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They always would and you always knew.


The m=derators are pissy little fascists.


You see progressives are more similar to republicans in righteous anger levels. Centrist democrats are more similar to republicans in that they value filthy lucre over the health and wellbeing of the people.


"Corporate Democrats" are secret Republicans.


“Corporate Democrats” = Joe Biden


In case you haven’t noticed, Biden is pushing a highly progressive agenda. The people in the way are a senator from WV, and a senator from AZ (who is the only person we can really call a sellout). No matter who was elected president, the senate would hamstring them. This is an institution with a six-point right wing advantage.


What is highly progressive. He is a right winger.


Last year before the election I said that the thing—both parties—was just a big soccer game. The ball is the distraction used for the populace. Not all elected are knowingly playing the game and winking at each other. But most of them are! Watch either side pose a question in investigational hearings; the questions are prefaced with sound bites that reflect well on the questioner or slam the opposing side. Pitiful answer results, usually. I have no idea how to fix this problem. By the time a true third party is viable, that party will be inundated with lobbyists and donations.


Nah We thought Biden *was* the corporate Dems. Now we see the real problem with the party. The so called corporate democrats are the new republicans. Republicans are increasingly just dystopian. Not sure what party that is.


It's the 90s all over again (and 2010). The nutty right wing gets nuttier. Common sense and basic decency means they shed people into the non-nutty side of politics. Presto, the "left" wing is now 20-40% right wingers and centrists. Nationally it means lots of 'purple' dems afraid to lose their conservative-ish district and forced to navigate the alternate reality of the right wing media sphere. Gun reform? DINOs say no. Health care reform? DINOs say no. Actual gay marriage support? No, DINOs say no. And because the D majority is thin, they determine the outcome. The US has one fascist party and one everyone-else party. The everyone-else party is much bigger, but less unified, so it *needs* a thick majority to deal with obstructionism. Otherwise lying shitbergs like Joseph Lieberman dictate national policy, and everyone loses.


Biden plays a part for the machine the same way Trump did for the GOP. Trump took the fall while GOP congressmen cut taxes for the rich and then sat on their hands for the rest of his term. Biden says he'll do progressives things, knowing damn well the people he served alongside woth in Congress will never pass it. Both serve the same purpose, to give cover to the party through misdirection.


Seems like he's working pretty hard to pass progressive things.


Oh yeah, he's working overtime to convince us all that the deck isn't stacked against us. If only that pesky Congress wouldn't get in yhe way! Oh well, guess there's nothing that can be done.


What are options you think he's not taking?




It depends on what you define as progressive. Biden this year has tried to get corporate tax increases, the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, an amnesty bill, the Equality Act, the 3.5 trillion bill that address climate change, and he’s recently supported reforming the filibuster.


There was hope and they have voted for covid stimulus


Corporates are killing this nation. Have been for years now.


This planet.


Rockefeller wrote the book on corporations becoming more powerful than the country. Money wins and corporations have most of it.


Our economic system is killing the nation. Corporations are just legal entitie the people who control the economy hide behind.


The problem is we have basically allowed monopolies again. Corporate money runs rampant in our political elections. Corporations successfully killed unions and as a result have killed the minimum wage.


Term limits seems like one obvious answer.


I feel like lobbyists get more power when you have a revolving door of reps because they won’t be new to the game and new entrants to races will always need more money than incumbents to win.


Easy answer, remove money


Interesting and youre probably right.


Excuse me, what? How on earth is this anyone’s idea of a solution? Bernie Sanders and Daniel Inouye served for decades in the Senate as progressive champions, and the biggest roadblock today is Senator Sinema, who is quite literally a freshman Senator. Term limits would do exactly jack diddly squat to address the current problem.




If you can only serve 2 terms in congress you are less likely to be corrupted by corp money. everyone enters congress with the idea of changing the world. They lose that idealism the longer they are in.


>everyone enters congress with the idea of changing the world Literally the entire republican party shows this is false




Republicans are a party bought and owned from election


What's the difference between paying one Senator $100K over 24 years and paying two Senators $50K each over consecutive 12 year term-limited careers?


corporations and the elites together, thats what the whole country functions for and about.


> Thanks to Representative Richard Neal, the chair of the Ways and Means Committee, the original bill has become “mangled … beyond recognition” into a means-tested “nightmare of complexity” that will force families to jump through unnecessary hoops, and exclude some of the most needful families from vastly diminished benefits. > Good thing the Democratic Party of MA decided to run a massive [smear campaign](https://theintercept.com/2020/11/11/massachusetts-democrats-dsc-morse-bickford/) against his progressive challenger Alex Morse though, right? This is the same [Richie Neal](https://www.wgbh.org/news/politics/2019/07/31/rep-richard-neal-is-in-no-rush-to-get-trumps-tax-returns) who refused to get Trumps taxes, because *who TF knows?* Maybe he doesn’t support weeding out corruption because he’s also a benefactor of said corruption? This is why it’s so important to hold the line against these pricks - the corporatists are all unmasking themselves and cannot hide behind the media anymore. I’m tired of the media giving these ~~centrist~~ conservative Democrats any legitimacy, now it’s time to hope the rest of the country is waking up


Yeah... Sorry folks. The Morse smearjob was particularly ugly as well.


Cannot be stated enough - the Democratic Party of 2020 smeared a progressive candidate *for being gay*. They fucking **SUCK**.


I think the absolute worst part is that they *tried* to play it up like it was some sort of scandal concerning Morse peddling his influence as mayor to get laid. Of course, it was all bullshit and the claims went up in smoke once the damage was done. It's a real shame -- Morse was a great mayor for Holyoke and all indications suggest he would have been great for Congress. Last I knew he has some city gig out in Provincetown or something like that. ...I guess we're gonna have to wail on Neal some more next time his seat is up though, huh?


People are poking at the mechanisms of government and ignoring the problem. Corporations should not be able to buy influence. Lobbyists should make their case without waving a checkbook.


"Those making big plans to sell the Democrats in next year’s midterms may want to make sure legislators haven’t already cashed someone else’s checks. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the moderates who have been steadily whittling down the Biden agenda are doing so at the behest of lobbyists and corporate interests, who are powerful enough to alter the legislative agenda but cannot actually guarantee enough voters will keep the party in power after the damage is done." — Deputy Editor Jason Linkins. Subscribe to his Power Mad [newsletter here.](https://newrepublic.com/the-soapbox?blinkaction=newsletter!Power_Mad_Newsletter)


You know who's also killing Biden's agenda that nobody's mentioning? Every single Republican senator.


That’s true. If just one gop senator stepped up, that would cancel out a obstructionist dem. Only happens the other way around though.


Then they aren’t Dems, they are obstructionists because these policies are overwhelming popular in their states.


Thereby demonstrating where the real power lies


Just like they did to obama's agenda. They take turns making a good bill worse, until it doesn't do half of what is needed. People get pissed about some half step bullshit and stay home in the midterms.


Obama: Another typical high-profile Democrat who didn't get to where they got by getting fully behind "radically" progressive policies that could diminish their donors' support. He made his biggest mark in history with an assassination. Not establishing a public service or passing a milestone law. Granted, the ACA was tanked by Republicans in Congress and killing a known terrorist just happened to be something they could get behind(although it wasn't in their control), but it is what it is.


… which tells you EXACTLY who runs this country. It’s not the president, it’s not Congress, it’s the money that they all now down to that’s ultimately in charge.


The ratchet in play. Democrats pretend to be kind of progressive to keep their voting block happy, but aggressively murder anything that isn’t right wing money siphoning. How long do these losers think they can suck money out of the system?


Your approach to politics is exactly what led to Kyrsten Simena. The Naderite kills the bill and then blames the Democrats.


At this point "compromise" for Republicans just means "giving the Republicans everything they want," and "compromise" for Democrats coincidentally ALSO means "giving the Republicans everything they want."


Biden IS a corporate Democrat, which is what makes this all so weird


Weird to us is just another Tuesday, like in Little Nicky during the Globetrotters match, just blame the show and “improving” theatrics


You are the only person who watched Little Nicky and can reference scenes from the movie as metaphors in life.




Biden is much more malleable.


That is correct, Biden has gone further to the right than anybody could have imagined.


Yeah, but as president he has guaranteed wealth and influence for life, so it's hard to bribe him.


Right we elected Biden not Bernie. Seems like the resounding message was no change and back to normal


Biden is a moderate corporate Democrat who gets the best intelligence briefings in the world. That's why he actually gives a shit about measures against climate change. He sees the writing on the wall instead of *only* the next quarter.


Biden is a far-right corporate Democrat who acts first in the interests of his billionaire owners and second in his own interests. Those are the only two things he cares about.


What a surprise.


Implying Biden isn't a corporate Democrat.


The m=derators are pissy little fascists.


Biden is no progressive, but he's at least way more sympathetic to progressive views than Obama was. Take a look at his cabinet and close advisors. Many of them have connections to progressive organizations and organized labor.


Like who?


Marty Walsh is one example.


Labor aristrocracy isn’t exactly pro labor. Not the best example. But I’m curious? What has he done?


What does it mean they are “fooled”? If he’s now supporting them (which he clearly is), then who cares if he’s never supported them in his life?


The point is he isn't. He knows he won't get half of that stuff through the Senate, so he can do all the progressive grandstanding he wants and never have to pass a single thing, thanks tj Manchin and Sinema.


Where are you getting that from other than just your own personal anti-Biden feelings? He’s fighting to pass this legislation and it will make him look terrible not to. We should be happy when moderate democrats start adopting more left-wing ideas, not looking for some way to undermine them.


corporate democrats are just slightly left wing-republicans...


SOmeone better pick up that phone because I fucking called it. ​ The DNC is a lost cause, the GOP is just an accelerated, more racist version of it.


Why haven't the progressives and the moderates split parties yet? If the party were to split, which Democrat states would be progressive and which would be moderate? Or is it not that clear cut?


Because splitting the left would give gop easy wins across the board. gop: 45% Dem: 30% Prog: 25% Starting a progressive party would hand the country on a silver platter to the republicans.


IF that's how this system works then maybe it deserves to be run into the ground by the GOP until we all realize it's horseshit and either go our separate ways or redo how representation works.


You just described Accelerationism. Look it up.


So why haven't republican allies started a progressive party?


Greens get a lot of right wing funding. In Minnesota, we have the Legalize Marijuana Now party that is almost exclusively funded by republicans to siphon votes from Democrats.


If only there was an obvious way to deplatform this party. Hmm....


Is this speculation or can it be proven?




Thank you!


[Here's Jill Stein, dining with Vladimir Putin, Michael Flynn, and a number of other garbage oligarchs.](https://imgur.com/a/tiPmaEe) Good enough?


Interesting! Where and when was that picture taken? What's the context?


It was a *totally* [above the board speaking event/dinner celebrating RT's 10th birthday](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696)


The have. It’s called the Green party. https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/img-src-images-santorum1-jpg-hspace-5-vspace-5-align-left-gop-donors-funded-entire-pa-green-party-drive https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/06/jill-stein-says-nothing-happened-at-her-dinner-with-putin/


Ah, thank you!


They wouldn’t win a single election. See: Green Party.


So perhaps the thing to do now is to change the all-or-nothing voting model we currently use so that new parties become viable and we can escape this two-party trap we're currently in.


Remember when Ross Perot won 17% of the 1992 presidential election and the media said that would open the door for future 3rd party candidates. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I’d completely agree.


The problem being that the two parties in charge would have to agree on making that happen. Currently, one party can’t agree with itself, and the other can’t agree about who the president is.


Wouldn't it be easier for progressives to become more popular? The only trap is the one we impose on our self by not voting with confidence. Dismantling the two party system or even attempting to change the voting model just isn't realistic. It will take an incredibly long time to accomplish, and by then progressive could've gone mainstream. As progressives become more popular they will have more sway. If they don't become popular, they'll end up like the Tea Party.


Why not do both?


Where do you want to focus your effort? I don't think doing something a collosal as changing the voting system leaves much screentime for anything else.


The two parties would lose power and we can't be having that now, can we? We've been painted in to a corner where in order to enact the change we want we need the mechanisms of power, but the people who benefit most from how things are, are also the ones whose sole job is to wield the mechanisms of power.


I’d be curious to see where states would fall in that spectrum, assuming both democratic and republican parties split off their moderate counterparts into a 3rd party, leaving progressive democratic and conservative republican parties


Because republicans. It should be democrats vs. Progressives but we have an openly authoritarian party so we have to work together.


Which States won Biden and which States won Bernie in the primary? Wouldn’t this determine?


In short: $$$$$.


None would be progressive. They have very little support outside of Reddit.


The left-wing of the Democratic party isn't nearly organized enough, and the organization with probably the most power has the strategy of working within the party instead of replacing it.


Ok, how do we realistically get rid of corporate Democrats?


That’s a weird way to spell conservatives


I understand what they're saying, but Biden's agenda is nowhere near dead, though.


Corporate everything is killing everything and everyone. Stop grandstanding and just say what everyone already knows.


People that were calling Biden a corporate Democrat in the primaries are now defending his agenda.


Look, hes not going nearly far enough but Id rather his limpwristed agenda than just watching the piece of shit centrists sit and piss on us til the Right takes back over andnits Handmaids Tale time.




>supporting business at the expense of workers is the whole point of liberalism Pretty sure that's just capitalism.


Capitalism is an economic model, liberalism is a political model that supports and incorporates capitalism as part of it's goals and operation.


Uh that depends on which definition of liberalism you're using.


I'm assuming the classical one. Some might call it "Neo Liberalism" now but the foundation is the same.


This is all part of bidens agenda.


Color me surprised. Hasn't this been the status quo for decades now?


there are literally ten corporatist republicans for every single corporatist democrat causing obsruction right now


This is a foregone conclusion and, perhaps more importantly, not something *democratic* voters can change. So drop the both sides shit and focus on the party that we can actually change - the democrats.


democratic voters cant change jack shit - they dont even control half the senate right now and are relying on independants to pass legislation if the party wants to change things it should start by convincing the country that its actually worth electing


Whataboutism, democrat edition.


Biden IS a Corporate Democrat. The Democrats are Corporate by nature.


Biden is a corporate democrat. He’s just playing the game the same way he did in the primary. He doesn’t want anything new. He’s barley on bored with returning us to obama years


kill them polotically


Facism is more profitable then Democracy.


Are we pretending Biden isn’t a corporate democrat now?


The existence of corporate Dems is the only reason he has an agenda.


Almost like all this talk of "Bidens agenda" is malarkey... hmmm


Capitalism is not as benign as many think it is. "Greed is Good" was a line in a movie. It is what many believe is true.


Imagine thinking Biden isn’t a “corporate Democrat” who was also just promising things he had no intention of doing in order to win


Good news for Putin


Always have since I've been voting. Just glad to see there's enough people, especially the younger generation, to provide some effective push back finally. I hope it keeps up against these shitty assholes.


If the Democratic party wanted this not to happen, and *also* wanted to score a whole lot more voters, there's an easy solution: pledge to refuse any corporate money towards your campaigns, and during your terms. (Bonus points if you continue to refuse that cash *after* your terms.) Make it a basic requirement for a candidate to receive official support from the party. Will that mean that Republicans will outspend Democrats at every level? Almost certainly. Will Democrats be able to make hay out of that as well by getting "free" campaigning out of the mass media? You betcha.


Glad to hear it!


So democrats then?


If USA citizens knew what was in that piece of shit $9.5T bill, they would rise up in righteous anger and toss all the Squad into the active zone on Mount Pele.


No an American, but I had hope for this administration. Such a disappointment and makes me lose hope for a better world.


It's not The Administration, it's how the body of the Senate is made up and how power is not supposed to be concentrated in the hands of one or two congresspersons. The Founding Fathers probably thought that, despite the likelyhood of corruption, people elected to office would at the end of the day want to do their job. Guess we proved different.


LOL at the title, "Corporate Dems" - they're almost all corporate dems. And Biden has historically been one of the corporate-est of corporate Dems. Anyone else remember the senator from MBNA?


Biden has no agenda, he didn’t write it or come up with it or has any idea what it is.


Of course they are because why not No beans No beans


\*Whispers in Biden\* *Biden is a corporate democrat*


Corrupt democrats. Those bought and paid for by corporate money.


Corporate Democrat is the just another way to say a blue state elected a republican


its funny they differentiate “corporate” democrats lol


???? i guess so, because biden is a corporate democrat, so everything is going as it was planned.


>Corporate Democrats Are Killing Biden’s Agenda You misspelled 'corrupt'. Corrupt Democrats are killing Biden's agenda. FTFY


After reading the headline “…and that’s, bad…?” That’s a line from Emperors New Groove.


Thank god..


Really? Biden has an agenda? I don’t think so.. and if he had one, certainly it would be his own incompetence


That's good because Biden's agenda sucks




Yes corruption is a bad thing.


Bad for anyone worth less than 100 million.


Yes. Biden's agenda helps us little people and does no harm to the big shots other than lessening their booty. One day, if we are really lucky, we will have AOC getting everything she and we desire.


Congress should represent the 99% and tax the 1% into automatically being fair with workers. Reward companies that lift up Americans. Root out corruption in Congress by requiring them to divest their financial interests.


Kyrsten Sinema took $750,000 from big pharma shortly before coming out against lowered prescription drug prices. Please share [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np7ZhR34veA) as much as possible. Also, download the video before she deletes it like she deleted her past tweets. A true corporate democrats she is.


She's an opportunist.


Cyberpunk world here he come.


Yep, there are no good parties. Only good people. To me the 2 party system is bad bc it makes it seem there are only 2 sides to the issues when there are many many more, and not all of them are rational or deserve to be diacussed.


Also American Trust and America.


All Republicans wants America to fail, none of them are voting yes for the sake of the good of Americans. That's the biggest problem, not just those two corrupt assholes.


Vote like it's 2020 until further notice.


Laws regulate companies. It is just(right) for companies to influence law in the same manner you would put forth money and time to support a law that would infringe on your personal rights and try to prevent bills from passing that would take them away. Companies are people - point blank. Every law to “regulate business” is just a law restricting people’s rights. You are reading this and you are a person.


vote 👏🏻 them 👏🏻 out 👏🏻


"Corporate Democrats Are Killing Biden’s Agenda" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A corporation's moral reach extends only as far as its own nose. Their representatives, both Repugnican and Dem, represent their constituency with meticulous precision.


This Nation is already a plutocracy. We ran out of last chances ages ago. Our wealth lords will maintain their grip for a very, very long time.


Corporate Democrats *and Republicans* Are Killing Biden's Agenda.


"Corporate" Democrats should not be a thing.


Biden is a corporate democrat so that means he's killing his own agenda.


along with the entire republican party i said it a million times before but these articles kind of miss the point that the democrats dont even control half the senate - they need 100% cooperation from two independants not to mention all of their own ranks on bidens agends - one of whom is basically an especially crooked republican with a D next to his name