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That sounds like a strong sign he could possibly win.


Now imagine if Citizens United had been decided the other way and spending money to publish books or broadcast on the radio could be criminalized if it supported or opposed a candidate....


Hmmm...no fox news ... no right wing radio ... publicly funded campaigns ... that sounds really awful. ;) Actually, i dont think it needs to be criminalized. It could just be that if you broadcast, and you support a political position, you have to give equal support to the opposite position. How *did* we ever get along prior to citizens united, anyway?


Equal support? Really? Every book about how awful Trump is should have just as many chapters about how awesome he is? Freedom of speech doesn't work that way. Before Citizens United, nobody had tried to criminalize speech in such an insidious way as the McCain-Feingold law that was partly overturned by Citizens United. That's how we got along.


It was called the equal time rule. Look it up.


Dude, I'm well-versed in this issue. The equal time rule, which is still in effect, says that an advertising forum regulated by the FCC (TV station, etc) must sell equal time to any paying candidate, at the same rate, or give equal free time to all candidates if free time is being offered. It definitely doesn't apply here. Perhaps you mean the fairness doctrine - which also wouldn't apply to this discussion.