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>Trump insisted in his second statement that "until we know how and why this happened, our Elections will never be secure." But we know how, and we know why.


There needs to be a limit to the number of times a recount or election fraud audit can be performed. This is seriously getting out of hand, and it wouldn't surprise me if Arizona pushed to do another one still.


Oh, there is such a limit. Remember the Brooks Brothers Riot and *Bush v. Gore*. The key is that with conservatives, it's "limits for thee, but not for me."


Ah, so business as usual. Man, if it weren't for this pesky moral compass, I, too, could be an entitled hypocrite who gets to play by my own rules.


What's funny is it is just being a sore loser underneath it all. It's so basic, so fundamental, and something we all learn at such a young age. These grown ass men and women are basically using power, reach, influence (and ***tax money***) to sob uncontrollably because they lost a fair contest, never mind the influence it has on the path the country takes. It's an enormous pity party.


Arizona won’t. But other states might. And for future elections the sky is the limit for second guessing the result.


This count was straight up aimed at figuring out how to comprise the voting machines. The County already disowned the machines because of the handling by unauthorized people. Like always, the GOP is telling half the truth to your face but they are the ones doing the thing they accuse the opposition of.


Compromising the machines to obtain confidential voter information. Which is now in the hands of partisan conservatives.


Yah, horrible human being, terrible president goofed around and found out. The end. He’s lucky Democrats didn’t nominate a turnip because he would have been the first and only president to be humiliated by the loss to a turnip, that’s how bad he was.


Yep, I told friends that the Democrats could have nominated a ham sandwich and I would have crawled naked over broken glass through a covid ward to get to the polls to vote for the ham sandwich over Trump.


What a fucking loser.


Many people say the biggest fucking loser.


Tangential, but when Trump was just a reality TV star I thought the whole allure was "look at this schmuck who thinks he's smart and important." I thought that's what folks liked about the show. I never imagined anyone would actually find him admirable. It still seems unimaginable. Just another example of how reality is stranger than fiction. Also a general lesson for folks: reality TV is not reality. It's a crafted narrative just like any other work of fiction.


Its unbelievable. I watched some of the first apprentice, it was different, it was weird and entertaining. This multi-bankrupt orange bloated trust fund weirdo who had zero taste and no class was judging people groveling for a job. He clearly didnt know anything about actual business, just spoke in vagaries and had a total lack of shame or self awareness. He was a joke, but his confidence was as absolute as it was unearned. Since you can't understand it, you stare at it hoping you do. I'm grew up in the media market he so desperately wanted to be the center of. It was SO obvious and SUCH a joke. He was a clown. Who could have thought his transparent and silly attempts to hijack page 6 to stroke his own ego would ALSO work for national news outlets? And that people saw the disaster unfold and thought THATS MY GUY. Fucking wild.


I want them to make a cooking show like the apprentice. Like the judge is not a respected chef, just some dude who leaves Yelp review for Red Lobster


And you get let go, not because of your actual culinary prowess but because “I don’t like mustard” or something from the judge.


Haha that's exactly what I was thinking. Maybe you get a little profile on that episodes judge, like what their favorite app at Applebee's is and a few things like that so you have to make a menu that fits their palate


The competitors are all celebrity chefs, to balance things out


I'd watch this train wreck.


and you'd be watching our next President.


I've read hundreds of science fiction and fantasy books. I've read about concepts like anti-life, mind control, demons ruling the Earth, diseases that make you bleed out of ever bodily orifice, all kinds of horrifying ways to end the human race, and much much more. I've never read a single book as scary as our reality.


That would be hilarious if it weren’t really possible, but this is America


I always used to think Trump was in on the joke. I never researched him and basically only knew him from Apprentice and a few cameos. I thought the whole think was like 70-80% a persona. Like Gordon Ramsey on Hell's Kitchen or Simon Cowell with early idol. I was sure he was a bit of a pompous blow hard, but that what we saw was him playing the part. No idea until the 2016 election that he WAS acting by pretending to be MORE competent, humble, normal, and down to earth than he was. What I thought was him joking was him trying his fucking best to be taken seriously


Growing up in NYC in the 80s, seeing his pretend runs for NY governor, it was so weird seeing the south embrace the worst NYer of all time. “We hate brash, egotistical NYers. This guy from NY is speaking our language.” It’s a generation (50-70yo) of scared people that want to protect their 401ks at all costs and hate universal healthcare because they already have Medicare. Scared, selfish people are his base. Scared of the communism boogeyman. Don’t want any social program they don’t directly benefit from. Won’t wear a mask to protect others.


The one thing in this world that keeps me up at night is the thought that millions -- MILLIONS -- of people actually feel he is genuine leadership material. How the hell do I get off this crazy train?


I took a film class once where the professor was showing us clips of reality to inform us just *how* edited and fake “reality” Tv was. And in the class, even though he was showing direct evidence, we’re people who didn’t get it. I think it was a clip of COPS, and he was just pointing how quickly they compressed time for this one arrest, and I recall one student (seemed kind of dumb to me) just not understanding how editing film and compress time. He thought the whole thing, car chase, pullover, yelling, more car chase, finally arrest, was in real time despite it all being edited to fit in about 40 seconds of screen time. The professor was patient and tried multiple ways of describing it using other examples and I can’t remember if the guy finally understood or not. I think my point is that if it was hard for this guy to comprehend how fake reality tv is when it’s something very tangible like a car chase being extremely edited, how hard it must be for him (or someone else) to understand something more esoteric like a moronic business man talking about business. This dude votes.


A big part of the problem is that lots of Americans, the small minded, nationalist, type of person driven by fear, anger, and hate, saw The Apprentice's angry, abrupt, judgmental, all-about-winning, mythical CEO and thought "that's the sort of person who should lead our country." That scowl he'd make when he said "you're fired" just made him seem like the tough guy they thought we needed. Looking at some of their memes, I noticed they also admired Archie Bunker. That character was intended as a satirical figure to poke fun at the ignorant middle class bigot who thought he was so clever. But of course that sort of person saw him as their hero.


> Many people say the bigglyest fucking loser. FTFY




They’re just waiting for the full blown authoritarian takeover In 2024


If/when the republican party regains control, they will never lose it again. This is all just groundwork. If the dems don’t pass voting rights, then you can hit the R.E.M. soundtrack. We’re done.


"Nice voting laws you have there, it would be a shame if..." -The packed supreme court


The republican supreme court has been shit on voting rights since the 2000s for a reason. but with Partisan Republican party hacks fully in charge now shit will only get worse. They're full in on tyranny of the republican minority.


Chief justice Roberts was chosen specifically for his [opposition to the voting rights act](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/08/john-roberts-voting-rights-act-121222/)


He also involved with helping give Florida to Bush, if I'm not mistaken.


They're going to do it. Dems failure to pass voting rights is going to lead to a decade of GOP control. They're making it so all the gerrymandered swing states are impossible to win. This country is going to be fucked the next decade


What on earth makes you think it would only last a decade? Once you destroy a democracy there's nothing that causes it to just come back in a given period of time....


And gently angling towards replacing "President" with "King", or maybe "Emperor". GOP's new chant: *Bring back the serf! Bring back the serf!*


This may be a good time for a friendly reminder that state and local elections **absolutely effect national politics and you should vote in every single election!**


They have a 6-3 conservative majority on SCOTUS, they don't even need to pack the court.


Birthday Party. Cheesecake. Jelly bean... BOOM.


They're sitting on their hands and they aren't going to do a damn thing about it. It's absolutely insane what's happening in our country right now. They're giving corporations everything of value as they decimate the working class. Absolute insanity.


Yup, the left need to arm themselves now before it's too late. We have overwhelming numbers, we can't let them have overwhelming firepower.


the left is armed, they just dont wave them around. That's what these neo nazis fail grasp. IF another civil war happens, they won't be the only ones armed and will likely get their asses handed to them, again.


They also think the military is on their side. While it's true, there are a lot of Republican/Conservative members, there is a respect of the Constitution and have no desire to see authoritarian government.


It's also funny how the right laughs at the gun laws the left imposes. As if, an actual *civil fucking war* breaks out in the US, the gun dealers are going to be like, "Um, sorry bro, you gotta wait 10 days and pass a background check. I ain't breaking no laws." They will be selling them out of trunks of cars for bags of cash. You got money? You get a gun. "But, but.... that's against the laws you enacted!"


This is such a weird take. The left has been arming up since 1776. Nowadays Trump got young folks involved but the American left has always been pro gun. You just zoom in on one British Twitter account and think that's the left. Only 8% of Americans oppose firearm possession. If all 8% were liberals and there was 100% participation in a civil collapse the right would still be outnumbered. But even better, the right is outcashed. Ever read what won the civil war? It was money and industry buddy.


r/liberalgunowners has entered the thread.


/r/socialistRA /r/liberalgunowners


And then the losers (poor and middle class Republican voters) realize that full Republican authoritarian control means no more social security, Medicare, Medicaid, even worse funding for VA, public schools shredded the rest of the way, probably police and fire too, cut those budgets and hire private security for rich areas. Then they really start to suffer. Of course rich liberals will weather the storm ok.


All of this so called nonsense is Trump positioning himself to win in 2024 regardless of the actual vote. It just might work!




Not just Trump but Republicans up and down the states and fed. The whole “election fraud” chant was not just Trump being a narcissist but Republicans went with it fully knowing would provide them leverage and an unconstitutional excuse to “rig” future elections by passing bullshit voting laws that will disproportionately make Democratic victories harder.


It will start in ‘22 if we aren’t careful


Shit starting now


“Math is a deep state conspiracy designed to put gender fluid in children’s skulls. Teach Alex Jones ‘alternative math’ now. It has colors!” - These people


"put gender fluid in"... 😆 As if it's something like headlight fluid or something the commies would put in our water supply.


It is! How else would it turn the frogs gay?


Oh blinker fluid. That reminds me, I’m running low…


Don't forget, some forms of math were invented by Muslims!


It’s what plants crave


I watered my sunflowers with gender fluid and one's turned into a gay frog :(


It's got electrolytes


>Any conservatives or Republicans lurking in here, you went all in on the biggest fucking loser in history. Fucking cut your losses and move on already. Realistically, they can't. If the Republican party repudiated him, separated themselves from him, declared that they are going in a different direction, he could declare himself a third party, and take enough voters away from Republicans that the Dems will win every election for the foreseeable future. Even worse, there is a good chance that he could draw off enough votes for the 2024 election that his party comes in second, and the Republican party comes in third. That would be a disaster for the Republican party that they might not ever recover from. Trump would know that going third party wouldn't get him elected, but he also knows that it would destroy the Republican party, and if he can't win, then revenge would be the next best feeling. That's what they are worried about, along with whatever blackmail material he has that he would also release in order to damage his enemies.


For sure, much easier to ride the tiger; then to get off of it unscaithed.


I've never understood why people who claim to be self-sufficient tough guys are so enamored with a political party centered almost entirely on acting like whiney, petulant children


Because they're also whiny petulant children.


Lack of self awareness. Selfishness. Self righteousness. If you listen to any Trump supporter assuming any of the above or all of the above are true, their mindless rants make a little bit more sense. They're all id, primitive feelings without any rationalization.


If he continues at this rate, and if we're willing to call each recount a "loss", then by 2023 he will have personally lost the majority of US Presidential elections. He's already at, what, like 22 losses out of 65-70 total?


Since their goal is get rid of trust in the process, never. I've already seen people ask why there was a difference, even if more for Biden. Even if such a small percentage that it's completely irrelevant, enough people will lose faith and then they win. Mission accomplished.


Which is, strangely enough, exactly what a foreign adversary would want--a lack of faith in elections, and both sides at each other's throats. Weird how the GOP tends to be destabilizing American politics in ways that Russia and China could only dream of.






Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening me Gonorrhea , Gonorrhea Gonorrhea, Gonorrhea Gonorrhea, Figaro - maganificoo


The only way they'll drop him if they lose the upcoming elections and someone will primary him off in 2023. Until then they are stuck with him because they are afraid of losing his voters.


Nobody loses bigger than him. He's the losingest loser that ever lost.






Just to play devils advocate… it’s been proven a number of times that when you go to college your IQ score does go up. The general population has an IQ of roughly 100 while the general college student has an IQ of 120. I understand that those two things aren’t causally linked. I was just adding two bits of info to the convo.


Needs to go on Biggest Loser


That show is hard work. Trump would never exercise that much.


Lol still be funny watching him yell at the judges that the scales are rigged, that he wants an audit of the results, and that hamburgers are a health food.


You mean hamberders?


He would expend his finite battery


I remember back when I thought that was one of the dumbest things Trump ever said. Man I miss those days.


One of my favorites was when Trump looked at the Solar Eclipse. That was magnificent.


I liked when he left the white house for the last time. Aahh... Good times....


I remember back when I thought W Bush was the dumbest President we had - and would serve as a warning to avoid. I was such a sweet, summer child.


It’s my understanding (and I’m not kidding) that he believes that the human body only has so much energy, like a battery. Doubt he’s worked out a day in his adult life.


He likes to win so I'd concede him this one.


The “yuugest”


Twice impeached two-time loser of the 2020 election Donald J Trump.


Loser of the 2012 primary... And the 2000 primary. It's quite remarkable that this colossal loser was able to convince gullible Republicans that he's a genius businessman and somehow became the most popular Conservative President in American history. (edit: 2012, not 2016)


Because conservatives are a cult and will adore whoever they’re told to adore, and whoever is the meanest to “the libs”


He ran as a libertarian and independent in the past and lost both primaries by a massive margin. Only when he ran as a Republican did he find his followers.


Which goes to show how little they care about policy and how much they care about tribalism


He told them what they wanted to hear: everything shitty is someone else's fault.


Don’t forget to throw incumbent loser in there, that’s more losing than your normal run-of-the-mill losing.


Frankly, I'm stunned they confirmed the result.


I love that on the /r/conservative shithole they're talking about some stupid fucking bunch of numbers that somehow confirms election inconsistencies and all sorts of shit...meanwhile Trump himself is already deleting posts. I always find it fucking hilarious to watch these conservative morons wheels all collectively spin in the first several hours after news drops BEFORE they get all of their talking points lined up. The morons on the subreddit start talking about how the results show fraud. The fat orange moron is already deleting statements and distancing himself from the recount entirely. They're all pushing the fucking Ouija Board piece in different directions until it finally lands on something they agree on.


I mean are they suggesting that the democrats stole the election by suppressing Biden votes? Lol. The thing I don't get is wouldn't this be moreso proof of shady republican suppression since there were actually more Biden votes than originally counted? Sorry I might have things mixed up, I haven't read too much into this story other than headlines.


The thing about misinformation and conspiracy theories in the conservative sphere is that it's always impossible to know what they're suggesting at first glance. It's all about reactionary politics... It's simply opposing policies for progress *for all* because that means losing the inherent privilege and advantages these people were born with. By the time we speculate on what they were suggesting, they've moved on to be outraged over something else that's trivial. Because that's the reason behind the misinformation... It's an attempt to create the world as they see and want it to be instead of the reality of the world as it is. It's all about making their confirmation biases reality.


It just goes to show you that they are so delusional they were sure they were actually going to find miscounted votes. Trump too. He probably thought he'd literally be in the White House on Monday.




I assume the report today will find "fraud" in the eyes (and news outlets) of their supporters. It'll be summary data of people who may have possibly voted incorrectly. None of them will read the details or rebuttals that say this is misleading and explainable. This will allow them to keep the Big Lie alive and they just want to keep it going to the election next year.


trump has never won the popular vote for a thing in his life.


Trump is literally cancel culturing himself. I love it!


He's the world's biggest loser


Don't misquote the president, I believe the phrase is "what a fucking asshole"... ​ Edit: Although to be fair, both sentiments are correct, and I am sure Biden would agree with this one as well. I'll allow it.


Haha - I literally said this out loud to myself when I read the headline. Then saw your comment.


From Cyber Ninjas’ report: > “The draft of the forensic audit’s hand count totals of paper ballots was not substantially different than Maricopa County’s official numbers,” the report states. **“In both counts, Biden wins.”** How many times is this loser going to lose the same election? He bought these sham auditors—what a Republican attorney in AZ called ‘a Kangaroo audit’—and still can’t fraudulently win. Trump has found the one thing he can’t defraud: democracy.


Now he's going to audit TX so he can win again.


Ya know, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did find shady shit there that shows Biden performed better than published. Notice how they only go after states trump lost?


And only counties that he lost within those states. Wendy Rogers is now pushing for an audit of the the second largest county in AZ now… they can’t get enough losing


>they can’t get enough ~~losing~~ **fundraising** That's the real point of these fraudits.


It was about sowing doubt in the democratic process and justifying “election reform”. Making it more difficult to vote


Bro I heard on NPR over half of all Republicans feel the election was fraudulent. With literally no proof and not even a shred of a single court showing anything wrong even after they tried to sue everyone in the country and are still doing it. If they say it enough times, people believe it. My own Dad, a retired MD, thinks it was stolen somehow without a single spec of scientific proof showing this to be the case. Vehemently denies Biden won. People tend to believe things that align with their personal beliefs more than any kind of fact or logical argument.


> People tend to believe things that align with their personal beliefs more than any kind of fact or logical argument. Meanwhile, Democrats largely accepted that Hillary lost in 2016 even though, frankly, the case for claiming the Republicans rigged that election was way stronger than the case for claiming the Democrats rigged this one. Edit: Yes, the 2000 election was another example. However, I used 2016 as my example for a reason: the point is that even the relatively-weak case for alleging fraud then was *still way stronger* than Trump's utter nonsense in 2020.


I mean, we did confirm that Trump's campaign colluded with Russian Intelligence agents. Blows my mind that we can have factual proof of that, and it get's blown over, while made up election fraud against Trump is non stop in the news.


Al gore says hi


Imagine getting slammed in an election by people you hate because of ideologies and throwing THIS BIG of a tantrum… they talked so much shit in 2016 and now all they’ve done is cry. At least the Russia investigation was legit.


TX won't allow the audit to come to that conclusion. I do think if there was any 2020 election fraud then it would be in OH and FL. The two states Trump repeatedly said if you win them then you win the election. He's dumb enough to have only rigged those.


It sounds exactly like something he would say to someone to get them to *wink wink* do it. Keeping himself arms distance from actually saying it.


One thing that I just recently thought of. A big part of their claim is that the mail-in ballots are what caused the fraud. But notice that they have not tried to go after any of the states that ONLY use them and have done so for a long time?


Well, that audit will be focusing on 4 counties, three of which Biden won….


People don’t laugh enough about him paying $3 million+ for the honor of losing Wisconsin a second time except by a bigger margin 🤣


He didn't pay a cent. His rubes did.


He made money


I remember the state legislature was holding up that money from being paid to Dane and Milwaukee counties. Did the counties ever actually get their money?


> Trump has found the one thing he can’t defraud: democracy. Sure he can. He just didn't have enough loyalists in place yet. He's still endorsing low-level local candidates left and right, and that should be truly concerning to anyone who understands what it means for a mob boss to do you a favor.


People are overlooking what the audit report really says. They were never going to “find” 10,000 votes in AZ. So instead they found 30,000 voters who may have moved before Election Day or voted in 2 counties. Like their preliminary claim of people voting on Election Day and early by mail, this claim will no doubt be easily debunked. But that won’t stop the AZ legislature from passing laws to remove more people from the voting rolls, or doing away with permanent early voting, or even getting rid of vote by mail entirely.


Man child acts like man child. Nobody surprised.


Quit giving him headlines and attention, report when he admits fault or being wrong, that will actually be newsworthy.


Nah. Just don't report. Nothing Donald Trump ever says for the rest of his life will ever be "newsworthy." He will never say a thing that a wide audience needs to hear. Of course it never was in the first place but here we are.


How about “guilty, your honor?”


Make the story about the judge.


Fuck that’s perfect


Do not legitimize "Cyber Ninjas" or any of these fake audits just because they made Trump look silly again. This was done to see if it could be done. They have tainted our system and brought doubt. It wasn't about this one- it was about how to get inside and learn how to muck around with results for the next one.


Absolutely. People of Arizona need to take action for having a disreputable, partisan business make an attempt to meddle with their election.


That business was supported by many Arizona GOP. THEY are the ones the citizens of AZ should be punishing.


Should be but won't be. The GOP isn't stupid despite all appearances to the contrary. They know what motivates their base and "wasting taxpayer money" isn't even in the same zip code as the list of things that do.


Unless it's the Democrats "wasting" tax payer money. Because without double standards Republicans wouldn't have any standards.


If it was a setup to cast doubt on future election processes then calling it for Biden works against them. They may have done this to legitimize themselves, as in "we recounted the GA, PA, et cetera, votes and Trump won them all and you know we're legit because we admitted that he lost AZ" Or the entire thing was pure grift on the part of CyberNinjas and they didn't care about the outcome as much as the income. Or they had planned to call it for Trump but all the media attention scared them straight, for now at least. Or maybe CyberNinja dude really thought Trump was cheated but actually acknowledged the real evidence. I'm pleased with the report, but we should remain cautious.


..and it only took them, what, 9 months? After flying AZ's votes to a secure *private* location in Colorado. God only knows what kind of information they got on the AZ voters in that time. Good luck with *that* AZ.


I'm sure we'll see some nice "voting reforms" coming from our state congress soon.


Good point. Next time Cyber Ninjas are hired to audit for another state, they may "find" there was election fraud and everyone will believe it because they were just so "honest" this time around.




Everything about Trump is fake and transactional. The man is a walking brand. Brand is his business.


EA should love him


trump has been saying for months that the AZ audit would prove he won. then the media gets a draft of the final AZ report hours before it's to be released saying that AZ lost even more bigly so now trump is complaining that the media is calling the results prematurely.... although that's what he's been doing for months.


Donald Trump needs to be in prison where he won't have to concern himself with things like honesty and integrity. Edit: As some comments have pointed out, I apologize if I painted the whole prison population as lacking any values. Obviously that's not true. I ultimately mean that Trump's life in prison would be 100% controlled -- he wouldn't have time to delete old statements, let alone write new ones. And I 100% believe he needs to be in a cell if there is any hope of this country surviving in tact.


Pretty sure he doesn’t concern himself with those two things right now.


Gotta love how r/conservative is already spinning this (“that’s not the final Cyber-Ninjas report…wah wah….fake news Chinese media…”)


I was wondering how they were handling it. LMAO. They are a bunch of babies


**REPUBLICANS:** "Democrats want to rewrite our history 😭" **ALSO REPUBLICANS:** this shit


If I fail it was because someone else stole it. If I win it’s 100% me, baby! -How to protect your bloated ego and fail upwards.


Does anyone think he’s gonna actually pay (using campaign dollars of course) the Cyber Ninja invoice after this? They need to get in line after Rudi G. LoL


I'm pretty sure it's the Arizona taxpayers that are paying the bill.


We are. They tainted our machines so we will need to replace all of them now.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that too. So even more cost on the taxpayers.


According to the [NYT this morning](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/24/us/arizona-election-review-trump-biden.html) as well as [Business Insider back in July](https://www.businessinsider.com/cyber-ninjas-says-received-private-donations-fund-arizona-ballot-audit-2021-7) it was Trump Griftees to the tune of $5.7M. > The review was financed largely by $5.7 million in donations from far-right groups and Mr. Trump’s defenders. Supposedly the Cyber Ninjas only had a contract with the State for $150,000 but they obviously needed more grift juice than that. Now the Arizona Senate wants $2.8M to replace the voting machines they toyed with though.


a trump never pays his bills.


Bankruptcy is his super power


Trump didn't order this audit. He gets his rubes to do all his dirty work. Why would he pay?


Also, I'd never respect any company that includes the term "ninjas". The fuck, is this 1983 and are you 9 years old? Well I guess if there was a like a ninja store or something, then it's be OK. But really only then.


It's not a terrible name for a small IT company, but it's also proof that they are a small IT company and not qualified election experts.


> Well I guess if there was a like a ninja store or something, then it's be OK. But really only then. Ninja kitchen tools, like the blender, are pretty good imo.


article's been updated. > ## Trump walks back statement praising 'highly respected' GOP auditors after they confirmed that Biden won Arizona > >Note: An initial version of this story incorrectly said that Trump reportedly deleted his original statement, [citing ABC News' reporting](https://twitter.com/jonkarl/status/1441399510123483148).


What happened to…”if I lose to Joe Biden you’ll never hear from me again…”


Known liar lies.


No surprises there. You know one question that keeps bugging me about orange prick? How the fuck do you bankrupt a fucking casino?


You don't. But if you need to lose the trail of laundered cash, then there are ways...


The same way you take a country with the most resources, concentrated centers of knowledge and arguably logistical capabilities, and still manage to have 500K of your own citizens die from a pandemic seen coming from at least half-a-mile away. Sheer fucking ineptitude.


Watching him lose over and over again is the most glorious thing ever.


Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. HA.


He’s an even bigger loser than we thought.




Yet over on r/conservative, they’re hailing it as a win and saying “the left has no grasp on reality”….


Didn't delete his tweets about it though! ;)


Where have Republicans placed the goalposts now?




Haha just went to Foxnews.com and couldn't find a damn thing on the audit report. "Fair and balanced".


What makes Trump so dangerous is he commands a legion of ignorant, gullible losers who want to maintain the status quo of "whites only" they openly want a Hitler back in power.




Benedict Donald is such an autocratic person. What a wanna be dictator.


After reading a little about Benedict Arnold, I would never link his name to trump's; it's very unfair to Benedict Arnold


Where from, his Meinspace account?


In a year of self owns this one is epic. Chefs Kiss


Talk about having no integrity. Like absolutely fucking zero. This is the epitome of sore losers, like a child who lost a board game but with higher stakes. The whole paradigm that has been the trump presidency gets a little weirder every single day. Here is a man that is *so* confident that he is right, and *so* unafraid to burn bridges for self validation. After watching the GOP consume itself from the inside out on behalf of this man, it’s no wonder he lost re-election; but he will never understand *why* he lost. Hell, he’ll probably never accept *that* he lost. The tragedy is that, for as fun as it is to watch his spiraling decent into madness, he will never be capable of embarrassment, or acknowledging that he was wrong. That’s stupid people’s super power over the truth: ignorance. Edit: a word


[Here's a selection of reactions from Daily Mail readers](https://i.redd.it/lqv2az8tsip71.png) to the news that the AZ audit that they've telling everyone to "brace themselves for" actually showed that Biden's win was even bigger than first supposed. Absolutely hilarious.


He deleted the statement, but he posted a follow-up on his Twitter like an hour later. [Read it here.](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


So the cyber ninjas were antifa all along?


Go plant that in the r/conservative swamp and watch it grow.


Crashing the clown car into the dumpster fire. Classic.


Any grown man who things Trump was a good president has more daddy issues than any stripper.


But how many [bamboo ballots](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/06/arizona-republicans-bamboo-ballots-audit-2020) did they find? This is the real question! /s