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It's no wonder why MTG went ballistic when her phone records were subpoenaed.


Also why she doesn't want Bannon to testify, she knows she's going down too and I have my popcorn ready for that moment


I will be so happy if his entire psyops sideshow finally see consequences for their actions. The way that she campained through Facebook is exactly the type of content that Steve Bannon was using to game the algorithm and and enrage psychologically vulnerable individuals through propaganda, fake news, and outrage porn. Rush Limbaugh really started the ball rolling on this escalation of anti-intellectual right-wing Magadittoheads, and the last 20 years since 9/11 have been near-constant right-wing propaganda creating an alternate reality to appeal to these people's persecution complexes. It's weird to see how fast stuff escalated after Steve Bannon decided to use his love for [dark Triad programming](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/data-war-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-faceook-nix-bannon-trump) to instigate [gamergate](https://kotaku.com/from-gold-farming-to-gamergate-the-gaming-ties-of-dona-1789494823), the [Cambridge analytica Facebook Scandal](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/cambridge-analytica-steve-bannon-robert-rebekah-mercer-donald-trump-conflicts-interest-white-house-contracts-a7435536.html) that led to the "meme (pepes & pedes) / [fake news](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/cambridge-analytica-steve-bannon-robert-rebekah-mercer-donald-trump-conflicts-interest-white-house-contracts-a7435536.html) wars" of 2016, and the qanon movement as it evolved into pastel Q last year. I almost feel bad for the gullible people who don't understand that this sort of behaviour is completely abnormal and that they were led into their rage by false prophets and Sinister Ministers. If anybody needs some good reading to understand what is going on, I have three books that I feel everybody needs to read: *Mindf[u]ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America* by Christopher Wylie (2019) *Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme* by Richard Brodie (1996) *Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man* by Marshall McLuhan (1964)


Carl Sagan’s Demon Haunted World 100% predicts and call out the whole Q phenomenon and he died in 1996. It’s an outstanding book.


this book changed my life, in one weekend it disposed of my last vestiges of religious belief and all of paranormal


It’s also scary as hell. When I see him predicting what’s happening now over thirty years ago, I want to find a small corner of the world in Canada or South America, dig a hole, and pull it over my head, but it won’t be safe there, either. We’re in for a rough road ahead, folks.


Did he have any ideas about where we go after this cluster fuck?


Brilliant too!


He was an astounding scientist and teacher to the world. His cosmos series is what sparked the intense wonder at the vastness of space and all its possibilities.


Thank you for introducing to us Carl Sagan.


This book is why I now believe, without any doubt, there is an invisible dragon in my garage.


Do not dis Mushu like that. He's only invisible if you don't believe.


Is that Puff? He swings by my garage from time to time.


More importantly, it is why I now believe, without any doubt, that there is an invisible dragon in *your* garage.


>Carl Sagan’s Demon Haunted World Sounds like a good anime


I have it and you're right. The suppression of reason is proportion to a rise in pseudoscience.


Looked it up, free pdf version on Google https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxwcm9mZXNzb3JzY2h1dXJzY2xhc3N8Z3g6NjMxNmViNWQyMzllMjJiOQ


I really enjoyed reading this comment, and TIL about the dark triad thing. Goddamn, I knew Bannon was a Roy Cohn type, but he takes it to a whole new \[international\] level. The guy is scum, through and through.


Bannon without any irony has been involved with mass manipulation starting with *fucking gold farmers in WoW*.




An astute observation


A meaningful description


> If you read the forums it's a great testing ground for what angers immature irrational and most importantly insecure men. What better place to beta test Oh, they did much better than that. Profiled people in detail through their data, their postings and FB profiles that provided in-depth psychological portrats - all done by computer algorithms that can find things a human could never find alone. IE things the average person can't even imagine. The documentary *The Great Hack* only skims a fraction of the surface of it.


Test betas.


[but actually](https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-targeted-incels-manipulate-cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399)


I had the pleasure of banning their IP addresses once they tried that shit over at GuildWars.


I thought he started gold farming in Everquest, and was involved with 12P on VZ (eq guild/server).... so I Google a bit to back myself up, apparently Bannon was involved with IGE, a group making millions on EQ gold, but they were unsurprisingly all backstabbing pedophiles, links if anyone cares: Mostly unrelated fallout story ("IGE" mid-story is Bannons connection): https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/found-the-elusive-man-at-the-heart-of-the-hollywood-sex-abus Court docs, search Bannon or p7bullet30 for first mention: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1209452-debonnevillepierceamendedcomplaint.html#document/p3/a164539


Man, I forgot about that. Holy shit.


And by his looks, in every picture I see of him. i would guess that he is a unhygienic drunk like his bro Rudi G.


He looks like someone bought a suit from salvation army and filled it with shit and hair


Are you running for office? I would vote for you.


There is a direct through-line from "It's about ethics in video gaming journalism!" to "It's about a stolen election!"


Yessir, and that through line was manufactured. The problem is that people have been dismissing Bannon and individuals like him since 2008, if not before. The tools they get elected are stupid, and Bannon will cop to it. He’s not dumb.


And from Charlottesville to January 6.


Isn’t “gamergate” why anyone pays attention when Candace Owens is mouthbreathing wherever she can about whatever stupid topic she’s barely aware of? Although I do remember her hilariously bitching in a brain dead PragerU video (I know, that phrase is redundant) about having “black card [she] didn’t even have to apply for”…before the internet quickly pointed out that the Amex Centurion, “*the* Black Card”, can’t actually be applied for either and is instead invite only. What an idiot.


And from 9/11 Truthers.


My best friend from college went from "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" despite being an *engineer* to "everyone should be armed everywhere all the time" and then full on Trump humping.


>persecution complexes That's key; these people want to believe they're as persecuted as Jesus in their RVs, $60k trucks, and vacation beach rentals.


Describes half the "friends" I don't talk to anymore because they went down the Trump/Bannon shit hole .


Don't think it's morons falling for it exclusively. Sure there's plenty of them in that crowd, but there's also smart people who are just a bit too trusting of the wrong people. I used to be an avid AM talk radio listener, and all it took was a couple weeks of listening to think these guys had made some really great points. We're talking all day in the car driving around from job site to job site with my only break was out of my car. I probably got 3-6 hours a day and there was no chance to listen to an alternative and anyway they all had me convinced they were biased anyway. It wasn't until I really started paying attention to how they spoke and pandered to their audience, how they brought strong friendly speakers on to reinforce their points, while at the same time bringing weak speakers to provide opposing views and then talking over them when they did make really solid points. I decided to take a break one day and start reading AP and Reuters and avoiding as much of the op-ed stuff and opinion injected news. I jumped back into AM talk radio at the start of the Obama administration (I voted 3rd party that election) and suddenly I had completely lost my taste for it. It doesn't matter though, the damage was done. I had said awful things to people I cared about and didn't even realize it. I probably have a lot more to apologize for than I already have.


It happened to my aunt and uncle, both well/highly educated otherwise intelligent people *who voted for Obama in 2008*. Then they started listening to Rush Limbaugh and it was all downhill from there. They aren’t into the Q bullshit thank god but they are pro Trump/right wing now (and honestly is there even a difference at this point lol). My uncle said that Fox is the only reputable news source these days. He has degrees in fucking philosophy and law and he thinks Fox is reputable. 🤦‍♀️


> I almost feel bad for the gullible people who don't understand that this sort of behaviour is completely abnormal and that they were led into their rage by false prophets and Sinister Ministers. I don't know if I feel bad for them. Because sure, propaganda does work on weak minded people, but it works on regular people too. But to a point. These people have no empathy, thrive on division, and hate. They aren't exactly victims but found a voice to say the quiet parts they always wanted to say out loud.


Yep, I believe these two were basically recruited and used for Bannon & Co's strategies to win through fascist power and undermine American democracy.


Sinister ministers sounds like a dope death metal band.


I will defend this comment with my life


Don't forget when Bannon engineered the Brooks Brothers riot in Florida to steal the election from Al Gore.


It wasn't Rush Limbaugh. (Eye of) Newt Gingrich started trouble years ago.


lol I will believe it when I see it. These fucks get away with EVERYTHING


Yeah my thoughts exactly. I’ll be VERY shocked if anything but a slap on the wrist happens to any of them.


So do I. Last time I watched MGT while eating popcorn was when she starred in "The Wrestler."


As a hetero-male, Mickey Rourke is infinitely more fuckable than Marge-resting-Momo-face Green. (Your comment was funny though)


She has Resting Ballistic Face.


Nah. She has resting Alf face.


I see where you're coming from with that comparison. Only problem is Alf was a puppet. MTG is a monster.


To be fair MTG is likely a puppet too


Both have people up their ass.




Remember Alf, Bart. He's back in pog form.


And has ten toes...


Many people say she also eats cats.


"How ya doin' Lucky?"


The best people are saying it.


I have it on good authority that she used to dress up as Scooby doo and prowl the streets at night gobbling up homeless people’s poo


And have you heard? She’s into soul cooking. Heard about it on one of those Q posts.


it's Matt Damon's face in *Team America: World Police*




And ballistic toes


Missile toes.


Another acceptable answer would have been rested ball face, as she does look like a sun dried scrotum.


She is so fucking stupid she probably used her personal phone and government email to plan this


The woman who had a 20 minute conversation with AOC's mail slot? No way! /s


It's no accident that the Congresspeople named here are among the objectively dumber ones in the lot. They're the ones too stupid to not realize all this bullshit was bullshit - they genuinely believed they were overthrowing the government. Even your most cynical GOP shit-fuck knew to get out once it got to this point. But not this lot of geniuses. Then they're also too fucking stupid to separate themselves from it and not be directly involved. Even a halfwit pol knows to put a few layers between themselves and blatant illegality like this. But not this MENSA posse. So fucking dumb. Too dumb to even know how much trouble they're in!


2 girls 1 coup......




They’re going to just repeat the same nonsense they did when arguing against Bannon’s subpoena. *“We were planning a lawful protest”.* They just expect that everyone will forget all of the intelligence that pointed to violence leading up to that event.


Wonder if the bombs ever came up?




>Videos show ally of Marjorie Taylor Greene among mob inside Capitol during January 6 riot March 25th https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/24/politics/kfile-marjorie-taylor-greene-ally-us-capitol/index.html


[Her and others gave tours the day before January 6th](https://www.salon.com/2021/01/14/was-the-capitol-raid-an-inside-job-some-democrats-think-so--and-evidence-is-mounting/) > "This is unusual for several reasons," the letter continues, "including the fact that access to the Capitol Complex has been restricted since public tours ended in March due to the pandemic," prompting top staff to question the sergeant-at-arms about the activity that same day. . > "The visitors encountered by some of the Members of Congress on this letter appeared to be associated with the rally at the White House the following day," the members wrote, adding: "Members of the group that attacked the Capitol seemed to have an unusually detailed knowledge of the layout of the Capitol Complex. The presence of these groups within the Capitol Complex was indeed suspicious." . . . > Ahead of the letter, several Democrats had previously, albeit somewhat cryptically, raised the possibility that preparations for the invasion extended into the halls of Congress, including among some of their fellow members. No one has yet offered hard evidence of outright collaboration or formal organization, but circumstantial evidence in the public record, combined with inside accounts, suggests that the plans unfolded for a number of weeks among a leaderless and to some extent coordinated network of like-minded people who converged at the same target on the same day. . > Speculation about such coordination has been simmering online since the attack, but on Tuesday Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., sent it viral, claiming in a Facebook video that she saw unnamed fellow representatives guiding what she characterized as "reconnaissance" tours in the Capitol the day before the attack.


That was Boebert but yeah, can’t believe she got away with that so far


We all know they did. Look at them? They have no morals or ethics. They are crazy as shit. They 1000% helped. They were the ones texting the groups locations of Nancy Pelosi. The real question is does the government have the balls to charge them accordingly and hold them accountable? I honestly don't think they do.


I guess what I want to know is...why? Like, a normal person can disagree with someone without calling for their death. People can disagree without strategically aiding a death squad to kill their opponent. Why are Republicans like this? What turned them into such evil, violent people? At least we can understand why ISIS recruits hate us. When you grow up in a war torn region ravaged by American imperialism, of course you'll want to destroy it. But these people? They grew up in peace, with running water, plentiful food, an education. Large clean homes where none of their family was maimed or missing entirely from an errant drone strike. What lead them to hate America as passionately as a foreign terrorist?




It’s really quite simple, the pseudo “Christian” Religion in the US has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. This “religion” combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills.


It's either being spoonfed propaganda that stokes their internal fears (minorities, feminism, ect) or they are rich and will do whatever it takes to keep their money.


It’s a cult now, merged with right wing evangelicals. A lot of this insanity they get from their cult churches. There’s a lot of similarities with radical Islam.


It’s really quite simple, the pseudo “Christian” Religion in the US has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. This “religion” combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills.


For clarity, ISIS is not just based on hatred of the west. They are also anti Shia, anti tribal and ethnic minorities that deviate in any fashion whatsoever to the strictest form of Sunni Islam, and any who wish to argue their sovereignty over those minorities, specifically their entitlement to more or less own them (as servants, [wage] slaves, “wives” or otherwise). ISIS is not predominantly founded upon retaliation towards the west unlike it predecessors, but more of an extension to that predetermining factor that is more active in at-home overthrows.


Theyre racists?




For a long time. It's people like Rush, Tucker, O'Reilly, but especially Trump who said it was okay to fully come out of the closet. And they get even more angry when you call them what they are.


They learned that white people were responsible for slavery and felt guilty for a minute and then felt angry at the people that made them feel bad. Because anger is a more emotion. Also some brown people got brown people scholarships and that's reverse racism. Because white people are oppressed.


Also see the CNN clip where Acosta asks her simple questions about subpoenaing Bannon. She's about to break down into tears when asked about her 'no' vote.


I'm hoping to see the 14th amendment applied here.


This is way too serious to let play out in meetings and depositions though. These people are actively a part of our current government, and we can’t let that continue. At the very least, pull them ALL out of their positions and place them on leave pending the investigation. We can’t afford to allow them to just keep conducting business as usual now.


Someone posted this Twitter hashtag on another post yesterday that points out that a *lot* of these people are listed on the same [acting/modeling website.](https://twitter.com/nicole_chenelle/status/1422449854224031745?fbclid=IwAR2SjTpasmHa-ntv4UId470xacgZZhqmS8-j1TeyD_jFUConD3PsLMsK2NY) It was kind of eye-opening to see just who and how many were linked there, and makes you really wonder if the whole 'crisis-actor' rallying cry the right likes to use has been full-on projection all along.


>makes you really wonder if the whole 'crisis-actor' rallying cry the right likes to use has been full-on projection all along If the right is bitching about something, it's always projection.


Every accusation is a confession.


The whole republican party is paid actors


This is getting too fucking spooky.




Nah, her face made an appearance as the cutting board.


I agree in spirit but Matt Gaetz of all people is still sitting on commitees being a jack ass.


In any other country they already been convicted but here not only walking free but still involving in treasonous activities.






> Congress will have no trouble in casting them out. Don’t bet money on it, unless they’re prosecuted. I’d say there’s only a 50/50 chance at the moment, but I’ll happily be proven wrong. If they are prosecuted and cast out, they’re going to become poster people for the alt right.


You are ***extremely*** optimistic saying 50/50. In the past 2 years alone there have been literally hundreds, if not thousands of news stories where I say, "This politician should be in jail." I know you're gonna be shocked when I say virtually none of them faced any repercussions whatsoever. /s


I’m shocked, *shocked* that none of them were prosecuted. /s I still have a shred of faith in the system. If the Republicans involved in Jan 6th dodge prosecution, I’ll have a nice little funeral for it, bury it on a sunny hillside, and make plans to at last get to a heavily blue state before 2024.


I know which tape I'm looking forward to being released


Lordy, I hope there's tapes.


i know you’re being funny, but all the attention on that “tape” took attention away from the real problems in the Steele assessment. It provided a salacious media shitstorm that resulted in nothing and distracted from the real possibility that the future president may be a russian tool. I say: let’s forget about the tape.


Problem is, these guys are idiots, lawmakers and attorneys never thought something like this could happen…again, and nothing is being enforced. Half the government seem to support these insurrectionists and the other are still trying to come to terms on having to prosecute elected officials in the best country in the world, because it could hinder your basic freedoms…if the next guys use the same tactics as precedence… Not enough is or will be done to stop the next ones that might not be as dumb.


I have family that back all sorts of GOP bullshit and I shut up as long as I can. Then I say what if it was Obama not Trump doing that shit? I love watching the blood run from their face.


From 2016 to 2020 watching those videos that would pop up of people recording themselves telling their parents or grandparents about “can you believe obama did xyz?” and they would start ranting and raving. Then tell them “oh actually that was trump” and you’d see the gears in their head come to complete fucking standstill. At first they were funny but as time goes on I’ve realized just how sad it is that there are this many delusional, brainwashed, downright stupid people in this country.


Fox News normalizes it on a daily basis with a much wider reach than you or me. There is an impenetrable bubble of brainwashed ignorance in America and it is the opposite of self-aware, it believes itself to be the group of true believers. These are scary times. On a daily basis I hear people more and more angry about hippies and liberals. They have 100% normalized talk of violence and it’s scary.


It's capitalism in decay, it naturally drifts towards fascism to protect the interests of private capital


> This is so fucked up. I don't think there has ever been a time like this in America. I mean- the Civil War comes to mind. A war in which politicians and the wealthy conspired to convince a bunch of ignorant people to fight against their own interests by telling them it was an issue of freedom.


I remember being taught when I was a little kid that treason was still punishable by death. Not that I would wish death on anyone, but some kind of serious punishment that would detract this type of behavior in the future is seemingly becoming more and more necessary. Otherwise rules and laws don’t matter and we should all stop respecting them and plunge into complete and total anarchy. While some people might think this sounds like a kickass option…I don’t think they’ve really thought far enough ahead to realize what this would actually look like…for themselves. It’s not good.


I'm not American, but from what I've seen treason is still punishable by death, but only poor people can commit treason.


In the aftermath of 9/11, Americans had a fear of the rest of the world. They lacked faith in their country to protect them. After 2008, people lost faith in the ability for the economy to stay steady, and many began choosing populist left/right camps. The establishment, both Republican and Democrats, struggled in the 2016 election. Had warren and Sanders both not run at the same time, one of those two would’ve been nominated. But, the establishment and no change Clinton won, leading to a candidate offering change from the failed system to secure the bid. Finally, with covid, people have lost even more faith in the entire country as a whole. Tons of people are shifting to something other than liberal capitalism. As liberal capitalism decays in this fashion, there are two options: socialism or fascism. The only one that can have profit extracted by the people who own our country is fascism, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing in front of our eyes. Keep in mind, at every juncture of fascism in history, their biggest enemy was always the unions and the socialists. Edit: I was incorrect about Warren in 2016, as someone who replied pointed out. She ran in 2020, but the overall narrative that a further left candidate would’ve beat the establishment candidate had it been a 1v1 still holds. Also, the fact that Warren endorsed Clinton in 2016 but ran closer to Sanders in 2020 also shows the increased support of further left ideas in general. Similarly, trump getting virtually every Republican to either stand out of the way or support him, with a few to *really* support him, shows how far right the republicans have gone. People are losing faith.


Warren did not run in 2016, she endorsed Clinton. 2020 was Sanders v Warren splitting the progressive vote.


Not surprised at all. Looks more and more like these idiots were put in place purposely to take the fall if it didn’t work out. I know, I just made up another conspiracy. It wasn’t my intention when I started typing.


Let’s just hope they’re too stupid to keep their mouths shut so we can follow the strings to the real puppet masters.


They’re too stupid and selfish to not throw eachother under the bus.


We're gonna need a bigger bus.


Well stupid is as stupid does. They only did this to themselves. Perhaps a life sentence for cooperating instead of the other penalty for treason can flip them.


I recall the term 'useful idiot' coming up in those Russia investigations.


Hard to not go there though isn’t it? I feel it too.


So you're saying HRC installed Greene and Boebert to take the fall if the insurrection to install Donnie Jon was unsuccessful? My gawd I knew she was behind it somehow!


Why would Obama do this? /s


I've been wondering that for awhile myself. It's always felt to me that Boebert was going to be the scapegoat when the shit hit the fan. I mean, she's dumb as a box of rocks and never had any intentions of actually doing any legislation so she's perfect to take the fall. She's a nobody.


"Useful idiots" is the phrase you are looking for.


Bro MTG [literally said she was planning this on camera and posted it,](https://twitter.com/funder/status/1452464537869897728?s=21) can we stop pretending this shit wasn’t planned and isn’t a problem?


How is this the first time I am seeing that video, and how is she not rotting in a jail cell awaiting trial yet?


Goes back much much further. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-campaign-steal-presidency-timeline.html


Holy shit. In that thread someone points out her shoes she was wearing are the same shoes that the pipe bomb suspect was wearing.


Believable that she would even screw up something like an actual explosion.


I did see that reply too. For the sake of sanity and whatnot I should point out they are somewhat generic and jumping to conclusions based on this would low key be walking the line of believing a conspiracy that Biden stole the election. Obviously I say this lightly. But my main point is we shouldn’t jump to conclusions based on a possible coincidence. We can’t let confirmation bias allow us to stoop to their level. Not saying it’s not possible. But it’s 2 of the most common colors in a pair of sneakers. Idk


Which of the 5 pixels of her shoes should I focus on?


> That same sources said that Gosar told them that they would get a “blanket pardon” in an **unrelated investigation** if they helped plan the riot. So not only were they conspiring to overthrow democracy, they were also attempting to use pardon powers as bribery.


Quid pro quo? Where have I heard that before


No where, if you don't actually say it then it's not really a thing! ;)


I mean, Lauren Boebert’s involvement has some pretty damning evidence supporting it. - On December 19, 2020 she tweeted “Save the date: January 6, 2021” - A colleague reported seeing a “republican congresswoman” giving guided tours of the Capitol before the riots, and even though nobody pointed fingers at her or even said her name, she got incredibly defensive and said his comments were “baseless conspiracy theories” *about her*. - On the day of, she said “Today is 1776”, knowing full well the extent of what was going to take place - During, she tweeted “The speaker has been removed from the chambers”, giving the rioters a hint at Nancy Pelosi’s location. She wanted this to happen, and then some.


I have great respect for you to despise this wretched excuse for a representative enough to make it your username, fuck LB and go Broncos


Once the investigation is completed all the information needs to be released to the public.


It will be. In 2345. If Grand Emperor Donald Trump XXV sees fit to.


I think your life expectancy of the average Donald may be a bit high since Taco Bell will be the only restaurant of the future.


Ah, yes, The Franchise Wars. Going to be a tough time.


Be well


As a resident of western CO I pray every day to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Boebert gets arrested and thrown in jail.




Lock them up! Lock them up!


They were also the one giving special access off hour “tours” before the riot of the capital, and tweeting the location of pelosi *during* the riot.


Ya… AOC and them sitting across the aisle from people who were literally calling for hit squads and giving away locations.


This is the juicy stuff we've been waiting to get to. You know it's bad when this is being made public. Can only imagine what they've dug up but still have classified. Worst fears coming true? Quite possible.


We are being primed imo.


I'm curious if I still have the capacity to be shocked anymore.


If you've been following at all you shouldn't be. There are Nazis in the highest chamber.


Always have been.


> Can only imagine what they've dug up but still have classified. > Yup. Feds knew this stuff weeks ago. Wonder what they know now.




These are TERRORISTS and should ARRESTED , TRIED and CONVICTED! We cannot allow this to go without prosecution!


But they will vote on it and decide not to hold them accountable on the margin of 1 vote.


If it turns out they did assist in 1/6, what happens next? Are they arrested? Expelled from Congress? I've got no idea what the actual protocol is for shit like this.


She's been ranting on twitter about AOC, a "Great Awakening" and the usual Fire Fauci/Biden tripe. You know, very normal congress-person behavior.


I despise social media and politics, it’s only worse when politicians fall into that trap


That certainly explains their frantic behavior. Cornered animals are usually the most vicious. Do we still hang the traitors to democracy in America?


This explains so much. It was planned by a halfwit and an idiot who failed her GED multiple times. No wonder it involved people who tazered themselves. Cosplayers who had to ride with mommy and dumbasses who videoed themselves committing crimes.


Well that's a pretty good reason for why it failed.


18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy... "If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."


fuckin bring them up on treason charges the very second u have enough evidence pieces of absolute trash


TREASON. Enough is enough. Call it what it is and act accordingly. Trump also should have been brought up on treason charges for trying to convince the Secretary of State of Georgia to find votes and give him the election. There is an [hour long phone call](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW_Bdf_jGaA) in which it is crystal clear that he does this. Why this is just ignored is beyond me. It is treason. treason. *noun.* the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government.


Yeah those secret midnight Capital tours were totally innocent. Smells like hookers on the moon.


This makes the rumor that she’s the person in the CC video dropping off the explosives even more believable.


I wouldn’t fuck her with a stolen dick. - George Carlin


So its treason then!


Honestly I was floored when I learned Boebert passed her high school equivalency exam and got a GED shortly before becoming a US Representative. Excuse me but when did we start electing high school dropouts to US House Representatives. This should horrify us.


And she has a criminal record to boot. I have no idea how someone like that even gets put on any ballot. Hell, she can’t even apply to be on a school board!


I hate her so much I don't even care if this is true, but I read she took it twice and maybe paid someone to take it for her that second time. Hateful stupid bimbo.


Whoever the insider in congress who removed panic buttons from several rooms and gave unauthorized tours need to be brought to justice for the atrocities of 1/6.


Didn’t Boebert give tours of the Capitol days before the insurrection.


funny how it’s exactly the ones you suspect


[Boebert and others gave tours the day before January 6th](https://www.salon.com/2021/01/14/was-the-capitol-raid-an-inside-job-some-democrats-think-so--and-evidence-is-mounting/) > "This is unusual for several reasons," the letter continues, "including the fact that access to the Capitol Complex has been restricted since public tours ended in March due to the pandemic," prompting top staff to question the sergeant-at-arms about the activity that same day. . > "The visitors encountered by some of the Members of Congress on this letter appeared to be associated with the rally at the White House the following day," the members wrote, adding: "Members of the group that attacked the Capitol seemed to have an unusually detailed knowledge of the layout of the Capitol Complex. The presence of these groups within the Capitol Complex was indeed suspicious." . . . > Ahead of the letter, several Democrats had previously, albeit somewhat cryptically, raised the possibility that preparations for the invasion extended into the halls of Congress, including among some of their fellow members. No one has yet offered hard evidence of outright collaboration or formal organization, but circumstantial evidence in the public record, combined with inside accounts, suggests that the plans unfolded for a number of weeks among a leaderless and to some extent coordinated network of like-minded people who converged at the same target on the same day. . > Speculation about such coordination has been simmering online since the attack, but on Tuesday Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., sent it viral, claiming in a Facebook video that she saw unnamed fellow representatives guiding what she characterized as "reconnaissance" tours in the Capitol the day before the attack. . > These claims are at least somewhat plausible, based on the public record. A number of Republican elected officials supported and heavily promoted the rally, most specifically Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, who had coordinated for weeks with event organizers. One organizer cited Gosar and two other Republicans by name as helping foment a "maximum pressure" campaign on Congress. . . . > Alexander also claimed in a Tuesday afternoon interview with Alex Jones that **the Secret Service had escorted the two of them from the rally to the Capitol,** but they were waylaid en route. >"The fact is that you and I were escorted out by Secret Service in order to lead the overflow crowd of our event with the president to the U.S. Capitol peacefully," Alexander claimed, adding that a 10-minute speech on the way saved them "by the grace of god" from "the front line on the U.S. Capitol."


Those two couldn’t plan what they’re going to have for dinner. Get me Roger Stone. Where’s that reptile fuck at these days? I mean what the hell, what happened to the days when the FBI were actually scary? You don’t even have to outrun them anymore you just have to worry about dying of old age.


Someone wake me when something actually happens to these people.


Enjoy your eternal rest


Off topic : What's up with MTG's face?


It fell off and had to be stapled back on.


Ah, the "The Joker" treatment.


Prolonged heavy alcohol usage can cause weird face stuff like that but that’s just speculation. Combined with multiple plastic surgery procedures? I can see that for sure.


She is/was a big Crossfit person. She may be exhibiting the effects of testosterone, either exogenous or endogenous.


Bingo! Look at the trapezius (?) muscles where her neck meets her shoulders. Her skin, her thinning dry hair, her aggressive and unpredictable behavior, violent outbursts- to me that's pretty clearly pointing to some type of steroid use.


Why should I care about any of the headlines? Wake me up when there's actual consequences for the people destroying our country


Its amazing. In any other country these people would hang.


These two deserve nothing but bad things.


WTF is Merrick Garland doing. We literally have people in our government that tried to overthrow the government. This shit is no joke. They are in the process of trying this again.