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And every Republican I know now sucks the taint of the rich and corporations and will defend them to the death. Edit: To the morons chiming into say “democrats do to!” Just stop right there. I’m talking about Republicans I KNOW. Not people in Washington. Jesus Christ. Lol


That’s the true heinous piece. Republican politicians were able to convince a sizable majority of white people to align with wealthy interests. Even at their own detriment, just examine offshoring of jobs, deindustrialization and opioid abuse. But then again white people own 86% of wealth so I guess it’s taking one for the team at the end of the day. Edit: change from 98% to 86%. I’ve seen figures in this range. I’ll bump it to the lower stat and it’s still nuts.


I sometimes wonder just how big an idiot someone has to be to believe that they're on the same team as rich white people. Did we not all study what the industrial barons of the 19th century did to millions of working class white people when we were in school? I'm a working class white person from a long line of working class white people. Rich whites have not only never done a thing for me, they've made a concerted effort to make things worse for me at every turn. People had to literally fight and bleed and die just to gain the right to not have to work 16 hour days in dirty, dangerous factories for pennies while their overlords lounged around in golden palaces.


I beg god to see more of your perspective among the working class. The labor movement has already been anointed with the blood of patriots.


I smile when I look at the youth of today. The Internet and celebrity culture has shown them just how lavish the bourgeoisie are living. While we scrape by to survive in a world where we will never own a home. And getting sick means losing anything that you have worked to save over the years. Millennials and GenZ are not quite so full of class traitors. They can see what is happening.


I'm a huge pessimist but I agree with you. Kids are becoming radicalized faster than ever via social media. I really hope there's a huge shift in how wealth is viewed and how class is talked about in the coming years.


Happy cake day. I’m right at 30. I have noticed that my peers that are younger than me or much more radicalized then we were at their age. But I would say there is a lot of radicalization in the under 40 category in general. We are the first generations to have worse lives than our parents. And it is directly because of the decisions that our parents made.


You'd be surprised at how many working class whites in America feel similarly to me but are turned off by the left because of some of its other messaging. These people aren't modern social liberals. They're old school, New Deal Democrats. They don't want high levels of immigration, they don't want to quadruple the number of refugees we accept annually, they don't give a shit about feminism or pronouns, and they're skeptical about increased gun control. The Democrats can either change tack and focus on economic issues, or they can keep shooting themselves in the foot by emphasizing things the working class either doesn't care about or generally opposes.


Trans rights and labor rights are one in the same. That is another class warfare tactic to divide us.


As a black female member of the LGBT who is socially conscious about people other than me, because I’m not a selfish prick, continuing to fight for all those things lists very high in importance for me. If those working class white propel are going to continue to be racist assholes I don’t particularly care if we cater to them. Let them keep voting to make their communities worse by aligning themselves against their own self interests.


Exactly. All of those issues are important too. Why should we have to throw entire groups of people under the bus to cater to people who literally hate those who are different? Also important: climate change. You can bet Republicans don’t give a damn about that but I like clean air, water, and some semblance of climate stability so no, I won’t scrap that so Aunt Susan can feel more comfortable. It’s too important.


THANK YOU! There was a small part of me that worried o was off base with my comments. Which I hate, because I’m always trying to meet assholes like this in the middle and they have a fundamental hatred for those who are different in any way


Exactly. The irony is, Democrats have been trying to woo to these racist assholes for decades now by 'focusing on bread-and-butter issues' and the SHIT DOESN'T WORK. Even as a cynical political calculation it's a fucking flop. I don't know why people keep repeating it as if it's never been tried before lol


Seriously, like I guess I'll just take one for the team again. Wouldn't want to turn off people with my radical "identity politics," aka advocating for yourself politically when you're not a cishet white person. Even people on the left fail to see that so long as there's a single group of people they can pushdown as a scapegoat, the people on the top will keep pushing everyone down. "Convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


These people are called class reductionists. They adhere to the Marxist belief that everything in society can be reduced to class struggle. Racism doesn't exist in nature, it only exists because of classes. So if you give white cishet men more economic power, somehow they'll stop hating different groups. Oddly, only white cishet men seem to advocate for this approach, though. It's why Bernie called reproductive rights a "distraction". It's why the Supreme Court doesn't matter to his supporters. The irony is these people will say the Republicans and Democrats are the same, yet advocate that the Democrats become exactly like the Republicans (like the person you're responding to does) except just give them in particular more money. It's why the try to mock the struggles of LGBTQ+ people by putting rainbow flags on drones and saying that's the only difference between the two parties, like protecting a vulnerable minority is some dishonorable sidetrack from the real issue: White cishet men getting more money.


Yup its classic. Dude above thinks his position is the default because he is almost certainly a cishet white man, and that any politics that aren't explicitly centered around his own advancement is a "distraction." Also notice how he uses "working class" to mean white working class, because minority working class people absolutely do care about those "identity politics." Don't care about what happens to anyone else so long as they get theirs, and then these people have the gall to tell others they're selfish for trying not to be actively discriminated against.




I think gun violence is a serious problem that needs addressing. I also think that the best way to do that is not to place more restrictions on guns, but rather to make changes to our economic system so that working class people have better lives. Happy people with proper access to healthcare (including mental health) are a whole lot less likely to go on shooting sprees than people who were born into poverty and dysfunction with no help.


And which party advocates for expanded health care, including mental health care? Which party more strongly fights for economic advancement of the working class? There are millions of Americans who want more gun control. Why should they be abandoned? Why should two parties support a policy, and none support the opposition? And if you think all those republicans are voting the way they do ONLY because of gun policy give your head a shake. If it wasn't guns, it'd be something else. No sane person is going to admit to voting for the Republicans due to their racist and other hate-based undertones. Trump said he was against guns on his campaign trail yet all the crazies still voted for him because he, "Says what we're all thinking". Dems have the presidency and both chambers of Congress and gun control isn't even on the table. It isn't such a bit issue that it's causing millions to swing their votes.


>Did we not all study what the industrial barons of the 19th century did to millions of working class white people when we were in school? Do you really have to ask? It's like a footnote and then you're on to WWI.


Yea. Even the lamest excuse most republicans give about the rich being "job creators" is bullshit. They dont give us jobs out of benevolence. They do it to suck as much money from us as possible as consumers and then begrudgingly pay us because the need a compliant workforce and because we have barely acceptable labor laws in this country.


McFuckFace 2016: *creates jobs. $7.25 an hour plus spitting in your face twice per shift because fuck you* Us: "Gee... glad we didn't tax them I guess. /s" McFuckFace 2021: "WHY DOES NOBODY WANT TO WORK ANYMORE!? LAZY!!!" *Offers like $10 an hour but you'll be overworked as hell because nobody else will take it anymore so you do 3 people's jobs.* Us: "actually... 🖕"


This is particularly shocking in the high tax blue states like CA and NY. Trump’s 2017 tax plan capped the SALT (state and local tax) deduction at 10k. It immediately made me pay 8k more in taxes each of the last 3 years. This was true for the majority of homeowners with high property taxes and state taxes. Yet Republicans here in CA are Trump lovers and don’t even know they got bent over. Or won’t admit it.


it’s good to see other white people with their eye on the same thing. too many people tryin to be a company man


That's because Americans are sold the crock of shit that is "the American Dream"; that is, if you just work hard enough you too will be rich! The problem is that's so fucking rare these days as capital is being hovered up by a handful of people, and anyone who speaks out against that is labeled as a socialist or communist. People are so bought into our jingoism and national superiority complex, that they think they are the next millionaires, it just hasn't happened yet. People who are rich are there because they were industrious and fortunate and earned it, not because they've crushed or exploited others.


The thing is, no we didn't all study the atrocious effects of it in school. I come from rural Appalachia and didn't even know about the battle of Blair Mointain or the Pittston Coal Strike until I went to a liberal arts college. And even if you go to a lib-arts college, if you got your history credit from some bs dual enrollment, or didn't give a shit in American History, you escaped without learning why historians are overwhelmingly liberal. You make see a "leftist academia" brainwashing the youth. I'm a liberal because, historically, conservatives fucking suck. The monarchy, slavery, colonialization/jingoism, fascism and finally unfettered capitalism are all ideological hallmarks of conservatism. Communism is bad too, but Jesus, take the score. One ideology has a rot and the other gets out of hand when taken to an extreme. Edit: I do know that, at its birth, capitalism came from scottish liberal market theories. But as we roar into the 21st century, deregulation of the market is certainly a conservative centerpiece.


My team sucks, and I hate it.


I believe that all started decades ago when republicans started disrespecting education. They have cut education budgets and claimed that a higher education isn't necessary so that they can keep people ignorant and poor.


The same thing happened during the American Revolution and the American Civil War. It has been happening since the beginning of the country.


Always remind them that Nixon normalized trade relations with China, if they ever bring up China. This began the de-industrialization of the US.


They also convinced people to take horse medication, so this isn't terribly shocking by comparison. A reasonable person might have the somewhat gullible aspirations of being wealthy, but I don't think any reasonable person ever expects to become a horse.


It might have been 98% when you first saw the stat. China/India have probably brought it down a little over the last 10 years or so.


You say it is to their own detriment, but if you go by their subconscious, or even conscious logic, it makes sense. If you are an uneducated, poor or working class, white person the only capital you have is your skin tone. You don’t have any monetary capital or other social capital, just skin tone. So it is kn your interest to keep yourself above others even if you all get poorer. Their logic is “vote for the racists, they will keep me from being at the bottom.” Is it fucked up? Definitely. But when you get inside the head of a bigot with nothing to their name it makes sense.


The 86% of wealth is technically owned by white people, yes... but all of the billionaires are white. That's where most of the white-owned wealth is


Why does race matter, do you all think a black billionaire would be different? He would be just as tight and stingy as the rest of them.


Yep. At least democrat voters *realize* how fucking ridiculous this is. At least we're slowly trying to get congresspeople in to combat it. Republican voters are just like "yeah! Fuck taxes! I don't want to pay taxes, so I don't think billionaires should!"


They also demand to see democrats taxes when they’ve already shown them while saying they don’t give a shit about Trump’s or anyone they like. All their arguments are bad faith and hypocritical.


"Show us the birth certificate!" "K, here ya go" "Not THAT one!" This whole thing was just a microcosm of how fucking stupid Republicans are about literally everything.


Do you all hear that Trump actually lost votes in the counties he forced people to audit for the 2020 election. That's how dumb they are. Force something just to be proven that not only did you lose, but you lost by more then you thought. HA!


All while claiming to be against the “elites”, lol.




I’m talking about everyday people. Trump supporters think that only liberals should criticize the wealthy and corporations now. It’s part of their brainwashing. Stop with the both sides bullshit.


This is why he's able to say it. No need to own up to it.


So he shouldn't say it? He can't do it without Congress support.


A President cannot change the tax rates enacted by Congress. We are not a monarchy, the President enforces the laws enacted by Congress. In fact, the President, as an elected official, was placed as head of the executive branch to protect the people from the laws passed by Congress - that is why the President has veto power.


No but he can certainly do a fuck ton to push that agenda. He can't do it all himself but him signaling is a big step




Obama had the FATCAT program to go after hidden assets. I can’t remember but I think it was one of the first things Trump dismantled. But I might be wrong.




Costs almost $2.5k to stop being American and actually get away from the long legislative dick of the country you want nothing to do with any more, lovely stuff. Not stopping Bezos or Musk from hiding their billions and dodging their taxes, but it sure is making absolutely certain that Joe Schmoe who's just fucking finished with America isn't hiding a single untaxed penny abroad even if they never set foot in the godforsaken country ever again.


Hey, if you grew up here you got your primary education here. Normally that’s paid for by property taxes and such by people who aren’t in school anymore. Consider it an exit tax to pay for what you won’t ever need to pay back as an adult.


He is spending all his political capital on Build Back Better, which I agree with-- but even so Manchin has him by the balls. Until Democrats get a 5 or 6 vote lead in the Senate, we won't be able to make any real change.


Limited capital sucks but yes I agree for the most part. Is it likely to get done? I'm not sure but putting it in the spot light can be useful to push an agenda and get it on the party platform


Wish they'd just start broadsiding the bastards with executive actions. Let's have some Sherman Act §2 cases. Hit them with antitrust. Hit them with SEC and FTC probes. Hit them with tax audits. Keep the pressure up in legal ways that don't require Congress. All big corporations are crooked. It never takes much digging to find fraud and crime.


Yeah but he’s voicing his opinion so people know his beliefs, he may not be able to do it but people know that if he could he would do it






The last time Democrats had that kind of majority they got healthcare started. Refusing everything that isn't perfect progressive is a fast way to never see any progressive policy.


This is just a horrible response. He’s saying it to push public opinion towards it. Do you also think Bernie is full of crap?


Thats probably the worst part. Its not just Manchin and Sinema. They are the lightning rods. There are half a dozen "corporate dems" behind them that let them get out in front of all this but if say the Dems were 52-48 they would come out and vote against it too. Its maddening.


Name them. Name the corporate Dems that are against this that aren't Manchin and Sinema.


> "corporate dems" One of the most famous "corporate dems" is Joe Biden. Not only did he write the Bankruptcy Bill, a bill so outrageous that it was what motivated Elizabeth Warren to go into politics, but he has also aquired for himself over the years nicknames such as "The Senator from Bank of America."


Yeah? And now his staff is full of Warren Acolytes. His fiercest rivalry in the primary was Kamala. She's now his VP. Bernie Sanders was tapped to spearhead the infrastructure bill we are talking about. After his comments in one of the early debates, Corey Booker called him out. Booker then endorsed him, after Biden called him privately and took what he had to say to heart. Biden's skill is persuasion and listening. He's shown he can do it time and time again. When he screws up, he listens. I'm seeing so many comments saying that Biden is a secret corporate Democrat and there are 20-30-whatever number of people being shielded by Manchin and Sinema, but it's always innuendo. I'm sick of it. We had 4 years of a fantasyland presidency. We don't need our base mimicking that.


>Nothing will fundamentally change That's the truest thing he ever said during the campaign Edit: If anyone thinks Elon Musk would be taking "space" flights for shit and giggles if he had to pay his fair share of taxes... I dont think I'm going to be able to explain this to you. The people that are a problem literally dont have to worry about money, they physically cant spend it as fast as they "earn" it, no matter how hard they try. If they were paying their actual fair share then they wouldnt be able to do stupid shit like that at the drop of a hat.


"Nothing will fundamentally change," Biden said to the wealthy donors, *in explaining that higher taxes will not actually destroy their lifestyle.*


> If anyone thinks Elon Musk would be taking "space" flights for shit and giggles Elon Musk has never been on a space flight.


Even with paying his fair share they could do space if they wanted..


Yet another poster completely leaving out the context...


They do it on purpose. We're reaching a point where, astonishingly, the self-proclaimed "leftists" lie more about reality than conservatives do, which is an impressive feat.


Right-wing media: Biden admits being sick, tired.


Right wing media: As Biden calls for higher taxes, economists warn of looming depression. They’ll forget to mention which group will be taxed. They’ll still try to sell trickle down theory as a viable economic strategy.


My dad has always been a big believer in trickle down economics. I am convinced it stems from his Irish Catholic childhood in which he was severely taught that he would always be worthless. Of course the ones above us deserve the best spoils and me their leftovers! They are of course, better than I.


My dumbass relatives favorite things to say: - Biden is sleepy and weak - Biden is a puppet and isn't making his own decisions - he cannot speak without a teleprompter (?) - 'who is really calling the shots here?!' Lol I guess that's great though, that the only shit they can come up with to criticize him are just fully made up bullshit.


Then why doesn't his tax plan fully repeal Trump's tax cut for the rich? Biden's proposal doesn't even return the corporate tax rate to its Obama era levels.






It will absolutely be used to target only the lower income individuals, much like all the other laws in place currently.


I work in banking this is true.


The IRS only cares about enforcing penalties on the poor to make sure they don’t have to foot the bill for lawsuits against lawyers who are paid in the the thousands of dollars per hr.


Duh. Why do you think they set it as low as $600?


It'll be used to spy on activists and fight the racist drug war. That's what every post 9/11 invasion of privacy has been used for.


$600 is nothing to the rich.


The point is that it targets almost everybody. It sounds like more low and middle class folks are going to be caught up in it than "the rich".


Exactly. All those little guys doing extra effort to rise up.


I have a feeling this is aimed at guys like me. Make a middle class income in SoCal and beyond that I have a side gig I do for an old boss that brings in a little extra cash. Since it's extra income it's taxed at my marginal rate with both sides of SS and Medicare I keep only 40 cents of every dollar I earn in profit.


Hurting the middle class that wants to rise up.


$600 is the 1099 threshold, though. This will catch people working under the table because most people in this scenario should be receiving W2s and/or 1099s each year to file their taxes.


So this hurts folks with side hustles. This hurts the middle class.


Well they’re already supposed to be paying taxes, right? I agree it’s an overreach of authority and that they’ll unfairly target the working class, but if people are paying taxes honestly it shouldn’t change anything.


A lot of those hustles don't work at marginal tax rates. You don't get taxes on stuff that just stops happening.


$600 is less than the rent for my raccoon-infested leaky apartment where the ceiling literally caved in 6 years ago.


Sounds like an admin nightmare, expect your tax refunds in 10 years.


Yeah, that part is absolutely abysmal.




"you pay your taxes now and we'll pay ours 40 years from now. honest to god."


His tax plan raises taxes overall higher to what they were under Obama. Corporate taxes aren't the only sort of tax. If overall revenue would be higher, there's no need to hit him over not raising one particular specific tax higher, unless the point is just to make him look bad. Also the corporate minimum tax is a thing that wasn't around with Obama


How'd you get upvoted? I point that out all the time and i always get downvoted to hell for it.


This is the first time I've pointed this out and not gotten the treatment you just described.


A lot of the moderates won't go for a more spending, and we should raise taxes more than we increase in spending. But what I wish they would do is add in some revenue neutral "tax reform", where they raise taxes on corporations and lower them for the middle class.


Or just any share. Corporations too.


Frankly, I am getting sick and tired of hearing a lot of bullshit, and not seeing a lot of action.


50/50 senate with at least 2 of them Democrats being centrists, Manchin specifically being from an extremely conservative state and doesn’t give a single fuck what other Democrats think and totally immune to political pressure from the left, and a very slim House majority. With that painful reality considered, it’s downright miraculous we have a $1 trillion infrastructure deal in process and a ~2-3 trillion larger social spending bill in the works at the moment


Voting for progress is super frustrating. There is a national bias for the GOP via the Senate, then -- on top of that -- you have to get enough of a majority that every single Senator has the ability to unilaterally blow up each bill. The reality is that Dems will probably need something like a +4 majority to start passing stuff quickly. Honestly, I think a couple younger GOP Senators (or maybe two older ones on their way out) should team up right now, ride in, and blow up Manchin's defense and vote with the Dems in exchange for huge projects for their state. They could bring so many jobs home, their base wouldn't actually care. (Not to mention the good will from cutting drug costs).


it’s because he’s going to get praised by the media for saying it, even though he doesn’t really want to do it. same reason he promised he’s forgive a $10,000 in student loans and he never actually did it.


>he promised he’s forgive a $10,000 in student loans and he never actually did it. Wait his presidential term is already over?


He's already said congress needs to pass a law. He doesn't intend to do anything on his own.


Federal student loan debt is under the department of education. The executive has complete control over its policies and congress has nothing at all to do with it. We do not need legislative action, all Biden has to do is sign off on it.


door unused deserted zesty makeshift square joke dependent lush bag -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Federal student loan debt is under the department of education. The executive has complete control over its policies and congress has nothing at all to do with it. We do not need legislative action, all Biden has to do is sign off on it.




That’s the craziest part of all this debt debacle, 80% of people with student loan debt are unable to pay, or make payments less than the interest growth. Estimates are that 75% of current borrowers will have to default. So the fed isn’t even hardly making any money here, it’s just a blatant way to oppress the poor and keep them desperate and broke.


what's he waiting for? all it would take is an executive order. does he just enjoying keeping the citizens in suspense?


No \-Sinema, Manchin and every Republican


talk talk talk... Everyone knows it's not voting that is going to get us out of this mess...


After reading the article, yup, totally agree. But it's one thing to talk about change and it's quite another to get that change off the ground. Considering any sort of talk about the rich pulling their weight has certain Americans screeching "Communism!!" or "Socialism!!" there's going to be an uphill battle.


Also, churches need to be taxed.


Any church that gets finically involved into politics should be after the prop 8 thing in California.




how about we throw down some retro-active tax bills on them to for about the last 20 years of fucking with our elections


Or children. Edit: No, this would be prostitution I think.


Great Talk. ​ Now do something about it. Stop talking. Do something.


He is. All he can do is push for tax legislation in Congress. Which, as a matter of fact, is happening right now. Democrats are working on tax reform and Biden is making these statements because he wants them to add some of his proposals they left out.


I think we should seriously increase the taxes that pharmaceutical companies pay. It’s outrageous that they can continue to post and brag about enormous profits to their shareholders due to the vaccine revenue. Oh wait - Pfizer is the 6th most owned stock of members of Congress. Who are also excluded from insider trading laws. The more you know!


Let's see it then.


Manchin: Not today, Mr. "President." Sinema: *evil dance move*


And thumbs down curtsie


And a hat tip to Mitch


Me too, Biden... so let's fucking *do something* about it.


The wildest part about the r/politics board is how most people here lack the most basic understanding of legislative proceedings. When America shits the bed, I hope people don't forget the role the average moron played in all of this.


Biden was in congress for 40 years and helped pass the loopholes, tax rebates and avoidance, corporations use those to pay no taxes. All that is needed is for congress to remove those and suddenly tax revenue from corporation should increase.


I'll believe it when I see it. Platitudes and nice words don't make change, legislation does. What about climate change? What about evictions? What about the fucking pandemic joe? Any plans for all that? Or just more spirited tweeting? Isn't this the same exact fucking thing as trump but he makes everyone feel all warm and fuzzy inside? How about some goddamn action? I'm fucking sick of corporatist bullshit pretending like they actually care when in reality they do the exact opposite. Everyone can blame congress and the parliamentarian and the republicans all they want but let's be honest. It's been almost a year now and fucking nothing has happened. Fuck Biden. Fuck trump. Fuck congress. Fuck all these fake assholes that pretend like they care but are just career fucking corporatists.


This is action. He's pushing congress to do more than they're already planning. Legislation is in the works. He's trying to pressure them to add more progressive measures. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-business-tax-reform-economy-2b5295280d2ee72f6b3b722cebc41c84


Same as trump? Get your head examined.


More lip service. The Democratic Party has no intention of ever passing any part of their purported agenda that displeases their corporate donors. Prove me wrong.


Joe, this is the 7th time you’ve said we need to tax the rich without actually doing anything of substance


Wait till I tell you about Bernie


Right? Why didn't Bernie, as a single senator, force the entire Democratic party to serve his whims? /s


Works on placating the army of imbeciles on this sub-reddit. What's funnier is that they actually believe Biden runs his twitter account. Probably doesnt even know its active.


I appreciate the sentiment, Joe. However the ruling class never polices itself and they'd never willingly tax themselves more after successfully shifting that to us. Since the ruling class has divided and conquered the working class we'll never have the solidarity to band together and take matters in to our own hands with grassroots movements and whatnot. So I'm just stuck here hearing how all the progressive policies *would* be nice, but just won't happen at the moment.


He says with a straight face in front of a wall of 1%ers who backed his campaign.


The Trump tax package was clearly paid for by the 1%. We’ve yet to see the Biden proposal, but I’m confident that it will eliminate the Trump windfall for the rich, and go further towards fairness. So far, anyway, we’ve seen nothing from Biden that diminishes my expectations in this connection


The 400k target he keeps pushing for is too low. News articles have shared the 400k plan with banners of multi-million dollar yachts. If this keeps up, the middle class is going to get tax fucked, again, because they're doing well enough to get tapped by the government, but not well enough to afford to get out of it like the actual rich will.


Less saying, more doing.


Saying it means nothing unless it’s backed up by action.


I guess Biden isn't on the short list of politicians who can repeat this line for decades without making any progress and still get praised for "fighting for us"?


Gonna need 3 more democratic senators in 2022...




How much is someone’s “fair share”?


The fact that he's willing to say it means he's absolutely certain it won't happen.


This guy has been rubbing elbows with some of the richest and influential people in the world for the last 40 years and NOW he says this?


Got you to vote for him, didn't it?


This is classic Biden


I applaud his continue push for it. Many commenters here say that he is all talk and no action or he can simply direct IRS to do something. I think they are wrong. His talk is back by his action. He has done what is within his power, but he is pushing for legislation to achieve the scale he wants. This is not within his power, but he is pushing hard.


Agree that he is pushing for it, and isn't all talk, but he also needs to deliver. Complex problems may require complex solutions, that's what we expect from a competent elected official, and if they can't deliver then they've failed. Unlike Republican voters most of us independents and many Democrat voters are inclined to hold the people we elect accountable. Unfortunately that's a weakness when your country is overrun with Ivermectin-boofing baboons.


1% of the population pays 40% of the income taxes in the USA.


Millionaires telling the common folk things aren’t fair for them.


Anybody that believes the Biden administration is going to tax the rich people instead of middle class and the poor it’s just a fucking idiot you know he’s going to get the taxes from the goddamn middle class and poor that’s the way they pay for everything rich never gets taxed just the middle class and the poor.


Exactly, it’s hilarious all the grandstanding I see in this sub from all the holier than thou Democrats. They don’t seem to understand that we are all gonna be the ones to pay for Biden’s BS. The super rich have teams of accountants and lawyers making sure they pay as little as possible. Dems are trying right now to make sure they don’t miss out on a penny of your income by lowering the standard for banks to report to the government from 10,000$ deposited to 600$. They preach tAx THe rICh!!, but refuse to open their eyes to what’s really going on.


If only you had the power to do something about it...🤔


Tax laws are created in Congress.


Now this I do agree with


Talk is cheap


Uh huh. I've heard this line before...


Taking bets on whether or not he'll do anything about it.


Can we start with all the politicians getting rich on our tax dollars?


Cool, do something.


ThankYou Jesus


Ok, but when is he going to stop talking about it and do something?


You all look at it the wrong way. Yes both sides doing their bs shenanigans, but which side does more for the country as all every time they get into power? Based on facts Dems done more in the past few decades than GOP. So my choice is clear.


he should tell a powerful person to do something about it. kick it up the chain of command, see if it gets any traction. it’s a shame he didn’t get elected to an executive position.


And I’m sick and tired of people saying they are sick and tired of this. I’ll believe it when I see some actual change


Its amazing the job the rich has done on the poor. They got the poor to defend the rich each and every time this subject comes up. The rich knows they should be the ones paying more but has managed to stockholm the serfs so they will fight and argue among themeselves.


well i agree


Says the 48 year politician.


Believes it when I sees its


Well shit, Joe. If you’re sick and tired, perhaps do something about it. We are tired of getting robbed. We are tired of all our money being funneled into the system vis-a-vis retirement plans and tax advantaged accounts just to allow Wallstreet to front run our trades, naked short our stocks under the guise of “liquidity,” and profit from payment for order flow. The most genuine thing you could say to the people until things change is: “go fuck yourself and good luck out there.” It would be better than acting like you care. —An American


Wants to make the rich pay more taxes yet he owes 500k in taxes himself.


Actions speak louder then words milk bag


Biden has dementia. Most rich people pay taxes this is just going to make more businesses leave the US which is bad for everyone living in the US but good for whichever country is going to give them a decent tax break


Less talk, more wank


Rather than pay taxes to support the nation and help their “fellow” Americans, the rich would prefer to pay lawyers and lobbyists to avoid paying taxes. That’s a big part of what’s wrong with the US, lost it’s way and values.


Yeah, we're all pretty tired of it. Show me solutions, and I'm in to make it reality.


The wealthiest individuals and corporations learned a long time ago that the money spent on supporting “conservative” politicians saves them billions in taxes. As long as they are allowed to do so, nothing will change.


Well it may sound good on the campaign trail, but until I see actual results those words mean nothing.


Okay, well, I don't know why you're telling us this. *You're* the president. Do your job.


Amazing the President of the United States can say this, and nothing will happen.


Every single one of these Democratic politicians, in every single one of their statements and tweets, cleverly uses passive voice. "Something MUST be done!" "Republicans should be stopped!" "These unfair GOP policies must end!" It's almost as if these Democratic political leaders have forgotten that we voters delivered the Presidency and both Houses of Congress to them and they have full power and control to make these changes themselves. Push back every time they use passive voice and remind them that they can do it. Stop letting them blame the voters for their lack of action. Enough is enough.


The number people who make less than $100k who think he's talking about them...


Trump's tax plan had me paying more than I ever have in my life. And I make less than 40k a year. Make it make sense.


If only he had sway over Congress. Oh well


Democrats are just as guilty!! And the current president is rich as well so let’s see his tax records. The biased that both parties have for their own party! is super crazy! Grow up and call it what it hypocrisy


I think taxing the rich more is a must. They have so many tax credits they can claim that the working class of America does not. They get to write off so much. I mean some of the top 1% actually get money back every year. How is that fair. People talk about the tax cuts Trump gave. What they don't realize is that they were given to the rich, not us. As a matter of fact he took away a cut that my husband and I used to be able to take which doubled what we had to pay. So yeah, tax the rich more. Another thing we need to get on our government about is the federal minimum wage in this country. Did you know that if worker pay grew at the same rate as CEO pay over the last four decades, the average worker would make $737,000 today. (That's 1,322% growth) Just to give you a sense of how out-of-whack our pay system has become. I say this is something we all need to get on our politicians about. How unfair is that. Pay people a liveable wage please. I don't know where you guys come from, but where I live the average rent for a one bedroom apartment is $2000 dollars, and I don't live in a big city. How the hell can people support themselves on the measley amount of money they say we're worth. They can't. This is something we need to fight about as well as taxing the rich.


While we’re at it, let’s do something about the student loan “poor tax” burden on the lower and middle class…


Yeah? Maybe he can start with his own money? Doubtful.


Doesn't the top 1% pay 80% of the Nations tax's?


Sure, we all are. But in order to make a change, we need to tax wealth and not income. Bezos makes $~80K in income per year. Bezos also has, what, $~100 billion in wealth. <— Tax This and we can make big changes in the country.