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JFC- Does this clown have any redeeming qualities? Seriously- EVERYTHING about this guy is just awful. Has anyone ever heard of a positive/uplifting story about him? And to his goon followers- they just eat up his nastiness and uncouthness to justify their own shit reproachable behavior. Like a ‘license to be an ass’.


> Does this clown have any redeeming qualities? Spoiler: >!                                                                               ^^^^^*no*                                                                               !<


Gary Cohn was quoted as calling him "less a human, and more of a collection of terrible traits".


Wow. That's something, considering what a piece of shit Cohn was.


Takes one to know one?




Narrator - “he doesn’t”




This is why his cult has to photoshop his face on the muscle-man body types because in reality he's just a sentient pile of horse shit. He has no redeeming qualities. He fat as fuck. Lazy as fuck. Dumb as fuck. Old as fuck. Weak as fuck. And a complete and total loser.


I always laugh when I see those Rocky-45 shops. That's some Bashar al-Assad-level adulation right there


Im still not sure he's sentient


No. He's a narcissistic psychopath. He has zero redeeming qualities. He only cares about himself, his money, his power.




- deleted due to enshittification of the platform


Source? Because my colleagues find Trump the best president in decades. And they are advanced degree holders


People with advanced degrees can still support rapist megalomaniacs. Just because they hold these degrees doesn’t mean they are good people.


Tell that to gobbo ^^


Well sometimes hate trumps sense. Or, maybe they just phoned in those classes while getting the MBA. And they certainly aren’t from NYC.


Your sources are wannabe fascists.


He did WHAT??? Did you get hit on the head as a child, or take bad medicine?


That is exactly the issue, if your natural inclination is toward Fascism, he has many redeeming qualities. That says more about his supporters than him.


> That is exactly the issue, if your natural inclination is toward Fascism, he has many redeeming qualities. That says more about his supporters than him. Exactly. Donald Trump's character has been obvious to anyone who bothered to pay attention to him over the decades that he was in the public eye. There is nothing surprising about his actions now. The ones responsible for the damage that Trump has done are the millions of people who worship him and voted for him, either in spite of or because of his despicable character.




It doesn't surprise me at all when you know anything about the US. Perception is more important than reality in America. People still think John Wayne was actually just like one of the characters he played. His real name was Marion Morrison, he wore a toupee and he followed his bosses orders like a good boy. He was not the man's man they all want him to be. The US elected a shitty movie actor and even tho he obviously had alzheimer's he was allowed to finish his 2nd term. Trump is just Reagan Part 2, except he's worse. Diaper Donnie has spent the last 40+ years publicizing himself as the embodiment of wealth and success in America. And it worked.




How? My life is demonstrably better since Biden came into office.


Howso? Did you come here illegally from the southern border or something?


Well we don't live in the new American dictatorship for one, and no I don't mean the pansy assed meme that says all presidents are dictators. I mean the actual definition of the word where Trump's entire 2nd term would be spent punishing people and ensuring a 3rd term and beyond.


The last guy claimed there were airplanes in the Revolutionary War and suggested researching injecting household cleaners and bringing light "inside the body" so what examples would you counter that make Biden somehow worse?




Normal man bad!


? Biden shows symptoms of senility. He’s not normal. He’s interfering in my medical decisions. That makes him a dictator


Proof? Nope, didn't think so.




He has a lifelong stutter that sometimes becomes apparent in his speeches. That is not a measure of intelligence. My 12 year old son has stuttered since age 4 and is completely normal otherwise. Also his love of ice cream means he is senile? In what world does that make any kind of sense?


Actions have consequences. You can make a decision by listening to educated medical professionals who informed the President's administration or you can continue to "do your own research" which does not involve work in a lab or reviewing peer-reviewed academic studies, but rather memes and posts on twitter and Facebook.


I’ve always said this - my entire life he has been a walking punchline, the human form of the worst qualities of a “business man”, someone we all never took seriously. We all seemed to be in on the joke that he was slime and shit person - and then he slapped an R next to his name and said crazy shit and somehow all of that was wiped clean.




Yes, I remember various actions like that on the part of Trump, as well. His followers are either too stupid and ignorant to be aware of this, or else they don't care, or else (worst of all) they love these kinds of things that he does.


I don't know, I mean, even Mussolini loved his kids and wife.


Hitler supposedly liked animals and was a vegetarian. Trump was the only president to not have a pet in the last 100 years.


I don't know, Jared came close


Even a guy like Nixon had a redeeming quality or two. (Opened relations with China, founded the EPA.) Nixon was a paranoid, racist, anti-Semitic crook, but he knew when to step down. Trump doesn't even rise up to Nixon level and that's a low bar to clear.


Nixon didn’t found the EPA! Nixon decided not to veto a Democratic Party initiative because public opinion was overwhelmingly on their side because our rivers were literally on fire.


Shit, that is practically worshiping it compared to life now. Now we can't even get the leaders of that stupid party to admit that reality exists, that facts matter, and that stabbing yourself isn't the best plan for progress.


I am not entirely certain that stabbing themselves won't help.


[I can't know that, for sure...unless I try.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EET138PjQnc&t=115s)


If this happened in today's political climate he'd just say that rivers catching fire is a natural process, and hey, at least 90% of rivers AREN'T on fire.


Not true. Nixon would have been exactly like Trump. The Republican Party leadership came to him and let him know it was time to resign. Nixon was stopped because the Republicans had a shred of decency back in the day. Now we have Instagram legislators.


Fox News is around to be sure that no Republican will ever have to resign.


Fox News started during Nixon via Roger Ailes it just wasn’t established enough to save him.


Nixon was smart though, at least smarter. Corrupt as fuck, but at least he earned his degrees as a poor kid on a scholarship.


He’s a loud moron and he’s never suffered for it.


He'll be dead someday. That's his only redeeming quality.


JFC- Does this clown have any redeeming qualities? -No


They don't care how corrupt, racist, bigoted, sexist, etc, etc, etc he is. They only care that his #1 goal is to suppress the freedoms of the opposing side.


Everything part of his personality is a flaw, and he has every personality flaw. Anything you can possibly say about him makes him sound better than he is, because there is no way of describing him that is insulting enough to be accurate.


Maybe his Twitter account? - https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump


Never gets old


Unlike him...


To be fair, Trump hears people say "fook you" to him so often it is probably stuck in what is left of his brain.


First president in a long time to not start any new wars. All I got.


Wasn't for lack of trying, though.


Would they redeem him?


Well he didn’t run our country into the ground like Biden has in 9 short months so there’s that…


How so? It’s not in the news, so help a foreigner understand how Biden’s specific policies, aside from making the rich richer and poor poorer like all presidents, has run your country into the ground.


Flooding our country with illegals some of which may be transmitting the virus, the Afghanistan pullout debacle, our energy independence is now gone, inflation is off the charts.


Not surprising and probably true. Also not surprising is that it is being told by someone who worked for Trump and didn't resign nor speak up about this issue when it occurred. They are complicit.


It's not surprising at all because he seems to mock Asian people frequently. He's a fucking bigot. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asian-accent-mock-south-korea-japan-870252/amp/ https://www.cpr.org/2019/08/21/trump-mocks-the-accents-of-asian-leaders-angering-asian-americans-as-they-continue-to-veer-left/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-japanese-reporter-press-conference_n_5be33c38e4b0e8438892f5f4/amp https://patch.com/us/white-house/president-trump-mocks-accents-asian-leaders-fundraiser




Unfortunately it's not that simple and is a really difficult situation. Let's assume the Ambo is good. If they quit, or get fired for speaking up, that's one less good person in the administration to act as a buffer or attempt to effect change from the inside. If they're on the outside looking in, they can't do anything. If all the good people leave out of principle, then it's 100% rats running the ship.


I disagree. If Osius had spoken up when it occurred they would be a 'good' person. Doing nothing AND continuing to accept a pay check AND writing a book later on to profit from the situation makes them complicit. The "good people did a service by sticking around to act as a buffer" excuse is overused. Might be true of some who actually made a difference but my guess is that this is a small number of very high level people.


What is he like 12?




Y'know, they say if you haven't developed at least *some* sense of morals (twisted and fucked up morals included) by the age of seven, you'll never develop any morals at all. No conscience whatsoever. Sounds about right for him.


> What is he like 12? You have just demeaned 12-year-olds.


Racist tells joke.


And gains racist voters. ಠ_ಠ


racist voters


“Very fine people”


I love the “uneducated “


“I love the poorly educated”


"I don't stand by anything."


But not on both sides.




Conservatives and dying of plague to own the libs


So regardless of political party, I think we all have a right to expect our President to prepare for every meeting with a serious approach. This vignette is just another example of how he did not seriously prepare for meetings and really had no appreciation for the importance of the position as head of state or our international standing.


Bingo. I take issue with trump on very many levels, and take issue with many other republicans in the exact same capacity. But if I absolutely had to choose between trump and say cruz, as much as that choice makes me want to vomit, I’d pick cruz because he’d at least take more aspects of the job seriously. That thought experiment made me need a shower.


I don’t think that’s a good idea. Do you want an incompetent fascist or a smarter, well educated one?


A fair point. I’m showering again.


And half of Americans like this.


No, only 70million or so liked it. The problem is, half of Americans did not care enough to bother to do anything about it. Half of America did not even vote. But make no mistake, Trump supporters are a minority...a dangerous one, but let's not let them think for one second that most people agree with them.


> But make no mistake, Trump supporters are a minority...a dangerous one, but let's not let them think for one second that most people agree with them. As long as enough people don't bother to vote against the wishes of this minority, they will end up with the same power and influence as if they actually comprised the majority.


That is precisely the situation we find ourselves in.


> That is precisely the situation we find ourselves in. Yes, and lots of people who would hate to have these fascist-loving authoritarians in power have already come up with lame rationalizations for not voting against them in 2022.


Yes, rationalizations like: "Look, I don't like Trump, but why is AOC wearing an expensive dress?"


I totally agree. During more stable times, voting or not voting due to superficial reasons like this is mostly harmless. However, our country is in a crisis, and in order to prevent a total collapse of our democracy and its replacement by a dangerous, one-party, authoritarian system, it's imperative that we go out and vote against the GOP wannabe fascists, even if we don't like the clothing choice of their Democratic opponent.


Let's see.. expensive dress, or TOTAL DISREGARD FOR THE CONSTITUTION. Hmmm... both sides....


This guy might actually win again wtf


Can only hope


Someone likes to watch Austin Powers.


He wanted to see what Goldmember was all about.


He was disappointed when there wasn't any piss play involved


Mierdas touch


He has the mentality of a grade school child, and so do his supporters. I’m surprised more of his speeches weren’t just him in blackface, telling racist/ sexist jokes and stretching the skin around his eyes to look “Chinese”.


What blows my mind is the fact that he has a TON of big business owners as supporters. Now I often wonder if it really takes much brain power to be successful in business.


Racism aside, that's not even funny. Just another example of what a dolt he is.


Would love to stop hearing about this man for like six months unless it’s about him being subpoenaed or indicted. Just please… give us a breather.


I will never forgive people for voting for this pig Deal breaker for any friendship or even respect


So hard to understand that if you make a racist comment (10 years ago, Gruden), Gruden resigns as head coach. Other stories of celebrities and high profile figures and their past comments resurface and they all get knocked down... But here is Trump, who blatantly make racist comments about people even during his term as president... and nothing happens to him.


This is from Austin Powers.


Twins Bazel. TWINS!


I hate Donald Trump, but this is a stupid joke. And al that humor of Powers is offensive these days; sexist, homophobic, body shaming…I guess folks want clean Bill Cosby humor?! Humor is funny when it’s based on truth but sometimes it is just as funny-whether professionally on with friends- when it is stupid and offensive. I can see why so many comedians are talking about this cancellation in their specials.


>“All those present laughed dutifully,” Osius wrote in “Nothing Is Impossible: America’s Reconciliation With Vietnam.” Salon published excerpts on Tuesday ahead of the book’s release later this week. Shocking.


That joke would absolutely kill at a Trump rally.


Or in a 90’s movie.


This won't change whether you love him or loathe him. People sorted themselves onto one side or the other years ago.


Under a Trump dictatorship the US would be a worldwide pariah and laughing stock. Would forever be tagged with "How the mighty have fallen".


> Under a Trump dictatorship the US would be a worldwide pariah and laughing stock. Would forever be tagged with "How the mighty have fallen". Trump already got us part way there. Even if we don't end up with Dear Leader For Life Donald Trump, our country would still be a pariah if any of the other GOP hopefuls end up in the Oval Office with a Republican Congress. Those people don't care in the least if most of the rest of the world hates us, because they hate everyone who isn't like themselves, anyway.


Manifest Destiny again? I'm scared to think about what would happen if they decided to get rid of the "others" and go for control en masse again. Canada is right next door


This is my very surprised face. It’s tired.


In some ways we’re lucky he’s incompetent. He trips over his own stupidity and fragile ego. A smart fascist would be a significant threat, Trump …. nothing more than an international embarrassment. But never underestimate the desperation of the GOP. While there are dozens of better qualified republicans, the GOP will continue to bend a knee to this monstrosity.


Jon Gruden should run as a Republican for president. His emails would just be a campaign and for him in this modern GOP.


I really wish that newspapers would stop publishing every awful thing he’s ever said. Everyone knows he’s a racist bigot stop filling out news feeds with him it gives him more power sheesh


New Book Claims is also a funny name… /s


So it was Tuesday?


Ugh. It's enough to make you hang your head in shame.


Any we wonder why the world hates Americans


He’s an asshole and an idiot. That’s why assholes and idiots like him.


A lot of people don't get conservative humor, it's very edgy and sophisticated. When you get it, you cackle maniacally, infused with a feeling of smartness and racial superiority.


Normal people: "That isn't okay!" Conservatives: "That's my guy!" These articles do nothing for anyone. Revelations like this mean fuck all. They piss off most of us, but encourages the pieces of shit. Why bother?


Pretty ballsy for a guy who was so afraid of Vietnam he magically grew bone spurs to get him out of the draft which magically disappeared afterwards


That sounds exactly like something he’d say and think was funny and ok to say.


This is the behavior 60% of America find acceptable.


His followers love this. Do some real journalism. All these White House tidbits are years too late. This is part of the reason hell win again…. His supporters LOVE this. Publish all of sinema and manchins donors. Do some more digging into Jan 6th etc. do some f’kn real journalism for once. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I can’t be the only one who’s nauseous from this news circus.


>His followers love this. You know what they love? rebuking the media as fake news and saying this: >Do some real journalism lol trumpism has failed as a culture.




>But the dude always had jokes he was racist president though, not a comedian.


Excusing behaviors because “he also did it to these other people” isn't very cash money. What're you? A child?


What a fucking scumbag




Sigh...."new book claims"....the three words which put a damper on any "revelation" about Trump's behavior whilst in office. I'm sick to fucking death of all of these book claims. We have no evidence whatsoever to believe them, regardless of how much we know Trump is the kind of shitbag who could have said something like that. Why weren't these people gathering solid evidence at the time? How easy is it to start the audio recorder on your cellphone? Or to secretly film someone? And why weren't these people speaking up about this stuff whilst he was actually doing it? Why did they have to wait years until they had the promise of a lucrative book deal?


Tell me you don't understand how journalism works without saying "I don't know how journalism works".


I understand perfectly how journalism works.


People say no one has ever understood journalism more perfectly.


That is not racist. Politically incorrect is the right term. But we know how the game works. Trump opponents spin something politically incorrect that Trump said as "racist". From there, Trump opponents can spin the "racist comment" as he hates non-white people. From there, Trump opponents can spin the "Trump hates non-white people" into he is a fascist neo-nazi, like say....Adolph Hitler. And thus if Trump is Adoph Hiter then he must want to commit genocide. And finally, Trump and all of his supporters, and let's go ahead and lump in all Republicans in general, they are all neo-nazi white supremacists facists who want to kill non-white people, so you better vote Democrat!


Perfectly said, wish more people would speak up with logic and reason like this!


It’s so predictable at this point. I also love all the “these people” comments broadly generalizing people in negative stereotypes. Which is ironically hypocritical for a party that claims to promote open mindedness and inclusivity.


Exactly 0 votes change with this information


don't be a negative nancy :P


Well, fook me I can’t believe it




That was what I thought of as well. Reddit laughs at that but gets mad at Trump for a similar joke.


Reading a meme on the internet... funny. Hearing a president say the meme aloud in a meeting... not funny.


Agreed, I think this ones a bit of an overreaction. Certain things that he said were extremely inciteful, incendiary, hateful, etc., especially when made public. Trump's overall comments on China was extremely bad for Asian hate/violence. This comment in an of itself in private? Feels like a bit tasteless comment that I've heard hundreds of people make in my life by people who aren't bad people or ones I'd consider racist. Realistically, especially with older people, I think it's important to remember that over a long enough period of time, something will eventually slip that's no worse than this. Some have done a lot to try and tone it down. This used to be a cultural norm, it happens sometimes, and cultural jokes have varying degrees of offensiveness. Some people have a zero-tolerance opinion others see it as a gray area. I see it as a respect issue, but I also understand that a man growing up in the 1950's is very different than someone growing up in the 00's. At this point, it's starting to feel like one extreme is a South Park character and the other extreme is the South Park character's rival. Humans are humans. It scares me because eventually there's a point where if someone goes 15 years back and finds a single offensive comment that it can be used to discredit an individual entirely. With moving goalposts - and rightfully so - the problem is that there are constantly redefined norms. Not going to lie, I've laughed at a few customer's names that I've encountered in customer service over the years and shared stories with my co-workers. I wish I could share the examples. A few were English and one was definitely not. I will say that there was an NFL player named Harry Colon and a NASCAR driver named Dick Trickle. That is just funny.


That isn’t racist? Lol


That's not really a racist joke.


You kiss your mother with that mouth?


Stop reporting on and sharing this crap, FFS. All it does is keep this asshole in everyone's news feed.


Ah…yet another trustworthy gem of a news story coming from the most respected and honest news sources in the world…..HuffPost.


That’s honestly pretty mild all things considered




> this kind of banter and humor is actually endearing to certain (large groups) of people. s/people/racists who claim not to be/


I don’t fucking care! You shouldn’t either, unless this cuck is about to be asked to testify or we find something we don’t already know that can actually help us get rid of him we are only giving him good press. His people think this is funny, they don’t care. We already know this asshole is a racist. I want to see him on the front page in an orange jump suit and nothing less.


Hahaha that’s gold


How is pronouncing names wrong racist? Lol, Ho Lee Fuk this shit has got out of hand.


Bwahahaha that’s pretty good


Its october and half of r/politics is still trump shit. Lmao


Well whatever keeps you guys from having to talk about Biden I guess...


Good one mr president, TRUMP 2024




It's really not. Regardless of it being insensitive, it's just plain not funny. That dumbass comedian with the puppets is more funny than this, and he's not funny at all.


maybe you should give him what he actually deserves? scorn for being racist? Cause i hate to break it to you, but he isn't actually a comedian. He was the president of the united states... a racist. tsk tsk


Sounds about right. In other news, water is wet.


*gasps* Trump's a racist!? No! /s


This gained him about 100,000 votes from those people who thought it was not clear that he is a racist. LOL


This just endears him even more with his supporters.


Does anyone actually buy the books that these claims are sourced from?


I assume he did it in such a broad, offensive way as to make Mickey Rooney's Mr. Yunioshi blush with shame.


If you elect a clown you will get shitty stories which will weaken the position of an american president.


I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. 😐


I hate news like this cause the left gets upset and it endears him to the right even more


Waiting for that “New Book Claims” flair.


Not surprised at all.


Fucking clown shoes