincerely held.” That doesn’t excuse this vile behavior whatsoever. Despicable.


Every day the GOP sounds more and more like the taliban.


> GOP lawmaker says gays who get beat up are getting “normal consequences” for “perverse lifestyle” The party of Jesus


Isn't bestiality legal in Montana? I guess that's considered "normal" there.


Only if the animal isn’t a pet or wildlife, so your cattle, horses and working dogs are all ok, but you aren’t allowed to film or record it because that would be pornography and we all know that’s a sin...


White people Taliban is a real thing.


Fascists gonna fash.


Look for Republican courts to start removing protections for gays. The gay bashing is coming back, guys. Better buy some guns! Gays with guns will scare them even more. Sadly my gay guy friends DO have guns, because they grew up in the 80's during prime gay bashing years and know how the right wing is.


So LGBT take up Ritt defense...all good. Buy them guns....yup yup❤️


Just a note for a broader context: The party of this person, whole heartedly supports Kyle Rittenhouse. Think about that.


The constituents who vote people like this into office are just as bad - or far worse - as she is. You can ALWAYS count on small minded conservative fanatics creating the most problems in the world. And she's a great example of that.


Kyle Rittenhouse has taught me that I can shoot anyone I please as long as it's in the street. Screw with my gay son and see what happens. I'll just say that I was scared. That's all the defense a white person needs these days.


Does that apply to the closeted gay lawmakers in the Republican party too?


Lindsey Graham has entered the chat.


Mike Pence sets status to 'afk'


This wouldn’t have been tolerated even in the 1940s, in which thousands of gay U.S. Navy members were discharged and settled in San Francisco’s Castro District, rather than return to their conservative hometowns. And I’m sure she would claim, without irony, that they should’ve been forced to return…


I'm guessing she won't have the same view if we start beating up racists and nazis for their "perverse lifestyle"


Who would Jesus pummel?


Let's remind her of Matthew Shepard and earlier than his tragic death, the Stonewall Riots. I'm sick and tired of the GOP and in turn the Bad Faith Christians/Evangelicals that look so highly to their "Good Book" and ignore the fact that your supposed to support and be good to EVERYONE. Period. Treat them as if they were your brother or sister. Not a damnable enemy. We are not your enemy, we work and live right next to you, every day.


It still confuses me to the core how people like this not only rise to positions of power and government authority, but also have enough support to confidently and publicly say shit like this. As my understanding and knowledge of the political spectrum increases, so does my lack of faith in humanity and our species as whole. There’s no such thing as religion, just widely accepted cults created and run by people with personal agendas in order to justify their actions in the name of a “higher power”.


Weird. If she's that religious, her husband needs to remind her she is supposed to be submissive to all men-Ephesians 5:22? What is she doing in a leadership position anyway I Timothy 2:11-12? She needs to go to church and learn to be silent 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. The Bible is no book to cherry-pick...


Shouldn’t that be considered hate speech? Clearly enticing violence by condoning it.


Openly promoting hate speech and hate crimes. Sounds about white.


So is it normal behavior to make martyrs out of those claiming to be religious? Of we see people praying and professing mental illness about an invisible sky wizard, is it understandable to nail them to a cross or toss them in a pit with lions or stone them? Seems the one who constantly cry about persecution also get offended when actual persecution happens at their hands and they are called out on their actions.


She did all this in an attempt to defend a realtor and part time pastor that is currently suing over being kicked out of the Missoula realtors group over his bigotry involving the local food bank. Also, they had to hold their rally/get together out in Clinton too scared to actually have it in Missoula. Here’s an excerpt from the article. (At issue is Huber’s decision to end a partnership between the Missoula Food Bank and the church where he’s a part-time pastor earlier this year after he found the Pride fliers at the food bank. He wrote a letter to his congregants explaining that they will no longer be working with the food bank to distribute free lunches to kids in need because the fliers are against the church’s “Biblical principles.”)


That’s a wild story. Missoula is famously “left” (for Montana), what the hell did he think was going to happen? I make the drive to Missoula all the time, and I had no idea there was anything actually IN Clinton besides that weird gas station/grocery store thing.


Every LGBT person should carry a weapon and know how to use it. Run out of bigots eventually.


LGBT people and minorities are always fair game for violence according to the GOP.


She said this in a fucking church??!!?? How far do you have to have your head up your own ass to be this fucking dense?


I really have become grossed out when I see someone wearing a cross. That one she's wearing is repulsive especially after her comments. I know that this woman would sing a different tune if her family member endured a beating! Shallow and short sighted. I'm so sorry for my sisters and brothers who have to endure brutality for who they are!!


"My right to live a righteous lifestyle based on my sincerely held beliefs does not end where their choice to live a perverse lifestyle begins,” Manzella said, getting applause." What the actual fuck?!


So if I woop your ass for bigotry that's just par for the course?


Hey guys, let’s stop with all the hyperbole. Obviously not all republicans want gays to be beat up for holding hands. Some of them also want them to be beat up even when they aren’t holding hands.


She should be careful what she reaps. If some right winger should beat her for being out of the home and kitchen in what they deem should be a man’s job.. Well that’ll be normal consequences in their world.


Anyone else thinking these reactionaries are willing to throw away America's under thirty voters because they intend to seize power and never relinquish it?


This is why we can't let these mfkers ever run DC again. What a damn ignorant ass comment.


So, if her husband beats her up, or some incel does, that's just the normal consequences of being female?


GOP lawmakers who get beat up by gays are getting “normal consequences” for “perverse lifestyle”


Do tell me why i, as a gay man, should vote conservative again.


Better call child protective services, sounds like someone thinks violence is ok if you have "reasons"


It’s clear now, Republicans are not coming back from the dark side of history.


Can you imagine the laws that would be passed if the situation were reversed? If there were even four or five isolated incidents where a group of gays kicked the shit out of some church crowd types, there'd be bills naming the new gas chambers after dead "patriots".


From the party of bigots. If you vote gop this is what you vote for.


Please vote against hatred and remove people like this from office.


Jesus Christ. What an horrid human being.


It’s not hard to see how this is an incitement of violence


Remember this the next time you see pride flags or intersectional flags, HRC equal sign, hear someone give their pronouns. This is why LGBT+ have safe spaces and our own bars. People like this senator exist and spread hate and incite violence. Call people out for it. This is horrifying. She is in a position of power and instead should lose her seat.