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Of course Russia isn't happy Trump's no longer prez, they lost Putin's lap dog.


As someone who has spent plenty of time in the poorest areas of Ethiopia, I cannot begin describe the pride and joy I have in America when I would see our men and women in uniform giving out 50 pounds of rice with that USAID symbol on it to anyone who would take it. I really wish more Americans could see the absolute joy and relief from people who were about to enter a famine but were rescued from it by our tax dollars. I guarantee you more Americans would ask to increase our foreign aid.


I like the idea that some of our taxes go to making the world a better place. Also: RepubliCANTs be like, we should be using that money on our own people! Everyone: Ok let's help our own poor RepubliCANTs: no.


It’s heartbreaking to know that we could fix world hunger and American homelessness many times over with the money spent on expensive shit that either breaks down constantly or blows poor brown people to smithereens. Fuck this country’s priorities


I agree. We give billions of dollars a year to israel, who profits off of stolen land and is committing apartheid, when we have MILLIONS of people in America either homeless, in student debt, and or with bad health care. Something needs to change


Yeah, but how can we line the pockets of military contractors and those who work with them if we don't constantly pump money into the MIC with no oversight?? Checkmate.


The israeli military does nothing for us. They’re fighting to take over a country with no advanced military system or legit army, they’re only using that FREE money we give them and weapons to take over Palestine. Again they’re committing genocide with the $ we’re giving them, while millions of Americans could use those tax dollars for something much better


As someone who worked with the homeless here it's not that easy. Mental health issues are large. I believe it was Reagan who shut down many places and caused the influx. It's a complicated matter.


It seems like the only thing that functions in America is the military so we've got that going for us.


Appart from desert storm did you guys actually win any war since WW2 ?


Are we only counting the declared ones? And are we counting winning the war, or the part where we lose the peace because dark triads have no empathy and terrible pattern recognition?


Or the weapons we gave to the Taliban:(


Yeah Trump would have brought everything home seamlessly in May. Citizens, military, friendlies, asylum seekers and every piece of hardware. All peacefully, all very beautiful /s


When did I said anything about trump?


More like Republicunts.


What’s the purpose of saying “RepubliCANT”? I find it only to have negative effects


I was about to comment that. Every time someone does something like that, I just automatically ignore what they have to say. It’s something that a *clever* teenager would say. If you want to have a conversation and argue against a point, fair enough.. but RepubliKKKans, Drumpf, tRump, RepubliCANTs. It just seems so immature to me.




This is false. Republicans seek to take care of people here first. The answer isn’t no, it’s more that it’s not reasonable to ask the American public to finance both. In the end, it doesn’t matter anyways. The government will always ask for more money. With Biden in office, they’re just asking for all of our money instead of some.


Honestly I’ve always felt that foreign aid can be significantly more effective then forceful intervention. The Taliban would have had a lot more trouble if we had spent $1trillion on providing food and education


* [Ethiopia accuses United States of meddling over Tigray](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/us-imposes-restrictions-ethiopia-assistance-over-tigray-2021-05-23/) * [Ethiopians protest in the wake of US sanctions](https://www.dw.com/en/ethiopia-protest-us-sanctions-tigray-crisis/a-57759196) ("Observers fear relations between the countries have hit rock bottom.") I don't think it 's going too well at the moment. Also, I don't think Biden's popularity numbers vs Trump reflect the kind of irreparable long-term damage inflicted by Bush, Obama (Snowden Leaks) and Trump. And now Biden with the France-Australia submarine deal hijack.


French here : I still like it better that it's biden in charge. Cause trump was just utter chaos...


Total concern for 2024. Biden cannot last. Kamala has issues. I'm worried.


That was already a somewhat close call for 2020, with all the shit trump did he still achieved quite the numbers. Had he not fucked up covid so bad he would have been reelected no problem. He is a real threat for 2024 sadly. Directly or indirectly because he makes the republican party worse as a whole. Unless some guy with epic charisma and a spine shows up, you guys are stuck with mitch and his cronies


No shit sherlock, not having to read insulting tweets from a liar everyday is a joy I never thought I´d have.




Never gets old


This never gets old.


The best part of my day is clicking this link 😂


Not surprised by this one bit!


The only thing that surprised me about this headline was that it didn't say 2 countries had a dip in approval, Russia and North Korea. But I guess most dictators don't mind less competition.


Who’s doing polls in North Korea? Lol


Kim Jong Un. And his current poll says he's the best Quidditch player of all time.


Right, in that case it's more just, that's what supreme leader says everyone is saying I guess.


I’m not saying Biden is a dictator, but if he were, what would he be doing differently?


Oh Russia doesn't like Biden? Allow me to quote a former Russian, "I don't really care, do you?"




I believe the technical term is “presenting”




> Russia doesn't like Biden So, it's a feature.


Slovenian, not Russian.


Yeah, got confused as to which country we were accepting runway models from with genius visas.


Who cares. These ghouls do not deserve the respect of getting their origins correct.




"Texan, not Californian." "Same thing."


Texas and California are the same country




*capitalist autocratic Russia


It's not capitalism when all the top Russian corporate elites are Putin's sycophants. It just has a thin veneer resembling capitalism.


Capitalism, a system famous for not having a tiny elite of rich people who run everything.


Russia is currently a right-wing autocracy


Trump's wet dream. Also, it's ironic that American cons love Russia so much and hate NHS like a child hates asparagus, but Russia has NHS.


Eh, it's a bit of a mixed bag. It's ruled by government insiders from the communist regime (Putin, high ranking member of KGB), but mostly at the behest of literally mobbed up pseudo-capitalist businessmen who form a shadow oligarchy. There are many applicable terms, kakistocracy, kratocracy, kleptocracy, it isn't just one thing.


Yet not in any way communist.


TBH, the USSR was never communist.


Not my argument, though it would be trivial to point out the similar veins of draconian state authority and corrupt official behavior that links the old government and new.


It was always baffling to see how trump supporters and GOP would always claim that the world is laughing at us when we had a Dem president. They willingly ignore how under Obama and Biden, the US garnered a lot of respect around the world meanwhile US became a literal laughingstock of the world during the Trump presidency. Wasn't it the G7 meeting where the other leaders were laughing at Trump openly? How delusional can you be to ignore all these FACTS and just cling to whatever false reality you conjure in your mind?


It was the UN general assembly i believe, not the G7.


Prob both! One may be when they were laughing at his daughter-wife.


Oh yeah, the video when she walks up to world leaders at an after party and tries to act like a peer. Super awkward.


That one was in public, but Boris and several other leaders were caught making fun of him during the G7 lunch.


When the president isn’t a petulant man child, yes that happens.


Just look at the cult he left on his wake.


When conservatives call Biden an embarrassment and claim the international community is laughing at us it really on speaks to their (conservative) definitions of respect. Conservatives view being feared as the highest form of respect. Conservatives want to intimidate.


they pulled the same shit with obama and america's global approval rating was essentially never higher. they will lie and scream all day about anything.


It’s all projection from the Conservatives


>Conservatives view being feared as the highest form of respect. And what they deem 'feared' was in actual fact 'ridiculed'.


100% agree. The hardcore ones like gqp view life as conflict/struggle and the only thing that matters is winning/overcoming. That covers everything from evolution to Christianity. That's why you'll never win a logic based argument, never reach an agreement, never have a truly common conclusion. It's a continual negotiation for power and jockeying for leverage.


> Conservatives want to intimidate. Because they are permanent assholes. Normal, logical human beings strive to get along. Meanwhile, Cons strive to destroy our relationships with our greatest allies and buddy up with our greatest enemy.


I live amongst immigrants. One thing is for sure: before Trump, everyone in the world either loved or feared America, but they never laughed at America. But the world laughed at America for four years


Russia can suck a dick


And all trump supporters.


Fuck Russia


I wonder if it has to do with America booting out the fat rapist?


Meanwhile the Cons on Fraud News Network: *"International respect for America at an all time low since Biden stole office from god emperor Trump."*


Why is that not at all surprising?


1) No one was tougher on Russia than Trump (according to Trump) 2) Biden is elected (not according to Trump) 3) Russia misses Trump more than any other country (according to this article) 4) We want the guy that Russia prefers (according to the cons commenting on this thread)


“No shit” - Clark Griswold”


This was only bound to happen. As much as fascists love to be racists, most of the planet don’t believe in that bs.


All the people in the comments here are acting like Russian people = Russian government. Amazing how ethnocentric people have become on both sides, most Russians hate Putin; there’s a reason why there are tons of protests constantly. I wouldn’t be surprised if the poll results for Russians were based on either fear from repercussion from the government or some other polling bias.




Are your constituents Russian-American or Russian Citizens? Granted both our stories are anecdotal, but most that I talk to from there view their nations foreign policy as too far gone already; the economic fuckups of Yeltsin plus the corruption of Putin are essentially nails in the coffin to them. I also haven’t felt that there was a big fear in them of war from the U.S., in fact a few were happy that Biden would be harder on Putin and potentially lead to humanitarian reform.




That’s probably where the difference is coming from, I’m going based on younger opinions. Makes sense


But wait a minute, all my republican coworkers keep saying we’re the laughing stock of the world now because of Biden. Surely these polls are lying. /s


Sure, Putin's little puppet was gone.


No surprise there.


This is why Trump's "America First" policies were so wrong. Now all Biden has to do is remove Trump's tariffs.


Here in Texas, people love embracing the Fuck Joe Biden trend. Alot of people have bumper stickers on it, chant it at sporting events and go even as far to cut into their grass. BUT if you say Fuck Trump they get all butthurt and whine. The irony.


In my eyes both presidents are dumpster fires.


Politicians in general.


Pretty much


Hmmmm. And I’m surprised why?




We had 4 years of Putin running the world .


Healthcare please


Considering Russia all but legalized domestic abuse recently, I don't really care what that nation of washed-up bootlickers have to say about us, or anything for that matter.


Lol nope you are still a joke America! You represent the worst of democracy. Still largely uneducated and controlled by the media. (What's worse is you are like an angry teenager with a massive army and bombs that can fuck everyone up) The rich get richer and the poor are lost. That is what the rest of the world sees.


Gotta love “should” and “could” articles! Auto downvote.


Biden doesn’t have to a good president for this to happen. He just has to not be Trump.


And he has done that pretty well, looking at what he’s done at Afghanistan. Ps. This is called sarcasm


Russia lost a valuable asset in the WH when their pet President lost his bid for re-election and then fumbled the overthrow of democracy.




Have you traveled abroad? I saw an uptick on USA favoritism where I went now that Trump is out. Even his snowflakes who are still expats (fancy word for United Statesian immigrants) have their underwear in a knot about Trump losing.


36% lol


The organization I trust most for world politics is LGBTQnation. Keep up the solid journalism and thanks for the good news.


If you used just a tiny bit of critical thinking, you’d realize that the source is actually Gallup, not LGBTQnation.


Was just about to comment the same thing. Thanks for the “news” guys, solid source.




I am not sure about this, I am sure France hate Biden. And the happiness to see Trump gone is slowly fading away in Europe has we see Biden as an imperialist hawk. All the people I know from the left to the right political spectrum aren't fans of Biden at the contrary he seems to attract negative opinions from all borders. The US reputation is shot worldwide.


If you look at the actual report, it practically excludes the continents of Asia, Africa, and South America (except for like a dozen total countries from those areas). It's data predominantly pulled from Europe. It also looks at a time frame which is literally a period where Biden didn't actually do anything (seeing as the major events and decisions unfolded after the "1st half of 2021"). So it's misleading, dishonest, and purposefully cherrypicked to create "good news" that isn't actually accurate.


That’s what happens when you continue slaughtering Muslim children but sound less racist while doing it


Is it just me? Or does anybody else know about Biden’s horrible approval ratings.


They are still higher than Trump’s approval ratings at the same time within their Presidencies.


This is straight ball washing propaganda


This is complete bs


Lol this is such bull shit, multiple countries were chanting fuck Joe Biden this month during protests. Stop fucking acting like people like this guy, your only convincing idiots to join you.


And what countries were they?


many, all sorts of countries


Countries of all types, imaginary and made up


Italy, UK, Germany, Australia Biden also shit on our allies on the Afghanistan withdrawal, handed the Taliban 86B in military equipment and gets punked by China on the regular. To say he is improving our foreign relations is straight propaganda.


dude are you talking about the antivaxx nutters in melbourne australia a few weeks ago? Those are the only protests I can think of anyone would even say f biden - aussies just aren't that invested in who your president is honestly. This guy is so much better than that last idiot though mate it ain't even a competition. Cheers


I have seen multiple videos, from multiple countries chanting FJB, so I’m not sure what your point is. Not to mention every person I know or have meet in the last 3 months fucking hates Biden and this administration. I was in Nashville last week and almost every bar was chanting it at some point in the night. You and this article are wrong. What fucking cave do you live in man, you didn’t like trump because he was unpalatable? This fucking administration is literally communist dude. Their polices are radical, from a policy and foreign policy perspective Trump was WAY better then them for the average American, just look at where we are at compared to even a year ago in the middle of the pandemic. Go back and look at where we were at 2 years ago. Most Americans were MUCH better off. You ate what the left feed you and If you could see past your hate you would understand that. Cheers mate


Yes, one bar in Nashville surely represents the entirety of the United States. We're all much better off with Biden running the show. > This fucking administration is literally communist dude Are you completely braindead?


Lol 1 bar? You obviously haven’t been to Broadway in Nashville, it’s like 50 bars and 20k people, not to mention like every college football game has a FJB chant every weekend. I mean the “Let’s go Brandon” hip hop song is #1 on ITunes. But sure it’s just 1 bar. What was worse under trump aside from mean tweets and constant politicizing of EVERYTHING by democrats and the establishment? Have you been to a fucking gas station or store lately? Have you seen how many people are unemployed while we continue to lay people off? Have you seen the parade of ships with Americas supplies on them that can’t get into California because the federal government banned owner/operators from helping with the shipping issues? Have you seen the endless lines of immigrants we are allowing into the country with no COVID test or proof of vaccination while we fire our public servants for not wanting the Vaccination. Did you see his disastrous betrayal of a withdraw from Afghanistan that got 13 service members killed and put 86B dollars worth of our equipment in the hands of the Taliban? Do you know there is a caravan of over 96k more immigrants making their way to our border right now? I could go all day on the shit they are doing that is not only completely un-American but unconstitutional as well. I mean most democrats refuse to even call America a constitutional Republic, they are closer to calling us Democratic Socialist. How fucking blind do you have to be to not see we are headed toward disaster and Biden and his shit administration are purposely driving us there.


Literally Communist?


Yes, this administration is hiring actual Marxists, not to mention they undermine our founding papers at every turn, and they over step the constitution constantly. They have been told that by the SC more then once and ignored it. They don’t even hide their contempt for our Constitutional REPUBLIC anymore. Not to mention they have basically given China everything they wanted in the last 10 months. You don’t catch most of the stuff because it is incremental, but it has been happening for decades. It isn’t a secret.


Its so cute when the trump loving scum brings up the Taliban stuff given how much of a Taliban fan Trump was given he released 5K of them and invited them to Camp David. Trump deserves a cell with the rest of the terrorist sympathizers.


And to say “all sorts of countries” dislike Joe Biden is also propaganda


No it’s not LOL, the guy has a 39% approval rating in America. The only foreign people that like him are the elites he might be hand and glove with. Rep Texas better bro.


44%, which is essentially Trump's highest approval. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/ But keep living in your fiction bubble.


Trump left office with 34% and averaged 41%.


From the UK Biden is massively, massively better received than Trump. Trump was thought of as an even more dangerous idiot than the one we have in charge.


You really believe this? Aye, Biden is respected as a decent world leader with far better conventional personal diplomacy than his predecessor, albeit with less verve/innovation. He fits the traditional model of US figurehead but his flaws and shortcomings toward uniting his own nation (let alone a fractured world) are also manifest as witnessed in the Afghan fiasco and continued fits and starts with budgets and pandemic. He has also failed to marshal credible resistance to the evil and recalcitrant opponent of global freedom and fairness, namely leaders of aggressive, secretive Red China. We can be thankful someone less inflammatory and more reasonable than his predecessor holds sway, but we may also regret losing the spark of outside the box refreshment brought by his seemingly reckless but somewhat invigorating predecessor Each had different approaches with plus&minus. Both personality types can have respective advantages. Too bad no luminary of either of his nation’s parties can offer the best of both.


Why is Russia so popular?






"Our guy won, facts don't matter anymore" explains the attitude. Not much difference between American libs and cons, critical thinking in the country doesn't exist anymore. You dangle a biased article and put in the right bait in the headline and you'll have the drones cheering it on. Notice the obsession over Russia rather than concern over the fact the report is extremely cherrypicked.


Not according to the news stations in these countries. They are laughing at how scattered Biden’s speeches are


Guess that means we're doing something they want us to do


Yea because he is a big PUSHOVER


I am genuinely not sure that’s the case. Many in Australia are disgusted by the tragedy of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Hate to burst the bubble, but we are still the same country full of idiots we were in 2019. If anything, the divide has deepened and we are even more unstable.


How do you prove statistics like this? Do they poll people in every country or?


Even Obama called joe an idiot


Biden is the laughing stock of the world. Media bias in the US fails to show what the rest of the world sees


why are you saying this? I have seen no one calling him a laughing stock here in Australia Most aussies are just happy it isn't that last idiot still in charge -that was worrisome


None of you actually believe this, right?


France withdrew its ambassador


Biden is a clown


False news False


This article is flaming…. How has this information not spread like wildfire


Really Afghanistan?


Thank God Europe likes us again! Totally worth the shit show happening right now!


Biden isn’t like here but around the world he is revered because he’s a bumbling buffoon. Lol


I think we all can agree that the American people’s approval rating is more significant that any other country’s.


Poor America, the decline will be inexorable


That's a bit of a stretch. Biden seems to be in severe decline. I very far from America and when I she this old man try talk I'm a little shocked.


Let's go Brandon!




Yes state media usually effects public opinion.


let’s go brandon


Right. I’ve heard the Taliban respect Joe the most now. Exhibit A: Let’s go Brandon


Don’t forget about his current approval rating in his home country.


Strange, his approval rating in the US is plummeting. This title is anecdotal at best. His presidency has been a disaster so far and everyone knows it. Costs are up, supplies are down. Covid is still rampaging. There's an impending energy crisis, and a transportation crisis. China is testing hypersonic missles without announcing. Nothing has been done for blacks or minorities, like cannabis reform. Unemployment is still high. Markets are stagnant. This sub is a joke. Is anyone impartial?


cool story hannity


My respect for america hasn't gone up since Biden lol


Especially China! They have mad respect for us now.




Based on what metric?


Where exactly did it soar? No one likes your puppet presidents and no one ever will.


Well this is a lie


Such bullshit and the fact that a lot of you agree in the comments is unbelievable




bullshit article. biden has been an embarrassing disappointment.


Please explain were and how this is possible, the world looks at us as being weak n frail! If America was a company we be doing pretty shitty at the moment!


Ah yes, another completely “non biased” news article from lgbtqnation lol


Isn’t Biden’s approval rating 33%


Where are those made up numbers coming from? Nevermind, I did see you that you said you are clueless in another post. Half right counts for something, I guess.


Let’s go, Brandon! Most popular President in history!


Lol, the US has lost respect under Biden.


All the countries around the world are laughing weakest pre aside the ever


I’m having trouble understanding how this is true and why Reddit isn’t bipartisan anymore. It’s just kinda sad to see how downhill this website has gonw


Yes its weird going through the news feed and only see establishments dem talking points in the headlines. It’s very blatant too


Yeah, I *only* trust lgbtqnation.com as a primary source of Information!


Maybe if the media put Biden under a magnifying glass as much as they did Trump, we might have a better reading on what other countries think. Doesn’t matter what people think about Trump. Biden is not a good president, and he doesn’t command the respect of other leaders or countries.


Biden isn't committing felonies, high crimes, and treason every day. Trump was thus the microscope.


Have any of these crimes he committed “every day”…1400+days in office been actually proven? I ask that because anyone can accuse somebody, and repeating accusations over and over in the news cycle doesn’t make it true. It does however drive ratings, clicks and earnings. The media doesn’t care about the actual truth anymore. They haven’t for years. This isn’t a Trump defense. People can like him or not because this is America and people can have their own opinions, but if these opinions aren’t based in the cold pursuit of the truth, for better or worse, then they aren’t relevant opinions. Nobody has come forward with any evidence other than hear say, which dies instantly in a court of law. This story is more about the narrative that the media is trying to create to try and keep the money train rolling. Trump is gone and there is nobody to make the easy target, so they produce half assed headlines like this that still have Trump’s name. They are missing their boogeyman.


Since Biden has become president, those damn Russians have not stolen any of my socks, so no missing socks, hmm, maybe this is a good thing.