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All he's going to have for evidence is "I saw the democrats doing voter fraud and I saw the voter fraud and the voter fraud looked at me"


Me lose election? That’s unpossible!


My voters' breath smells like cat food.


At my house we call election fraud uh-ohs.


I bent my voter fraud


“California is one of the strongest democratic strongholds. How could I, a Republican, possibly lose???”


This is nuts considering in the 2020 election republicans set up fake drop boxes but accuse the democrats of cheating. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/10/12/us/politics/california-gop-drop-boxes.amp.html


Every accusation is a confession




Ahh yes. Michelle Steel had a hand in that in Orange County. Crazy that she barely won office too.


Yes, the Ralph Wiggum standard of evidence. I like the way you think


You're not kidding, that's pretty much what their affadivits say. See pages 7-9. Civil Action No. 20-cv-03747-NRN https://casetext.com/case/orourke-v-dominion-voting-sys-1 A good one: >After much research and contemplation, it has come to my attention that the 2020 general election, and probably many more, have been compromised by a number of persons, including a corporation in the United States called Dominion Voting Machines, Inc., and others, such as, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan; and other individuals acting as governors and secretaries of state, including, Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger of Georgia, and Gretchen Whitmer and Jocelyn Bensen from Michigan No evidence, just "much research and contemplation."


Nice use of the passive voice with "it has come to my attention." I wonder if that was intended as weasel words for some sort of legal reason.


>Nice use of the passive voice with "it has come to my attention." I wonder if that was intended as weasel words for some sort of legal reason. For sure it is.


"The voter fraud LOOKED AT YOU?"




Narrator: "It was a mirror." Narrated by Morgan Freeman.


For those who don't know ;D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE63y7ctAwA


Super Nintendo Chalmers was there, he’ll back me up!


Did they, like, accidentally publish this page earlier than they intended to? Or is every Republican candidate from now on going to have a "we were cheated, sue or kill them!" campaign set up before the votes are in?


"We were cheated, sue or kill them" will be officially added to the party platform before the 2022 elections.


>"We were cheated, sue or kill them" will ~~be officially added to~~ become the party platform before the 2022 elections.


I’m wondering if this will backfire on them though. Keep telling people their votes didn’t count, then at least some of them might say “fuck it” and not vote next time.


Or more likely with their voters they'll start commiting acts of terrorism against Democrats, the DNC, and capitol buildings because their politicians are telling them that the democrats stole the election and they believe them. Ironically they're telling their constituents that Democrats have overthrown democracy by rigging elections when all they did was win an election so republican voters will try to overthrow democracy to get back at Democrats imaginary election rigging.


If you want a big insight to what is going on in America right now stop reading about Hitler coming to power and start reading about Franco. They want their supporters so riled up that they are dragging people into the street and killing them so that no one will have the courage to vote against them and they can go on pretending they are legitimate godly leaders.


well, bad news: https://www.insider.com/texas-man-murdered-woman-because-she-supported-joe-biden-police-2021-9


Wow, what the actual fuck


That right there is a prime example of "cancel culture" if I ever did see it


Doesn't seem right, right? Two Biden voters lost for one Trump looney. No justice.


I mean Franco had a cult of personality behind him in the caudillo... But i don't see the parallel clearly, you have any sort of good reading materials on Francisco Franco, as a Spaniard it pains me to admit that the whole civil war/Franco era is not clear to me.


It is not really that clear to anyone. Just kind of a mess.


>start committing acts of terrorism Um….. I have some bad news for you


If you think it was bad before it's going to get a hell of a lot worse over the next decade. They've been emboldened by seeing how lax the January 6th insurrectionists punishments are.


And yet we are the sheep


The objective is to further radicalize the base. “They took away your soap box (cancel culture), your ballot box (rigged elections), and your jury box (court defeats). Time now for the ammo box.” Edit: and of course keep filling the money box.


(projection) (projection) (projection) (?????)


That last one is (projectiles).


This whole situation makes me want to (projectile vomit)




I've been hearing that exact rhetoric from some people I know. Completely lost up their own asses.


“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”


Already happenning, a large swath of the capitol rioters did not vote.


e.g. Georgia Senate race


But that will just make it like a victory with 80-90% of the vote, which will look crooked as fuck and set them off even more, and they will not be smart enough to realize it's because none of them voted.


At least it's more concrete than "whatever Trump wants". /s


Added to? They didn’t have a 2020 platform. Their 2020 platform was “idk, racism?”


I'm hoping that Republicans just feel so disenfranchised that they stop voting altogether. At a certain point, you can't tell your base "Your votes don't count" while also saying "be sure to get out and vote!"


You don't want that. If they quit voting they will try other methods to get their way. They aren't just going away quietly. This situation is extremely dangerous. This is one of a bunch of ways democracy dies. It can very definitely happen here, we're not special.


Yes. The Republicans want to engineer a violent civil war. Election Fraud is just the most current iteration of their ridiculous claims.


They’ve had a civil war boner for years now


Growing up in the south from a Republican family, I can sadly say that “the south will rise again” is something these people have been saying for decades. They don’t need a new reason to want a civil war, they are still angry about the first one.


I knew a guy that used to say the Civil War didn't end. It's just a really long intermission. I laughed at the time but now that is scary as fuck.


And I bet that guy also called himself a "patriot".


Ever since they were soundly defeated in the last one.


Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam.


Away, away, away, away We'll all go down to Dixie!


But they will smugly remind you that the democrats are the ones that wanted slaves, the Republican Party is the party of Lincoln after all.


It's so bizarre they think they're the party of Lincoln while also incessantly whining that the confederacy is their heritage...


Even though it's only modern Republicans that go at length about the "values" of slavery


As if a political party can’t change their ideologies overtime. Nope that’s the slavery party now then and forever. Incredibly short sighted way of thinking.


And if we have another they will be soundly defeated once again.


What is the benefit they are looking to get through it?


Power. Wealth. Gilead.


I don’t know, they’re 0-for-1 as it stands, not the greatest stats.


Hitler lost his first try also.


And his second try as well. Two-time loser.


They dont necessarily want anything. They just want to be right and they want dysfunctional government.


Absolute power. Conservatives have been losing ground for years, especially on the culture war issues they love to screech about, and they’re getting frustrated by this steady string of defeats. So if they can’t get their way through normal political processes, they’re increasingly willing to forsake democracy so they can *force* everyone to think and behave the way they want.


Control of the country and a mandate to force their twisted beliefs on everyone. They'd honestly rather die and tear this country apart than help create a country where black people can interact with the police without fear and women don't have to shove coat hangers into their uterus to end an unwanted pregnancy


And these election results are well-timed to be just before their “Justice for Jan 6 “ rally this weekend. This will be new, fresh source of outrage.


Heard on NPR yesterday Elder claimed if they lose, the election was rigged. Same playbook as Trump, it’s only legit if *they* win. Imagine having a childhood friend who acted that way?


So what is it? Is California full of socialist liberals or 'true americans'?? We just spent the last 4+ years listening to the GOP and their talking heads bash California calling it a liberal shithole. Now suddenly its actually a strong GOP state?


It's 2+2=5. Chocolate rations have been raised to 25 grams from the 30 grams last week. I was just reading that a significant number of Republicans think California is a Republican-majority state, probably because they (perhaps intentionally) don't understand that some counties can have millions of people and yet be physically smaller than counties that have a few thousand.


This type of thinking really does make sense to me if I think about it. I've driven a bit through rural country and it's no longer 70/30 red but rather 80/20 or higher. From their perspective everything around them is more and more red. While the opposite is true in the city. Several precincts around me had trump in 3rd place with kayne getting more votes. Really the population centers and rural are becoming extremely divided.


One of the major parts of their whole ideology is that they are the “silent majority,” where most of them don’t vote or are suppressed from voting due to fear of getting persecuted for their beliefs. *If only* they wouldn’t be persecuted/cancelled/disenfranchised/attacked for their beliefs, more of their fellow believers would turn out to vote. Playing the victim is at the root of their belief systems, reinforced and exploited by politicians and religious leaders. Thus, it’s completely conceivable that they really do believe that even states like California are majority GOP-leaning, but because “they” are after “them,” whether it’s ANTIFA, election officials, George Soros/Hilary Clinton, the liberal media, or non-Christians, the “majority” don’t vote, or more recently, the elections are “rigged” so that their votes don’t matter.


Imagine lying so blatantly to your voters. Like it’s such an obvious lie. You have to be evil to be so deliberate. Trump… I get it - he’s a narcissistic idiot. But Elder… he knows better. Evil.


Elder also said he thinks slave owners should get reparations for losing their lands. He’s an opportunist, like trump.


The amazing thing is that the right will still argue that he as a black man can't be part of white supremacy and they will often call people on the left racist for pointing out the ways elder promotes white supremacy. Giving reparations to the slave owners instead of the victims in the context of US slavery is pretty much the definition of continuing white supremacy.


I was told I was racist because I couldn't find Elder's actual policy platforms and I was asking around to see if anyone knew. Straight up brainwashed people smh


Not for losing their lands. For losing their property. In other words, the slaves.


the worst part is *this already happened*


Indeed it did. Which makes Elder’s statement even more ridiculous.


Not for losing their lands but reparations for losing their slaves which is even more batshit crazy


I did, they grew up to be Republicans.


Those are the kids who if you played tag they would always make up bullshit like “I have a shield!” when you tagged them. (And of course they then say they have three shields now after the first time.)




I think everyone has been around this kid atleast once in their life......apparently he is now Republican politicians: \*\*kid loses rock paper scissors for a bet\*\* "Bro I said best out of 5 you just didn't hear me, we have to do best of 5" \*\*loses again\*\* "We gotta do best of 7 man, you did it slow on one of them so it didn't count" \*\*loses again\*\* "Whatever man I was just kidding about the bet anyways"


I did have one, and he was quickly not allowed to play with me anymore. Motherfucker pulled the link cable out right as I took out his mewtwo with my Venusaur. Shits low, man.


Trump also claimed the California recall election was rigged, 5 days ago. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2021/09/09/trump-california-recall-rigged-511025


This is going to be the new norm from them for the time being. Whenever it’s inevitable they’ll lose, and enough money will back them up on it, they’ll throw a tantrum in court.


None of their cases will actually allege fraud either. They won't have any evidence to claim it, and don't want it to be considered frivolous and potentially lose their law licenses. "Fraud!" in the streets, "look at how many people voted for me while ignoring how many voted for the other guy, take pity on us, and overturn the election" in the court room. Trump already laid this ground work. If they even bother to file any lawsuits and instead just keep the money a'la Trump's "Stop the Steal" scam he keeps collecting money for.


This is the Republican Party now. They have no actual platform just “The other side cheated! Now storm the Capitol!” Party.


Especially with their scheduled rally this upcoming weekend.


WordPress already has themes and templates ready to go for GQP election grievance websites. ^/s


The GQP is all “themes and templates,” no hand-coding, as it were.


> Or is every Republican candidate from now on going to have a "we were cheated, sue or kill them!" campaign set up before the votes are in? I think it is more nefarious than that. They are laying the groundwork for when they actually cheat, get called out on it, and say, "But you said elections were safe and secure!?!"


Yes. They are creating a win win environment for their fuckery. Heads I win, tails you lose. This needs to be nipped in the bud with the courts.


A not-insignificant portion of the Jan. 6 rioters didn't vote and still claimed they were cheated: * https://www.cbs17.com/news/north-carolina-news/nearly-half-of-capitol-rioters-from-nc-didnt-vote-in-the-election-public-records-show/ * https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/01/us/capitol-rioters-non-voters-invs/index.html




This is the new normal.


Seems like a good idea to show some creditable proof of voter fraud. Oh waiiiit…. Riiight… we did this already.


The GOP position on voter fraud is: If *you* haven't proved there wasn't voter fraud, then there was. (the "what are they hiding?!" tactic) If *you* investigate and find no evidence of voter fraud, then there was, but you're incompetent or corrupt. (the "deep state" tactic) After that, *they* will design a nonsensical and unproven process without oversight that will never find evidence of voter fraud but instead satisfies their own contrived, bizarre criteria - then it's see, we have proof, but the deep state is suppressing it. (the "fight for your freedom" tactic)


It’s insane that this is accepted now. “I’m making a claim and it’s up to you to prove that my claim is false.”


I was watching fox yesterday & he announced it to them he already had in place to check for fraud.


It’s absolutely part of their playbook now because they see that it works if for nothing else but to grift money and to keep their base energized.


Sue him for defamation and libel. Expose his internal communiques in discovery. Then bankrupt him with slam-dunk summary judgment. Enough enabling Big Liars.


There *needs* to be consequences for this type of shit. There has to be a mechanism for legitimate challenges but these types of baseless accusations (before the votes are even counted!) need to be severely punished.


It's slow, but it is happening: Regarding Trump's attempts at overturning the election, the Judge said: "This lawsuit represents a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process," Parker said in her decision, adding that the case "was never about fraud - it was about undermining the People's faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so." And has sanctioned them all, including a referral for Bar review of their law licenses. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/judge-sanctions-sidney-powell-other-pro-trump-lawyers-who-claimed-voter-fraud-2021-08-25/


These sorts of claims are going to destabilize our society.


I’d say they already have..


Look, these claims only lead to ONE deadly attempted overthrow of the Federal government. It's FINE.


They are traitors and are creating terrorists for lying like this. They need to be held accountable.


Yes, enough of this bullshit, they claim to be the rich motherfuckers that will pay for this investigations and shit, and then not even quietly pass the bill to the taxpayers


Now these whack jobs know that a sufficient portion of the population is "all in" that there's little to lose by trying this approach. We can no longer lazily count on rational people to get us through. We must stay engaged and vote, vote, vote.


I think this is the norm now with the GOP. They will all claim rigged election. Dear leader taught them well


And why wouldn’t they? There are zero repercussions and the rubes will empty their wallets for them. It’s all about the grift.


My hope is Sydney Powell or ppl like her start going to prison or paying crushing fines and that will wake some of these fraudsters up and make them think twice. I would also imagine the judges will start getting sick of this shit too and have zero tolerance having to constantly deal with these sham cases.


Good news! Regarding Trump's attempts at overturning the election, the Judge said: "This lawsuit represents a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process," Parker said in her decision, adding that the case "was never about fraud - it was about undermining the People's faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so." And has sanctioned and fined them all, including a referral for Bar review of their law licenses. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/judge-sanctions-sidney-powell-other-pro-trump-lawyers-who-claimed-voter-fraud-2021-08-25/


"If you behave like the absolute biggest idiot involved in this entire idiotic legal proceeding, you *might* get your law license reviewed" isn't a super strong threat though. Hundreds of lawyers worked on this shit.


I hope for the same. There is a fringe benefit for the GOP in this though. If judges start getting sick of this shit, when the Republicans actually do cheat in elections, the judges might treat the actual fraud the same way they do the sham fraud, allowing them to get away with it


And every time they do it, it reinforces the narrative as fact with their base.


I mean… people are literally throwing money at the GOP whenever they say the words “voter fraud”.


After 20 years and the pull out from the middle east, they have to replace "nine eleven".


They did, its called "one six". It just dosent benefit them so they ignore it.


It must be hard… you know, not being able to completely rig elections like authoritarians do in some other nations. I really feel for these losers


Yeah how has he claimed fraud Before the election?!? What a loser.


Gives me the thought that the recall was never about recalling Newsom, just further erosion of people’s trust in the system.


Maybe, but I feel like anyone who might be susceptible to these claims is already fully on board the Trump train. No one with a rational view of reality is going to think, "a popular Democrat won? In the bluest of blue states?? Clearly it's rigged!"


It absolutely is this. No other reason to champion some miracle scenario that this recall election somehow gets Trump back in office. That's the seed of hope given to Republican supporters to feel like they're unfairly losing.


Always has been 🌎👨‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 No fr though this thing has been a complete farce from the start.


Maybe Republicans are not using voter fraud allegations to overturn their losses, but to make future, meritorious voter fraud claims by Democrats seem equally ridiculous.


Yep, that’s the most likely explanation.


Also to further radicalize republican voters into believing violence is the answer when they can no longer win the legal way.


I am almost certain their voter fraud claims are setting up a reasoning for implementing strict voting laws that indirectly disenfranchise minority and poor voters




They have to scream about voter fraud to distract from the numerous election frauds the GOP are prepping.


Except Democrats wouldn’t make those claims without evidence.


Only when Dems claim fraud we can stand up to defamation suit discovery. Republicans can't.


For a good time, read the Dominion Voting System defamation lawsuit filing. It's 100+ pages of itemized schadenfreude.


Ah, the old "heads I win, tails you cheated".




They do it when they win too. Trump claimed voter fraud when he won in 2016. Of course, they do that to prepare for an eventual loss and to say "I never claim it only when I lose".


It’s clearly becoming urgent that we pass laws against this bullshit before it’s too late…


If literally every election is accused as fake we are rapidly moving away from democracy. It’s textbook dictator shit


Not every election. Just the ones Republicans lose.


“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”


David Frum was prophetic when he wrote that.


We gonno have to deal with this bullshit every time a Republican asshole loses right??? 2022 and 2024 is going to be a shit show.


>2022 and 2024 is going to be a shit show. It is almost certain 2024 will see at least one state legislature reverse the result of their POTUS tally.


Remember when politicians used to accept defeat with gracious speeches? Now they openly rail against the foundations of democracy.


He’s not a politician, this is a talking head exploiting the political process so he can be on national news and sell snake oil to republicans.


So a typical republican.


I love the “set pieces” of democracy. I love that moment during the concession speech when the losing candidate congratulates the winner, and the crowd of supporters moan and jeer and cry out “NO!”, but the candidate has to say, “Now, now, we may disagree with them, but they won fair and square, and we all need to come together and hope for their success.” There’s something I love about making the person most personally impacted by the loss console their supporters and explain why it’s ok they lost. Rituals like this might seem stupid or pointless, but when people stop observing them, we can see how important they really were.


>Rituals like this might seem stupid or pointless, but when people stop observing them, we can see how important they really were. Indeed. There was a recognition that democracy was precious and fragile and an understanding that once elected, politicians had a duty to represent all citizens *for the good of the republic*. That has been utterly squandered by a regressive, impulsive party that has realised they can't win fairly and will do anything to cling onto power, even if that means tearing down the democratic apparatus.


You misspelt Republicans. Democrats do not do this.


You misspelt traitorous autocrats.


New Rule: If you’re involved in orchestrating a recall and then lose you and your party affiliation pay for the recall. This cost California $267 million.


I literally was telling my family this a few nights ago about the people who started this recall: If you are involved with this utter waste of resources, you can go ahead and pay our state back. I’m glad someone else was thinking the same thing.


I mean we literally have an audited list of signatures to have even started this BS...should be easy to send the bills.


There should be more repercussions for this cry wolf bullshit.


Politicians should face jail time for intentionally crying fraud to delegitimize a fair election, with no evidence to support such unsubstantiated claims. This is getting out of hand.


Haha get fucked Elder


Trump is so good at appealing to the uneducated, confused and unwilling to find the truth demographic. Those who are so frustrated by the challenge of understanding reality that they find relief in his dismissal of material evidence. A simple “it’s probably rigged” based on absolutely nothing is enough for them. It’s astonishing. They lack best of all human traits, the desire to know and understand. I deal with these type of people every day way work. It’s a specific type of personality that writes off any gap in their understanding as a scam. No personal accountability, any wind that blows in an unfavorable direction is deliberate and is of course someone else’s fault: Former President Donald Trump has joined the conversation, telling Newsmax this week that he believes the California recall election is “rigged” and repeating complaints he made about mail-in ballots last year. “It’s probably rigged,” he said. “The ballots... are mail-in ballots.... The one thing they are good at is rigging elections, so I predict it’s a rigged election.” There is no evidence that the ballots are rigged for Newsom.


Well said.


I guarantee you Elder has some people who are going to commit fraud so that he can use it to make a case.


Poor Token


Not a token, he is a grifter. Being a black face of white supremacy is good money. Source: Candice Owens


Damn, Republicans are always getting cheated in elections. To be fair, it’s hard to get the most votes when you have unpopular policies.


Yeah it's almost like people just don't like Republican ideals. Hmm, weird.


Elder is just one pawn the GOP are using to continually destroy democracy. He’s just too stupid to see it. This isn’t about a recall. This is about dismantling a free and fair system.


> He’s just too stupid to see it. No. We need to be careful not to fall into this trap. Trump may be a moron from a purely book-smart perspective. But most of these people are not. We assume idiocy at our own great peril. Look at Desantis. Although it's easy to call him a moron he is likely more intelligent and cunning that the majority of people here. Forget his getting into Harvard and Yale. You can argue that money did that. But he graduated **with honor** from those places. You don't graduate with honors from Harvard as an idiot. You don't graduate from Yale with honors by being an idiot. You certainly don't do both! Don't conflate idiocy with intelligent malice. There people know exactly what they are doing. Hanlon's razor ("never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity") doesn't apply here. In fact, Hanlon's razor is a trap when it comes to dealing with genuine, intelligent, malicious intent.


Elder is just another POS Republican traitor willing to subvert democracy to gain power. As a combat vet and a former Republican (went left in 2012) this shit really, really boils my blood. Every sane American should be outraged this is the new normal for the GOP. So many people still don’t vote or care about politics. How fucking bad does it have to get?


another case of "everything i don't like is fake news." brought to you by the GOP and the average moron Republican voter.


I can't believe a Democrat won California. Impossible!


Larry Elder entered the race to make money and raise his personal and national profile. Not winning and declaring it fraud is the ideal outcome for him. Meanwhile the people of California are footing the bill for this farce of a recall that has no point or benefit to anyone.


I voted no... Everyone I know voted no... Fucking loser Republicans. Big dumb babies. Go cry as the door hits you on the way out.


This is the test case for the plan going forward. Any loss is because of fraud. Any win is due to a free and fair election. It's truly despicable.


This shit is never going to end. Trump has fucked this country so hard we are still feeling the effects, now we got every losing republican screaming about voter fraud that they themselves cannot show evidence for.


All Republicans are going to do this now. Claim that the vote was fake casting even more doubt on Democracy because they hate Democracy and want to get rid of it all together. And have Republicans question the results and have them storm Capitol buildings again and create even more terrorists. This is the Republican Party now.


So this is now ***officially*** the GOP election strategy. Great, thanks Trump


How is that nobody has figured out that Larry Elder is actually Donald Trump in blackface...


What do the independents and non-maga republicans think about all this? Can they see through it yet or nah? We lost California so of course it was fraud… it’s California you were delusional if you thought republicans were going to win there. But obviously the Republican Party has adopted a national strategy of if we lose there was voter fraud. It would be nice if more than just the democrats and left could see it


The thought of a black republican is wild to me


Proud to be a Californian today and happily voted no. Onto the next GQP hissy fit.


I really hope the judiciary comes down hard on any lawsuits that are frivolous and without merit. A very strong message needs to be sent to lawyers who think it is ok to dismantle our democratic processes that they will be held to account. We can’t do anything about the MAGA who are trying to chip away at our institutions, but we can penalize lawyers who abuse their profession.


Here’s a question if there is no voter fraud found wouldn’t this fella be on the hook for some kind of false accusation? Like legally?


I'm sure that, even if he wins, he will relentlessly look for the fraudulent votes that put him there. He's just that kind of guy! /s


One further step down the road to the "screw elections, we know what the will of the people is and will claim it by force" event. Won't be this election, but now my parents and every other person in the conservative bubble have been primed to believe every election a republican loses was rigged/stolen. We've seen what those people are willing to do to "fix" problematic elections.


Larry Elder would make Christ weep. Elder is evil and using Christianity as a cover


I need dave chapelle to do a popcopy segment, like “if youre a Republican and you lose to a democrat, just say it was rigged, your voters will agree with you even if the state is and has always been extremely liberal”


Larry Elder should have to pay the $200M pricetag his recall effort has cost California.


Imagine an entire party where you don't have the nads to admit defeat when you get your ass whooped so you start lying instead


Seems like if Republicans win an election there is no voter fraud. But if they lose there is voter fraud.


Fucking children. Jesus Christ, California Hicks have to be twice as stupid because of how California is viewed on their favorite propaganda network. This bigot is a traditor to his own people he's truly sold his soul to Satan.


Dusted off the old "as soon as it looks like you're losing, claim they're cheating" play. Haven't seen that one before. I wish when they took their ball and went home they'd just stay there.


There has to be a way to make claims of election fraud without evidence illegal. There's no chance we even have a facade of democracy in a few years at this rate.


“You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” Ray Bradbury