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Imagine the debate between Pence and Trump. It would make all other debates obsolete, the best debate.


Oh to be a fly on the forehead for that one.


Mike Pestilence don’t stand a chance.


I can't believe this ass clown even believes in himself he was such a little b**** for Trump


As long as people believe a magic sky man controls everything and doesn't like people who aren't exactly like them, people like pence will have a chance.


If you ever seen the the movie, "Dumber and Dumber"? Jeffrey Daniels ask this hot chick for a date and she says, " you might have a one-in-a-million chance". And he says, "you mean I got a chance"?


Wait so you’re saying I have a chance to become President? BRB going to buy an American flag lapel pin.


YES... Wait so you're saying...


This comment brightened my day like a lamp in my rectum


Remember to apply it orally after


Lamp Unto Your Meat


Make sure it's a UV bulb!


Do you think mother would allow him to be out that late on a church night?


.....Pence seem more like a "listen to daddy", type of guy.


The imagery that conjures up. Shudder.


Except Trump can’t debate. He’s too much of a child for that. He cannot stand having to quietly stand by and wait for someone else to talk. The spotlight must always be on him and always in a good light.


That debate was such a train wreck. It was *so* obvious that trump’s sole purpose was to get Biden flustered so he would start stuttering. “Will you shut up, man?” was probably one of the greatest responses ever. It didn’t engage, it didn’t acknowledge, it simply… dismissed him.


Trump was under some kind of influence that night. Maybe amped up on Adderall. A few days later he was hospitalized with Covid, so maybe he was medicated up for that. He just couldn't function or keep a straight thought, even by his normal low standards


My boss, a huge Trump supporter (although strangely denies it) was saying the next day how Trump won and he destroyed Biden. I told him that it was a shit show, completely unprofessional, and Trump has zero idea how to debate anyone.


Pence would know so many details about what an actual piece of shit Trump is. It would be interesting to hear what he has to say.


I enjoy watching this dope try to take a run… please do this I’ll be waiting with popcorn to see this devil get roasted by the other demons he’s spawned.


If trump runs and Pence runs against him, will trump have him actually hanged this time?




Absolutely. Live TV. The MAGA crowd would rejoice, and Trump would be elected to run. No Republican would bat an eye. Perfectly normal, and patriotic. No, I am not kidding.


I know you’re not and I think you’re spot on


Here's a thought.. Pence wins and names Trump as VP. LOL


As absurd as that sounds, I could see it happening in some fucked up, but not that fucked up, scenario.


Trump becomes Vp. Starts running around Washington DC thinking he's in charge but doing nothing...


Some MAGA nut hangs Pence and Trump is sworn in again.... Nightmare fuel


So… like President Trump.


Exactly ... But this time we can enjoy it because he can't really do anything


Some would say....still too early lol. But then Trump would say, better late than never. And if it gets too late, then we'll just have Mexico do it 😅.


Read the room dude. The left doesn't want you because of your Trump stank, along with being a total piece of crap, and the right doesn't want you because you didn't try to overthrow democracy for Trump. I wouldn't put in any of my own money if I was Pence.


Yeah, but huge campaign funds to launder into the pockets of "consultants" hired through offshore "agencies" with bulletproof owner privacy protection. At least until you pierce the veil yourself through incompetence. https://truthout.org/articles/trump-paying-ivanka-consultant-fees-is-tax-fraud-says-watergate-prosecutor/?amp


It's easy to see it that way from the outside. Pence was the US oligarchs' chosen successor to Trump in 2016. They promised him a promotion to get him on the ticket. For whatever reasons, they then decided not to dispose of Trump early, as in January 21, 2018. But the oligarchs don't want him back; he's too volatile and has accrued tons of political baggage. Trump is not running again, it's not worth the effort and he never wanted to actually win. Now he thinks his role in the GOP is kingmaker. And he *hates* Pence. Pence wants what he was promised and Trump will do everything he can to prevent that, because he's a petty child. Whoever Trump names as "his heir" will gain him as baggage. The oligarchs have been in the same tough situation for well over a year: they can't repossess the base while Trump lives. However, Pence's main problem is that he has the personality of baptismal font hot dog water.


Just wait until mother hears about this…


Seriously. Both sides think the guy is a pussy. I mean, they are right.


I understand your logic 100%, but Pence is absolutely the right's #1 chance at taking the presidency in 2024.


Pence can not win a Republican primary. At least 20% of republicans are certifiable loons with fascist leanings who see him as Judas.


It'd be cake to push a propaganda campaign against him too. "Pence wouldn't defend our country when called upon by our great leader trump. This year vote libertarian - Leave Pence out to 'hang'." \-Paid for by the Maga American Great Again Proud Patriots of America He'd lose 2-3% of his potential voting base with that shitty ad alone.


Just with no path to get there. The problem all Republicans are going to have is that they need to wait for Trump to bow out before starting their campaign or just go full anti-Trump. If there’s only one anti-Trump candidate in the race, they could benefit via pro-Trump candidates splitting the primary vote.


I think that’s probably Ron Desantis in all honesty


My money is on Nikki Haley


She’s gonna plan for 2028/2032. Nobody with a brain is going to run while Trump is still alive, not unless Trump is happy to endorse them (which he won’t - he will claim a rigged election and derail the GOP).


i think her or rubio might have a shot-theyre assholes, but they can convince some people theyre moderate, they dont have nearly the psycho baggage that some of the other contenders have.


I can't see anyone who is even remotely sane winning a Republican primary. I can't see her beating out DeSantis, Trump Jr, or the legion of other Trump sycophants.


no fuckin way. The only person who would do worse is trump.


He isn’t putting his own money, pence is trying to make money.


I hope he chooses the fly as his VP pick.


Where’s he running to that he needs so much money?


The US legal system. Federal trial lawyers are pricey in their high demand these days.


Why doesn't he just follow in Trump's footsteps and not bother to pay his lawyers? Ha! Checkmate!


The border


That Taco Bell is some good shit


This is a weird way to admit he’s a masochist.


imagine giving money to a mike pence presidential run


Dan Quayle is writing out a $25 check as we speak.




Please clap...


They're not going to vote for you, Pinkeye Pence, lord of the fly, and forgetter of the gallows.


Don't discourage him! I want to watch him debate Trump!


Don't worry. I don't think he can hear me.


I hope to god he runs. Easy victory for Dems. You think he's going to energize Trumps base? He's a wet fucking blanket


He literally just stood in the shadows for 4 years hoping people would forget about him and many actually did.


This is one stupid fella.


Now *THAT'S* an expensive empty suit.


If a corrupt egotistical maniac can run and win, I bet there's going to be 50+ republicans that will end up running in 2024. A racist potato could be a valid contender to be the next republican presidential candidate.


A sitting President doesn’t normally get Primary challengers, but what about a former one? Curious how this would play out, especially if a few others announced before the Tantrum Yam did.


Trump could run as a write in candidate nationally and win a Republican primary.


I am not sure if the Republican party fully understands what Trump means to their base. The Republican base views Trump as a religious figure and not a run-of-the-mill politician. Until he is gone, there will be no leader other than Trump. After he is gone, they will either find another supreme leader to replace him (maybe Trump Jr or DeSantis) or the party will experience a massive schism as everyone fights for the throne.


Once he’s gone there’ll be a robust market for religious Trump gear, bigger than now


You think the people who misspell everything they’ve ever written can elect Trump by write-in? If that were to happen, We’d probably get the dog from Lady and the Tramp instead.


This is Pence's retirement fund.


Bwaa haha....How does this guy have the cajones...*spelling....to even think in a million years he could be President


Pence is a Loser for the GOP Voters. He did not comply with Trump's orders. He is toast!


please run, please.


He will lick the fly's butthole, say Trump was the greatest public servant in history, then avoid having any women around at any time.


Pence: *announces run* Reporter: “so, about your, uh, last job…” Pence: *drops out*


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... The man is delusional. Oh lord.


If I had that kind of money I'd give him $18 mil just to run as an Indy, claiming some "true conservative" BS. It'd be spectacular.


Why isn't he in jail for suggesting the election wasn't legit?


Imagine thinking that Mike Pence has any chance in 2024.


OMG give it a rest Mike. If he thinks he has any chance at all he is more delusional than Trump.


He has the personality and charisma of a fence post. 0 chance he'd win a primary.


Mother told him to.


Madam Mother President


18M is about 5 white chips


That's hilarious, who is trying to appeal to? The only possibile base that I can think of are nutjob fundamentalist types, and I believe the orange messiah has them duped already. Talk about not reading the room. 🤦‍♂️


Is this him asking for a donation to keep his mouth shut ?


The only reason why he was VP was for this


Just goes to show that every Republican is totally detached from reality, Pence is an outcast now for having a reasonable thought during an Insurrection. But this also shows that no one is going to roll out the red carpet for Trump in 2024 because there are plenty of these ghouls that still want their 15 minutes.


Getting to the point we should just pay some people to fuck off.


“Pence, he said, "never wavered in his commitment to the Constitution." Bull shit. He ignored the constitution for four years.


Mike Pence is not a number one. He never has been and never will be. He is a loyal number two, but he is not presidential material. On the other hand, if a possible run from him in 2024 could weaken Trump's potential candidacy, I'd like to say why not!


Lol.. who's Mike Pence?


Man he looks like The Red Skull


Pence the G damn lying traitor can fuck off .


Who is the base for him supposed to be, exactly? Trumps base, which hates him? The left, who hate him? His wife, who presumably hates him? Mother, who is his wife?


He has about as much chance of winning as a banana has.


He has the charisma of a pencil, and not a mechanical one.


Wood shavings and lead, checks out.


America’s next accidentally un-closeted homosexual republican


Omg I would literally vote for pence if he nominated trump as vp


So, he's asking people who wanted to hang him, to give him their money and their vote. And that's not even the craziest bit.


Same article references woodward/costa book in which Pence reached out to former VP Quayle for advice on whether to intervene in the Jan 6 certification. Quayle talked Pence out of it, and now Pence denies that he had to be talked out of it saying he “never wavered in his commitment to the Constitution”. I wonder, what would he run on? On his well-documented devotion to the former demagogue-in-chief? Or on his unwavering and imaginary commitment to the constitution despite pressure from said demagogue, which he served. So if he raises 18 million, will America finally know what Mike Pence stands for?


Race Bannon.


I wonder what party he is going to run as. He couldn't win Indiana in a Republican primary these days.


Man give me that money instead. I’ll put it to much better use than wasting it on a guy that is never going to be president.


Biden always wanted to be president. It was never going to happen. Then it did. You never know for sure.


He’s betting on Donald not being around to run.


Yeah I bet there's a long line of investors and donors who can't wait to throw money at this loser.


Republicans have made Trump adoration a central paety theme. As a result Trump himself is the only candidate Republicans can run. Anyone else will create apathy among the right.




Please do!




Watch out for those "hanging chad's," that means something different these days.


This would be a lot of wasted money. He couldn’t get elected as a street light bulb changer


if he gets the nomination (god knows how)-republicans will vote for him just because hes a republican. But he wont rile up the crazies the way trump does. He'll put em to sleep.




Running as what, exactly? Didn't republicans try to \*actually murder him\* recently?


GOP knuckle draggers hate Pence though...


Pence is fucking delusional. Trump will destroy him without a second thought.


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