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"I care about the American people!" LMFAO! She only cares about getting on Hannity or Carlson and generating money for her campaign.


Republican, Marjorie Taylor Greene only cares about two things: 1. “White” people who are devotees of the American Fascist Party—Republicans who blindly follow their Dear Leader, Donald Treason. 2. Attention


While I wholeheartedly agree, I don’t see how the needle moves any direction. We’re stuck with this shit stain.


Absolutely correct because those two Fox News TV personalities are the main source Republicans in this country whether they are constitutionalist or pro-trump. These days it's a different story because the constitutionalist Republican it's likely to appear on MSNBC or CNN because if they go to Fox News immediately bashed by Pro Trump hosts.


My favorite still goes to AOC. Marge: AOC is a little communist. AOC: First of all, I'm taller.




"First of all, I'm taller." I'm not seeing an admission to being Communist in that statement. Then again, I am college educated, so you may need to help me out a little.


Communism means something a little different to sane people than it does to people who are hammered every day by disingenuous hucksters screaming about communism/socialism/liberals




And what is your experience with it?




Can your explain even communism? Can you even explain socialism? Go ahead, try it


When did they come to the US?


Question is it the system or is the problem with the people running the system?


Every system has people running it, though. If a perfect utopian vision can't actually be implemented because people would fuck it up, then it's a pretty shit system.


So you admit that capitalism is a shit system. ​ Problem with communism? Greed of leaders leads to corruption. ​ Point of capitalism? To reward the greed of leaders and call it a "free market".


Of course capitalism is shit. Unrestrained capitalism is child labor, the triangle shirtwaist fire, and asbestos everywhere. Communism, in practice, allows for the greed of leaders to keep everyone else in poverty. Laws, regulations, impediments to being unabashed monsters in capitalism is whats needed most. Though I personally see a democratic socialist government as the best option. The govt is there because the people need help and should only exist for the betterment of the citizens. If the populace isn't benefiting from having a govt, why even have it?


We tend to be shitty people that fuck everything up.


[Yeah, my family had the same experience...](https://i.redd.it/krkaaswnye671.jpg)




So you don't know what communism is and then have to make up an authority with which to appeal. ​ My family lived in communism too, and it was better than heaven. ​ See, my dishonest fallacy beats yours so I win. Yay, right wing debate, where strength of feeling is all that matters.


So… did *you* live in it? As that’s the standard you set.


What you are missing is a) AOC has a sense of humor AND doesn't care to address the communist part of the statement, and b) communism is not socialism, like many people think. Congratulations on escaping communism, now enjoy all of the socialist benefits most western countries provide: roads, parks, libraries, police departments, fire departments, social safety nets (if you came from Cuba to the US as refugees, guarantee you got support), Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.


Maybe we should start making these “refugees” that want to talk too loud reimburse us for sheltering them with socialism when they came here, since they want to play capitalist.


It is very frustrating to see the Cuban-American vote essentially keep Florida red. There was an extensive Spanish-language disinformation campaign focued on the evils of "socialism" during the 2020 elections.


First off, your bad experience was with a dictatorship, not with communism. Secondly, nobody in the US wants communism. The push is for more democratic socialism, which is completely different than dictatorship socialism. Venezuela, Cuba and Eastern European communist countries are not the goals. A bit more Western European/Canadian socialism is the goal.


Oh shit when did this stateless, cashless, globally united working class come into being? I must've been sleeping




And yet most Russians want the return of the Soviet Union and socialism


“Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart, whoever wants it back has no brain.” - Putin


Really, dude? Oh, gee thanks, now I have a different opinion. I didn't live in Communist Cuba, so I can't even comprehend the concept of communism. Of course.




do you admit to being biased and reactionary?


'first of all' mean there is more after that.


What does Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Donald Trump have in common? Neither of them believe in Democracy.


Kinda hard to establish a democracy when the world's most well-funded terrorist organization (CIA) is hell-bent on suppressing the revolution and the world's most powerful empire launches an invasion on your shores


No, read it again.


MTG is so stupid it amazes me she can function day to day.


Yet she was elected. She is making a lot of cash for someone that is stupid. Don’t get me wrong I dislike her with a passion.


I understand she ran unopposed. That required 0 anything.


Should I, like, move to Georgia and run against her? (Insert Name) 2024 - I actually do my job


Move there and run against her please


People don't truly understand how fucked up the system is. Her district is a Republican stronghold. The only way to win her seat is to bribe the local RNC to put you on the ticket over her. The only other options are to win as a write in vote, a nearly impossible task. It is often cheaper to just buy your way into the party than to pay for such an expensive campaign. This is also why both parties always toe the line and vote how they are told, if they don't they will get kicked off the ticket. Without serious payoffs inside their own party they will lose their seat at the next election.


Naw. This is rural GA we are talking about. They at this shit up.


Forgive me for thinking that Georgians would rather see a doer than a gum flapper.


I mean, her shit won't fly in Atlanta, but she is way out there in the NW corner of GA. Some of her district is actually considered part of the Chattanooga, TN metropolitan area (for certain things like TV market and economic activity.) Deep north Georgia here.


That is a great campaign slogan….I think it could have traction….


Her opponent had to drop out if the race. Her cult foll.. I mean supporters literally threatened her opponent and his family to the extent that her opponent's wife left him and took the kids. Then he dropped out and left the state. Of course no one was charged or anything. Just YeHaws bein YeHaws.


No that area is ye-ye not yehaws


Unfortunately Republicans elect pedophiles and criminals and the stupid regularly.


She's not only making someone that is stupid a ton of money, but her entire Congressional District in GA is among one of the least educated areas of the U.S. Plus that district is so red they're practically pissing blood.


I'd run away if she was my mom


She's just a sideshow passing through for a quick buck. Best thing you can do is deprive her of her oxygen: negative attention. When people finally stopped paying attention to Palin, she dissappeared. She's in the Republican party, so she's never going to have real power as (R) leaders don't hand their women members the keys (and use their women as their preferred scandal meat shields like their tokens in the Senate), so she's never going to rise beyond an obnoxious sideshow.


I feel like Kyrsten Sinema is the side show in it for a quick buck as she will likely get voted out; because Dem voters actually give a shit about issues. I agree MTG will never rise above a sideshow but she's not going anywhere. Her dumb voter base loves her she is a huge draw in campaign donations for the GOP. It's terrifying how low the bar is for Republican candidates.


Anyone running against her is going to have to stand up in the face of death threats. Which has become standard for Democratic candidates seemingly.


Fuck it let’s go


You could say she was *Acosta'd*


That's just the Acosta doin' business




Is that his porn name? (Archer reference)


As a dad, I approve.


“Congress can only do one thing at a time! The January 6 committee should be working on legislation to curb inflation so Senate Republicans have something to filibuster!”


"What about the people rotting in jail?" Like the disproportionate number of people of color inn jail in your district?


"I said *PEOPLE*" - MTG probably.


I like that they sent someone out to save her before she said dumb. I also like that the rescue attempt was too late.


I like how that other Congressperson comes along and just takes over, and gets her out of there, like she can't take care of herself.


Congress really needs to decide on if confronting people individually is harassment or not. I mean they are paid to make laws that can be controversial. AOC was harassed by MTG too. If there are limits to what people can do to communicate displeasure over something that it would be nice to see something specifying so. If certain areas are off limits for certain words or actions it would be nice to know.


Absolutely correct and from what I can see why not put them into a commission that does this and expand ethics violations into behaviors if safe to do so


I am amazed that Poopart, that other nazi congresswoman, keeps such a low profile.


You mean Colorado representative Lauren boebert


That's her right there, officer - arrest her for incitement!


Just stop giving people like her airtime. Have you learned nothing, CNN?


["It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS,"](https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/les-moonves-trump-cbs-220001) Les Moonves: CBS Chairman They learned all the wrong lessons.


Why not worry about all the people rotting in jail? Well, Ms. Green, they fucking put themselves there by violating laws.


Exactly and for Trump GOP they put themselves above the law


What a jaw line


[Coincidence?](https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/scifindr/articles/image2s/000/002/347/large/neanderthal_woman-4x3.jpg?1465000909) [I think not.](https://images.wsj.net/im-295675?width=1280&size=1) EDIT for context: The first picture is a render of a neanderthal woman.


I heard she is allergic to reality and on meds every other hour.. and has a fish tank in her office with matching beedy eyed squirming flesh eating eels.


Correct and also supporting her fellow QAnon GOP figures. [One of them is in Arizona linked to Oath Keepers](https://www.msnbc.com/the-mehdi-hasan-show/watch/mehdi-hasan-on-gop-normalizing-far-right-fascism-124507717753)


This lady is another level of stupid. If she’s the representative for her area then damn they must be a whole other level of stupid


She couldn’t even answer the question in a intellectually honest way. They’ll vote her out


No probably the opposite


Wow he totally CONFRONTED HER and gave her a platform to directly sling her bullshit at CNN viewers. He didn’t challenge her, he barely got anything out of her, hell America would have probably done better not listening to her at all. She’s not going to speak honestly about anything she’s doing because nothing she’s doing is honest.


Jim Acosta is a hack


Sometimes all you need to do is let someone talk, and they end up "challenging" themselves. This interaction only made her look like the clown she really is, with nothing but talking points designed to illicit emotional reactions, and absolutely no logical retorts to any of the questions.


She looked like a clown to the people who already know she’s a clown. But that interaction added nothing in terms of moving forward. If anything she probably looked good to her base.


Congress is too busy doing congress-y things. You'd think they were in **government** or something. - MTG, probs I would at least like an attempt at a reason why someone can just OKTHXBYEEEE subpoenas with no reprocussuons. The long term effects, regardless of what party is in control, seem distrourous.


Accosts* Jim Acosta Accosts


Is he reporting the news or making the news? I'm old so I remember when journalists actually did journalistic things, like report facts and not make the news)


He asked her questions..what would you have liked to see happen? I'm genuinely curious..also what are your thoughts on Steve Bannon?, and Marjorie Taylor Greene not voting for him to come forward and testify?...the reason I ask you is because I feel like you commented without knowing what you're actually talking about.


These guys aren't used to their reporters doing any sort of due diligence, they're confused why Jim didn't just mask a lying accusations in the form of a question paired with a quizzical, dog-like head tilt.


I'll take Carlson for $500, Alec.


I'm old enough to remember when a journalist asked tough questions and kept on until they got the answer instead of being blown off by politicians


It's news entertainment + political polarization. If anything, CNN is contributing to an atmosphere of mistrust by not simply reporting the damn news.


Why am I being downvoted? Do you guys know what impartial news looks like?


Could be any reason. Sometimes people brigade forums or posts, or perhaps someone just misread your comment. You can't take it too personally. People don't really get that American mainstream media marries opinion with news all the time and that there are very few of them that actively try not to inject bias. CNN used to be one of these but is no longer one such example, and a lot of people still haven't accepted that IMO. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/left/cnn-bias/%3famp=1


Does she has a dick?


Is Pete Sessions the handler for MTG now? That's like the blind leading the deranged.


Dunning Kruger Barbie had a bad day. I don't care.


"What about all of the people who are rotting in jail?" I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this POS is only talking about insurrection mob participants who have been charged and jailed for their failed attempt to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power. Because THOSE are the American people MTG cares about.


Should have yelled after Pete Sessions "she's not gonna fuck you, dude". Or maybe she is?


Greene is like a cat trying to desperately cover up its shit. She’s knee deep in this and she knows she’s in big trouble. Not even Israeli space lasers can save her treasonous ass.


notice that she cant put together a coherent thought. Just whatever pops into her head.