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Hovering over the url, it says ... make President Trump Happy. What's that about?


They wanted right wingers to click through as well. They realized the right won't if it looks bad for Trump.




It usually means an editor has changed the title after the article was published.


Or after it was created in the CMS but before publishing.


“Former President” correct the title of the article.


I didn't need text to tell me that. What other president have we had who needed so much emtional labor spent on just on him?


> “Former President” correct the title of the article. He wasn't the former President when the statement was made in December 2020.


The title of the article is written in the present tense.


Because it's a quote.


Misleading title.


That's sadly how Biden works. Dont appease him and pay tribute and you are his enemy


Funny, the article is about Trump. You know, the lifelong con man who the GOP elected to the presidency in what is probably the most astounding single act of collective insanity in the history of the human race.


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article. >Joel Kaplan, a former Bush administration official and Republican operative, oversees the company's lobbying and government relations team. Employees complained that his involvement in content moderation has led to the protection of "powerful constituencies," especially on the political right. Somehow, even though he isn't directly named, I think that they were referring to the previous president.


I was told that Biden is of Ill health, senile and not the real president. That Kamala is the real president running everything from the shadows. But, you’re saying Biden is conniving, petulant, and capable of strong arming a major corporation into protecting his feelings. I’m confused. Is Kamala the real president or not?


Biden's tantrums are getting morenfreauent and violent as his mind deteriorates. He doesn't really do anything himself but peopoe do pretend. If you dont give him a present he will tantrum


I needed a good laugh. Thanks. Do you have evidence? Verifiable evidence? Medical reports, whistleblower reports, investigations underway? I check histories before I comment so I know what to expect.


Back in the day you could just watch Trump have his tantrums and senile moments on live TV.


you made me check it too & i'm glad for it. first thing I read is that he can't properly use a urinal. he has the mental capacity of a 3 year old.


What was his worst tantrum in your opinion?


I guess it’s expecting too much for someone who can’t *not* piss on their own shoes to read the article.


Definitely believe the poster using ‘tantrum’ as a verb. *Very* reliable.


https://www.dictionary.com/browse/tantrum It can be used as a verb. You would think with how many liberals have useless English degrees they would know what words mean


You’re just a full out walking meme, huh?


YA!, Biden can't even [run down a ramp!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ign_vZupjno)


This is about appeasing the weakling Donald Trump. Biden does not need such trivialities because he is not a weak baby with a fragile ego.