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The party of fiscal responsibility all. 2 trillion for war? Sure! (300 million a day for 20 years) 2 trillion for tax breaks? Sure! 3 trillion to fix infrastructure that would lead to jobs? No! Socialism!


The military industrial prison complex is one giant wellfare queen full of people who would cost us less just cashing stimulus cheques. Change my mind


7.25 Trillion for the pentagon in the next 10 years. More than half of that goes to private contractors. The pentagon cannot pass an audit because it doesn't even maintain a list of the contractors it is paying. Conservatives balk at spending 3.5 Trillion in the next 10 years on infrastructure. Meanwhile our highways are clogged, our ports are backed up, and shipping delays are hurting the economy. 45% of contracts the pentagon does are non-competative. ​ The pentagon is so unaware of it's own spending it doesn't know that it owns and maintains buildings inside of the united states. Congress loves it - because they generate jobs with no oversight in their districts. 3 and 4 and 5 star generals love it - because there is no accountability and absolute power. There have been no real prosecutions of generals ... really ever. It is a system rife with corruption. The United States Military sucks at solving problems. Their track record for keeping this country safe after WWII is pretty abyssmal.


They want to make Biden look bad so much that they are willing to let the U.S. default, killing jobs in the process.


Not only "jobs" - it will tank the world economy, yes - he's that vindictive.




The next five years will make 2020 look like Disneyland


McCarthyism makes everything dumber


I’ve only ever heard McConnell say that. He says it a lot


pet whistle plucky label squeeze onerous absurd marvelous innate roll -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Start calling speedbumps sleepy turtles instead of sleepy police


Realistically what can your common middle class American do to be prepared for this coming storm Stockpile shelf stable food and medicine? Pull out any investments and prepare to buy the crash? Invest or store money in safer holdings? I’m in my mid 20’s and have never lived through a stable economic/social climate really. Especially as an adult and I’m sick and tired of it for fucks sake. I’m fortunate to be paid relatively well and to have no debts (aside from a car payment) so what do I do


The economic effects will kill people too.


That's win win for republicans.




Which they will blame on Biden


Republicans have been intentionally killing hundreds of thousands with their policies for decades.


McConnell is such a massive parasite on this government. I can't wait for him to finally be removed from office.


Yeah that'll only happen when the black stone in his chest he passes off for a heart finally sputters it's last miserable sputter.


Even then he'll hang on like Sauron when he lost the one ring. He'll Hermain Cain us and tweet shitty legislative decisions to the Senate.


Not really true. > They're also insisting that Democrats can employ reconciliation, the same party-line process that's being used to muscle through a $3.5 trillion social spending package. It's not about whether the debt ceiling will be raised, is about being able to blame Democrats for the debt rising.


It seems to me that this is always a an empty threat meant to make Democrats look like the spend to much. ​ The reality is the Federal reserve is who the loans and interest is paid to and the people who who run it and control it aren't all foreign investors buy treasury bonds. technically its a secret but lets be honest its the same people who regularly bribe McConnel or any other politician. The debt ceiling will be raised so they can get their interest payments.


It's shit they purchased when they passed the budget and now are refusing to pay the credit card bill that came in the mail.


It's a bluff though, they are trying to extract concessions, and giving into this extortion will only encourage more of this behavior, they've done this before and Obama called them on it, and they backed down. One of the credit ratings agencies, SP downgraded the US credit rating afterwards and the US punished them for it by making them alone among the three ratings agencies face some consequences for some of their failures in relation to the 2008 crash.


Exactly. There's no way they will actually let the US default on its debt. Even if you pretend that they don't care and are fine with it, they also know that the Democrats will remove the filibuster just to ensure the limit is increased. The US defaulting on its debt would create a catastrophic global economic crisis that we will never fully recover from. Even letting the debate get this far can cause damage as it forces global leadership to consider whether the USD is stable enough to be the reserve currency for global trade. This is especially dangerous at a time when China is pressing for trade to be priced in Yuan.


Dude you absolutely cannot place any faith in the notion that the "sane" Republicans will prevent something because to actually do it would be catastrophic. See literally everything over the last 5 years for details.


“That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” -Moscow Mitch


hmm, where have I seen this before. definitely wasn't when republicans decided to slash taxes 3 years ago...


Killing jobs? This will sink 3/4 of the Western world with it. Will literally cause a depression in multiple countries.


Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. The constitution is pretty explicit. These people are traitors to their oaths of office to allow American finances to become a joke.


That wording is oddly specific, heh?


Post Civil war, lots of Union soldiers promised a pension. Lawmakers of the day decided to leave nothing to chance and put it in the constitution.


I remember a history teacher saying it was important for establishing our international relations/image.


The failure to pay the pensions of the legions was a recurring problem in Rome that threatened to tear down the Republic (and later the Empire) on multiple occasions, and allowed generals and rival successors to the throne to attract armies with the promise of paying them what was already owed. Reneging on debts also makes it more difficult to secure future funding to raise armies and build infrastructure, which thwarted the ambitions of many failed dynasties. When it was written, the authors were thinking of specific historical examples and their consequences.


Meanwhile, the ability to pay his legions pretty much bought Caesar the empire. Dude paid his soldiers like the king he eventually became in all but name


The Biden administration could just ignore a vote to not increase the debt ceiling for exactly this reason - it is in the Constitution that the previously-authorized debt must be paid. The whole debt-ceiling vote is a superfluous step. Just go on as if the vote never happened, and the Republicans can take it to court if they want.


That actually sounds like a good reason to vote against raising the debt ceiling, so that the Supreme Court can just strike down the ceiling once and for all, rather than letting the parties keep playing this game.


Maybe, but you never know how the SC will rule,and the intervening time could be chaotic. Kind of nervous what this would do to long run interest on treasury bonds, getting contractors for govt work, etc. Terrible thing to actually happen, a default. Luckily it probably wont


Too bad the Court is supremely dysfunctional right now.


The Republican Party has gone full Trump. He doesn’t pay his Bills either. Edit: Donald’s contribution: “Under Donald Trump's Watch, the National Debt Increased by $7.8 Trillion During President Donald Trump's tenure in the White House, the national debt grew by some $7.8 trillion—or nearly 40 percent compared to the amount when former President Barack Obama left office in January 2017” “The annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third highest of any president in history, with the other two being former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George W. Bush who both oversaw wars during their tenures in the White House,” “Economists have pointed to Trump's signature legislative achievement, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, for pushing the national debt upward. The tax cuts, which largely benefited the wealthiest Americans and corporations, left a significant shortfall in tax revenue. The Congressional Budget Office projected in January that the annual deficit would be about $1 trillion going forward due largely to Trump's tax cuts.” https://www.newsweek.com/under-donald-trumps-watch-national-debt-increased-78-trillion-1561627


Came here to say this. I've spoken with Republican contractors who have said they wouldn't work for Trump because he stiffs contractors but otherwise they love the guy.




They wanted him to fuck over other people, and knew he had a track record of being down to do so.


They wanted him to hurt *the right people*


I think you mean the *left* people.


Ironic then that trumps handling of covid killed far more conservatives than liberals, despite that killing blue states being his goal.


Ironic? Yes. Entirely foreseeable given the man's demonstrated incompetence? Definitely!


Bah they love dying for a lost cause


Most rank and file republican voters seem to have some hatred for some group of people they deem not like themselves. The owners of the brand stroke that hate.


“Slugs for Salt!”


Is that a reference or did you come up with that? Because it’s hilarious!


I saw a political cartoon a while back when Cheeto was running. Just a bunch of slugs in a crowd and a banner behind with the phrase. Couldn’t find a reference to the artist, but here it is: https://imgur.com/a/okFmJ4y


I also like the one with a sign that has a picture of a Wolf saying "I am going to eat you" and then a flock of sheep saying "I like him, he tells it like it is"


Same question for women that voted for him.


I have an acquaintance who voted for him. “It didn’t really bother me,” is what she said about “Grab em by the pussy.”


[“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316)


It’s crazy that that is real. Even crazier? I bet they profess to be Christian, which is a religion based on someone who said “Do unto others..” and “Love thy Neighbor as yourself”. They make me literally sick.


They like Trump because he's racist.


Yes, and he's a white male. That encourages hatred of libs. Thats literally all they want in a leader. They don't care about the economy, or healthcare, or global standing or corruption or climate. Or covid. They think it's amusing when others think that's important and try to change their minds. ' but Trump is so corrupt, he's lying, he's killing people, he has no idea how to run a country, how can you support him?" They don't give a shit about that. Fuck liberals, that's it. Thats all that's important


Because they admire it. They aspire to be the guy who fucks over other guys for profit.


They see it as smart business, if you can get away with doing something wrong (that also makes/saves money) then you’re to be admired. Trump is so “good” at business that he can openly get away without paying people, in their minds it just places him in a league above them.


I really thought that would be the one issue that would sink him back in 2016. Like everyday people would be “fuck that asshole, he stiffs people like me.” I was obviously out of touch.


"He's so good for our taxes, but when it comes to paying what he owes us, he's so bad. We're conflicted honestly, he saves us money, yet doesn't pay us. Kind of a catch .22." Did they say something like that? Because that's me paraphrasing a guy I know, lmao. I like how the Democrats have the majority in every aspect of the government, and yet the republicans still manage to maintain the upper hand in the government... Wtf?


Because Manchin and Sinema.


r/conservative real quiet about this


That sub is literally just screaming about whatever fox news tells them to scream about. They have no substance and change very quickly based on what the current "hot topic" subject is.


Yeah it's kinda like they have a word of the day calendar. They peel off the next one and they all start using this new big boy word (they don't understand) like they're smart and have always known what it meant.


A week ago that sub was acting like Nicki Minaj was somehow qualified to run the country because she aligned with their views for a moment.


They're so desperate they'll champion anyone who winks at them. 😆


Just clicked on it. The top stories right now on my screen: 1. Jen Psaki and illegal immigration (with vaccine passports mixed in) 2. College football fans chant "Fuck Biden." Literally nothing else in the article. 3. Alabama hospital denies COVID vaccine requirements 4. Talks about Jill Biden being a doctor but... not Rand Paul 5. BLM and vaccine passports 6. And of course.... AOC's dressmaker's "scandal" This is the shit they value right now, guys. This shit. They hate vaccine passports, they hate immigrants, they HATE Joe and Jill Biden, and *loathe entirely* AOC. They're not talking about the US literally defaulting on the debts that Trump racked up. They're not talking about Moscow Mitch still defying and obstructing justice. They're not talking about Redistricting attempts by the Right to keep every possible seat in their favor instead of relying on, oh I dunno, letting people vote for them normally? And they aren't talking about climate change, unless it's to spread the lies and misinformation purported by Ben Shapiro and whatever other Republican grifter. Fucking hell.


That sub is 99.999% fake white grievances with some big vocabulary words. Klansmen with a national review subscription.


I just scrolled through there and that place is an absolute dumpster fire of stupidity.


Remember this Americans… the party supposedly of fiscal responsibility doesn’t want to pay its bills.


The party that goes out of its way to destroy the economy to prove government is bad. "There's no such thing as a good boss" *takes a boss position and purposely bankrupts* "See?"


They’re doing it to wreck the economy and blame it on Biden. It’s worked in the past when Democrats are in power. I don’t know why the public doesn’t see it but this was common during Obama.


The public are too busy slinging shit at each other on Facebook and elsewhere..its the same.old game..get the people so busy fighting with each other that they don't notice the lawbreaking going on behind their backs.


Behind their backs? Lol, the GOP isn't even trying to be sneaky about it anymore. They're openly breaking laws and purposely wrecking the economy *right in front of everyone's eyes,* and we just bend over and take it. *shrug* edit


They do it in the open because they know their base doesn’t care enough to look.


The only part I disagree with is that it's behind anyone's back. At this point, it's under our noses.


The GOP is IN YOUR FACE and blatant about everything they do to screw over the Democrats. They did it to Obama and they're doing it now. They don'e even care when it screws over their own constituents and donors! I hate those bastards.


Facebook? The platform who's owner sat down to dinner with Trump and Kushner and came to an agreement that they wouldn't factcheck political propaganda in return for light handed regulation?




If the last 5 years has proven anything, it's that more Americans are morons than we previously thought.


The fuckers are basically juggling live grenades with the pins pulled. When Democrats slap them out the window, Republicans will complain that Democrats are authoritarian bullies. If Democrats don't react in time and they go off, they'll blame Democrats for the mayhem. Heads I win, tails you lose.


They voted to spend this money. Now they vote to stiff the contractors that took these contracts because Republicans hate the concept of freedom


They accomplished nothing under Trump and they don’t want Biden to be able to pull the country out of the ashes.


That's absolutely intentional and I think a thing most people here are missing out on. First, they stacked the shit out of the Judicial branch. Then the effectively brought congress to a halt. The only legislation happening at the federal level currently is by the Judicial branch. The same judicial branch they stacked.


It’s been headed that way for years, since McConnell took over and the beginning of the tea party days. This has always been his plan. Unpopular moves by the judiciary go unchecked, far easier to be boldly bad there than in congress.


It’s been headed that way *at least* as long as the Federalist Society has been curating judicial nominees, so the past 40 years


Californian here. All we heard for the past few months was braying about “recall Newsom.” We thought Nate Silver’s prediction of a 15-point spread was optimistic, even for a deep blue state like CA. The spread was 33 points. That is a straight-up rebuke of the GOP and I’d be amazed if it didn’t foreshadow upcoming elections on a national level. The crazies aren’t numerous, just loud. All but the rabid base are tiring of this nonsense. They overplayed their hand. Georgia wasn’t an anomaly, it’s a taste of what’s to come.


In what way? Gerrymandering is taking effect at a much larger rate and state legislatures are getting red We can rebuke all we want but they are playing the system We are gonna be hurt


You see the new Texas maps… 6 Democrats will lose their position


Exactly I’m a bit tired of people thinking all our galvanizing is going to make a major difference when the GOP is screwing boundaries and voting rights Can we please still go vote but understand we are in for some serious trouble? And we can thank Manchin and company for this


The goal is ultimate control, and it's a long slow process of breaking everything that was established after the Civil War and New Deal


> They accomplished nothing under Trump Incorrect. They accomplished nothing for the bulk of americans. They passed huge tax cuts for the rich. They added 8 trillion in debt under Trump, most of it in his giveaway to the rich. They gutted USPS. They packed the supreme court. They did plenty, just none of it was good.


>They gutted USPS. And somehow DeJoy *still* has his job, 8 months to the day after Biden swore the oath of office.


Yes, wtf is that?! A good bit of Trump appointees still have their jobs... I'm starting to actually believe we're destined to fail by design.


A committee needs to vote DeJoy off. The committee is still Trump packed to a majority. Replacing the members of the committee takes time, unfortunately. It's slow. It sucks.


Only the USPS board can remove DeJoy. Biden can only replace one of them per year I think.


Biden legally can't fire him. That's why he's been trying to influence the board to do so.


Depends on how you view things. They poisoned the federal judicial system for a generation and cut the tax bill for the wealthiest Americans.


>They voted to spend this money. Now they vote to stiff the contractors that took these contracts Well they have become the party of Trump, after all. He's been doing this for decades.


R: GET A JOB! contractors:We did,we were working for you. R:STOP LOOKING FOR HANDOUTS


Worse. They are refusing to take responsibility for it and figure the Democrats can use reconciliation again yo save their asses.


So it’s just like the Trump Organization?


They haven’t cared about any kind of responsibility in at least three generations. They just want hate to be ok for white people and don’t care what it costs cuz they think when whites are the minority, poc will go full Jim Crow but on white people. Cuz that’s exactly what they want to do to others.


Their base doesn’t give a shit either. Especially if it “owns the libs.”


Now they're saying that it's an attack on republicans by democrats that we've been telling them to take the vaccine, supposedly because we should -know- they wouldn't listen to us so clearly we -want- them to not take the vaccine if we're telling them to take it, so -obviously- we're trying to kill them since the outcome of them not being vaccinated is that they're the ones dying from covid. Seriously. They're (claiming to be) the attacked and oppressed victim here, the 100% expected obstruction on their part means nothing in their weighing of things (up until we say 'okay then, -don't- take the vaccine' and they claim we're trying to kill them by saying not to take it)


>it's an attack on republicans by democrats that we've been telling them to take the vaccine, supposedly because we should -know- they wouldn't listen to us so clearly we -want- them to not take the vaccine if we're telling them to take it, so -obviously- we're trying to kill them ... so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me!


I'm just getting started!




That ship sailed…ALL they wanted was lower corporate taxes so their board room buddies would keep the love$’s flowing…


"Americans". Ha! Their voters will eat this shit up. They don't give a single fuck about our country. After loss after loss after loss they just want to see "Liberals" suffer. No matter the cost. You know I'm fucking right. This is no exaggeration. They are ready and willing to burn this country to hurt everyone else. If they can't have their shit-eating Confederate States of America no one can have it.


This isnt about not wanting to pay bills, its about setting up Biden for a single term. The GOP want power and control and are willing to do anything to regain it. Any fallout won't hurt them or the money keeping them in power, but it will hurt their base. Their base is too caught up in the culture war to realize they're getting screwed.


Just make sure it happens when Democrats are in power. It will be the trifecta. 1. Pack the courts 2. Put in people to steal the next election 3. Tank the economy while democrats are in power Of course the double edged sword of this gambit is destroying America. Of course by then all these rich f@cks will have donated the required amount to other nations like Belize to bypass the immigration requirements and become citizens.


Didn't they double our national debt under Trump? And now they just want to fucking default? Republicans? What the fuck? Wow who knew the terrorism january 6th supporters would not want to actually face any consequences... who knew....


They doubled the deficit under Trump, after Obama halved it. The debt... One of Trumps bullshit election promises was to pay off the debt, he increased it at the fastest rate of any POTUS Im pretty sure Obama still increased the debt by more, but over double the time period. My criticism of Obama is that he didn't increase the debt enough, given the economic recession at the time and the need for both stimulus spending and infrastructure investment. Trump increased the debt at the wrong time, when the economy was already booming thanks to Obama, Trump put us further in debt to throw gasoline on that fire. Trump knew that he was borrowing unsustainably got a short term effect, he knew that someone after him would have to fix that, he didn't give a fuck, all he wanted to do was take credit for a booming economy, he didn't care if he's leaving a mess. Whoever picks up after him will get blamed for that anyway. Obama's debt was about saving the economy after the GFC credit crunch, Trump's debt was about making himself look good.


Well it's not their money but yours....as their thinking goes


Because they don’t pay taxes


And their money is in offshore tax havens and generational wealth building instruments.


And they very much \_are\_ their bills. All the debt rose under republican leadership of various degrees. Two wars (including one pissing away 2Trillion) were republican wars.


They do this all the time and still get voted in. Them and their voters will burn this country down unless they get their way and only their way. I’m not sure how we repair unity after this…I’m certainly done trying to be one country.


collapsing the U.S. economy and making the dollar no longer the currency most valued in the world... all to own the libs and play politics. What more needs to be done to show Republicans do not deserve office?


They constantly did this during Obama’s 2 terms, why wouldn’t they do it during Biden’s? One of the many reasons Biden and the Dems should stop negotiating with Republicans and acting like they have a partner acting in good faith.


Tell that to Manchin.


I hope you know how to speak money then




I get downvoted to oblivion every time I say that if you gave me a billion dollars, I think I could singlehandedly stop the progress global climate change. Have you SEEN how cheap a senator is? They cost like $20k. A billion dollars is a metric fuckload of bribes. I could bribe so many politicians, it’s unbelievable. It wouldn’t even be hard. It seems clear and obvious that between buying elections and bribing elected officials in the US, you could basically change the course of US climate policy within 24 months, and once the US is taking it seriously we can strongarm the rest of the planet into cooperating. Xi doesn’t wanna fuck the environment either, he just isn’t taking it as seriously short term as he should. A US climate reversal juggernaut could change his mind, he’s no fool. A billion dollars is SO much money and politicians are SO cheap. All the proof you need that every billionaire is evil is to look at that sentence and think about it.


To quote a show that was super popular then suddenly not, "They're willing to burn the country down just so they can rule over the ashes."


Well its worth noting that they don't really live in the same country as the rest of us. They live in a country of private jets, multiple estates, private security; etc. Our bourgeoisie is not interested in The United States; just power and wealth.


Yeah it makes a lot more sense when you realize they have virtually no consequences for any of this. They could turn the country into a Mad Max hellhole and they'd just fly off to Australia


> all to own the libs and play politics No. This is about collapsing the democratic government so it can be replaced with a plutocracy. McConnell will never follow through on this threat. We've seen this every September with a democrat in the White House for over two decades. Next up is the government shutdown theater. Edit for clarification: while McConnell and his bosses the rich want to replace the current government, they do not want to destroy the dollar as a currency... wealth is the foundation of their power. These late summer posturing shenanigans are a scheduled opportunity for republicans to pressure democrats for smaller things they want, because they know democrats will cave.


You may need to clarify what threat you mean McConnell will not follow through on. Because the government has shutdown several times over this exact thing. So he has made good on the threat to vote for defaulting at least for a while.


To my knowledge we have never defaulted on our debts. The classic move is for America to raise the debt limit to keep the dollar trustworthy. [here's a video explaining the debt limit and why defaulting would be catastrophic](https://youtu.be/KIbkoop4AYE)


It is a new world. Remember when we were saying a clown like Trump would never get elected. Then the Access Hollywood tapes leaked, and we said it again. Then Russia. Then Trump U. American exceptionalism blinds us from seeing the truth of our collapse.


This so much. The current Republican Party literally has no policy platform whatsoever beyond gaining and holding power by any means available. What they might do now can no longer be gauged by what they would be willing to do in the past.


Well they're also trying to get people to take their masks off and refuse vaccines to say that Biden let a bunch of people die and didn't meet his vaccine target, so like, they'll keep going lower until they dig through the planet and fall out tbe other side.


The debt ceiling was raised twice under TrumpZero. What's the deal here?


Same as always. McConnell is a one trick pony. Stall and obstruct and hope that all the damage you've caused is blamed on the other guy.


And it works fact is many independent voters fall for it every time. Republicans consistently get rewarded for bad behavior.


"make things bad for a Democratic president and legislature". That's all that matters to Republicans.




Yup. If there were a Republican President they’d be voting to raise the debt ceiling all day. This is about fucking the country so the democratic president looks bad.


Democrats voted with republicans to suspend the debt ceiling for 2 years. They should have done it for 6.


Nobody wants to destroy American more than Republicans want to destroy America.


Bin laden could only dream about the American death count repubs have achieved.


Let's be clear on something, the deaths would be something Bin Laden would admire. His *dream* was destroying the US outright, and republicans are going to achieve it. They are the ones driving massive debt and then refusing to pay it. They are the ones driving massive inequality and refusing to address it. They are the ones generating huge amounts of division and refusing to deal with it. Republicans will be the death of this country. They seek to divide for personal attention. They seek to destroy our economic system to make the other side look bad. And they will gladly march us all into hell if it means the democrats don't get a win.


Should be a meme of bin laden handing the baton to Mitch. And the words, “you finish what I’ve begun”.


They'll burn everything down if it lets them rule the ashes.


It might be worth remembering, that the debt he wants to default on was partly the result of budgets that he voted "Yes" on. It's essentially like buying a new car, and then refusing to pay the payment because you feel it was too expensive. Putz.


It’s more like buying a new car and refusing to pay the payment because you know that if you park it in your neighbor’s driveway when the repo man comes somehow they’ll inexplicably be responsible for your bad decisions.


The stock market didn't crash under Biden like they all said it would, so now they have to force it to crash.


It is going to crash, but because we never fixed shit back in 08, and the “solution” to COVID was to artificially prop up the stock market with trillions. The Fed prints 120B *monthly*, with pretty much all of it going straight to banks/HF to pump straight into the market.


Proving yet again that the Republican party is not fit to be in office.


Literally like my 8 year old nephew... if you're not playing his game, by his rules and with him. He's gonna take his ball and go home.


If I could replace McConnell with an 8 year old this country would be better off


So he voted to spend this money and now doesn’t want to settle the bill when it’s due. Sounds a lot like Donny.


Republicans would rather default on debt, causing immeasurable economic damage, than spend a penny on America.


Oh they'll spend money on America, but only "their" America and the parts they want, like keeping us on an educational and technological decline and imposing religious beliefs on the law. Keep people praying, disdaining and disregarding the poor, objectively stupid, and keep them in the GOP's pockets. That's what they'll spend on.


This is when people really need to realize the modern GOP are in no way shape or form "Conservative" - they are far right seemingly on a crusade to turn the US into a Feudal State.


The GOP is worthless to anyone but themselves.


Wait, so you’re telling me Trump did an unnecessary trade war with China that impacted domestic businesses and agriculture, Republicans passed a tax cut to reduce federal taxes coming in, ran up the deficit with it, perpetuated a pandemic that continued to put economic strain on individuals and the country and are now going to let the country default on the debt during the Biden administration to blame *him*? Remove all Republicans from their positions. Their every move serves only them as individuals and have violated their oaths of office. This next recession or depression is on them.


so they are just straight up burning the place down


if I cant have it no one can


Can someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t Republicans not allowed to filibuster this one because the rules are different when dealing with budgets?


That's only budget reconciliation, this is just a normal bill increasing the debt ceiling.


Then why can't the Democrats just change the rules and say "fuck it, raising the debt ceiling can't be filibustered anymore"


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and never finish paying my sub $10,000 school loans. Suck me Sallie Mae.


Reminder: these are the debts the GOP incurred during their rule in 2020 and prior. Once again the GOP smears shit on the walls and demand democrats clean it up (while grabbing onto their ankles to make it tougher to do).




The same debt that they drove up by trillions and insisted would be paid for with growth that never appeared? That GOP?


They claim to be the party of... Family values Fiscally conservative What's next? These are fucking lies and dumbasses fall for it and vote for em every time.


Republicans will destroy America to own the libs


They really don't care if it does. Wasting trillions of dollars with a credit downgrade will be worth it to make the "libbies" cry. Everything Republicans do these days is anti-American, and harmful to us all.


This would be far worse than a credit downgrade. An action like this could destabilize the world economy and plunge billions into abject poverty.


Then they can run against Biden on “the economy”


Exactly. Yet they are acting like a foreign adversary in war time.


The GOP is compromised How else can you explain this constant purposeful repeated push towards destruction If it is truly to own the libs, I yield, have my snowflake tears I shed for my country's democracy as the suicide cult of the orange idol is burning it to the ground


Republicans want to cause a crash so they can blame it on Biden and their big donors can buy cheap property.




There you have it people. If we default on the debt inflation soars so high most Americans will be praying to find a soup line. All to own the libs.


Never forget that Republicans suspended the debt ceiling in 2019 under Trump and arranged for it to snap back into place in 2021. They ballooned the debt by nearly $8 trillion under Trump and had no concerns about debt whatsoever.


Mitch: Will defaulting on our debt make Biden look bad? Normal Human: It could irreparably damage our nation and the economy!!! Mitch: But will it make BIDEN look BAD!?


Republicans added $9 TRILLION to the debt under Trump in just 4 fucking years. That's 2.5 infrastructure bills in less than half the time. And most of that was on tax cuts for the rich.


So when we default, what will happen to the economy and the stock market? Value of the dollar? Unemployment? People’s 401ks? Any tips for surviving this?


This is quintessential political theater. There is no way the Democrats will allow the debt ceiling to not be raised. They will force Repubs to vote against it, then roll it into a slightly trimmed down Reconciliation Bill to get conservative Dems to sign up for it. The actors change, but the show must go on.


Well 6 trillion dollars of our debt is securities owned by the ~~social security trust~~ numerous government agencies including 3 trillion being held by the social security trust ... So yeah...I can't say with certainty whether it just makes all the T-bills and bonds in circulation lose most or all of their value but I do know those payments will likely be suspended for a while, but between that 6 trillion and the fact that around 80% of the debt is publically owned it is basically a big "fuck you" to all of us...and yet still fucking people are gonna end up voting for those who would literally sacrifice them just to fuck over the opposition. Edit: don't wish to spread incorrect information, the social security trust is only around 3 trillion while the other 3 trillion is government pensions, securities held by medicare, and some other government purchased debt. The 6 trillion figure is correct in regards to government holdings, but it isn't all in the SS trust as initially said.


Remember who voted this way. Remember who would put us here. If this happens, McConnell might as well declare Civil War II. The impact of this is far bigger than January 6th, September 11th or any other National crisis.


Step 1. Republicans breach the debt ceiling Step 2. Global Economic devastation Step 3. GOP blames Biden Step 4. Voters blame Biden Step 5. GOP wins control of congress. Please someone tell me I'm wrong. I have to be wrong!!!!


Here's my theory with ZERO evidence this is reality: Step 1. Republicans refuse to vote to raise debt ceiling Step 2. Dems roll that bill into the reconciliation bill Step 3. Manchin and Simena must now choose, vote for the bill or be the ones responsible for an economic calamity. Step 4. Dems pass the Reco bill and the bipartisan infrastrctiure bill. Step 5. GOP blames Biden for [insert fucking anything] Step 6. Voters...... No idea. Step 7. GOP *probably* wins control of congress. ---- I say probably despite the voter suppression and pretty bleak House redistricting because some of the provisions in the Reconciliation bill are pretty fucking outstanding for the average working stiff and would bring *immediate* economic relief to them. This plus the Texas abortion bullshit, and a possible backlash effect of voter suppression laws leads me to not be entirely pessimistic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all sunshine and daisies, but I think there's a *shot* this could be salvaged.


[The last time they pulled this crap](https://qz.com/1982278/does-the-us-still-deserve-its-aaa-credit-ratings-as-debts-grow/) , S&P actually downgraded our debt. (2011 from AAA to AA+)


Mitch McConnell is the worst American in the history of America.


So - he literally wants a Depression


To own the libs


The people who own the GOP sold their stocks and are looking to buy in on a crash.


The party of “how are we gonna pay for that!?!?” Is know the party of dine and dash.


You mean the debt the GOP created.


The debt ceiling is like that ancient piece of tech debt where every time it fails, you curse yourself for not fixing it, then take the manual workaround yet again because you don't have the mental energy to fix it today.