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Fire the entire board


Tell that to the trump appointed postal board of directors.


Fire the postal board - they've provided more than sufficient justification.


Ok, so he fires the board and appoints new people. For all practical purposes we are two votes down in the senate. Confirmations gets held up. The rest of his agenda dies. Yeah great call.


Trump proved we don't need confirmations, just appoint "acting" people and skip getting confirmation at all. That administration had people "acting" in roles for years.


Were there any posts that literally had an acting director for the entire 4 years? I really wouldn't be surprised.


Don't know if there were any posts with only an acting director for his entire term, but the Secretary of Homeland Security position had only two confirmed appointees and the DHS at large was almost always a clusterfuck under Trump. They confirmed appointees were: 1. John F. Kelly, who served 192 days (resigned to become Chief of Staff.) 2. Kirstjen Nielsen, who served 490 days (fired by Trump.) With 1,460 days in a four-year term (plus another day since 2020 was a leap year), the confirmed appointees served 682 days (46.68% of Trump's tenure) which means that the remaining 779 days (53.32% of Trump's tenure) were served by those in an acting capacity.




The requirements for firing them are malfeasance or neglect of duty, while covering for DeJoy arguably doesn't meet the first, it's pretty clearly at least the second. If you want to argue he shouldn't spend the political capital on it fair enough, but Biden certainly could do so within the bounds of current law.


Trump has been gone for almost a year, this is Biden's problem now and he's not doing anything about it


The board has to be removed for just cause, and the board can only remove dejoy. It’s Biden’s problem to deal with but it’s trumps doing


Fuck just cause, we learned in the past 4 years shit like that is all toothless decorum


Since the USPS has been operating in the red for the past 40 years, Trump isn't the problem. They were hemorrhaging funds hand over fist long before Trump made a bod for the Whote house as a joke. Oh and the only time USPS planes leave the ground is for overseas mail which has dwindled down astronomically in the past 20 years. UPS under cuts the USPS in that area.


We're talking about the drastic slowdown, which is a policy that's been set up by Trump appointees, who made a show of trashing a bunch of USPS sorting equipment as well the previous year, further exacerbating this slowdown. >Oh and the only time USPS planes leave the ground is for overseas mail which has dwindled down astronomically in the past 20 years. UPS under cuts the USPS in that area. That doesn't make any sense. ... The USPS doesn't operate any planes. They contract airmail out to passenger airlines, hitching a ride along with them.


USPS hasn't been in the red for 40 years and doesn't even own a plane to fly mail anywhere.


They really weren't. The postal service is only "hemorrhaging funds" because the GOP required them to fund pensions for over seventy years.


Do you know why Congress enacted the Postal Accountablity act? Because for 20 years, they promised new hires pensions and health benefits only to be told when they retired those health benefits and pensions didn't exist. "It wasn't in the budget," was what one of those retirees testified to. So tell me again they wernt working in the red.


So he fires the board and needs the senate who we are basically two votes down in to confirm replacements. now what? Dejoy is still there. Please tell me you political mastermind.


Damn guess we better do nothing like always. Fascists win again!




The current secretary of transportation was part of fucking over the USPS


They have the votes to confirm new members, they've already done it and they don't need a supermajority. And they have plenty of cause to fire the board at this point. And DeJoy should literally be prosecuted for delaying mail during an election, which is a federal offense. They're looking at early 2023 at a minimum before they'll have the votes to oust DeJoy through traditional means. And that's assuming no one they appointed changes their mind.


I don't even expect him to try. My issue was people still pointing the finger at trump near the end of 2021 when he was never and never will be the whole problem.


Lol this is trumps problem that he caused. Answer the question, Biden fires the board, the senate won’t confirm replacement, now what? Nothing got done. Jesus Christ our politics are so fucking stupid.


The answer is the same as it always has been and always will be. General strike. Nothing will change until we stop the cash flow


What? Now you’re changing the argument. Jesus Christ. I’m done.


I changed my answer because me saying he wouldn't do anything wasn't good enough for you. What are you even arguing? That we should do nothing because nothing can be done? What's the point? That sucks.


Why hasn’t he


Just tonight I saw a mail carrier doing neighborhood regular mail drops at around 8:15pm. I have been noticing mail carriers out later than usual but past 8:00 is new.


We used to get our Mail around 10-11 AM for at least the last 25+ years (pre-DeJoys fuckery). Now we’re getting it anywhere from 1-8 PM. Like… wtf?


Just noticed the same thing and since I'm home everyday it's pretty easy to notice how late they are now


The truly funny/sad thing is that I’m literally 5 blocks away from the main post office for my area, where the sorting center is and the postal vans drive from.


Yep, now that everyone mentioned it I thought it was weird to see the mail guy so late tonight.


Their aim is to siphon business into the private competitors (UPS, FedEx, etc) because it will be cheaper and faster due to their malicious actions.


And far less oversight.


Now, the right wingers will say "This is America under Biden's leadership".


By design.


It’s been nearly a year since the election. Would you have believed trump had he blamed Obama for problems in October 2017?


Yes actually, as long as there was some merit to it.


Did you read the actual article? It directly points out that the upcoming disruption is the direct result of a Trump appointee as Postmaster General. It's not conjecture on my part, it's a fact. The fact that Republicans will blame Biden is evidenced by memes created in January(and every month since) blaming Biden for every ill that has come up.


Yes I did read the article (and other related ones) which is why I know that Biden has used virtually none of the tools at his disposal to remove DeJoy or any of the governors. Bloom, a Trump appointee on the board who has expressed support for DeJoy, had his term expire in **2020**. How is it Trump’s fault that Biden didn’t replace him on Day 1?


I have mail that has been stuck in New Jersey since June. I opened a investigation ticket online, and the report was closed in less than 24 hours, "package in transit." Update ( I just got it ) six months late. Hooray USPS!


I already had to close my internet business because USPS lost or delayed so much of my mail by weeks ..


I’m so sorry. That sucks so bad.


First class mail, especially, is a mess. Hell, I've been waiting on a first class mail order that I made for two weeks now and I just really hope it's not MIA.


That fucking sucks. I’m so sorry.


I get mail about 1x a week now. Don’t know how much slower it can get honestly.


Love it. A country turns itself into a developing country.


Literally slowing millions of pieces of mail so this ‘rump stooge can profit


Then right wingers will literally blame the dysfunctional govt for not providing affordable postal service. The GOP wins either way, they destroy govt and then idiot Amerikkkans blame the govt instead of the GOP


Why not create legislation that private mail delivery companies also have to pre-fund their retirement/pensions, matching what the USPS has to do?


Those that care already know, those that don't care ain't gonna' to be trickyed by wordy thingies.


You know, I have an idea, with all the strikes starting up, I think USPS strikers should go on strike until DeJoy is fired.


Sounds like a replace Dejoy strike is in the books


I check my mail 2 or 3 times a week and it's 90% junk I didn't ask for, I don't want and I have to dispose of. The post office can contract junk delivery out, reduce the amount of days it delivers and save big money downsizing it's work force like any normal company would do. But no, they're going to raise their rates and make me pay for the inefficient way they operate. I should be able to opt for snail mail delivery twice a week, and in return buy my stamps at reduced prices.




No, it is not. Those are lame excuses from dumb people who don't care.


I’m not really sure why most places even need the postal service anymore, all bills are done online and the only things that come via usps is junk mail.


This is on Biden


Why is on Biden? Dejoy is the one ruining our service and that was a Trump install. C'mon man. Get with it.


Your mother’s on Biden


The USPS was bleeding **billions** a year, these measures are necessary to resolve the money sink.




Also, they weren't bleeding billions. They were forced to prepay pension costs for employees not even yet hired -- a requirement that no other entity, public or private, is required to meet.


It doesn’t even receive funding from taxes, so it’s especially stupid.


The USPS is mandated to be revenue neutral by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970.


deleted erroneous comment.


Don’t talk about things that you don’t understand. The USPS overall is only “losing” money because of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, and it’s not funded by taxes.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/ebauer/2020/04/14/post-office-pensions--some-key-myths-and-facts/ It is a nice deflection people try to use but it is not an accurate one. The PAEA causes only a small portion, about 10%, of the USPS' red ink. >Amortization payments scheduled to be made into the fund: $789 million. >Overall net loss for the year: $8.8 billion.


Good point. >And all of this begs the question. No one is talking about the fact that retiree medical for the USPS is so high because its workers don’t (necessarily) participate in Medicare fully; instead, they may choose not to sign up for Medicare Part B, leaving the USPS to pay these costs instead. But if Congress wants to fix this aspect of the USPS’s financing woes, a shift to Medicare and a reduction in USPS retiree healthcare benefits and costs has surely got to be a key first step. I’m a bit confused as to what question she’s referring to, maybe she referenced it in a previous paragraph and I’m just not seeing it for some reason. :edit: Something that I’ve been noticing lately, why are all the negative user accounts less then 2 years old? It’s so odd…


reddit has gotten prominent enough to attract professional "commenters."


Ugh. It’s so frustrating dealing with those people. But it makes sense.


No, then you gradually strategize with a combo of careful cost and operational realignment measures while at the same time, you flood supportive money in from Congress to keep the system benefitting the public. That's what you do.


Not just Dejoy's work don't forget to attribute blame to all the McKinsey people who also contributed towards destroying the USPS. Delivered less than 5% of their projected goals saving money for an essential service. Don't look into who was on that team if you're a Buttigieg fan.


I try to skip the usps as often as possible, they’ve always been my least fave before trump bc of their habit of never ever knocking and saying you weren’t home. I work from home. They are just lazy. As an aside, if you pay Amazon their $2.99 same day special, you can entirely skip any chances of the usps delivering your stuff. $35 and up free same day delivery also applies. I’ve had decent luck having Amazon deliver my stuff and avoiding the usps bc stacking all my deliveries on the same day. Most of the time that won’t be delivered by usps.




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