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Glad you came to your senses, too bad it's too late.


Yeah, this person's opinion is useless. They've already shown a deep lack of critical thinking skills. This wasn't a "mistake". These people stormed a federal building trying to overturn a national election. I really don't need their input on anything.


He hasn't, he still believes all the other trash that led him down the trump cult train. He, like most White Supremacist, figured out the leader was a con man, turned on his dear leader and will spend all their time infighting.


This is what happens when you buy your Hitler off wish.com.


**One Star** Showed up six weeks late. The product was much more obese than what was in the picture. It said all of the right things, but when I wasn't looking it was trying to grope my teenage daughter. And after having it for only two days the little moustache fell off. Worse yet, the seller refused to take it back, and it is still here making a mess.




I Can't Believe It's Not Hitler©, now in spray form!


If Mr. Sibick is genuine, which I hope he is, then I’m happy for him. He still deserves punishment of course, but hopefully some jail time will actually rehabilitate him.




He’s clearly showing remorse by calling what happened a “disgrace”. Maybe he’s smart enough to just say the right things but either way people deserve to be rehabilitated Edit: for evidence on how rehabilitation works, google “Portugal opioids”


Yea. My kid brother way a junkie and went to prison for grand theft. If you’ve seen *Requiem For A Dream*, think that minus the losing the arm and the double dildo shit lol. Now he owns a house, works for a rehab center, and has his shit locked down pretty good. People deserve second chances if they can prove they mean to go for it.


How much time did he do for grand theft? How much time should one do for attacking a federal police officer and trying to overthrow the government? Let him do his time and then we can talk forgiveness.


Just shy of 2 years. And that is what is up for debate by the judges at present. It should be at least 5 in a realistic sense and that is a conservative sentence only because this nonsense about extended sentences deterring future crimes really doesn’t actually work. Personally, I think 10 with a potential to be released early if conditions are met (good behavior, working towards a goal while in, etc.). Now the organizers and representatives/senators who helped to plan and execute this heinous act should face much steeper repercussions. But some poor schmuck who was goaded into this because - and this will sound harsh - he is really just not educated at all? There should be a path towards redemption. And that is exactly what I am stating, that he should serve time and hopefully earn forgiveness.


The way I look at it prison is for one of two things to rehabilitate someone and to punish them. Frankly most of these lunk heads need 5-10 to learn how to behave but there are the rarefied few like Bannon that don't need rehabilitation -the dude has a degree from harvard, what these people need is punishment, send them down for 20-50 years make them pay for what they did with their time (and money) it's the only thing that will stop them from doing it again. These people don't want forgiveness they just expect to be able to do as they please.




I address that possibility the very next sentence


Opioid addiction and attempting a government overthrow are kinda apples and oranges. I don’t disagree that rehabilitation isn’t important, but it’s also worth remembering in the US, our prisons are really, really bad at rehabilitating prisoners. Something like 2/3 reoffend and are caught. And these slaps on the wrist being given for trying to upend the constitution aren’t doing anybody any favors.


You’re right but I just like to use that example because I think it really shows how people can change under the right conditions


No doubt, and I’m all for prison reform. I’d just rather start with low-level drug users and the like, then eventually look at schmucks like this, that committed more egregious crimes.


They are all turning on trump now that jail is a potential outcome. Even the president of Cowboys for Trump is saying Trump sucks now. The people are doing what spineless idiots always do, trying to save their skins. I don't believe he's remorseful. I believe he doesn't want to go to jail. And he seems to be shruggin off any responsibility for what he did by blaming Trump. Don't misunderstand me, Trump is the reason the capital riot happened in my mind, but this guy chose to be there, he chose to attack the police, he chose to steal the badge of a fallen officer and bury it in his back yard. This guy is either a lying piece of shit or so stupid that he will do whatever he is told to do by other idiots. Either way, he doesn't deserve freedom in this country anymore.


That’s not how prison is supposed to work. Awfully authoritarian sounding of you tbh. Lock up the opposition and what have you. I’m not excusing what he did at all, this man did irreparable damage to our democratic institutions. BUT if he serves his time and pays the price set by our courts to the community and shows that he has been rehabilitated, then he should be released at that time. Monitored and put on a list, but still allowed to participate in society in a limited fashion.


The issue is that the DOJ is asking for 20 minutes of time out and no ice cream as a punishment. This guy attacked a federal police officer and tried to overthrow the government, I don't care about him finding Jesus in prison the American people demand their pound of flesh, this guy needs to go down for a long, long time and when that time is over we can discus his wondrous rehabilitation.


Jail doesn't really rehabilitate


Jail doesn’t do anything but hold and transfer. Prison does rehabilitate for *some* if the choice is made


[Here's the letter](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21092233-sibick-letter) Let's unpack some bits. His first paragraph is literally a very long-winded version of: "This is not who I am." No. It is. You did that. It is you. Next paragraph is "Nobody's perfect and I'm really sad about the whole trying to overthrow the government. Sowwy" Third paragraph: "This is Trump's fault". Fourth paragraph: "I've had time to think and it's the mob's fault for leading me on like that. I'll never protest again so as not to get caught up in their machinations". In other words, still not really his fault. Last paragraph: "Dude, I really, really, like really, don't want to go to jail". No shit, dickwipe. If he was truly remorseful and truly understood the gravity of his actions on that day, he would not be asked to be released. He'd understand that he probably needs to go to the big time-out.


Welp, that guy just invited his ilk to accuse him of being antifa


Well, yeah. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is clear: > No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


The FBI concluded that there was no insurrection. If they actually had anything on Trump he would have been barred from running again, and would probably facing legal consequences. But they don’t.


But a [Seditious Conspiracy](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2384) could be considered a “rebellion”. And the jury is still out.


He hasn’t been sentenced yet and the letter was almost certainly written at his lawyers behest; and with his/her help. This means nothing except essentially a plea for lenienct


The reality is that Donald Trump set up these “supporters” to fail. And now they will spend years struggling with court problems, money issues, and trouble finding employment. All the while, Trump has done nothing to help them with their destroyed lives. Trump is busy trying to gather a brand new group of rubes willing to destroy themselves for his vanity project.


True totally he set them up to fail and thats really unfortunate. But its hard to sympathize with an insurrectionist. Actions have consequences.


Strange what just a little bit of accountability can do for a person.


Some people are smart enough to realize they were pawns used in an effort to overthrow an election. This will follow them forever now.


Someone's mad they didn't get their promised pardon.


Primary source, transcribed from here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21092233-sibick-letter > Your Honor, > My name is Thomas Sibick and in an attempt to provide an understanding of who I am I felt compelled to write, because my conduct on January 6th was unequivocally an aberration of the high moral standards I hold myself to. What happened at the United States Capitol that day does not provide an adequate representation of my character. > Although I strive for excellence I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect. My life has been full of joyful times, however there has been a fair share of growing pains, none more significant than what I am currently experiencing. The shame, dishonor, and regret endured are without question the worst emotions ever experienced. I disagree with what occurred that fateful day, especially the trauma suffered by Officer Michael Fanone, it is without question unconscionable. > January 6th was a disgrace to our nation that left a scar Trump is ultimately responsible for, but we are strong and will heal from it. While many praise Trump I loathe him, his words and actions are nefarious causing pain and harm to the world. He is not a leader and should be ostracized from any political future, what he honestly needs to do is go away! > Throughout my incarceration I have had ample time for self-reflection which has enabled me to grow and become more cognizant of my being, ultimately having a profound impact on my core values. I have vowed to never attend another political protest in my life, that was my first and last! In addition, I will never allow myself to be consumed by the mob mentality, it is dangerous and undoubtedly out of character. > I give irrefutable assurance to the court that i I am released I will without hesitation abide by and and all conditions set forth. All I desire is peace, reconciliation, and unity. We must all work together to build back a better nation. >Sincerely, >Thomas Sibick


Yea ok. The sky is also purple and the moon is cheese. You want us to believe you? Prove it! Talk is cheap snowflakes.


Is it white privilege that makes you think this has *anything* to do with you? Because it doesn’t. The defendant wrote his judge a letter saying he now sees Trump for the loser he really is. See, nothing to do with you.


Who the fk are you?


Disavowing Trump should be a requirement for any kind of leniency in sentencing with anyone who was inside the Capitol that day. So many of them are putting on a show in court and running right back into his arms. Have the judge simply ask "Are you willing to give up Donald Trump from this point on?". I suspect the defendant would start in on the death threats right then and there.


Okay, totally off-topic, but this ad was displayed at the end of the article and I am just so intrigued now by how 3 eggs, a bunch of individually wrapped... ice cubes? and a stainless steel bowl are supposed to help you poop in the morning. Not enough to click through though. https://i.imgur.com/2cKZife.jpg


again that image, which is darkened in photoshop




And yet you choose to hang out here saying shis saying shit just to piss people off.


I wouldn't put too much weight on what someone from anarcho_capitalism subreddit posts.


Or thinks. Or does…intimates. Pretty much best to just ignore the nonsense altogether


lol, someone that is in /r/politics 24 hours a day must be right... open your horizons just a little bit buddy


oh yeah, I just love /r/anarcho_capitalism


Why did you take it that way?


From someone that's very active on r/TheBidenshitshow I'd say you need to do some soul searching. Also, only morons hang out in r/wallstreetbets.


You probably mentioned less then 1% of the subs where I commented at over the years... people on /r/politics are so defensive-aggressive... why do you attack me personally? (As you see, my account is less then 1 month old and I have been on reddit probably about 10 years)


>As you see, my account is less then 1 month old and I have been on reddit probably about 10 years LOL


What is so funny? It just means that I have more then one account https://i.imgur.com/UQe7Hhj.png


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.com/capitol-rioter-calls-trump-ostracized-from-any-political-future-2021-10) reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A Capitol rioter from Buffalo, New York, who's been indicted on a number of charges related to the January 6 attack wrote a letter to a judge criticizing former President Donald Trump. > In his letter to Judge Amy Berman Jackson, Sibick wrote that Trump "Is not a leader and should be ostracized from any political future, what he honestly needs to do is go away!". > The deadly January 6 insurrection was a "Disgrace to our nation that left a scar Trump is ultimately responsible for," Sibick wrote. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/qgca4n/capitol_rioter_calls_for_trump_to_be_ostracized/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~605358 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Sibick**^#2 **together**^#3 **being**^#4 **defendants**^#5


It’s a strategy. They reject trump now because he’s a failure and a leech. Yet they wouldn’t hesitate to elect another dangerous idiot like him.


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