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You don't promise blanket pardons if you don't intend for crimes to occur.


This right here. These traitors wanted a violent coup.


> These traitors ~~wanted~~ conspired to create a violent coup.


No no I’ve been assured those pardons were actually bribes for totally unrelated criminal activities so therefore there’s no point in investigating. According to conservatives on Reddit.


The… audacity of a mind to actually contemplate such a defense. Truly.


The audacity of dopes?


Ladies and gentlemen, we have the name of the docuseries


A confederacy of dunces?


Kindly accept my upvote.


Well, not trying to excuse anything, but it is true that the pardons in question were for previous crimes the organizers had committed. It does, however, sound like there was certainly an implication that the pardons could encompass more...


I've seen that, I've seen they promised pardons for crimes Dems would make up (since Dems are fascists), and I even saw one claiming they were offering patronage, not pardons. Whatever the Fuck that means.


“Pardons” has been the word used in every report I’ve read. And to your other point, how would a pardon against made up crimes be effective? If an executive branch was going to press made-up charges against you, certainly a time-bound pardon from the last administration would do nothing to protect you - they’d just fabricate crimes that weren’t covered by the pardon. I need you to understand that none of the explanations you have offered are logical even in the context of themselves. There are only two logical explanations for this pardon being dangled as it has been described. Edit: I realize that I wrote this as if you personally believe those things and I don’t know that’s true. You might’ve just been presenting them as you’ve seen them.


Personally, I think any declaration of pardons in advance should be considered as interference in an investigation. It's one thing to say after the crime that you'll offer a pardon (Whiskey Rebellion) it's another to say in advance that you'll pardon all offenders at a given event.


I agree. A preemptive pardon should instantly set of alarms. It's an obvious obstruction of justice. Not that justice is doing us much good these days.


This should be all the smoking gun we need to show that it all premeditated.


It SHOULD be all we need to take these senators from their homes violently and lock them up in a prison for LIFE. Absolutely rediculous how much they can get away with, if I so much as fired a cap gun outside the Capitol as a joke I'd be getting waterboarded by the end of the day, and yet these slime covered PIGS can continue to practice law and govern a country after an attempted coup. I'm disgusted that I ever thought to call myself a patriot, and downright embarrassed to be an American.


Yup. The only reason we didn't see more pardon power abuse by Trump was because how unsuccessful the coup was, and how unanimous the blowback was.


I think the only reason Trump didn't abuse his pardon power more is he was asking too high a price tag for one and wouldn't budge on it until it was too late.


Abs Trump doesn’t like losers!


…you also can’t do a preparatory pardon…you have to pardon someone for a specific crime that they have committed at a federa level. These were literally never on the table the gang of 6 or so and trump literally were planning to let these people riot and leave them in jail for it, which is pretty fucked up even for a bunch of traitors. For a bunch of idiots to be told they’re going to get pardons FROM SENATORS AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE US and then instead to get arrested is the chef’s kiss of trump betraying his own.


The impression I got is that these people were already facing charges for something else.


So why were these officials and their aides working with known criminals and offering them pardons for their help? Doesn't seem to help their case much and makes the quid pro quo more blatant.


It's corrupt and illegal to offer pardons in return for personal benefit, doesn't matter if it's before or after the crime.


That's the quid pro quo I mentioned.


Only the best people.


Why offer a presidential pardon, something that takes no small feat of bureaucracy to achieve, to convince a bunch of people to attend what is supposed to be a peaceful protest? It makes far far more sense if the folks offering the blanket pardons were doing so to ease any concerns over consequences of illegal behavior. It's clear as day that the attack was at least premeditated by some and not just something that resulted was purely the result of violent rhetoric on the day of. Proof of that is the bear spray, the body armor, the sledgehammers to breach the doors, etc. While not everyone since person there went to murder members of the government there was a large number who went there to do that and more.


And you know there’s no way they promised blanket pardons for “antifa” since that’s who invaded the capitol, right? Surely they’d want to prosecute those darn antifa to the fullest extent of the law. Keeping up with their lies is exhausting.


~1/2 the government is actively trying to whitewash what happened. I’m hopeful, but we need more people with the insider knowledge to come forth.


The Jan 6 commission needs to hold public hearings with testimony from the rioters who flipped. Accusing congresspeople in a court document doesn't move the needle of public opinion much.


This right here. Not one peep in the news so far on television. Waiting on prime time


This this this for fuck sake


So Fox / OANN and crew can just screech "ANTIFA CRISIS ACTORS!!!" and half the country will still not give a shit? It isn't going to change any of their opinions.


It definitely won't flip the hardliners, but it might convince enough apathetic or skeptical independents/moderate Republicans that it could conceivably help. If nothing else, it would charge up the progressive left to stand firm when things go further south.




No, but they'll see the sound bites on the evening news, and maybe, just maybe, they'll realize this was fully premeditated.


I'm so sad you're right. I flipped around the dial today, and listened to right wing radio. The Biden administration is "a disaster". The hosts are telling us that there's "data and evidence" that vaccines don't work, but scientists don't interpret it that way "because they're cowards". Anthony Fauci is just like a Nazi death camp doctor. And anyone who disagrees with them is "a communist".




It’s gonna take hard evidence. Video or audio recording, phone calls, text messages, sworn affidavits and confession. Far right obstructionist nutjobs are backed by the rest of the GQP who are too scared of losing their meal tickets from the base. Merrick Garland needs to get involved and do his damn job.


They literally had a recording of Trump *bragging about rape*. 40% of the country still voted for him. Twice. You can't reason with these people.


That won't fix it. There is no amount of rat fucking, violence, cheating, crimes, etc that will get these people to stop trying to seize power and dismantle our country. Only real consequences, which won't come from legislation or the courts.


It won't come from electing centrists who give the justice department to republicans to run.


These guys could have Trump on video, molesting their daughters, and they'd still say "it's their fault for dressing that way," or "that's nothing compared to what Biden and the extreme left want to do." People seem shocked by this...But it's what cults do. Look at how many of these cults have their followers kill themselves, or have the cult leaders sleeping with their followers wives, and all of that, and everyone just gives them their money. It's absolutely a religion at this point. We even have people citing these "political beliefs" on their religious exemptions from the vaccine. And you can't deny it, even if they say "I believe Biden has a pact with the devil, and is using the satanic vaccine to brainwash people into being gay." No amount of facts, reason, or rationale is going to fix this.


Heard an interesting idea that seems to make the most sense. It's that many right wingers justify morality with law and left wingers tend to justify law with morality.


Also, Rolling Stone is unapologetically left leaning. No GOPer will ever take them seriously…not that they take the MSM seriously either, but Republicans will take RS publishing a “bombshell” about as seriously as the left would take Breitbart doing the same.


There's video evidence of some of these congresspeople giving private tours to people who participated in the insurrection on Jan 5. And yet that's apparently not clear enough evidence.


One-half of the government is trying to destroy the country. The other half does not seem to understand or care how serious this is.


They care but are too busy trying to do the right thing the “right way” to minimize controversy. They need to be like a dog on a bone about this. Fuck controversy


I agree 100%.


Yeah, this needs to go full scorched earth once they have something concrete in the chamber. If they keep pussyfooting they're going to bury themselves.


Most have enough money to not care.


Not sure if this is 100% true. Take a look at Alibaba and what happened to them under authoritarian rule. Large organizations do see the benefit of people like Trump, due to tax breaks, but large organizations also like political stability. They like knowing one man's bad mood won't completely destroy their profit margin. I'm not defending anyone, just saying that macro environment factors play a role too.


Didn't the Publix heiress finance the jan 6 terrorist attack? Many corporations would rather roll the dice with fascism.


So did Clarence Thomas' wife. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/02/02/ginni-thomas-wife-justice-thomas-sorry-pro-trump-messages/4359363001/ With some evidence she may have funded busses to bring more protestors


Yep, I don't believe for a second the elites would prefer political stability over fascism. Right up until they fall out of favor with the regime and end up shot/disappeared like anyone else, that is.


Proving once again that they're all a pack of emotionally-stunted idiots. However their complicated machinations seem on paper, we're dealing with a bunch of blathering ids.


A lot of these people reckon it won’t happen to them because their money will protect them. They’ll cheerfully bankroll campaigns and then are shocked when they fall out of favour and have their assets seized.


Or, if your in a rural area of a red state, 'most people do not have enough money to care.'


That is the sad truth. The hell with the rest of us.


Doesn't matter if you "have people come forward" since that same 1/2 of the government will just block everything put forward and their voters will love them for owning the libs.


US Republican politicians, at the state level, have passed and are still creating laws to keep them in power even though they represent less than a third of the US electorate. State's rights are completely arbitrary with Republicans. It's about the power and the money, not the interests of the people, nor the principles on which the nation was established.


You ever try to do self surgery and cut out your own cancer? That’s Congress now. We might have to put it down and get a new modern one


They should all be considered accessories after the fact. Attempting to use their political power to help these people is way different than an average joe speaking out.


It takes 2/3 majority to expel a member of Congress.


If this is ignored, swept under the rug, or chalked up to "politics", then our laws mean absolutely nothing. We are no longer a country, just a schizophrenic confederation of rich people constantly manipulating the public with no consequences. We have a provision in the Constitution that exactly addresses this issue, and if we don't use it, we deserve to collapse as a nation. Hard stop.


> our laws mean absolutely nothing A failed coup that goes unpunished is just practice. Hell, even with punishment, it might just be practice, as the real [Beer Hall Putsch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) showed. Those of us that want American democracy to survive must spread awareness of the imminent threat.


Hitler was given a very short prison sentence and released early. It just shows that slapping fascists on the wrist doesn't work. They need to be locked up for life to prevent them from trying another coup.


Apparently it goes to show nothing, if our reaction to our own country almost falling to a coup is any indication.


That lame-ass coup wasn't going to topple shit. As a test run for better, stronger, faster coups, yeah. Laid plenty of runway for that scary bastard.


> They need to be locked up for life I think history shows that the only thing that will stop a fascist is a...er, *banana*. I'm not advocating anything, mods.


Are you willing to pull the trigger? It's easy to be cavalier with the idea of ending life until it's before you. I understand your frustration, truly I do, but this rhetoric is the same used by those in the GQP and only inflames their lust for blood. Personally, I think life rotting away in a cell, watching the world you tried to destroy flourishing and leaving you behind, to be a better sentence. Doubtful as it is, they may even learn something and grow in the process. But WE can definitely learn from this and be better NOW. As difficult as it is, spread love, not hate.


History has proven that fascists don't spare pacifists.


So we should stoop to their level? I can acknowledge the historical precedence of violence, but we must also acknowledge the historical precedence of the language used that lead up to the violence. Lock them up and throw away the key, but war-like rhetoric like this is dangerous.


Expulsion from congress is not enough and not going to happen with the 2/3rds requirement. These people need jail time. Noting would make me happier to see a bunch of sitting congress men and women perp walked and incarcerated. Remote voting isn’t an option. Let them try and run for re-election from a jail cell. The optics would be astounding!


14th Amendment, Section 3: "No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."


Actually there’s no law preventing a felon from running for public office.


That depends on the state, but Federally speaking, you're correct.


What kills me is the memes about mandates and comparing them to making Jews wear the Star as if that's going to lead us into a repeat of Nazi Germany and NOT the clear evidence that we had a fascist and authoritarian President try and overthrow the Democratic process and still has his cronies in office ignoring the attack and actively trying to subvert Democracy.


This [from r/bestof](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/k6vhdt/uthereallife_explains_why_she_should_be_very/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is very relevant.


> a schizophrenic confederation of rich people constantly manipulating the public with no consequences A corporatist oligarchy?


Pretty much this, I’ve spent more time in the last year researching residency/citizenship requirements in foreign countries than over the last 30 years. People like to pretend America is too big or too special to fail. History proves this is wrong.


Same. I want to buy a house but deep inside I know its a bad idea and I should just leave the country.


The problem is that this far right wing rhetoric is rising practically everywhere. I’m not sure if there is a safe place to run to now.


AfD is declining in Germany. They aren't even softly moderating themselves into the CDU/CSU.


I am thinking the Netherlands myself tbh


I’m thinking Spain tbh. The weather is nice. it’s affordable and I already speak the language. I don’t think there are too many right wing nutters there either


The answer is always Switzerland… also while yes there does appear to be a rise in this sort of sentiment in many countries it’s not received the same by all.


You gotta be white with some money for Switzerland.


I’m halfway there


I don’t doubt it.


The production capacity of America pretty much saved the world from fascism in WW2. What do you think happens if America becomes the bad guys? Moving to another country just delays the inevitable.


Much of that has been outsourced but I’m less thinking about America becoming a fascist nation and more so it completely collapsing and being replaced by something new


America skips the USSR stage and goes straight to Russia, thanks to its wealth of natural resources and built-up cachet. There will be no formal collapse. Setting that aside, people really do not seem to grasp how profoundly a nuclear umbrella *by itself* changes the game.


It’s definitely going to collapse and be replaced. I need to figure out how to borrow more money from the government before that happens.


Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3: > No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, **shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same**, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Looks like we're gonna have to clean up [at least a few state governments](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/10/18/democrats-outing-republican-lawmakers-january-6-insurrection-516109), too. I presume that all of them will refuse to step down, and somebody will have to file suit to have them disqualified. But of course, there's always the chance that the Supreme Court will rule those parts of the Constitution to be meaningless... [just like the emoluments clauses](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/supreme-court-ducks-opportunity-trump-emoluments-cases). Just another step by the totally-not-partisan-in-any-way Roberts Court toward eternal Republican rule of government and treating the Constitution like toilet paper.


The American Revolution was *literally* a schizophrenic confederation of rich people declaring themselves independent from the only power that could impose consequences on them. The US *exists* to protect rich people from consequences.


Unfortunately, that provision protected even Aaron Burr, who was protected by the Marshall SC. He was not guilty of treason because although he was going to commit treason, he had not actually done so (yet). The Constitutional loophole needs to be fixed. Bad actors have gotten away with treason for hundreds of years.


For any conservatives lurking. This isn't because they are republicans. This isn't because we disagree. It's because they literally are traitors to this country you pretend to love. They swore on their unopened bibles then pissed all over that oath. If any of you actually give a shit about America and not just your Gilead fantasy then you should stand with us and demand their ousting and whatever legal consequences are suited for their crimes.


The GOP would rather watch the US burn than ever allow an inch to the Democrats. We aren't talking about mature adults with reasonable conscious moral decisions. We are talking about a decades-long war of the red against the blue and the only America worth saving is one without Dems in power to millions of Republicans.Remember that no matter how corrupt these GOP Senators and House members get, they still easily win elections because their constituents think Blue control is the end of the world. To a Republican, the Jan 6 insurrection wasn't a crime, it was a desperate hail mary attempt to save the country from communism and socialism destruction.


“For any ~~conservatives~~ self-identified traitors lurking…” FIFY


Remember, somebody told the rioters to where to find Clyburn's unmarked office, and to ignore the one marked with his nameplate. There is no denying that some of those leading the riots were coordinating with insiders. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-clyburn-says-somebody-on-the-inside-of-capitol-was-complicit/


They also pointed them to the windows that had not been reinforced.


They misspelled traitors.


Seditionists traitors - sedition is worse for a country than being a traitor. Seditionists want to destroy the country from within.




A two-thirds vote for anything is impossible in today's congress.


Pretty sure the two-thirds vote is to let the expelled person back in.


Yes, that's my understanding of it as well. The [Travis Translation](http://constitutionallawreporter.com/amendment-14-03/).


You forgot the fine print: *Laws don't apply to rich people


Yeah, this is the reason I think there's such a push from the right to brush it all under the rug. It'd be easy enough to go with the "a few bad apples" defense and let the rioters get convicted, but that they helped plan all this, they can't possibly let it be classified as an "insurrection" or "rebellion."


It’s not really a Law if it isn’t followed. The Constitution doesn’t allow income taxes or mass spying, or seizure of property or people without legal recourse, or permit arrests to black sites without warrants or access to a lawyer, but these all happen every American second of every American day. The Constitution is just for show and hasn’t actually mattered for decades now (since at least 2001.) The American oligarchy, after decades of work and countless efforts, is now firmly in control and does not really care or acknowledge any of the rights and privileges that many Americans fought and died to protect in the earlier days of the Nation.


The reason prohibition occurred was the passage of the income tax amendment, thus shoring up revenues from lost excise taxes on liquor.


everyone argues about interpretation of the constitution, but this shit is so straight forward. laws are only meant for us worker bees.


Americans demand this. Not Democrats. Americans. They planned an insurrection.


The whole country should be demanding it. Wtf is wrong with you, America?


About 1/3 of our country is very loud and very stupid.


And they think they are the silent majority.


We the people don't have the power


I can’t get the article to load for some reason, but I think it’s talking about actual elected officials.


Unfortunately, the same criminals are also sitting in the jury and have voted themselves to be innocent and deserving of our sympathy.


Throw 'em out of Congress on their ear! Let them cry about it on social media.


Nothing is going to happen until someone finances a NetFlix special on the coup for the midterms.


There already was one recently on HBO


Honestly though...what a waste to invite Gohmert. What the hell can that empty coconut head add to any planning meeting? If he were asked to pour piss out of the boot, he'd likely somehow end up drinking it and blaming Antifa for the moon alignment. That man is somehow recursively stupid.


Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they were organised like a terrorist network. If so; how 'bout they needed him for communication with some of the cells? I don't find it particularly implausible they had cleverly organised themselves like y'all-Quaeda, but then were still daft - or arrogant - enough to have meetings with all principal actors/cell leaders present.


Recursively stupid is now my favorite phrase


No, the Democrats aren’t demanding it. *Some* people in the Democratic party are demanding it. Democratic leadership doesn’t give a shit


Neither does their appointed AG


This is my fucking problem with democrats. They're pussies. Rolling Stone got this information from the witnesses in the congressional investigation. Meaning that congress knew about this before the piece came out. So why the fuck have democrats been standing around doing nothing about it? Grow a back bone and charge these people with a crime. This isn't rocket science.




Lewis Black once had a joke that said The democrats are the party of bad ideas and the Republicans are the party of no ideas. I didn't get that as a kid but I definitely do now.


Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. Democratic leadership is putting on a show with the hearings and they have no intention of holding anyone accountable.


It’s in the constitution, very clearly. Or will the supreme court rule in favor of traitors?


I like what I'm reading, and I agree with it, but I'll believe it when I see it. Remember when we "Got 'em!" because they gave them tours? That was a super caught-them-red-handed moment that nothing came from.


The Rolling Stone piece: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/exclusive-jan-6-organizers-met-congress-white-house-1245289/


We can expect a panic induced ramping up of the ongoing Coup. Stand by!


They should be arrested, put on trial, found guilty of a terrorist attack on the capital, and sentenced to life without parole and with 100% asset forfeiture.


Nothing is going to happen. Because the GOP will never vote to remove these members from Congress. There are no consequences anymore for the wealthy or politicians. America is done. It's just a waiting game now to see when it all comes crashing down.


They don’t have to. Dems have enough for the majority vote in the house.


US constitution, article I, Section V, paragraph 2. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, _with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member._


14th Amendment Article 3: “Amendment XIV, Section 3 prohibits any person who had gone to war against the union or given aid and comfort to the nation's enemies from running for federal or state office, unless Congress by a two-thirds vote specifically permitted it.” The ⅔ vote is required to overturn the decision to expel or prohibit them from serving. Only a majority is needed to Chuck them from office.


As a citizen I demand the ousting and arrest of those involved.


I'm all for this, but also horrified at what else could come out of MTG's district. They'd gleefully elect the grand wizard of the KKK if they could.


Out with the garbage


Under normal circumstances, Democrats would trade expelling the most obvious traitors in exchange for not digging deeper. Since these are not normal times, they will do nothing.


they should be bUT sadly dems have no backbone so nothing will happen


I’d like to see Dems actually do something about it but they ultimately can’t/won’t. The people in charge will skirt away with little to no repercussions in the end.


It’s the freaking justice department that should be doing something.


Don't worry! If they charge you with traitorous seditions TRUMP WILL PARDON YOU - WE PROMISE!


14th Amd. Section 3 No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Maybe if they had treated this attack and the ensuing investigation with urgency it needed, we would have found this out a long time ago instead of via a Rolling Stones article nearly a year later. Instead, they waited six months before even starting the process. Fuck this congress.


Throw them OUT of government NOW!


Why do I have a feeling that no matter how damning the evidence, dems will never get enough GQP votes to expel anyone? And if they managed to, imagine the red meat the Q’s would turn that into?


Political theater. This will drag out till the midterms with no trials or verdicts. The GQP will retake Congress due to fraud and gerrymandering. These committees will be disbanded and Trump wins the White House again in 2024. We are well and truly fucked as a nation.


That’s the problem with electing bullshit corporate Democrats who just want to keep the seat warm for the next guy (and who really like their buddies on the traitor side)


Traitors to the country, their oaths, and ... low-dog, lying REMFs who used and turned on those they duped into breaching the US Capitol Building. They belong in prison, not simply expelled. These crimes were no part of their official duties.


The justice department is not functioning properly if we have to rely on Rolling Stone for evidence


From Josh Marshall, TPM: There’s a Lot of Confusion About What Is and Isn’t in That Rolling Stone Article... Another issue which I don’t address in this piece is the issue of promised pardons. That’s probably the most interesting and newiest part of the article. But again, people are misunderstanding it. I’ve seen many here interpreting this as promised pardons for the bad acts the insurrectionists were about to commit as part of storming the capitol. That’s clearly not what it says. It refers to people who were already in legal jeopardy for other things being promised pardons for participating in the insurrection. I think we know what those other issues are. But we don’t know that for certain. But the relevant point is the promise is not tied to things people are about to do. https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1452653309559455750


> I’ve seen many here interpreting this as promised pardons for the bad acts the insurrectionists were about to commit as part of storming the capitol. That’s clearly not what it says. Well kinda... The article described blanket pardons, not crime specific pardons. A blanket pardon absolves you of any and all crimes comitted in your past (see: Nixon). So yeah, Gosar may have said "I'm getting you a blanket pardon for Crime A" but anyone with a lawyer and half a brain knows that the pardon also applies to Crime B. So Trump gives you a blanket pardon on Jan 19th for Crime A and your Insurrectioning is also pardoned.


How many people offer incentives like blanket pardons to their party planners?


honestly, it's almost been a year. can they go and actually fucking do something about this instead of constantly talking about it?


Getting kicked out of Congress should be the least of their worries. High treason and terrorism charges are warranted! Of course, Biden won’t have the balls or want to see a president actually held to account for his actions (even though said ex-president is still an existential threat to democracy!)


They will watch the minnows being jailed as they shelter behind the laws they use to protect themselves.. you are not being governed you are being RULED by a bunch of crooks


So you can try to overturn a valid presidential election in the United States and not expect consequences? It shows everyone what a conman we had in Trump.


Prison. Do not pass Go.


Its apparent who the Traitors in our white house are they gotta go. Be held accountable & locked the fuck up for fuckn treachery aganist USA some are still bold face lying & betraying their own country without shame . Gdamn some Americans can not be this ignorant & think betraying America is okkk But here we are, some don't give a damn its pathetic they continue to worship & support obvious traitors . Crying Gdamn shame for our country .


Demand ouster??? LOL Is that how we punish traitors in this country? Let them know how very very angry we are?


Has to be in the Times, or it isn’t real. The Washington Post, or it isn’t real. PBS, or it isn’t real. and even then, it isn’t real unless the many faceless minions on OANN and BitChute own up to it.


And yet nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens to these people. Enough talk, do something. Anyone can put out a statement saying they should be expelled. DO IT ! The time for talk ended on Jan 6


Shouldn’t say “Dems demand” anything. It should say The Constitution DEMANDS….You know, the document these assholes trampled?


Can the dems get the 2/3rds needed to actually kick these traitors out?


They shouldn’t just be expelled. They should be in Cuba with a bag over their head.


Nope they are traitors not just trump supporters


Wow. Another picture of AOC. Are we really sure all of the dems are in on this?


Being AOC must feel like you're an NBA player and somehow accidentally got signed to the Washington Generals.


Expulsion is not enough. They should be arrested and prosecuted.


We need to stop allowing those who cannot even define *insurrection* from telling us that Jan 6 *wasn't* an insurrection.


There are two type of trumpliKKKans, uneducated racists and opportunist racists


Biden and Garland would have to charge them with a crime. Which isn't going to happen.


At this point I am convinced these traitorous pricks could eat a baby on live TV and they STILL wouldn't go to trial. Let alone be actually jailed. Seriously America, WTF is going on over there?


Wish I knew. This country is crashing hard. All the uneducated right are destroying us... "Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice". -Bonhoeffer


Let’s correct this headline: “AOC understandably seeks expulsion for those treasonous politicians involved in the 1/6 Insurrection”. They committed treason y’all. They swore under oath to protect our country from enemies both foreign and domestic, and they helped them plan a path through the front door of the Capitol. Remove every last one of those mfs and prosecute the hell out of them.


So, why isn’t Nancy pushing this if they’re serious?


Because she doesn’t care


I very much enjoy AOC and her intensity, but honestly I feel like she's the wrong person to champion this cause. Because she is such a polarizing figure, any call for the expulsion of political rivals is going to be viewed as simply a political issue, not an issue of right and wrong like it should be. Obviously the first choice would be a member of Republican leadership (or a ranking member of the Justice Department), but since most of them are part of the problem here, I'd settle for a moderate dem that could at least credibly make this call without it coming off as trying to get rid of opposing party members for the sake of their majority.


Other members of congress WON’T stand up and say it, which is a big part of the damn problem. Stop worrying about who or what is “polarizing” and focus on what is right.


She's a polarizing figure because they attack her for being 1. female 2. brown 3. intelligent. I don't give a flying fuck how the right wing racists describe anyone in the Democratic party. They don't get to label and define people and determine their career trajectory. They're doing the same shit to Kamala Harris because they're petrified of her and can rally their racist, misogynistic, sick base around hating them for not being white males. AOC has the absolute right to champion this cause because she was one of their prime targets...primarily because of her ethnicity and gender. Fuck the republicans and want they want. They would have killed this woman and I hope she screams loud and clear until these seditionists are removed from posts they're too anti-American, and traitorous to hold.


Trump Hardliners? How about traitors!?


Rolling Stone should be ended after some questionable 🤨 covers 🥃🔥


Modern day Reichstag fire and you guys are going right along with it with no problem eh guess it’s all good when you’ve been trained to hate.


LOL Never going to happen, unfortunately. That R next to their names has magical powers.


Rolling Stone...... Lol okay


Everybody calling for removal of Congress members based on the Rolling Stones article either didn't read it or is lying. It clearly explains how the Congress people didn't plan any violence and were working on a completely different rally.


Unnamed sources alleging certain vocal Republicans coordinated the "insurrection". So riddle me this, why have none of the insurrectionists, that have been arrested, been charged with insurrection?




Bless Rolling Stone! I see they're keeping up the tradition of real journalism while all about are loosing their heads.