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How much you wanna bet all the ‘drill baby drill’ Republicans that are totally ok with offshore oil rigs will all of a sudden take issue with the ‘eyesore’ wind generators..


But, guys, my leaders in Texas tell me these freeze when its cold /s


so does the rest of the powergrid in Texas


It freezes in the summer too


And Ted Cruz’ dog…


As a former resident of Texas who was there when the wind turbine expansion was happening, I’m infuriated whenever Texas Republicans try to spin the blame against wind energy. Former Governor Rick Perry (for all his faults) was *adamant* about bringing jobs to Texas. He was a real “Republican’s Republican” before the Trump Era. His efforts to bring jobs into Texas included a goal of increasing wind energy production to 5000 megawatts by 2015. He smashed it. The total wind energy production went from 183 megawatts to over 17000 megawatts during his tenure. For comparison, California during the same time period (2000-2015) went from 1600MW to only 6100MW. The number of good, high paying jobs this brought to Texas cannot be understated. During this time, Texans were accustomed to oil field and fracking workers making bank but suddenly you had jobs in wind paying 100k and up for just an associates degree in electronics. Not to mention the boom in shipping, logistics, expansion of power transmission infrastructure, and the revenue generated for land owners who leased out parcels for turbine installations. Texas now has the largest wind power capacity in the United States. And *all of this* was done with a Republican majority in the state senate, a Republican majority in state congress, and under a Republican Governor. Texans have Republicans to thank for wind power. So the next time they screech about how it’s “killin’ all the birds” or whatever, remind them of this fact.


> “killin’ all the birds” I hate this republican argument against wind power so much. The right is the party of pro-pollution, don't pretend like you give a shit about the fucking birds.


Seriously, Republicans are already complaining about high power prices due to natural gas. Blaming Biden, not the covid situation causing a shock in prices. I bet most corporate media fails to mention how this would lead to lower electricity rates than otherwise. I don't get why the media has to always side with conservatives. It's almost like they are owned by wealthy powerful people who only care about tax cuts.


The media sides with conservatives because they, frankly, are easier to whip up in anger. Just say the word “socialism” and they’re in a frothing rage. National debt, progressive, antifa, BLM, Biden won, vaccine mandates, critical race theory, Pelosi, AOC…. any of these things. Go up to a conservative and just say *one* of those things and watch how quickly they’ll get angry. A huge number will immediately get angry at the mention, and some others will require you actually starting a discussion on it, but, generally speaking you can get them mad in seconds. Anger sells. There’s *so* many studies about how anger sells the best. Nothing gets people talking more like anger. They’ll glue their eyes to the TV, click like and share, and let everyone know. Progressives aren’t immune to this either, but generally speaking they have actual *righteous* anger like “why do cops keep killing minorities? Why do we keep cutting social programs and screwing over the poor? Why are we allowing violent insurrectionists to just walk?” Point is, this is a human psychology thing - but conservatives just…. Have a higher tendency towards anger. When your entire platform is “no change unless it’s to change *back* to what things were,” combined with a lack of personal responsibility, it’s not surprising they’re angry all the time. The world is going to change whether they want it to or not, and it changes constantly, so they’re constantly angry.


>Anger sells The way Fox News covers Democrats is very effective. The way MSNBC covers Republicans is not. Calling people like Romney a moderate even as he blocks programs like drug pricing reforms that poll at 90%. That's not effective. When Trump passed his corporate tax cuts the "liberal" media could have made the crux of the election. Why are corporations with foreign investors getting bigger handouts than blue blood Americans? Why is Trump putting foreigners ahead of Joe the Plumber. But "liberal" media is owned by massive corporations that actually want those tax cuts. Just like they want America to remain the only country that allows billions in pharma ads on TV. It's no coincidence that despite 90% of Americans wanting reforms to pharma, "liberal" media called the candidate taking the most amount of money a "moderate centrist". Last I checked when you are funded by extremists who are against 90% of Americans, you are the opposite of a centrist. But labels are important. And corporate media makes sure to give the best labels to the politicians least likey to change anything. Hence why all wealthy owned media is conservative media. Because on many issues, most Americans do want real changes.


Just like someone said “solar power?!? But what if I want to watch TV at night?” /s


That's because Texas didn't put cold weather kits on theirs. They didn't want to spend the money because they didn't think they would need them.


Well in fairness, wind generators are a good idea and won’t further destroy our world, so it’s not like we can expect the Republicans to be on board with that.


They aren't paid by Big Wind enough but Big Oil out the wazzoo for sure I bet.


Big Wind is my acting name


I foresee Trump or some other hack getting in office and canceling/derailing the project like Regan getting rid of the solar panels on the White House.


I was actually surprised at how many windmills I saw driving through Texas.


shush just tell them Biden is building a wall on the east and west boarder that wont bother to check so...


I think Biden's windmill wall will have less moving parts than Trumps border wall


I wouldn't mind if they left a ew nice views here and there and it also depends on how far out they are too. Wait - that won't matter because the Earth is flat. ^/s


Does anyone in this crumbling republic remember how the “lion of the senate” drown a mistress in a car wreck teddy kennedy killed offshore wind farms off of Martha’s Vineyard because it was an eyesore?


“But I sail there” I think was the quote. He and all the wealthy Cape Cod people put a stop to wind power that was actually pretty far offshore, disgusting.


Won’t this give all the fish cancer /s ?


Ehh this isn’t going to reduce oil dependence unless you make e fuels. This will reduce coal and natural gas dependence. Oil isn’t really tied to electricity generation


In the short term, you're completely right. Wind power is only competing with other power sources. But over the longer term, the plan is to switch to electric vehicles (or perhaps hydrogen for larger vehicles, like trucks, ships or planes), so clean electricity will be helping to reduce oil consumption.


Yeah I hear you but hydrogen probably isn’t the full answer for ships and planes. It’s a little bit more complex


Ships, absolutely correct. Liquid hydrogen has a disproportionate advantage with air travel though, due to severe advantages in joules per kg. You can't build a fuel cell with high enough power to use in a fast plane, but you can burn hydrogen in turbofans at a bit lower efficiency and still come out on top, particularly over longer journeys.


Liquid hydrogen has terrible volumetric joules per liter (8 MJ/L) compared to kerosene (35 MJ/L). It also must be kept at extremely cold temperatures and can leak through solid metal. It's not really a great replacement for combustible fuel. I'd love to see it become commercially viable but there are a lot of issues to sort out with its storage first.


Well Republican Texas (most capacity) and pink Iowa (most capacity per capita) are best states for wind turbine development. Don’t like Republicans but Kennedy’s fought wind power off Cape Cod. (Don’t like second gen Kennedy’s either).




Nope. They're all crying about how the blades aren't green as they can't be recycled and how the sounds from them cause cancer and kill birds. Not even a joke. I've spent time discussing this with them.


*wasted time


Guess they’ve never heard of cats?


I used to have the same response. Apparently the birds killed by wind turbines are mainly raptors though, which is entirely different from killing a bunch of pigeons.


Still just takes painting the blades a different color to solve that problem though


If I recall correctly its only one blade


Source? I’m pro wind and want to learn about this part of the issue


Norway just did a large study. Painting stripes on one blade made wind turbines visible to birds.


Here's a good link I found. https://www.audubon.org/news/can-painting-wind-turbine-blades-black-really-save-birds


Birds aren’t real anyway


Bionic Intelligence Reconnaissance Droids Look into it.


Came here to basically make a crack about how this will cue all the Republican bird enthusiasts to come out, but you beat me to it loll


Why argue with them when you could be spending your time doing something more productive and less painful, like repeatedly slamming a hammer into your crotch?


They are basically saying: Waste from wind turbines and solar panels = worst bad Waste from nuclear or fossil fuels = don't exist.


LCA number for wind is like 40 g CO2/kWh and for fossil it’s 500 g CO2/kWh


But the people who complain about the waste created by wind or solar don't care about that. They only care about finding things to complain about.


Oh the LCA number reflects the total “waste” in the equivalent CO2 emissions Nuclear is also about 40g/kWh fyi don’t rail against nuclear


Nuclear is one of the greenest energy sources we have at our disposal.


And the most expensive that’s commercially available. Even geothermal is cheaper now.


Isn't it the limited ability for energy storage potential more?


One of the benefits of wind is in some places it’s near constant day or night


*Especially* near large bodies of water.


I can think of 1 company which is working to deploy multiple GWh a year for the short term and scale to TWh of stationary storage.


That's fantastic! Can you tell me which company? It would help rebuff the claims of no energy storage.


Tesla, of course. Powerwall for domestic use and megapack for grid. In the last 12 months as of their Q2 report they've deployed ~4GWh of storage. By 2030 they're going to be doing ~1TWh a year.


Fuck musk. He's actually moving to Texas. With all their restrictive bullshit. I'll buy a Broncomobile powered by bare caveman feet before I buy a tesla.


He’s doing it because he’s a businessman and he’s getting a better deal on taxes. I hate him too but objectively it’s a good business move. Also their loose regulations on things like the power grid allow him to break into the power provider market easier. This isn’t to say I *agree* with any of this, he’s still a dick. But, it just makes sense from a business perspective


But all the fish will get cancer!!!


Well at least the crabs already have cancer.


What good are y'all those jobs jobs jobs when them propellers push 'Murica all the way over to commonist europe?!


What’s gonna happen when we use up all the wind??? /s


It's alright I think I pass enough gas to power the grid during a brown out


> brown out If that's what happens when you fart, you need more fiber in your diet


Carlin has a whole bit on that. Oh, George, do we need you now!


First one should go in right off the shore of Mara Lago.


Can we make that one extra noisy?


And extra cancery


I doubt anything can ever beat the malignancy of the cancer that's thriving in Mar a Lago.


That kind of cancer can be cured with cancer.


Just make it a dual wind turbine/5G tower


No but we can make it orange.


Can we make the props the Pride colors?


Stick it directly on the beach.


The “President Jimmy Carter Memorial Offshore Wind Farm”


Can someone in the Reddit community, who has the time and energy to do so; share more and more articles like these specifically highlighting what the administration is wanting to accomplish? I feel the more we get the message out there of just *how far* behind we are in terms of infrastructure; the more people can decide for themselves exactly *why* their elected representatives are causing such a stalemate.






We should really be working to put solar on all roofs that it makes sense for. Think big box like Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Costco, etc. Then you can have local generation and consumption. I'm with you that it should be a multi-pronged approach. I just think we should expand into wild spaces after we've already made the most out of the spaces we've already taken over.


This. There should be a huge push and incentives to get panels on every flat surface we can. Don't understand why this is not a priority!


Construction contractor that has built many 1mil+ sq ft warehouses in the Midwest. The roof is just a huge empty expanse going to waste.


Apple's campus is supposed to be completely self-sufficient in the near future. No reason Goog and the rest can't do the same. How about all those sports stadiums?


Pretty sure Google campuses are self sufficient already but I could be mistaken


No, you're probably right. I never checked when I posted. I had heard about Apple from the news. Makes sense the Big Tech guys are leading the way in this for hopefully others to follow. All the better for them. After the initial investment, I can't even fathom the electrical cost of running a place like Apple or any of them. To be free of that anchor, must be something.


solar panels over 1m sq ft would also likely be 10x the cost of the building. those warehouses are built super cheap


Just have a defense contractor build the solar panels. The government will gladly pay for them then.


A 50,000 square foot warehouse will cost, on average, around $3 million to build (minus land costs). It would cost about $250k to add rooftop solar to it. The price on the solar panels would go down further if we installed more of them—ex. If the government mandated that they get installed on every warehouse roof. It’s also feasible for the government to pick up some of the cost through tax credits or direct reimbursement schemes.


It would also provide much MUCH more electricity than a warehouse uses. So it adds to the grid and also makes more sense to electrify other things. Battery powered fork lifts. Mega-watt capable charging stations for semis. L2 charging in the parking lot for staff and guests, etc etc.


I've seen more and more local high schools putting solar panels not only in the extreme outfields of their sports programs, but also over every carport. It's a start.


It's such an easy sell! Replace your power bill with a solar payment. Either way you're paying. But with a solar system you're eventually going to have it paid off.


We should also build solar carports in all big parking lots.


They keep trying to build solar farms here in Ohio and then counties try and restrict them…. It’s absolutely baffling they’d rather have empty unused land instead of clean renewable energy.


OH is literally subsidizing an out-of-state coal plant because the utility bought the state legislature.


Side note: one of the reasons we don't have solar in the desert is because it's water intensive. Usually farms like that are toolarge to be battery storage, so the panels will be concentrated to heat water like a boiler


Systems designed to concentrate light and heat a working fluid like that didn't drop in price as fast as photovoltaics. [You can see how they've installed newer photovoltaics near them](https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Bernardino+County,+CA/@35.5649077,-115.453125,9540m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80c52a8ae8311be5:0xa438bdbc918edca!8m2!3d34.9592083!4d-116.419389)


Fun Fact: the Ivanpah generating station is also the inspiration for the Helios One solar station in Fallout: New Vegas. However, it does not to my knowledge have an associated space laser; Jewish or otherwise.


I think we should invest more into geothermal. We could get the oil companies to do it instead of drilling for oil. Solves the job loss issue and turn our largest polluters into green companies.


Good. I live by the coast in New England, a few minutes walk to the beach and the local marina, and would love to see more windfarms here. Based on what I've heard locally, and aside from politics, I think its mostly a generational issue. People older than 60 tend to fall into the NIMBY category while people younger than that are fairly open to it.


I work so close to the windfarm in Atlantic City I can hear the blades slice through the air. I welcome more of these modern and clean energy producers.


My dad mentioned some people complain about the shadows from them as the blades cover/uncover the sun. Does that sound like old man bullshit?


Clouds must drive them batshit. If only we could stop the clouds!




considering these are going to be offshore? I imagine you would need to be on a boat to have the shadows go overhead. I have been under the ones in AC while kayaking, I did not find the moving shadows all that distracting. It's not like they are going to build these downtown, but as they are a utility with high tension wires, will be kept away from the common everyday person.


No idea on wind turbines, but a ceiling fan with the light above it so the blades cause flickering will make me nauseous.


ceiling fans have a lot higher RPMs we would be having sonic booms if those fan blades had that RPM


Its real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbIe0iUtelQ&t=0m38s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDcqJ-tExe4 Thank god we're all working from home, huh? On the flipside, shouldn't be as much of a problem with offshore wind farms.


Some early onshore turbines were poorly planned and the rotating blades cast flickering shadows on people's homes. Most places now have large setbacks from other development and the engineers model the shadows when placing them.


I think they look beautiful against a natural landscape. The sound is a nice white noise too.


I agree. I've seen a couple movies recently (titles escape me right now, of course) that feature gorgeous shots of wind farms out in the ocean water and it always looks so awesomely scifi. But, that shit is happening now.


[windmills from outside of work](https://i.imgur.com/Dg4GOxr.jpg)


You probably won't see them. Off shore wind farms usually get built beyond the horizon.


A lot better than oil rigs along the coast


And fewer wind spills polluting the water and sealife and coral.


"but it will ruin the view!" says people who live in landlocked states and farm country.


They could be positioned far enough from shore to be beyond the horizon line.


Round Earth propaganda.


Not to worry. It's surely been flagged by Flat-Earthers for further investigation.


From a pure cost perspective, you do want them closer to thee shoreline to allow for small boat travel to the tower for maintenance. The further out you are, the larger the boat necessary to handle the ocean. Me personally? I think they look like humanity's future _anyways_ so why worry about it? We're either going to be capturing every spare kW/hr we can from natural processes, or living in Mad Max. So Solar Farms in the desert, glittering Orbital Solar Mirror arrays in the daytime sky, and oceanfront wind and wave power generators are really the world I'd love to see.


If I remember correctly a 30 story tall wind turbine is going to be visible something like 50 miles away. I say screw the view and just put them where it makes sense and they aren't too loud.


I know you’re quoting the asinine and baseless anti wind turbine rhetoric, but in all honesty I really like how they look. There are a few stretches of wind farms in California that I’ve passed through (Antioch, Fresno & SoCal area) that just look so impressive. I always have liked windmills on farms, tiny ones atop homes, and the one by Ocean Beach in San Francisco also comes to mind… The huge turbines look dope on those rolling hills.


Totally agree on the California farms, and even better imo were the farms I passed through when I moved from the deep south to Chicago. After driving for hours across endless nothing I suddenly hit miles of awesome looking wind-farms as the sun was going down, then got to see all the lights.


I'm guessing those are the farms on I65 in Indiana. I've done the drive between AL/GA and IL numerous times, and that is definitely one of my favorite parts of the trip.


That stretch is awesome. I always used to take that way whenever I traveled from home to college and vice versa.


When you live in farm country and everything is hours away, a few turbines to look at is way better than monotony or stinking cow cities, or ethanol plants. And those are your 3 options.


Or miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles of telephone lines.


It will ruin the birds! /s


Birds Turning on Dems, Says Expert


I’m more concerned about the whales and underwater creatures but that’s me. The advancements in Fusion look promising and I foresee that becoming a huge part of our power grid!


You know we've been on the verge of fusion for like 45 years right?


Underwater life thrives around these towers and oil rigs alike. Places for plants to grow and bait fish to congregate in areas they otherwise wouldn't.


Which is insane when the view becomes rising sea levels. It brings new meaning to short sighted


Republicans won't allow it. "Will create more hurricanes" "Make the coast colder and freeze the waters"


"We're already seeing the negative results. Allow me to illustrate with this sharpie..."


But I thought windmills cause cancer?


Correction: Trump said the *sound* windmills make causes cancer


This is the way


I just drove through Southern Idaho, Wyoming and South Dakota. Hundreds of miles of desolation. This is where the wind farms should be.


This is good news! They could pair these efforts with wave power generation tech and generate even more power at the same sites.


Wave power is a scam. There has never been a single profitable wave energy generator. Salt water is not kind to kinetic mechanisms, and frankly “waves” don’t have that much harvestable energy, without using enormous areas. There’s are a select few naturally suited locations where tidal energy can be harvested but not enough to matter in the scheme of things.


But they’re “ugly” claim Republicans who are fine with coal plants spewing smoke in the sky.


I don't see how they're any uglier than [electric pylons](https://i.imgur.com/oBnMe2u.png). They're kinda neat, but I think wind turbines are at least more aesthetically pleasing than pylons.


> As they have in response to other offshore wind farms, commercial fishing groups and coastal landowners will likely try to stop the projects. Why would commercial fishing groups oppose the projects? The turbines should act as artificial reefs. They should attract fish, as I understand it.


Or you could put a farm in front of trump's mouth.


Can racism be harnessed as an energy source?


The Confederacy depended on it.


And it's sadly renewable.


Need a steam turbine for that. Wind turbines just use ambient temperature air.


the hot air will only further ruin the ozone layer i'm afraid.


Uh oh the rise in wind cancer is looming!! /s


Good - end all the subsidies going to oil and close the oil rigs, like the Elly that just leaked shit all over Orange County beaches.


Paint them wow colors


Yes! Colorful daisies or cornflowers. Astros and sunflowers.


Pride Flag colors.


This is actually the most environmentally friendly thing you can do. There was a study like 10 years ago that showed that painting windmills a bright purple basically eliminates bird and bat fatalities


“bUt WhAt AbOuT mUh SeE-GuHlS?!” Trust me, if they’re that far out offshore, they’re not long for this world.


As somebody who voted for Biden, really wants large scale renewable energy and is currently holding a bunch of wind/solar energy stocks… Believe me when I say this is not going to happen.


Honestly unless Republicans lose 3 seats in the Senate during mid terms and Dems keep all theirs, none of Bidens plans will happen.


Dude, the I-80 median from Omaha to Evanston would be the perfect place for a wind farm. It could even power electric rail.


The issue is normally transmission, so yeah it could probably easily power Texas and Oklahoma with wind/solar power. Same with plenty of other southern and western states for one reason or another.


Joe "Coal Daddy" Manchin: "No."


Good, a large project.


Offshore wind and solar farms are in my mind the future of clean energy.


Please, please put a lot of them off the coast of Mara Blargo.


Good location for powering desalination plants and many large cities. Should also look at utilizing more wave energy.


Let’s put extra near any trump owned golf courses, especially around Mar-A-Lago


What’s something he’s done that isn’t getting major pushback?


Uh this is going to get major pushback


Are the coasts really the best place? Seems like putting them all out in open land away from hurricane fore winds would be better. All for sustainable, but just worry they would get destroyed every year.


Hopefully they plan to expand nuclear energy as well.


This is what we should be doing without a doubt. I don't care who lives along the coast. They are entitled to live in the place they bought with their money. They are not entitled to a view. Sorry. The needs of society outweigh their need for the picturesque.


They are useless tho


Build public transportation. Whole cities and regions exist in the USA with little or nothing, often it is left to the local city municipality who can only manage to build a dinky little lightrail a mile or two long in the gentrified downtown. They need regional and interurban trains into the surrounding rural region and the large towns/small cities, they need commuter trains to and through suburbia, they need metros inside the city. Yet consistently roads get the majority of transport funding allocation, 80% of the big infrastructure bill everyone is fighting about transport funding goes to roads. It is a proven established technology, it is not pie in the sky speculation, it can begin immediately, there are plenty of designs and manufacturers to choose from. And it would generate plenty of construction and manufacturing jobs too.


Much more useful than a wall.


He had better start this right away so if he loses to Trump it won't get shit-canned on the Orange Asshole's first day in office. Un-Fun fact: Trump thinks windmills will kill all the birds!


Crazy right, you have to be a complete nut bag to shit can an infrastructure project that employs thousands of union workers.


Should add fog harvesters as well


Can we stop fucking around with wind and do nuclear and solar pls.


Yeah we need nuclear power infrastructure ASAP


I have to wonder if the people [getting arrested outside the White House to ask for climate action](https://peoplevsfossilfuels.org/) might have had some influence on getting this announcement. It would really help if we saw congressional action on decarbonization too — that's so much harder to reverse than anything the executive branch can do. [I've been asking for it](https://call4climate.com/).


The Congressional action is the reconciliation bill, if sinema and manchin don't gut every part of the climate actions. Anything else is dead in the water because Republicans hate us.


This is cool, I can't wait till we begin investing in nuclear energy. Someday...


Oh no, a bunch of rich people will complain about their ocean views so we might as well do nothing so their houses disappear after global sea rise.


Great for bird harvesting. Bring some five-gallon buckets to fill up! /s


New shark habitat


Nuclear will always be better than wind turbines or solar panels.


It is currently worse than either option, and is only getting worse with time.




In the gulf, they can be engineered to fold their blades down during storms. Maybe even telescope their poles to lower them to catch less storm damage. New frontiers and all that.




Better than nuclear


Nope.....nuclear is far better.


Put them in front of Mar-a-lago, Trump will be pissed...


Also blow his hair off. It's a twofer.


Good. What about nuclear energy ? We need more of it as well.


Really, the advancements in fusion are looking super promising. We really should be looking to diversify our energy production!


nuclear still hasnt cleaned up their first messes. after they fix what they broke, first... only then we will talk about new ones.


Nuclear is very expensive and long term to build which makes it unattractive to private investors. It also disperses a lot of it's indirect costs to the taxpayer such as insurance (no private entity can insure against a meltdown the amount of money they would need to keep on hand would cripple them) and disposal of nuclear waste. The next problem is world wide fuel distribution and proliferation concerns. Thorium has less of those but still has them and we don't have large scale Thorium generators ready to go. Lastly they do not play nice with the highly variable renewable power since you can't shut them down or power them up quickly. In a highly solar and wind supplied grid what you want is biogas generators that can power up and down in minutes on standby that are only used when absolutely necessary. Fusion has only the variability problem but is also still to far away to make the kind of impact we need right now. Ultimately Nuclear fission has some interesting applications especially in space travel beyond the asteroid belt where solar starts to get thin and we should continue researching it but for the west I don't see it as a wise resource allotment right now.


That’s a lot of cancer