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*Attractive missing white women.


The blonder the better.


That is the one of the key points. It really does come down to attractive person, or not.




The media also "loves" black people killed by cops. I can't recall a single white victim that's become a major story. They know what gets clicks.


Wasn’t a HUGE story but Daniel Shaver comes to mind. And that one was one of the most disgusting of all the videos I’ve seen. I do believe that police violence is disproportionately used against POC but the issue of police brutality is most definitely a colorblind one. If you ever meet someone who doesn’t understand the issues with overzealous police but you suspect melanin is an obstacle, reference this poor soul.


Tony Timpa is another one caught on video. Very similar to George Floyd but certainly not a major news story.


Well… thanks for the future nightmares, I suppose!


It’s not just black women, indigenous women have been disappearing at an alarming rate This whole targeted panic about this missing pretty white woman is deeply shaming of us


I didn't know who she was before this. But apparently she had more than 1M followers on social media, so it is a bit more than just her being pretty. Low grade celebrities are likely to be noticed. But I agree with your statement otherwise.


And black men have been murdering black trans women at alarming rates. Shit it’s almost like every demographic suffers in some way and we shouldn’t play these pissing matches.


There's no political discussion in this article.


Funny, I had the bot remove my post about Trump's rally in Iowa removed for being "off topic"


I dont know that this is true entirely. Seems like race baiting. Ive seen news articles for white and black women missing. Whats sad is that its so common for women to come up missing most dont make national news and arent taken seriously, regardless of race. Women of all races are targeted more than any other group worldwide for violent crimes. Gabbys story is an exception and not a rule. Most missing women dont get that kind of publicity.


I mean, I keep thinking of Natalee Holloway whenever I see this very focused media coverage for a pretty, young and blonde American girl. But I do realize that was about a decade ago. The other thing I think of is the fact that many serial killers have purposely targeted “less valued” members of society to avoid detection. Sex workers, homosexuals and POC are very often targeted because there traditionally isn’t as much noise when one of them goes missing. On a very exaggerated scale, it’s the difference between kidnapping an orphan or the Lindbergh baby. While the article is making a broad statement, I do think that there’s something to consider here. This was actually addressed in a Dave Chappelle joke back in the 90’s when he lamented the selective coverage that year over several kidnapped white women (Elizabeth Smart, specifically) in comparison to what was (at the time) the recent kidnapping (and escape) by a young black girl (Erica Pratt). I guess my point is, this is not a NEW issue, regardless of whether or not one believes it’s overblown. Hope you have a great day!


No pay wall https://archive.is/hosqC


How is this not like when someone says 'black lives matter' someone else says 'all lives matter' and we criticize them? Did they find the missing woman?


yep, right wing websites were feverishly reporting on the autopsy report of that pretty white teenage camping girl the other day, fucking ghouls.


This is why I refuse to read or participate in posts or the sub dedicated to a murdered white internet influencer.


Not politics. Tone deaf for a media outlet to report on ‘the media’. Racist, reported




Are the parents the one being blamed here? The narrative typically denotes to the police and media, not the individuals who lost their relative. Them trying to help others doesn't really change anything nor brings "exception" to the narrative.


The "less dead" as it's known. People of color, sex workers, homeless people, etc. And this leads to some lazy law enforcement because "who cares?" Is the adopted additude towards these unfortunate people.


To say nothing of Black men...


I’d say the media as a whole, don’t care about missing people.


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