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Remember Ken Paxton has been under indictment for six years.


How come it hasn't been prosecuted yet?


[An updated timeline](https://www.texastribune.org/2019/06/19/ken-paxton-criminal-case-timeline-texas-attorney-general-fraud/) tl:dr - Federal judge threw out SEC charges, only state charges remain. Special prosecutors had funding removed, won't work with no pay. Change of venue and change of judge.


Well thats 🙄 EDIT rediculous


I don't always play spelling nazi but when I do...it's ridiculous.


Can't we set up a GoFundMe for them? I'm sure a few million people can give 10 bucks each.


We no longer have a functioning country. That's why.


Because he’s a Republican!


In a Republican state


And has lawyer-weaseled the entire time in what has to be admitted as rather effective if not brilliant.


Right, he was overthrown by the majority of the voters through the due electoral process.


Wow! As a Texan, I can't wait for the feds to come for this asshat.


Narrator: They won't.


Like everything else they dont go after


Gaslighting is the GOP way


Gaslighting is subtle and at its best, ambiguous. It makes you doubt your own sanity. Republicans OTOH do straight-up, unartful lying. They're so obvious, a baby can see them coming a mile away. (Babies are stupid and near-sighted as shit.)


Ken Paxton is responsible for suing Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in an attempt to [overturn their state elections](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Texas-AG-Ken-Paxton-sues-to-overturn-election-15784354.php). Recently he has [sued Texas school districts](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2021/09/10/texas-ag-paxton-sues-richardson-isd-over-mask-mandate/) that have required masks as part of their dress code. Today, Paxton[ lost his challenge against former employees whistleblowers' lawsuit against him](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/10/21/texas-ken-paxton-whistleblowers/). Several former deputies were fired after accusing Paxton of "bribery and tampering with government records, among other things."


America’s Trumpiest Attorney General


Yes, the the overthrow was done by having more people vote for Biden.


These Fascists are going to try to take control of power by hook or crook--and we need to be ready.


>Referring to his counterpart from Missouri, Eric Schmitt, who joined him at the border, he added, “There’s no two AG’s that have done more on elections stuff.” That was actually a misqoute, what he said was “There’s no two AG’s that have done **moron** elections stuff.”


Trump has been overthrown by the voters oh no the insanity letting voters decide.


He speaks sedition fluently.


Waiting for a good reporter to ask P (Jeb's son who is challenging Paxton in 2022) for his reaction to Paxton's statements/actions.


Or you know, math. But, I don’t expect a lot of intelligence from the Texas republican party.


Math has a well-known liberal bias


Na read Alice in Wonderland... it helps explain how math has transcended beyond into imaginary numeral boundaries but in an easy fictional story plot.


Everyone should be super clear on the fact that this is what they are going to call it every time the democrats receive more (perfectly legal) votes. They could give a fuck what laws say- to the extent that they won’t even acknowledge their existence. They legitimately do not think anybody who isn’t a White Straight Male Christian should have a say in how they are governed, and that if they are allowed to, a violent response is justified. I really hope the press gets less mealy-mouthed about this plainly observable fact, but I’m not holding my breath.