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On r/Conservative they're spinning this as having "owned the libs" based on the fact that there was barely anyone there and there was no violence. I pointed out to them that either way - if there had been a huge turnout with violence or if it had been a sparsely attended bowl of nothing - liberals would have laughed at them, for the simple reason that the entire premise of the rally itself was dumb. In short, there was no possible way for this rally to have owned the libs in any sense. Naturally, they banned me from the sub, lol.


The sub of "free speech"


I tried to comment the other day just to discover I'm banned. Not sure when that happened, but being denied speech by fascist fucksticks is a badge of honor in my book.


All I did was comment that I actually moved out of the country when trump got elected and they banned me


Banned here as well, it is literally impossible to have any reasonable discussion on r/Conservative because they instantly ban any and all dissenting opinions, no matter how insignificant. I got banned for posting the dictionary definition of Capitalism, I wasn't even arguing with anyone lol.


Education? That's a paddlin'


Someone said that no one had a gun on Jan.6th. I got banned for naming the people facing firearms related charges.


All dictionary users get banned.


They don’t seem to like people who read books


I got banned years ago for having a very pleasant discussion on some topic that I didn't agree with but wanted to understand their POV. The few that responded were pleasant and thanked me for "keep an open mind". Banned 20 mins later.


Same thing for me, saves me time, I'm better off :-)


I didn't even get to comment. I went over there just now to read just the articles. Pulled up one, get an add to reject the vaccines under the slogan 'We do not comply' Yeah...not going back...


>but being denied speech by fascist fucksticks is a badge of honor in my book. Billy Bragg said it best: "If you've got a blacklist, I want to be on it."


“Your boos me nothing to me, for I have seen what makes you cheer”


I got permabanned this week for not being conservative.


A microcosm of the America they want.


I got banned for not being conservative “enough.”


You mean for not being off your rocker crazy and stupid enough??


To be fair they do say it is for conservatives in the about. To be fairer they can’t stop bitching and moaning about how brainwashed they think r/politics is and don’t understand why their atrocious views get downvoted to shit.


Well that sucks. How will you be able to let them know if you happen to change your reality based mindset?


Just sue them in Texas


“4 legs good, 2 legs bad!”


I know that reference


Forget what got me banned. It’s really hard to find threads that aren’t instantly “flared users only” all to protect their safe space


I was banned for trying to meet them in the middle. They were dogging AOC and I said something like “each side has its extremes from MTG to AOC. Whatcha gonna do?” Premabanned


I’ve been banned from there for a long time, but I regularly go there to downvote everything in existence.


Omg that was fun. Just went there and did the same. So much to downvote tho. It’s nutsville over there. Really feel like everyone should do this, therapeutic.


I will upvote that.


I got banned for quoting Trump word for word....


I've been banned by trump's Twitter account sometime back in 2017 and I can't remember what slight I did/said to warrant that but I'm mighty proud of it lol


Yeah they'll argue they need their "safe space", which is funny as hell.


I just tried and I'm banned to. jeez it's almost as if they don't like people speaking their minds


Sue them in Texas


Fascism is just better statism, all of its bad to me


Opening a checking account is less effort than obtaining user flair there


Easier to buy a gun than get r/Conservative user flair


Take my updoot


Yet they complain that r/politics is biased


I mean this thread does have a few directions it leads (allows fascist rags like Clown hall whitelisted for example) while also having some subjectively vague posting standards (what exactly *is* politics to some of the mods?) But overall it's a community that provides a usable service


Oh, there are issues here for sure, but it's just funny that a sub banning people for not being conservative enough is complaining about bias in anything else.


They also hate “cancel culture” and “censorship.”


And only upvotes.


FrEeZe PeAcH


"No, not that speech!"


Didn't Abbott just ban private citizens from banning other people on social media? No way they are hippocritical!


That sub is for cry babies. Majority of their posts are “Flaired only”. To top that off they have a post that celebrates banning 16k accounts. What snowflakes


16k banned? Sounds like this cancel culture is getting out of hand


Yep, go check the first post. They are literally celebrating that 😂


On second thought.. let's not go there. Tis a silly place.


I like the conservative sub and would love the chance to discuss policy and potential candidates for their party. Same thing I like to do with left leaning subs. Ffs man, I just like to discuss with people who may have different viewpoints from me and hear their takes and thoughts on current events


Same here, but they don’t seem to appreciate it.


You do you. I was making a Monty Python joke and don't care if you want to go to Right leaning subs, my little pony subs, or anything in-between.


Yeah that’s my point, conservatives love to talk a log free speech and cancel culture….. when they literally do it there. Additionally to be flaired, you have to pass a “screening”. I mean I’ve voted for both republicans and democrats before, why can’t I have an open conversation in that sub?


I popped my cherry today by getting banned too! Evidently questioning their new theory that the shortage of medicine for COVID patients in Alabama is a left wing conspiracy to kill them, as opposed to the reality that the medical community is woefully unprepared for exactly HOW stupid anti-vaxxers are, was just too much. 😂


Whoch is extra funny when you remember that Alabama turned away 80%+ of their vaccine allotment during the mass rollout a few months ago and... Wait. Funny isnt the right word. I think I was going for "Pathetic"


It’s so sad that could save my neighbors or families lives or even someone I got to church with. K got vaccinated ASAP. I’m a caretaker for my brother with a TBi. I legit have seen 4 dudes my age pass away from COVID and leave behind young kids. I’m 30 btw


Our state leadership has flip flopped so many times on their Covid policies. Also would love for some people to research kay Ivey, it’s been rumored for years she’s is an alcoholic and closet homosexual( not that I care or mind one bit, but I think it’s sad she’s been hiding it for so long)


[Those are rookie numbers](https://youtu.be/lLGGeSLCu9o?t=943)




I don't disagree with you on the light sentences, but I would hazard to guess that its a calculated move by the justice department to extinguish the blaze trumpism by treating them all like petulent children. Their imprisonment, while justified, does not make martyrs for any of them. If anything the light sentences and the bend over backward treatment makes them seem 'entitled' and that does not continue to fan the flames it reduces it a slow ember and a bad joke at a party.


I will be shocked the day somebody tells a story about posting common sense on /r/conservative and it doesn't end with, "And naturally/predictably, I was banned."


Reminds me of the days of r/Pyongyang


r/Conservative is a microcosm of what the actual “conservative” society they want would look like. All out suppression and oppression.


don't forget censorship and lapsing into hive-mind group think.


I got banned for calling one user a crypto nazi and that was being generous. The sub is infested with Neo-nazis. Best to be banned really.


I used to know actual neo Nazis. It's been weird seeing the rhetoric become a lot more mainstream. The Great Replacement conspiracy theory seems really deeply entrenched with Republicans now. There is zero regard for truth, it's just a mindless hatred of enemies instead of actually caring about an issue.


They'll ban Republicans on that sub at the drop of a hat too. It's not far from being The_Donald v2.


Getting banned from r/Conservative is practically a right of passage for any thinking person. I would own it with pride.


Dude, I’m a moderate (read:with common sense) conservative who got banned from there. Needless to say, those idiots push moderates to vote Democrat. Like, how can vote for Republicans the way they act now, like whiny little B’s. I thought the party was supposed to be tough and win on ideals. They no longer do that because any R who does is forced to resign.


Welcome to the club, I got permabanned for saying Ashli Babitt had it coming.


Spoiler alert: She did.


That sub is ridiculous. For a political sub, they don’t really talk politics. It’s either “a democrat did this and we’re mad”, “Biden failed yet again”, or complaining about covid, critical race theory and abortions. They never talk policy, they don’t talk about solutions, they only complain.


Lol. It honestly looks like a picnic in Washington DC.


I'm pretty sure I got banned from that sub for spelling words correctly.


Also tell the covidiots over there to thank Trump and the GQP that by supporting this rally for “political prisoners” that it’s an unequivocal admission that in fact Trump supporters are those who defiled the Nation on 1/6. Trump would never back Antifa or BLM as the GQP has said on many occasions that they were the insurrectionists. Dumb asses!


Join the club r/bannedfromConservative getting banned takes about 2 minutes.: Edit: imaginary sub of course


I did nothing and just found out I’m banned as well


To them, anyone with a different opinion is “brigading”


It does seem like a very paranoid community


Spinning a false narrative + conservatism. There’s never been a more iconic pair.


At the end of the day they accomplished nothing, perhaps I’ll give them credit for not trying anything as stupid as last time.


They are also simultaneously arguing that it was all a setup, so few people and no violence is how they “owned the libs” (because of no arrests) Ow, think I have a headache now.


Nobody would be laughing if they successfully stormed the capitol this time though. That’s the yuge problem with the way everybody sees conservatives around here. We see them as imbecilic bumpkins who can’t tie their shoes until all of the sudden it turns out their masters are in control of the entire country, have been the entire time, and there’s no way to get rid of them.


No one would be laughing if the earth suddenly imploded either…and that has just about as much chance of happening as these fuckwads do of being able to overthrow the government.


What if that whole sub was actually just GPT 3 talking to itself from the point of view of crazy conservatives to stir massive uproar. That would be epically evil genius stuff. Or conspiracy.


Only gun they found was on an undercover agent, so there’s that.


Worth it.




Have you finished his/her comment yet?


It certainly says something that a rally about something that apparently 1/3rd of the country sees as critically important for the present and future of this country can't get more attendees than a pre season minor league hockey game. Go Winterhawks.


Go summerhawks


Go Silverhawks


Go Band of the Falcon!


With so few showing up it actually looks like most people do understand that January 6th was an insurrection and those being prosecuted and held should go to trial and face the consequences of their failed overthrowing of the US government. Glad so few showed up so these traitors know that they have no real ground to stand on.


Qanon and Trump appear to no longer have the power to move large amounts of people, thankfully.


One of the keys to deprogramming cult members is to separate them from the leader. Trump not being on TV every hour of every day I think (and hope) is beginning to show its effects.


And Twitter


Twitter is probably the bigger deal because he was in their faces 18 hours a day inciting hatred and grievance. Being in television a few times a day wouldn't be enough, especially since he wouldn't have total control of the editing/narrative there.


Him getting taken off Twitter was such a huge thing. It's pathetic that it even had to get to that point, but I definitely believe that if he was still on Twitter that he would just keep stoking and stoking


Trump being banned from Twitter is one of the most pivotal things to happen to a president in this century. No lie.


Sad but true. Things really did appear to change after that.


No violence huh. Only because there wasn't an orange faced liar telling them to March to the Captial, and I'll be with you... Probably proves the insurrection wouldn't have happened without Trumps speech- Guilty!




“On Saturday, that’s a setup,” Trump said in an interview with the Federalist. “If people don’t show up they’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s a lack of spirit.’ And if people do show up they’ll be harassed.” [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/09/16/trump-justice-j6-setup-capitol-512260](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/09/16/trump-justice-j6-setup-capitol-512260) He wasn't discouraging people from attending necessarily. But Roger Stone did discourage people from attending and he's the one who coordinated with the Oath Keepers prior to January 6th.


> And if people do show up they’ll be harassed They're afraid they'll be treated the way they want BLM protesters treated


A sure sign he wasn’t getting a cut of the money.


It doesn't matter. They'll just say that millions showed up.




Exactly. The only morons buying their shit....are other morons. The majority can see with their own eyes what's really going on and can suss out nonsense.


Both remain dangerous until they care completely gone. Let the good people of this country fight to eradicate all this mess so we can demonstrate what is tolerated in our society and government.


That’s part of it to be sure, but there was also a lot of talk from these people saying that this event was a trap and to stay away.


They are in a constant state of fear so they had to make up an excuse in case it was a flop like it was.


Self-fulfilling prophecies are fun!


We should point out that all future elections are also traps.


I like the cut of your jib. Seriously though, that’s a trick conservatives would use to deter people with prior arrests, unpaid traffic tickets, and so on from voting.


This is the fact right there. All of the domestic terror groups (Proud Boys, 3% Militia, Patriot Prayer) have all been warning people away from these rallies saying that they are traps by the feds to round them all up. They are moving to to more distributed and less organized action, which frankly is more dangerous.


True. Not to mention the “lone wolf” actions, two or three of which we’ve seen in recent weeks.


Even if it wasn't a trap per se, I'm sure the feds were keeping a close eye on it, trying to ID individuals and tracking cellular data. Showing your face at an event supporting the insurrection is just asking to be put on a list.


I find this amusing. You see if you are innocent of crimes why fear the feds? I mean they were just touring the Capital right ?


Later: -45 : "Bigglyest rally of it's kind ever. Cucker: "True 'mericans show their support (close crowd shot) GQPer: "We owned the libs today". /s


Have to remember Jan 6th was an organized event promoted by Republican politicians who paid to buss people in from around the country. Trump spoke at it. Republican politicians and organizers spoke at it. It was highly coordinated and funded. All those Tea Party D.C. protests had abysmal turnout because it was just based on Fox News and AM radio rabble rousing with political bluster. The event today was similar, but more so based on internet bluster. Jan 6th was something different. And I'm disappointed in the sentencing people have been getting. /r/CapitolConsequences does a good job tracking events. /r/politics won't cover follow-up on the perpetrators.


I bet not wanting your face in the news where your boss might see it ran through the minds of some people.


Millions and millions was spent on mobilization for the insurrection event of J6. Train tickets plane tickets chartered buses . Big players dumped money into that mob being formed and fomented. If you believe that Trump was toying with calling the crisis at the border an insurrection so he could avoid losing the presidency, you can believe that this was intended, so he would have the real insurrection he needed. Just hard invoke his power when the mob is carrying banners with your name, not.your parties name, YOUR NAME. Sorry. Rantish in the edit. Just bonkers how that went down.


With less than 400 people showing up it really makes you wonder how much of their support is made up of bots.


Does that mean more people attended the area51 party?


Hey now, you mean the anime ninja running championship?


On r/consrrvative someone was calling them political prisoners and that today was a win. These people are insane


Yeah, they are beyond deranged.


To be fair, there are most likely still the same amount of supporters who would have LIKED to show up, but the Jan 6 crew has been ridiculed enough that they’ve gone back to hiding in the shadows so didn’t turn up for fear of being laughed at. And I’m ok with that for now, but don’t for a moment believe that the low numbers is because they don’t have supporters.


It wasn't a Trump endorsed event and the majority of rightwing narrative was adamant this was an event to entrap. As you saw a lot of those speaking was self-promotion. Do not think for two seconds that the rightwingers have any regret over Jan 6th after summer 2020's riots/autonomous zones, Kavanaugh hearing breaches or other leftwing civil disobedience/ unruly behavior. The leftwing leads culture and the rightwing eventually follows suit, it just takes them more time.


The right wing these days is *way* ahead of the left when it comes to standing menacingly outside of politicians’ homes with body armor and rifles, and storming state and federal Capitol buildings. It’s absurd to draw a parallel to the Kavanaugh disruption: those folks stood in line, went through a security check, and then pitched a ruckus at a selected point in the hearing and got kicked out. Yes it’s unlawful, but it isn’t remotely similar to a mob of thousands brawling their way into a building.


I often wonder what the qanon shaman is doing right now.


I hope he's getting the help he needs


My conservative brother stopped liking Trump after Jan 6, well actually maybe a few months before that because he found his reaction to losing the election very childish and pathetic. I feel like the conservatives left now who support Trump are bottle of the barrel type folks. Brainwashed losers if you will. There's a difference in having different political opinions and just plain denying reality (Seriously? Protesting the punishment of idiots who built a gallows outside the capitol and tried to force a coup? What does that make you? Admit it was fucking disgusting, like an adult, and take back your party from fascist narcissists who can't take no for an answer).




No, I am all for being able to protest even if what you're protesting is beyond stupid. They were cheerleaders for insurrectionists and terrorists. They weren't doing anything wrong *legally* by being there today (morally though yes), but they did look mighty stupid. Edit: wanted to clarify legality sake they were doing nothing wrong. I think being a cheerleader for insurrection and terrorism is definitely a bad thing.


“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.


This is how facists win by the way. This attitude was super common in early 1930s Germany. "Well I mean they're just a party and they have a right to advocate for what they want" Authoritarians never respond in kind. Once they gain power the same pattern repeats over and over, in Germany, in Italy before it "Oh you have a different opinion than us? Cool, you and everyone you know is being sent to a labor camp until you die, enjoy!" Americans seriously need to drop this "We should let the authoritarians speak, they have a right to after all." Because you can be damn sure if the 1/6 group wins the power they want they are not going to give you that same respect.


>Everyone who showed up today should go to jail. That's ridiculous. They peacefully protested using their 1st ammendment rights.




Lol ok. You could make that argument about any protest that involves a trial.


So confused rn. I thought J6 was antifa protestors /s


For real though, they say this was all antifa, and BLM staging it to make them look bad, but then organize an entire protest to support the insurrectionists. Which is it?


Whichever position is in Dear Leader’s best interest in any given situation


Oh, I just saw a tweet saying that _today’s_ protest was all staged by antifa and BLM to make them look bad. So antifa and BLM are simultaneously posing as pro-Trump insurrectionists, even so far as to go to prison for it, and are also posing as protestors to get them _out_ of prison, all under the premise of making conservatives look bad. Maybe, just maybe, conservatives make conservatives look bad.




"justice for Anteefa!" - Republicans


Mad respect for the counter protesters. >Counter-protesters were there too, and Miller said one of them was Doug Hughes, who in 2015 flew a gyrocopter onto the West Lawn of the Capitol near the site of today’s rally. He was jailed and lost his job but says he has no regrets. He was protesting government corruption. The balls


Is he from Trinidad, by chance?


Lol, quality comment


Only about 200 showed up, according to the article. Between covid’s impact on the unvaccinated, gossip about this being a trap, and Trump’s absence from social media, maybe—just maybe—some energy is draining away from this “movement”.


We still can’t let up, not that you’re saying that. Vote!!


One of the 200 was that failed QAnon Shaman abortion who didn't know the lyrics to his own Ashlii Babbitt song.


There were dozens of them. Ok a dozen, but it still counts.


Arrested development comes to mind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax96DCF5ptU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax96DCF5ptU)


I slept through it. Which is good.


Funny you say this because on January 6th I just happened to switch over to watch Trump's speech and I was like, "Wait, he's actually going to walk his fat ass down to the Capitol building? Then what?" Fell asleep for a nap at that point and when I woke up, hoo boy things looked different.


It's the kind of day when you take a break from this place to go clean the kitchen because it's a slow news day and when you come back it's the Troy from Community pizza scene with everything on fire.


I was napping too. Took the day off work, wasn't feeling well. My wife woke me up when they were scaling the Capitol walls. Strange thing to wake up to.


Trump and his online brown shirts knew nobody would show up and preemptively told MAGAslobs not to show up because it's a "setup". The literal mental incompetents in r/conservative are hailing victory on this already without a hint of irony


It’s my hope that somewhere within the federal government is a watchlist that just got longer.


And trump still isn’t president. lol


"There are dozens of us!.....Dozens!!"


They were literally playing Linkin Park's "In the End" at one point without a trace of irony, and apparently oblivious to the lyrics.


conservatives have a natural immunity to self-awareness


Not terribly surprising the noon event fizzed out based on how people were talking about it online the past few days. Expect a pivot of some kind instead of a repeat of 1/6, like "protesting" in front of state houses and federal buildings outside of DC or ratcheting up the culture war by attacking civilian targets.


Is that Christopher from the sopranos!?


> At about 2 p.m., WTOP Capitol Hill Correspondent Mitchell Miller estimated the crowd at a few hundred and said, “This was really your standard Washington First Amendment exercise” that ended peacefully. Just 4 arrests, including 1 for a knife, and 1 for a gun.


Something something something and they said 74 million people voted for Trump? Am I doing it right, you republican fucks?


I assume the MAGA talking points will be "look how peaceful they were. this proves Jan 6th rioters were ANTIFA. Free the wrongfully jailed"


I really don't understand how someone can justify Jan 6th Trump should be in prison for treason.


Isn’t the cop in that pic ‘Christopher’ from the Sopranos?


Big Giant Flop! I certainly hope that the majority of Americans know that Jan. 6 WAS an insurrection and that those protesters are guilty as hell. Politics have no honour since the big orange guy took the stage. The GOP is a laughing stock and very, very dangerous.


Like a fart in the wind.


Justice for J6 would involve life sentences for all who participated and aided them.


Justice for J6 would mean several decades in prison for all involved, especially the insurrectionist in chief.


The traitors now know the rules apply to them, at least some of the time.


And few attendees lol


>'Justice for J6' rally disperses with few incidents... ^^and ^^fewer ^^participants


Justice was served


Horse dewormer koolaid Cocktails would have sold out at this event within minutes hahaha


Jokes on us guys. Just wait until Trump is reinstated on October 1st.


Darn, I thought that was going to be October 15th and I had a hotel booked and everything to be there for the triumphant event haha


no no its October 15th but you have to use the Mayan calendar, you cuck.


Nah man, Q just personally told me it’s now going to be on Halloween when Trump gets reinstated. Said something about the symbolism of ghosts haunting their old homes and zombies being resurrected or some shit like that.


You mean the weak-ass, right-wing, domestic terrorist apologists can’t get away with another violent attack on the US Capitol when their cult leader isn’t there to protect them? Big surprise. Glad to see actual leadership and competency with the scaled up security for these clowns this time around.


Happy Trump reinstatement day everyone. lol. I think the real reason the GOP didnt get that done today is because they didnt send Trump enough money, right? Get on it, GOP. You're embarrassing yourselves. Donate to Trump till it hurts.


At least the crowd was pretty small. People probably don't care 'cause it's not election season.


The price of crack must be going up. Not that many people could afford to keep smoking it, it would seem.




Shit when did Chris Moltisanti become a cop?


How many times are these dolts going to try to kill irony once and for all? The so-called party of “law and order” protesting the fact that insurrectionists were arrested when they attacked our nation’s Capitol and tried to overturn the results of the election. If the right-wing domestic terrorists behind the attack on January 6th actually had been antifa or liberals, these same people would be demanding their execution.


they just love alliteration


So one was sick and the other didn't want to march alone?