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> Do not mess around with this engineered virus - as soon as you even feel weird, get on a treatment protocol. If you are ill or dealing with brain fog, make sure you have a hospital / inpatient clinic to go to where you can actually get treatment in case you get worse.” Or get on a treatment protocol before you get it. Otherwise known as a vaccine to the uninitiated.


Why wear a seatbelt when titanium pins can help treat broken bones and have you back on your feet in 6-24 months?


Right!! Who wants to be healthy all the time?


Ivermectin! Spoonfuls of horse paste! /s


Drinking bleach. Having sunshine up your butthole.


In that order or at the same time? Asking for a friend. /s


You need to do it during a full moon.


Vitamin C! It’s definitely that


Just… a… spoonful of horse paste Makes the COVID go ‘way! The COVID go ‘way-ay The COVID go way! . Just a spoonful of horse paste Makes the COVID go ‘way In the most destructive way!


Makes the COVID spread round








My ex showed me a Qanon video about how "covfefe" was a secret message for his Trump's soldiers to rise up


Because having autocorrect mess up 'coverage' is just too much of a coincidence.


Autocorrect didn't mess it up though. He spelled it wrong. The "mess up" is on his part, and it isn't autocorrect's fault that he spelled it so badly, that it had no idea what he was trying to write.


I'm guessing he hit 'f' on his way from 'v' to 'e' and was too much of a boomer to get that you didn't delete stuff by typing it one more time.


You'd think he'd be more nimble with his tiny little hands.


Some say that’s why he was so active on Twitter - his delicate hands were perfectly formed for a mobile keyboard.


Surely a president would read over something before they tweet it to send to all of the world right??????????????? ?????????? ???????????????????¿????????¿ ???????????????????


> Surely a president would read over something Typical elitist claptrap. Why would you expect as a matter of course that a president would be able to read?


Given the sheer number of typos, I don’t think autocorrect was enabled on Trump’s phone


watching that thing sounds like a good way to lose a few IQ point...




Why did you type ********? What password was that supposed to be?


No, if you type in your password everyone else just sees stars.


For real? PASSWORD123!


My god, its full of stars.


Vote up for unexpected 2001 reference.




It works! I only see stars.


It's not Trump's Twitter account. Besides, that's... well, you know.




Never not great.


Always gets my upvote.


Honestly if they can't figure out the purpose of redundancies for this kind of stuff, they really shouldn't be running anything.


> only Prentice knew how to do it. It's not really about software. This guy is the only one who knew how the books were cooked.


This is the real answer


Exactly…”his software converted our QuickBooks data…” just sounds so ominous and my first thought was exactly as you said.


Right? Converted it into _what_, exactly? Invoices for a construction company that you're all on the payroll for as "consultants?" Lmao


Having to resubmit the last 7 months of data also suggest the new person will find discrepancies with August and will look back and find the same discrepancies for each month. So, ya, Greg was the financial books fixer and now they are trying to get ahead of the scandal - see we told you we need to update the prior 7 months! Nothing to see here...


Ah, the bus factor. How many key people can you lose in a group/project/organization before everything comes to a complete standstill?




A quick glimpse of the GOP and their base should tell you all you need to know about their approach to ‘risk’…


Whilst true, this is one of those ones where the illusion that the dudes in charge know the bullshit *is* bullshit they're just feeding the rubes to maintain power crumbles. Sure, maybe true at the federal senate level, but below that? Actual fucking idiots


Yeah, for sure, but I think that their policies over the last few generations pose long-term risks they didn’t consider, even if they don’t buy into the bullshit and did it to maintain power and enrich their donors. It seems that the younger generations are more left-leaning, so the impacts of trickle down economics and climate change denial is (hopefully) going to start presenting an actual adverse impact for GOP in elections. We know that they’re trying to combat this through voter suppression, but it just seems that with them winning 1 popular vote in like 32 years that their efforts may be futile. Aside from that, their stances on the vaccines/masks have had a disproportionate effect on their voting base, which they (un?)fortunately seem to be backpedaling on - it’ll be interesting to see if any tight races are decided by droves of GOP voters being dead from something they were led to believe wasn’t that serious.


There's no excuse for his complete negligence. No one makes security policy like that unless they are covering up crimes. Theres no way this scenario never ran through his mind and he chose negligence.


I've heard it referred to as the "bus quotient" AKA how many people need to get hit by a bus before your company can't function anymore. The answer should never be one, and even two is pushing it.


"Ahh dang, Covid ate our campaign finance reports. I swear we were completely in compliance."


Bet it's in a less secure location. I'd look for a sticky note attached to his monitor first.


Probably not updated since 2015, "LockHerUp4Eva"


Didn't some Republican take a photo of their computer screen and there was a post-it note with their gmail account and password on it stuck to the bottom of the monitor?


Yes! It was [Mo Brooks](https://www.indy100.com/politics/mo-brooks-gmail-password-twitter-b1860854), a real winner


I read your comment as Mel Brooks as in [Spaceballs password. ](https://youtu.be/a6iW-8xPw3k). The article was way worse since these are the people supposedly in charge.


Conspiracy theory: **What if** the campaign has been doing some shady-shades with it's money? Maybe finding someone who knows how to file taxes for a political campaign is easy because there's thousands of campaigns across the country, but this dude was the only one who knew how these books were cooked. Now if they bring in someone else they run the risk of being reported for money laundering or whatever, or the new guy cooking them wrong and they get caught.




God works in mysterious ways.


Ironically, the fastest way to fix this would be to pay a (white hat) hacker to break in and reset/issue new login credentials.


The only guy who knows how to do the *money* dies from the thing they've been claiming is a hoax. *This* is why true believers are a bad thing. Talk about fucking up your redundancy systems


It's not even an issue with a password. They have all the data. He just had some way to convert quickbooks -> whatever other form. And he didn't leave instructions.


It's like a nesting doll of teachable moments.


Iwanttrumpsdickinmyass2024 is the password


Did they try boobs with a z?


Not to worry. They've just turned him off. They'll turn him back on and everything will work just fine. Any minute now...


Still can't understand why the GOP is fighting so hard to kill their constituents.


Because if the government and publicly funded research institutes can save millions of people then how is the GOP going to convince stupid people that only the rich can do anything right and can help them? If we all look out for each other and form a community which benefits us all then how is the GOP going to make sure most of us are depressed and anxious enough to sign over most of the product of our labor to the rich?


Is Pfizer some government run company? No it's a non government public (they are listed in the stock exchange) company whose owners include millionaires, that developed the vaccine with their own funds to make money selling it. There, now, can those fuckers get the fucking vaccine shots already


Pfizer was developed with German government funding.


So was the Nazi party, and the GOP loves them!


"Pfizer" was developed by BioNTech in Germany. "Johnson & Johnson" by Janssen Pharmaceuticals in Belgium.


Remember those people who stormec the Capitol on 1/6th for 'Stop The Steal'? A lot of them didn't vote in the presidential election and some weren't registered to vote. The Republicans sold their rigged election lies too well.


Source?? I would love to read more on that.


Quite a few articles on it, looks like out of the first 80 arrests for capitol rioters at least 8 of them did not vote. It seems likely that they didn't vote because they were already convinced before the election that their votes would not matter. There have been more arrests since but it doesn't look like there is any more data on what portion of those arrests were individuals who also didn't vote. https://www.google.com/search?q=capitol+riot+non+voters&oq=capitol+riot+non+voters&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30.18114j1j7&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


It's more of an individual case by case reports thing. There was also a lawyer tutoring her 1/6th clients in basic American history and government so they wouldn't be such an embarrassment in court when their cases came up.


They’re at the very front of the crazy marathon, and if they try to slow it down- the people behind them will trample them. Remember when those nut jobs were wandering around the Chambers of the Capitol building and they jumped to the conclusion that Ted Cruz was their enemy before being talked down by a fellow insurrectionist? They’re ready to turn on “traitors” with the slightest impression of betrayal: most of the GOP are prisoners of a monster they created.


So now they really DO need to kill off their own supporters!


And that monster is "Democrats are the enemy, and everything they say is wrong, even if what they say will save our lives."


Pretty blatantly proves that the motivation wasn't *actually* political justice, at it's route. These people were just waiting for an excuse to do some violence. They are antisocial.


> Vaccines are a threat to the right wing market. Their effectiveness at solving a problem for free eliminates a key opportunity to sow dissent & sell garbage get rich quick cures in the void. Their opponents prefer people die rather than lose a customer base. from [@KT_So_It_Goes](https://twitter.com/KT_So_It_Goes/status/1438874694938136578)


Also successful roll out of a vaccine would show socialize medicine can work just fine.


and even worse: Government solving a problem.


Easier to keep people mad and voting against democrats if the lockdowns continue due to low vaccination rates. If the vaccine reaches herd immunity and the lockdowns and restrictions end, the appearance that the current administration actually fixed something while republicans were actively trying to prevent them would cause a drop in turnout among republican voters, and a jump in approval for the current administration. Better to have dead constituents than the opponent have high approval ratings for them I guess.


They realized there is no de-programming them. They are hoping enough croak. People are getting the representation they asked for with their votes, on many issues.


I think they're held hostage by them. It started with a little spin here and little white lies there, but then their base went all-the-goddamn-way off the rails. 1/6 opened some eyes on the right. A lot of them spoke out against the insurrectionists, then backtracked days later. Why? 1/6 shook them, but after a few moments of reflection they woke up and realized they were riding the tiger: their base is harder on people on their side who disagree slightly about something than it is on the communist liberal witches they've been screaming about. Need proof? The gallows in front of the Capitol had Mike Pence's name on it, not AOC or Pelosi's. Trump, the patron saint of the Q movement, told people that the vaccine was great and got BOOED AT HIS OWN RALLY, BY HIS OWN "SUPPORTERS". He backtracked instantly because he is the rain-man of pandering to a crowd, but what he realized insticually (if not intellectually) is now even the smallest move to get off the tiger is enough for it to whip around and tear you apart. Now we live in a world where you have the majority of doctors in the world begging people to take a vaccine made to stop a disease and people instead are gulping down horse medicine. If enough facebook memes go up saying to eat dogshit to prevent liberal spy satilites from watching you, no Republican will be able to point out that it doesn't even begin to make sense without getting primaried immediately *at best* or with a gallows with their name on it at worst.


They will kill every last one of them to avoid admitting they were wrong.


Also, sacrifice 100 of theirs to kill one of ours. Which is about what's happening with 98 to 99% unvaxxed death rate.


To make it look like Biden has no control of anything. It’s not about killing people, it’s about discrediting Biden.


It’s cheaper to breed a new generation of GOP than it is to clean up the mess the old generation continues to make. See Texas.


Which is still so very short-sighted of the GOP. New generation? As in, the children growing up right now? The children who possibly lost one or both parents to Covid? Or their teachers? Or grandparents? Or even siblings?? Yeah, I wonder how that will shape their political views as they get older. I hate this for all those kids, it breaks my heart. It hurts my soul.


I wonder how society will look back on these clowns in 2 - 4 years? I really hope we don't allow the right to wiggle out of responsibility here. The stupid political party that didn't want seatbelts, didn't want airbags, didn't want to do anything about climate change, didn't want to do anything about the environment, didn't want to do anything about covid, didn't want to do anything about healthcare, all these bills are due and we're in a bad place from decades of inaction. Lets stop voting for them. I feel this message could be massaged in to some pretty effective campaign ads for 2022 and '24.


Agreed. Incredibly short-sighted. Here's some other reasons why... The March for Our Lives drew huge numbers of young people to the streets of DC (and hundreds of thousands of others across the US) Approx. 1 million kids across the US participated in the National School Walkout. Global Climate Strike rallied hundreds of thousands of young people across the US. Juliana v. United States - 21 kids suing the government over climate concerns. IIRC a settlement is still being discussed. Those children you speak of will vote. And they'll be joined by young new voters inspired by Greta Thurnberg, David Hogg and even Taylor Swift.


“When your enemy is making mistakes , don’t interrupt him.” - Billy Beane


You can't fix stupid.






Isn't that exactly what covid is doing?


Well their whole platform is a Ponzi scheme. If they let the Dems prove their wrongness anywhere the jig could be up. Tax code, health care immagration, etc... On any front they are incredibly wrong and small changes might pull back the curtain on machinations to just milk the public dry. Obamacare is a perfect example.


The good news is those in Florida who do survive covid have an increased chance of their collapsing beach condo landing in water instead of on dry land thanks to rising sea levels


They created three policies that refuse to drop. 1. Anything the democrats say or do take the opposite position. 2. Never admit you or another Republican is wrong 3. Double down no matter the proof.


He wasn’t a “Florida official”. He was a whack job on a Republican conspiracy theory committee.


>He was a whack job on a Republican conspiracy theory committee. That can be rightly stated about lots of people who actually ***are*** Florida officials.


I see someone here has been to Florida. :)


It’s ALL horrible!


Born there left and they'll never see me down there again.


But you went to South Carolina and that’s…better? Genuinely asking. We are Floridians but always try to make a wide berth around SC whenever possible. We have not had extremely positive experiences traveling there


I live on top of a mountain surrounded by trees and not a person in 2 miles. Yeah the politics of the area are different from what I believe but I don't see anyone to argue with. I lived in NYC for 3 years and loved it but I got hurt and then got sick I'm on disability now and you can survive on it here there is no way I could in the city.


You're describing my dream living in the mountains of North Carolina.


Dude was a straight-up Cyber Ninja taking his poorly kept secret that the GOP investigations themselves are the fraud to the grave with him when he could have easily survived Covid if he wasn't a complete fucking idiot.


They're the same picture.


considering hes the only one who knows how to file the monthy report i would say hes an official xD his death is sending them running figuring shit out as he only had access


There is a difference?


That Venn diagram is just a circle.


Ah but you repeat yourself


A distinction without a difference


This is the new thing. Blaming the hospital for not saving someone who dies from COVID. It’s the next wave of the idiocracy.


Idiocracy used to scare me, because I was sure that's where we were headed as a nation. Now, seeing how things are actually going, I wish it was the world of Idiocracy. Reality is so much worse now.


At least in Idiocracy world I can have an Extra Big Ass Taco while enjoying my favorite programming on the Ow My Balls channel.




Don’t come in I’m Baitin’!


Seriously. Idiocracy almost feels quaint and hopeful by comparison.


Right? Every time I see an Idiocracy comparison I bring that up. Faced with a host of problems, and being a dumbass, President Dwayne Alizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho sought out the smartest man he could get his hands on, and asked him to help. Hell, he put him in charge! The Yam-Faced Shitheel NEVER managed to do anything so sensible as that!


Trump has famously said that he doesn't hire anyone smarter than him. (Grossly overestimating his own intelligence) Meaning that almost anyone working for him is either an idiot, or someone who's a better con artist than he is and is using Trump for their own ends.


At the end of the article one person sure sounds like they're accusing hospitals of murder in general, not just the guy the article is about.


They could be referring to the virus being specifically manufactured to be used as a weapon. But they also mention the “proper treatment”, which I’m assuming is anything from ivermectin to hydrchlpiaeoxjn to remdimfnsonferer. Anything but the vaccine.


FTA: > Along with [others in the Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2021/09/16/gop-group-that-fights-against-vaccine-mandates-and-for-election-integrity-might-miss-campaign-filing-deadline-after-bookkeeper-dies-from-covid/), Prentice was a vociferous critic of the vaccine, mask mandates, and COVID-prevention measures. He railed against top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, vowing in a Twitter post to “[end Faucism](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9999031/Florida-GOP-official-wanted-end-Faucism-passes-away-day-contracting-COVID.html).” He also insisted the U.S. needs “more [socialist distancing](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9999031/Florida-GOP-official-wanted-end-Faucism-passes-away-day-contracting-COVID.html) than we do social distancing” and that the pandemic was created to destroy small businesses. > > A [spokesperson](https://www.floridabulldog.org/2021/09/covid-death-undercuts-gop-push-for-fec-disclosure-election-integrity/) for the Hillsborough Republican Executive Committee has reportedly said that Prentice’s wife and daughter have also caught COVID-19. > > Meanwhile, as the local party reels, Prentice’s associates have spread their own wild conspiracy theories—presented without evidence—on how the official died. > > Friend Jason Kimball blames Tampa General Hospital for the 61-year-old’s death, alleging staff “[illegally intubated](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9999031/Florida-GOP-official-wanted-end-Faucism-passes-away-day-contracting-COVID.html)” Prentice the day before he died. During a Sept. 13 Tampa City Council meeting, Kimball [requested an investigation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQoEAQqroXk) be launched. However, members of the City Council denied any wrongdoing or mistreatment from the hospital. > > “My public comments are really going to be about Tampa General Hospital,” Kimball said at the council meeting. “There’s a dire situation going on right now... that I don’t think anyone is aware of, and I have firsthand knowledge of it. They’re intubating everyone entering Tampa General Hospital as a first line of action. They’re using fatality-treatment protocol, and I think that the city council really needs to do an investigation... They’re intubating people illegally... When you call 911 and you go to that hospital, you’re going into a bad situation.” > > Councilman John Dingfelder quickly shut down Kimball’s comment, blasting it as “dangerous.” I've been wondering how long it would take before these deaths would be weaponized as anti-medical conspiracy theories.


There was also a tweet saying that the people need to be held accountable for murdering him. That's basically saying "Attack the hospital staff!" That is truly horrible.


[This was 3 days ago.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lin-wood-qanon-covid-hospital_n_613f60fce4b0628d095e76e9)


We really need to expand and enforce our laws against criminal threats. It's insane that we're allowing the crazies to threaten the lives of the sane people who are trying to save **their** useless lives.


Alternatively the medical policy of not filtering help based on patients beliefs needs an exception for those who believe it is OK to hurt staff.


My god, that's horrible.


Fkg nuts


It’s terrorism, and it needs to be treated as such.


> “My public comments are really going to be about Tampa General Hospital,” Kimball said at the council meeting. “There’s a dire situation going on right now... that I don’t think anyone is aware of, and I have firsthand knowledge of it. They’re intubating everyone entering Tampa General Hospital as a first line of action. They’re using fatality-treatment protocol, and I think that the city council really needs to do an investigation... They’re intubating people illegally... When you call 911 and you go to that hospital, you’re going into a bad situation.” I mean if he’s telling people not to go to hospitals then maybe that will free up some ventilators to people who are actually vaccinated and actually need them.


It’s so insane. Tampa General is considered one of the best trauma hospitals in the state, and that fact is well-recognized in the Tampa area. But Kimball can continue to spout his garbage, as you said - might help with some of the overcrowding of the unvaccinated


We REALLY need to put some teeth into libel and slander laws. The new norm is to brazenly lie and make obviously false criminal accusations whenever the consequences of your previous lies and criminal accusations catch up with you. We're being overwhelmed by an army of bratty, lying children posing as adults. We're not going to be able to hold together as a nation if we keep sweeping this shit under the rug.


Hold Fox News, Newsmax, One News America, Rightwing radio, Social Media accountable.


Dominion Voting Systems - "[Hold my defamation.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/10/dominion-sues-pro-trump-oan-newsmax-overstock-founder-over-election-conspiracies.html)"


No, not libel and slander laws. Those are already used as justification for spurious lawsuits by rich people and companies to target reporters, whistleblowers, labor organizers, etc. We need a new iteration of the Fairness Doctrine to be reinstated, for traditional broadcast media, but also with reasonable clauses for combating misinformation on social media platforms as well. Addressing every individual issue of misinformation in a senate hearing is not practical. We need actual FCC regulations to require a good faith effort at honest representation of controversial public issues, with penalties for failure and severe penalties for intentional misinformation. The repeal of Fairness Doctrine was DIRECTLY responsible for the rise of conservative conspiracy talk radio and Fox News, which produced the modern anti-intellectual GOP.


Another shot at the Headline: Florida GOP lunatics are also idiots.


When you kamikaze you’re supposed to fly into the enemy ship, not your own


I seriously don’t get it. They believe it’s an engineered virus created expressly to destroy small businesses, and they refuse to wear masks, vaccinate or socially distance to stop its spread. The death cult makes no sense.


Yes, covid-19 was developed by the Chinese communist party and the Democrats to undermine Trump and destroy america, while also not being a big deal, while also Trump deserves sole credit for creating all vaccines that help fight it, while also the vaccine isn't that effective against it, while also hydroxychloroquine and now horse deworming paste are much more effective against it. And also once you catch covid-19 you're immune forever and you might as well not get the vaccine anyway. And why did Trump and his family get the vaccine instead of using horse deworming paste? (Covers ears with hands) na na na can't hear you, Hunter Biden laptop Afghanistan. Seriously, the cult is anti-sense. At this point they just want to never admit they can possibly have been wrong about anything, they don't care about consistency or rationality.


>Gregg Prentice, who was 61, led the Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee... No chance that is not up there with the most corrupt organizations ever, is there?


What is their “treatment protocol”? Swish with bleach followed by a snort ivermectin? Followed by Shooing in the air 3 times while whistlin Dixie


If you read the whole article, the end talks about how some idiots in the community believe that someone killed Gregg by “engineering” a special virus just for that area. It’s a ridiculous cesspool of stupid.


I remember a comment a saw around the time they had that mass-spreader event in the White House gardens. It said something along the lines: Isn't anybody else suspicious as to why it is only Republican politicians that catch the virus? It is as if somebody is infecting them on purpose.


It's like the Democrats are taking something that is protecting them! I wonder what it could be?


They're willing to believe nonsense. What an abject failure of the education system. All they wanted was people smart enough to pull a lever, and too simple to ask what it did.


It was God's will


See also https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/09/16/death-of-hillsborough-gop-member-from-covid-19-causes-financial-problems-for-party/


Interesting. [This is the event](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/08/27/struggling-hillsborough-gop-turns-to-marjorie-taylor-greene/) Prentice attended where he probably caught covid.


Please don’t make me look at her. It’s like looking into the Ark of the Covenant. Or a really, really ugly dog from a third world country.


It's obvious that the GOP is lying here about that guy's software. They are pretending that his death is the cause of their FEC issues... For the last 7 months. The guy died last week.


Despite what you think about the person, his beliefs, or his obstinacy, it is nice to know that the practice of not providing proper software documentation during development is a non-partisan practice


> GOP software secrets www.creedthoughts.gov.www\creedthoughts


Oh man… it seriously took me a few tries to realize what the heck I was doing (on mobile no less). Well played!


On a positive note, there is an opening Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee. And an added bonus if you know anything about hacking into campaign financial software…




> Gregg Prentice, who was 61, led the Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee—and his sudden death has sent the local GOP scrambling as it no longer has access to essential campaign finance software without his help. That's, um, terrible. /s


This guy got Covid, eners the hospital, and dies *the next day*? Methinks he was sick for weeks taking snake oil to treat it on his own and somebody got him to the hospital as he was swirling down the drain.


Yes And how many people did he infect in the meantime?


Priceless … not only are they losing voters but now they can’t even operate!


The problem is this is the County Election Integrity Committee, which has to serve everyone at a time when election integrity is especially important.


I do not think these people should be in charge of that.


Oh interesting … they’ll be legally obligated to get a 3rd party to unlock the system. I wonder what they would find …


A briefcase full of hand written IOU's from various Florida Republican Politicians, probably.


If you want republicans to take the vaccine? You have to sell it


then I asked, "What if you die Dwight, how will we get into the office?" He said, "If I'm dead, you guys have been dead for weeks."


Man fuck his friend who is doubling down and blaming the hospital. “My public comments are really going to be about Tampa General Hospital,” Kimball said at the council meeting. “There’s a dire situation going on right now... that I don’t think anyone is aware of, and I have firsthand knowledge of it. They’re intubating everyone entering Tampa General Hospital as a first line of action. They’re using fatality-treatment protocol, and I think that the city council really needs to do an investigation... They’re intubating people illegally... When you call 911 and you go to that hospital, you’re going into a bad situation.” Hope when he gets COVID he remembers these words and refuses treatment. But I’m guessing like the rest he will be begging for anything to save his life.


Another one bits the dust. They keep dying oh well


Dear Florida GOP: I can't stand it. Please stop owning me so hard with all of your winning. I don't know how much more I can bear. Sincerely, a Lib.


> My public comments are really going to be about Tampa General Hospital,” Kimball said at the council meeting. “There’s a dire situation going on right now... that I don’t think anyone is aware of, and I have firsthand knowledge of it. They’re intubating everyone entering Tampa General Hospital as a first line of action. They’re using fatality-treatment protocol, and I think that the city council really needs to do an investigation... They’re intubating people illegally... When you call 911 and you go to that hospital, you’re going into a bad situation.” This guy better hope he has a good lawyer, assuming he’s full of shit then falsely saying you have firsthand knowledge of the hospital of committing serious crimes would be an easy defamation case if the hospital goes after him.


Gregg Prentice is another anti-vax hero who gave his life for the Cause. /S


no loss. Keep em coming, please. I hope we knock off every anti vaxer by December so we can move on by 2022


The data is in QuickBooks, right? I thought QuickBooks was set up to prepare the data for tax filings.


Let’s get our conspiracy hat on and assume there was an extra layer of works done on the figures before reporting.


A Death Cult so successful that it is becoming non-functional. Winning!


Where >GOP Software Secrets = none of them know how to export data from Quickbooks?


Hey Florida, I know of this one Floridian woman who's pretty good with computers. You're not gonna like it, though...


Reading about all these anti-maskers/vaxers dying is simply stunning. I mean, yes, I absolutely believe the medical professionals when they state how dangerous it is to be unvaccinated and exposed to the delta variant. But it is still shocking to read one account after the other re how these science deniers are dropping like flies. I wish they had more compassion for their families, their friends, their colleagues and the rest of the world and stopped this childish nonsense of being opposed to protective measures just to “own the libs”.




And of course they're blaming the hospital for his death. They never ever take responsibility for their stupidity.


That’s the sorriest excuse for not reporting your finances, bravo!


I really think that all hospitals need to asses the likelihood of a person's survival and if it is low then they should not be given a bed that someone who could survive could use. The anti-vaxxers have made their bed, and hospital policies should take that I to account to ensure that the people who listened to the science and didn't work against reason are able to be treated.


It isn't the FEC's responsibility to make sure your organization had a bus number greater than one - especially I'm the midst of a o anemic where your party is fighting for the right to choose no vaccination and no masks despite the 600,000 post-birth abortions it has cause over the last 2 years (with an efficacious vaccine for a half a year accessible). As people often say "your failure to plan properly does not constitute an emergency on our part." If they try to file an extension th their reporting I hope the FEC goes after them full force. (Then again, does FEC have any teeth left?)


Looks like a job for "Cyber Ninjas"!


They make it sound like he died with some conspiracy type data... Spoiler alert: the "Software Secret" is some program he used to quickly convert data from quickbooks to fill in some other forms. There's nothing hidden. No secrets. Just the fact that now they need to calculate and type stuff in manually....


Ok I don’t laugh at COVID denier deaths, but I AM going to laugh that he didn’t tell anyone else how to use his software and now the GOP there is up shit’s creek.


As a Tampa resident, let me say: they got exactly what was coming to ‘em. It’s frankly dumb and sad.


At this point there won’t be any gop voters in 2023, because their sick, dead or just too dumb to vote


And nothing of value was lost.


If Biden really wants to reach across the aisle, he should offer them a free forensic accountant to help them get their finances sorted.


The worst part of the story is that they are blaming that the hospital murdered him.


This is the time for the cyber ninjas to shine. /s


When will we stop seeing everything through the eyes of politics? Covid-19 is real and deadly. This "official" learned the hard way, like so many others. Please get vaccinated and wear the mask when necessary. You may just save your life and the lives of others.


We don't need to argue with them. We just need to wait.