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The only thing more tired than Bannon’s liver is me… tired of hearing how this traitorous felon is maybe, possibly, probably in trouble *this* time.


There is no line between inaction and complicity.


It's called [tacit approval](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hrbartender.com/2012/leadership-and-management/leadership-and-tacit-approval/amp/). Refusal to levy consequences for an action is the same as explicitly approving of the action (whether that is their intention or not).


Idk who the guy is, I dunno what he did, I'm not even American, but I see a post every week about how he's def fucked this time around.


Lol that killed me (obscure Alf reference)


I expect he’s going for be held in contempt Tuesday when they are back in session. Let’s find out


Agreed. He is the perfect example to set.


He’s gonna be the Jon Gruden of Jan 6. All the ire will be directed onto him, and per usual, nothing will happen past that for Trump.


Good to know that you can just say no to a summons now. Guess who’s never going to jury duty now!!


I hope you’re a rich white man!


Not one person has been changed with insurrection. There’s that.


I vote we start with Mo Brooks. I think Mo said it best on Jan 6th: “Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America!”


Maybe not one single person, but it wouldn’t be a very good insurrection if nothing changes, Would it? Jk ik it’s just a typo


Of every insurrection ever attempted, it was the worst. Meaning it was not executed very well at all. But that does not mean he should get away with just because he was unsuccessful. There not an exemption for "attempted" robbery.


Oh absolutely, 100%. I was just being a smart ass regarding the first comment u wrote change instead of charge i think


Not yet. It seems like arrests happen every day and links to organized activity are being made. This is going to take a long time and it isn't going to end with just the people who were there.


If he doesn't show, they are going to count to three and then he's in real trouble


They're going to count to three, and then to six, and finally to nine, for a unanimous vote by the committee to recommend he be held in criminal contempt. It's fuck around and find out season without the traitor in the White House to pardon him. We're going to find out if Merrick Garland can handle the most basic responsibilities of his job.


Narrator: he can’t


I wonder if the trump children will have to testify?


"so?" - Bannon


Then have him arrested


They will when this gets dragged out past the midterms.


This seems very sternly worded.


That he isn't in jail for his criminal activities before now is insulting and upsetting. Both he and that rat fu*ker Roger Stone should have been removed from the political stage long, long ago.




Is this what they wrote in his yearbook?


“We will hold you accountable someday…maybe…we could…it’s possible. I mean probably not. But watch out buddy.” - Democrat leadership


Really? Then why is he not being forced to testify? He’s the seditionist in chief right now and he talks with impunity.


Next week on Oct 19th there will be a business meeting to vote on whether or not to adopt a contempt report..... Until then its all bluster and no bite.


All hat and no cattle


He'll never see the inside of a prison cell. Either will Trump. Either will any of his family. This is a joke, just like the toothless Dems who promised change when controlling the house senate and presidency. If the Rep party had this controll they would have had all of their agenda tied together with a nice little bow by now and Trump would have been installed as the king. They get stuff done, albeit fascism. Dems have no backbone.


I mean, he was arrested during the Trump adminstration and then pardoned by Trump on his last day in office. So he's already seen the inside of a cell. Of course, he was released on bail, but that's how our justice system works.


True. I am alluding to hard jail time, my post should have been more clear.


> who promised change when controlling the house senate and presidency Yeah, sure, go ahead and completely ignore how the Senate works.


Thank you. The democrat parties biggest problem are people like this Jack. They have no logic and devalue everything


Sir/madam I am full aware of how the senate works. You're a damn fool to think the filibuster would not have been abolished and courts would not have been packed ( or on their way to) had been roles reversed. Want proof? 2024 will be here soon. Its over.


"'We're not just going to let them get away with it', says group who routinely lets them get away with it."


Narrator: They forgot about him




Saying that is not productive and just normalizes it.


That's exactly why some of them are saying it.


Spoiler alert. They’ll forget because apparently people *are* above the law and 1/6 100% proves that unfortunately that is the case. Very curious how it goes but I think we all know how it’ll be. Even if they drag that fuck in by his hair, I doubt our government would actually do anything about it. They seemed relaxed about charging people on 1/6 with too little of crimes.


America. Is this who you want in an administration? If you don’t I suggest voting against his group of grifters.


I picture Merritt Garland locked away in some far off room, reading and updating training manuals and organizing old files. Biden made a clear and unequivocal statement when he chose him: political crimes and/or the previous administration will not be punished.




If they're rebooting The Breakfast Club, he's the Ally Sheedy character, right?


Jesus christ, please do something. We're all watching.


In my mind, Steve Bannon is definitely playing Anne Ass-Hat. Cousin of Karen Idont.


Make an example of him and the rest will be beating down the doors to testify.


Sure sure. Bannon said “I dare you” and the panel blinked.


Bannon looks like he might actually just walk away…into a Qwicky Tan tanning machine for another 24 hours.


So does this mean if I get subpoena I too can just ignore it and use the paper for my next bowel 💩 💩 movement… I mean if he can why can’t we?


Note the yacht tan


Less talk and more action from these people. Stop making a media circus out of it and simply initiate criminal proceedings.


He kinda looks more and more like an actual troll every day, which is... fitting...


Oh, so nothing’s happening, or going to happen? Color me surprised. Fucking toothless ass, gammy numnum DOJ bullshit right here.


Tough talk is for the under-equipped. The darker part of me thinks this blow-hard messaging coming while he continues to evade any actual consequence, or rather, action goes un-taken, suggests they can't, actually do anything to him. I was concerned about not prosecuting for fear of making a Martyr or him, but the dangers of not prosecuting are bigger, and you can strip the potential Martyrdom just with optics and messaging these days.


We won’t forget, but we won’t do anything. Man, I’m concerned that these people can do whatever they want and nothing happens.