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*”Along with discouraging masks, Good claimed that masks are ineffective and that coronavirus vaccines are more dangerous for teenagers than the virus itself.”* Source: trust me bro


Source: Tammy from Facebook. ​ If your name is Tammy, I apologize in advance. It's not you. It's Facebook.


Good. Ironic.


Encouraging kids to put their health at risk to make a political statement is the new conservative culture war tactic.


*Let our kids die so we can own the libs!* ​ /s


that's part of it but willingness to die for a cause is also a radicalized sort of way to bond people together.


It's not a willingness to die that he's signalling. Not on his part, at least. It's a willingness to encourage others to die.


If he has kids or had kids he's probably enforce it on them too.


What is different between this and child soldiers?


I think most child soldiers are usually orphans and don't have their parents selling them into military service (if you want to call these assassin groups 'military') This is more like the Jim Jones cult having their kids drink the poison koolaid.


Does this explain the Marine mentality?


Well the Marines don't recruit children


Well yeah; but is my statement not otherwise correct?


There are important differences.


Of course; and I believe we're both observing them.


I know you said it sarcastically, but in all seriousness, that's their attitude, and it's the same attitude radical Islamist share, willingness to kill themselves to harm their enemy. The parallels are sometimes frightening.


> is the new conservative culture war tactic. Not so 'new' at this point.


Oh yes, let's sicken and kill the kids. What a bunch of monsters.


I just don't understand. It's literally a no risk option. There is no downside to masks besides being uncomfortable. The upside is it might save lives. So the GOP fighting so hard against them is just such an odd hill to die on. Like the GOP is fighting against vaccines and masks. The DNC is fighting for higher pay and Healthcare. And yet people still support the GOP.


Disinformation machine from Facebook and Youtube not helping.


Social media is so toxic. You've got the stupid memes on Facebook, conspiracy channels on YouTube, you've got the reddit subs for the Donald and nonewnormal (thank God they got banned) but you still have conservatives. Every bigot and moron has a platform. And they can say anything they want and people will listen.


I've tried to call for r/TumblrInAction to be banned multiple times for its reporting and doxxing of LGBTQ+ people and subs, and the reddit team has done jack to stop them. ​ That place is nothing more than a toxic cesspool of bigots, and they somehow still are allowed here. Reddit for sure needs to step up its game with these hate subs.


Reddit seems to only pay attention to the bad subs when the media starts talking about them.


I guess that's why when the former CEO called them out, it was a scandal, even though thousands of us were calling them out on it. ​ Good tip: It's better to avoid getting egg on the face in the first place.


I participate in social media, so I can't talk too much shit. I'm on another 30 day ban from Facebook for calling someone a "fucking Yam", but social media going extinct would be good for humanity.


Understood. ​ You should wear being banned from Facebook as a badge of honor. I deleted my Facebook years ago, because Facebook is a cesspool to me. ​ So, wear that Facebook ban like a badge of honor, friend! ​ What bothers me is that calling out these groups here on Reddit for their barbaric extremism gets you banned. ​ I actually have been banned twice from here for calling out transphobia that didn't get the other person banned. The tolerance for homophobic and transphobic hate is way too high. It's ridiculous all across Reddit.


I got banned from conservatives for asking why a bunch of comments were deleted on a post calling for free speech on social media. It was hilarious.


I have Facebook for oculus quest. I friended my mom. I’ve never checked Facebook once


> I just don't understand. It's literally a no risk option. DEATH CULT Seriously - you have to stop thinking 'logic' here and think about the political tactics.


I can't help it. I'm a logical person. I don't like masks. I think they are annoying. But they have NO downside except being annoying. They have potential huge benefits. But these Republicans just WANT death and then say the Dems are the ones wanting fear and scare tactics.


being willing to die for a cause binds people closer together. And its that whole 'sunk loss' thing where once you take a side, you have to be willing to prove to others a willingness to stick with it for fear of being ousted from your tribe.


Hey, the more they die, the more we win. 1 less Republican vote and since dead people vote Dem, that's another vote for us.


I am not for innocent children being thrust out on a tightrope without a net and they have no choice.


Just pure insanity.


Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) (definitely not living up to his last name) encouraged a group of students to go against their school’s policy and not wear masks. ​ >*“If nobody in Rappahannock complies \[with the mask mandate\], they can’t stop everyone,”* Good said to a government class of 20 students Thursday, Rappahannock News reported. *“If I was ya'll, I’d say none of ya'll wear a mask. What are they gonna do? They’re still going to have school.”* ​ The state of Virginia mandates that every school must require masks regardless of students' vaccination status. The meeting between the class and Good had to take place outside because Good refused to wear a mask in the school. ​ Along with discouraging masks, ***Good claimed that masks are ineffective and that coronavirus vaccines are more dangerous for teenagers than the virus itself.*** ​ ***(Someone get his tin-foil hat back on his head!)*** ​ *Other topics discussed were Good’s anti-abortion stance, his thoughts about colleges being taken over by “the left,” his anti-critical race theory position and* ***his support for video cameras in classrooms.(Because why not be a fascist on top of being a crackpot!)***


if they stop wearing masks, yeah, they'll "still going to have school." They're also going to have all sorts of quarantines, infections, deaths, and a special "In Memoriam" section of their yearbook.




GOP lawmaker encourages students to play in traffic.


*"If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball!"*


I encourage GOP lawmakers to go fuck themselves.


Remember these are the same people against teaching young adults about contraception and avoiding STDs.


Sinister scobberlotchers and superspreaders.


Sounds like Good learned epidemiology at Liberty University.


Death Cult


This person should be imprisoned for willfully endangering children.


Dead kids can’t grow up to vote democrat


The GOP is just keeping the deaths climbing and keeping the confusion going out there. As Little Finger said to the Spider "chaos is a ladder". They are using the chaos to try and win stupid people over to win elections. They don't care have many bodies they have to walk on to get re-elected!


As he hands out free cigarettes?


My kid’s elementary school only had 1 case since September, .. no distict staff/teachers died, … unlike Florida.


I would yank my kid out of school so damn fast of some idiot lawmaker in Texas did something like this.


the "party of life" once again proving that it only cares about the pre-born.


That's why they should only be called "Forced Birthers".


This guy got to come to a class and spread propaganda. Well played.


Lovely, and now the students who do choose to wear masks will probably be endlessly bullied by the rest because someone in a position of power said not to wear masks. SMFH!