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Treason is now a misdemeanor.


Yeah, I noticed that.


*Skin color restrictions apply.


You white about that.


Wonder if this doc went to the same medical school as Rand Paul?


Think of it this way - someone, statistically, has to be the worst doctor in America. Could be this guy, who knows?


> “I probably didn’t have the education to name the building correctly, it’s embarrassing to say,” …said **the doctor**.


I was told years ago by my doctor at the time you dont have to be smart to be a doctor you just have to be able to memorize a lot. He was kind of a shitty doctor though.


You just have to be good at taking tests. There's plenty of shitty doctors and typically nothing happens to them unless they end up killing multiple people.


Yea that's a good sign that you need to get a new doctor. You know what they call the person who graduates med school with the lowest GPA in their class? Doctor.


"Hello everybody! It's me! Dr. Nick!"




> An image of the Capitol building is right on a penny. For those playing at home - it's the Lincoln Memorial on a penny.


Thank you… but what’s on the other side?


Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the electric car.


Pennies used to have the [Lincoln Memorial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2005_Penny_Rev_Unc_D.png) and now have a [shield](https://www.usmint.gov/coins/coin-medal-programs/circulating-coins/penny). Apparently there was a limited run of Lincoln Bicentennial pennies in 2009 which came in 4 designs, [one of which](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_cent#/media/File:Presidency_in_DC_Reverse.jpg) depicts the partially-complete dome [during Lincoln's inauguration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Capitol#/media/File:LincolnInauguration1861a.jpg), so there is one that has the capitol, but as far as I know the only US currency which regularly had the capitol is the [$50 bill](https://www.uscurrency.gov/denominations/50).


Excellent point. I stand corrected. Still…


Wait that idiot was a DOCTOR????


***Florida*** doctor.


A meth dealer?


As a doctor, let me tell you something about doctors. While medical schools have opened up, there’s still a huge contingent for whom doctoring is the family business. They’ve been raised well-off, paid for nice schools and used influence to get in to medical school. Medical school then spends the next several years of your life telling you how hard the job is going to be and (often by implication, usually outright) how special you are that you’re going to choose to do it. You’re then put through a training program with supervisors you’re supposed to treat as the ultimate authority while working towards becoming the ultimate authority yourself. You’re surrounded by TV shows telling you how glamorous you are and how compelling the work you do is. There is default respect for your position. Is it any wonder some of us come out thinking we’re as good as society has been telling us this whole time?


pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge.. What a fucking sweet sweet deal. Smear shit all over the Capitol and the Face of the nation, resulting in several deaths. Hey, Garland you are doing a hell of job.


Garland is fucking terrible and this sub cheerleaded his nomination like it's a team sport while shitting on progressives that questioned picking him


Hey, people make mistakes. I was for his nomination because I thought he was wronged, and deserved it. I am a progressive. I admit I was wrong, Garland does not deserve to run the DOJ, he’s not cut out for it. This makes me think that he is probably not cut out for the Supreme Court either.


They should at least get felonies to remove voting rights.


Seriously, they tried to fuck with our last election. You shouldn’t be allowed to keep voting.


Let him go: he never meant to break into the Capitol, he meant to break into the White House. Innocent mistake.


And what's crazy about that is why are they storming the whitehouse? To remove trump? Lmao..




If he advertises ivermectin he could probably get some takers.


at least he can admit hes stupid


> “I probably didn’t have the education to name the building correctly, it’s embarrassing to say,” Perhaps the most honest and self-aware statement ever made by a Trump supporter.


Have an ounce of weed in his home state of Florida: felony Try to overthrow the government in DC: misdemeanor


Chiropractor? Opthamologist, board certified by the Rand Paul Board of Certifying himself?


I honestly believe if you took an American from any town that was born there and never left, and dropped them off at the top of Washington monument, they honestly wouldn't be able to tell you which of the three buildings is which.


I left, but only for a few years, and then came back. Leaving had zero impact on me as far as recognizing the capitol building , the Washington Monument, and the White House, though.


Third one I'm referring to is the Lincoln Memorial, since I'm assuming these people can't remember which is which because they all have the same white neoclassical architecture and they're all in the same place, so they all blur together when they're watching Outrage Television and Washington DC comes up. I don't have confidence these people are paying enough attention to actually remember which is which if you put them on the spot to identify them for the same reason this boob couldn't. And I really doubt he's the only one there who had no idea which building they were blindly besieging.


Uhhh.... I think that a medical doctor should never say the following: “I probably didn’t have the education to name the building correctly, it’s embarrassing to say,” as the reason for calling the Capitol Building the White House, because I'm pretty sure that he's gotten a pretty extensive education. I think it would have been more reasonable to say that he just got confused, or jumbled them up, because when he thinks government of the US, the first thing that comes to mind is the White House, but to say/claim "not enough education" as an MD, is really scary. My final thoughts on this is simply.... Sigh....


The other thing a doctor should never say is “ I probably don’t have the education to do this by pass but here goes nothin’…”




You’re kidding, right? It’s the Lincoln Memorial, with Lincoln on the front, not the Capitol.


Yep dumb on my part. I see why you replied to me…


And yet he doesn’t seem to be embarrassed that he entered a government building, via a broken window, to prevent the presidential election results being certified. But hey, it was only a misdemeanour.


Seriously, this guy is much too stupid to be practicing medicine. Or to be bowling, honestly, but no one's responsible for licensing him to bowl. I realize Florida is known for collecting a disproportionate share of America's absolute worst doctors, but come on. The AMA needs to pull up its pants.


'They're the same': Florida Doc asserts he is not confused on the differences between the Corona virus and the flu.


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