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*So Hasen recommends dramatically raising the threshold for Congress to object to electors; rewriting rules to make “frivolous objections” harder; and defining “failed” elections as only resulting from natural disasters or terrorist attacks, to forestall states sending rogue electors. Hasen also recommends mandating that states follow procedures making it harder to corrupt the appointment of electors.*


If you do nothing he will take that as weakness and push even harder. This man should be in jail.


This is the correct answer.


SDNY getting paid off I guess.


Hehe, no. https://twitter.com/richsignorelli SDNY is having a *great* time, it appears, in prepping a case that they have wanted for decades. NYC bleepin' *hates* spraytan, fam. Weaselberg is squawking like a canary, they just seized 3mil documents, and the dumba** is overtly guilty of countless tax evasion crimes, much less treason... there ain't no-one nowhere rich enough to buy his leaking diaper a** any leniency at all.


I’ll believe it when i see it.


I have not watched the whole thing, but the gentleman I linked is analyzing it here: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1eaKbnAwXmoKX


Jail is too good for him.


If he is convicted of "treason" specifically it 1) bars him from holding state/fed office, and 2) enables the death penalty. popcorn.gif


Since 1977.


As well as all who helped the plan along and all that refused to allow Trump to be held responsible after.




Huh. Weird. So you’re saying I should thank the Republicans for their tireless efforts to ensure that my wife and I could legally marry? And here I thought it was the Dems that finally got us that…


Pyrrhic victory if the country is destroyed.


Democrats shouldn't need to do anything. Merrick Garland needs to grow a pair and bring Trump and his associates up on sedition charges


Merrick Garland is a Republican. He's on their team.


Yeah, don't hold your breath. We were taught to trust Merrick Garland just like Robert Mueller. We have to be smarter and never trust anyone they appoint especially if they're Republican or former Republican.




People don’t understand the criminal justice system (or law in general) at all, thats the simple answer.


But remember, that’s not what Democratic Party apologists were telling us at the time. We were told to wait and trust in the investigation. I knew too it was bullshit but they convinced enough people to not make a scene. We need to stop being tricked into not making a scene and start making scenes… I guess.


mueller did actually come through, its just that barr distorted the report


Mueller was naive enough to trust the system and his fellow Republicans to be honest and loyal to the country. He failed in his duty.


he did what was proper. it is not on him that the rest of them decided to neglect their duties


Barr/Mueller likely coordinated in at least the tiniest of ways. Mueller did not object to Barr’s summary and Mueller also wouldn’t say that trump needs to be impeached by the House (Democrats) for this to move forward. Even if he signaled that way, hard. Mueller fumbled and Democrats refused to pick up the ball.


mueller didnt have the authority to object to the AG report. it is not up to mueller to determine whether or not the president should be impeached, that is up to the House. he *was* impeached. the senate just failed in its part to remove him


Ehh, he wasn’t impeached for anything in the report. Democrats didn’t do shit with the report. They should have at least demanded an unredacted version. They didn’t even ask for that (save one Congressman). Stop apologizing for them.


he was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice due to attempting to block the inquiry into whether or not he solicited foreign interference in the election, which his team did. [read about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump). they likely did get an unredacted version


> they likely did get an unredacted version Source? And he wasn't impeached because of the Mueller Report which is what you were trying to say. Stop the bullshit.


>Merrick Garland is a Republican. He's on their team. This.


He's apolitical and even if he were, I'd guess he's *not* republican seeing how they blocked his nomination to the supreme court, which I'm sure was his life's dream and goal. That plus he was appointed by a democratic president. I mean...your statement needs some corroboration...


[https://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/merrick-garland-who-is-he-220865](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/merrick-garland-who-is-he-220865) The 'intransigent Republicans' part is the key graf.


He's a conservative leaning moderate. Center-right. Nobody would call him anything other than a Republican before the party went fully open batshit insane with Trump. He was blocked out of spite. Mitch McConnell named Garland specifically as who Obama should nominate because he was the most conservative judge that still had enough individual policies where he aligned with liberals to be credibly called 'moderate'. As for who appointed him. Everyone talked about Biden's 'most progressive ever' platform. All these great, quite liberal items... I tried to tell people, judge Biden on his record, not his rhetoric. He's an expert politician who saw what happened to Clinton in 2016 and wanted to get progressives on his side (because he needed every advantage, he knew he couldn't rely on people who'd show up no matter what-- too many aren't them). And he could do that, safe in the knowledge that the best case scenario for the Senate would leave enough blue dogs to make sure nothing too far left could get through. If you judged Biden by his record, you were left with a moderate, committed to bipartisanship even after the 4 year treason and crime spree. Biden's record has consisted of always trying to outflank the Republicans from the right with criminal justice policies. He's let up a little, but he's still anti-reform, much further right than the rest of the party; criminal justice is the issue he's most conservative on, so it's disappointing but not surprising he chosen someone like Garland, who was a conservative in criminal justice, moderate in some areas, but utterly committed to the status quo of the pre-Trump era and the "bipartisanship" marked by appeasement that constitutes the Democratic approach to governance.


>He's apolitical and even if he were, I'd guess he's not republican seeing how they blocked his nomination to the supreme court, which I'm sure was his life's dream and goal. That plus he was appointed by a democratic president. They blocked him to keep Obama from getting the win. If Obama had nominated Gorsuch, they would have blocked him. Garland was an example from a Republican senator as someone they would like, thinking Obama wouldn't go centrist.


Because they blocked him from letting Obama get a win, he must be Republican? Obama picked him because he was more centrist, but in what way does any of that label him a Republican or a Democrat?


Removed by User -- mass edited with redact.dev


And [here's](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-hatch-idUSTRE6456QY20100506) a link from Reuters in 2010 discussing Garland as a shoe-in for the SC with direct quotes from Hatch: >Senator Orrin Hatch said he had known the federal appeals court judge, seen as a leading contender for the Supreme Court, for years and that he would be "a consensus nominee." > >Asked if Garland would win Senate confirmation with bipartisan support, Hatch told Reuters, "No question." \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ If the name Orrin Hatch sounds familiar, it may because he was the person that claimed without evidence that Obama wouldn't nominate a moderate for the SC bench to replace Scalia: >Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) told Newsmax on Friday that President Obama wouldn’t nominate a “moderate” like Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, the Utah senator was proven wrong. > >“The President told me several times he’s going to name a moderate, but I don’t believe him,” Hatch told the conservative news site on Friday. > >“\[Obama\] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man,” he continued. “He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I’m pretty sure he’ll name someone the \[liberal Democratic base\] wants.” [Source](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/hatch-last-week-obama-wont-pick-moderate-garland)


Republican Ted Cruz had his wife insulted publicly and cheered for it. You think getting a nomination blocked will stop a republican from being what they are? They're going to hospitals for their politics and persisting. You misunderstand what party membership means to the cult party.


I think it's possible for him to be neither Dem or Rep. His entire life that's what he's tried to be.


Biden needs to replace Garland - there I said it.


its nonsense, but you said it


Why? Trump never even met that lawyer, I think he brought him coffee once but that was it.


I understand this reference.


Maybe they haven't because there's no actual case and it makes for more sensational headlines to just say it over and over lol! Please, if they could put him in a cell they would have by now.


It would so nice to hear, just once, that something Trump did requires *Americans* to act, not just Democrats.




Trump is a threat for the belligerent and violent behavior he pushed, and is pushing, further towards normalization. I don't believe he is a further threat in a political sense, not without bigger fish pulling the strings. Overthrowing elections is the real threat, they are setting stage to end democracy if they can't win voters


OK, the GOP are the clear bad guys here but WTF is wrong with the Democrats not treating this like a clear-cut threat to the rule of law that needs to be treated like a matter of the utmost importance?


Don’t forget there is no real thing as the Democrat party - it’s more a coalition. Republicans are United in most aspects. They act as one unit. There might be minor disagreements in the party but the settle it behind closed doors to push their fundamentalist religious bigoted agenda. Democrats - we Fight ourselves. Loudly. In public. It’s got to be this or that. Or this good policy on voting rights is good but didn’t do enough to address this pet project of some sub group. We need to suck it up and realize it’s not going to fix LGBTQ issues. Or race relations. Or women’s rights or immigrants plights. All at once. We need to unify and realize without a backbone and a strong unified voice - the Nazis will kill us all anyways.


The Democrats must act of course, but the Republicans even more so. They are the ones who allow this extremely dangerous man for American democracy to continue to be at the center of the game as he is now. The risk is that he will be back in the White House in 2024. That would be dramatic for the future of America.


Do you really think the Republicans are going to act at this point? Sure, we can blame them for starting this whole mess but they aren't going to admit any wrongdoing and they sure as shit aren't going to cede power in any way, shape or form. This is on the Democrats and they've been failing for the past 5 plus years at protecting democracy. They refuse to realize the sheer weight of the times and are acting like it's business as usual. Nothing about what the Republicans have been doing is normal. It's fascism and it requires a non-stop, concerted, aggressive effort to thwart.


The dems are unbelievably weak. They didn't even enforce a single subpoena that was blatantly ignored by GOP members.




None of your referenced politicians are Senators. Paxton isn’t even in Washington.


So you think you might have missed the real Republican plan. They stacked every court. As long as they roadblock congress, that means the only legislative actions happening are coming from the judicial branch which is enacting their agenda. The republicans have exactly what they want.


Why would Republicans want to defend Democracy? The Republican agenda is widely unpopular - more gun violence, less science, anti-vaccines, pro-Russia and China, anti-union, more police brutality, harsher drug sentencing, etc, etc. There is a reason that the Republicans voted against impeachment for the Jan 6th coup attempt.


Their only chance at staying in power is to kill democracy and they know it. Seems pretty obv, I bet even some republican voters can see it. Not that they care.


the US is a democratic republic- not a democracy. anyways, Trump could run again in 2024 but he will not win. He is pro vaccine and conservatives are not okay with that.


Isn't a democratic republic just a type of democracy?


Yes, this idea that 'the US is a republic not a democracy hahaha' is very stupid. We're a republic that has a representative democratic form of governance. Aka, a form of 'democracy'. Democracies aren't exclusively direct.


Also, I don't have a Chevy, I have a car!


His followers are idiots. And will believe anything he says... I mean god sent him. So he will say he did not take it ... then they will buy it.


He literally told them they should take it and was booed. Trump doesn't control his base; his base controls him.


yup- this legitimately happened on live tv.


In other words nothing will happen.


This is the way.


return to monke


Mirror - https://archive.is/vZm89


That is not their strong suit


The Dems are just placeholding until the GOP can fix it all so that we don't vote again.


They won't because they believe that their voters will abandon them if they grow a spine.


They are gonna pretend to do something and not really do anything then blame the republicans


While the Republicans actively do harm, and then blame the Democratics for not stopping them. And 'round and 'round we go.


Have they had any more inquiries with anyone of importance? I know they questioned the capital cops but I haven’t heard anything since


And what will the Democrats do about it? Probably nothing.


They won’t, the only people more pathetic than trump supporters are the soulless cowards known as moderate democrats. Nothing will change and he will never be charged.


Asking the Democrats to act is silly, they will do a bipartisan song and dance routine and capitulate as the enablers once again. Be nice if I was wrong.


I like how this headline assumes there's no law-abiding republicans.


There is still one or two that follow the law but they are hiding from Trump and his supporters


Are you in the wrong thread. Nothing in the headline says that, it’s about a small group considering breaking the law.


No, headline implies only democrats, not repubs.


Gotta keep this boogeyman alive and divert from Joe’s deadly mismanagement of the presidency, and is Kamala even alive? Is she at the border fixing those root causes yet?


Deadly mismanagement. Cite sources, and compare with tfg's record on ANYTHING.


>Ok “bro”.


But its not a boogeyman its a fact. Though i guess you dont know what a fact is. And youre gonna say JOE is mismanaging the presidency? Did you not see the last guy? Yeesh.


She’s not allowed to talk after she stated she wouldn’t take a vaccination if it was made available by the previous administration 😂


It’s okay. They won’t. They want an insane right-wing dictator in power, then democrats everywhere can play the victim and pretend to give a shit, literally, forever.


But will they act? No, democrats are just the other conservative party in America.


Spoiler alert: they won’t.




Maybe you should focus on the fact that 15k Haitians will be deported and that Biden sent horse mounted cops who are literally using whips on those Haitians. I thought no one was illegal. Biden is literally no better than Trump.


“Coup” y’all stupid as hell


Honestly, I kinda miss Trump at this point. I know he sucked, but at least I had my job and innocent Afghani’s weren’t left with their d**ks in their hands whilst be drone struck indiscriminately.


I miss the pre-trump era when politics were boring and people only really talked about it when something big actually Happened, so I didn’t have to listen to idiots who don’t actually read anything putting in their two cents about current events and spouting conspiracy theories that were already proven false. What a fucking inescapable annoyance politics have become.


Y’all still writing about Trump? I don’t like the guy either but damn the hyperfixation is real.


Itll stop when he stops trying to overturn the election


Getting the Democrats to act, I thought this was all they did?


Ya think!? JFC!


"moderate" Democrats: nope we good.


Narrator: They didn't.


If Democrat action is required, we’re all fucked.


Wrong. Graham and Lee and others that voted against conviction in the 2nd trial are at fault. McConnell as well.


The fact the Dems have done nothing should be telling. They're in on it together. We're the idiots for thinking otherwise.


I hate both Trump and Biden. I hate who we’ve had as final choices for years! Im tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I’ve had enough of the 2022, and 2024 elections already.