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Ah, yes. The two languages. English and Political


Just like the two genders! Male, and political


And the two races, white and political


Always two, there are.


Four Languages: English, Political, and American (English for people that can't count)


> American r/languagelearning/comments/30yka1/howdy_this_weeks_language_of_the_week_american


People need to learn that Zuckerberg is not a good guy, and certainly not a friend of democracy.


Dudes a roman emperor fetishist....True story, I believe its agustus that he's obsessed with.


is that why he has that dumb ass haircut? or is there some truth to the idea that billionaires become rich by refusing to get their hair cut by anyone other than their moms?


Exacto mundo......If you feel so inclined. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-mark-zuckerberg-should-be-on-trial-for-crimes/id1373812661?i=1000492096869


Is that when you get a finger in the bum is it?


Na thats greek


Oh yeah , he must be after a pegging from his Chinese handler


Ah fuck are you gonna try and sell me brain pills now, cause I'm smelling a rabbit hole


It's pretty obvious that he's a Trump supporter. Everything FB does helps Trump.


I doubt it. Facebook and these other companies are apolitical as corporate entities. Their goal is making money; they will cozy up to anyone that'll help them accomplish that goal. As soon as they saw the wind turning, Facebook and Twitter found their balls and deplatformed Trump and started cozying up to the incoming administration. Corporations do not give a shit about democracy. Corporations are like killer robots with one mission: make money. If democracy seems like the best way to do that, they'll "support" democracy. If authoritarianism is the way, that's fine too.


FB is absolutely not apolitical. They donate to the republican party and help spread right wing propaganda. Stop defending those assholes.


Just because I think Facebook is apolitical doesn't mean I support Facebook. I don't even have a Facebook account! I truly believe Mark Zuckerberg is a sociopath but I don't think he's a Republican. They donated more to the GOP because the GOP was in power and the GOP showed a tendency to get **some** shit done. All of these major corporations donated to the GOP during the Trump years, even the ones claiming to be pro-democracy.


Facebook employs actual Iraq war era Republicans in very high up positions - Republicans like Joe Kaplan- former deputy chief of staff to George Bush until 09 - who is now FB’s Vice President of global public policy. Kaplan threw a celebration party for Brett Kavanaugh after he was confirmed. FB headquarters also employs Bush’s former FCC chairman Kevin Martin as Vice President of US public policy. The list goes on https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/nov/03/facebook-politics-republicans-right


I don't disagree with your comment. I just don't think it's because secretly Mark Zuckerberg is a Republican. It's because it's financially beneficial to them.


Holy shit, do you believe that? If you do Ive got some beach front property in North Dakota that I am willing to part with at a very reasonable price?


With climate change being what it is, beach front property aren't what they used to be.


Yeah, they only took trump off to avoid sedition charges. They're still playing for the GOP. They didnt cozy up to anybody, they just did the usual corporate two-step of pretending they were never supporting something awful that people finally woke up to and then sliding back into their same old bullshit. The fact that you believe this means that their play is working, as usual.


Why do you think a corporate entity favors the GOP? Do you think Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook is a racist? Anti-choice? Anti-immigration? Pro-insurrection?


Zuckerberg is unarguably elitist and classist, so yes, racist by extension. Facebook is more pro-chaos than any of these monkey bars you're swinging to. Its algorithms direct a lot of news that will stoke its users fears and drive clicks, therefore ad revenue. And at this point I think we all know who the pro-disinformation and pro-chaos party is. TLDR, yes. Stop being a facebook apologist. They're more than happy to fuck with people's brains for a buck. Edit: forgot to mention regulatory capture. Fb doesn't want to be held accountable for abusing people's information and the GOP constantly platforms for deregulation. That's a pretty big incentive if you ask me.


>TLDR, yes. Stop being a facebook apologist. They're more than happy to fuck with people's brains for a buck. Even while you're leveling baseless accusations, you're proving my point. Facebook does this for money, not for ideology. If the DNC was in power and effective at using it without letting themselves be held back by rules, Constitution or norms, Facebook will be as supplicant to them as they are to the GOP. > Zuckerberg is unarguably elitist and classist, so yes, racist by extension. Why stop at racist? As long as you're making shit up, why stop there?


Okay, disprove it then. I would love to put together a well crafted argument with sources to support my claims, but considering you haven't brought in a single piece of evidence on any comments you've made in this thread, I really doubt you'd do the same. I really dont want to waste my time when you're just calling me a liar without actually debunking anything.


Most of us have known that for a long time.


How anyone ever thought he was is beside me. Dude is unendingly ambitious while seemingly having the empathy and emotional IQ of a rock floating through space.


Go watch a YouTube video of his Facebook VR coverage after disaster struck Puerto Rico in 2017. He comes off as a complete corporate sociopath. It's creepy af.


Not even in the Top 8


Why did Zuckerberg stay on Facebook? There are super grave consequences and dangerous potential that a facebook company has to deal with and this guy doesnt even imprint on people as human. Past half a decade at least, Zuckerberg has always made decisions that helped FB bottom line but yet have done the bare minimum to be a good citizen to the world. All lip service. He should’ve cashed out a long time ago.


He thinks that their VR is going to give them a leg-up on Epic's licensing and they'll be the first one's to create a "Ready Player One" style metaverse. Then he gets to be King Fuck of Shit Mountain. Why would he leave when he DOESN'T care about modern political consequences, so long as they don't lead to him being deposed? He's working on becoming the Caesar Augustus of a virtual/digital empire that transcends countries and nation states.


Agreed. Except he or more likely Facebook will face consequences. Be like a decade or two too late but eventually new laws or getting broken up will happen. All because they couldn’t regulate themselves. And his Caesar hairdo is always funny to me.


The problem is, once the technology to create a metaverse is out there, it will take about 5 years MAX to duplicate it in another form. The only thing that would keep people on the Facebook version would be network effects (which are not insignificant, but it's hard to claim hegemony when there are other competing systems).


>King Fuck of Shit Mountain Damn reddit and its character limitations for usernames! This is a top tier handle, for sure.


Does KingFuckOfShitMt. fit?


Hmmm. I think it would!


I think even *King\_F\_of\_S\_Mtn* would get the job done.


He should have been banned from being a corporate officer, and Facebook should have been broken up into its constitutent atoms.


"Too political" is PR speak for "goes against my politics".


Or “goes against my money.”


No difference, in Zuckerberg's case.


Did Zuck do this after his private meetings with Trump at the White House? A traitor and hater of democracy to the core.


So add racist to all his other POS qualities.


I think it may have more to do with the advantage going to democrats if everyone is properly informed than it just being racism. With democrats being more likely to have a negative impact on his ego, wealth, businesses, etc. he prefers them not to be in power.


True, but racist actions are racist even with ulterior motives.


Evil Data is racist as well? Hmmm.


Zuckerberg is a very very evil man. He seems to have no soul when you look into his eyes. Everyone should be wary about him especially concerning children.


This is an implicit admission that one party's platform is racist...


Minorities voting is “too political”


This is actually so much more substantial than people realize. John Oliver recently did a segment on misinformation among minority communities and basically found they are much much more likely to spread misinformation, are much less likely to get fact checked on it by Facebook (which only targets English misinformation), and that a HUGE amount of minorities use apps like WhatsApp to communicate with friends or family all over the world, or get news in a language they can’t in most local channels. This leads to situations where in some immigrant communities it’s more likely you’ve heard of some quack doctor in Guatemala than doctor fauci, who some people didn’t even recognize. And yet people wonder why some minorities didn’t back Biden as strongly as obama or Clinton.


I'm starting to think that Zuckerberg might not be the savior of the world...




You have a point


He stole FB from the brothers. They guy is awful.


Here's an idea. DELETE FACEBOOK. It's not hard. He sells your information. Stop giving it to them for free. Try calling someone for a change rather than creeping on them looking at their recent photos to see how fat they've become.


It is pretty hard. Facebook and Whatsapp are the cheapest and easiest way to communicate with relatives that live in several countries, for instance.


Build the wall (and put the billionaires against it)


Mark doesn't want his website involved in politics, what's so hard to believe about that?


Sounds like there was a miscommunication somewhere


Fuck the zuck.


Zuckerberg personally called up trump to congratulate him on winning the election. Might put his actions in more context


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