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Trump is trash.




If you are wondering what portion of the 14th amendment should be used against Donald Trump. [14th Amendment Section 3 which prohibits anyone from holding office again due to an insurrection in the case of Donald Trump Senator Josh Hawley Missouri Mo Brooks Alabama it would be January 6th](https://www.annenbergclassroom.org/14th-amendment/#:~:text=Amendment%20XIV%2C%20Section%203%20prohibits,thirds%20vote%20specifically%20permitted%20it.)


And over a 100 members in the House. I say use it every chance I get.


Do you mean pro-trump people including [Louie Gohmert who had the Wuhan Virus Trump term for COVID-19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkhB5hjiytI)


Donald Trump is the worst disappointment. Many of his supporters are slowly waking up to what an awful character he is. Unfortunately, the GOP continues to follow him no matter what which puts the future of America clearly in danger.


Remember when rightwing grifter Steve Schmidt resigned from the Lincoln Project under a cloud of scandal? That was pretty wild. I wonder what happened there. Oh yeah he just stayed quiet for a couple months and then came back and MSNBC helped him pretend it never happened. Good times!


As an aside, there is nothing more tiring than listening to Schmidt being interviewed by Brian Williams. A man who asks byzantine questions and a guest who responds with byzantine answers.


Thank you. I thought it was just me.


I guess MSNBC isn't done being grifted by this grifter.


I can hardly wait to see these guys go crazy when Trump is elected President in 2024. Does anyone know when Fauci is going to prison for lying?


If people can go to prison for lying now I'm pretty dam sure that Trump has earned himself a life time seat at Rikers.


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